def _random_points(cls, count=100, root=None): """Get some random points. Distance between two points will never exceed 200m. Returns: A list with count points """ start_time = cls._random_datetime() if root is None: root = GPXTrackPoint(latitude=random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0), longitude=random.uniform(-180.0, 180.0), elevation=0, time=start_time) result = [root] angle = 50 for _ in range(1, count): angle = angle + random.uniform(-20, 20) delta = LocationDelta(distance=random.randrange(200), angle=angle) point = GPXTrackPoint(latitude=result[-1].latitude, longitude=result[-1].longitude) point.move(delta) point.elevation = _ point.time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10 * _) result.append(point) return result
def create_test_activity(cls, count: int = 1, idx: int = 0, what: str = None, status: bool = False): """creates an :class:`~gpxity.Activity`. It starts off with **test.gpx** and appends a last track point, it also changes the time stamp of the last point. This is done using **count** and **idx**: The last point is set such that looking at the tracks, they all go in a different direction clockwise, with an angle in degrees of :literal:`360 * idx / count`. Args: count: See above. Using 1 as default if not given. idx: See above. Using 0 as default if not given. what: The wanted value for the activity. Default: if count == len(:attr:`Activity.legal_what <gpxity.Activity.legal_what>`), the default value will be legal_what[idx]. Otherwise a random value will be applied. status: Public? Returns: (~gpxity.Activity): A new activity not bound to a backend """ if BasicTest.all_backend_classes is None: BasicTest.all_backend_classes = BasicTest._find_backend_classes() gpx = cls._get_gpx_from_test_file('test') movement = gpxpy.geo.LocationDelta(distance=100000, angle=360 * idx / count) last_points = gpx.tracks[-1].segments[-1].points new_point = GPXTrackPoint(latitude=last_points[-1].latitude, longitude=last_points[-1].longitude + 0.001, time=last_points[-1].time + datetime.timedelta(hours=10, seconds=idx)) new_point.move(movement) gpx.tracks[-1].segments[-1].points.append(new_point) # now set all times such that they are in order with this activity and do not overlap # with other test activities duration = new_point.time - gpx.tracks[0].segments[0].points[ 0].time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10) for point in gpx.walk(only_points=True): point.time += duration * idx result = Activity(gpx=gpx) result.title = 'Random GPX # {}'.format(idx) result.description = 'Description to {}'.format( if what: result.what = what elif count == len(Activity.legal_what): result.what = Activity.legal_what[idx] else: result.what = random.choice(Activity.legal_what) result.public = status return result
def create_test_track(cls, backend_class=None, count: int = 1, idx: int = 0, category: str = None, public: bool = False, start_time=None, end_time=None): """create a :class:`~gpxity.gpxfile.GpxFile`. It starts off with **test.gpx** and appends a last gpxfile point, it also changes the time stamp of the last point. This is done using **count** and **idx**: The last point is set such that looking at the gpxfiles, they all go in a different direction clockwise, with an angle in degrees of :literal:`360 * idx / count`. Args: backend_class: If given, use it as source for a random category count: See above. Using 1 as default if not given. idx: See above. Using 0 as default if not given. category: The wanted value for the gpxfile. Default: if count == len(:attr:`GpxFile.categories <gpxity.gpxfile.GpxFile.categories>`), the default value will be backend_class.supported_categories[idx]. Otherwise a random value from backend_class.supported_categories will be applied. public: should the gpxfiles be public or private? start_time: If given, assign it to the first point and adjust all following times end_time: explicit time for the last point. If None: See above. Returns: (~gpxity.gpxfile.GpxFile): A new gpxfile not bound to a backend """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals result = cls._get_track_from_test_file('test') if start_time is not None: if not start_time.tzinfo: start_time = start_time.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) result.adjust_time(start_time - result.first_time) last_point = result.last_point() if end_time is None: end_time = last_point.time + datetime.timedelta(hours=10, seconds=idx) if not end_time.tzinfo: end_time = end_time.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) new_point = GPXTrackPoint(latitude=last_point.latitude, longitude=last_point.longitude + 0.001, time=end_time) _ = gpxpy.geo.LocationDelta(distance=1000, angle=360 * idx / count) new_point.move(_) result.add_points([new_point]) # now set all times such that they are in order with this gpxfile and do not overlap # with other test gpxfiles _ = result.first_time duration = new_point.time - _ + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10) for point in result.gpx.walk(only_points=True): point.time += duration * idx result.title = 'Random GPX # {}'.format(idx) result.description = 'Description to {}'.format(result.title) if backend_class is None: cat_source = GpxFile.categories else: cat_source = backend_class.supported_categories cat_source = [backend_class.decode_category(x) for x in cat_source] if category: result.category = category elif count == len(GpxFile.categories): result.category = cat_source[idx] else: result.category = random.choice(cat_source) result.public = public return result