Exemple #1
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    print('input: ', gpr.fil)
    x0, y0, vlos = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,
                                 usecols=(0, 1, 5))

    # use only 3000 random particles:
    ind = np.arange(len(x0))
    ind = ind[:3000]
    x0 = x0[ind]
    y0 = y0[ind]
    vlos = vlos[ind]

    x0 *= 1000.  # [pc]
    y0 *= 1000.  # [pc]

    # shrinking sphere method
    pm = np.ones(len(x0))
    com_x, com_y, com_vz = gc.com_shrinkcircle_v_2D(x0, y0, vlos, pm)

    x0 -= com_x  # [pc]
    y0 -= com_y  # [pc]
    vlos -= com_vz  #[km/s]

    import gi_file as gf
    for pop in range(2):
        Rc = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2)  # [pc]
        Rhalf = np.median(Rc)  # [pc]
        Rscale = Rhalf  # or gpr.r_DM # [pc]
        gp.Xscale.append(Rscale)  # [pc]

        print('Rscale = ', Rscale, ' pc')
        print('max(R) = ', max(Rc), ' pc')
        print('total number of stars: ', len(Rc))

        R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2) / Rscale
        sel = (R0 < gp.maxR)
        x = x0[sel] / Rscale
        y = y0[sel] / Rscale  # [Rscale]
        vz = vlos[sel]  # [km/s]
        m = np.ones(len(x))
        R = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y) * Rscale  # [pc]

        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), np.median(R))

        c = open(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), 'w')
        print('# x [Xscale],','y [Xscale],','vLOS [km/s],','Xscale = ', \
              Rscale, ' pc', file=c)
        for k in range(len(x)):
            print(x[k], y[k], vz[k], file=c)  #[rscale], [rscale], [km/s]

        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_part_pos(x, y, np.ones(len(x)), Rscale)
Exemple #2
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    gu.G1__pcMsun_1km2s_2 = 1.  # as per definition
    gp.anM = 1. #
    gp.ana = 1. #

    print('grh_com: input: ', gpr.simpos)
    xall, yall, zall = np.loadtxt(gpr.simpos, skiprows=1, unpack=True) # 3*[gp.ana]
    vxall,vyall,vzall= np.loadtxt(gpr.simvel, skiprows=1, unpack=True) # 3*[gp.ana]
    nall = len(xall)                                                 # [1]

    # shuffle and restrict to ntracer random points
    ndm = int(min(gp.ntracer[0], nall-1))
    trace = random.sample(range(nall), nall)
    if gp.pops > 1:
        gh.LOG(1, 'implement more than 2 pops for hern')

    PM = [1. for i in trace] # [1]=const, no prob. of membership info in dataset
    x  = [ xall[i]    for i in trace ] # [gp.ana]
    y  = [ yall[i]    for i in trace ] # [gp.ana]
    z  = [ zall[i]    for i in trace ] # [gp.ana]
    vz = [ vzall[i]   for i in trace ] # [km/s]
    PM = np.array(PM); x=np.array(x); y=np.array(y); z=np.array(z); vz=np.array(vz)

    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v(x,y,z,vz,PM) # 3*[gp.ana], [velocity]
    print('COM [gp.ana]: ', com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz)

    xnew = (x-com_x) #*gp.ana      # [pc]
    ynew = (y-com_y) #*gp.ana      # [pc]
    #znew = (z-com_z) # *gp.ana      # [pc]
    vznew = (vz-com_vz) #*1e3*np.sqrt(gu.G1__pcMsun_1km2s_2*gp.anM/gp.ana) # [km/s], from conversion from system with L=G=M=1

    R0 = np.sqrt(xnew**2+ynew**2)   # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0)           # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf                  # or gpr.r_DM # [pc]

    print('Rscale/pc = ', Rscale)

    # only for 0 (all) and 1 (first and only population)
    for pop in range(gp.pops+1):
        crscale = open(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop),'w')
        print('# Rscale in [pc],',' surfdens_central (=dens0) in [Munit/rscale**2],',\
              ' and totmass_tracers [Munit],',\
              ' and max(sigma_LOS) in [km/s]', file=crscale)
        print(Rscale, file=crscale)

        gh.LOG(2, 'grh_com: output: ', gp.files.get_com_file(pop))
        filepos = open(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), 'w')
        print('# x [Rscale]','y [Rscale]','vLOS [km/s]', file=filepos)
        for k in range(ndm):
            print(xnew[k]/Rscale, ynew[k]/Rscale, vznew[k], file=filepos)
        gh.LOG(2, '')
Exemple #3
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    print('input: ', gpr.fil)
    M0,x0,y0,z0,vx0, vy0, vz0, comp0 = read_data(gpr.fil)
    # [Msun], 3*[pc], 3*[km/s], [1]

    # assign population
    if gp.pops==2:
        pm1 = (comp0 == 1) # will be overwritten below if gp.metalpop
        pm2 = (comp0 == 2) # same same
    elif gp.pops==1:
        pm1 = (comp0 < 3)
        pm2 = (comp0 == -1) # assign none, but of same length as comp0

    # cut to subsets
    ind1 = gh.draw_random_subset(x1, gp.ntracer[1-1])
    M1, x1, y1, z1, vx1, vy1, vz1, comp1 = select_pm(M1, x1, y1, z1, vx1, vy1, vz1, comp1, ind1)

    ind2 = gh.draw_random_subset(x2, gp.ntracer[2-1])
    M2, x2, y2, z2, vx2, vy2, vz2, comp2 = select_pm(M2, x2, y2, z2, vx2, vy2, vz2, comp2, ind2)

    # use vz for no contamination, or vb for with contamination
    M0, x0, y0, z0, vx0, vy0, vz0 = concat_pops(M1, M2, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, vx1, vx2, vy1, vy2, vz1, vz2, gp)
    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v(x0, y0, z0, vz0, pm0) # [pc]
    print('COM [pc]: ', com_x, com_y, com_z)   # [pc]
    print('VOM [km/s]', com_vz)                # [km/s]

    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get
    # center in (x,y) better
    x0 -= com_x # [pc]
    y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    vz0 -= com_vz # [km/s]

    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0) # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf        # [pc] from all tracer points

    pop = -1
    for pmn in [pm, pm1, pm2]:
        pop = pop + 1                    # population number
        pmr = ( R0 < (gp.maxR*Rscale) )  # read max extension for data
                                         #(rprior*Rscale) from
        pmn = pmn*pmr                    # [1]
        print("fraction of members = ", 1.0*sum(pmn)/len(pmn))

        x, y, z, comp, vz, vb, Mg, PMN = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vz0, vb0, Mg0, PM0, pmn)
        R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)             # [pc]
        Rscalei = np.median(R)
        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei)
        gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x/Rscalei, y/Rscalei, vz, Rscalei)

        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_part_pos(x, y, pmn, Rscale)
Exemple #4
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    print('input: ', gpr.fil)
    x0,y0,vlos = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=0, unpack =  True,
                               usecols = (0,1,5))

    # use only 3000 random particles:
    ind = np.arange(len(x0))
    ind = ind[:3000]
    x0 = x0[ind];    y0 = y0[ind];    vlos = vlos[ind]

    x0 *= 1000.                         # [pc]
    y0 *= 1000.                         # [pc]

    # shrinking sphere method
    pm = np.ones(len(x0))
    com_x, com_y, com_vz = gc.com_shrinkcircle_v_2D(x0, y0, vlos, pm)

    x0 -= com_x # [pc]
    y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    vlos -= com_vz #[km/s]

    import gi_file as gf
    for pop in range(2):
        Rc = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
        Rhalf = np.median(Rc) # [pc]
        Rscale = Rhalf # or gpr.r_DM # [pc]
        gp.Xscale.append(Rscale) # [pc]

        print('Rscale = ', Rscale,' pc')
        print('max(R) = ', max(Rc),' pc')
        print('total number of stars: ', len(Rc))

        R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2)/Rscale
        sel = (R0 < gp.maxR)
        x = x0[sel]/Rscale; y = y0[sel]/Rscale # [Rscale]
        vz = vlos[sel] # [km/s]
        m = np.ones(len(x))
        R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)*Rscale # [pc]

        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), np.median(R))

        c = open(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), 'w')
        print('# x [Xscale],','y [Xscale],','vLOS [km/s],','Xscale = ', \
              Rscale, ' pc', file=c)
        for k in range(len(x)):
            print(x[k], y[k], vz[k], file=c) #[rscale], [rscale], [km/s]

        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_part_pos(x, y, np.ones(len(x)), Rscale)
Exemple #5
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir + "/deBoer/table1.dat"
    ALL = np.loadtxt(gpr.fil)
    RAh = ALL[:, 0]
    RAm = ALL[:, 1]
    RAs = ALL[:, 2]
    DEd = ALL[:, 3]
    DEm = ALL[:, 4]
    DEs = ALL[:, 5]
    # that's all we read in for now. Crude assumptions: each star belongs to Fornax, and has mass 1Msun

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf
    sig = abs(RAh[0]) / RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh / sig
    xs = 15 * (RAh * 3600 + RAm * 60 + RAs) * sig  # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0]) / DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd / sig
    ys = (DEd * 3600 + DEm * 60 + DEs) * sig  # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2. * np.pi / (360. * 60. * 60)  # [pc]
    kpc = 1000  # [pc]
    DL = {
        1: lambda x: x * (138),  #+/- 8 for Fornax
        2: lambda x: x * (101),  #+/- 5 for Carina
        3: lambda x: x * (79),  #+/- 4 for Sculptor
        4: lambda x: x * (86),  #+/- 4 for Sextans
        5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco

    xs *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    x0 = np.copy(xs)
    y0 = np.copy(ys)  # [pc]
    com_x, com_y = com_shrinkcircle_2D(x0, y0)  # [pc], [km/s]
    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    # x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    # vz0 -= com_vz #[km/s]
    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2)  # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0)  # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf  # [pc] overall
    pop = 0
    pmr = (R0 < (gp.maxR * Rscale)
           )  # read max extension for data (rprior*Rscale) from gi_params
    x = 1. * x0[pmr]
    y = 1. * y0[pmr]
    R = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)  # [pc]
    Rscalei = np.median(R)  # [pc]
    gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei)  # [pc]
    gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x / Rscalei, y / Rscalei,
                         np.zeros(len(x)), Rscalei)  # [pc]
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir+"/deBoer/table1.dat"
    ALL = np.loadtxt(gpr.fil)
    RAh = ALL[:,0]
    RAm = ALL[:,1]
    RAs = ALL[:,2]
    DEd = ALL[:,3]
    DEm = ALL[:,4]
    DEs = ALL[:,5]
    # that's all we read in for now. Crude assumptions: each star belongs to Fornax, and has mass 1Msun

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf
    sig = abs(RAh[0])/RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh/sig
    xs = 15*(RAh*3600+RAm*60+RAs)*sig       # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0])/DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd/sig
    ys = (DEd*3600+DEm*60+DEs)*sig          # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2.*np.pi/(360.*60.*60) # [pc]
    kpc = 1000 # [pc]
    DL = {1: lambda x: x * (138),#+/- 8 for Fornax
          2: lambda x: x * (101),#+/- 5 for Carina
          3: lambda x: x * (79), #+/- 4 for Sculptor
          4: lambda x: x * (86), #+/- 4 for Sextans
          5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco

    xs *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    x0 = np.copy(xs)
    y0 = np.copy(ys) # [pc]
    com_x, com_y = com_shrinkcircle_2D(x0, y0) # [pc], [km/s]
    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    # x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    # vz0 -= com_vz #[km/s]
    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0) # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf # [pc] overall
    pop = 0
    pmr = (R0<(gp.maxR*Rscale)) # read max extension for data (rprior*Rscale) from gi_params
    R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)            # [pc]
    Rscalei = np.median(R)          # [pc]
    gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei) # [pc]
    gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x/Rscalei, y/Rscalei, np.zeros(len(x)), Rscalei) # [pc]
Exemple #7
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    print('input:', gpr.fil)
    x0, y0, z0, vx, vy, vz = np.transpose(np.loadtxt(gpr.fil))
    # for purely tangential beta=-0.5 models, have units of kpc instead of pc
    if gp.case == 9 or gp.case == 10:
        x0 *= 1000.  # [pc]
        y0 *= 1000.  # [pc]
        z0 *= 1000.  # [pc]
    # cutting pm_i to a maximum of ntracers particles:
    import gi_helper as gh
    ind1 = gh.draw_random_subset(x0, gp.ntracer[1 - 1])
    x0, y0, z0, vz0 = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, vz, ind1)

    PM = np.ones(
        len(x0))  # assign all particles the full probability of membership
    import gi_centering as glc
    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = glc.com_shrinkcircle_v(x0, y0, z0, vz, PM)
    # from now on, work with 2D data only;
    # z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    x0 -= com_x  # [pc]
    y0 -= com_y  # [pc]
    vz -= com_vz  # [km/s]
    R0 = np.sqrt(x0 * x0 + y0 * y0)  # [pc]
    Rscale = np.median(R0)  # [pc]
    import gi_file as gf
    for pop in range(gp.pops + 1):  # gp.pops +1 for all components together
        pmr = (R0 < (gp.maxR * Rscale))
        #m = np.ones(len(R0))
        x = x0[pmr]  # [pc]
        y = y0[pmr]  # [pc]
        R = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)  # [pc]
        Rscalei = np.median(R)
        # print("x y z" on first line, to interprete data later on)
        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei)
        gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x / Rscalei,
                             y / Rscalei, vz, Rscalei)
Exemple #8
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    print('input:', gpr.fil)
    x0, y0, z0, vx, vy, vz = np.transpose(np.loadtxt(gpr.fil))
    # for purely tangential beta=-0.5 models, have units of kpc instead of pc
    if gp.case == 9 or gp.case == 10:
        x0 *= 1000. # [pc]
        y0 *= 1000. # [pc]
        z0 *= 1000. # [pc]
    # cutting pm_i to a maximum of ntracers particles:
    import gi_helper as gh
    ind1 = gh.draw_random_subset(x0, gp.ntracer[1-1])
    x0, y0, z0, vz0 = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, vz, ind1)

    PM = np.ones(len(x0)) # assign all particles the full probability of membership
    import gi_centering as glc
    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = glc.com_shrinkcircle_v(x0, y0, z0, vz, PM)
    # from now on, work with 2D data only;
    # z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    x0 -= com_x  # [pc]
    y0 -= com_y  # [pc]
    vz -= com_vz # [km/s]
    R0 = np.sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0) # [pc]
    Rscale = np.median(R0) # [pc]
    import gi_file as gf
    for pop in range(gp.pops+1):      # gp.pops +1 for all components together
        pmr = (R0<(gp.maxR*Rscale))
        #m = np.ones(len(R0))
        x = x0[pmr] # [pc]
        y = y0[pmr] # [pc]
        R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y) # [pc]
        Rscalei = np.median(R)
        # print("x y z" on first line, to interprete data later on)
        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei)
        gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x/Rscalei, y/Rscalei, vz, Rscalei)
Exemple #9
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    for pop in range(2):
        # get radius, used for all binning
        print('input: ', gp.files.get_com_file(pop))
        if gf.bufcount(gp.files.get_com_file(pop))<2:
        x,y,vlos = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), skiprows=1, unpack=True) #2*[rscale], [km/s]
        # totmass_tracers = 1.*len(x)  # [Munit], [Munit], where each star is weighted with the same mass
        r = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y) # [rscale]

