def main():
    Usage: input.tsv > output.tsv

    Compute Growth Response metrics for precomputed GR dose-response data in
    TSV format.

    The input tsv file must meet the following requirements:

    - The first row contains column names.
    - The 'concentration' column contains the numeric dose of a perturbagen.
    - The 'GRvalue' column contains the GR value for that condition.

    The input file may also have other "key" columns to distinguish multiple
    separate dose-response experiments within the same file.

    The GR value may be computed from raw cell counts using the
    `` script. The columns required as input for that script
    will be ignored by this one, and as such the output of ``
    may be piped directly to the input of this script.

    The output tsv will have all key columns in addition to a column for each GR
    metric. (See the documentation of gr50.gr_metrics for details)

    if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv:
        print textwrap.dedent(main.__doc__)
    reader = LineReader(fileinput.input(mode='rb'))
    data = pd.read_csv(reader, delimiter='\t')
    metrics = gr50.gr_metrics(data)
    print metrics.to_csv(sep='\t', index=False)
Exemple #2
def output_test():
    curfilePath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    Dir = os.path.dirname(
    Dirfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Dir,
    df = pd.read_csv(Dirfile, delimiter='\t')
    # Read the matlab output.
    Dirfile = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(Dir, 'OUTPUT/matlab_input1_GRmetrics.tsv'))
    metrics_matlab = pd.read_csv(Dirfile, delimiter='\t')

    # Compute the GR metrics from the data.
    gr_values = gr50.compute_gr(df)
    metrics_python = gr50.gr_metrics(gr_values)


    # Determine key columns and sort both dataframes by those columns. Since
    # this script is expected to work on arbitrary inputs, we need to "sniff"
    # out which columns are the keys (otherwise we'd need that as an input too).
    # Both the matlab and python implementations put the keys first and the
    # metrics second (starting with GR50) so we will use that to our advantage.
    # Of course they don't both sort the rows the same way which is why we need
    # to do that here.
    first_data_col_index = list(metrics_python).index('GR50')
    keys_python = metrics_python.columns[:first_data_col_index]
    keys_matlab = metrics_matlab.columns[:first_data_col_index]
    assert sorted(keys_python) == sorted(keys_matlab), "Key column mismatch"
    keys = list(keys_python)
    for df in metrics_python, metrics_matlab:
        # Perform the sort.
        df.sort_values(keys, inplace=True)
        df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
        # Compute log10 of GR50 and drop original column.
        df.insert(first_data_col_index, 'log10_GR50', np.log10(df['GR50']))
        del df['GR50']
        df.insert(first_data_col_index, 'log10_GEC50', np.log10(df['GEC50']))
        del df['GEC50']

    metrics = [c for c in metrics_python if c not in keys]
    errs = ['err_' + m for m in metrics]
    # ignore pval and r^2 for now
    errs = errs[:-2]
    error = metrics_python[keys].copy()
    for m, e in zip(metrics, errs):
        err = (1 - metrics_python[m] / metrics_matlab[m])
        error[e] = err.fillna(0)
    rejects = np.isinf(metrics_python.log10_GR50)
    rejects2 = np.isinf(metrics_python.log10_GEC50)
    # Sanity check to make sure both versions pass/reject the same things.
    assert (rejects == np.isinf(metrics_matlab.log10_GR50)).all()
    assert (rejects2 == np.isinf(metrics_matlab.log10_GEC50)).all()

    # Keep pandas from wrapping.
    pd.set_option('display.width', None)

    print("Records with > 0.1% error between python and matlab values of any "
    test1 = error[(abs(error[errs]) > 0.001).any(axis=1)]

    print("Records with > 10% error between python and matlab values of any "
    test2 = error[(abs(error[errs]) > 0.1).any(axis=1)]

    # Insert rows at the top with median and IQR of each error column.
    median = error[errs].median()
    iqr = np.subtract(*np.percentile(error[errs], [75, 25], axis=0))
    error.loc[-2] = ['<median>', -1, -1, 'N/A', -1] + list(median)
    error.loc[-1] = ['<IQR>', -1, -1, 'N/A', -1] + list(iqr)
    # Passes if none of the metrics differ by 10%
    # Just an example of a passing test.
    assert test2.shape[0] == 0
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gr50

# Read the data file.
base_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..')
input_path = path.join(base_path, 'OUTPUT', 'toy_example_output.tsv')
df = pd.read_csv(input_path, delimiter='\t')

# Filter down to only a manageable subset of the experiments.
filters = (('time', 72), ('perturbation', 0), ('replicate', 1))
for column, value in filters:
    df = df[df[column] == value]
    del df[column]

# Compute the GR metrics from the data.
gr_metrics = gr50.gr_metrics(df)

# Produce a trellis plot showing the fitted curves and some of the metrics
# across the different cell lines and drugs.
grid = sns.FacetGrid(df, row="cell_line", col="agent", margin_titles=True)
grid.set(xscale="log"), "concentration", "GRvalue", lw=0, marker='o', ms=4)
x_min = df.concentration.min() / 10
x_max = df.concentration.max() * 10
fit_x = np.logspace(np.log10(x_min), np.log10(x_max))
for cell_line, row_axes in zip(grid.row_names, grid.axes):
    for agent, ax in zip(grid.col_names, row_axes):
        for m in gr_metrics[(gr_metrics.agent == agent) &
                            (gr_metrics.cell_line == cell_line)].itertuples():
            fit_y = gr50.logistic(fit_x, [m.GRinf, np.log10(m.GEC50), m.h_GR])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gr50

# Read the data file.
base_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..')
input_path = path.join(base_path, 'OUTPUT', 'toy_example_output.tsv')
df = pd.read_csv(input_path, delimiter='\t')

# Filter down to only a manageable subset of the experiments.
filters = (('time', 72), ('perturbation', 0), ('replicate', 1))
for column, value in filters:
    df = df[df[column] == value]
    del df[column]

# Compute the GR metrics from the data.
gr_metrics = gr50.gr_metrics(df)

# Produce a trellis plot showing the fitted curves and some of the metrics
# across the different cell lines and drugs.
grid = sns.FacetGrid(df, row="cell_line", col="agent", margin_titles=True)
grid.set(xscale="log"), "concentration", "GRvalue", lw=0, marker='o', ms=4)
x_min = df.concentration.min() / 10
x_max = df.concentration.max() * 10
fit_x = np.logspace(np.log10(x_min), np.log10(x_max))
for cell_line, row_axes in zip(grid.row_names, grid.axes):
    for agent, ax in zip(grid.col_names, row_axes):
        for m in gr_metrics[(gr_metrics.agent == agent) &
                            (gr_metrics.cell_line == cell_line)].itertuples():
            fit_y = gr50.logistic(fit_x, [m.GRinf, np.log10(m.GEC50), m.h_GR])