def test_hill_climb_with_restrictions():
    """ Same problem as the previous, except that all weights are 1,
    and edge [1,4] and [4,3] are not bidirectional.
    and the only restriction is that load 1 cannot travel over node 2.

         1       1
        \ 1     1  /
    g = Graph()
    for s, e in [(1, 2), (2, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    for s, e in [(1, 4), (4, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=False)

    loads = {1: (1, [3], [2]),  # restriction 1 cannot travel over 2
             2: [3, 1]}

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads)

    expected_seq = [{2: (3, 2)}, {1: (1, 4)}, {1: (4, 3)}, {2: (2, 1)}]
    assert is_matching(sequence, expected_seq)

    concurrent_moves = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=True)
    expected_conc_moves = [{1: (1, 4), 2: (3, 2)},{1: (4, 3), 2: (2, 1)}]
    assert is_matching(concurrent_moves, expected_conc_moves)
def test_simple_reroute_4():
       / \
     / \ / \
    5 - 4 - 3
    g = Graph()
    edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 1), (2, 6), (2, 4), (6, 2)]
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    g.del_edge(4, 5)

    loads = {1: [1, 4],
             3: [3, 1],
             6: [6, 2]}

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False)
    assert sequence == [{1: (1, 2)}, {1: (2, 4)}, {3: (3, 2)}, {3: (2, 1)}, {6: (6, 2)}]

    g.del_edge(2, 4)

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False)

    expected = [{1: (1, 2)}, {3: (3, 4)}, {1: (2, 3)}, {3: (4, 2)}, {3: (2, 1)}, {6: (6, 2)}, {1: (3, 4)}]
    assert is_matching(sequence, expected)
def test_loop_9():
    g = Graph(
        from_list=[(a, b, 1) for a, b in zip(range(1, 8), range(2, 9))] + [(8, 1, 1)]
    loads = {1: [1, 2], 2: [3, 4], 3: [5, 6], 4: [7, 8]}
    solution = jam_solver(g, loads, return_on_first=True)

    assert is_sequence_valid(solution, g)
    expected = [{4: (7, 8), 3: (5, 6), 2: (3, 4), 1: (1, 2)}]
    assert solution == expected

    sync_moves = jam_solver(g, loads, return_on_first=True, synchronous_moves=True)
    assert sync_moves == [{4: (7, 8), 3: (5, 6), 2: (3, 4), 1: (1, 2)}]
def test_energy_and_restrictions_3_loads():
    """ See chart in example/images/tjs_problem_w_distance_restrictions.png
    NB: Lengths differ from image!
    g = Graph()
    for sed in [

        (1, 2, 1),
        (3, 5, 2),  # dead end.
        (1, 3, 7),  # this is the most direct route for load 2, but it is 7 long.
        (3, 4, 1), (4, 6, 1),  # this could be the shortest path for load 1, but
        # load 1 cannot travel over 4. If it could the path [2,3,4,6] would be 3 long.
        (2, 3, 1), (3, 6, 3),  # this is the shortest unrestricted route for load 1: [2,3,6] and it is 4 long.
        (2, 6, 8),  # this is the most direct route for load 1 [2,6] but it is 8 long.
        g.add_edge(*sed, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {1: (2, [6], [4]),
             2: (3, 1),
             3: (5, 3)}

    moves = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False)
    assert is_sequence_valid(moves, g)
    assert len(moves) == 7
    expected_moves = [
        {2: (3, 4)},  # distance 1
        {1: (2, 3)},  # distance 1
        {1: (3, 6)},  # distance 3
        {2: (4, 3)},  # distance 1
        {2: (3, 2)},  # distance 1
        {2: (2, 1)},  # distance 1
        {3: (5, 3)}  # distance 2
    ]  # total distance = (1+3)+(1+1+1+1)+(2) = 10
    assert is_matching(moves, expected_moves), moves
def test_3_trains():
    Two trains (abc & d) are going east. One train is going west (efgh).