        #set binning
        #gp.nipol = (max - min)*N^(1/3)/(2*(Q3-Q1)) #(method of wand)
        rmin = 0.                                       # [rscale]
        rmax = max(r) if gp.maxR < 0 else 1.0*gp.maxR # [rscale]

        binmin, binmax, rbin = gh.determine_radius(r, rmin, rmax, gp) # [rscale0]

        # offset from the start!
        rs = gpr.Rerr*np.random.randn(len(r))+r #[rscale]
        vlos = gpr.vrerr*np.random.randn(len(vlos))+vlos #[km/s]
        vfil = open(gp.files.sigfiles[pop], 'w')
        print('r', 'sigma_r(r)', 'error', file=vfil)

        # 30 iterations for drawing a given radius in bin
        dispvelocity = np.zeros((gp.nipol,gpr.n))
        a = np.zeros((gp.nipol,gpr.n))
        p_dvlos = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        p_edvlos = np.zeros(gp.nipol)

        for k in range(gpr.n):
            rsi = gpr.Rerr*np.random.randn(len(rs))+rs #[rscale]
            vlosi = gpr.vrerr*np.random.randn(len(vlos))+vlos #[km/s]
            for i in range(gp.nipol):
                ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(rsi>binmin[i],rsi<binmax[i])).flatten()
                a[i][k] = len(ind1) #[1]
                vlos1 = vlosi[ind1] #[km/s]
                    dispvelocity[i][k] = dispvelocity[i-1][k]
                    # attention! should be 0, uses last value
                    dispvelocity[i][k] = meanbiweight(vlos1,ci_perc=68.4,\
                    # [km/s], see BiWeight.py

        for i in range(gp.nipol):
            dispvel = np.sum(dispvelocity[i])/gpr.n #[km/s]
            ab = np.sum(a[i])/(1.*gpr.n) #[1]
            if ab == 0:
                dispvelerr = p_edvlos[i-1] #[km/s]
                # attention! uses last error
                dispvelerr = dispvel/np.sqrt(ab) #[km/s]
            p_dvlos[i] = dispvel      #[km/s]
            p_edvlos[i]= dispvelerr #[km/s]

        maxsiglos = max(p_dvlos) #[km/s]
        print('maxsiglos = ',maxsiglos,'[km/s]')
        fpars = open(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop),'a')
        print(maxsiglos, file=fpars)          #[km/s]
        #import shutil
        #shutil.copy2(gp.files.get_scale_file(0), gp.files.get_scale_file(1))

        for i in range(gp.nipol):
            #             [rscale]  [maxsiglos]                  [maxsiglos]
            print(rbin[i], binmin[i], binmax[i], np.abs(p_dvlos[i]/maxsiglos),np.abs(p_edvlos[i]/maxsiglos), file=vfil) #/np.sqrt(n))
Exemple #10
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    xall,yall,zall = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(0),skiprows=1,\
                                usecols=(0,1,2),unpack=True) # 2*[rscale0]
    rscale0 = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(0)+'_3D')
    xall *= rscale0
    yall *= rscale0
    zall *= rscale0

    # calculate 3D
    r = np.sqrt(xall**2+yall**2+zall**2) #[pc]

    # set number and size of (linearly spaced) bins
    rmin = 0. # [pc]
    rmax = max(r) if gp.maxR < 0 else 1.0*gp.maxR           # [pc]
    print('rmax [rscale] = ', rmax)
    r = r[(r<rmax)] # [pc]

    binmin, binmax, rbin = gh.determine_radius(r, rmin, rmax, gp) # [pc]
    vol = volume_spherical_shell(binmin, binmax, gp) # [pc^3]

    for pop in range(gp.pops+1):
        print('#######  working on component ',pop)
        print('input: ',gp.files.get_com_file(pop)+'_3D')
        # start from data centered on COM already:
        if gf.bufcount(gp.files.get_com_file(pop)+'_3D')<2: continue
        x,y,z,v = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(pop)+'_3D',\
        # 3*[rscale], [km/s]
        rscalei = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop)) # [pc]
        x *= rscalei
        y *= rscalei
        z *= rscalei
        # calculate 2D radius on the skyplane
        r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) # [pc]

        # set maximum radius (if gp.maxR is set)
        rmax = max(r) if gp.maxR<0 else 1.0*gp.maxR # [pc]
        print('rmax [pc] = ', rmax)
        sel = (r<=rmax)
        x = x[sel]; y = y[sel]; z = z[sel]; v = v[sel]; r = r[sel] # [rscale]
        totmass_tracers = 1.*len(x) # [Munit], Munit = 1/star

        rs = r                   # + possible starting offset, [rscale]
        vlos = v                 # + possible starting offset, [km/s]

        gf.write_tracer_file(gp.files.get_ntracer_file(pop)+'_3D', totmass_tracers)
        de, em = gf.write_headers_3D(gp, pop)

        # gpr.n=30 iterations for getting random picked radius values
        density = np.zeros((gp.nipol,gpr.n))
        a       = np.zeros((gp.nipol,gpr.n)) # shared by density, siglos, kappa calcs
        for k in range(gpr.n):
            rsi = gpr.Rerr * np.random.randn(len(rs)) + rs # [pc]
            vlosi = gpr.vrerr*np.random.randn(len(vlos)) + vlos # [km/s]
            for i in range(gp.nipol):
                ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(rsi>=binmin[i], rsi<binmax[i])).flatten() # [1]
                density[i][k] = (1.*len(ind1))/vol[i]*totmass_tracers # [Munit/rscale^2]
                vlos1 = vlosi[ind1]                           # [km/s]
                a[i][k] = 1.*len(ind1)                        # [1]

        dens0 = np.sum(density[0])/(1.*gpr.n) # [Munit/rscale^3]
        print('dens0 = ',dens0,' [Munit/rscale^3]')

        dens0pc = dens0/rscale0**3
        gf.write_Sig_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop)+'_3D', dens0pc, totmass_tracers)

        tpb0   = np.sum(a[0])/float(gpr.n)     # [1] tracers per bin
        denserr0 = dens0/np.sqrt(tpb0)       # [Munit/rscale^3]
        p_dens  = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        p_edens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            dens = np.sum(density[b])/float(gpr.n) # [Munit/rscale^3]
            tpb  = np.sum(a[b])/float(gpr.n)       # [1]
            denserr = dens/np.sqrt(tpb)            # [Munit/rscale^3]

                p_dens[b] = p_dens[b-1]                          # [1]
                p_edens[b]= p_edens[b-1]                         # [1]
                p_dens[b] = dens/dens0                           # [1]
                p_edens[b]= denserr/dens0 # [1] #100/rbin would be artificial guess

            print(rbin[b], binmin[b], binmax[b], p_dens[b], p_edens[b], file=de)
            # [rscale], 2*[dens0]
            indr = (r<binmax[b])
            menclosed = float(np.sum(indr))/totmass_tracers # for normalization to 1
            # [totmass_tracers]
            merr = menclosed/np.sqrt(tpb) # artificial menclosed/10 # [totmass_tracers]
            print(rbin[b], binmin[b], binmax[b], menclosed, merr, file=em)
            # [rscale], 2*[totmass_tracers]

        if gpr.showplots:
            print('plotting for pop ', pop)
            #show_plots_dens(rbin, p_dens, p_edens, gp)
            mf1 = 0.02 #1/totmass_tracers
            mf2 = 0.02
            rho_dm, rho_star1, rho_star2 = ga.rho_walk(rbin*rscale0, gp, mf1, mf2)

            if pop == 0:
                loglog(rbin*rscale0, rho_star1+rho_star2, 'k.-', lw=0.5)
            elif pop == 1:
                loglog(rbin*rscale0, rho_star1, 'b.-', lw = 0.5)
            elif pop == 2:
                loglog(rbin*rscale0, rho_star2, 'g.-', lw = 0.5)

            loglog(rbin*rscale0, dens0pc*p_dens, 'r.-')
Exemple #11
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    print('input: ', gpr.fil)
    x0,y0,z0,vb0,vz0,Mg0,PM0,comp0 = read_data(gpr.fil)
    # [pc], [km/s], [1]

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf: exclude pop3 by
    # construction
    pm = (PM0 >= gpr.pmsplit) # exclude foreground contamination,

    x0, y0, z0, comp0, vb0, vz0, Mg0, PM0 = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vb0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm)

    # assign population
    if gp.pops==2:
        pm1 = (comp0 == 1) # will be overwritten below if gp.metalpop
        pm2 = (comp0 == 2) # same same
    elif gp.pops==1:
        pm1 = (comp0 < 3)
        pm2 = (comp0 == -1) # assign none, but of same length as comp0

    if gp.metalpop:
        # drawing of populations based on metallicity get parameters
        # from function in pymcmetal.py

        import pickle
        fi = open('metalsplit.dat', 'rb')
        DATA = pickle.load(fi)
        p, mu1, sig1, mu2, sig2, M, pm1, pm2 = DATA

    x1, y1, z1, comp1, vb1, vz1, Mg1, PM1 = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vb0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm1)
    x2, y2, z2, comp2, vb2, vz2, Mg2, PM2 = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vb0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm2)

    # cut to subsets
    ind1 = gh.draw_random_subset(x1, gp.ntracer[1-1])
    x1, y1, z1, comp1, vb1, vz1, Mg1, PM1 = select_pm(x1, y1, z1, comp1, vb1, vz1, Mg1, PM1, ind1)

    ind2 = gh.draw_random_subset(x2, gp.ntracer[2-1])
    x2, y2, z2, comp2, vb2, vz2, Mg2, PM2 = select_pm(x2, y2, z2, comp2, vb2, vz2, Mg2, PM2, ind2)

    # use vz for no contamination, or vb for with contamination
    x0, y0, z0, vz0, pm1, pm2, pm = concat_pops(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, vz1, vz2, gp)
    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v(x0, y0, z0, vz0, pm) # [pc]
    print('COM [pc]: ', com_x, com_y, com_z)   # [pc]
    print('VOM [km/s]', com_vz)                # [km/s]

    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get
    # center in (x,y) better
    x0 -= com_x # [pc]
    y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    vz0 -= com_vz # [km/s]

    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0) # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf        # [pc] from all tracer points

    pop = -1
    for pmn in [pm, pm1, pm2]:
        pop = pop + 1                    # population number
        pmr = ( R0 < (gp.maxR*Rscale) )  # read max extension for data
                                         #(rprior*Rscale) from
        pmn = pmn*pmr                    # [1]
        print("fraction of members = ", 1.0*sum(pmn)/len(pmn))

        x, y, z, comp, vz, vb, Mg, PMN = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vz0, vb0, Mg0, PM0, pmn)
        R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)             # [pc]
        Rscalei = np.median(R)
        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei)
        gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x/Rscalei, y/Rscalei, vz, Rscalei)

        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_part_pos(x, y, pmn, Rscale)
Exemple #12
def run(gp):
    pop = 0
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    xall, yall = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(0),
                            usecols=(0, 1),
    # 2*[Rscale0]
    R = np.sqrt(xall**2 + yall**2)  # [Rscale0]
    # set number and size of (linearly spaced) bins
    Rmin = 0.  # [Rscale0]
    Rmax = max(R) if gp.maxR < 0 else 1.0 * gp.maxR  # [Rscale0]
    R = R[(R < Rmax)]  # [Rscale0]
    Binmin, Binmax, Rbin = gh.determine_radius(R, Rmin, Rmax, gp)  # [Rscale0]
    gp.xipol = Rbin
    minr = min(Rbin)  # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)  # [pc]
    gp.xepol = np.hstack(
        [minr / 8., minr / 4., minr / 2., Rbin, 2 * maxr, 4 * maxr,
         8 * maxr])  # [pc]
    Vol = gh.volume_circular_ring(Binmin, Binmax, gp)  # [Rscale0^2]
    Rscale0 = float(gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(0)))  # [pc]
    print('#######  working on component ', pop)
    print('input: ', gp.files.get_com_file(pop))
    # start from data centered on COM already:
    if gf.bufcount(gp.files.get_com_file(pop)) < 2:
    # only read in data if needed: pops = 1: reuse data from pop=0 part
    x, y = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(pop),
                      usecols=(0, 1),
    # [Rscalei], [Rscalei]
    # calculate 2D radius on the skyplane
    R = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)  #[Rscalei]
    Rscalei = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop))  # [pc]
    # set maximum radius (if gp.maxR is set)
    Rmax = max(R) if gp.maxR < 0 else 1.0 * gp.maxR  # [Rscale0]
    print('Rmax [Rscale0] = ', Rmax)
    sel = (R * Rscalei <= Rmax * Rscale0)
    x = x[sel]  # [Rscalei]
    y = y[sel]  # [Rscalei]
    R = R[sel]  # [Rscalei]
    totmass_tracers = float(len(x))  # [Munit], Munit = 1/star
    Rs = R  # + possible starting offset, [Rscalei]
    tr = open(gp.files.get_ntracer_file(pop), 'w')
    print(totmass_tracers, file=tr)
    f_Sig, f_nu, f_mass, f_sig, f_kap, f_zeta = gf.write_headers_2D(gp, pop)
    Sig_phot = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
    # particle selections, shared by density, siglos, kappa and zeta calculations
    tpb = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
    for k in range(gpr.n):
        Rsi = gh.add_errors(Rs, gpr.Rerr)  # [Rscalei]
        for i in range(gp.nipol):
            ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(Rsi * Rscalei >= Binmin[i] * Rscale0, \
                                          Rsi * Rscalei <  Binmax[i] * Rscale0)).flatten() # [1]
            tpb[i][k] = float(len(ind1))  #[1]
            Sig_phot[i][k] = float(
                len(ind1)) * totmass_tracers / Vol[i]  # [Munit/rscale^2]
    # do the following for all populations
    Sig0 = np.sum(Sig_phot[0]) / float(gpr.n)  # [Munit/Rscale^2]
    Sig0pc = Sig0 / Rscale0**2  # [munis/pc^2]
    gf.write_Sig_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Sig0pc, totmass_tracers)

