Exemple #1
def numberOfTriangles (G):
    Returns the number of triangles in $G$ by using the fact that the $(i,i)$
    entry of the cube of the adjacency matrix of $G$ indicates the number of
    closed walks of length $3$ that start and end at vertex $v_i$
    (\textit {i.e.\} the number of triangles that $v_i$ participates in).  To
    get the total number of triangles in the whole graph, we must note that if
    three vertices $v_1, v_2, v_3$ form a triangle, the trace counts this
    six times.  So, we correct for this by dividing by $6$.

    A = adjacencyMatrix (G)
    return (A**3).trace() / 6
Exemple #2
def eigenvalues (G):
    Returns the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of $G$.
    eigenvals = adjacencyMatrix(G).eigenvals()

    # The following is necessary because the dictionary returned by
    # \code{sympy.Matrix.eigenvals()} uses \code{sympy.Integer}s as
    # keys rather than ordinary integers.  Thus, we get the annoying
    # situation where (for example), eigenvals() might return the
    # dict \code{\{4: 1, -2: 2, 0: 3\}}, but the expression
    # \code {4 in eigenvals} would fail.

    return dict ( [ (int (k), eigenvals [k]) for k in eigenvals.keys() ] )
Exemple #3
def is_triangleFree (G):
    Returns True if $G$ is triangle-free, otherwise False.
    # By Mantel's Theorem (West, p. 41), the maximum number of edges in
    # an $n$-vertex triangle-free simple graph is the floor of $n^2 / 4$.

    n = order (G)
    if size (G) > floor (n**2 / 4.0):
        return False

    # Otherwise, recall that the $(i,j)$ entry of the $n$-th power of the
    # adjacency matrix of a graph indicates the number of closed walks
    # of length $n$ that begin at $v_i$ and end at $v_j$. (West, p. 455,
    # Proposition 8.6.7.)

    # A triangle is a closed walk of length $3$ starting and ending at
    # the same vertex.  Thus, we see that $G$ is triangle-free if and
    # only if $\trace (A^3) = 0$, where $A$ is the adjacency matrix of $G$.

    A = adjacencyMatrix (G)
    return (A**3).trace() == 0