         \---0---/ \-0-/

         \---13--/ \-14-/

    The solution is given by side stepping abc (on 4,5,6) & d (on 8)
    and letting efgh pass on (12, 11, 10, 9, 14, 7, 13, 3, 2, 1)
    g = Graph()
    edges = [
        (3, 13), (13, 7), (7, 14), (14, 9)
    for a, b in zip(range(1, 12), range(2, 13)):
        edges.append((a, b))
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {
        'a': [1, 10], 'b': [2, 11], 'c': [3, 12], 'd': [8, 9],  # east bound
        'e': [9, 1], 'f': [10, 2], 'g': [11, 3], 'h': [12, 4]  # west bound

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, return_on_first=True,timeout=40_000)
    assert sequence is not None
def test_energy_and_restrictions_3_loads_c():
    """ See chart in example/images/tjs_problem_w_distance_restrictions.png
    NB: Lengths differ from image!
    g = Graph()
    for sed in [
        (1, 2, 1),
        (3, 5, 1),  # dead end.
        (1, 3, 7),  # this is the most direct route for load 2, but it is 7 long.
        (3, 4, 1), (4, 6, 1),  # this could be the shortest path for load 1, but
        # load 1 cannot travel over 4. If it could the path [2,3,4,6] would be 3 long.
        (2, 3, 1), (3, 6, 3),  # this is the shortest unrestricted route for load 1: [2,3,6] and it is 4 long.
        (2, 6, 8),  # this is the most direct route for load 1 [2,6] but it is 8 long.
        g.add_edge(*sed, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {1: (2, [6], [4]),
             2: (3, 1),
             3: (4, 3)}  # Load 3 blocks load two from moving in here.

    moves = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False)

    expected = [
        {2: (3, 5)},  # load 2 moves out of the way at cost 1
        {1: (2, 3)}, {1: (3, 6)},  # load 1 takes shortest permitted path.
        {2: (5, 3)}, {2: (3, 2)}, {2: (2, 1)},  # load 2 moves to destination.
        {3: (4, 3)}  # load 3 moves to destination.
    ]  # total distance 9
    assert is_matching(moves, expected), moves
def test_loop_52():
    g = Graph(
            (52, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1), (2, 3, 1), (3, 4, 1), (4, 5, 1), (5, 6, 1), (6, 7, 1), (7, 8, 1), (8, 9, 1),
            (9, 10, 1), (10, 11, 1), (11, 12, 1), (12, 13, 1), (13, 14, 1), (14, 15, 1), (15, 16, 1), (16, 17, 1),
            (17, 18, 1), (18, 19, 1), (19, 20, 1), (20, 21, 1), (21, 22, 1), (22, 23, 1), (23, 24, 1), (24, 25, 1),
            (25, 26, 1), (26, 27, 1), (27, 28, 1), (28, 29, 1), (29, 30, 1), (30, 31, 1), (31, 32, 1), (32, 33, 1),
            (33, 34, 1), (34, 35, 1), (35, 36, 1), (36, 37, 1), (37, 38, 1), (38, 39, 1), (39, 40, 1), (40, 41, 1),
            (41, 42, 1), (42, 43, 1), (43, 44, 1), (44, 45, 1), (45, 46, 1), (46, 47, 1), (47, 48, 1), (48, 49, 1),
            (49, 50, 1), (50, 51, 1), (51, 52, 1)

    loads = {
        98: [52, 1], 55: [2, 3], 56: [3, 4], 57: [4, 5], 58: [5, 6], 59: [6, 7], 60: [7, 8], 61: [9, 10], 62: [10, 11],
        63: [11, 12], 64: [12, 13], 65: [14, 15], 66: [15, 16], 67: [16, 17], 68: [17, 18], 69: [18, 19], 70: [19, 20],
        71: [21, 22], 72: [22, 23], 73: [23, 24], 74: [24, 25], 75: [25, 26], 76: [26, 27], 77: [28, 29], 78: [29, 30],
        79: [30, 31], 80: [31, 32], 81: [32, 33], 82: [33, 34], 83: [35, 36], 84: [36, 37], 85: [37, 38], 86: [38, 39],
        87: [39, 40], 88: [40, 41], 89: [42, 43], 90: [43, 44], 91: [44, 45], 92: [45, 46], 93: [46, 47],
        94: [47, 48], 95: [49, 50], 96: [50, 51], 97: [51, 52]

