Exemple #1
def setUpCalcSiteModelPostFit(models,site_residuals, info, zen_grid, az_grid, cpus) :   
    nZen = int(90.0/zen_grid) + 1
    nAz = int(360./az_grid) 
    #numParamsPerSite = nZen * nAz
    nModels = info['numModels']
    #tSite = numParamsPerSite*params['numModels']
    #numParams = tSat + tSite 

    prefit = np.zeros(nModels)
    prefit_sums = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen))
    prefit_res = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen))
    postfit = np.zeros(nModels)
    postfit_sums = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen)) 
    postfit_res = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen))

    numObs = np.zeros(nModels)
    numObs_sums = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen))

    change = info['changes']
    print("Changes for site",info['site'],change)
    # keep track of how may observations are in each bin
    #SiteFreq = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen))
    #Models = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen))
    #model_stdev = np.zeros((int(params['numModels']),nAz,nZen))
    # create a new model everythime there has been a change of antenna
    for m in range(0,nModels):
        print(info['site'],"----> creating model",m+1,"of",info['numModels'])

        # start_yyyy and start_ddd should always be defind, however stop_dd may be absent
        #ie no changes have ocured since the last setup
        minVal_dt = gt.ydhms2dt(change['start_yyyy'][m],change['start_ddd'][m],0,0,0)

        if np.size(change['stop_ddd']) > m  :
            maxVal_dt = gt.ydhms2dt(change['stop_yyyy'][m],change['stop_ddd'][m],23,59,59)
            criterion = ( ( site_residuals[:,0] >= calendar.timegm(minVal_dt.utctimetuple()) ) &
                    ( site_residuals[:,0] < calendar.timegm(maxVal_dt.utctimetuple()) ) )
            criterion = ( site_residuals[:,0] >= calendar.timegm(minVal_dt.utctimetuple()) ) 
            maxVal_dt = gt.unix2dt(site_residuals[-1,0])

        # get the residuals for this model time period
        mind = np.array(np.where(criterion))[0]
        model_residuals = site_residuals[mind,:]
        diff_dt = maxVal_dt - minVal_dt
        numDays = diff_dt.days + 1
        print("Have a total of",numDays,"days",np.shape(models))

        prefit[m], prefit_sums[m,:,:], prefit_res[m,:,:], postfit[m], postfit_sums[m,:,:], postfit_res[m,:,:],numObs[m],numObs_sums[m,:,:] = setUpPostFitTasks(models,model_residuals,args.cpu,zen_grid,az_grid,params,numDays,minVal_dt)
        print("FINISHED Post fit RUN for model",m)
    return prefit, prefit_sums, prefit_res, postfit, postfit_sums, postfit_res,numObs,numObs_sums
Exemple #2
def processAzSlice(model_residuals,svs,args,params,numDays,minVal_dt,az) :
    tSat = np.size(svs) * (int(14./args.nadir_grid) + 2)
    tSite = int(90./args.zen) + 1 
    numParams = tSat + tSite
    Neq = np.zeros((numParams,numParams))
    AtWb = np.zeros(numParams)
    SiteFreq = np.zeros(tSite)
    # set up a lookup dictionary
    lookup_svs = {}
    lctr = 0
    for sv in svs:
        lookup_svs[str(sv)] = lctr
    site_geocentric_distance = np.linalg.norm(params['sitepos'])

