def buildGraphFromAdjacencyList(graph):
        g = Graph()
        for vertex, neighbors in graph.items():
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                g.addEdge(vertex, neighbor)

        return g
Exemple #2
def buildGraph(wordFile):
    dic = {}
    g = Graph()

    def read_file_line(wordFile):
        with open(wordFile, 'r') as wfile:
            while True:
                blockline = wfile.readline()  # 调用readlines()一次读取所有内容并按行返回list
                if blockline:
                    yield blockline.strip()

    # create buckets of words that differ by one letter
    for line in read_file_line(wordFile):
        word = line[:-1]
        for i in range(len(word)):
            bucket = word[:i] + '_' + word[i + 1:]
            if bucket in dic:
                dic[bucket] = [word]
    # add vertices and edges for words in the same bucket
    for bucket in dic.keys():
        for word1 in dic[bucket]:
            for word2 in dic[bucket]:
                if word1 != word2:
                    g.addEdge(word1, word2)
    return g
def buildGraph(wordFile):
    dic = {}
    g = Graph()

    def read_file_line(wordFile):
        with open(wordFile, 'r') as wfile:
            while True:
                blockline = wfile.readline()  # 调用readlines()一次读取所有内容并按行返回list
                if blockline:
                    yield blockline.strip()
    # create buckets of words that differ by one letter
    for line in read_file_line(wordFile):
        word = line[:-1]
        for i in range(len(word)):
            bucket = word[:i] + '_' + word[i + 1:]
            if bucket in dic:
                dic[bucket] = [word]
    # add vertices and edges for words in the same bucket
    for bucket in dic.keys():
        for word1 in dic[bucket]:
            for word2 in dic[bucket]:
                if word1 != word2:
                    g.addEdge(word1, word2)
    return g
def knightGraph(bdSize):
    ktGraph = Graph()
    for row in range(bdSize):
        for col in range(bdSize):
            nodeId = posToNodeId(row, col, bdSize)
            newPositions = genLegalMoves(row, col, bdSize)
            for e in newPositions:
                nid = posToNodeId(e[0], e[1], bdSize)
                ktGraph.addEdge(nodeId, nid)
    return ktGraph
Exemple #5
def knightGraph(bdSize):
    ktGraph = Graph()
    for row in range(bdSize):
        for col in range(bdSize):
            nodeId = posToNodeId(row, col, bdSize)
            newPositions = genLegalMoves(row, col, bdSize)
            for e in newPositions:
                nid = posToNodeId(e[0], e[1], bdSize)
                ktGraph.addEdge(nodeId, nid)
    return ktGraph
Exemple #6
def main():
    num_vertices = 5
    e0 = (2,3)
    e1 = (3,1)
    e2 = (1,0)
    e3 = (0,2)
    e4 = (0,4)
    e5 = (3,4)
    edges = [e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5]
    num_vertices = 5
    e0 = (0,1)
    e1 = (0,3)
    e2 = (0,4)
    e3 = (1,2)
    e4 = (1,3)
    e5 = (3,2)
    e6 = (3,0)
    e7 = (3,4)
    edges = [e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7]
    graph = Graph(num_vertices, edges)
    is_visited = [False] * num_vertices
    # DFS
    print("DFS : Order in which nodes were visited")
    stack = Stack()
    is_visited[0] = True
    while not stack.is_empty:
        current_vertex = stack.pop()
        for neighbor in graph.get_neighbors(current_vertex):
            if not is_visited[neighbor]:
                is_visited[neighbor] = True
Exemple #7
def main():
    num_vertices = 5
    e0 = (2,3)
    e1 = (3,1)
    e2 = (1,0)
    e3 = (0,2)
    e4 = (0,4)
    e5 = (3,4)
    edges = [e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5]
    num_vertices = 5
    e0 = (0,1)
    e1 = (0,3)
    e2 = (0,4)
    e3 = (1,2)
    e4 = (1,3)
    e5 = (3,2)
    e6 = (3,0)
    e7 = (3,4)
    edges = [e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7]
    graph = Graph(num_vertices, edges)
    is_visited = [False] * num_vertices
    # BFS
    print("BFS : Order in which nodes were visited")
    queue = Queue()
    is_visited[0] = True
    while not queue.is_empty:
        current_vertex = queue.dequeue()
        for neighbor in graph.get_neighbors(current_vertex):
            if not is_visited[neighbor]:
                is_visited[neighbor] = True
Exemple #8
# This is a short test file, given to you to ensure that our grading scripts can grade your file.
# Please do not modify it.
# You should only submit "", "", and "".

