Exemple #1
 def set_options(self):
     Set options to be used in this plugin according to the passed
     options dictionary.
     Dictionary values are all strings, since they were read from XML.
     Here we need to convert them to the needed types. We use default
     values to determine the type.
     # First we set options_dict values based on the saved options
     options = self.saved_option_list.get_options()
     docgen_names = self.option_list_collection.docgen_names
     for option_name, option_data in options.items():
         if (option_name in self.options_dict
                 and isinstance(option_data, list) and option_data
                 and option_data[0] in docgen_names):
                 converter = get_type_converter(
                 self.options_dict[option_name] = converter(option_data[1])
             except (TypeError, ValueError):
Exemple #2
 def set_options(self):
     Set options to be used in this plugin according to the passed
     options dictionary.
     Dictionary values are all strings, since they were read from XML.
     Here we need to convert them to the needed types. We use default
     values to determine the type.
     # First we set options_dict values based on the saved options
     options = self.saved_option_list.get_options()
     docgen_names = self.option_list_collection.docgen_names
     for option_name, option_data in options.items():
         if ( option_name in self.options_dict and
              isinstance(option_data, list) and
              option_data and 
              option_data[0] in docgen_names ):
                 converter = get_type_converter(
                 self.options_dict[option_name] = converter(option_data[1])
             except (TypeError, ValueError):
Exemple #3
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            # Convert arguments to unicode, otherwise getopt will not work
            # if a non latin character is used as an option (by mistake).
            # getopt will try to treat the first char in an utf-8 sequence. Example:
            # -Ärik is '-\xc3\x84rik' and getopt will respond :
            # option -\xc3 not recognized
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                self.args[arg + 1] = conv_to_unicode(self.args[arg + 1],
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:], SHORTOPTS,
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of the list elemements
            # which is OK for latin characters, but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [
                (_('Error parsing the arguments'), msg + '\n' +
                 _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                   "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or "
                   "read the manual pages.") % cliargs)

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0], file=sys.stderr)
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action,
                options_str = ""
                if opt_ix < len(options)-1 \
                            and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ( '-p', '--options' ):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:") % config.filename)
                for section in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[section]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" %
                              (section, setting,
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                setting_name = value
                set_value = False
                if setting_name:
                    if ":" in setting_name:
                        setting_name, new_value = setting_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(setting_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(setting_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                                "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                    'name': setting_name,
                                    'value': repr(setting_value)
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(setting_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(setting_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                    "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                        'name': setting_name,
                                        'value': repr(config.get(setting_name))
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'") %
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['--qml']:
                self.runqml = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if len(options) > 0 and self.open is None and self.imports == [] \
                and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table or
                         self.help or self.runqml):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += conv_to_unicode(self.args[arg + 1],
                                           sys.stdin.encoding) + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process.") % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemple #4
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:],
                                              SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements
            # with repr() of the list elements
            # which is OK for latin characters,
            # but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             msg + '\n' +
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "Type gramps --help for an overview of "
                               "commands, or read the manual pages."
                              ) % cliargs)]

        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ..."
                   ) % leftargs[0],
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-U', '--username']:
                self.username = value
            elif option in ['-P', '--password']:
                self.password = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                abs_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value))
                if not os.path.exists(abs_name):
                    # The file doesn't exists, try to create it.
                        open(abs_name, 'w').close()
                    except OSError as e:
                        message = _("WARNING: %(strerr)s "
                                    "WARNING: %(name)s\n") % {
                                      'strerr' : e.strerror,
                                      'errno'  : e.errno,
                                      'name'   : e.filename}
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring."
                           ) % action,
                options_str = ""
                if (opt_ix < len(options)-1
                        and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ('-p', '--options')):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix+1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                from gramps.gen.config import config
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:"
                       ) % config.filename)
                for sect in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[sect]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (sect, setting,
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                from gramps.gen.config import config
                cfg_name = value
                set_value = False
                if cfg_name:
                    if ":" in cfg_name:
                        cfg_name, new_value = cfg_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(cfg_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(cfg_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                               ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                    'value' : repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(cfg_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(cfg_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                   ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                        'value' : repr(config.get(cfg_name))},
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'"
                               ) % cfg_name,
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True
            elif option in ['-S', '--safe']:
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-D', '--default']:
                def rmtree(path):
                    if os.path.isdir(path):
                        shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)