    for d in range(0,numDays):
        minDTO = minVal_dt + dt.timedelta(days = d)
        maxDTO = minVal_dt + dt.timedelta(days = d+1)
        #print(d,"Stacking residuals on:",minDTO,maxDTO)
        criterion = ( ( model_residuals[:,0] >= calendar.timegm(minDTO.utctimetuple()) ) &
                      ( model_residuals[:,0] < calendar.timegm(maxDTO.utctimetuple()) ) )
        tind = np.array(np.where(criterion))[0]
        # if there are less than 300 obs, then skip to the next day
        if np.size(tind) < 300:
        #print("rejecting any residuals greater than 100mm",np.shape(site_residuals))
        tdata = res.reject_absVal(model_residuals[tind,:],100.)
        #print("rejecting any residuals greater than 5 sigma",np.shape(tdata))
        data = res.reject_outliers_elevation(tdata,5,0.5)
        #print("finished outlier detection",np.shape(data))
        del tdata
        # determine the elevation dependent weighting
        a,b = res.gamitWeight(data)
        if(az - args.az/2. < 0) :
            criterion = (data[:,1] < (az + args.az/2.)) | (data[:,1] > (360. - args.az/2.) )
            criterion = (data[:,1] < (az + args.az/2.)) & (data[:,1] > (az - args.az/2.) )
        azind = np.array(np.where(criterion))[0]
        #print("Size of data before azimuth search",np.size(data))
        data = data[azind,:]    
        #print("Size of data after azimuth search",np.size(data))
        # parse the broadcast navigation file for this day to get an accurate
        # nadir angle
        yy = minDTO.strftime("%y") 
        doy = minDTO.strftime("%j") 
        navfile = args.brdc_dir + 'brdc'+ doy +'0.'+ yy +'n'
        #print("Will read in the broadcast navigation file:",navfile)
        nav = rnxN.parseFile(navfile)
        # Get the total number of observations for this site
        numd = np.shape(data)[0]
        for i in range(0,numd):
            # work out the svn number
            svndto =  gt.unix2dt(data[i,0])
            svn = svnav.findSV_DTO(svdat,data[i,4],svndto)
            svn_search = 'G{:03d}'.format(svn) 
            #print("Looking for:",svn_search,lookup_svs)
            ctr = lookup_svs[str(svn_search)]
            #print("Position is CTR:",ctr,data[i,4])
                # get the satellite position
                svnpos = rnxN.satpos(data[i,4],svndto,nav)
                satnorm = np.linalg.norm(svnpos[0])
                print("Error calculation satelite position for",svndto,data[i,:])
            # work out the nadir angle
            nadir = NADIR.calcNadirAngle(data[i,2],site_geocentric_distance,satnorm)
            #print("Ele {:.2f} Old: {:.2f} New:{:.2f}".format(data[i,2],oldnadir,nadir))
            #print("Ele {:.2f} New:{:.2f}".format(data[i,2],nadir))
            w = a**2 + b**2/np.sin(np.radians(90.-data[i,2]))**2
            w = 1./w
            # Work out the indices for the satellite parameters
            niz = int(np.floor(nadir/args.nadir_grid))
            iz = int((numParamsPerSat * ctr) + niz)
            pco_iz = numParamsPerSat * (ctr+1) - 1 
            # work out the location of site parameters
            nsiz = int(np.floor(data[i,2]/args.zen))
            #aiz = int(np.floor(data[i,1]/args.az))
            #siz = int( tSat +  (m*numParamsPerSite) + (aiz * nZen) + nsiz)
            siz = int( tSat + nsiz)
            # check that the indices are not overlapping
            if iz+1 >= pco_iz or iz >= pco_iz:
                #print("WARNING in indices iz+1 = pco_iz skipping obs",nadir,iz,pco_iz)
            #NadirFreq[ctr,niz] = NadirFreq[ctr,niz] +1
            SiteFreq[nsiz] = SiteFreq[nsiz] +1
            # R = SITE_PCV_ERR + SAT_PCV_ERR + SAT_PCO_ERR * cos(nadir)
            # dR/dSITE_PCV_ERR = 1
            # dR/dSAT_PCV_ERR  = 1 
            # dR/dSAT_PCO_ERR  = cos(nadir)
            # nice partial derivative tool:
            #  http://www.symbolab.com/solver/partial-derivative-calculator
            # Nadir partials..
            Apart_1 = (1.-(nadir-niz*args.nadir_grid)/args.nadir_grid)
            Apart_2 = (nadir-niz*args.nadir_grid)/args.nadir_grid
            # PCO partial ...
            Apart_3 = np.cos(np.radians(nadir)) 
            # Site partials
            Apart_4 = (1.-(data[i,2]-nsiz*args.zen)/args.zen)
            Apart_5 = (data[i,2]-nsiz*args.zen)/args.zen
            #print("Finished forming Design matrix")
            #print("Starting AtWb",np.shape(AtWb),iz,pco_iz,siz)
            AtWb[iz]     = AtWb[iz]     + Apart_1 * data[i,3] * w
            AtWb[iz+1]   = AtWb[iz+1]   + Apart_2 * data[i,3] * w
            AtWb[pco_iz] = AtWb[pco_iz] + Apart_3 * data[i,3] * w
            AtWb[siz]    = AtWb[siz]    + Apart_4 * data[i,3] * w
            AtWb[siz+1]  = AtWb[siz+1]  + Apart_5 * data[i,3] * w
            #print("Finished forming b vector")
            Neq[iz,iz]     = Neq[iz,iz]     + (Apart_1 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[iz,iz+1]   = Neq[iz,iz+1]   + (Apart_1 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[iz,pco_iz] = Neq[iz,pco_iz] + (Apart_1 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[iz,siz]    = Neq[iz,siz]    + (Apart_1 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[iz,siz+1]  = Neq[iz,siz+1]  + (Apart_1 * Apart_5 * w)
            Neq[iz+1,iz]     = Neq[iz+1,iz]     + (Apart_2 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[iz+1,iz+1]   = Neq[iz+1,iz+1]   + (Apart_2 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[iz+1,pco_iz] = Neq[iz+1,pco_iz] + (Apart_2 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[iz+1,siz]    = Neq[iz+1,siz]    + (Apart_2 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[iz+1,siz+1]  = Neq[iz+1,siz+1]  + (Apart_2 * Apart_5 * w)
            #print("Finished NEQ Nadir estimates")
            Neq[pco_iz,iz]     = Neq[pco_iz,iz]     + (Apart_3 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[pco_iz,iz+1]   = Neq[pco_iz,iz+1]   + (Apart_3 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[pco_iz,pco_iz] = Neq[pco_iz,pco_iz] + (Apart_3 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[pco_iz,siz]    = Neq[pco_iz,siz]    + (Apart_3 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[pco_iz,siz+1]  = Neq[pco_iz,siz+1]  + (Apart_3 * Apart_5 * w)
            #print("Finished NEQ PCO estimates")
            Neq[siz,iz]     = Neq[siz,iz]     + (Apart_4 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[siz,iz+1]   = Neq[siz,iz+1]   + (Apart_4 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[siz,pco_iz] = Neq[siz,pco_iz] + (Apart_4 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[siz,siz]    = Neq[siz,siz]    + (Apart_4 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[siz,siz+1]  = Neq[siz,siz+1]  + (Apart_4 * Apart_5 * w)
            Neq[siz+1,iz]     = Neq[siz+1,iz]     + (Apart_5 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[siz+1,iz+1]   = Neq[siz+1,iz+1]   + (Apart_5 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[siz+1,pco_iz] = Neq[siz+1,pco_iz] + (Apart_5 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[siz+1,siz]    = Neq[siz+1,siz]    + (Apart_5 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[siz+1,siz+1]  = Neq[siz+1,siz+1]  + (Apart_5 * Apart_5 * w)
            #print("Finished NEQ Site estimates")
            if siz == pco_iz:
                print("ERROR in indices siz = pco_iz")
    # Add the parameter constraints to the Neq
    #Neq = np.add(Neq,C_inv) 
    C_inv = formConstraints(args,tSat,tSite,1,numParams)
    Neq = np.add(Neq,C_inv)
    Cov = np.linalg.pinv(Neq)
    Sol = np.dot(Cov,AtWb)

