Exemple #1
def testSampler():
    '''Here we sample from the sampler. We choose to learn from
    the samples.


    # creating the container object...
    specs = cot.Container(rose.rosenbrock_2D)

    specs.add_point(np.array([-1.5, 2.0]))
    specs.add_point(np.array([1.5, -2.0]))

    sampler = smp.Sampler(specs, nwalkers=20)
    specs = specs
    sampler = sampler

    assert len(specs.X) == 3
    assert len(specs.X[0]) == len(specs.X[1])
    assert len(specs.X[0]) == len(specs.X[2])
Exemple #2
def testGaussian():
    take samples from posterior (log) likelihood
    and plot in histogram

    # set seed for reproducibility

    # allocating memory
    x = np.arange(-10, 10, 0.05)
    n = len(x)
    f = np.zeros(n)

    # create an instance of the container
    specs = cot.Container(truth.gaussian_1D)
    specs.set_prior(lambda x: -np.linalg.norm(x)**2, lambda x: -2 * x)

    # use one initial point

    # create the sampler
    sampler = smp.Sampler(specs)

    k = 11  # ...decide how many initial points we take to resolve the log-likelihood
    for j in range(0, k):
        print("Initial samples " + str(j + 1) + " of " + str(k))
        )  # ... sample, incorporate into data set, repeat k times.

    # plot kriged LL

    # calculate the curves for the given input
    for j in range(0, n):

        # do kriging
        f[j] = specs.kriging(x[j], False, False)

    # do all the plotting here
    curve1 = plt.plot(x, f, label="kriged value")
    plt.plot(specs.X, specs.F, 'bo', label="sampled points ")
    plt.plot(x, specs.trueLL(x), label="true log-likelihood")

    plt.setp(curve1, 'linewidth', 3.0, 'color', 'k', 'alpha', .5)

    plt.legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 7})
    plt.title("Kriged Log Likelihood")
    plt.savefig("graphics/Test_Gaussian: kriged LL")

    # Done plotting kriged LL, now sample:

    # take some samples. We DO NOT incorporate these into the data set
    numSamples = 2000

    # allocate memory for the data
    samples = np.zeros(numSamples)
    batchSize = sampler.nwalkers
    batch = np.zeros(batchSize)

    # sample n points from the kriged posterior log likelihood
    print("taking " + str(numSamples) + " samples from the posterior:")
    for j in range(numSamples / batchSize):

        # get a batch of the current walkers
        batch = sampler.sample_batch()

        # iterate over this batch
        for i in range(batchSize):

            # add every walker to the samples and print
            samples[j * batchSize + i] = batch[i, :]

        print("Sample batch from psterior: " + str(j * batchSize) + " to " +
              str((j + 1) * batchSize) + " of " + str(numSamples))

    # do all the plotting business, copied from pylab's examples
    # the histogram of the data with histtype='step'
    _, _, patches = P.hist(samples, 30, normed=1, histtype='stepfilled')
    P.setp(patches, 'facecolor', 'g', 'alpha', 0.75)
        str(numSamples) +
        " samples from the posterior likelihood interpolating a Gaussian")
    P.savefig("graphics/Test_Gaussian: Posterior Histogram")
Exemple #3
def testLikelihood():
    '''test and plot kriging with and show the resulting (unnormalized)
        likelihood function. Here we let our sampler choose points on
        its own.


    # for reproducibility purposes

    # create the container object
    specs = cot.Container(truth.double_well_1D)

    # note that this prior DOES NOT decay like the
    # true LL. still, the plot of the likelihood looks good
    specs.set_prior(lambda x: -x * x, lambda x: -2 * x)

    # quick setup
    pt = 2 * np.ones(1)

    # create sampler...
    sampler = smp.Sampler(specs)
    k = 11  # ...decide how many initial points we take to resolve the log-likelihood
    for j in range(k):
        print("Sample " + str(j + 1) + " of " + str(k))
        )  # ... sample, incorporate into data set, repeat k times.