    # calculate density and mass profile, store it
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    P_dens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    P_edens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    for b in range(gp.nipol):
        Sig = np.sum(Sig_phot[b]) / (1. * gpr.n)  # [Munit/Rscale^2]
        tpbb = np.sum(tpb[b]) / float(
            gpr.n)  # [1], mean number of tracers in bin
        Sigerr = Sig / np.sqrt(tpbb)  # [Munit/Rscale^2], Poissonian error
        # compare data and analytic profile <=> get stellar
        # density or mass ratio from Matt Walker
        if (np.isnan(Sigerr)):
            P_dens[b] = P_dens[b - 1]  # [1]
            P_edens[b] = P_edens[b - 1]  # [1]
            P_dens[b] = Sig / Sig0  # [1]
            P_edens[b] = Sigerr / Sig0  # [1]
        print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], P_dens[b], P_edens[b], file=f_Sig)
        # 3*[rscale], [dens0], [dens0]
        indr = (R < Binmax[b])
        Menclosed = float(
        ) / totmass_tracers  # for normalization to 1#[totmass_tracers]
        Merr = Menclosed / np.sqrt(
            tpbb)  # or artificial Menclosed/10 #[totmass_tracers]
        print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], Menclosed, Merr,
              file=f_mass)  # [Rscale0], 2* [totmass_tracers]

    # deproject Sig to get nu
    numedi = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin * Rscalei, Sig0pc * P_dens, gp)
    #numin  = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin*Rscalei, Sig0pc*(P_dens-P_edens), gp)
    numax = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin * Rscalei, Sig0pc * (P_dens + P_edens), gp)
    nu0pc = numedi[0]
    gf.write_nu_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), nu0pc)
    nuerr = numax - numedi
    for b in range(gp.nipol):
        print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b],\
              numedi[b]/nu0pc, nuerr[b]/nu0pc, \
              file = f_nu)
    # write dummy sig scale, not to be used later on
    maxsiglos = -1.  #[km/s]
    fpars = open(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), 'a')
    print(maxsiglos, file=fpars)  #[km/s]
Exemple #13
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    gu.G1__pcMsun_1km2s_2 = 1.  # as per definition
    gp.anM = 1.  #
    gp.ana = 1.  #

    print('grh_com: input: ', gpr.simpos)
    xall, yall, zall = np.loadtxt(gpr.simpos, skiprows=1,
                                  unpack=True)  # 3*[gp.ana]
    vxall, vyall, vzall = np.loadtxt(gpr.simvel, skiprows=1,
                                     unpack=True)  # 3*[gp.ana]
    nall = len(xall)  # [1]

    # shuffle and restrict to ntracer random points
    ndm = int(min(gp.ntracer[0], nall - 1))
    trace = random.sample(range(nall), nall)
    if gp.pops > 1:
        gh.LOG(1, 'implement more than 2 pops for hern')

    PM = [1.
          for i in trace]  # [1]=const, no prob. of membership info in dataset
    x = [xall[i] for i in trace]  # [gp.ana]
    y = [yall[i] for i in trace]  # [gp.ana]
    z = [zall[i] for i in trace]  # [gp.ana]
    vz = [vzall[i] for i in trace]  # [km/s]
    PM = np.array(PM)
    x = np.array(x)
    y = np.array(y)
    z = np.array(z)
    vz = np.array(vz)

    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v(
        x, y, z, vz, PM)  # 3*[gp.ana], [velocity]
    print('COM [gp.ana]: ', com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz)

    xnew = (x - com_x)  #*gp.ana      # [pc]
    ynew = (y - com_y)  #*gp.ana      # [pc]
    #znew = (z-com_z) # *gp.ana      # [pc]
    vznew = (
        vz - com_vz
    )  #*1e3*np.sqrt(gu.G1__pcMsun_1km2s_2*gp.anM/gp.ana) # [km/s], from conversion from system with L=G=M=1

    R0 = np.sqrt(xnew**2 + ynew**2)  # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0)  # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf  # or gpr.r_DM # [pc]

    print('Rscale/pc = ', Rscale)

    # only for 0 (all) and 1 (first and only population)
    for pop in range(gp.pops + 1):
        crscale = open(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), 'w')
        print('# Rscale in [pc],',' surfdens_central (=dens0) in [Munit/rscale**2],',\
              ' and totmass_tracers [Munit],',\
              ' and max(sigma_LOS) in [km/s]', file=crscale)
        print(Rscale, file=crscale)

        gh.LOG(2, 'grh_com: output: ', gp.files.get_com_file(pop))
        filepos = open(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), 'w')
        print('# x [Rscale]', 'y [Rscale]', 'vLOS [km/s]', file=filepos)
        for k in range(ndm):
            print(xnew[k] / Rscale, ynew[k] / Rscale, vznew[k], file=filepos)
        gh.LOG(2, '')
Exemple #14
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir+"/data/tracers.dat"
    A = np.loadtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=25)
    RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,Vlos,e_Vlos,Teff,e_Teff,logg,e_logg,Fe,e_Fe,Nobs = A.T
    # only use stars which have Mg measurements
    pm = (Nobs>0) # (PM>=0.95)*
    print("f_members = ", gh.pretty(1.*sum(pm)/len(pm)))
    Nobs = Nobs[pm]

    sig = abs(RAh[0])/RAh[0]
    #print('RAh: signum = ',gh.pretty(sig))
    RAh = RAh/sig
    xs = 15*(RAh*3600+RAm*60+RAs)*sig       # [arcsec/15]

    sig = abs(DEd[0])/DEd[0]
    #print('DEd: signum = ', gh.pretty(sig))
    DEd = DEd/sig
    ys = (DEd*3600+DEm*60+DEs)*sig          # [arcsec]

    arcsec = 2.*np.pi/(360.*60.*60) # [pc]

    kpc = 1000 # [pc]
    DL = {1: lambda x: x * (138),#+/- 8 for Fornax
          2: lambda x: x * (101),#+/- 5 for Carina
          3: lambda x: x * (79), #+/- 4 for Sculptor
          4: lambda x: x * (86), #+/- 4 for Sextans
          5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco

    xs *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]

    x0 = np.copy(xs)
    y0 = np.copy(ys)    # [pc]
    vz0 = np.copy(Vlos) # [km/s]
    Fe0 = np.copy(Fe)

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf: exclude pop3 by construction
    #pm = (PM0 >= gpr.pmsplit) # exclude foreground contamination, outliers
    #x0, y0, vz0, Mg0, PM0 = select_pm(x0, y0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm)

    # assign population
    if gp.pops == 2:
        # drawing of populations based on metallicity
        # get parameters from function in pymcmetal.py
        #[p, mu1, sig1, mu2, sig2] = np.loadtxt(gp.files.dir+'metalsplit.dat')
        #[pm1, pm2] = np.loadtxt(gp.files.dir+'metalsplit_assignment.dat')
        popass = np.loadtxt(gp.files.dir+'popass')
        pm1 = (popass==1)
        pm2 = (popass==2)

    elif gp.pops == 1:
        pm1 = (Teff >= 0)
        pm2 = (Teff <  0) # assign none, but of same length as xs

    x1, y1, vz1, Fe1, PM1 = select_pm(x0, y0, vz0, Fe, pm, pm1)
    x2, y2, vz2, Fe2, PM2 = select_pm(x0, y0, vz0, Fe, pm, pm2)

    # cutting pm_i to a maximum of ntracers_i particles each:
    ind1 = np.arange(len(x1))
    np.random.shuffle(ind1)     # random.shuffle already changes ind
    ind1 = ind1[:gp.ntracer[1-1]]

    ind2 = np.arange(len(x2))
    np.random.shuffle(ind2)     # random.shuffle already changes ind
    ind2 = ind2[:gp.ntracer[2-1]]

    x1, y1, vz1, Fe1, PMS1 = select_pm(x1, y1, vz1, Fe1, PM1, ind1)
    x2, y2, vz2, Fe2, PMS2 = select_pm(x2, y2, vz2, Fe2, PM2, ind2)

    x0, y0, vz0, pm1, pm2, pm = concat_pops(x1, x2, y1, y2, vz1, vz2, gp)

    # optimum: get 3D center of mass with means
    # com_x, com_y, com_z = com_mean(x0,y0,z0,PM0) # 3*[pc],  z component included if available

    com_x, com_y, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v_2D(x0, y0, vz0, pm) # [pc], [km/s]

    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    # x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    # vz0 -= com_vz #[km/s]

    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0) # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf # [pc] overall

    pop = -1
    for pmn in [pm, pm1, pm2]:
        pop = pop+1
        pmr = (R0<(gp.maxR*Rscale)) # read max extension for data
                                    # (rprior*Rscale) from gi_params
        pmn = pmn*pmr                   # [1]
        print("fraction of members = ", 1.0*sum(pmn)/len(pmn))

        x, y, vz, Fe, PMN = select_pm(x0, y0, vz0, Fe0, pm, pmn)

        R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)            # [pc]
        Rscalei = np.median(R)          # [pc]
        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei) # [pc]
        gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x/Rscalei, y/Rscalei, vz, Rscalei) # [pc]

        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_part_pos(x, y, pmn, Rscale)
Exemple #15
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    xall,yall,zall = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(0),skiprows=1,\
                                usecols=(0,1,2),unpack=True) # 2*[rscale0]
    rscale0 = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(0) + '_3D')
    xall *= rscale0
    yall *= rscale0
    zall *= rscale0

    # calculate 3D
    r = np.sqrt(xall**2 + yall**2 + zall**2)  #[pc]

    # set number and size of (linearly spaced) bins
    rmin = 0.  # [pc]
    rmax = max(r) if gp.maxR < 0 else 1.0 * gp.maxR  # [pc]
    print('rmax [rscale] = ', rmax)
    r = r[(r < rmax)]  # [pc]

    binmin, binmax, rbin = gh.determine_radius(r, rmin, rmax, gp)  # [pc]
    vol = volume_spherical_shell(binmin, binmax, gp)  # [pc^3]

    for pop in range(gp.pops + 1):
        print('#######  working on component ', pop)
        print('input: ', gp.files.get_com_file(pop) + '_3D')
        # start from data centered on COM already:
        if gf.bufcount(gp.files.get_com_file(pop) + '_3D') < 2: continue
        x,y,z,v = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(pop)+'_3D',\
        # 3*[rscale], [km/s]
        rscalei = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop))  # [pc]
        x *= rscalei
        y *= rscalei
        z *= rscalei
        # calculate 2D radius on the skyplane
        r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)  # [pc]

        # set maximum radius (if gp.maxR is set)
        rmax = max(r) if gp.maxR < 0 else 1.0 * gp.maxR  # [pc]
        print('rmax [pc] = ', rmax)
        sel = (r <= rmax)
        x = x[sel]
        y = y[sel]
        z = z[sel]
        v = v[sel]
        r = r[sel]  # [rscale]
        totmass_tracers = 1. * len(x)  # [Munit], Munit = 1/star

        rs = r  # + possible starting offset, [rscale]
        vlos = v  # + possible starting offset, [km/s]

            gp.files.get_ntracer_file(pop) + '_3D', totmass_tracers)
        de, em = gf.write_headers_3D(gp, pop)

        # gpr.n=30 iterations for getting random picked radius values
        density = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
        a = np.zeros(
            (gp.nipol, gpr.n))  # shared by density, siglos, kappa calcs
        for k in range(gpr.n):
            rsi = gpr.Rerr * np.random.randn(len(rs)) + rs  # [pc]
            vlosi = gpr.vrerr * np.random.randn(len(vlos)) + vlos  # [km/s]
            for i in range(gp.nipol):
                ind1 = np.argwhere(
                    np.logical_and(rsi >= binmin[i],
                                   rsi < binmax[i])).flatten()  # [1]
                density[i][k] = (
                    1. *
                    len(ind1)) / vol[i] * totmass_tracers  # [Munit/rscale^2]
                vlos1 = vlosi[ind1]  # [km/s]
                a[i][k] = 1. * len(ind1)  # [1]

        dens0 = np.sum(density[0]) / (1. * gpr.n)  # [Munit/rscale^3]
        print('dens0 = ', dens0, ' [Munit/rscale^3]')

        dens0pc = dens0 / rscale0**3
            gp.files.get_scale_file(pop) + '_3D', dens0pc, totmass_tracers)

        tpb0 = np.sum(a[0]) / float(gpr.n)  # [1] tracers per bin
        denserr0 = dens0 / np.sqrt(tpb0)  # [Munit/rscale^3]
        p_dens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        p_edens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            dens = np.sum(density[b]) / float(gpr.n)  # [Munit/rscale^3]
            tpb = np.sum(a[b]) / float(gpr.n)  # [1]
            denserr = dens / np.sqrt(tpb)  # [Munit/rscale^3]

            if (np.isnan(denserr)):
                p_dens[b] = p_dens[b - 1]  # [1]
                p_edens[b] = p_edens[b - 1]  # [1]
                p_dens[b] = dens / dens0  # [1]
                    b] = denserr / dens0  # [1] #100/rbin would be artificial guess

            # [rscale], 2*[dens0]
            indr = (r < binmax[b])
            menclosed = float(
                np.sum(indr)) / totmass_tracers  # for normalization to 1
            # [totmass_tracers]
            merr = menclosed / np.sqrt(
                tpb)  # artificial menclosed/10 # [totmass_tracers]
            print(rbin[b], binmin[b], binmax[b], menclosed, merr, file=em)
            # [rscale], 2*[totmass_tracers]

        if gpr.showplots:
            print('plotting for pop ', pop)
            #show_plots_dens(rbin, p_dens, p_edens, gp)
            mf1 = 0.02  #1/totmass_tracers
            mf2 = 0.02
            rho_dm, rho_star1, rho_star2 = ga.rho_walk(rbin * rscale0, gp, mf1,

            if pop == 0:
                loglog(rbin * rscale0, rho_star1 + rho_star2, 'k.-', lw=0.5)
            elif pop == 1:
                loglog(rbin * rscale0, rho_star1, 'b.-', lw=0.5)
            elif pop == 2:
                loglog(rbin * rscale0, rho_star2, 'g.-', lw=0.5)

            loglog(rbin * rscale0, dens0pc * p_dens, 'r.-')
Exemple #16
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    global Nsample, split, e_split, PM, split_min, split_max
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir + "data/tracers.dat"
    # number of measured tracer stars
    Nsample = bufcount(gpr.fil)
    delim = [0, 22, 3, 3, 6, 4, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6]
    #ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,skiprows=29,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),delimiter=delim)
    if gp.case == 5:
        RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, VHel, e_VHel, Teff, e_Teff, logg, e_logg, Fe, e_Fe, N = np.loadtxt(
            gpr.fil, skiprows=25, unpack=True)
        PM = np.ones(len(RAh))
        split = logg
        e_split = e_logg
        RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, Vmag, VI, VHel, e_VHel, SigFe, e_SigFe, Mg, Mg_err, PM = np.genfromtxt(
            usecols=tuple(range(2, 17)),
        split = Mg
        e_split = Mg_err
    if gp.case == 5:
        sel = (N > 0)
        sel = (Mg > -1)  # exclude missing data on Mg
    RAh = RAh[sel]
    RAm = RAm[sel]
    RAs = RAs[sel]
    DEd = DEd[sel]
    DEm = DEm[sel]
    DEs = DEs[sel]
    #Vmag = Vmag[sel]
    #VI  = VI[sel]
    VHel = VHel[sel]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[sel]
    if gp.case < 5:
        Mg = Mg[sel]
        Mg_err = Mg_err[sel]
    elif gp.case == 5:
        Teff = Teff[sel]
        e_Teff = e_Teff[sel]
        logg = logg[sel]
        e_logg = e_logg[sel]
        Fe = Fe[sel]
        e_Fe = e_Fe[sel]
        N = N[sel]
    split = split[sel]
    e_split = e_split[sel]
    PM = PM[sel]

    split_min = min(split)  # -3, 3 if according to WalkerPenarrubia2011
    split_max = max(split)