    stdev = np.sqrt(np.diag(Cov))
    return Sol, stdev, SiteFreq, az
Exemple #3
def solveSiteModel(site_residuals, svs, params, apr, nadSpacing=0.1, zenSpacing=0.5, azSpacing=0.5, brdc_dir="./"):
    Create a model for the satellites and sites at the same time.
    PWL piece-wise-linear interpolation fit of phase residuals
    -construct a PWL fit for each azimuth bin, and then paste them all together to get 
     the full model
    -inversion is done within each bin

    site_residuals = the one-way L3 post-fit, ambiguity fixed phase residuals
    svs = an array of satellite SVN numbers that are spacebourne/operating
          for the period of this residual stack
    params = meta data about the solution bein attempted
             ['site'] = 4 char site id
             ['changes'] = dictionary of when model changes need to be applied
    apr = satellite apriori data
    #prechi = 0
    #NUMD   = 0
    # add one to make sure we have a linspace which includes 0.0 and 14.0
    # add another parameter for the zenith PCO estimate
    numNADS = int(14.0/nadSpacing) + 1 
    PCOEstimates = 1
    numSVS = np.size(svs)
    numParamsPerSat = numNADS + PCOEstimates
    tSat = numParamsPerSat * numSVS

    nZen = int(90.0/zenSpacing) + 1
    nAz = int(360./azSpacing) 
    numParamsPerSite = nZen * nAz
    tSite = numParamsPerSite*params['numModels']
    numParams = tSat + tSite 

    print("Processing Site:                        ",params['site'])
    print("Sat Params:----------------",numParamsPerSat)
    print("Number of Sats:------------",np.size(svs))
    print("Total satellite parameters:-------------",tSat)
    print("Site Params:---------------",numParamsPerSite)
    print("Number of Models:----------",params['numModels'])
    print("Total Site Params:----------------------",tSite)
    print("Total Params:---------------------------",numParams)