    # allocating memory
    M = 4
    x = np.arange(-M, M, 0.05)
    n = len(x)
    f = np.zeros(n)
    true = np.zeros(n)
    prior = np.ones(n)

    # calculate the curves for the given input
    for j in range(0, n):

        # do kriging, get avg value and std dev
        krig = specs.kriging(x[j])
        f[j] = (krig)  # set the interpolant
        prior[j] = specs.prior(x[j])  # set the limiting curve
        true[j] = specs.trueLL(x[j])

    #move to normal, non-exponential, scale
    fExp = np.exp(f)
    priorExp = np.exp(prior)
    trueExp = np.exp(true)
    samplesExp = np.exp(np.asarray(specs.F))
    X = np.asarray(specs.X)

    # first plot
    curve1 = plt.plot(x, f, label="kriged LL")
    curve2 = plt.plot(x, true, label="true LL")
    curve3 = plt.plot(x, prior, label="prior")
    plt.plot(specs.X, specs.F, 'bo', label="sampled points ")

    plt.setp(curve1, 'linewidth', 3.0, 'color', 'k', 'alpha', .5)
    plt.setp(curve2, 'linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'r', 'alpha', .5)
    plt.setp(curve3, 'linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'b', 'alpha', .5)

    plt.legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 7})
    plt.title("Learned log likelihood")
    plt.savefig("graphics/testLikelihood: Learned log-likelihood")

    # second plot
    curve4 = plt.plot(x, fExp, label="exp(kriged LL)")
    curve5 = plt.plot(x, trueExp, label="(unnormalized) likelihood")
    curve6 = plt.plot(x, priorExp, label="exp(prior)")
    plt.plot(X, samplesExp, 'bo', label="sampled points ")

    plt.setp(curve4, 'linewidth', 3.0, 'color', 'k', 'alpha', .5)
    plt.setp(curve5, 'linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'r', 'alpha', .5)
    plt.setp(curve6, 'linewidth', 3.0, 'color', 'b', 'alpha', .5)

    plt.legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 7})
    plt.title("Learned (unnormalized) Likelihood")
    plt.savefig("graphics/testLikelihood: Learned Likelihood")
Exemple #4
def testMovie1D():
    if this does not work, it is likely that you don't have 
    ffmpeg. change these to whatever movie maker you have on
    your system.
    this unit test creates a movie. run it and see for yourself!!

    # tell the OS to prepare for the movie and the frames
    os.system("rm -f Data/Movie1DFrames/*.png")

    # for reproducibility

    # Initializations of the container object
    specs = cot.Container(truth.big_poly_1D)
    # specs.set_prior( lambda x: -np.linalg.norm(x)**6)

    M = 2.5

    # we know the true log-likelihood in these points
    StartPoints = []

    for point in StartPoints:

    sampler = smp.Sampler(specs)

    # the bounds on the plot axes
    xMin = -M
    xMax = M
    yMax = 100
    yMin = -300

    # all the x values for which we plot
    x = np.arange(xMin, xMax, 0.05)

    # we create each frame many times, so the movie is slower and easier to watch
    delay = 3

    # The number of evaluations of the true likelihood
    # change this if you want a longer\shorter movie
    nf = 33

    # allocate memory for the arrays to be plotted
    kriged = np.zeros(x.shape)
    true = np.zeros(x.shape)

    # create frames for the ffmpeg programs
    for frame in range(nf + 1):

        # create the kriged curve and the limit curve
        for j in range(0, len(x)):
            kriged[j] = specs.kriging(x[j], False, False)
            true[j] = specs.trueLL(x[j])  # the real log likelihood

        # each frame is saved delay times, so we can watch the movie at reasonable speed
        # for k in range(delay):
        plt.figure(frame * delay)

        # here we create the plot. nothing too fascinating here.
        curve1 = plt.plot(x, kriged, label="kriged log-likelihood")
        curve2 = plt.plot(x, true, label="true log-likelihood")
        plt.plot(specs.X, specs.F, 'bo', label="sampled points ")

        plt.setp(curve1, 'linewidth', 3.0, 'color', 'k', 'alpha', .5)
        plt.setp(curve2, 'linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'r', 'alpha', .5)

        plt.axis([xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax])
        plt.title('Kriged Log-Likelihood Changes in Time. r = ' + str(specs.r))

        textString = 'using  ' + str(len(specs.X)) + ' sampled points'
        plt.text(1.0, 1.0, textString)
        plt.legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 7})

        for k in range(delay):
            FrameFileName = "Data/Movie1DFrames/Frame" + str(frame * delay +
                                                             k) + ".png"
            if (frame * delay + k) % 10 == 0:
                print("saved file " + FrameFileName + ".  " +
                      str(frame * delay + k) + " / " + str(nf * delay))

        plt.close(frame * delay)