    solution = jam_solver(g, loads, return_on_first=True, timeout=1_000)
    assert is_sequence_valid(solution, g)

    loads2 = check_user_input(g, loads)
    concurrent_moves = moves_to_synchronous_moves(solution, loads2)
    assert concurrent_moves == [
        {98: (52, 1), 60: (7, 8), 59: (6, 7), 58: (5, 6), 57: (4, 5), 56: (3, 4), 55: (2, 3), 64: (12, 13),
         63: (11, 12), 62: (10, 11), 61: (9, 10), 70: (19, 20), 69: (18, 19), 68: (17, 18), 67: (16, 17), 66: (15, 16),
         65: (14, 15), 76: (26, 27), 75: (25, 26), 74: (24, 25), 73: (23, 24), 72: (22, 23), 71: (21, 22), 82: (33, 34),
         81: (32, 33), 80: (31, 32), 79: (30, 31), 78: (29, 30), 77: (28, 29), 88: (40, 41), 87: (39, 40), 86: (38, 39),
         85: (37, 38), 84: (36, 37), 83: (35, 36), 94: (47, 48), 93: (46, 47), 92: (45, 46), 91: (44, 45), 90: (43, 44),
         89: (42, 43), 97: (51, 52), 96: (50, 51), 95: (49, 50)}
    ], "something is wrong. All moves CAN happen at the same time."
def test_energy_and_restrictions_2_loads():
    """ See chart in example/images/tjs_problem_w_distance_restrictions.png

    g = Graph()
    for sed in [
        (1, 2, 1),
        (3, 5, 2),  # dead end.
        (1, 3, 7),  # this is the most direct route for load 2, but it is 7 long.
        (3, 4, 1), (4, 6, 1),  # this could be the shortest path for load 1, but
        # load 1 cannot travel over 4. If it could the path [2,3,4,6] would be 3 long.
        (2, 3, 1), (3, 6, 3),  # this is the shortest unrestricted route for load 1: [2,3,6] and it is 4 long.
        (2, 6, 8),  # this is the most direct route for load 1 [2,6] but it is 8 long.
        g.add_edge(*sed, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {1: (2, [6], [4]),  # restriction load 1 cannot travel over 4
             2: (3, 1)}

    moves = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False)

    expected= [
        {2: (3, 4)},  # distance = 1, Load2 moves out of Load1's way.
        {1: (2, 3)},  # distance = 1
        {1: (3, 6)},  # distance = 3
        {2: (4, 3)},  # distance = 1, Load2 moves back onto it's starting point.
        {2: (3, 2)},  # distance = 1
        {2: (2, 1)}  # distance = 1
    ]  # total distance = (1+3)+(1+1+1+1) = 8
    assert is_matching(moves, expected)
Exemple #9
def test_clockwise_rotation():
    """ A simple loop of 4 locations, where 3 loads need to move
    clockwise. """
    g = Graph()
    edges = [
        (1, 2),
        (2, 3),
        (3, 4),
        (4, 1),
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {1: [1, 2], 2: [2, 3], 3: [3, 4]}  # position 4 is empty.

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads)

    assert sequence == [
            3: (3, 4)
        },  # first move.
            2: (2, 3)
        },  # second move.
            1: (1, 2)
    ], sequence  # last move.
def test_energy_and_restrictions_2_load_high_detour_costs():
    """ See chart in example/images/tjs_problem_w_distance_restrictions.png """
    g = Graph()
    for sed in [
        (1, 2, 1),
        (1, 3, 70),  # this is the most direct route for load 2, but it is 70 long.
        (3, 5, 2),  # 5 is a dead end at higher cost than going (3,4)
        (3, 4, 1), (4, 6, 1),  # this could be shortest path for load 1, but
        # load 1 cannot travel over 4. If it could the path [2,3,4,6] would be 3 long.
        (2, 3, 1), (3, 6, 3),  # this is the shortest unrestricted route for load 1: [2,3,6] and it is 4 long.
        (2, 6, 50),  # this is the most direct route for load 1 [2,6] but it is 50 long.
        g.add_edge(*sed, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {"A": (2, [6], [4]),
             "B": (3, 1)}

