Exemple #1
    def change_policy(self, condition, policy, new_ref_ja, new_ref_ee):

        # Save all of these because we're about to initialize with something newww
        old_K, old_k = policy.K, policy.k
        # This was how many timesteps there were before, not including the padding!
        old_T = old_K.shape[0] - self.padding

        with open('old_policy.txt', 'w') as f:
            noise = np.zeros((old_K.shape[0], self.dU))
            f.write(str(policy_to_msg(policy, noise)))

        old_pol_covar, old_chol_pol_covar = policy.pol_covar, policy.chol_pol_covar
        old_inv_pol_covar = policy.inv_pol_covar
        old_T = min(
            old_T, self.T)  # Make sure to choose the smaller one I think (???)
        # Now we change the initial values to match what we learned before
                                     new_ref_ja, new_ref_ee))
                 old_T, :, :], policy.k[:
                                        old_T, :] = old_K[:
                                                          old_T, :, :], old_k[:
                                                                              old_T, :]
                         old_T, :, :], policy.chol_pol_covar[:
                                                             old_T, :, :] = old_pol_covar[:
                                                                                          old_T, :, :], old_chol_pol_covar[:
                                                                                                                           old_T, :, :]
        policy.inv_pol_covar[:old_T, :, :] = old_inv_pol_covar[:old_T, :, :]

        # Writing the new policy to a text file just so we can examine
        with open('new_policy.txt', 'w') as f:
            noise = np.zeros((self.T, self.dU))
            f.write(str(policy_to_msg(policy, noise)))
Exemple #2
    def compute_reference_trajectory(self, condition, policy):
        super(GearExperiment, self).reset(condition)  # Call the super method
        target = self._hyperparams['targets'][condition]
        best_ref_ee, best_ref_ja = None, None  # HAHAHAHAHA
        best_dist = float("inf")  # Infinity itself
        best_plan = None
        best_T = None  # Set this up
        self.T = self.final_T  # Gotta use the final T or something like that

        while True:
            for attempt in range(
                    self.attempts):  # Let's do asked attempts on plan
                if self.use_saved_traj:  # If there is a plan to read
                    best_plan = self.load_plan(self.plan_filename)
                    best_dist = self.get_dist(best_plan)  # Best plan!
                    break  # We can leave this place
                else:  # Otherwise just create a motion plan
                    plan = self.plan_end_effector(target['position'],

                if plan is not None:
                    cur_dist = self.get_dist(
                        plan)  # Get the distance of cur plan
                    # If it beats it we need to use it! Woah!
                    if cur_dist < best_dist:
                        best_dist = cur_dist  # This is the current best distance
                        best_plan = plan  # This is the best plan
                        # Save the display trajectory and stuff
                        self.best_saved_traj[condition] = self.saved_traj

            copy_plan = copy.deepcopy(best_plan)  # Copy the plan
            self.reverse_plan(copy_plan)  # Reverse the plan
                condition] = copy_plan  # This is the plan to get out of here!

            # Only continue on with these calculations if necessary
            plan_joints = [
                for point in best_plan.joint_trajectory.points
            best_ref_ja = interpolate(plan_joints, self.T_interpolation)
            best_ref_ja.extend([best_ref_ja[-1]] *
                               (self.T - self.T_interpolation))
            ref_poses = self.forward_kinematics(best_ref_ja, 'torso_lift_link')
            best_ref_ee = []
            ee_offsets = self._hyperparams['end_effector_points']

            for pose in ref_poses:
                position, orientation = np.array([pose[:3]]), pose[3:]
                rotation_mat = quaternion_matrix(orientation)[:3, :3]
                points = np.ndarray.flatten(
                    get_ee_points(ee_offsets, position, rotation_mat).T)

            # Publish it so it is the last thing you see before question

            if not self.require_approval or yesno(
                    'Does this trajectory look ok?'):
                print("this is the distance of the best one: " +

        if self.use_saved_traj:  # If we already have one
            with open(self.pickled_traj_filename,
                      'r') as f:  # Read from the pickled place
                self.best_saved_traj[condition] = pickle.load(
                    f)  # Load that pickled DisplayTrajectory!