                if 'E' in value or 'A' in value:  # clear addons
                if 'E' in value or 'P' in value:  # clear ini preferences
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, "*.*")):
                        if "custom_filters.xml" in fil:
                    # create gramps.ini so config won't load the one from an
                    # older version of Gramps.
                    with open(os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, 'gramps.ini'), 'w'):
                if 'E' in value or 'F' in value:  # clear filters
                    fil = os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, "custom_filters.xml")
                    if os.path.isfile(fil):
                if 'E' in value or 'X' in value:  # clear xml reports/tools
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*.xml")):
                if 'E' in value or 'Z' in value:  # clear upgrade zips
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*.zip")):
                if 'E' in value:  # Everything else
                    rmtree(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "maps"))
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*")):
                        if os.path.isfile(fil):
                sys.exit(0)  # Done with Default

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0
                and self.open is None
                and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list
                         or self.list_more
                         or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process."
                              ) % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemple #5
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:],
                                              SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements
            # with repr() of the list elements
            # which is OK for latin characters,
            # but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             msg + '\n' +
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "Type gramps --help for an overview of "
                               "commands, or read the manual pages."
                              ) % cliargs)]

        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ..."
                   ) % leftargs[0],
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-U', '--username']:
                self.username = value
            elif option in ['-P', '--password']:
                self.password = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                abs_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value))
                if not os.path.exists(abs_name):
                    # The file doesn't exists, try to create it.
                        open(abs_name, 'w').close()
                    except OSError as e:
                        message = _("WARNING: %(strerr)s "
                                    "WARNING: %(name)s\n") % {
                                      'strerr' : e.strerror,
                                      'errno'  : e.errno,
                                      'name'   : e.filename}
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring."
                           ) % action,
                options_str = ""
                if (opt_ix < len(options)-1
                        and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ('-p', '--options')):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix+1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:"
                       ) % config.filename)
                for sect in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[sect]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (sect, setting,
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                cfg_name = value
                set_value = False
                if cfg_name:
                    if ":" in cfg_name:
                        cfg_name, new_value = cfg_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(cfg_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(cfg_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                               ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                    'value' : repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(cfg_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(cfg_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                   ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                        'value' : repr(config.get(cfg_name))},
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'"
                               ) % cfg_name,
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0
                and self.open is None
                and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list
                         or self.list_more
                         or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process."
                              ) % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemple #6
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:],
                                              SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements
            # with repr() of the list elements
            # which is OK for latin characters,
            # but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             msg + '\n' +
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "Type gramps --help for an overview of "
                               "commands, or read the manual pages."
                              ) % cliargs)]

        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ..."
                   ) % leftargs[0],
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring."
                           ) % action,
                options_str = ""
                if (opt_ix < len(options)-1
                        and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ('-p', '--options')):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix+1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:"
                       ) % config.filename)
                for sect in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[sect]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (sect, setting,
            elif option in ['-b', '--databases']:
                default = config.data["database"]["backend"]
                pmgr = BasePluginManager.get_instance()
                pmgr.reg_plugins(PLUGINS_DIR, self, None)
                pmgr.reg_plugins(USER_PLUGINS, self, None, load_on_reg=True)
                for plugin in pmgr.get_reg_databases():
                    pdata = pmgr.get_plugin(plugin.id)
                    mod = pmgr.load_plugin(pdata)
                    if mod:
                        database = getattr(mod, pdata.databaseclass)
                        summary = database.get_class_summary()
                        print("Database backend ID:",
                              "(default)" if pdata.id == default else "")
                        for key in sorted(summary.keys()):
                            print("   ", _("%s:") % key, summary[key])
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                cfg_name = value
                set_value = False
                if cfg_name:
                    if ":" in cfg_name:
                        cfg_name, new_value = cfg_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(cfg_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(cfg_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                               ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                    'value' : repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(cfg_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(cfg_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                   ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                        'value' : repr(config.get(cfg_name))},
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'"
                               ) % cfg_name,
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0
                and self.open is None
                and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list
                         or self.list_more
                         or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process."
                              ) % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemple #7
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:], SHORTOPTS,
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of the list elemements
            # which is OK for latin characters, but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [
                (_('Error parsing the arguments'), msg + '\n' +
                 _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                   "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or "
                   "read the manual pages.") % cliargs)

