Exemple #1
    op[1]["proposal"] = config.pid


    buildHandle = client.begin_builder_transaction()
    for op in ops :
        client.add_operation_to_builder_transaction(buildHandle, op)
    client.set_fees_on_builder_transaction(buildHandle, "1.3.0")

    params = client.get_object("2.0.0")[0]
    if owner["name"] == "committee-account":
        preview = params["parameters"]["committee_proposal_review_period"]
        preview = 0

    delete_proposal = client.get_object(config.pid)[0]
    proposal_preview = datetime.datetime.strptime(delete_proposal["review_period_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    expiration = proposal_preview - datetime.timedelta(0, config.expiration_earlier)
    expiration = expiration.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

    client.propose_builder_transaction2(buildHandle, proposer["name"], expiration, preview, False)
    client.set_fees_on_builder_transaction(buildHandle, "1.3.0")

    """ Sign and broadcast """
    tx = client.sign_builder_transaction(buildHandle, False)
    print(json.dumps(tx, indent=4))

    if client._confirm("Ok for you?") :
        tx = client.sign_builder_transaction(buildHandle, True)
        print(json.dumps(tx, indent=4))
def update_price_feed() :
 for base in _bases  + [core_symbol]:
  price[base]            = {}
  volume[base]           = {}
  for asset in _all_bts_assets + [core_symbol]:
   price[base][asset]    = []
   volume[base][asset]   = []

 for asset in _all_bts_assets + [core_symbol]:
  price_in_bts_weighted[asset]   = 0.0
  price_median_blockchain[asset] = 0.0
  lastUpdate[asset]              = datetime.utcnow()
  myCurrentFeed[asset]           = {}

 ## rpc variables about bts rpc ###############################################
 rpc = GrapheneAPI(config.host, config.port, config.user, config.passwd)

 ## Get prices and stats ######################################################
 mythreads = {}
 mythreads["yahoo"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_yahoo)

 if config.enable_btcid    :  mythreads["btcid"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_btcIndonesia)
 if config.enable_ccedk    :  mythreads["ccedk"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_ccedk)
 if config.enable_yunbi    :  mythreads["yunbi"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_yunbi)
 if config.enable_btc38    :  mythreads["btc38"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_btc38)
 if config.enable_bter     :  mythreads["bter"]     = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_bter)
 if config.enable_poloniex :  mythreads["poloniex"] = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_poloniex)
 if config.enable_bittrex  :  mythreads["bittrex"]  = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_bittrex)
 if config.enable_btcavg   :  mythreads["btcavg"]   = threading.Thread(target = fetch_bitcoinaverage)

 print("[Starting Threads]: ", end="",flush=True)
 for t in mythreads :
  print("(%s)"%t, end="",flush=True)
 for t in mythreads :
  mythreads[t].join() # Will wait for a thread until it finishes its task.
  print(".", end="",flush=True)

 ## Determine bts price ######################################################

 ## Only publish given feeds ##################################################
 price_feeds = []
 for asset in asset_list_publish :
    if len(price[core_symbol][asset]) > 0 :
        if price_in_bts_weighted[asset] > 0.0:
            quote_precision = assets[asset]["precision"]
            base_precision  = assets["1.3.0"]["precision"] ## core asset
            core_price      = price_in_bts_weighted[asset] * 10**(quote_precision-base_precision)
            core_price      = fractions.Fraction.from_float(core_price).limit_denominator(100000)
            denominator     = core_price.denominator
            numerator       = core_price.numerator

            assert assets[asset]["symbol"] is not asset

            #if denominator == 0 or numerator == 0 or int(denominator * config.core_exchange_factor) :
            #        continue

            price_feed = {
                      "settlement_price": {
                        "quote": {
                          "asset_id": "1.3.0",
                          "amount": denominator
                        "base": {
                          "asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                          "amount": numerator
                      "maintenance_collateral_ratio": config.maintenance_collateral_ratio,
                      "maximum_short_squeeze_ratio": config.maximum_short_squeeze_ratio,
                      "core_exchange_rate": {
                        "quote": {
                          "asset_id": "1.3.0",
                          "amount": int(denominator * config.core_exchange_factor)
                        "base": {
                          "asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                          "amount": numerator
            price_feeds.append([assets[asset]["id"], price_feed])