    moves = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False, return_on_first=False)
    assert is_sequence_valid(moves, g)
    assert len(moves) == 6
    expected = [
        {"B": (3, 4)},  # 2 moves into the dead end.
        {"A": (2, 3)},  # 1 moves into where 2 was.
        {"A": (3, 6)},  # 1 moves onto destination.
        {"B": (4, 3)},  # 2 moves back to origin along path [4,3,2,1]
        {"B": (3, 2)},
        {"B": (2, 1)}
    assert is_matching(moves, expected), moves
Exemple #11
def test_loop_9():
    g = Graph(from_list=[(a, b, 1) for a, b in zip(range(1, 8), range(2, 9))] +
              [(8, 1, 1)])
    loads = {1: [1, 2], 2: [3, 4], 3: [5, 6], 4: [7, 8]}
    solution = jam_solver(g, loads)
    expected = [{4: (7, 8)}, {3: (5, 6)}, {2: (3, 4)}, {1: (1, 2)}]
    for v in solution:
        assert v in expected, v
def test_2_trains():
    two trains of loads are approaching each other.
    train 123 going from 1 to 14
    train 4567 going from 14 to 1.

    At intersection  4 train 123 can be broken apart and
    buffered, so that train 4567 can pass.

    The reverse (buffering train 4567) is not possible.

    g = Graph()
    edges = [
        (1, 2),
        (2, 3),
        (3, 4),
        (4, 5), (4, 6), (4, 7), (4, 8),
        (5, 9), (6, 9), (7, 9), (8, 9),
        (9, 10),
        (10, 11),
        (11, 12),
        (12, 13),
        (13, 14),
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {
        41: [1, 12],
        42: [2, 13],
        43: [3, 14],
        44: [11, 1],
        45: [12, 2],
        46: [13, 3],
        47: [14, 4],

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, return_on_first=True, timeout=180_000)
    assert is_sequence_valid(sequence, g)
    expected = [{43: (3, 4)}, {43: (4, 6)}, {42: (2, 3)}, {42: (3, 4)}, {42: (4, 7)}, {41: (1, 2)},
                {41: (2, 3)}, {41: (3, 4)}, {41: (4, 5)}, {44: (11, 10)}, {44: (10, 9)}, {44: (9, 8)},
                {44: (8, 4)}, {44: (4, 3)}, {44: (3, 2)}, {44: (2, 1)}, {45: (12, 11)}, {45: (11, 10)},
                {45: (10, 9)}, {45: (9, 8)}, {45: (8, 4)}, {45: (4, 3)}, {45: (3, 2)}, {46: (13, 12)},
                {46: (12, 11)}, {46: (11, 10)}, {46: (10, 9)}, {46: (9, 8)}, {46: (8, 4)}, {46: (4, 3)},
                {47: (14, 13)}, {47: (13, 12)}, {47: (12, 11)}, {47: (11, 10)}, {47: (10, 9)}, {47: (9, 8)},
                {47: (8, 4)}, {43: (6, 9)}, {43: (9, 10)}, {43: (10, 11)}, {43: (11, 12)}, {43: (12, 13)},
                {43: (13, 14)}, {42: (7, 9)}, {42: (9, 10)}, {42: (10, 11)}, {42: (11, 12)}, {42: (12, 13)},
                {41: (5, 9)}, {41: (9, 10)}, {41: (10, 11)}, {41: (11, 12)}]
    assert is_matching(expected, sequence), sequence
def test_small_gridlock():
    """ a grid lock is given, solver solves it."""
    g = Graph()
    edges = [
        (1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 6), (4, 5), (5, 6), (4, 7), (5, 8), (6, 9), (7, 8), (8, 9)
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {'a': [2, 1], 'b': [5, 2], 'c': [4, 3], 'd': [8], 'e': [1, 9]}

    results = []

