Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, alpha=0.6102, v1=3.042, v2=-1.372):
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.v1 = v1
        self.v2 = v2

        self.natoms = 0
        self.E = 0.0
        self.Z = 14
        self.Nc = 10
        self.Nv = 4
        self.niAO = None
        nullspline = Spline(0, 0.5, [0., 0., 0.])
        self.pt_j = [nullspline]
        self.ni = 1
        self.l_j = [0]
        self.nct = nullspline
        self.Nct = 0.0
        rc = 4.0
        r2_g = np.linspace(0, rc, 100)**2
        x_g = np.exp(-alpha * r2_g)
        self.ghat_l = [Spline(0, rc, 4 * alpha**1.5 / np.pi**0.5 * x_g)]
        self.vbar = Spline(0, rc, 2 * np.pi**0.5 * (v1 + v2 * r2_g) * x_g)
        self.Delta_pL = np.zeros((1, 1))
        self.Delta0 = -4 / (4 * np.pi)**0.5
        self.lmax = 0
        self.K_p = self.M_p = self.MB_p = np.zeros(1)
        self.M_pp = np.zeros((1, 1))
        self.Kc = 0.0
        self.MB = 0.0
        self.M = 0.0
        self.xc_correction = null_xc_correction
        self.HubU = None
        self.dO_ii = np.zeros((1, 1))
        self.type = 'ah'
        self.fingerprint = None
Exemple #2
    def generate(self, l, gd, kpt_u, spos_ac, dtype=None):
        """Generate polarization orbital."""
        rcut = self.rcut
        phi_i = [QuasiGaussian(alpha, rcut) for alpha in self.alphas]
        r = np.arange(0, rcut, .01)
        dr = r[1]  # equidistant
        integration_multiplier = r**(2 * (l + 1))
        for phi in phi_i:
            y = phi(r)
            norm = (dr * sum(y * y * integration_multiplier))**.5
        splines = [Spline(l, r[-1], phi(r)) for phi in phi_i]

        if dtype is None:
            if np.any([kpt.dtype == complex for kpt in kpt_u]):
                dtype = complex
                dtype = float

        self.s, self.S = overlaps(l, gd, splines, kpt_u, spos_ac)

        self.optimizer = CoefficientOptimizer(self.s, self.S, len(phi_i))
        coefs = self.optimizer.find_coefficients()
        self.quality = -self.optimizer.amoeba.y[0]
        self.qualities = self.optimizer.lastterms
        orbital = LinearCombination(coefs, phi_i)
        orbital.renormalize(get_norm(r, orbital(r), l))
        return orbital
Exemple #3
    def spline(self, a_g, rcut=None, l=0, points=None):
        if points is None:
            points = self.default_spline_points

        if rcut is None:
            g = len(a_g) - 1
            while a_g[g] == 0.0:
                g -= 1
            rcut = self.r_g[g + 1]

        b_g = a_g.copy()
        N = len(b_g)
        if l > 0:
            b_g = divrl(b_g, l, self.r_g[:N])

        r_i = np.linspace(0, rcut, points + 1)
        g_i = np.clip((self.r2g(r_i) + 0.5).astype(int), 1, N - 2)

        r1_i = self.r_g[g_i - 1]
        r2_i = self.r_g[g_i]
        r3_i = self.r_g[g_i + 1]
        x1_i = (r_i - r2_i) * (r_i - r3_i) / (r1_i - r2_i) / (r1_i - r3_i)
        x2_i = (r_i - r1_i) * (r_i - r3_i) / (r2_i - r1_i) / (r2_i - r3_i)
        x3_i = (r_i - r1_i) * (r_i - r2_i) / (r3_i - r1_i) / (r3_i - r2_i)
        b1_i = b_g[g_i - 1]
        b2_i = b_g[g_i]
        b3_i = b_g[g_i + 1]
        b_i = b1_i * x1_i + b2_i * x2_i + b3_i * x3_i
        return Spline(l, rcut, b_i)
Exemple #4
    def calculate_overlap_expansion(self, phit1phit2_q, l1, l2):
        """Calculate list of splines for one overlap integral.