        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0], file=sys.stderr)
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action,
                options_str = ""
                if opt_ix < len(options)-1 \
                            and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ( '-p', '--options' ):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:") % config.filename)
                for section in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[section]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" %
                              (section, setting,
            elif option in ['-b', '--databases']:
                default = config.data["behavior"]["database-backend"]
                pmgr = BasePluginManager.get_instance()
                pmgr.reg_plugins(PLUGINS_DIR, self, None)
                pmgr.reg_plugins(USER_PLUGINS, self, None, load_on_reg=True)
                for plugin in pmgr.get_reg_databases():
                    pdata = pmgr.get_plugin(plugin.id)
                    mod = pmgr.load_plugin(pdata)
                    if mod:
                        database = getattr(mod, pdata.databaseclass)
                        summary = database.get_class_summary()
                        print("Database backend ID:", pdata.id,
                              "(default)" if pdata.id == default else "")
                        for key in sorted(summary.keys()):
                            print("   ", "%s:" % key, summary[key])
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                setting_name = value
                set_value = False
                if setting_name:
                    if ":" in setting_name:
                        setting_name, new_value = setting_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(setting_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(setting_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                                "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                    'name': setting_name,
                                    'value': repr(setting_value)
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(setting_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(setting_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                    "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                        'name': setting_name,
                                        'value': repr(config.get(setting_name))
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'") %
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0 and self.open is None and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process.") % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemple #8
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:], SHORTOPTS,
        except getopt.GetoptError as getopt_error:
                    "Type gramps --help for an overview of "
                    "commands, or read the manual pages.",


        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for option, value in options:
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0], file=sys.stderr)
            #see if force open is on
            for option, value in options:
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix, (option, value) in enumerate(options):
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-U', '--username']:
                self.username = value
            elif option in ['-P', '--password']:
                self.password = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                abs_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value))
                if not os.path.exists(abs_name):
                    # The file doesn't exists, try to create it.
                        open(abs_name, 'w').close()
                    except OSError as e:
                        message = _("WARNING: %(strerr)s "
                                    "WARNING: %(name)s\n") % {
                                        'strerr': e.strerror,
                                        'errno': e.errno,
                                        'name': e.filename
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action,
                options_str = ""
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-p', '--options')):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                from gramps.gen.config import config
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:") % config.filename)
                for sect, settings in config.data.items():
                    for settings_index, setting in settings.items():
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (sect, settings_index, repr(value)))
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                from gramps.gen.config import config
                cfg_name = value
                set_value = False
                if cfg_name:
                    if ":" in cfg_name:
                        cfg_name, new_value = cfg_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(cfg_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(cfg_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                                "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                    'name': cfg_name,
                                    'value': repr(setting_value)
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(cfg_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(cfg_name, new_value)
                            # Translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                    "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                        'name': cfg_name,
                                        'value': repr(config.get(cfg_name))
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'") %
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True
            elif option in ['-S', '--safe']:
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-D', '--default']:

                def rmtree(path):
                    if os.path.isdir(path):
                        shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)

                if 'E' in value or 'A' in value:  # clear addons
                if 'E' in value or 'P' in value:  # clear ini preferences
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, "*.*")):
                        if "custom_filters.xml" in fil:
                    # create gramps.ini so config won't load the one from an
                    # older version of Gramps.
                    with open(os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, 'gramps.ini'), 'w'):
                if 'E' in value or 'F' in value:  # clear filters
                    fil = os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, "custom_filters.xml")
                    if os.path.isfile(fil):
                if 'E' in value or 'X' in value:  # clear xml reports/tools
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*.xml")):
                if 'E' in value or 'Z' in value:  # clear upgrade zips
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*.zip")):
                if 'E' in value:  # Everything else
                    rmtree(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "maps"))
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*")):
                        if os.path.isfile(fil):
                sys.exit(0)  # Done with Default