# This tests the simplest case: adding a single edge to the graph and then checking whether has_edge
# confirms the edge's existance and that get_neighbors on the first node returns the second node.

from graph_adjacency_list import Graph as AdjacencyGraph
from graph_edge_list import Graph as EdgeGraph
import sys

    print("Testing adjacency list graph...")
    adjacency_graph = AdjacencyGraph()
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 'b', 1)
    if not adjacency_graph.has_edge('a', 'b'):
            "Your code ran, but did NOT give True when checking whether the graph has an edge ('a', 'b') after adding edge ('a', 'b', 1)."
            "Your code ran, and it correctly output True when checking whether the graph has an edge ('a', 'b') after adding edge ('a', 'b', 1)."
        "Your code produced this error when adding edge ('a', 'b', 1) or checking has_edge('a', 'b')."
    if adjacency_graph.get_neighbors('a') != [('b', 1)]:
                    if proposed_dist < shortest_distance[neighbor_node]:
                        shortest_distance[neighbor_node] = proposed_dist
                        previous_node[neighbor_node] = curr_node

    # work backgrounds through the previous node dict and save path
    curr = target
    while curr != source:
        short_path.insert(0, curr)  # insert at beginning of list
        curr = previous_node[curr]  # get previous node
    short_path.insert(0, curr)  # insert the last, source node

    return (short_path, shortest_distance[target])

adjacency_graph = Graph()

# adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 'c', 15)
# adjacency_graph.add_edge('b', 't', 1)
# adjacency_graph.add_edge('d', 't', 1)
# adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 't', 21)
# adjacency_graph.add_edge('b', 'u', 1)
# adjacency_graph.add_edge('b', 't', 6)
# adjacency_graph.add_edge('u', 't', 2)
# adjacency_graph.add_edge('c', 't', 20)

# print shortest_path(adjacency_graph, 'a', 't')

graph1 = Graph()
graph1.add_edge('t', 'a', 5)
Exemple #10
# This is a short test file, given to you to ensure that our grading scripts can grade your file.
# Please do not modify it.
# You should only submit "", "", and "".

# This tests the simplest case: adding a single edge to the graph and checking the shortest path from one node to the other.

from graph_adjacency_list import Graph as AdjacencyGraph
from graph_edge_list import Graph as EdgeGraph
from shortest_path import shortest_path
import sys

    print("Testing with adjacency list graph...")
    adjacency_graph = AdjacencyGraph()
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 'b', 1)
    if shortest_path(adjacency_graph, 'a', 'b') != (['a', 'b'], 1):
            "Your code ran, but did NOT output the shortest distance from 'a' to 'b' when your adjacency list graph had the edge ('a', 'b', 1) added."
            "Your code ran, and it correctly output the shortest distance from 'a' to 'b' when your adjacency list graph had the edge ('a', 'b', 1) added."
        "Your code produced this error when adding edge ('a', 'b', 1) to the adjacency list graph or getting the shortest path from 'a' to 'b'."

    print("Testing with edge list graph...")
# This is a short test file, given to you to ensure that our grading scripts can grade your file.
# Please do not modify it.
# You should only submit "", "", and "".

# This tests the simplest case: adding a single edge to the graph and checking the shortest path from one node to the other.

from graph_adjacency_list import Graph as AdjacencyGraph
from graph_edge_list import Graph as EdgeGraph
from shortest_path import shortest_path
import sys

    print("Testing with adjacency list graph...")
    adjacency_graph = AdjacencyGraph()
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 'b', 1)
    if shortest_path(adjacency_graph, 'a', 'b') != (['a', 'b'], 1):
            "Your code ran, but did NOT output the shortest distance from 'a' to 'b' when your adjacency list graph had the edge ('a', 'b', 1) added."
            "Your code ran, and it correctly output the shortest distance from 'a' to 'b' when your adjacency list graph had the edge ('a', 'b', 1) added."
        "Your code produced this error when adding edge ('a', 'b', 1) to the adjacency list graph or getting the shortest path from 'a' to 'b'."

    print("Testing with edge list graph...")
# This is a short test file, given to you to ensure that our grading scripts can grade your file.
# Please do not modify it.
# You should only submit "", "", and "".