        Given two Fourier transformed functions, return list of splines
        in real space necessary to evaluate their overlap.

          phi  (q) * phi  (q) --> [phi    (r), ..., phi    (r)] .
             l1         l2            lmin             lmax

        The overlap <phi1 | phi2> can then be calculated by linear
        combinations of the returned splines with appropriate Gaunt
        lmax = l1 + l2
        splines = []
        R = np.arange(self.Q // 2) * self.dr
        R1 = R.copy()
        R1[0] = 1.0
        k1 = self.k_q.copy()
        k1[0] = 1.0
        a_q = phit1phit2_q
        for l in range(lmax % 2, lmax + 1, 2):
            a_g = (8 * fbt(l, a_q * k1**(-2 - lmax - l), self.k_q, R) /
                   R1**(2 * l + 1))
            if l == 0:
                a_g[0] = 8 * np.sum(a_q * k1**(-lmax)) * self.dk
                a_g[0] = a_g[1]  # XXXX
            a_g *= (-1)**((l1 - l2 - l) // 2)
            n = len(a_g) // 256
            s = Spline(l, 2 * self.rcmax, np.concatenate((a_g[::n], [0.0])))
        return OverlapExpansion(l1, l2, splines)
Exemple #5
 def get_compensation_charge_functions(self):
     assert len(self.ghat_lg) == 1
     ghat_g = self.ghat_lg[0]
     ng = len(ghat_g)
     rcutcc = self.rgd.r_g[ng - 1]  # correct or not?
     r = np.linspace(0.0, rcutcc, 50)
     ghat_g[-1] = 0.0
     ghatnew_g = Spline(0, rcutcc, ghat_g).map(r)
     return r, [0], [ghatnew_g]
Exemple #6
 def get_projectors(self):
     # XXX equal-range projectors still required for some reason
     maxlen = max([len(pt_g) for pt_g in self.pt_jg])
     pt_j = []
     for l, pt1_g in zip(self.l_j, self.pt_jg):
         pt2_g = self.rgd.zeros()[:maxlen]
         pt2_g[:len(pt1_g)] = divrl(pt1_g, l, self.rgd.r_g[:len(pt1_g)])
         spline = Spline(l, self.rgd.r_g[maxlen - 1], pt2_g)
     return pt_j
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, alpha1=10.0, alpha2=300.0):
        self.alpha1 = alpha1
        self.alpha2 = alpha2

        self.natoms = 0
        self.E = 0.0
        self.Z = 1
        self.Nc = 0
        self.Nv = 1
        self.nao = None
        self.pt_j = []
        self.ni = 0
        self.l_j = []
        self.n_j = []
        self.nct = Spline(0, 0.5, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.Nct = 0.0
        self.N0_p = []
        rc = 2.0
        r_g = np.linspace(0, rc, 100)
        r2_g = r_g**2
        self.ghat_l = [
            Spline(0, rc,
                   4 * alpha1**1.5 / np.pi**0.5 * np.exp(-alpha1 * r2_g))
        v_g = erf(alpha1**0.5 * r_g) - erf(alpha2**0.5 * r_g)
        v_g[1:] *= (4 * np.pi)**0.5 / r_g[1:]
        v_g[0] = 4 * (alpha1**0.5 - alpha2**0.5)
        self.vbar = Spline(0, rc, v_g)
        self.Delta_pL = np.zeros((0, 1))
        self.Delta0 = -1 / (4 * np.pi)**0.5
        self.lmax = 0
        self.K_p = self.M_p = self.MB_p = np.zeros(0)
        self.M_pp = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.Kc = 0.0
        self.MB = 0.0
        self.M = -(alpha1 / 2 / np.pi)**0.5
        self.xc_correction = None
        self.HubU = None
        self.dO_ii = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.type = 'all-electron'
        self.fingerprint = None
        self.symbol = 'H'
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, alpha, r_g, phit_g, v0_g):
        self.natoms = 0
        self.E = 0.0
        self.Z = 1
        self.Nc = 0
        self.Nv = 1
        self.niAO = 1
        self.pt_j = []
        self.ni = 0
        self.l_j = []
        self.nct = None
        self.Nct = 0.0

        rc = 1.0
        r2_g = np.linspace(0, rc, 100)**2
        x_g = np.exp(-alpha * r2_g)
        x_g[-1] = 0 

        self.ghat_l = [Spline(0, rc,
                              (4 * pi)**0.5 * (alpha / pi)**1.5 * x_g)]

