def navGoal_callb(msg): ''' reference state update. Specifically for Rviz''' global wayPoints, state_ref wayPoints = [] point = msg.pose.position state_ref[0] = point.x state_ref[1] = point.y state_ref[2] = point.z wp = GPS_data() wp.x = point.x wp.y = point.y wayPoints.append(point)
def calculate_transect(theta_c): global state_asv point1 = GPS_data() point2 = GPS_data() distL = get_distance(theta_c + math.pi / 2, 21) distR = get_distance(theta_c - math.pi / 2, 21) point1.x = state_asv[0] + (distR + 10) * math.cos(theta_c - math.pi / 2) point1.y = state_asv[1] + (distR + 10) * math.sin(theta_c - math.pi / 2) point2.x = state_asv[0] + (distL + 10) * math.cos(theta_c + math.pi / 2) point2.y = state_asv[1] + (distL + 10) * math.sin(theta_c + math.pi / 2) #how should the points be saved for transect controller?? return [point1, point2]
def create_wpList(): global wayPoints pub = rospy.Publisher('wpArray', MarkerArray, queue_size=1) markerArray = MarkerArray() point = GPS_data() list = [] point.x = 15.0 point.y = 0.0 wayPoints.append(point) point = GPS_data() point.x = 20.0 point.y = 2.0 wayPoints.append(point)
Example: this node should be ran with the nmea driver. Don't forget to connect the GPS to the jetson!! If you encounter permission issue, run: sudo chmod 666 /dev/serial/by-id/* rosrun commands: rosrun nmea_navsat_driver nmea_serial_driver _port:="/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller-if00-port0" _baud:=119200 rosrun gps_reader """ origLat = 0.0 origLon = 0.0 gps_message = GPS_data() pub_gps = rospy.Publisher('/GPS_coord', GPS_data, queue_size=10) x_prev = 0.0 y_prev = 0.0 t_prev = rospy.Time() angC_prev = 0.0 def GPS_posCallb(msg): '''Call back function on the /fix published by the nmea driver Reads the position in latitude and longitude. Converts it to x,y. Publishes custom message with positions: x,y,lon,lat and velocities: lin,ang Args: msg (NavSatFix) message published by the /fix''' global origLat, origLon, gps_message, pub_gps, x_vel, y_vel, ang_vel
def create_wpList(): ''' Dummy waypoint generation ''' global wayPoints pub = rospy.Publisher('wpArray', MarkerArray, queue_size=1) markerArray = MarkerArray() point = GPS_data() list = [] point.x = 1.0 point.y = 0.0 wayPoints.append(point) point = GPS_data() point.x = 5.0 point.y = 2.0 wayPoints.append(point) point = GPS_data() point.x = 70.0 point.y = 60.0 wayPoints.append(point) point = GPS_data() point.x = 50.0 point.y = 50.0 wayPoints.append(point) point = GPS_data() point.x = 30.0 point.y = 20.0 wayPoints.append(point) point = GPS_data() point.x = 0.0 point.y = 0.0 wayPoints.append(point)
def main(): rospy.init_node('wpCreator') point = GPS_data() wpList = GPS_WayPoints() pub = rospy.Publisher('ControlCenter/gps_wp', GPS_WayPoints, queue_size=10) list = [] point.x = 2.0 point.y = 0.0 list.append(point) point.x = 5.0 point.y = 2.0 list.append(point) point.x = 7.0 point.y = 6.0 list.append(point) point.x = 5.0 point.y = 5.0 list.append(point) point.x = 3.0 point.y = 2.0 list.append(point) point.x = 0.0 point.y = 0.0 list.append(point) wpList = list pub.publish(wpList)