 ## Print some stats ##########################################################

 ## Check publish rules and publich feeds #####################################
 publish = False
 if publish_rule(rpc) :

  if config.ask_confirmation :
   if rpc._confirm("Are you SURE you would like to publish this feed?") :
    publish = True
  else :
    publish = True

  if publish :
   print("Update required! Forcing now!")
 else :
  print("no update required")
                        "base": {
                          "asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                          "amount": numerator
                      "maintenance_collateral_ratio": config.maintenance_collateral_ratio,
                      "maximum_short_squeeze_ratio": config.maximum_short_squeeze_ratio,
                      "core_exchange_rate": {
                        "quote": {
                          "asset_id": "1.3.0",
                          "amount": int(denominator * config.core_exchange_factor)
                        "base": {
                          "asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                          "amount": numerator
            asset_list_final.append([ asset, price_feed ])

 ## Print some stats ##########################################################

 ## Check publish rules and publich feeds #####################################
 if publish_rule() and rpc._confirm("Are you SURE you would like to publish this feed?") :
  print("Update required! Forcing now!")
 else :
  print("no update required")
def update_price_feed() :
    global derived_prices, config
    state = {}

    for asset in _all_assets + [core_symbol]:
        price_median_blockchain[asset] = 0.0
        lastUpdate[asset]              = datetime.utcnow()
        myCurrentFeed[asset]           = {}

    if configFile.blame != "latest" :
        blameFile = config.configPath + "/blame/" + configFile.blame + ".json"
        if os.path.isfile(blameFile) :
            # Load data from disk for (faster) debugging and verification
            with open(blameFile, 'r') as fp:
                state = json.load(fp)
                # Load feed sources
                feed  = state["feed"]
                # Load configuration from old state
                configStruct = state["config"]
                for key in configStruct :
                    # Skip asset config
                    if key == "asset_config" :
                    config.__dict__[key] = configStruct[key]

        else :
            sys.exit("Configuration error: Either set 'blame' to an existing " +
                     "block number from the blame/ to verify or set it to " +
                     "'latest' to run the script online! ")
    else :
        # Load configuration from file
        config = configFile
        # Get prices online from sources
        pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8)
        feed      = {}
        mythreads = {}

        for name in config.feedSources :
            print("(%s)" % name, end="", flush=True)
            mythreads[name] = pool.submit(config.feedSources[name].fetch)

        for name in config.feedSources :
            print(".", end="", flush=True)
            feed[name] = mythreads[name].result()

    # rpc variables about bts rpc ##############################################
    rpc = GrapheneAPI(config.host, config.port, config.user, config.passwd)

    # Determine bts price ######################################################
    derived_prices = derive_prices(feed)

    # Only publish given feeds #################################################
    price_feeds = {}
    update_required = False

    for asset in asset_list_publish :

        # Get Final Price according to price metric
        this_asset_config = config.asset_config[asset] if asset in config.asset_config else config.asset_config["default"]
        price_metric      = this_asset_config["metric"] if "metric" in this_asset_config else config.asset_config["default"]["metric"]
        if (asset not in derived_prices or
                core_symbol not in derived_prices[asset] or
                price_metric not in derived_prices[asset][core_symbol]) :
            print("Warning: Asset %s has no derived price!" % asset)
        if float(derived_prices[asset][core_symbol][price_metric]) > 0.0:
            quote_precision_core = assets[asset]["precision"]
            symbol         = assets[asset]["symbol"]
            assert symbol is not asset
            base_precision_cer  = assets[blockchain_feed_quote[asset]]["precision"]  # core asset
            core_price_cer      = derived_prices[asset][core_symbol][price_metric] * 10 ** (quote_precision_core - base_precision_cer)
            core_price_cer      = fractions.Fraction.from_float(core_price_cer).limit_denominator(100000)
            denominator_cer     = core_price_cer.denominator
            numerator_cer       = core_price_cer.numerator