    # Creating matrices
    #Neq = np.zeros((numParams,numParams))
    #AtWb = np.zeros(numParams)
    change = params['changes']
    print("Changes for site",params['site'],change)
    # keep track of how may observations are in each bin
    #NadirFreq = np.zeros((numSVS,numNADS))
    SiteFreq = np.zeros((int(params['numModels']),nAz,nZen))
    Models = np.zeros((int(params['numModels']),nAz,nZen))
    model_stdev = np.zeros((int(params['numModels']),nAz,nZen))
    # create a new model everythime there has been a change of antenna
    for m in range(0,int(params['numModels'])):
        print(params['site'],"----> creating model",m+1,"of",params['numModels'])

        # start_yyyy and start_ddd should always be defind, however stop_dd may be absent
        #ie no changes have ocured since the last setup
        minVal_dt = gt.ydhms2dt(change['start_yyyy'][m],change['start_ddd'][m],0,0,0)

        if np.size(change['stop_ddd']) > m  :
            maxVal_dt = gt.ydhms2dt(change['stop_yyyy'][m],change['stop_ddd'][m],23,59,59)
            criterion = ( ( site_residuals[:,0] >= calendar.timegm(minVal_dt.utctimetuple()) ) &
                    ( site_residuals[:,0] < calendar.timegm(maxVal_dt.utctimetuple()) ) )
            criterion = ( site_residuals[:,0] >= calendar.timegm(minVal_dt.utctimetuple()) ) 
            maxVal_dt = gt.unix2dt(site_residuals[-1,0])

        # get the residuals for this model time period
        mind = np.array(np.where(criterion))[0]
        model_residuals = site_residuals[mind,:]
        diff_dt = maxVal_dt - minVal_dt
        numDays = diff_dt.days + 1
        print("Have a total of",numDays,"days")
        Models[m,:,:], model_stdev[m,:,:],SiteFreq[m,:,:] = setUpAzTasks(model_residuals,svs,args,params,numDays,minVal_dt,nAz)
        print("FINISHED AZ RUN for model",m)
    print("Normal finish of pwl")
    return Models, model_stdev, SiteFreq
Exemple #4
        for item in ([ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] +
                                     ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):

    # Calculate the block median
    zz = np.linspace(0,90,181)

    if args.consolidatedFile :
        cdata = parseConsolidated(args.consolidatedFile) 

    if args.daily:
        dt_start = gt.unix2dt(cdata[0,0])
        startDTO = dt_start
        res_start = int(dt_start.strftime("%Y") + dt_start.strftime("%j"))

        dt_stop = gt.unix2dt(cdata[-1,0])
        res_stop = int(dt_stop.strftime("%Y") + dt_stop.strftime("%j"))

        total_time = dt_stop - dt_start
        days = total_time.days + 1
        print("Residuals start from:",res_start," and end at ",res_stop,"total_time:",total_time,"in days:",total_time.days)

        eleMedians = np.zeros((days,181))
        d = 0
        while d < days:
            minDTO = startDTO + dt.timedelta(days = d)
            maxDTO = startDTO + dt.timedelta(days = d+1)
Exemple #5
   # Work out the time scale of observations, and number of parameters
   # that will be solved for. 
   if args.syyyy and args.eyyyy:
       dt_start = dt.datetime(int(args.syyyy),01,01) + dt.timedelta(days=int(args.sdoy)-1)
       dt_stop  = dt.datetime(int(args.eyyyy),01,01) + dt.timedelta(days=int(args.edoy)-1)
       print("\tusing:",args.resfile,"to work out the time period to determine how many satellites were operating.")
       dt_start = gt.unix2dt(site_residuals[0,0])
       res_start = int(dt_start.strftime("%Y") + dt_start.strftime("%j")-1)
       dt_stop = gt.unix2dt(site_residuals[-1,0])
       res_stop = int(dt_stop.strftime("%Y") + dt_stop.strftime("%j")-1)
       print("\tResiduals run from:",res_start,"to:",res_stop)
   filename    = os.path.basename(args.resfile)
   siteID      = filename[0:4]
   sdata       = gsf.parseSite(args.station_file,siteID.upper())
   changes     = gsf.determineESMChanges(dt_start,dt_stop,sdata)
   sitepos     = gapr.getStationPos(args.apr_file,siteID)
   numModels   = np.size(changes['ind']) + 1
   info = {}
   info['filename']  = args.resfile
   info['basename']  = filename
Exemple #6
def setUpCalcSiteModelPostFit(models, site_residuals, info, zen_grid, az_grid,
    nZen = int(90.0 / zen_grid) + 1
    nAz = int(360. / az_grid)
    print("nAz", nAz)