            self.best_saved_traj[condition])  # Publish it so it is the last

        #with open('the_distances.txt', 'w') as f:
        #    f.write('These are the distances: \n')
        #    f.write(str(self.dists))
        #    f.write('\nThis is the mean distance: ' + str(np.mean(np.array(self.dists))) + '\n')
        #    f.write('Success rate: ' + str(len(self.dists)) + ' / ' + str(self.attempts) + '\n')

        self.save_plan(best_plan)  # Save the trajectory
        if self.varying_T:  # If we are going for the varying T plan
            start_ind = self.final_T  # Start off with the full timestep length
        if self.chosen_parts is None:  # If there isn't a specific plan segment chunk
            # For now just take one / segments of the references to initialize
            start_ind = int(1.0 / self.segments * len(best_ref_ee))
        else:  # If there is, just use it
            #closest_T = find_closest_T(best_ref_ja, best_ref_ee, B4_PEG_JA, B4_PEG_EE)
            closest_T = 139
                0] = closest_T - 10  # Just a little bit of buffer lmao
            start_ind = self.chosen_parts[
                0]  # Set the starting ind to what we have chosen
            print("This is the closest found T: " + str(closest_T))

# Provide copies of the reference ee and ja
        self.full_ref_ee[condition] = list(np.copy(np.array(best_ref_ee)))
        self.full_ref_ja[condition] = list(np.copy(np.array(best_ref_ja)))
        self.T = start_ind  # How many there is to use

        # If we are just taking part of the trajectory
        if start_ind != self.final_T:  # Add padding
            new_ref_ja, new_ref_ee = best_ref_ja[:
                                                 start_ind], best_ref_ee[:
            # This is adding more timesteps to the last step in the segment
            new_ref_ja.extend([best_ref_ja[start_ind - 1]] * self.padding)
            new_ref_ee.extend([best_ref_ee[start_ind - 1]] * self.padding)
            self.T += self.padding  # Put in the padding lmao
        else:  # Otherwise, the goal already has padding
            new_ref_ja, new_ref_ee = best_ref_ja, best_ref_ee
# Initialize using the beginning part of the trajectory
                                     new_ref_ja, new_ref_ee))

        with open('pickled_robot_traj_cond' + str(condition), 'w') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.best_saved_traj[condition], f)

        ref_offsets = np.array(best_ref_ee) - best_ref_ee[-1]

        traj_info = {
            'ja': np.array(best_ref_ja),
            'ee': np.array(best_ref_ee),
            'offsets': ref_offsets,
            'flattened': ref_offsets.flatten()
        self.cur_T[condition] = self.T  # Update this as well
        self.trajectories[condition] = traj_info
        return traj_info
Exemple #3
    def compute_reference_trajectory(self, condition, policy):
        target = self._hyperparams['targets'][condition]
        best_ref_ee = None  # HAHAHAHAHA to store the best one
        best_ref_ja = None  # HAHAHAHAHA to store the best one
        best_dist = float("inf")  # Infinity itself
        best_plan = None
        plans_made = 0  # Count how many plans were actually created

        while True:

            for attempt in range(self.attempts):  # Make this many attempts
                plan = self.plan_end_effector(target['position'],
                if plan is None:  # Leave this iteration lmao
                plans_made += 1  # Increment plans made
                cur_dist = self.get_dist(plan)  # Get the current distance

                # If it beats it we need to use it! Woah!
                if cur_dist < best_dist:
                    plan_joints = [
                        for point in plan.joint_trajectory.points
                    ref_ja = interpolate(plan_joints, self.T_interpolation)
                    ref_ja.extend([ref_ja[-1]] *
                                  (self.T - self.T_interpolation))
                    ref_poses = self.forward_kinematics(
                        ref_ja, 'torso_lift_link')
                    ref_ee = []
                    ee_offsets = self._hyperparams['end_effector_points']
                    for pose in ref_poses:
                        position, orientation = np.array([pose[:3]]), pose[3:]
                        rotation_mat = quaternion_matrix(orientation)[:3, :3]
                        points = np.ndarray.flatten(
                            get_ee_points(ee_offsets, position,
                    best_dist = cur_dist
                    best_ref_ee, best_ref_ja = ref_ee, ref_ja
                    best_plan = plan
                    self.best_saved_traj = self.saved_traj  # Save the trajectory and stuff

            # Plot the very best plan that we found!

            if not self.require_approval or yesno(
                    'Does this trajectory look ok?'):
                print("Of all the " + str(plans_made) + " plans made, ")
                print("this is the distance of the best one: " +

        if self.use_saved_traj:  # If we already have one
            with open(self.pickled_traj_filename,
                      'r') as f:  # Read from the pickled place
                self.best_saved_traj = pickle.load(
                    f)  # Load that pickled DisplayTrajectory!

            self.best_saved_traj)  # Publish it so it is the last

        self.trajectories[condition] = best_ref_ee
                                     best_ref_ja, best_ref_ee))

        with open('pickled_robot_traj', 'w') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.best_saved_traj, f)
        ref_offsets = np.array(best_ref_ee) - best_ref_ee[-1]

        return {
            'ja': np.array(best_ref_ja),
            'ee': np.array(best_ref_ee),
            'offsets': ref_offsets,
            'flattened': ref_offsets.flatten()