        self.vbar = Spline(0, rc, (4 * pi)**0.5 * v0_g[0] * x_g)

        r = np.linspace(0, 4.0, 100)
        phit = splev(r, splrep(r_g, phit_g))
        poly = np.polyfit(r[[-30,-29,-2,-1]], [0, 0, phit[-2], phit[-1]], 3)
        phit[-30:] -= np.polyval(poly, r[-30:])
        self.phit_j = [Spline(0, 4.0, phit)]
        self.Delta_pL = np.zeros((0, 1))
        self.Delta0 = -1 / (4 * pi)**0.5
        self.lmax = 0
        self.K_p = self.M_p = self.MB_p = np.zeros(0)
        self.M_pp = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.Kc = 0.0
        self.MB = 0.0
        self.M = 0.0
        self.xc_correction = null_xc_correction
        self.HubU = None
        self.dO_ii = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.type = 'local'
        self.fingerprint = None
Exemple #9
 def get_ghat(self, lmax, alpha, r, rcut):
     d_l = [
         _fact[l] * 2**(2 * l + 2) / sqrt(pi) / _fact[2 * l + 1]
         for l in range(lmax + 1)
     g = alpha**1.5 * np.exp(-alpha * r**2)
     g[-1] = 0.0
     ghat_l = [
         Spline(l, rcut, d_l[l] * alpha**l * g) for l in range(lmax + 1)
     return ghat_l
Exemple #10
def dummy_kpt_test2():
    l = 0
    rcut = 6.
    a = 5.
    k_c = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    dtype = complex
    r = np.arange(0., rcut, .01)

    ngaussians = 8
    rchars = np.linspace(1., rcut / 2., ngaussians + 1)[1:]
    print 'rchars', rchars
    rchar_ref = rchars[ngaussians // 2]
    print 'rchar ref', rchar_ref

    generator = PolarizationOrbitalGenerator(rcut, gaussians=rchars)

    # Set up reference system
    #alpha_ref = 1 / (rcut/4.) ** 2.
    alpha_ref = 1 / rchar_ref**2.
    ref = QuasiGaussian(alpha_ref, rcut)
    norm = get_norm(r, ref(r), l)
    gd, kpt, center = make_dummy_kpt_reference(l, ref, k_c, rcut, a, 40, dtype)
    psit_nG = kpt.psit_nG
    kpt.f_n = np.array([1.])
    print 'Norm sqr', gd.integrate(psit_nG * psit_nG)
    #gramschmidt(gd, psit_nG)
    print 'Normalized norm sqr', gd.integrate(psit_nG * psit_nG)

    quasigaussians = [QuasiGaussian(1 / rchar**2., rcut) for rchar in rchars]
    y = []
    for g in quasigaussians:
        norm = get_norm(r, g(r), l)
    splines = [Spline(l, rcut, f_g) for f_g in y]
    s_kmii, S_kmii = overlaps(l, gd, splines, [kpt], spos_ac=[(.5, .5, .5)])

    orbital = generator.generate(l, gd, [kpt], [center], dtype=complex)
    print 'coefs'
    print np.array(orbital.coefs)

    print 'quality'
    print generator.qualities

    import pylab
    pylab.plot(r, ref(r), label='ref')
    pylab.plot(r, orbital(r), label='interp')
Exemple #11
def ft(spline):
    l = spline.get_angular_momentum_number()
    rc = 50.0
    N = 2**10
    assert spline.get_cutoff() <= rc

    dr = rc / N
    r_r = np.arange(N) * dr
    dk = pi / 2 / rc
    k_q = np.arange(2 * N) * dk
    f_r = spline.map(r_r) * (4 * pi)

    f_q = fbt(l, f_r, r_r, k_q)
    f_q[1:] /= k_q[1:]**(2 * l + 1)
    f_q[0] = (np.dot(f_r, r_r**(2 + 2 * l)) *
              dr * 2**l * fac[l] / fac[2 * l + 1])

    return Spline(l, k_q[-1], f_q)
Exemple #12
def f(n, p):
    N = 2 * n
    gd = GridDescriptor((N, N, N), (L, L, L))
    a = gd.zeros()
    #p = PoissonSolver(nn=1, relax=relax)
    cut = N / 2.0 * 0.9
    s = Spline(l=0, rmax=cut, f_g=np.array([1, 0.5, 0.0]))
    c = LFC(gd, [[s], [s]])
    c.set_positions([(0, 0, 0), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)])