    #numParamsPerSite = nZen * nAz
    nModels = info['numModels']
    #tSite = numParamsPerSite*params['numModels']
    #numParams = tSat + tSite

    prefit = np.zeros(nModels)
    prefit_sums = np.zeros((nModels, nAz, nZen))
    prefit_res = np.zeros((nModels, nAz, nZen))

    postfit = np.zeros(nModels)
    postfit_sums = np.zeros((nModels, nAz, nZen))
    postfit_res = np.zeros((nModels, nAz, nZen))

    numObs = np.zeros(nModels)
    numObs_sums = np.zeros((nModels, nAz, nZen))

    change = info['changes']
    print("Changes for site", info['site'], change)
    # keep track of how may observations are in each bin
    #SiteFreq = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen))
    #Models = np.zeros((nModels,nAz,nZen))
    #model_stdev = np.zeros((int(params['numModels']),nAz,nZen))
    # create a new model everythime there has been a change of antenna
    for m in range(0, nModels):
        print(info['site'], "----> creating model", m + 1, "of",

        # start_yyyy and start_ddd should always be defind, however stop_dd may be absent
        #ie no changes have ocured since the last setup
        minVal_dt = gt.ydhms2dt(change['start_yyyy'][m],
                                change['start_ddd'][m], 0, 0, 0)

        if np.size(change['stop_ddd']) > m:
            maxVal_dt = gt.ydhms2dt(change['stop_yyyy'][m],
                                    change['stop_ddd'][m], 23, 59, 59)
            print("Min:", minVal_dt, "Max:", maxVal_dt, m,
            criterion = ((site_residuals[:, 0] >= calendar.timegm(
                minVal_dt.utctimetuple())) &
                         (site_residuals[:, 0] < calendar.timegm(
            criterion = (site_residuals[:, 0] >= calendar.timegm(
            maxVal_dt = gt.unix2dt(site_residuals[-1, 0])

        # get the residuals for this model time period
        mind = np.array(np.where(criterion))[0]
        model_residuals = site_residuals[mind, :]
        diff_dt = maxVal_dt - minVal_dt
        numDays = diff_dt.days + 1
        print("Have a total of", numDays, "days", np.shape(models))

        prefit[m], prefit_sums[m, :, :], prefit_res[
            m, :, :], postfit[m], postfit_sums[m, :, :], postfit_res[
                m, :, :], numObs[m], numObs_sums[m, :, :] = setUpPostFitTasks(
                    models, model_residuals, args.cpu, zen_grid, az_grid,
                    params, numDays, minVal_dt)

        print("FINISHED Post fit RUN for model", m)

    return prefit, prefit_sums, prefit_res, postfit, postfit_sums, postfit_res, numObs, numObs_sums
Exemple #7
def solveSiteModel(site_residuals,
    Create a model for the satellites and sites at the same time.
    PWL piece-wise-linear interpolation fit of phase residuals
    -construct a PWL fit for each azimuth bin, and then paste them all together to get 
     the full model
    -inversion is done within each bin

    site_residuals = the one-way L3 post-fit, ambiguity fixed phase residuals
    svs = an array of satellite SVN numbers that are spacebourne/operating
          for the period of this residual stack
    params = meta data about the solution bein attempted
             ['site'] = 4 char site id
             ['changes'] = dictionary of when model changes need to be applied
    apr = satellite apriori data
    #prechi = 0
    #NUMD   = 0
    # add one to make sure we have a linspace which includes 0.0 and 14.0
    # add another parameter for the zenith PCO estimate
    numNADS = int(14.0 / nadSpacing) + 1
    PCOEstimates = 1
    numSVS = np.size(svs)
    numParamsPerSat = numNADS + PCOEstimates
    tSat = numParamsPerSat * numSVS

    nZen = int(90.0 / zenSpacing) + 1
    nAz = int(360. / azSpacing)
    print("nAz", nAz)
    numParamsPerSite = nZen * nAz
    tSite = numParamsPerSite * params['numModels']
    numParams = tSat + tSite

    print("Processing Site:                        ", params['site'])
    print("Sat Params:----------------", numParamsPerSat)
    print("Number of Sats:------------", np.size(svs))
    print("Total satellite parameters:-------------", tSat)
    print("Site Params:---------------", numParamsPerSite)
    print("Number of Models:----------", params['numModels'])
    print("Total Site Params:----------------------", tSite)
    print("Total Params:---------------------------", numParams)