    # easiest way for visualization: use histogram to show data
    #hist(split, np.sqrt(len(split))/2, normed=True)

    # but: it's not as easy as that
    # we have datapoints with errors and probability of membership weighting
    # thus, we need to smear the values out using a Gaussian of width = split_err
    # and add them up afterwards after scaling with probability PM
    x = np.array(np.linspace(split_min, split_max, 100))
    splitdf = np.zeros(100)
    for i in range(len(split)):
        splitdf += PM[i] * gh.gauss(x, split[i], e_split[i])
    splitdf /= sum(PM)

    #plot(x, Mgdf, 'g', lw=2)
    # only then we want to compare to Gaussians

    n_dims = 1 + gp.pops * 2
    #Nsample = 10*n_dims
        n_dims,  # nest_ndims
        n_dims + 1,  # nest_totPar
        n_dims,  # separate modes on nest_nCdims
        # the rho parameters only (gp.nrho in this case)
        [gp.pops, gp.nipol, gp.nrho],
        True,  # nest_IS = INS enabled
        True,  #nest_mmodal =            # separate modes
        True,  # nest_ceff = use const sampling efficiency
        Nsample,  # nest_nlive =
        0.0,  # nest_tol = 0 to keep working infinitely
        0.8,  # nest_ef =
        10000,  # nest_updInt = output after this many iterations
        1.,  # null_log_evidence separate modes if
        #logevidence > this param.
        Nsample,  # maxClst =
        -1.e30,  # nest_Ztol = mode tolerance in the
        #case where no special value exists: highly negative
        gp.files.outdir,  # outputfiles_basename =
        -1,  # seed =
        True,  # nest_fb =
        False,  # nest_resume =
        0,  # context =
        True,  # nest_outfile =
        -999999,  # nest_logZero = points with log L < log_zero will be
        1000,  # nest_maxIter =
        False,  # initMPI =  use MPI
        None)  #dump_callback =

    import os
        'cd ' + gp.files.outdir +
        '; grep -n6 Maximum stats.dat|tail -5|cut -d " " -f8 > metalmaxL.dat;')
    os.system("cd " + gp.files.outdir +
              "; sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\)-\\([0-9]\\)/\\1E-\\2/g' metalmaxL.dat")
    os.system("cd " + gp.files.outdir +
              "; sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\)+\\([0-9]\\)/\\1E+\\2/g' metalmaxL.dat")
    cubeML = np.loadtxt(gp.files.outdir + 'metalmaxL.dat')
    cubeMLphys = cubeML  #myprior(cubeML, 1+gp.pops*2, 1+gp.pops*2)
    #myloglike(cubeMLphys, 1+gp.pops*2, 1+gp.pops*2)
    pML, mu1ML, sig1ML, mu2ML, sig2ML = cubeMLphys
    #g1 = pML*gh.gauss(x, mu1ML, sig1ML)
    #g2 = (1-pML)*gh.gauss(x, mu2ML, sig2ML)
    #gtot = g1+g2
    #plot(x, pML*g1, 'white')
    #plot(x, (1-pML)*g2, 'white')
    #plot(x, gtot, 'r')

    sig = abs(RAh[0]) / RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh / sig
    xs = 15 * (RAh * 3600 + RAm * 60 + RAs) * sig  # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0]) / DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd / sig
    ys = (DEd * 3600 + DEm * 60 + DEs) * sig  # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2. * np.pi / (360. * 60. * 60)  # [pc]
    kpc = 1000  # [pc]
    DL = {
        1: lambda x: x * (138),  #+/- 8 for Fornax
        2: lambda x: x * (101),  #+/- 5 for Carina
        3: lambda x: x * (79),  #+/- 4 for Sculptor
        4: lambda x: x * (86),  #+/- 4 for Sextans
        5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
    xs *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]

    # alternative: get center of photometric measurements by deBoer
    # for Fornax, we have
    if gp.case == 1:
        com_x = 96203.736358393697
        com_y = -83114.080684733024
        xs = xs - com_x
        ys = ys - com_y
        # determine com_x, com_y from shrinking sphere
        import gi_centering as grc
        com_x, com_y = grc.com_shrinkcircle_2D(xs, ys)
    # instantiate different samplings, store half-light radii (2D)
    coll_R1half = []
    coll_R2half = []
    coll_popass = []

    print('drawing 1000 assignments of stars to best fitting Gaussians')
    import numpy.random as npr
    #import gi_project as gip
    for kl in range(1000):
        # get a sample assignment:
        popass = []
        for i in range(sum(sel)):
            # random assignment, wrong
            #if npr.rand() <= 0.5:
            #    popass.append(1)
            #    popass.append(2)

            spl = split[i]
            ppop1 = pML * gh.gauss(spl, mu1ML, sig1ML)
            ppop2 = (1 - pML) * gh.gauss(spl, mu2ML, sig2ML)
            if npr.rand() <= ppop1 / (ppop1 + ppop2):

        popass = np.array(popass)
        sel1 = (popass == 1)
        sel2 = (popass == 2)
        # radii of all stellar tracers from pop 1 and 2
        R1 = np.sqrt((xs[sel1])**2 + (ys[sel1])**2)
        R2 = np.sqrt((xs[sel2])**2 + (ys[sel2])**2)

        for pop in np.arange(2) + 1:
            if pop == 1:
                R0 = R1  # [pc]
                Rhalf = R1[len(R1) / 2]
                co = 'blue'
                R0 = R2  # [pc]
                Rhalf = R2[len(R2) / 2]
                co = 'red'
    coll_R1half = np.array(coll_R1half)
    coll_R2half = np.array(coll_R2half)
    coll_Rdiffhalf = np.abs(coll_R1half - coll_R2half)

    # select 3 assignments: one for median, one for median-1sigma, one for median+1sigma
    med_Rdiff = np.median(coll_Rdiffhalf)
    stdif = np.std(coll_Rdiffhalf)
    min1s_Rdiff = med_Rdiff - stdif
    max1s_Rdiff = med_Rdiff + stdif

    #hist(coll_Rdiffhalf, np.sqrt(len(coll_Rdiffhalf))/2)
    #xlabel(r'$\Delta R/pc$')
    #axvline(med_Rdiff, color='r')
    #axvline(min1s_Rdiff, color='g')
    #axvline(max1s_Rdiff, color='g')

    kmed = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf - med_Rdiff))
    kmin1s = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf - min1s_Rdiff))
    kmax1s = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf - max1s_Rdiff))

    print('saving median, lower 68%, upper 68% stellar assignments')
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir + 'data/popass_median', coll_popass[kmed])
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir + 'data/popass_min1s', coll_popass[kmin1s])
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir + 'data/popass_max1s', coll_popass[kmax1s])
Exemple #17
    ax.set_ylim(-1, 1.5)

## \fn show_metallicity(Fe, Fe_err, Mg, Mg_err)
# show ellipses with error bars for each star's Fe and Mg
# @param Fe iron abundance
# @param Fe_err error on it
# @param Mg Magnesium abundance
# @param Mg_err error on it

import gi_params
gp = gi_params.Params()

import gr_params
gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

DL = {
    1: lambda x: x * (138),  #+/- 8 for Fornax
    2: lambda x: x * (101),  #+/- 5 for Carina
    3: lambda x: x * (79),  #+/- 4 for Sculptor
    4: lambda x: x * (86),  #+/- 4 for Sextans
    5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
k2 = {
    1: lambda x: x * (339),  #+/-36 for Fornax
    2: lambda x: x * (137),  #+/-22 for Carina
    3: lambda x: x * (94),  #+/-26 for Sculptor
    4: lambda x: x * (294),  #+/-38 for Sextans
    5: lambda x: x * (-1)  # TODO: look up for Draco
Exemple #18
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    xall,yall = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(0), skiprows=1, usecols=(0,1), unpack=True)
    # 2*[Rscale0]
    R = np.sqrt(xall**2+yall**2) # [Rscale0]
    # set number and size of (linearly spaced) bins
    Rmin = 0. #[Rscale0]
    Rmax = max(R) if gp.maxR < 0 else 1.0*gp.maxR # [Rscale0]
    R = R[(R<Rmax)] # [Rscale0]
    Binmin, Binmax, Rbin = gh.determine_radius(R, Rmin, Rmax, gp) # [Rscale0]
    gp.xipol = Rbin
    minr = min(Rbin) # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin) # [pc]
    gp.xepol = np.hstack([minr/8., minr/4., minr/2., Rbin, 2*maxr, 4*maxr, 8*maxr]) # [pc]
    Vol = gh.volume_circular_ring(Binmin, Binmax, gp) # [Rscale0^2]
    Rscale0 = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(0)) # [pc]
    for pop in range(gp.pops+1):
        print('#######  working on component ',pop)
        print('input: ', gp.files.get_com_file(pop))
        # exclude second condition if self-consistent approach wished
        if gp.investigate == "obs" and gp.case==1 and pop==0:
            # for Fornax, overwrite first Sigma with deBoer data
            import gr_MCMCbin_for
        # start from data centered on COM already:
        if gf.bufcount(gp.files.get_com_file(pop))<2:
        # only read in data if needed: pops = 1: reuse data from pop=0 part
        if (gp.pops == 1 and pop < 1 or gp.pops == 2) or gp.investigate == 'obs':
            x,y,v = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), skiprows=1,usecols=(0,1,2),unpack=True)
            # [Rscalei], [Rscalei], [km/s]
            # calculate 2D radius on the skyplane
            R = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2) #[Rscalei]
            Rscalei = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop)) # [pc]
            # set maximum radius (if gp.maxR is set)
            Rmax = max(R) if gp.maxR<0 else 1.0*gp.maxR # [Rscale0]
            print('Rmax [Rscale0] = ', Rmax)
            #from pylab import clf, hist, axvline, xlim
            #hist(np.log10(R*Rscalei), 40)
            #for i in range(len(Rbin)):
            #    axvline(np.log10(Rbin[i]*Rscale0))
            #xlim([np.log10(min(gp.xepol*Rscale0)), np.log10(max(gp.xepol*Rscale0))])
            sel = (R * Rscalei <= Rmax * Rscale0)
            x = x[sel]
            y = y[sel]
            v = v[sel]
            R = R[sel] # [Rscalei]
            totmass_tracers = float(len(x)) # [Munit], Munit = 1/star
            Rs = R                   # + possible starting offset, [Rscalei]
            vlos = v                 # + possible starting offset, [km/s]
        tr = open(gp.files.get_ntracer_file(pop),'w')
        print(totmass_tracers, file=tr)
        f_Sig, f_nu, f_mass, f_sig, f_kap, f_zeta = gf.write_headers_2D(gp, pop)
        if (gp.pops == 1 and pop < 1) or gp.pops == 2 or gp.investigate == 'obs':
            Sig_kin   = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
            siglos    = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
            if gp.usekappa:
                kappa     = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
            if gp.usezeta:
                v2        = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
                v4        = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
                Ntot      = np.zeros(gpr.n)
                zetaa     = np.zeros(gpr.n)
                zetab     = np.zeros(gpr.n)
            # particle selections, shared by density, siglos, kappa and zeta calculations
            tpb       = np.zeros((gp.nipol,gpr.n))
            for k in range(gpr.n):
                Rsi   = gh.add_errors(Rs,   gpr.Rerr)   # [Rscalei]
                vlosi = gh.add_errors(vlos, gpr.vrerr)   # [km/s]
                for i in range(gp.nipol):
                    ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(Rsi * Rscalei >= Binmin[i] * Rscale0, Rsi * Rscalei <  Binmax[i] * Rscale0)).flatten() # [1]
                    tpb[i][k] = float(len(ind1)) # [1]
                    Sig_kin[i][k] = float(len(ind1))*totmass_tracers/Vol[i] # [Munit/rscale**2]
                        siglos[i][k] = siglos[i-1][k]
                        print('### using last value, missing data')
                        if gp.usekappa:
                            kappa[i][k] = kappa[i-1][k]
                            # attention! should be 0, uses last value
                        if gp.usezeta:
                            v2[i][k] = v2[i-1][k]
                            v4[i][k] = v4[i-1][k]
                        siglos[i][k] = meanbiweight(vlosi[ind1], ci_perc=68.4, \
                                                    ci_mean=True, ci_std=True)[1]
                        # [km/s], see BiWeight.py
                        if gp.usekappa:
                            kappa[i][k] = kurtosis(vlosi[ind1], axis=0, \
                                                   fisher=False, bias=False) # [1]
                        if gp.usezeta:
                            ave, adev, sdev, var, skew, curt = gh.moments(vlosi[ind1])
                            v2[i][k] = var
                            v4[i][k] = (curt+3)*var**2
                Sigma = Sig_kin[:,k]
                if gp.usezeta:
                    Ntot[k] = gh.Ntot(Rbin, Sigma, gp)
                    zetaa[k] = gh.starred(Rbin, v4[:,k], Sigma, Ntot[k], gp)
                    v2denom = (gh.starred(Rbin, v2[:,k], Sigma, Ntot[k], gp))**2
                    zetaa[k] /= v2denom
                    zetab[k] = gh.starred(Rbin, v4[:,k]*Rbin**2, Sigma, Ntot[k], gp)
                    zetab[k] /= v2denom
                    zetab[k] /= (gh.starred(Rbin, Rbin, Sigma, Ntot[k], gp))**2
            if gp.investigate == 'obs' and gp.case < 5:
                Sig_phot = obs_Sig_phot(Binmin, Binmax, Rscale0, Sig_kin, gp, gpr)
                Sig_phot = Sig_kin
        # do the following for all populations
        Sig0 = np.sum(Sig_phot[0])/float(gpr.n) # [Munit/Rscale^2]
        Sig0pc = Sig0/Rscale0**2              # [munis/pc^2]
        gf.write_Sig_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Sig0pc, totmass_tracers)