    I0 = gd.integrate(a)
    a -= I0 / L**3

    b = gd.zeros()
    p.solve(b, a, charge=0, eps=1e-20)
    return gd.collect(b, broadcast=1)
Exemple #13
    def set_grid_descriptor(self, gd):
        GGA.set_grid_descriptor(self, gd)
        self.dedmu_g = gd.zeros()
        self.dedbeta_g = gd.zeros()
        # Create gaussian LFC
        l_lim = 1.0e-30
        rcut = 12
        points = 200
        r_i = np.linspace(0, rcut, points + 1)
        rcgauss = 1.2
        g_g = (2 / rcgauss**3 / np.pi *
               np.exp(-((r_i / rcgauss)**2)**self.alpha))

        # Values too close to zero can cause numerical problems especially with
        # forces (some parts of the mu and beta field can become negative)
        g_g[np.where(g_g < l_lim)] = l_lim
        spline = Spline(l=0, rmax=rcut, f_g=g_g)
        spline_j = [[spline]] * len(self.atoms)
        self.Pa = LFC(gd, spline_j)
Exemple #14
def test():
    from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor

    ngpts = 40
    h = 1 / ngpts
    N_c = (ngpts, ngpts, ngpts)
    a = h * ngpts
    gd = GridDescriptor(N_c, (a, a, a))

    from gpaw.spline import Spline
    a = np.array([1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.0])
    s = Spline(0, 0.2, a)
    x = LocalizedFunctionsCollection(gd, [[s], [s]])
    x.set_positions([(0.5, 0.45, 0.5), (0.5, 0.55, 0.5)])
    n_G = gd.zeros()
    import pylab as plt
    plt.contourf(n_G[20, :, :])
Exemple #15
def make_dummy_reference(l, function=None, rcut=6., a=12., n=60, dtype=float):
    """Make a mock reference wave function using a made-up radial function
    as reference"""
    #print 'Dummy reference: l=%d, rcut=%.02f, alpha=%.02f' % (l, rcut, alpha)
    r = np.arange(0., rcut, .01)

    if function is None:
        function = QuasiGaussian(4., rcut)

    norm = get_norm(r, function(r), l)
    #g = QuasiGaussian(alpha, rcut)

    mcount = 2 * l + 1
    fcount = 1
    gd = GridDescriptor((n, n, n), (a, a, a), (False, False, False))
    spline = Spline(l, r[-1], function(r), points=50)
    center = (.5, .5, .5)
    lf = create_localized_functions([spline], gd, center, dtype=dtype)
    psit_k = gd.zeros(mcount, dtype=dtype)
    coef_xi = np.identity(mcount * fcount, dtype=dtype)
    lf.add(psit_k, coef_xi)
    return gd, psit_k, center, function
Exemple #16
def make_dummy_kpt_reference(l,
    r = np.linspace(0., rcut, 300)
    mcount = 2 * l + 1
    fcount = 1
    kcount = 1
    gd = GridDescriptor((n, n, n), (a, a, a), (True, True, True))
    kpt = KPoint([], gd, 1., 0, 0, 0, k_c, dtype)
    spline = Spline(l, r[-1], function(r))
    center = (.5, .5, .5)
    lf = create_localized_functions([spline], gd, center, dtype=dtype)
    psit_nG = gd.zeros(mcount, dtype=dtype)
    coef_xi = np.identity(mcount * fcount, dtype=dtype)
    lf.add(psit_nG, coef_xi, k=0)
    kpt.psit_nG = psit_nG
    print 'Number of boxes', len(lf.box_b)
    print 'Phase kb factors shape', lf.phase_kb.shape
    return gd, kpt, center
Exemple #17
 def spline(self, l, f_g, points=None):
     ng = len(f_g)
     rmax = self.r_g[ng - 1]
     r_g = self.r_g[:ng]
     f_g = self.equidistant(f_g, points=points)
     return Spline(l, rmax, f_g)
Exemple #18
 def spline(self, l, f_g):
     ng = len(f_g)
     rmax = self.r_g[ng - 1]
     return Spline(l, rmax, f_g)
Exemple #19
from gpaw.test import equal
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.spline import Spline
import gpaw.mpi as mpi
from gpaw.lfc import LocalizedFunctionsCollection as LFC

