def __init__(self): #self.q_ph = None self.q_ph = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=()) from gqn_inputs import DataReader kwargs = { 'dataset': const.GQN_DATA_NAME, 'context_size': const.NUM_VIEWS, 'root': 'gqn-dataset' } self.train_data_reader = DataReader(mode='train', **kwargs) self.test_data_reader = DataReader(mode='test', **kwargs) assert const.NUM_PREDS == 1
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys sys.path.append('..') from gqn_inputs import DataReader import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import ipdb data_reader = DataReader(dataset='shepard_metzler_5_parts', context_size=10, root='../gqn-dataset', mode='test') data = with tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession() as sess: task = pos = task.query.context.cameras[0, :, :3] dist = np.linalg.norm(pos, axis=1) print(dist) # let's do some geometry here pos /= 10.0 / 3.0 yaws = task.query.context.cameras[0, :, 3] pitches = task.query.context.cameras[0, :, 4] # ys = np.sin(pitches)
class GQNInput(Input): def __init__(self): #self.q_ph = None self.q_ph = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=()) from gqn_inputs import DataReader kwargs = { 'dataset': const.GQN_DATA_NAME, 'context_size': const.NUM_VIEWS, 'root': 'gqn-dataset' } self.train_data_reader = DataReader(mode='train', **kwargs) self.test_data_reader = DataReader(mode='test', **kwargs) assert const.NUM_PREDS == 1 def data(self): #self.q_ph = utils.tfpy.print_val(self.q_ph, 'qph') rval = { tf.equal(self.q_ph, 0): lambda:, tf.equal(self.q_ph, 1): lambda:, tf.equal(self.q_ph, 2): lambda: }, exclusive=True) rval = self.munch(rval) if const.generate_views: assert const.BS == 1 counter = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32) increment_op = tf.compat.v1.assign_add(counter, 1) counter_mod = tf.mod(counter, const.GEN_NUM_VIEWS) # printing is a bit weird due to the async ?? counter_mod = utils.tfpy.print_val(counter_mod, 'counter is') elev_index = (counter_mod - 1) / const.AZIMUTH_GRANULARITY azimuth_index = tf.mod((counter_mod - 1), const.AZIMUTH_GRANULARITY) elev_index = tf.cast(elev_index, tf.float32) azimuth_index = tf.cast(azimuth_index, tf.float32) azimuth = azimuth_index * (360 / const.AZIMUTH_GRANULARITY) azimuth = azimuth + tf.cast(azimuth > 180, tf.float32) * (-360) azimuth /= 180 / np.pi if const.ELEV_GRANULARITY == 1: elev = const.MIN_ELEV else: elev_step = (const.MAX_ELEV - const.MIN_ELEV) / (const.ELEV_GRANULARITY - 1) elev = (const.MIN_ELEV + elev_index * elev_step) / (180 / np.pi) with tf.control_dependencies([increment_op]): #phi, theta is the correct order here query_cam = tf.expand_dims(tf.stack([elev, azimuth], axis=0), axis=0) rval.query.query_camera = query_cam return rval def munch(self, task): return Munch(query=self.munchq(task.query), def munchq(self, query): return Munch(context=self.munchc(query.context), query_camera=query.query_camera) def munchc(self, context): return Munch(frames=tf.unstack(context.frames, axis=1), cameras=tf.unstack(context.cameras, axis=1))