        # calculate density and mass profile, store it
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        #tpb0   = np.sum(tpb[0])/float(gpr.n)     # [1]
        #Sigerr0 = Sig0/np.sqrt(tpb0)       # [Munit/Rscale^2]
        P_dens  = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        P_edens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            Sig = np.sum(Sig_kin[b])/(1.*gpr.n) # [Munit/Rscale^2]
            tpbb   = np.sum(tpb[b])/float(gpr.n)       # [1], mean number of tracers in bin
            Sigerr = Sig/np.sqrt(tpbb)       # [Munit/Rscale^2], Poissonian error
            # compare data and analytic profile <=> get stellar
            # density or mass ratio from Matt Walker
                P_dens[b] = P_dens[b-1]  # [1]
                P_edens[b]= P_edens[b-1] # [1]
                P_dens[b] = Sig/Sig0   # [1]
                P_edens[b]= Sigerr/Sig0 # [1]
            print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], P_dens[b], P_edens[b], file=f_Sig)
            # 3*[rscale], [dens0], [dens0]
            indr = (R<Binmax[b])
            Menclosed = float(np.sum(indr))/totmass_tracers # for normalization to 1#[totmass_tracers]
            Merr = Menclosed/np.sqrt(tpbb) # or artificial Menclosed/10 #[totmass_tracers]
            print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], Menclosed, Merr, file=f_mass) # [Rscale0], 2* [totmass_tracers]
        # deproject Sig to get nu
        numedi = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin*Rscalei, Sig0pc*P_dens, gp)
        #numin  = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin*Rscalei, Sig0pc*(P_dens-P_edens), gp)
        numax  = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin*Rscalei, Sig0pc*(P_dens+P_edens), gp)
        nu0pc  = numedi[0]
        gf.write_nu_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), nu0pc)
        nuerr  = numax-numedi
        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], numedi[b]/nu0pc, nuerr[b]/nu0pc, file = f_nu)
        # calculate and output siglos
        # --------------------------------------------
        p_dvlos = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        p_edvlos = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            sig = np.sum(siglos[b])/gpr.n #[km/s]
            tpbb = np.sum(tpb[b])/float(gpr.n) #[1]
            if tpbb == 0:
                sigerr = p_edvlos[b-1] #[km/s]
                # attention! uses last error
                # Poisson error with measurement errors
                #sigerr = sig/np.sqrt(tpbb)
                #sigerr = np.sqrt(sigerr**2+2**2) # 2km/s

                # standard deviation
                #sigerr = stddevbiweight(siglos[b])

                # Poisson error, first guess
                sigerr = sig/np.sqrt(tpbb) #[km/s]
            p_dvlos[b] = sig    #[km/s]
            p_edvlos[b]= sigerr #[km/s]
        maxsiglos = max(p_dvlos) #[km/s]
        print('maxsiglos = ', maxsiglos, '[km/s]')
        fpars = open(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop),'a')
        print(maxsiglos, file=fpars)          #[km/s]
        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], np.abs(p_dvlos[b]/maxsiglos),\
                  np.abs(p_edvlos[b]/maxsiglos), file=f_sig)
            # 3*[rscale], 2*[maxsiglos]
        # calculate and output kurtosis kappa
        # --------------------------------------------
        if gp.usekappa:
            p_kappa = np.zeros(gp.nipol) # needed for plotting later
            p_ekappa = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
            for b in range(gp.nipol):
                kappavel = np.sum(kappa[b])/gpr.n #[1]
                tpbb = np.sum(tpb[b])/float(gpr.n) #[1]
                if tpbb == 0:
                    kappavelerr = p_edvlos[b-1] #[1]
                    # attention! uses last error
                    kappavelerr = np.abs(kappavel/np.sqrt(tpbb)) #[1]
                p_kappa[b] = kappavel
                p_ekappa[b] = kappavelerr
                print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], \
                      kappavel, kappavelerr, file=f_kap)
                # [rscale], 2*[1]
        # output zetas
        # -------------------------------------------------------------
        if gp.usezeta:
            print(np.median(zetaa), np.median(zetab), file=f_zeta)
        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_plots_dens_2D(Rbin*Rscalei, P_dens, P_edens, Sig0pc)
            gpr.show_plots_sigma(Rbin*Rscalei, p_dvlos, p_edvlos)
            if gp.usekappa:
                gpr.show_plots_kappa(Rbin*Rscalei, p_kappa, p_ekappa)

        # overwrite Sig profile if photometric data is used
        if gp.investigate == 'obs' and gp.case==1 and pop==1 and not gp.selfconsistentnu:
            import os
            os.system('cp '+gp.files.get_scale_file(0)+' '+gp.files.get_scale_file(1))
            # replace last line with actual maxsiglos from tracer particles
            os.system("sed -i '$s/^.*/"+str(maxsiglos)+"/' "+gp.files.get_scale_file(1))
            os.system('cp '+gp.files.Sigfiles[0]+' '+gp.files.Sigfiles[1])
Exemple #19
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    print('input: ', gpr.fil)
    x0, y0, z0, vb0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, comp0 = read_data(gpr.fil)
    # [pc], [km/s], [1]

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf: exclude pop3 by
    # construction
    pm = (PM0 >= gpr.pmsplit)  # exclude foreground contamination,

    x0, y0, z0, comp0, vb0, vz0, Mg0, PM0 = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vb0,
                                                      vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm)

    # assign population
    if gp.pops == 2:
        pm1 = (comp0 == 1)  # will be overwritten below if gp.metalpop
        pm2 = (comp0 == 2)  # same same
    elif gp.pops == 1:
        pm1 = (comp0 < 3)
        pm2 = (comp0 == -1)  # assign none, but of same length as comp0

    if gp.metalpop:
        # drawing of populations based on metallicity get parameters
        # from function in pymcmetal.py

        import pickle
        fi = open('metalsplit.dat', 'rb')
        DATA = pickle.load(fi)
        p, mu1, sig1, mu2, sig2, M, pm1, pm2 = DATA

    x1, y1, z1, comp1, vb1, vz1, Mg1, PM1 = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vb0,
                                                      vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm1)
    x2, y2, z2, comp2, vb2, vz2, Mg2, PM2 = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vb0,
                                                      vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm2)

    # cut to subsets
    ind1 = gh.draw_random_subset(x1, gp.ntracer[1 - 1])
    x1, y1, z1, comp1, vb1, vz1, Mg1, PM1 = select_pm(x1, y1, z1, comp1, vb1,
                                                      vz1, Mg1, PM1, ind1)

    ind2 = gh.draw_random_subset(x2, gp.ntracer[2 - 1])
    x2, y2, z2, comp2, vb2, vz2, Mg2, PM2 = select_pm(x2, y2, z2, comp2, vb2,
                                                      vz2, Mg2, PM2, ind2)

    # use vz for no contamination, or vb for with contamination
    x0, y0, z0, vz0, pm1, pm2, pm = concat_pops(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, vz1,
                                                vz2, gp)
    com_x, com_y, com_z, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v(x0, y0, z0, vz0,
                                                     pm)  # [pc]
    print('COM [pc]: ', com_x, com_y, com_z)  # [pc]
    print('VOM [km/s]', com_vz)  # [km/s]

    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get
    # center in (x,y) better
    x0 -= com_x  # [pc]
    y0 -= com_y  # [pc]
    vz0 -= com_vz  # [km/s]

    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2)  # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0)  # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf  # [pc] from all tracer points

    pop = -1
    for pmn in [pm, pm1, pm2]:
        pop = pop + 1  # population number
        pmr = (R0 < (gp.maxR * Rscale))  # read max extension for data
        #(rprior*Rscale) from
        pmn = pmn * pmr  # [1]
        print("fraction of members = ", 1.0 * sum(pmn) / len(pmn))

        x, y, z, comp, vz, vb, Mg, PMN = select_pm(x0, y0, z0, comp0, vz0, vb0,
                                                   Mg0, PM0, pmn)
        R = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)  # [pc]
        Rscalei = np.median(R)
        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei)
        gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x / Rscalei,
                             y / Rscalei, vz, Rscalei)

        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_part_pos(x, y, pmn, Rscale)
Exemple #20
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    ## read input measurements
    print('input: ', gpr.fil)
                                                 usecols=(0, 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 19, 20),\
                                                 converters={0:expDtofloat,  # x0  in pc \
                                                             1:expDtofloat,  # y0  in pc \
                                                             2:expDtofloat,  # z0  in pc \
                                                             5:expDtofloat, # vz0 in km/s\
                                                             12:expDtofloat, # vb0(LOS due binary), km/s\
                                                             13:expDtofloat, # Mg0 in Angstrom\
                                                             19:expDtofloat, # PM0 [1]\
                                                             20:expDtofloat}) # comp0 1,2,3(background)
    # use component 12-1 instead of 6-1 for z velocity, to exclude observational errors

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf: exclude pop3 by construction
    pm  = (PM0 >= gpr.pmsplit) # exclude foreground contamination, outliers
    PM0 = PM0[pm]
    comp0 = comp0[pm]
    x0 = x0[pm]
    y0 = y0[pm]
    z0 = z0[pm]
    vz0 = vz0[pm]; vb0 = vb0[pm]; Mg0 = Mg0[pm]

    pm1 = (comp0 == 1) # will be overwritten below if gp.metalpop
    pm2 = (comp0 == 2) # same same
    pm3 = (comp0 == 3)

    if gp.metalpop:
        # drawing of populations based on metallicity
        # get parameters from function in pymcmetal.py
        import pickle
        fi = open('metalsplit.dat', 'rb')
        DATA = pickle.load(fi)
        p, mu1, sig1, mu2, sig2, M, pm1, pm2 = DATA

    # cutting pm_i to a maximum of ntracers particles:
    ind = np.arange(len(x0))
    ind = ind[:np.sum(gp.ntracer)]

    x0 = x0[ind];   y0 = y0[ind]; z0 = z0[ind]; comp0 = comp0[ind]
    vz0 = vz0[ind]; vb0=vb0[ind]; Mg0 = Mg0[ind]
    PM0 = PM0[ind]; pm1 = pm1[ind]; pm2 = pm2[ind]; pm3 = pm3[ind];
    pm = pm1+pm2+pm3

    # get COM with shrinking sphere method
    com_x, com_y, com_z = com_shrinkcircle(x0,y0,z0,PM0)
    print('COM [pc]: ', com_x, com_y, com_z)

    com_vz = np.sum(vz0*PM0)/np.sum(PM0) # [km/s]
    print('VOM [km/s]', com_vz)

    # from now on, continue to work with 3D data. store to different files

    x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y; z0 -= com_z # [pc]
    vz0 -= com_vz #[km/s]

    # but still get the same radii as from 2D method, to get comparison of integration routines right
    r0 = np.sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0+z0*z0) # [pc]
    rhalf = np.median(r0) # [pc]
    rscale = rhalf                       # or gpr.r_DM # [pc]

    print('rscale = ', rscale,  ' pc')
    print('max(R) = ', max(r0) ,' pc')
    print('last element of R : ',r0[-1],' pc')
    print('total number of stars: ',len(r0))

    pop = -1
    for pmn in [pm, pm1, pm2]:
        pmr = (r0<(gp.maxR*rscale)) # [1] based on [pc]
        pmn = pmn*pmr                  # [1]
        print("fraction of members = ", 1.0*sum(pmn)/len(pmn))
        pop = pop + 1
        x  = x0[pmn];  y = y0[pmn]; z = z0[pmn]; vz = vz0[pmn]; vb = vb0[pmn];  # [pc], [km/s]
        Mg = Mg0[pmn]; comp = comp0[pmn]; PMN = PM0[pmn]   # [ang], [1], [1]
        m = np.ones(len(pmn))

        rscalei = np.median(np.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z))

        # print("x y z" on first line, to interprete data later on)
        crscale = open(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop)+'_3D','w')
        print('# rscale in [pc], surfdens_central (=dens0) in [Munit/rscale0^2], and in [Munit/pc^2], and totmass_tracers [Munit], and max(sigma_LOS) in [km/s]', file=crscale)
        print(rscalei, file=crscale) # use 3 different half-light radii

        # store recentered positions and velocity
        print('output: ',gp.files.get_com_file(pop)+'_3D')
        c = open(gp.files.get_com_file(pop)+'_3D','w')
        print('# x [rscale],','y [rscale],', 'z [rscale]','vLOS [km/s],','rscale = ',rscalei,' pc', file=c)
        for k in range(len(x)):
            print(x[k]/rscalei, y[k]/rscalei, z[k]/rscalei, vz[k], file=c) # 3* [pc], [km/s]

        if gpr.showplots and False:
            from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            #res = (abs(x)<3*rscalei)*(abs(y)<3*rscalei)
            #x = x[res]; y = y[res]; z = z[res]
            en = len(x)

            ax.scatter3D(x[:en], y[:en], z[:en], c=pmn[:en], s=35, \
                    vmin=0.95, vmax=1.0, lw=0.0, alpha=0.2)

            #circ_HL=Circle((0,0), radius=rscalei, fc='None', ec='b', lw=1)
            #circ_DM=Circle((0,0), radius=gpr.r_DM, fc='None', ec='r', lw=1)
            gpr.show_part_pos(x, y, pmn, rscalei)
Exemple #21
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir + "/data/tracers.dat"
    delim = [0, 22, 3, 3, 6, 4, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6]
    ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,
                       usecols=(0, 1),
    RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, Vmag, VI, VHel, e_VHel, SigFe, e_SigFe, SigMg, e_SigMg, PM = np.genfromtxt(
        usecols=tuple(range(2, 17)),

    # only use stars which have Mg measurements
    pm = (SigMg > -1) * (PM >= 0.95)
    print("f_members = ", gh.pretty(1. * sum(pm) / len(pm)))
    ID = ID[1][pm]
    RAh = RAh[pm]
    RAm = RAm[pm]
    RAs = RAs[pm]
    DEd = DEd[pm]
    DEm = DEm[pm]
    DEs = DEs[pm]
    Vmag = Vmag[pm]
    VI = VI[pm]
    VHel = VHel[pm]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[pm]
    SigFe = SigFe[pm]
    e_SigFe = e_SigFe[pm]
    SigMg = SigMg[pm]
    e_SigMg = e_SigMg[pm]
    PM = PM[pm]

    Mg0 = SigMg
    sig = abs(RAh[0]) / RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh / sig
    xs = 15 * (RAh * 3600 + RAm * 60 + RAs) * sig  # [arcsec/15]

    sig = abs(DEd[0]) / DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd / sig
    ys = (DEd * 3600 + DEm * 60 + DEs) * sig  # [arcsec]

    arcsec = 2. * np.pi / (360. * 60. * 60)  # [pc]

    kpc = 1000  # [pc]
    DL = {
        1: lambda x: x * (138),  #+/- 8 for Fornax
        2: lambda x: x * (101),  #+/- 5 for Carina
        3: lambda x: x * (79),  #+/- 4 for Sculptor
        4: lambda x: x * (86),  #+/- 4 for Sextans
        5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco

    xs *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]

    PM0 = np.copy(PM)
    x0 = np.copy(xs)
    y0 = np.copy(ys)  # [pc]
    vz0 = np.copy(VHel)  # [km/s]