s = Spline(0, 1.0, [1.0, 0.5, 0.0])
n = 40
a = 8.0
gd = GridDescriptor((n, n, n), (a, a, a), comm=mpi.serial_comm)
c = LFC(gd, [[s], [s], [s]])
c.set_positions([(0.5, 0.5, 0.25 + 0.25 * i) for i in [0, 1, 2]])
b = gd.zeros()
x = gd.integrate(b)

gd = GridDescriptor((n, n, n), (a, a, a), comm=mpi.serial_comm)
c = LFC(gd, [[s], [s], [s]])
c.set_positions([(0.5, 0.5, 0.25 + 0.25 * i) for i in [0, 1, 2]])
b = gd.zeros()
y = gd.integrate(b)
equal(x, y, 1e-13)
Exemple #20
"""BSSE: Basis Set Superposition Error module.

Defines a Setup-like class which has no properties that change anything,
except for an atomic basis set."""

import numpy as np
from ase.data import atomic_numbers

from gpaw.setup import BaseSetup
from gpaw.setup_data import SetupData
from gpaw.basis_data import Basis
from gpaw.spline import Spline
from gpaw.hgh import null_xc_correction

# Some splines are mandatory, but should then be zero to avoid affecting things
zero_function = Spline(0, 0.5, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

# Some operations fail horribly if the splines are zero, due to weird
# divisions and assumptions that various quantities are nonzero
# We'll use a function which is almost zero for these things
nonzero_function = Spline(0, 0.5, [0.0, 1.0e-12, 0.0])  # XXX

class GhostSetup(BaseSetup):
    def __init__(self, basis, data):
        self.symbol = data.symbol
        self.data = data
        self.phit_j = basis.tosplines()
        self.basis = basis
        self.niAO = sum([
Exemple #21
for name in ['LDA', 'PBE']:
    xc = XC(name)
    s = create_setup('N', xc)
    ni = s.ni
    nao = s.nao
    wt0_j = s.phit_j

    rcut = s.xc_correction.rgd.r_g[-1]

    wt_j = []
    for wt0 in wt0_j:
        data = [wt0(r) for r in np.arange(121) * rcut / 100]
        data[-1] = 0.0
        l = wt0.get_angular_momentum_number()
        wt_j.append(Spline(l, 1.2 * rcut, data))

    a = rcut * 1.2 * 2 + 1.0
    ##    n = 120
    n = 70
    n = 90
    gd = GridDescriptor((n, n, n), (a, a, a), comm=serial_comm)
    pr = create_localized_functions(wt_j, gd, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))

    coefs = np.identity(nao, float)
    psit_ig = np.zeros((nao, n, n, n))
    pr.add(psit_ig, coefs)

    nii = ni * (ni + 1) // 2
    D_p = np.zeros(nii)
    H_p = np.zeros(nii)
Exemple #22
def dummy_kpt_test():
    l = 0
    rcut = 6.
    a = 5.
    k_kc = [(.5, .5, .5)]  #[(0., 0., 0.), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)]
    kcount = len(k_kc)
    dtype = complex
    r = np.arange(0., rcut, .01)

    spos_ac_ref = [(0., 0., 0.)]  #, (.2, .2, .2)]
    spos_ac = [(0., 0., 0.), (.2, .2, .2)]

    ngaussians = 4
    realgaussindex = (ngaussians - 1) / 2

    rchars = np.linspace(1., rcut, ngaussians)
    splines = []
    gaussians = [QuasiGaussian(1. / rch**2., rcut) for rch in rchars]
    for g in gaussians:
        norm = get_norm(r, g(r), l)
        spline = Spline(l, r[-1], g(r))

    refgauss = gaussians[realgaussindex]
    refspline = splines[realgaussindex]

    gd = GridDescriptor((60, 60, 60), (a, a, a), (1, 1, 1))

    reflf_a = [
        create_localized_functions([refspline], gd, spos_c, dtype=dtype)
        for spos_c in spos_ac_ref
    for reflf in reflf_a:

    kpt_u = [
        KPoint([], gd, 1., 0, k, k, k_c, dtype) for k, k_c in enumerate(k_kc)

    for kpt in kpt_u:
        kpt.f_n[0] = 1.
        psit_nG = gd.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)
        coef_xi = np.identity(1, dtype=dtype)
        integral = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=dtype)
        for reflf in reflf_a:
            reflf.add(psit_nG, coef_xi, k=kpt.k)
            reflf.integrate(psit_nG, integral, k=kpt.k)
        kpt.psit_nG = psit_nG
        print 'ref norm', integral

    print 'calculating overlaps'
    os_kmii, oS_kmii = overlaps(l, gd, splines, kpt_u, spos_ac=spos_ac_ref)
    print 'done'

    lf_a = [
        create_localized_functions(splines, gd, spos_c, dtype=dtype)
        for spos_c in spos_ac
    for lf in lf_a:

    s_kii = np.zeros((kcount, ngaussians, ngaussians), dtype=dtype)
    S_kii = np.zeros((kcount, ngaussians, ngaussians), dtype=dtype)

    for kpt in kpt_u:
        k = kpt.k
        all_integrals = np.zeros((1, ngaussians), dtype=dtype)
        tempgrids = gd.zeros(ngaussians, dtype=dtype)
        tempcoef_xi = np.identity(ngaussians, dtype=dtype)
        for lf in lf_a:
            lf.integrate(kpt.psit_nG, all_integrals, k=k)
            lf.add(tempgrids, tempcoef_xi, k=k)
            lf.integrate(tempgrids, s_kii[k], k=k)

        print 'all <phi|psi>'
        print all_integrals

        conj_integrals = np.conj(all_integrals)
        for i in range(ngaussians):
            for j in range(ngaussians):
                S_kii[k, i, j] = conj_integrals[0, i] * all_integrals[0, j]

    print 'handmade s_kmii'
    print s_kii

    print 'handmade S_ii'
    print S_kii

    s_kmii = s_kii.reshape(kcount, 1, ngaussians, ngaussians)
    S_kmii = S_kii.reshape(kcount, 1, ngaussians, ngaussians)

    print 'matrices from overlap function'
    print 's_kmii'
    print os_kmii
    print 'S_kmii'
    print oS_kmii

    optimizer = CoefficientOptimizer(s_kmii, S_kmii, ngaussians)
    coefficients = optimizer.find_coefficients()

    optimizer2 = CoefficientOptimizer(os_kmii, oS_kmii, ngaussians)
    coefficients2 = optimizer2.find_coefficients()

    print 'coefs'
    print coefficients
    print 'overlaps() coefs'
    print coefficients2
    print 'badness'
    print optimizer.evaluate(coefficients)
    exactsolution = [0.] * ngaussians
    exactsolution[realgaussindex] = 1.
    print 'badness of exact solution'
    print optimizer.evaluate(exactsolution)

    orbital = LinearCombination(coefficients, gaussians)
    orbital2 = LinearCombination(coefficients2, gaussians)
    norm = get_norm(r, orbital(r), l)
    norm2 = get_norm(r, orbital2(r), l)

    import pylab
    pylab.plot(r, refgauss(r), label='ref')
    pylab.plot(r, orbital(r), label='opt')
    pylab.plot(r, orbital2(r), '--', label='auto')
Exemple #23
from gpaw.spline import Spline
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0])
s = Spline(0, 2.0, a)
dx = 0.0001
for x in [0.5, 1, 1.2, 3]:
    y, dydx = s.get_value_and_derivative(x)
    z = (s(x + dx) - s(x - dx)) / (2 * dx)
    print y, dydx - z
    assert abs(dydx - z) < 1e-7
import numpy as np

from gpaw.atom.atompaw import AtomPAW
from gpaw.utilities import erf
from gpaw.setup import BaseSetup
from gpaw.spline import Spline
from gpaw.basis_data import Basis, BasisFunction

null_spline = Spline(0, 1.0, [0., 0., 0.])

def screen_potential(r, v, charge, rcut=None, a=None):
    """Split long-range potential into short-ranged contributions.

    The potential v is a long-ranted potential with the asymptotic form Z/r
    corresponding to the given charge.
    Return a potential vscreened and charge distribution rhocomp such that

      v(r) = vscreened(r) + vHartree[rhocomp](r).

    The returned quantities are truncated to a reasonable cutoff radius.
    vr = v * r + charge
    if rcut is None:
        err = 0.0
        i = len(vr)
        while err < 1e-5:
            # Things can be a bit sensitive to the threshold.  The O.pz-mt
            # setup gets 20-30 Bohr long compensation charges if it's 1e-6.
Exemple #25
    def get_projections(self, locfun, spin=0):
        """Project wave functions onto localized functions

        Determine the projections of the Kohn-Sham eigenstates
        onto specified localized functions of the format::

          locfun = [[spos_c, l, sigma], [...]]

        spos_c can be an atom index, or a scaled position vector. l is
        the angular momentum, and sigma is the (half-) width of the
        radial gaussian.

        Return format is::

          f_kni = <psi_kn | f_i>

        where psi_kn are the wave functions, and f_i are the specified
        localized functions.

        As a special case, locfun can be the string 'projectors', in which
        case the bound state projectors are used as localized functions.

        wfs = self.wfs

        if locfun == 'projectors':
            f_kin = []
            for kpt in wfs.kpt_u:
                if kpt.s == spin:
                    f_in = []
                    for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                        i = 0
                        setup = wfs.setups[a]
                        for l, n in zip(setup.l_j, setup.n_j):
                            if n >= 0:
                                for j in range(i, i + 2 * l + 1):
                                    f_in.append(P_ni[:, j])
                            i += 2 * l + 1
            f_kni = np.array(f_kin).transpose(0, 2, 1)
            return f_kni.conj()

        from gpaw.lfc import LocalizedFunctionsCollection as LFC
        from gpaw.spline import Spline
        from gpaw.utilities import _fact

        nkpts = len(wfs.ibzk_kc)
        nbf = np.sum([2 * l + 1 for pos, l, a in locfun])
        f_kni = np.zeros((nkpts, wfs.nbands, nbf), wfs.dtype)

        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        spos_xc = []
        splines_x = []
        for spos_c, l, sigma in locfun:
            if isinstance(spos_c, int):
                spos_c = spos_ac[spos_c]
            alpha = .5 * Bohr**2 / sigma**2
            r = np.linspace(0, 6. * sigma, 500)
            f_g = (_fact[l] * (4 * alpha)**(l + 3 / 2.) *
                   np.exp(-alpha * r**2) /
                   (np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) * _fact[2 * l + 1]))
            splines_x.append([Spline(l, rmax=r[-1], f_g=f_g, points=61)])

        lf = LFC(wfs.gd, splines_x, wfs.kpt_comm, dtype=wfs.dtype)
        if not wfs.gamma:

        k = 0
        f_ani = lf.dict(wfs.nbands)
        for kpt in wfs.kpt_u:
            if kpt.s != spin:
            lf.integrate(kpt.psit_nG[:], f_ani, kpt.q)
            i1 = 0
            for x, f_ni in f_ani.items():
                i2 = i1 + f_ni.shape[1]
                f_kni[k, :, i1:i2] = f_ni
                i1 = i2
            k += 1

        return f_kni.conj()
Exemple #26
 def spline(self, a_g, rcut=None, l=0, points=None):
     b_g = a_g.copy()
     if l > 0:
         b_g = divrl(b_g, l, self.r_g[:len(a_g)])
     return Spline(l, self.r_g[len(a_g) - 1], b_g)
Exemple #27
"""BSSE: Basis Set Superposition Error module.

Defines a Setup-like class which has no properties that change anything,
except for an atomic basis set."""

import numpy as np
from ase.data import atomic_numbers

from gpaw.setup import BaseSetup, LocalCorrectionVar
from gpaw.spline import Spline
from gpaw.utilities import min_locfun_radius

# Some splines are mandatory,
# but should then be zero to avoid affecting things
zero_function = Spline(0, min_locfun_radius, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