# This tests the simplest case: adding a single edge to the graph and checking the shortest path from one node to the other.

from graph_adjacency_list import Graph as AdjacencyGraph
from graph_edge_list import Graph as EdgeGraph
from shortest_path import shortest_path
import sys

    print("Testing with adjacency list graph...")
    adjacency_graph = AdjacencyGraph()
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 'b', 1)

    if shortest_path(adjacency_graph, 'a', 'b') != (['a', 'b'], 1):
        print "Your code ran, but did NOT output the shortest distance from 'a' to 'b' when your adjacency list graph had the edge ('a', 'b', 1) added."
        print "Your code ran, and it correctly output the shortest distance from 'a' to 'b' when your adjacency list graph had the edge ('a', 'b', 1) added."
    print "Your code produced this error when adding edge ('a', 'b', 1) to the adjacency list graph or getting the shortest path from 'a' to 'b'."
    print sys.exc_info()[0]

    print("Testing with edge list graph...")
    edge_graph = EdgeGraph()
    edge_graph.add_edge('a', 'b', 1)
    edge_graph.add_edge('b', 'c', 2)
    edge_graph.add_edge('c', 'd', 3)
    edge_graph.add_edge('a', 'f', 1)
Exemple #13
# This is a short test file, given to you to ensure that our grading scripts can grade your file.
# Please do not modify it.
# You should only submit "", "", and "".

# This tests the simplest case: adding a single edge to the graph and checking the shortest path from one node to the other.

from graph_adjacency_list import Graph as AdjacencyGraph
from graph_edge_list import Graph as EdgeGraph
from shortest_path import shortest_path
import sys

    print("Testing with adjacency list graph...")
    adjacency_graph = AdjacencyGraph()
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 'b', 1)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 'c', 2)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('b', 'd', 3)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('c', 'e', 5)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('d', 'e', 2)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('d', 'f', 4)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('e', 'f', 1)
    if shortest_path(adjacency_graph, 'a', 'f') != (['a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f'
                                                     ], 7):
            "Your code ran, but did NOT output the shortest distance from 'a' to 'f' when your adjacency list graph had the edge ('e', 'f', 1) added."
            "Your code ran, and it correctly output the shortest distance from 'a' to 'f' when your adjacency list graph had the edge ('e', 'f', 1) added."
Exemple #14
            print('min_value is now:',min_value)
        print('min_key is now: ',min_key)
        #select key from Q and not S with shortest distance from s --> maintains invariant
        u = min_key

        if u == target:
            return d[u]

    return ([],float("inf"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # adjacency_graph is type dict
    _graph = AdjacencyGraph()

    #edge_graph is type list
    # _graph = EdgeGraph()
    # print('EdgeGraph:')
    def test_dijkstra(self):
        # Example from
        g = Graph()
        g.addEdge(1, 2, 7)
        g.addEdge(1, 3, 9)
        g.addEdge(2, 3, 10)
        g.addEdge(1, 6, 14)
        g.addEdge(2, 4, 15)
        g.addEdge(3, 6, 2)
        g.addEdge(3, 4, 11)
        g.addEdge(4, 5, 6)
        g.addEdge(5, 6, 9)

        dist = g.bestPath_Dijkstra(1, 5)
        self.assertEqual(20, dist)
Exemple #16
from graph_adjacency_list import Graph

if __name__ == '__main__':

    graph = Graph(5)

    graph.add_edge(0, 1)
    graph.add_edge(0, 4)
    graph.add_edge(1, 2)
    graph.add_edge(1, 3)
    graph.add_edge(1, 4)
    graph.add_edge(2, 3)
    graph.add_edge(3, 4)

#   cost_func = lambda u, v, e, prev_e: e['cost']
#   test_function = find_path(graph, 'a', 'c', cost_func=cost_func)
#   if shortest_path(edge_graph, 's', 't') != (test_function[0], test_function[3]):
#     print("pass edge_graph")
#   else:
#     break
#   if shortest_path(adjacency_graph, 's', 't') != (test_function[0], test_function[3]):
#     print("pass adjacency_graph")
#   else:
#     break

####################### TEST 0

    adjacency_graph = AdjacencyGraph()
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('s', 'a', 4)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('a', 't', 3)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('s', 'b', 5)
    adjacency_graph.add_edge('b', 't', 5)
    if shortest_path(adjacency_graph, 's', 't') != (['s', 'a', 't'], 7):
        print("ERROR: TEST 0A, WRONG DISTANCE")
        print("pass test 0A")
    print("ERROR: TEST 0A, ADDING EDGE")

    edge_graph = EdgeGraph()
    edge_graph.add_edge('s', 'a', 4)