    # TRIAL - 1
    start = process_time()
    moves = jam_solver(g, loads)
    e = process_time() - start
    concurrent = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=True)
    d = sum(len(d) for d in moves)
    results.append((e, d, len(concurrent)))

    assert d == 11, d
    expected = [{'b': (5, 6), 'c': (4, 5), 'e': (1, 4)},
                {'b': (6, 3), 'c': (5, 6), 'e': (4, 5), 'a': (2, 1)},
                {'b': (3, 2), 'c': (6, 3), 'e': (5, 6)},
                {'e': (6, 9)}]
    assert all(m in expected for m in moves), moves

    assert len(concurrent) == 4

    # TRIAL - 2
    start = process_time()
    moves = jam_solver(g, loads)
    e = process_time() - start
    concurrent = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=True)
    d = sum(len(d) for d in moves)
    results.append((e, d, len(concurrent)))

    for e, d, c in results:
        print("duration:", round(e, 4), "| distance", d, "| concurrent moves", c)
def test_simple_reroute():
    """ to loads on a collision path. """
    g = Graph()
    for s, e in [(1, 2), (2, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    for s, e in [(1, 4), (4, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=False)

    loads = {1: [1, 3], 2: [3, 1]}

    concurrent_moves = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=True)
    expected = [{1: (1, 4), 2: (3, 2)}, {1: (4, 3), 2: (2, 1)}]
    assert is_matching(concurrent_moves, expected), concurrent_moves
def test_hill_climb_with_edge_different_weights():
    """ Same test as the previous, but this time edge 1<-->3 has weight 3,
    whilst the rest have weight 1.

         3       1
        \ 1     1  /
    g = Graph()
    for sed in [(1, 2, 3),  # <-- 3!
                (2, 3, 1), (1, 4, 1), (4, 3, 1)]:
        g.add_edge(*sed, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {1: [1, 3], 2: [3, 1]}
    moves = jam_solver(g, loads)
    expected_moves = [{2: (3, 4)}, {1: (1, 2)}, {2: (4, 1)}, {1: (2, 3)}]  # reverse of previous test.
    assert is_matching(moves, expected_moves)

    concurrent_moves = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=True)
    expected = [{2: (3, 4), 1: (1, 2)}, {2: (4, 1), 1: (2, 3)}]
    assert is_matching(concurrent_moves, expected)
def test_simple_failed_path():
    """ two colliding loads with no solution """
    g = Graph()
    for s, e in [(1, 2), (2, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {1: [1, 3], 2: [3, 1]}

        _ = jam_solver(g, loads, return_on_first=True, timeout=200)
        assert False, "The problem is unsolvable."
    except NoSolution:
        assert True
def test_incomplete_graph():
    """ two loads with an incomplete graph making the problem unsolvable """
    g = Graph()
    for s, e in [(1, 2), (2, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {1: [1, 5], 2: [5, 1]}

        _ = jam_solver(g, loads, timeout=200)
        assert False, "There is no path."
    except UnSolvable as e:
        assert str(e) == 'load 1 has no path from 1 to 5'
def test_hill_climb_with_edge_weights():
    """  1       1
        \ 3     1  /
    All edges are weight 1, except 1<->4 which has weight 3.
    g = Graph()
    for sed in [(1, 2, 1), (2, 3, 1),
                (1, 4, 3),  # <-- 3!
                (4, 3, 1)]:
        g.add_edge(*sed, bidirectional=True)

    loads={1: [1, 3], 2: [3, 1]}

    moves = jam_solver(g,loads)
    is_sequence_valid(moves, g)
    expected = [{2: (3, 4)}, {1: (1, 2)}, {2: (4, 1)}, {1: (2, 3)}]
    assert is_matching(moves, expected)

    concurrent_moves = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=True)
    expected_conc_moves = [{2: (3, 4), 1: (1, 2)}, {2: (4, 1), 1: (2, 3)}]
    assert is_matching(concurrent_moves, expected_conc_moves)
def test_snake_gridlock():
    A bad route was given to train abcd, and now the train has gridlocked itself.