    # Creating matrices
    #Neq = np.zeros((numParams,numParams))
    #AtWb = np.zeros(numParams)
    change = params['changes']
    print("Changes for site", params['site'], change)
    # keep track of how may observations are in each bin
    #NadirFreq = np.zeros((numSVS,numNADS))
    SiteFreq = np.zeros((int(params['numModels']), nAz, nZen))
    Models = np.zeros((int(params['numModels']), nAz, nZen))
    model_stdev = np.zeros((int(params['numModels']), nAz, nZen))
    # create a new model everythime there has been a change of antenna
    for m in range(0, int(params['numModels'])):
        print(params['site'], "----> creating model", m + 1, "of",

        # start_yyyy and start_ddd should always be defind, however stop_dd may be absent
        #ie no changes have ocured since the last setup
        minVal_dt = gt.ydhms2dt(change['start_yyyy'][m],
                                change['start_ddd'][m], 0, 0, 0)

        if np.size(change['stop_ddd']) > m:
            maxVal_dt = gt.ydhms2dt(change['stop_yyyy'][m],
                                    change['stop_ddd'][m], 23, 59, 59)
            print("Min:", minVal_dt, "Max:", maxVal_dt, m,
            criterion = ((site_residuals[:, 0] >= calendar.timegm(
                minVal_dt.utctimetuple())) &
                         (site_residuals[:, 0] < calendar.timegm(
            criterion = (site_residuals[:, 0] >= calendar.timegm(
            maxVal_dt = gt.unix2dt(site_residuals[-1, 0])

        # get the residuals for this model time period
        mind = np.array(np.where(criterion))[0]
        model_residuals = site_residuals[mind, :]
        diff_dt = maxVal_dt - minVal_dt
        numDays = diff_dt.days + 1
        print("Have a total of", numDays, "days")

        Models[m, :, :], model_stdev[m, :, :], SiteFreq[
            m, :, :] = setUpAzTasks(model_residuals, svs, args, params,
                                    numDays, minVal_dt, nAz)
        print("FINISHED AZ RUN for model", m)

    print("Normal finish of pwl")

    return Models, model_stdev, SiteFreq
Exemple #8
def processAzSlice(model_residuals, svs, args, params, numDays, minVal_dt, az):

    tSat = np.size(svs) * (int(14. / args.nadir_grid) + 2)
    tSite = int(90. / args.zen) + 1
    numParams = tSat + tSite
    Neq = np.zeros((numParams, numParams))
    AtWb = np.zeros(numParams)
    SiteFreq = np.zeros(tSite)
    # set up a lookup dictionary
    lookup_svs = {}
    lctr = 0
    for sv in svs:
        lookup_svs[str(sv)] = lctr
        lctr += 1

    site_geocentric_distance = np.linalg.norm(params['sitepos'])

    for d in range(0, numDays):
        minDTO = minVal_dt + dt.timedelta(days=d)
        maxDTO = minVal_dt + dt.timedelta(days=d + 1)

        #print(d,"Stacking residuals on:",minDTO,maxDTO)
        criterion = (
            (model_residuals[:, 0] >= calendar.timegm(minDTO.utctimetuple())) &
            (model_residuals[:, 0] < calendar.timegm(maxDTO.utctimetuple())))
        tind = np.array(np.where(criterion))[0]

        # if there are less than 300 obs, then skip to the next day
        if np.size(tind) < 300:

        #print("rejecting any residuals greater than 100mm",np.shape(site_residuals))
        tdata = res.reject_absVal(model_residuals[tind, :], 100.)

        #print("rejecting any residuals greater than 5 sigma",np.shape(tdata))
        data = res.reject_outliers_elevation(tdata, 5, 0.5)
        #print("finished outlier detection",np.shape(data))
        del tdata

        # determine the elevation dependent weighting
        a, b = res.gamitWeight(data)

        if (az - args.az / 2. < 0):
            criterion = (data[:, 1] <
                         (az + args.az / 2.)) | (data[:, 1] >
                                                 (360. - args.az / 2.))
            criterion = (data[:, 1] <
                         (az + args.az / 2.)) & (data[:, 1] >
                                                 (az - args.az / 2.))

        azind = np.array(np.where(criterion))[0]
        #print("Size of data before azimuth search",np.size(data))
        data = data[azind, :]
        #print("Size of data after azimuth search",np.size(data))
        # parse the broadcast navigation file for this day to get an accurate
        # nadir angle
        yy = minDTO.strftime("%y")
        doy = minDTO.strftime("%j")
        navfile = args.brdc_dir + 'brdc' + doy + '0.' + yy + 'n'
        #print("Will read in the broadcast navigation file:",navfile)
        nav = rnxN.parseFile(navfile)