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0 and self.open is None and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
                    "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                    "least one input file to process."))

        if need_to_quit:
Exemple #9
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            # Convert arguments to unicode, otherwise getopt will not work
            # if a non latin character is used as an option (by mistake).
            # getopt will try to treat the first char in an utf-8 sequence. Example:
            # -Ärik is '-\xc3\x84rik' and getopt will respond :
            # option -\xc3 not recognized
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                self.args[arg+1] = conv_to_unicode(self.args[arg + 1],
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:],
                                             SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of the list elemements
            # which is OK for latin characters, but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                        msg + '\n' +
                        _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                        "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or "
                        "read the manual pages.") % cliargs)]

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0],
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action,
                options_str = ""
                if opt_ix < len(options)-1 \
                            and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ( '-p', '--options' ):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix+1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s','--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:")
                              % config.filename)
                for section in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[section]:
                               % (section, setting,
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                setting_name = value
                set_value = False
                if setting_name:
                    if ":" in setting_name:
                        setting_name, new_value = setting_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(setting_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(setting_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                                    % {'name' : setting_name,
                                       'value' : repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(setting_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(setting_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                    "%(name)s:%(value)s") %
                                        {'name' : setting_name,
                                         'value' : repr(
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'")
                                      % setting_name, file=sys.stderr)
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['--qml']:
                self.runqml = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if len(options) > 0 and self.open is None and self.imports == [] \
                and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table or
                         self.help or self.runqml):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += conv_to_unicode(self.args[arg + 1],
                                           sys.stdin.encoding) + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process.") % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemple #10
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:], SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of the list elemements
            # which is OK for latin characters, but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [
                    _("Error parsing the arguments"),
                    + "\n"
                    + _(
                        "Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                        "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or "
                        "read the manual pages."
                    % cliargs,

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0], file=sys.stderr)
            # see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ("-u", "--force-unlock"):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ["-O", "--open"]:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ["-C", "--create"]:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ["-i", "--import"]:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ("-f", "--format"):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ["-e", "--export"]:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ("-f", "--format"):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ["-a", "--action"]:
                action = value
                if action not in ("report", "tool", "book"):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action, file=sys.stderr)
                options_str = ""
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ("-p", "--options"):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ["-d", "--debug"]:
                print(_("setup debugging"), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ["-l"]:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ["-L"]:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ["-t"]:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ["-s", "--show"]:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:") % config.filename)
                for section in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[section]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (section, setting, repr(config.data[section][setting])))
            elif option in ["-c", "--config"]:
                setting_name = value
                set_value = False
                if setting_name:
                    if ":" in setting_name:
                        setting_name, new_value = setting_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(setting_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(setting_name)
                            _("Current Gramps config setting: " "%(name)s:%(value)s")
                            % {"name": setting_name, "value": repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(setting_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(setting_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                                _("    New Gramps config setting: " "%(name)s:%(value)s")
                                % {"name": setting_name, "value": repr(config.get(setting_name))},
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'") % setting_name, file=sys.stderr)
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ["-h", "-?", "--help"]:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ["-u", "--force-unlock"]:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ["--usage"]:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ["--qml"]:
                self.runqml = True
            elif option in ["-y", "--yes"]:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ["-q", "--quiet"]:
                self.quiet = True

        # clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (
            len(options) > 0
            and self.open is None
            and self.imports == []
            and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table or self.help or self.runqml)
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [
                    _("Error parsing the arguments"),
                        "Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                        "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                        "least one input file to process."
                    % cliargs,
        if need_to_quit: