Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, ax, plots, legendkw):
        '''enable legend picking'''
        #initialize auto-connect
        ConnectionMixin.__init__(self, ax.figure)
        #Auto-generate labels
        #NOTE: This needs to be done to enable legend picking. if the artists
        #are unlabeled, no legend will be created and we therefor cannot pick them!
        i = 0
        for plot in plots:
            if not plot.get_label():
                lbl = self.label_map[type(plot)].format(i)
                i += 1

        #update default legend props with user specified props
        lkw = self._default_legend
        #create the legend
        #print('PING!!'*10 )
        #self.legend = ax.legend( plots, labels, **lkw )
        self.legend = ax.legend(**lkw)
        if self.legend: #if no labels --> no legend, and we are done!
            #create mapping between the picked legend artists (markers), and the 
            #original (axes) artists
            self.to_orig = {}
            self.to_leg = {}
            self.to_handle = {}
            #enable legend picking by setting the picker method
            for handel, origart in zip(self.legend.legendHandles, plots): #get_lines()
                self.to_orig[handel.markers] = NamedErrorbarContainer(origart)
                self.to_leg[handel.markers] = handel
                self.to_handle[origart[0]] = handel
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, plots, offsets=None, linked=[], 
                 auto_legend=True, **legendkw):
        #TODO: update docstring
        #(optionally nested) Line2D objects or ErrorbarContainers
        plots : list of plot objects
            List of ErrorbarContainers
        offsets : sequence of floats
            Initial offsets to use for Line2D objects
        linked : sequence of linked artists (or sequence of sequences of linked artists)
            all artists in the linked sequence will move together with all the 
            others in the sequence when one of them is dragged.  The offset text
            will only be displayed for the first artist in the sequence.
        auto_legend : boolean
            whether to create a legend or not
        legendkw : dict, optional
            Keywords passed directly to axes.legend
        self.selection          = None
        self.select_point       = None
        if offsets is None:
            offsets = np.zeros(len(plots))
        #self.offsets            = {}                    #map pickable artist to offset value for that artist
        self.tmp_offset         = 0                     #in case of pick without motion
        #self.plots              = plots #= flatten(plots)
        self.ax = ax            = plots[0][0].axes
        self.figure             = ax.figure
        #initialize mapping
        self.draggables = {}    #TODO: make this a indexable Ordered dict 
        #initialize auto-connect
        ConnectionMixin.__init__(self, ax.figure)
        #esure linked argument is a nested list
        if len(linked) and isinstance(linked[0], ErrorbarContainer): #HACK
            linked = [linked]   #np.atleast_2d does not work because it unpacks the ErrorbarContainer
            linked = list(linked)
        _friends = [f for _, *friends in linked for f in friends]
        #build the draggable objects
        for plot, offset in zip(plots, offsets):
            #if isinstance(plot, ErrorbarContainer):    #NOTE: will need to check this when generalizing
            annotate = not plot in _friends             #only annotate the "first" linked artist
            draggable = DraggableErrorbarContainer(plot, 
            markers, _, _  = draggable
            #map Line2D to DraggableErrorbarContainer. The picker returns the markers.
            self.draggables[markers] = draggable
            #create ghost artists

        self.lines = list(self.draggables.keys())
        #establish links
        for links in linked:
            link_set = [self.draggables[m] for m, _, _ in links]   #set of linked DraggableErrorbarContainers
            for i, draggable in enumerate(link_set):
                draggable.linked = link_set     #each linked artist carries a copy of all those artists linked to it
        #enable legend picking
        self.legend = None
        if legendkw or auto_legend:
            self.legend = DynamicLegend(ax, plots, legendkw)