        # Get the total number of observations for this site
        numd = np.shape(data)[0]
        for i in range(0, numd):
            # work out the svn number
            svndto = gt.unix2dt(data[i, 0])
            svn = svnav.findSV_DTO(svdat, data[i, 4], svndto)
            svn_search = 'G{:03d}'.format(svn)
            #print("Looking for:",svn_search,lookup_svs)
            ctr = lookup_svs[str(svn_search)]
            #print("Position is CTR:",ctr,data[i,4])
                # get the satellite position
                svnpos = rnxN.satpos(data[i, 4], svndto, nav)
                satnorm = np.linalg.norm(svnpos[0])
                print("Error calculation satelite position for", svndto,
                      data[i, :])

            # work out the nadir angle
            nadir = NADIR.calcNadirAngle(data[i, 2], site_geocentric_distance,
            #print("Ele {:.2f} Old: {:.2f} New:{:.2f}".format(data[i,2],oldnadir,nadir))
            #print("Ele {:.2f} New:{:.2f}".format(data[i,2],nadir))
            w = a**2 + b**2 / np.sin(np.radians(90. - data[i, 2]))**2
            w = 1. / w

            # Work out the indices for the satellite parameters
            niz = int(np.floor(nadir / args.nadir_grid))
            iz = int((numParamsPerSat * ctr) + niz)
            pco_iz = numParamsPerSat * (ctr + 1) - 1

            # work out the location of site parameters
            nsiz = int(np.floor(data[i, 2] / args.zen))
            #aiz = int(np.floor(data[i,1]/args.az))

            #siz = int( tSat +  (m*numParamsPerSite) + (aiz * nZen) + nsiz)
            siz = int(tSat + nsiz)

            # check that the indices are not overlapping
            if iz + 1 >= pco_iz or iz >= pco_iz:
                #print("WARNING in indices iz+1 = pco_iz skipping obs",nadir,iz,pco_iz)

            #NadirFreq[ctr,niz] = NadirFreq[ctr,niz] +1
            SiteFreq[nsiz] = SiteFreq[nsiz] + 1
            # R = SITE_PCV_ERR + SAT_PCV_ERR + SAT_PCO_ERR * cos(nadir)
            # dR/dSITE_PCV_ERR = 1
            # dR/dSAT_PCV_ERR  = 1
            # dR/dSAT_PCO_ERR  = cos(nadir)
            # nice partial derivative tool:
            #  http://www.symbolab.com/solver/partial-derivative-calculator
            # Nadir partials..
            Apart_1 = (1. - (nadir - niz * args.nadir_grid) / args.nadir_grid)
            Apart_2 = (nadir - niz * args.nadir_grid) / args.nadir_grid
            # PCO partial ...
            Apart_3 = np.cos(np.radians(nadir))

            # Site partials
            Apart_4 = (1. - (data[i, 2] - nsiz * args.zen) / args.zen)
            Apart_5 = (data[i, 2] - nsiz * args.zen) / args.zen
            #print("Finished forming Design matrix")

            #print("Starting AtWb",np.shape(AtWb),iz,pco_iz,siz)
            AtWb[iz] = AtWb[iz] + Apart_1 * data[i, 3] * w
            AtWb[iz + 1] = AtWb[iz + 1] + Apart_2 * data[i, 3] * w
            AtWb[pco_iz] = AtWb[pco_iz] + Apart_3 * data[i, 3] * w
            AtWb[siz] = AtWb[siz] + Apart_4 * data[i, 3] * w
            AtWb[siz + 1] = AtWb[siz + 1] + Apart_5 * data[i, 3] * w
            #print("Finished forming b vector")

            Neq[iz, iz] = Neq[iz, iz] + (Apart_1 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[iz, iz + 1] = Neq[iz, iz + 1] + (Apart_1 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[iz, pco_iz] = Neq[iz, pco_iz] + (Apart_1 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[iz, siz] = Neq[iz, siz] + (Apart_1 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[iz, siz + 1] = Neq[iz, siz + 1] + (Apart_1 * Apart_5 * w)

            Neq[iz + 1, iz] = Neq[iz + 1, iz] + (Apart_2 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[iz + 1, iz + 1] = Neq[iz + 1, iz + 1] + (Apart_2 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[iz + 1, pco_iz] = Neq[iz + 1, pco_iz] + (Apart_2 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[iz + 1, siz] = Neq[iz + 1, siz] + (Apart_2 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[iz + 1,
                siz + 1] = Neq[iz + 1, siz + 1] + (Apart_2 * Apart_5 * w)
            #print("Finished NEQ Nadir estimates")