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf: exclude pop3 by construction
    #pm = (PM0 >= gpr.pmsplit) # exclude foreground contamination, outliers
    #x0, y0, vz0, Mg0, PM0 = select_pm(x0, y0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm)

    # assign population
    if gp.pops == 2:
        # drawing of populations based on metallicity
        # get parameters from function in pymcmetal.py
        #[p, mu1, sig1, mu2, sig2] = np.loadtxt(gp.files.dir+'metalsplit.dat')
        #[pm1, pm2] = np.loadtxt(gp.files.dir+'metalsplit_assignment.dat')
        popass = np.loadtxt(gp.files.dir + 'popass')
        pm1 = (popass == 1)
        pm2 = (popass == 2)

    elif gp.pops == 1:
        pm1 = (PM >= 0)
        pm2 = (PM < 0)  # assign none, but of same length as xs

    x1, y1, vz1, Mg1, PM1 = select_pm(x0, y0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm1)
    x2, y2, vz2, Mg2, PM2 = select_pm(x0, y0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, pm2)

    # cutting pm_i to a maximum of ntracers_i particles each:
    ind1 = np.arange(len(x1))
    np.random.shuffle(ind1)  # random.shuffle already changes ind
    ind1 = ind1[:gp.ntracer[1 - 1]]

    ind2 = np.arange(len(x2))
    np.random.shuffle(ind2)  # random.shuffle already changes ind
    ind2 = ind2[:gp.ntracer[2 - 1]]

    x1, y1, vz1, Mg1, PMS1 = select_pm(x1, y1, vz1, Mg1, PM1, ind1)
    x2, y2, vz2, Mg2, PMS2 = select_pm(x2, y2, vz2, Mg2, PM2, ind2)

    x0, y0, vz0, pm1, pm2, pm = concat_pops(x1, x2, y1, y2, vz1, vz2, gp)

    # optimum: get 3D center of mass with means
    # com_x, com_y, com_z = com_mean(x0,y0,z0,PM0) # 3*[pc],  z component included if available

    com_x, com_y, com_vz = com_shrinkcircle_v_2D(x0, y0, vz0,
                                                 pm)  # [pc], [km/s]

    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    # x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    # vz0 -= com_vz #[km/s]

    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2)  # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0)  # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf  # [pc] overall

    pop = -1
    for pmn in [pm, pm1, pm2]:
        pop = pop + 1
        pmr = (R0 < (gp.maxR * Rscale))  # read max extension for data
        # (rprior*Rscale) from gi_params
        pmn = pmn * pmr  # [1]
        print("fraction of members = ", 1.0 * sum(pmn) / len(pmn))

        x, y, vz, Mg, PMN = select_pm(x0, y0, vz0, Mg0, PM0, pmn)

        R = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)  # [pc]
        Rscalei = np.median(R)  # [pc]
        gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei)  # [pc]
        gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x / Rscalei,
                             y / Rscalei, vz, Rscalei)  # [pc]

        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_part_pos(x, y, pmn, Rscale)
def run(gp, pop):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    xall,yall = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(0), skiprows=1, \
                           usecols=(0,1), unpack=True)
    # 2*[Rscale0]
    R = np.sqrt(xall**2+yall**2) # [Rscale0]
    # set number and size of (linearly spaced) bins
    Rmin = 0. #[Rscale0]
    Rmax = max(R) if gp.maxR < 0 else 1.0*gp.maxR # [Rscale0]
    R = R[(R<Rmax)] # [Rscale0]
    Binmin, Binmax, Rbin = gh.determine_radius(R, Rmin, Rmax, gp) # [Rscale0]
    gp.xipol = Rbin
    minr = min(Rbin)                           # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)                           # [pc]
    gp.xepol = np.hstack([minr/8., minr/4., minr/2., Rbin, 2*maxr, 4*maxr, 8*maxr]) # [pc]
    Vol = gh.volume_circular_ring(Binmin, Binmax, gp) # [Rscale0^2]
    Rscale0 = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(0)) # [pc]
    print('#######  working on component ',pop)
    print('input: ', gp.files.get_com_file(pop))
    # start from data centered on COM already:
    if gf.bufcount(gp.files.get_com_file(pop))<2:
    # only read in data if needed: pops = 1: reuse data from pop=0 part
    x,y = np.loadtxt(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), skiprows=1, usecols=(0,1), unpack = True)
        # [Rscalei], [Rscalei]
    # calculate 2D radius on the skyplane
    R = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2) #[Rscalei]
    Rscalei = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop)) # [pc]
    # set maximum radius (if gp.maxR is set)
    Rmax = max(R) if gp.maxR<0 else 1.0*gp.maxR # [Rscale0]
    print('Rmax [Rscale0] = ', Rmax)
    sel = (R * Rscalei <= Rmax * Rscale0)
    x = x[sel] # [Rscalei]
    y = y[sel] # [Rscalei]
    R = R[sel] # [Rscalei]
    totmass_tracers = float(len(x)) # [Munit], Munit = 1/star
    Rs = R                   # + possible starting offset, [Rscalei]
    tr = open(gp.files.get_ntracer_file(pop),'w')
    print(totmass_tracers, file=tr)
    f_Sig, f_nu, f_mass, f_sig, f_kap, f_zeta = gf.write_headers_2D(gp, pop)
    Sig_phot   = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
    # particle selections, shared by density, siglos, kappa and zeta calculations
    tpb       = np.zeros((gp.nipol,gpr.n))
    for k in range(gpr.n):
        Rsi   = gh.add_errors(Rs,   gpr.Rerr)   # [Rscalei]
        for i in range(gp.nipol):
            ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(Rsi * Rscalei >= Binmin[i] * Rscale0, \
                                          Rsi * Rscalei <  Binmax[i] * Rscale0)).flatten() # [1]
            tpb[i][k] = float(len(ind1)) #[1]
            Sig_phot[i][k] = float(len(ind1))*totmass_tracers/Vol[i] # [Munit/rscale^2]
    # do the following for all populations
    Sig0 = np.sum(Sig_phot[0])/float(gpr.n) # [Munit/Rscale^2]
    Sig0pc = Sig0/Rscale0**2              # [munis/pc^2]
    gf.write_Sig_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Sig0pc, totmass_tracers)

    # calculate density and mass profile, store it
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    P_dens  = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    P_edens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    for b in range(gp.nipol):
        Sig = np.sum(Sig_phot[b])/(1.*gpr.n) # [Munit/Rscale^2]
        tpbb   = np.sum(tpb[b])/float(gpr.n)       # [1], mean number of tracers in bin
        Sigerr = Sig/np.sqrt(tpbb)       # [Munit/Rscale^2], Poissonian error
        # compare data and analytic profile <=> get stellar
        # density or mass ratio from Matt Walker
            P_dens[b] = P_dens[b-1]  # [1]
            P_edens[b]= P_edens[b-1] # [1]
            P_dens[b] = Sig/Sig0   # [1]
            P_edens[b]= Sigerr/Sig0 # [1]
        print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], P_dens[b], P_edens[b], file=f_Sig)
        # 3*[rscale], [dens0], [dens0]
        indr = (R<Binmax[b])
        Menclosed = float(np.sum(indr))/totmass_tracers # for normalization to 1#[totmass_tracers]
        Merr = Menclosed/np.sqrt(tpbb) # or artificial Menclosed/10 #[totmass_tracers]
        print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], Menclosed, Merr, file=f_mass) # [Rscale0], 2* [totmass_tracers]

    # deproject Sig to get nu
    numedi = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin*Rscalei, Sig0pc*P_dens, gp)
    #numin  = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin*Rscalei, Sig0pc*(P_dens-P_edens), gp)
    numax  = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin*Rscalei, Sig0pc*(P_dens+P_edens), gp)
    nu0pc  = numedi[0]
    gf.write_nu_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), nu0pc)
    nuerr  = numax-numedi
    for b in range(gp.nipol):
        print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b],\
              numedi[b]/nu0pc, nuerr[b]/nu0pc, \
              file = f_nu)
    # write dummy sig scale, not to be used later on
    maxsiglos = -1. #[km/s]
    fpars = open(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop),'a')
    print(maxsiglos, file=fpars)          #[km/s]
def read(Rdiff, gp):
    if Rdiff != 'median' and Rdiff != 'min1s' and Rdiff != 'max1s':
        print('run grd_metalsplit.py to get the split by metallicity done before reading it in for GravImage')

    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    global Nsample, split, e_split, PM, split_min, split_max
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir+"data/tracers.dat"
    # number of measured tracer stars
    Nsample = bufcount(gpr.fil)
    delim = [0,22,3,3,6,4,3,5,6,6,7,5,6,5,6,5,6]
    #ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,skiprows=29,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),delimiter=delim)
    if gp.case==5:
        RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,VHel,e_VHel,Teff,e_Teff,logg,e_logg,Fe,e_Fe,N=np.loadtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=25, unpack=True)
        PM = np.ones(len(RAh))
        split = logg
        e_split = e_logg
        sel = (N>0)
        RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,Vmag,VI,VHel,e_VHel,SigFe,e_SigFe, Mg,Mg_err,PM = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=29, unpack=True, usecols=tuple(range(2,17)), delimiter=delim, filling_values=-1)
        split = Mg
        e_split = Mg_err
        sel = (Mg>-1)  # exclude missing data on Mg
    RAh = RAh[sel]
    RAm = RAm[sel]
    RAs = RAs[sel]
    DEd = DEd[sel]
    DEm = DEm[sel]
    DEs = DEs[sel]
    #Vmag = Vmag[sel]
    #VI  = VI[sel]
    VHel = VHel[sel]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[sel]
    if gp.case < 5:
        Mg = Mg[sel]
        Mg_err = Mg_err[sel]
    elif gp.case == 5:
        Teff = Teff[sel]
        e_Teff = e_Teff[sel]
        logg = logg[sel]
        e_logg = e_logg[sel]
        Fe = Fe[sel]
        e_Fe = e_Fe[sel]
        N = N[sel]
    split = split[sel]
    e_split = e_split[sel]
    PM = PM[sel]

    split_min = min(split) # -3, 3 if according to WalkerPenarrubia2011
    split_max = max(split)

    # but: it's not as easy as that
    # we have datapoints with errors and probability of membership weighting
    # thus, we need to smear the values out using a Gaussian of width = split_err
    # and add them up afterwards after scaling with probability PM
    x = np.array(np.linspace(split_min, split_max, 100))
    splitdf = np.zeros(100)
    for i in range(len(split)):
        splitdf += PM[i]*gh.gauss(x, split[i], e_split[i])
    splitdf /= sum(PM)

    sig = abs(RAh[0])/RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh/sig
    xs = 15*(RAh*3600+RAm*60+RAs)*sig       # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0])/DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd/sig
    ys = (DEd*3600+DEm*60+DEs)*sig          # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2.*np.pi/(360.*60.*60) # [pc]
    kpc = 1000 # [pc]
    DL = {1: lambda x: x * (138),#+/- 8 for Fornax
          2: lambda x: x * (101),#+/- 5 for Carina
          3: lambda x: x * (79), #+/- 4 for Sculptor
          4: lambda x: x * (86), #+/- 4 for Sextans
          5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
    xs *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]

    # alternative: get center of photometric measurements by deBoer
    # for Fornax, we have
    if gp.case == 1:
        com_x = 96203.736358393697
        com_y = -83114.080684733024
        xs = xs-com_x
        ys = ys-com_y
        # determine com_x, com_y from shrinking sphere
        import gi_centering as grc
        com_x, com_y = grc.com_shrinkcircle_2D(xs, ys)

    popass = np.loadtxt(gpr.dir+'data/popass_'+Rdiff)

    sel1 = (popass==1)
    sel2 = (popass==2)
    # radii of all stellar tracers from pop 1 and 2
    R1 = np.sqrt((xs[sel1])**2 + (ys[sel1])**2)
    R2 = np.sqrt((xs[sel2])**2 + (ys[sel2])**2)
    R0 = np.hstack([R1, R2])

    for pop in np.arange(2)+1:
        if pop == 1:
            Rhalf = R1[len(R1)/2]
            co = 'blue'
            Rhalf = R2[len(R2)/2]
            co = 'red'

    Rmin = min(R0) # [pc]
    Rmax = max(R0) # [pc]
    Binmin, Binmax, Rbin = gh.determine_radius(R0, Rmin, Rmax, gp) # [pc]
    gp.xipol = Rbin # [pc]
    minr = min(Rbin)# [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)# [pc]
    Vol = gh.volume_circular_ring(Binmin, Binmax, gp) # [pc^2]
    totmass_tracers = float(len(x))
    Rsi   = gh.add_errors(R0, gpr.Rerr)   # [pc], gpr.Rerr was in
    tpb = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    Sig_phot = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    for i in range(gp.nipol):
        ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(Rsi >= Binmin[i], Rsi <  Binmax[i])).flatten() # [1]
        tpb[i] = float(len(ind1)) # [1]
        Sig_phot[i] = float(len(ind1))*totmass_tracers/Vol[i] # [Munit/pc^2]
    #loglog(gp.xipol, Sig_phot, co)
    #axvline(Rhalf, color=co)
    #xlim([min(gp.xipol), max(gp.xipol)])
    # deproject to get 3D nu profiles
    gp.xipol = Rbin
    minr = min(Rbin)                           # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)                           # [pc]
    gp.xepol =np.hstack([minr/8.,minr/4.,minr/2.,Rbin,2*maxr,4*maxr,8*maxr])#[pc]
    gp.xfine = introduce_points_in_between(gp.xepol, gp)
    #Sigdatnu, Sigerrnu = gh.complete_nu(Rbin, Sig_phot, Sig_phot/10., gp.xfine)
    #dummyx,nudatnu,nuerrnu,Mrnu = gip.Sig_NORM_rho(gp.xfine,Sigdatnu,Sigerrnu,gp)
    #nudat = gh.linipollog(gp.xfine, nudatnu, gp.xipol)
    #nuerr = gh.linipollog(gp.xfine, nuerrnu, gp.xipol)
    #loglog(gp.xipol, nudat, co)
    #axvline(Rhalf, color=co)
    #xlim([min(gp.xipol), max(gp.xipol)])
    #plum = 100*gh.plummer(gp.xipol, Rhalf, len(R0))
    #loglog(gp.xipol, plum, color=co, linestyle='--')
    #ylim([min(plum), max(plum)])

Exemple #24
def run(gp):
    import gr_params

    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    print("scalefile: ", gp.files.get_scale_file(0))
    Rscale0 = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(0))  # [pc]
    print("input: ", gp.files.get_com_file(0))
    # start from data centered on COM already:
    x, y, v = np.loadtxt(
        gp.files.get_com_file(0), skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 1, 2), unpack=True
    )  # [Rscalei], [Rscalei], [km/s]

    for pop in range(2):
        # calculate 2D radius on the skyplane
        R = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)  # [Rscalei]
        Rscalei = gf.read_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop))  # [pc]
        # set number and size of bins
        Rmin = 0.0  # [rscale]
        Rmax = max(R) if gp.maxR < 0 else float(gp.maxR)  # [Rscale0]

        sel = R * Rscalei < Rmax * Rscale0
        x = x[sel]
        y = y[sel]
        v = v[sel]  # [rscale]
        totmass_tracers = 1.0 * len(x)  # [munit], munit = 1/star