                    9 - 10 - 11 - 12
    1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5d-> 6c
                    ^    |
                    |    v
                    8a - 7b

    g = Graph()
    edges = [(a, b) for a, b in zip(range(1, 12), range(2, 13)) if (a, b) != (8, 9)]
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    g.add_edge(8, 5, 1, bidirectional=True)
    g.add_edge(5, 9, 1, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {'a': [8, 12], 'b': [7, 11], 'c': [6, 10], 'd': [5, 9]}
    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False, return_on_first=False)

    sync_moves = moves_to_synchronous_moves(sequence, check_user_input(g, loads))

    expected = [{'d': (5, 4)},  # d goes one step back.
                {'a': (8, 5)},  # a moves forward towards its destination.
                {'b': (7, 8)},  # b moves forward to it's destination.
                {'a': (5, 9)},
                {'b': (8, 5)},
                {'a': (9, 10)},
                {'b': (5, 9)},
                {'c': (6, 5)},  # c moves forward.
                {'a': (10, 11)},
                {'b': (9, 10)},
                {'c': (5, 9)},
                {'d': (4, 5)},
                {'a': (11, 12)},
                {'b': (10, 11)},
                {'c': (9, 10)},
                {'d': (5, 9)}]  # d does a left turn (shortcut).
    assert is_matching(sequence, expected)

    expected = [{'d': (5, 4), 'a': (8, 5), 'b': (7, 8)},
                {'a': (5, 9), 'b': (8, 5)},
                {'a': (9, 10), 'b': (5, 9), 'c': (6, 5)},
                {'a': (10, 11), 'b': (9, 10), 'c': (5, 9), 'd': (4, 5)},
                {'a': (11, 12), 'b': (10, 11), 'c': (9, 10), 'd': (5, 9)}]
    assert is_matching(expected, sync_moves), sync_moves
def test_compact_bfs_problem():
          |        |
    [1]--[2]--[3]  v
          |        |

    find the shortest path for the collision between load on [1] and load on [2]
    g = Graph(from_list=[(1, 2, 1), (2, 3, 1), (4, 2, 1), (2, 5, 1), (4, 5, 3)])
    # edge 4,5 has distance 3, which is longer than path [4,2,5] which has distance 2.

    moves = jam_solver(g, loads={1: [1, 3], 2: [4, 5]})
    assert is_matching(moves, [{1: (1, 2)}, {1: (2, 3)}, {2: (4, 2)}, {2: (2, 5)}])
def test_hill_climb():
        \         /
         +->[4]->+  single direction!
    g = Graph()
    for s, e in [(1, 2), (2, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    for s, e in [(1, 4), (4, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=False)

    loads = {1: [1, 3], 2: [3, 1]}
    moves = jam_solver(g,loads, synchronous_moves=True)
    expected = [{1: (1, 4), 2: (3, 2)}, {2: (2, 1), 1: (4, 3)}]
    assert is_matching(moves, expected), moves
def test_simple_reroute_3():
    """ Loop with 6 nodes:
    1 <--> 2 <--> 3 <--> 4 <-- 5 <--> 6 <--> (1)
    g = Graph()
    edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 1)]
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    g.del_edge(4, 5)

    loads = {1: [1, 3], 2: [3, 1]}

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False)

    expected = [{1: (1, 6)}, {1: (6, 5)}, {1: (5, 4)}, {2: (3, 2)}, {1: (4, 3)}, {2: (2, 1)}]
    assert is_matching(sequence, expected)
    assert is_sequence_valid(sequence, g)
Exemple #23
def test_simple_reroute():
    """ to loads on a collision path. """
    g = Graph()
    for s, e in [(1, 2), (2, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    for s, e in [(1, 4), (4, 3)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=False)

    loads = {1: [1, 2, 3], 2: [3, 2, 1]}

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads)

    solution1 = [{1: (1, 4)}, {2: (3, 2)}, {2: (2, 1)}, {1: (4, 3)}]
    solution2 = [{1: (1, 4)}, {2: (3, 2)}, {1: (4, 3)}, {2: (2, 1)}]

    assert sequence in [solution1, solution2]

    concurrent_moves = moves_to_synchronous_moves(sequence, loads)
    assert concurrent_moves == [{1: (1, 4), 2: (3, 2)}, {2: (2, 1), 1: (4, 3)}]
def test_simple_reroute_2():
    """ to loads on a collision path.