# Some operations fail horribly if the splines are zero, due to weird
# divisions and assumptions that various quantities are nonzero
# We'll use a function which is almost zero for these things
nonzero_function = Spline(0, min_locfun_radius, [0.0, 1.0e-12, 0.0])  # XXX

class GhostSetup(BaseSetup):
    def __init__(self, basis, data):
        self.symbol = data.symbol
        self.data = data
        self.phit_j = basis.tosplines()
        self.basis = basis
        self.nao = sum([
            2 * phit.get_angular_momentum_number() + 1 for phit in self.phit_j
Exemple #28
from gpaw.setup import Setup
from gpaw.gaunt import gaunt as G_LLL
from gpaw.spherical_harmonics import Y
from gpaw.response.math_func import two_phi_planewave_integrals

# Initialize s, p, d (9 in total) wave and put them on grid
rc = 2.0
a = 2.5 * rc
n = 64
lmax = 2
b = 8.0
m = (lmax + 1)**2
gd = GridDescriptor([n, n, n], [a, a, a])
r = np.linspace(0, rc, 200)
g = np.exp(-(r / rc * b)**2)
splines = [Spline(l=l, rmax=rc, f_g=g) for l in range(lmax + 1)]
c = LFC(gd, [splines])
c.set_positions([(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)])
psi = gd.zeros(m)
d0 = c.dict(m)
if 0 in d0:
    d0[0] = np.identity(m)
c.add(psi, d0)

# Calculate on 3d-grid < phi_i | e**(-ik.r) | phi_j >
R_a = np.array([a / 2, a / 2, a / 2])
rr = gd.get_grid_point_coordinates()
for dim in range(3):
    rr[dim] -= R_a[dim]

k_G = np.array([[11., 0.2, 0.1], [10., 0., 10.]])
    def __init__(self, data, basis=None):
        self.data = data

        self.R_sii = None
        self.HubU = None
        self.lq = None

        self.filename = None
        self.fingerprint = None
        self.symbol = data.symbol
        self.type = data.name

        self.Z = data.Z
        self.Nv = data.Nv
        self.Nc = data.Nc

        self.f_j = data.f_j
        self.n_j = data.n_j
        self.l_j = data.l_j
        self.l_orb_j = data.l_orb_j
        self.nj = len(data.l_j)

        self.ni = sum([2 * l + 1 for l in data.l_j])
        self.pt_j = data.get_projectors()
        if len(self.pt_j) == 0:
            assert False # not sure yet about the consequences of
            # cleaning this up in the other classes
            self.l_j = [0]
            self.pt_j = [null_spline]
        if basis is None:
            basis = data.create_basis_functions()
        self.phit_j = basis.tosplines()
        self.basis = basis
        self.nao = sum([2 * phit.get_angular_momentum_number() + 1
                        for phit in self.phit_j])

        self.Nct = 0.0
        self.nct = null_spline

        self.lmax = 0

        self.xc_correction = None

        r, l_comp, g_comp = data.get_compensation_charge_functions()
        self.ghat_l = [Spline(l, r[-1], g) for l, g in zip(l_comp, g_comp)]
        self.rcgauss = data.rcgauss

        # accuracy is rather sensitive to this
        self.vbar = data.get_local_potential()

        _np = self.ni * (self.ni + 1) // 2
        self.Delta0 = data.Delta0
        self.Delta_pL = np.zeros((_np, 1))

        self.E = 0.0
        self.Kc = 0.0
        self.M = 0.0
        self.M_p = np.zeros(_np)
        self.M_pp = np.zeros((_np, _np))

        self.K_p = data.expand_hamiltonian_matrix()
        self.MB = 0.0
        self.MB_p = np.zeros(_np)
        self.dO_ii = np.zeros((self.ni, self.ni))

        # We don't really care about these variables
        self.rcutfilter = None
        self.rcore = None

        self.N0_p = np.zeros(_np) # not really implemented
        self.nabla_iiv = None
        self.rnabla_iiv = None
        self.rxp_iiv = None
        self.phicorehole_g = None
        self.rgd = data.rgd
        self.rcut_j = data.rcut_j
        self.tauct = None
        self.Delta_iiL = None
        self.B_ii = None
        self.dC_ii = None
        self.X_p = None
        self.ExxC = None
        self.dEH0 = 0.0
        self.dEH_p = np.zeros(_np)
        self.extra_xc_data = {}

        self.wg_lg = None
        self.g_lg = None
Exemple #30
 def get_local_potential(self):
     vbar = Spline(0, self.rgd.r_g[len(self.vbar_g) - 1], self.vbar_g)
     return vbar