        Binmin, Binmax, Rbin = gh.determine_radius(R, Rmin, Rmax, gp)  # [Rscale0]
        gp.xipol = Rbin
        minr = min(Rbin)  # [pc]
        maxr = max(Rbin)  # [pc]
        gp.xepol = np.hstack([minr / 8.0, minr / 4.0, minr / 2.0, Rbin, 2 * maxr, 4 * maxr, 8 * maxr])  # [pc]
        Vol = gh.volume_circular_ring(Binmin, Binmax, gp)  # [Rscale0^2]

        # rs = gpr.Rerr*np.random.randn(len(r))+r
        Rs = R  # [Rscale] # if no initial offset is whished

        tr = open(gp.files.get_ntracer_file(pop), "w")
        print(totmass_tracers, file=tr)

        f_Sig, f_nu, f_mass, f_sig, f_kap, f_zeta = gf.write_headers_2D(gp, pop)

        # 30 iterations for getting random picked radius values
        Density = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
        tpb = np.zeros((gp.nipol, gpr.n))
        for k in range(gpr.n):
            Rsi = gh.add_errors(Rs, gpr.Rerr)  # [Rscalei]
            for j in range(gp.nipol):
                ind1 = np.argwhere(
                    np.logical_and(Rsi * Rscalei >= Binmin[j] * Rscale0, Rsi * Rscalei < Binmax[j] * Rscale0)
                ).flatten()  # [1]
                Density[j][k] = float(len(ind1)) / Vol[j] * totmass_tracers  # [munit/Rscale0^2]
                tpb[j][k] = float(len(ind1))  # [1]

        Dens0 = np.sum(Density[0]) / float(gpr.n)  # [Munit/Rscale0^2]
        Dens0pc = Dens0 / Rscale0 ** 2  # [Munit/pc^2]
        gf.write_Sig_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Dens0pc, totmass_tracers)

        tpbb0 = np.sum(tpb[0]) / float(gpr.n)  # [1]
        Denserr0 = Dens0 / np.sqrt(tpbb0)  # [Munit/rscale^2]

        p_dens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        p_edens = np.zeros(gp.nipol)

        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            Dens = np.sum(Density[b]) / float(gpr.n)  # [Munit/rscale^2]
            tpbb = np.sum(tpb[b]) / float(gpr.n)  # [1]
            Denserr = Dens / np.sqrt(tpbb)  # [Munit/rscale^2]
            if np.isnan(Denserr):
                p_dens[b] = p_dens[b - 1]  # [1]
                p_edens[b] = p_edens[b - 1]  # [1]
                p_dens[b] = Dens / Dens0  # [1]
                p_edens[b] = Denserr / Dens0  # [1] #100/rbin would be artificial guess

        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], p_dens[b], p_edens[b], file=f_Sig)
            # [rscale], [dens0], [dens0]
            indr = R < Binmax[b]
            menclosed = float(np.sum(indr)) / totmass_tracers
            # /totmass_tracers for normalization to 1 at last bin #[totmass_tracers]
            merr = menclosed / np.sqrt(tpbb)  # artificial menclosed/10 gives good approximation #[totmass_tracers]
            print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], menclosed, merr, file=f_mass)
            # [rscale], [totmass_tracers], [totmass_tracers]

        # deproject Sig to get nu
        numedi = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin * Rscalei, Dens0pc * p_dens, gp)
        numin = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin * Rscalei, Dens0pc * (p_dens - p_edens), gp)
        numax = gip.Sig_INT_rho(Rbin * Rscalei, Dens0pc * (p_dens + p_edens), gp)

        nu0pc = numedi[0]
        gf.write_nu_scale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), nu0pc)

        nuerr = numax - numedi
        for b in range(gp.nipol):
            print(Rbin[b], Binmin[b], Binmax[b], numedi[b] / nu0pc, nuerr[b] / nu0pc, file=f_nu)

        if gpr.showplots:
            gpr.show_plots_dens_2D(Rbin * Rscalei, p_dens, p_edens, Dens0pc)
Exemple #25
def run(gp):
    global K, C, D, F, zth, zp_kz, zmin, zmax, z0, z02
    # Set up simple population here using analytic formulae:
    zmin = 100.0  # [pc], first bin center
    zmax = 1300.0  # [pc], last bin center
    # get Stuetzpunkte for theoretical profiles (not yet stars, finer spacing in real space)
    nth = gp.nipol  # [1] number of bins

    zth = 1.0 * np.arange(nth) * (zmax - zmin) / (nth - 1.0) + zmin  # [pc] bin centers

    z0 = 240.0  # [pc], scaleheight of first population
    z02 = 200.0  # [pc], scaleheight of second population
    D = 250.0  # [pc], scaleheight of all stellar tracers
    K = 1.65
    F = 1.65e-4
    C = 17.0 ** 2.0  # [km/s] integration constant in sig

    # Draw mock data from exponential disk:
    nu_zth = np.exp(-zth / z0)  # [nu0] = [Msun/A/pc] 3D tracer density
    Kz_zth = -(K * zth / np.sqrt(zth ** 2.0 + D ** 2.0) + 2.0 * F * zth)

    if gp.adddarkdisc:
        DD = 600  # [pc] scaleheight of dark disc
        KD = 0.15 * 1.650
        Kz_zth = Kz_zth - KD * zth / np.sqrt(zth ** 2.0 + DD ** 2.0)

    # calculate sig_z^2
    inti = np.zeros(nth)
    for i in range(1, nth):
        inti[i] = simps(Kz_zth[:i] * nu_zth[:i], zth[:i])

    sigzth = np.sqrt((inti + C) / nu_zth)

    # project back to positions of stars
    ran = npr.uniform(size=int(gp.ntracer[1 - 1]))  # [1]
    zstar = -z0 * np.log(1.0 - ran)  # [pc] stellar positions, exponential falloff

    sigzstar = gh.ipol(zth, sigzth, zstar)
    # > 0 ((IDL, Justin)) stellar velocity dispersion

    # assign [0,1] * maxsig
    ran2 = npr.normal(size=int(gp.ntracer[1 - 1]))  # [1]
    vzstar = ran2 * sigzstar  # [km/s]

    # Add second population [thick-disc like]:
    if gp.pops == 2:
        nu_zth2 = gp.ntracer[2 - 1] / gp.ntracer[1 - 1] * np.exp(-zth / z02)
        # [nu0,2] = [Msun/A/pc], 3D tracer density, exponentially falling
        # no normalization to 1 done here
        inti = np.zeros(nth)
        for i in range(1, nth):
            inti[i] = simps(Kz_zth[:i] * nu_zth2[:i], zth[:i])
        sigzth2 = np.sqrt((inti + C) / nu_zth2)  # same integration constant
        ran = npr.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, gp.ntracer[2 - 1])  # [1]
        zstar2 = -z02 * np.log(1.0 - ran)  # [pc]
        # zstarobs = np.hstack([zstar, zstar2]) # concat pop1, pop2 for all stars
        sigzstar2 = gh.ipol(zth, sigzth2, zstar2)
        ran2 = npr.normal(-1.0, 1, gp.ntracer[2 - 1])  # [1]
        vzstar2 = ran2 * sigzstar2  # [(km/2)^2]

    # enforce observational cut on zmax:
    sel = zstar < zmax
    print("fraction of z<zmax selected elements: ", 1.0 * sum(sel) / (1.0 * len(sel)))
    z_dat1 = zstar[sel]
    vz_dat1 = vzstar[sel]

    # throw away velocities of value zero (unstable?):
    sel = abs(vz_dat1) > 0
    print("fraction of vz_dat>0 selected elements: ", 1.0 * sum(sel) / (1.0 * len(sel)))
    z_dat1 = z_dat1[sel]
    vz_dat1 = vz_dat1[sel]

    # Calulate binned data (for plots/binned anal.). old way, linear spacings, no const #particles/bin
    binmin1, binmax1, z_dat_bin1, sig_dat_bin1, count_bin1 = gh.binsmooth(z_dat1, vz_dat1, zmin, zmax, gp.nipol, 0.0)
    sig_dat_err_bin1 = np.sqrt(sig_dat_bin1)  # Poisson errors

    nu_dat_bin1, nu_dat_err_bin1 = gh.bincount(z_dat1, binmax1)
    nu_dat_bin1 /= binmax1 - binmin1
    nu_dat_err_bin1 /= binmax1 - binmin1

    import gr_params

    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    if gpr.showplots:
        nuscaleb = nu_zth[np.argmin(np.abs(zth - z0))]
        plt.loglog(zth, nu_zth / nuscaleb, "b.-")
        nuscaler = nu_dat_bin1[np.argmin(np.abs(zth - z0))]
        plt.loglog(zth, nu_dat_bin1 / nuscaler, "r.-")
        # pdb.set_trace()

    Sig_dat_bin1 = np.cumsum(nu_dat_bin1)
    Sig_dat_err_bin1 = np.sqrt(Sig_dat_bin1)
    Mrdat1 = np.cumsum(Sig_dat_bin1)
    Mrerr1 = Mrdat1 * Sig_dat_err_bin1 / Sig_dat_bin1

    scales = [[], [], []]
    scales[1].append(z0)  # [pc]

    # start analysis of "all stars" with only component 1,
    # append to it later if more populations required
    z_dat0 = z_dat1  # [pc]
    vz_dat0 = vz_dat1  # [km/s]

    if gp.pops == 2:
        # enforce observational constraints on z<z_max
        sel = zstar2 < zmax
        z_dat2 = zstar2[sel]
        vz_dat2 = vzstar2[sel]

        # cut zero velocities:
        sel = abs(vz_dat2) > 0
        z_dat2 = z_dat2[sel]
        vz_dat2 = vz_dat2[sel]

        # Calulate binned data (for plots/binned analysis):
        binmin2, binmax2, z_dat_bin2, sig_dat_bin2, count_bin2 = gh.binsmooth(
            z_dat2, vz_dat2, zmin, zmax, gp.nipol, 0.0
        sig_dat_err_bin2 = np.sqrt(sig_dat_bin2)  # Poissonian errors

        nu_dat_bin2, nu_dat_err_bin2 = gh.bincount(z_dat2, binmax2)
        nu_dat_bin2 /= binmax2 - binmin2
        nu_dat_err_bin2 /= binmax2 - binmin2

        Sig_dat_bin2 = np.cumsum(nu_dat_bin2)
        Sig_dat_err_bin2 = np.sqrt(Sig_dat_bin2)
        Mrdat2 = np.cumsum(nu_dat_bin2)
        Mrerr2 = np.sqrt(Mrdat2)

        scales[2].append(z02)  # [pc]
        scales[2].append(nu_dat_bin2[0])  # normalize by max density of first bin, rather

        # calculate properties for all pop together with stacked values
        z_dat0 = np.hstack([z_dat1, z_dat2])
        vz_dat0 = np.hstack([vz_dat1, vz_dat2])

    # Calulate binned data (for plots/binned anal.). old way, linear spacings, no const #particles/bin
    binmin0, binmax0, z_dat_bin0, sig_dat_bin0, count_bin0 = gh.binsmooth(z_dat0, vz_dat0, zmin, zmax, gp.nipol, 0.0)
    sig_dat_err_bin0 = np.sqrt(sig_dat_bin0)
    # binmin, binmax, z_dat_bin = gh.bin_r_const_tracers(z_dat, gp.nipol)

    nu_dat_bin0, nu_dat_err_bin0 = gh.bincount(z_dat0, binmax0)
    nu_dat_bin0 /= binmax0 - binmin0
    nu_dat_err_bin0 /= binmax0 - binmin0

    Sig_dat_bin0 = np.cumsum(nu_dat_bin0)
    Sig_dat_err_bin0 = np.sqrt(Sig_dat_bin0)
    # renorm0 = max(nu_dat_bin0)

    xip = np.copy(z_dat_bin0)  # [pc]
    Mrdat0 = K * xip / np.sqrt(xip ** 2.0 + D ** 2.0) / (2.0 * np.pi * gu.G1__pcMsun_1km2s_2)
    Mrerr0 = Mrdat0 * nu_dat_err_bin0 / nu_dat_bin0

    scales[0].append(D)  # [pc]

    rmin = binmin0 / scales[0][0]  # [pc]
    rbin = xip / scales[0][0]  # [pc]
    rmax = binmax0 / scales[0][0]  # [pc]

    # store parameters for output
    # normalized by scale values
    nudat = []
    nudat.append(nu_dat_bin0 / scales[0][3])  # [Msun/pc^3]
    nudat.append(nu_dat_bin1 / scales[1][3])
    if gp.pops == 2:
        nudat.append(nu_dat_bin2 / scales[2][3])

    nuerr = []
    nuerr.append(nu_dat_err_bin0 / scales[0][3])  # [Msun/pc^3]
    nuerr.append(nu_dat_err_bin1 / scales[1][3])
    if gp.pops == 2:
        nuerr.append(nu_dat_err_bin2 / scales[2][3])

    Mrdat = []
    Mrdat.append(Mrdat0 / scales[0][2])  # [Msun]
    Mrdat.append(Mrdat1 / scales[1][2])
    if gp.pops == 2:
        Mrdat.append(Mrdat2 / scales[2][2])

    Mrerr = []
    Mrerr.append(Mrerr0 / scales[0][2])  # [Msun]
    Mrerr.append(Mrerr1 / scales[1][2])
    if gp.pops == 2:
        Mrerr.append(Mrerr2 / scales[2][2])

    Sigdat = []
    Sigdat.append(Sig_dat_bin0 / scales[0][1])
    Sigdat.append(Sig_dat_bin1 / scales[1][1])
    if gp.pops == 2:
        Sigdat.append(Sig_dat_bin2 / scales[2][1])

    Sigerr = []
    Sigerr.append(Sig_dat_err_bin0 / scales[0][1])
    Sigerr.append(Sig_dat_err_bin1 / scales[1][1])
    if gp.pops == 2:
        Sigerr.append(Sig_dat_err_bin2 / scales[2][1])

    sigdat = []
    sigdat.append(sig_dat_bin0 / scales[0][4])  # [km/s]
    sigdat.append(sig_dat_bin1 / scales[1][4])
    if gp.pops == 2:
        sigdat.append(sig_dat_bin2 / scales[2][4])

    sigerr = []
    sigerr.append(sig_dat_err_bin0 / scales[0][4])  # [km/s]
    sigerr.append(sig_dat_err_bin1 / scales[1][4])
    if gp.pops == 2:
        sigerr.append(sig_dat_err_bin2 / scales[2][4])
    write_disc_output_files(rbin, rmin, rmax, nudat, nuerr, Sigdat, Sigerr, Mrdat, Mrerr, sigdat, sigerr, scales, gp)

    return gp.dat
Exemple #26
def read(Rdiff, gp):
    if Rdiff != 'median' and Rdiff != 'min1s' and Rdiff != 'max1s':
            'run grd_metalsplit.py to get the split by metallicity done before reading it in for GravImage'