     |                    ^
    g = Graph()
    for s, e in [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    for s, e in [(1, 5), (5, 6), (6, 4)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=False)

    loads = {1: [1, 4], 2: [4, 1]}

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False)

    atomic_sequence = [{1: (1, 5)}, {1: (5, 6)}, {2: (4, 3)}, {1: (6, 4)}, {2: (3, 2)}, {2: (2, 1)}]
    assert is_matching(sequence, atomic_sequence)
    assert is_sequence_valid(sequence, g)
Exemple #25
def test_simple_reroute_2():
    """ to loads on a collision path. """
    g = Graph()
    for s, e in [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    for s, e in [(1, 5), (5, 6), (6, 4)]:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=False)

    loads = {1: [1, 2, 3, 4], 2: [4, 3, 2, 1]}

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads)

    s1 = [{
        1: (1, 5)
    }, {
        2: (4, 3)
    }, {
        2: (3, 2)
    }, {
        2: (2, 1)
    }, {
        1: (5, 6)
    }, {
        1: (6, 4)
    s2 = [{
        1: (1, 5)
    }, {
        1: (5, 6)
    }, {
        2: (4, 3)
    }, {
        1: (6, 4)
    }, {
        2: (3, 2)
    }, {
        2: (2, 1)
    solutions = [s1, s2]

    assert sequence in solutions
def test_shuffle2():
    g = Graph()
    edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (3, 6), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8)]
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    loads = {
        1: (1, 7),
        2: (2, g.nodes()),
        3: (8, g.nodes())

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, synchronous_moves=False, return_on_first=True)

    expected = [
        {2: (2, 3)},
        {2: (3, 5)},
        {1: (1, 2)},
        {1: (2, 3)},
        {1: (3, 6)},
        {1: (6, 7)}]

    assert is_matching(sequence, expected), sequence
Exemple #27
def test_simple_reroute_3():
    """ Loop with 6 nodes:
    1 <--> 2 <--> 3 <--> 4 <-- 5 <--> 6 <--> (1)
    g = Graph()
    edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 1)]
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)
    g.del_edge(4, 5)

    loads = {1: [1, 2, 3], 2: [3, 2, 1]}

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads)

    assert sequence == [{
        1: (1, 6)
    }, {
        2: (3, 2)
    }, {
        2: (2, 1)
    }, {
        1: (6, 5)
    }, {
        1: (5, 4)
    }, {
        1: (4, 3)
    }], sequence

    a = bfs_resolve(g, loads)
    b = bi_directional_bfs(g, loads)
    c = bi_directional_progressive_bfs(g, loads)
    for d in a:
    # all moves known in a have been removed from b and c.
    assert b == c == []
Exemple #28
def test_5x5_graph():
    g = graph5x5()
    loads = {
        'a': [6],
        'b': [11, 1],
        'c': [16, 2],
        'd': [17, 4],
        'e': [19, 5],
        'f': [20, 3]

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads)

    s1 = [{
        'a': (6, 7)
    }, {
        'b': (11, 6)
    }, {
        'b': (6, 1)
    }, {
        'a': (7, 6)
    }, {
        'c': (16, 11)
    }, {
        'd': (17, 18)
    }, {
        'd': (18, 13)
    }, {
        'd': (13, 14)
    }, {
        'd': (14, 9)
    }, {
        'd': (9, 4)
    }, {
        'f': (20, 15)
    }, {
        'f': (15, 14)
    }, {
        'f': (14, 13)
    }, {
        'f': (13, 8)
    }, {
        'f': (8, 3)
    }, {
        'e': (19, 20)
    }, {
        'e': (20, 15)
    }, {
        'e': (15, 10)
    }, {
        'e': (10, 5)
    }, {
        'c': (11, 12)
    }, {
        'c': (12, 7)
    }, {
        'c': (7, 2)
    s2 = [{
        'b': (11, 12)
    }, {
        'b': (12, 7)
    }, {
        'b': (7, 2)
    }, {
        'b': (2, 1)
    }, {
        'c': (16, 11)
    }, {
        'c': (11, 12)
    }, {
        'c': (12, 7)
    }, {
        'c': (7, 2)
    }, {
        'e': (19, 14)
    }, {
        'e': (14, 9)
    }, {
        'e': (9, 4)
    }, {
        'e': (4, 5)
    }, {
        'd': (17, 12)
    }, {
        'd': (12, 7)
    }, {
        'd': (7, 8)
    }, {
        'd': (8, 3)
    }, {
        'd': (3, 4)
    }, {
        'f': (20, 15)
    }, {
        'f': (15, 10)
    }, {
        'f': (10, 9)
    }, {
        'f': (9, 8)
    }, {
        'f': (8, 3)
    solutions = [s1, s2]
    assert sequence in solutions
Exemple #29
def test_2_trains():
    two trains of loads are approaching each other.
    train 123 going from 1 to 14
    train 4567 going from 14 to 1.