            quote_precision_settle = assets[asset]["precision"]
            symbol          = assets[asset]["symbol"]
            assert symbol is not asset
            base_precision_settle  = assets[blockchain_feed_quote[asset]]["precision"]  # core asset
            core_price_settle      = derived_prices[asset]["short_backing_asset"][price_metric] * 10 ** (quote_precision_settle - base_precision_settle)
            core_price_settle      = fractions.Fraction.from_float(core_price_settle).limit_denominator(100000)
            denominator_settle     = core_price_settle.denominator
            numerator_settle       = core_price_settle.numerator

            price_feed = {"settlement_price": {
                          "quote": {"asset_id": assets[blockchain_feed_quote[asset]]["id"],
                                    "amount": denominator_settle
                          "base": {"asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                                   "amount": numerator_settle
                          "maintenance_collateral_ratio" :
                              if (symbol in config.asset_config and "maintenance_collateral_ratio" in config.asset_config[symbol])
                              else config.asset_config["default"]["maintenance_collateral_ratio"],
                          "maximum_short_squeeze_ratio"  :
                              if (symbol in config.asset_config and "maximum_short_squeeze_ratio" in config.asset_config[symbol])
                              else config.asset_config["default"]["maximum_short_squeeze_ratio"],
                          "core_exchange_rate": {
                          "quote": {"asset_id": "1.3.0",
                                    "amount": int(denominator_cer * (
                                        if (symbol in config.asset_config and "core_exchange_factor" in config.asset_config[symbol])
                                        else config.asset_config["default"]["core_exchange_factor"]))
                          "base": {"asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                                   "amount": numerator_cer
            asset_update_required = publish_rule(rpc, asset)
            if asset_update_required :
                update_required = True
            price_feeds[symbol] = {"asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                                   "feed":     price_feed,
                                   "publish":  asset_update_required
        else :
            print("Warning: Asset %s has a negative derived price of %f (%s metric)!" % (asset, float(derived_prices[asset][price_metric]), price_metric))

    if not debug :
        # Print some stats ##########################################################

        # Verify results or store them ##############################################
        configStruct = {}
        for key in dir(config) :
            if key[0] == "_" :
            if key == "feedSources" :
            if key == "feedsources" :
            if key == "subprocess"  :
            if key == "os"          :
            configStruct[key] = config.__dict__[key]
        # Store State
        state["feed"]           = feed
        state["derived_prices"] = derived_prices
        state["price_feeds"]    = price_feeds
        state["lastblock"]      = get_last_block(rpc)
        state["config"]         = configStruct
        blameFile               = config.configPath + "/blame/" + str(state["lastblock"]) + ".json"
        with open(blameFile, 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(state, fp)
        print("Blamefile: " + blameFile)

        # Check publish rules and publich feeds #####################################
        if update_required and not debug :
            publish = False
            if config.ask_confirmation :
                if rpc._confirm("Are you SURE you would like to publish this feed?") :
                    publish = True
            else :
                publish = True

            if publish :
                print("Update required! Forcing now!")
                update_feed(rpc, price_feeds)
        else :
            print("no update required")

    else :
        # Verify results
        print("[Warning] This script is loading old data for debugging. No price can be published.\n" +
              "          Please set 'blame' to 'latest' if you are ready to go online!")
        compare_feeds(state["derived_prices"], derived_prices)
def update_price_feed() :
 for base in _bases  + [core_symbol]:
  price[base]            = {}
  volume[base]           = {}
  for asset in _all_bts_assets + [core_symbol]:
   price[base][asset]    = []
   volume[base][asset]   = []

 for asset in _all_bts_assets + [core_symbol]:
  price_in_bts_weighted[asset]   = 0.0
  price_median_blockchain[asset] = 0.0
  lastUpdate[asset]              = datetime.utcnow()
  myCurrentFeed[asset]           = {}