    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    global Nsample, split, e_split, PM, split_min, split_max
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir + "data/tracers.dat"
    # number of measured tracer stars
    Nsample = bufcount(gpr.fil)
    delim = [0, 22, 3, 3, 6, 4, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6]
    #ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,skiprows=29,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),delimiter=delim)
    if gp.case == 5:
        RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, VHel, e_VHel, Teff, e_Teff, logg, e_logg, Fe, e_Fe, N = np.loadtxt(
            gpr.fil, skiprows=25, unpack=True)
        PM = np.ones(len(RAh))
        split = logg
        e_split = e_logg
        sel = (N > 0)
        RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, Vmag, VI, VHel, e_VHel, SigFe, e_SigFe, Mg, Mg_err, PM = np.genfromtxt(
            usecols=tuple(range(2, 17)),
        split = Mg
        e_split = Mg_err
        sel = (Mg > -1)  # exclude missing data on Mg
    RAh = RAh[sel]
    RAm = RAm[sel]
    RAs = RAs[sel]
    DEd = DEd[sel]
    DEm = DEm[sel]
    DEs = DEs[sel]
    #Vmag = Vmag[sel]
    #VI  = VI[sel]
    VHel = VHel[sel]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[sel]
    if gp.case < 5:
        Mg = Mg[sel]
        Mg_err = Mg_err[sel]
    elif gp.case == 5:
        Teff = Teff[sel]
        e_Teff = e_Teff[sel]
        logg = logg[sel]
        e_logg = e_logg[sel]
        Fe = Fe[sel]
        e_Fe = e_Fe[sel]
        N = N[sel]
    split = split[sel]
    e_split = e_split[sel]
    PM = PM[sel]

    split_min = min(split)  # -3, 3 if according to WalkerPenarrubia2011
    split_max = max(split)

    # but: it's not as easy as that
    # we have datapoints with errors and probability of membership weighting
    # thus, we need to smear the values out using a Gaussian of width = split_err
    # and add them up afterwards after scaling with probability PM
    x = np.array(np.linspace(split_min, split_max, 100))
    splitdf = np.zeros(100)
    for i in range(len(split)):
        splitdf += PM[i] * gh.gauss(x, split[i], e_split[i])
    splitdf /= sum(PM)

    sig = abs(RAh[0]) / RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh / sig
    xs = 15 * (RAh * 3600 + RAm * 60 + RAs) * sig  # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0]) / DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd / sig
    ys = (DEd * 3600 + DEm * 60 + DEs) * sig  # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2. * np.pi / (360. * 60. * 60)  # [pc]
    kpc = 1000  # [pc]
    DL = {
        1: lambda x: x * (138),  #+/- 8 for Fornax
        2: lambda x: x * (101),  #+/- 5 for Carina
        3: lambda x: x * (79),  #+/- 4 for Sculptor
        4: lambda x: x * (86),  #+/- 4 for Sextans
        5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
    xs *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]

    # alternative: get center of photometric measurements by deBoer
    # for Fornax, we have
    if gp.case == 1:
        com_x = 96203.736358393697
        com_y = -83114.080684733024
        xs = xs - com_x
        ys = ys - com_y
        # determine com_x, com_y from shrinking sphere
        import gi_centering as grc
        com_x, com_y = grc.com_shrinkcircle_2D(xs, ys)

    popass = np.loadtxt(gpr.dir + 'data/popass_' + Rdiff)

    sel1 = (popass == 1)
    sel2 = (popass == 2)
    # radii of all stellar tracers from pop 1 and 2
    R1 = np.sqrt((xs[sel1])**2 + (ys[sel1])**2)
    R2 = np.sqrt((xs[sel2])**2 + (ys[sel2])**2)
    R0 = np.hstack([R1, R2])

    for pop in np.arange(2) + 1:
        if pop == 1:
            Rhalf = R1[len(R1) / 2]
            co = 'blue'
            Rhalf = R2[len(R2) / 2]
            co = 'red'

    Rmin = min(R0)  # [pc]
    Rmax = max(R0)  # [pc]
    Binmin, Binmax, Rbin = gh.determine_radius(R0, Rmin, Rmax, gp)  # [pc]
    gp.xipol = Rbin  # [pc]
    minr = min(Rbin)  # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)  # [pc]
    Vol = gh.volume_circular_ring(Binmin, Binmax, gp)  # [pc^2]
    totmass_tracers = float(len(x))
    Rsi = gh.add_errors(R0, gpr.Rerr)  # [pc], gpr.Rerr was in
    tpb = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    Sig_phot = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    for i in range(gp.nipol):
        ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(Rsi >= Binmin[i],
                                          Rsi < Binmax[i])).flatten()  # [1]
        tpb[i] = float(len(ind1))  # [1]
        Sig_phot[i] = float(
            len(ind1)) * totmass_tracers / Vol[i]  # [Munit/pc^2]
    #loglog(gp.xipol, Sig_phot, co)
    #axvline(Rhalf, color=co)
    #xlim([min(gp.xipol), max(gp.xipol)])
    # deproject to get 3D nu profiles
    gp.xipol = Rbin
    minr = min(Rbin)  # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)  # [pc]
    gp.xepol = np.hstack(
        [minr / 8., minr / 4., minr / 2., Rbin, 2 * maxr, 4 * maxr,
         8 * maxr])  #[pc]
    gp.xfine = introduce_points_in_between(gp.xepol, gp)
    #Sigdatnu, Sigerrnu = gh.complete_nu(Rbin, Sig_phot, Sig_phot/10., gp.xfine)
    #dummyx,nudatnu,nuerrnu,Mrnu = gip.Sig_NORM_rho(gp.xfine,Sigdatnu,Sigerrnu,gp)
    #nudat = gh.linipollog(gp.xfine, nudatnu, gp.xipol)
    #nuerr = gh.linipollog(gp.xfine, nuerrnu, gp.xipol)
    #loglog(gp.xipol, nudat, co)
    #axvline(Rhalf, color=co)
    #xlim([min(gp.xipol), max(gp.xipol)])
    #plum = 100*gh.plummer(gp.xipol, Rhalf, len(R0))
    #loglog(gp.xipol, plum, color=co, linestyle='--')
    #ylim([min(plum), max(plum)])

def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    global Nsample, split, e_split, PM, split_min, split_max
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir+"data/tracers.dat"
    # number of measured tracer stars
    Nsample = bufcount(gpr.fil)
    delim = [0,22,3,3,6,4,3,5,6,6,7,5,6,5,6,5,6]
    #ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,skiprows=29,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),delimiter=delim)
    if gp.case==5:
        RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,VHel,e_VHel,Teff,e_Teff,logg,e_logg,Fe,e_Fe,N=np.loadtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=25, unpack=True)
        PM = np.ones(len(RAh))
        split = logg
        e_split = e_logg
        RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,Vmag,VI,VHel,e_VHel,SigFe,e_SigFe, Mg,Mg_err,PM = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=29, unpack=True, usecols=tuple(range(2,17)), delimiter=delim, filling_values=-1)
        split = Mg
        e_split = Mg_err
    if gp.case == 5:
        sel = (N>0)
        sel = (Mg>-1)  # exclude missing data on Mg
    RAh = RAh[sel]
    RAm = RAm[sel]
    RAs = RAs[sel]
    DEd = DEd[sel]
    DEm = DEm[sel]
    DEs = DEs[sel]
    #Vmag = Vmag[sel]
    #VI  = VI[sel]
    VHel = VHel[sel]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[sel]
    if gp.case < 5:
        Mg = Mg[sel]
        Mg_err = Mg_err[sel]
    elif gp.case == 5:
        Teff = Teff[sel]
        e_Teff = e_Teff[sel]
        logg = logg[sel]
        e_logg = e_logg[sel]
        Fe = Fe[sel]
        e_Fe = e_Fe[sel]
        N = N[sel]
    split = split[sel]
    e_split = e_split[sel]
    PM = PM[sel]

    split_min = min(split) # -3, 3 if according to WalkerPenarrubia2011
    split_max = max(split)

    # easiest way for visualization: use histogram to show data
    #hist(split, np.sqrt(len(split))/2, normed=True)

    # but: it's not as easy as that
    # we have datapoints with errors and probability of membership weighting
    # thus, we need to smear the values out using a Gaussian of width = split_err
    # and add them up afterwards after scaling with probability PM
    x = np.array(np.linspace(split_min, split_max, 100))
    splitdf = np.zeros(100)
    for i in range(len(split)):
        splitdf += PM[i]*gh.gauss(x, split[i], e_split[i])
    splitdf /= sum(PM)

    #plot(x, Mgdf, 'g', lw=2)
    # only then we want to compare to Gaussians

    n_dims = 1+gp.pops*2
    #Nsample = 10*n_dims
    pymultinest.run(myloglike, myprior, n_dims, # nest_ndims
                  n_dims+1, # nest_totPar
                  n_dims, # separate modes on nest_nCdims
                  # the rho parameters only (gp.nrho in this case)
                  [ gp.pops, gp.nipol, gp.nrho],
                  True, # nest_IS = INS enabled
                  True, #nest_mmodal =            # separate modes
                  True, # nest_ceff = use const sampling efficiency
                  Nsample, # nest_nlive =
                  0.0,   # nest_tol = 0 to keep working infinitely
                  0.8, # nest_ef =
                  10000, # nest_updInt = output after this many iterations
                  1., # null_log_evidence separate modes if
                  #logevidence > this param.
                  Nsample, # maxClst =
                  -1.e30,   # nest_Ztol = mode tolerance in the
                  #case where no special value exists: highly negative
                  gp.files.outdir, # outputfiles_basename =
                  -1, # seed =
                  True, # nest_fb =
                  False, # nest_resume =
                  0, # context =
                  True, # nest_outfile =
                  -999999, # nest_logZero = points with log L < log_zero will be
                  1000, # nest_maxIter =
                  False,     # initMPI =  use MPI
                  None) #dump_callback =

    import os
    os.system('cd '+gp.files.outdir+'; grep -n6 Maximum stats.dat|tail -5|cut -d " " -f8 > metalmaxL.dat;')
    os.system("cd "+gp.files.outdir+"; sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\)-\\([0-9]\\)/\\1E-\\2/g' metalmaxL.dat")
    os.system("cd "+gp.files.outdir+"; sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\)+\\([0-9]\\)/\\1E+\\2/g' metalmaxL.dat")
    cubeML = np.loadtxt(gp.files.outdir+'metalmaxL.dat')
    cubeMLphys = cubeML #myprior(cubeML, 1+gp.pops*2, 1+gp.pops*2)
    #myloglike(cubeMLphys, 1+gp.pops*2, 1+gp.pops*2)
    pML, mu1ML, sig1ML, mu2ML, sig2ML = cubeMLphys
    #g1 = pML*gh.gauss(x, mu1ML, sig1ML)
    #g2 = (1-pML)*gh.gauss(x, mu2ML, sig2ML)
    #gtot = g1+g2
    #plot(x, pML*g1, 'white')
    #plot(x, (1-pML)*g2, 'white')
    #plot(x, gtot, 'r')

    sig = abs(RAh[0])/RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh/sig
    xs = 15*(RAh*3600+RAm*60+RAs)*sig       # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0])/DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd/sig
    ys = (DEd*3600+DEm*60+DEs)*sig          # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2.*np.pi/(360.*60.*60) # [pc]
    kpc = 1000 # [pc]
    DL = {1: lambda x: x * (138),#+/- 8 for Fornax
          2: lambda x: x * (101),#+/- 5 for Carina
          3: lambda x: x * (79), #+/- 4 for Sculptor
          4: lambda x: x * (86), #+/- 4 for Sextans
          5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
    xs *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]

    # alternative: get center of photometric measurements by deBoer
    # for Fornax, we have
    if gp.case == 1:
        com_x = 96203.736358393697
        com_y = -83114.080684733024
        xs = xs-com_x
        ys = ys-com_y
        # determine com_x, com_y from shrinking sphere
        import gi_centering as grc
        com_x, com_y = grc.com_shrinkcircle_2D(xs, ys)
    # instantiate different samplings, store half-light radii (2D)
    coll_R1half = []
    coll_R2half = []
    coll_popass = []

    print('drawing 1000 assignments of stars to best fitting Gaussians')
    import numpy.random as npr
    #import gi_project as gip
    for kl in range(1000):
        # get a sample assignment:
        popass = []
        for i in range(sum(sel)):
            # random assignment, wrong
            #if npr.rand() <= 0.5:
            #    popass.append(1)
            #    popass.append(2)

            spl = split[i]
            ppop1 = pML*gh.gauss(spl, mu1ML, sig1ML)
            ppop2 = (1-pML)*gh.gauss(spl, mu2ML, sig2ML)
            if npr.rand() <= ppop1/(ppop1+ppop2):

        popass = np.array(popass)
        sel1 = (popass==1)
        sel2 = (popass==2)
        # radii of all stellar tracers from pop 1 and 2
        R1 = np.sqrt((xs[sel1])**2 + (ys[sel1])**2)
        R2 = np.sqrt((xs[sel2])**2 + (ys[sel2])**2)

        for pop in np.arange(2)+1:
            if pop == 1:
                R0 = R1 # [pc]
                Rhalf = R1[len(R1)/2]
                co = 'blue'
                R0 = R2 # [pc]
                Rhalf = R2[len(R2)/2]
                co = 'red'
    coll_R1half = np.array(coll_R1half)
    coll_R2half = np.array(coll_R2half)
    coll_Rdiffhalf = np.abs(coll_R1half-coll_R2half)

    # select 3 assignments: one for median, one for median-1sigma, one for median+1sigma
    med_Rdiff = np.median(coll_Rdiffhalf)
    stdif = np.std(coll_Rdiffhalf)
    min1s_Rdiff = med_Rdiff-stdif
    max1s_Rdiff = med_Rdiff+stdif

    #hist(coll_Rdiffhalf, np.sqrt(len(coll_Rdiffhalf))/2)
    #xlabel(r'$\Delta R/pc$')
    #axvline(med_Rdiff, color='r')
    #axvline(min1s_Rdiff, color='g')
    #axvline(max1s_Rdiff, color='g')

    kmed = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf-med_Rdiff))
    kmin1s = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf-min1s_Rdiff))
    kmax1s = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf-max1s_Rdiff))

    print('saving median, lower 68%, upper 68% stellar assignments')
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir+'data/popass_median', coll_popass[kmed])
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir+'data/popass_min1s', coll_popass[kmin1s])
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir+'data/popass_max1s', coll_popass[kmax1s])