    At intersection  4 train 123 can be broken apart and
    buffered, so that train 4567 can pass.

    The reverse (buffering train 4567) is not possible.
    g = Graph()
    edges = [
        (1, 2),
        (2, 3),
        (3, 4),
        (4, 5),
        (4, 6),
        (4, 7),
        (4, 8),
        (5, 9),
        (6, 9),
        (7, 9),
        (8, 9),
        (9, 10),
        (10, 11),
        (11, 12),
        (12, 13),
        (13, 14),
    for s, e in edges:
        g.add_edge(s, e, 1, bidirectional=True)

    loads = {
        41: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12],
        42: [2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],
        43: [3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
        44: [11, 10, 9, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1],
        45: [12, 11, 10, 9, 5, 4, 3, 2],
        46: [13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 5, 4, 3],
        47: [14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 5, 4],

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads)

    assert sequence == [{
        43: (3, 4)
    }, {
        43: (4, 6)
    }, {
        42: (2, 3)
    }, {
        42: (3, 4)
    }, {
        42: (4, 7)
    }, {
        41: (1, 2)
    }, {
        41: (2, 3)
    }, {
        41: (3, 4)
    }, {
        41: (4, 5)
    }, {
        44: (11, 10)
    }, {
        44: (10, 9)
    }, {
        44: (9, 8)
    }, {
        44: (8, 4)
    }, {
        44: (4, 3)
    }, {
        44: (3, 2)
    }, {
        44: (2, 1)
    }, {
        45: (12, 11)
    }, {
        45: (11, 10)
    }, {
        45: (10, 9)
    }, {
        45: (9, 8)
    }, {
        45: (8, 4)
    }, {
        45: (4, 3)
    }, {
        45: (3, 2)
    }, {
        46: (13, 12)
    }, {
        46: (12, 11)
    }, {
        46: (11, 10)
    }, {
        46: (10, 9)
    }, {
        46: (9, 8)
    }, {
        46: (8, 4)
    }, {
        46: (4, 3)
    }, {
        47: (14, 13)
    }, {
        47: (13, 12)
    }, {
        47: (12, 11)
    }, {
        47: (11, 10)
    }, {
        47: (10, 9)
    }, {
        47: (9, 8)
    }, {
        47: (8, 4)
    }, {
        43: (6, 9)
    }, {
        43: (9, 10)
    }, {
        43: (10, 11)
    }, {
        43: (11, 12)
    }, {
        43: (12, 13)
    }, {
        43: (13, 14)
    }, {
        42: (7, 9)
    }, {
        42: (9, 10)
    }, {
        42: (10, 11)
    }, {
        42: (11, 12)
    }, {
        42: (12, 13)
    }, {
        41: (5, 9)
    }, {
        41: (9, 10)
    }, {
        41: (10, 11)
    }, {
        41: (11, 12)
    }], sequence
def test_5x5_graph():
    g = graph5x5()
    loads = {'a': [6], 'b': [11, 1], 'c': [16, 2], 'd': [17, 4], 'e': [19, 5], 'f': [20, 3]}

    sequence = jam_solver(g, loads, return_on_first=True, timeout=30_000)
    assert is_sequence_valid(sequence, g)