        # IMPORTANT - we sample from the kriged log-likelihood. this is crucial!!!!
Exemple #5
def testMovie2D(helpers):
    '''create a 2D movie, based on the data we put in the container object
    in the setUp method sthis method does all the graphics
    involved since this is a 2D running for lots of points might
    take a while

    make_movie_frame, getLevels = helpers
    # for reproducibility

    # tell the OS to prepare for the movie and the frames
    os.system("rm -f Data/Movie2DContourFrames/*.png")

    # parameters to play with
    nSamples = 5000  # number of samples we use for KL
    maxiter = 3000  # max number of optimization steps
    nPoints = 60  # The number of evaluations of the true likelihood
    delay = 3  # number of copies of each frame
    M = 7  # bound on the plot axes
    nopt = 15
    nwalk = 50
    burn = 500
    LLlevels = getLevels(350, -1e6, 1e4)  # levels of log likelihood contours
    intLevels = np.concatenate(
        [np.arange(0, 4, 0.8),
         np.arange(5, 50, 15),
         np.arange(50, 550, 250)])  # levels of integrand contours
    delta = 0.1  # grid for the contour plots
    parameters = [nSamples, maxiter, nwalk, nopt, nPoints, M, delay, delta]

    # initialize container and sampler
    specs = cot.Container(rose.rosenbrock_2D)
    n = 1
    for i in range(-n, n + 1):
        for j in range(-n, n + 1):
            specs.add_point(np.array([2 * i, 2 * j]))
    sampler = smp.Sampler(specs,

    # memory allocations. constants etc
    KL = []  # create list for KL div and its error bars
    a = np.arange(-M, M, delta)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(a, a)  # create two meshgrid
    form = X.shape
    points = np.asarray([np.ravel(X), np.ravel(Y)])
    frame = 0
    desc = sampler.target.desc
    locRos = rose.rosenbrock_2D
    locKrig = specs.kriging

    # some calculations we'll use again and again
    rosen = np.reshape(locRos(points, True), form)
    xpRosen = np.exp(rosen)
    xpRosenTimesRosen = xpRosen * rosen
    Zphi = np.sum(xpRosen)  # no delta**2!! see below

    # create frames for the movie
    for sample in range(nPoints + 1):

        # get the KL divergence estimate and error bars
        samples = rose.sample_rosenbrock(nSamples)
        tmpKL = kl.get_KL(locRos, locKrig, samples)
        # tmpKL = rose.rosenbrock_KL(specs, nSamples)

        # the kriged surface
        kriged = np.reshape(np.asarray([locKrig(x) for x in points.T]), form)

        # the integrand (contour plot on left)
        integrand = np.reshape(xpRosenTimesRosen - xpRosen * kriged,
                               form)  # Z(rosenbrock) = 1!!

        # estimate of log(Z) by using a riemann sum on the grid
        Zpsi = np.sum(np.exp(kriged))  #  no delta**2 ...
        logZpsiOverZphi = math.log(Zpsi /
                                   Zphi)  # ...it would've cancelled out!!

        # estimate of the KL divergence, from the grid we used for plotting
        uniKL = delta * delta * np.sum(integrand) + logZpsiOverZphi
        tmpKL.append(uniKL)  # add this to the other estimates

        # the value of KL integrand at every point on the grid
        integrand = integrand + logZpsiOverZphi


        # print("Here's one problem - the log of the normalization constants don't agree.")
        # print(tmpKL[6]) #
        # print(logZpsiOverZphi)

        # make the frames
        frame = make_movie_frame(sample, frame, LLlevels, intLevels, kriged,
                                 integrand, specs.X, X, Y, KL, desc,

        # learn a new point and incorporate it and save