 ## rpc variables about bts rpc ###############################################
 rpc = GrapheneAPI(config.host, config.port, config.user, config.passwd)

 ## Get prices and stats ######################################################
 mythreads = {}
 mythreads["yahoo"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_yahoo)

 if config.enable_btcid    :  mythreads["btcid"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_btcIndonesia)
 if config.enable_ccedk    :  mythreads["ccedk"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_ccedk)
 if config.enable_yunbi    :  mythreads["yunbi"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_yunbi)
 if config.enable_btc38    :  mythreads["btc38"]    = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_btc38)
 if config.enable_bter     :  mythreads["bter"]     = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_bter)
 if config.enable_poloniex :  mythreads["poloniex"] = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_poloniex)
 if config.enable_bittrex  :  mythreads["bittrex"]  = threading.Thread(target = fetch_from_bittrex)
 if config.enable_btcavg   :  mythreads["btcavg"]   = threading.Thread(target = fetch_bitcoinaverage)

 print("[Starting Threads]: ", end="",flush=True)
 for t in mythreads :
  print("(%s)"%t, end="",flush=True)
 for t in mythreads :
  mythreads[t].join() # Will wait for a thread until it finishes its task.
  print(".", end="",flush=True)

 ## Determine bts price ######################################################

 ## Only publish given feeds ##################################################
 price_feeds = []
 for asset in asset_list_publish :
    if len(price[core_symbol][asset]) > 0 :
        if price_in_bts_weighted[asset] > 0.0:
            quote_precision = assets[asset]["precision"]
            base_precision  = assets["1.3.0"]["precision"] ## core asset
            core_price      = price_in_bts_weighted[asset] * 10**(quote_precision-base_precision)
            core_price      = fractions.Fraction.from_float(core_price).limit_denominator(100000)
            denominator     = core_price.denominator
            numerator       = core_price.numerator

            assert assets[asset]["symbol"] is not asset

            #if denominator == 0 or numerator == 0 or int(denominator * config.core_exchange_factor) :
            #        continue

            price_feed = {
                      "settlement_price": {
                        "quote": {
                          "asset_id": "1.3.0",
                          "amount": denominator
                        "base": {
                          "asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                          "amount": numerator
                      "maintenance_collateral_ratio": config.maintenance_collateral_ratio,
                      "maximum_short_squeeze_ratio": config.maximum_short_squeeze_ratio,
                      "core_exchange_rate": {
                        "quote": {
                          "asset_id": "1.3.0",
                          "amount": int(denominator * config.core_exchange_factor)
                        "base": {
                          "asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                          "amount": numerator
            price_feeds.append([assets[asset]["id"], price_feed])

 ## Print some stats ##########################################################

 ## Check publish rules and publich feeds #####################################
 publish = False
 if publish_rule(rpc) :

  if config.ask_confirmation :
   if rpc._confirm("Are you SURE you would like to publish this feed?") :
    publish = True
  else :
    publish = True

  if publish :
   print("Update required! Forcing now!")
 else :
  print("no update required")
                        "base": {
                            "asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                            "amount": numerator
                    "core_exchange_rate": {
                        "quote": {
                            "asset_id": assets[asset]["id"],
                            "amount": numerator
                        "base": {
                            int(denominator * config.core_exchange_factor)
                asset_list_final.append([asset, price_feed])

    ## Print some stats ##########################################################

    ## Check publish rules and publich feeds #####################################
    if publish_rule() and rpc._confirm(
            "Are you SURE you would like to publish this feed?"):
        print("Update required! Forcing now!")
        update_feed(rpc, asset_list_final)
        print("no update required")