def __init__(self):
        # Open the file descriptors
        BUFSIZE = 1024
        self.mb100log = open("logs/mb100.log", 'wb', BUFSIZE)
        self.mb100rcv = serial.Serial("/dev/mb100rover", 115200, timeout=0.04)

        # Static rotation matrix
        self.klingen = sio.loadmat('klingenberg.mat')
        self.fjorden = sio.loadmat('fjorden.mat')
        self.Rn2e = geo.RNED2ECEF(self.klingen['rotlon'],
        self.Re2n = self.Rn2e.T
        self.pos_of_ned_in_ecef = geo.wgs842ecef(self.klingen['rotlat'],

        # Create objects for the kftrack stuff
        self.kftrackpath = rospy.Publisher('kftrack', Path, queue_size=3)
        self.kftrackmsg = Path()
        self.kftrackmsg.header.frame_id = "ned"

        # Initialise pose for the graphic path segment for rviz
        h = Header()
        p = Point(0, 0, 0)
        q = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)
        self.kftrackmsg.poses.append(PoseStamped(h, Pose(p, q)))
        self.kftrackmsg.poses.append(PoseStamped(h, Pose(p, q)))

        self.x_hat = np.zeros(17)
    def __init__(self):
        self.thrustdiff = 0
        self.tau = np.zeros(5) # input vector
        self.x = np.zeros(17) # state vector
        self.x[0] = -40
        self.x[1] = -50

        self.x_hat = self.x
        self.v = np.array([0.1,0.1,13.5969e-006,0.2,0.2,0.00033,0.00033])#Measurement,noise
        self.z = np.zeros(7)
        self.P_plus = np.zeros([17,17])
        self.R = np.diag(self.v)
        self.R_i = np.diag(self.v)
        self.old_z = np.ones(7) # Used for calculation of speed over ground and track angle for the GPS

        # Construct kalmanfilterfoo, because it contains the aaushipsimmodel function
        self.f = kfoo.KF()

        self.roll = 0
        self.pitch = 0
        self.yaw = 0
        self.rightthruster = 0
        self.leftthruster = 0
        self.r = rospy.Rate(20) # Hz

        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('lli_input', LLIinput, self.llicb) = rospy.Publisher('kf_states', Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) # This should eventually be removed when the kf-node is tested against this
        self.subahrs = rospy.Subscriber('attitude', Quaternion, self.ahrscb) # Should be removed from here when the kf-node is tested against this
        self.pubimu = rospy.Publisher('imu', ADIS16405, queue_size=1, latch=True)
        self.trackpath = rospy.Publisher('track', Path, queue_size=3)
        self.pubgps1 = rospy.Publisher('gps1', GPS, queue_size=1, latch=False)

        # Construct variables for messages
        self.imumsg = ADIS16405()
        self.pubmsg = Float64MultiArray()
        self.trackmsg = Path()
        self.trackmsg.header.frame_id = "ned"
        self.gpsmsg = GPS()

        # Load external staitc map and path data
        self.klingen = sio.loadmat('klingenberg.mat')
        self.path = sio.loadmat('../../../../../matlab/2mmargintrack.mat')
        # Static rotation matrix
        self.Rn2e = geo.RNED2ECEF(self.klingen['rotlon'], self.klingen['rotlat'])
        self.pos_of_ned_in_ecef = geo.wgs842ecef(self.klingen['rotlat'], self.klingen['rotlon'])

        # Variables for the thrusters
        self.leftthruster = 0.0
        self.rightthruster = 0.0

        h = Header()
        q = Quaternion(0,0,0,1)
    def __init__(self):
        # Load discretised model constants
        self.ssmat = sio.loadmat('../../../../../matlab/ssaauship.mat')

        self.tau = np.zeros(5) # input vector
        self.x = np.zeros(17) # state vector
        self.x[0] = 20
        self.x_hat = self.x
        self.x_hat[0] = -40
        self.x_hat[1] = -50

        # Measurement noise vector and covarince matrix
        self.v = np.array([0.1,0.1,13.5969e-006,0.2,0.2,0.033,0.033])#Measurement,noise
        self.P_plus = np.zeros([17,17])
        self.R = np.diag(self.v)
        self.R_i = np.diag(self.v)

        # Initialisation of thruster input variables
        self.rightthruster = 0
        self.leftthruster = 0

        # Construct kalmanfilterfoo, because it contains the aaushipsimmodel function
        self.f = kfoo.KF()

        # Process noise vector and covariance matrix
        self.w = np.array([0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.033, 0.033, 0.033, 0.033, 0.033])
        self.Q = np.diag(self.w)
        self.no_of_states = 17

        # Measurement vector
        self.z = np.zeros(7)
        self.z[0] = 20

        self.kftrackpath = rospy.Publisher('kftrack', Path, queue_size=3)
        self.kftrackmsg = Path()
        self.kftrackmsg.header.frame_id = "ned"

        # Static rotation matrix
        self.klingen = sio.loadmat('klingenberg.mat')
        self.Rn2e = geo.RNED2ECEF(self.klingen['rotlon'], self.klingen['rotlat'])
        self.Re2n = self.Rn2e.T
        self.pos_of_ned_in_ecef = geo.wgs842ecef(self.klingen['rotlat'], self.klingen['rotlon'])
        self.fjorden = sio.loadmat('fjorden.mat')

        # Define the path poses for the map to display in rviz
        self.refmsg = Path()
        self.refmsg.header.frame_id = "ned"
        self.keepoutmsg = Path()
        self.keepoutmsg.header.frame_id = "ned"
        q = Quaternion(0,0,0,1)
        h = Header()

        offset = 3
        for i in self.klingen['outer']:
            p = Point(i[0]-offset,i[1],0)
            self.refmsg.poses.append(PoseStamped(h, Pose(p, q)))
        for i in self.klingen['inner']:
            p = Point(i[0]-offset,i[1],0)
            self.keepoutmsg.poses.append(PoseStamped(h, Pose(p, q)))
        for i in self.fjorden['all']:
            p = Point(i[0]-offset,i[1],0)
            self.keepoutmsg.poses.append(PoseStamped(h, Pose(p, q)))

        # Topics
        self.subgps1 = rospy.Subscriber('gps1', GPS, self.gps1cb)
        self.subgps2 = rospy.Subscriber('gps2', GPS, self.gps2cb)
        self.subimu  = rospy.Subscriber('imu', ADIS16405, self.imucb)
        self.subahrs = rospy.Subscriber('attitude', Quaternion, self.ahrscb)
        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('lli_input', LLIinput, self.llicb) = rospy.Publisher('kf_statesnew', Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1)
        self.refpath = rospy.Publisher('refpath', Path, queue_size=3, latch=True)
        self.keepoutpath = rospy.Publisher('keepout', Path, queue_size=3, latch=True)
        # Initialise pose for the graphic path segment for rviz
        h = Header()
        p = Point(0,0,0)
        q = Quaternion(0,0,0,1)
        self.kftrackmsg.poses.append(PoseStamped(h, Pose(p, q)))
        self.kftrackmsg.poses.append(PoseStamped(h, Pose(p, q)))

        # Initialize common variables
        self.roll = 0
        self.pitch = 0
        self.yaw = 0
        self.rightthruster = 0
        self.leftthruster = 0