            Neq[pco_iz, iz] = Neq[pco_iz, iz] + (Apart_3 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[pco_iz, iz + 1] = Neq[pco_iz, iz + 1] + (Apart_3 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[pco_iz, pco_iz] = Neq[pco_iz, pco_iz] + (Apart_3 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[pco_iz, siz] = Neq[pco_iz, siz] + (Apart_3 * Apart_4 * w)
                siz + 1] = Neq[pco_iz, siz + 1] + (Apart_3 * Apart_5 * w)
            #print("Finished NEQ PCO estimates")

            Neq[siz, iz] = Neq[siz, iz] + (Apart_4 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[siz, iz + 1] = Neq[siz, iz + 1] + (Apart_4 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[siz, pco_iz] = Neq[siz, pco_iz] + (Apart_4 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[siz, siz] = Neq[siz, siz] + (Apart_4 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[siz, siz + 1] = Neq[siz, siz + 1] + (Apart_4 * Apart_5 * w)

            Neq[siz + 1, iz] = Neq[siz + 1, iz] + (Apart_5 * Apart_1 * w)
            Neq[siz + 1,
                iz + 1] = Neq[siz + 1, iz + 1] + (Apart_5 * Apart_2 * w)
            Neq[siz + 1,
                pco_iz] = Neq[siz + 1, pco_iz] + (Apart_5 * Apart_3 * w)
            Neq[siz + 1, siz] = Neq[siz + 1, siz] + (Apart_5 * Apart_4 * w)
            Neq[siz + 1,
                siz + 1] = Neq[siz + 1, siz + 1] + (Apart_5 * Apart_5 * w)
            #print("Finished NEQ Site estimates")

            if siz == pco_iz:
                print("ERROR in indices siz = pco_iz")

    # Add the parameter constraints to the Neq
    #Neq = np.add(Neq,C_inv)
    C_inv = formConstraints(args, tSat, tSite, 1, numParams)
    Neq = np.add(Neq, C_inv)
    Cov = np.linalg.pinv(Neq)
    Sol = np.dot(Cov, AtWb)

    stdev = np.sqrt(np.diag(Cov))

    return Sol, stdev, SiteFreq, az
Exemple #9
        if args.syyyy and args.eyyyy:
            dt_start = dt.datetime(int(args.syyyy), 01,
                                   01) + dt.timedelta(days=int(args.sdoy) - 1)
            dt_stop = dt.datetime(int(args.eyyyy), 01,
                                  01) + dt.timedelta(days=int(args.edoy) - 1)
                "\tusing:", args.resfile,
                "to work out the time period to determine how many satellites were operating."

            dt_start = gt.unix2dt(site_residuals[0, 0])
            res_start = int(
                dt_start.strftime("%Y") + dt_start.strftime("%j") - 1)
            dt_stop = gt.unix2dt(site_residuals[-1, 0])
            res_stop = int(dt_stop.strftime("%Y") + dt_stop.strftime("%j") - 1)
            print("\tResiduals run from:", res_start, "to:", res_stop)

        filename = os.path.basename(args.resfile)
        siteID = filename[0:4]
        sdata = gsf.parseSite(args.station_file, siteID.upper())
        changes = gsf.determineESMChanges(dt_start, dt_stop, sdata)
        sitepos = gapr.getStationPos(args.apr_file, siteID)
        numModels = np.size(changes['ind']) + 1

        info = {}
        info['filename'] = args.resfile
Exemple #10
        for item in ([ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] +
                     ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):


    # Calculate the block median
    zz = np.linspace(0, 90, 181)

    if args.consolidatedFile:
        cdata = parseConsolidated(args.consolidatedFile)

    if args.daily:
        dt_start = gt.unix2dt(cdata[0, 0])
        startDTO = dt_start
        res_start = int(dt_start.strftime("%Y") + dt_start.strftime("%j"))

        dt_stop = gt.unix2dt(cdata[-1, 0])
        res_stop = int(dt_stop.strftime("%Y") + dt_stop.strftime("%j"))

        total_time = dt_stop - dt_start
        days = total_time.days + 1
        print("Residuals start from:", res_start, " and end at ", res_stop,
              "total_time:", total_time, "in days:", total_time.days)

        eleMedians = np.zeros((days, 181))
        d = 0
        while d < days:
            minDTO = startDTO + dt.timedelta(days=d)