def search(x, y): if grid[x][y] == 2: print 'found at %d,%d' % (x, y) graphics.dest(x,y) return True elif grid[x][y] == 1: print 'wall at %d,%d' % (x, y) playtile("wall") return False elif grid[x][y] == 3: print 'visited at %d,%d' % (x, y) return False print 'visiting %d,%d' % (x, y) a=str(x)+str(y) graphics.path(x,y) playtile(a) grid[x][y] = 3 graphics.visit(x,y) if ((x < len(grid)-1 and search(x+1, y)) or (y > 0 and search(x, y-1)) or (x > 0 and search(x-1, y)) or (y < len(grid)-1 and search(x, y+1))): return True return False
or (y < len(grid)-1 and search(x, y+1))): return True return False search(0,0) elif(schoice==2): import bfsmaze bfsmaze.bfssolution(grid,database.start,database.dest,database.choice) ans=bfsmaze.ans graphics.mazedisplay(grid,2,database.dest) for x in range(len(ans)): ans[x]=int(ans[x]) a=str(ans[x]%10)+str(ans[x]/10) graphics.path(ans[x]%10,ans[x]/10) playtile(a) graphics.visit(ans[x]%10,ans[x]/10) if(ans[x]==database.dest): graphics.dest(ans[x]%10,ans[x]/10) if(schoice==3): x,y=10,10 grid =database.grid grid[database.xx][database.yy]=2 graphics.mazedisplay(grid,1,-1) screen=graphics.screen, red, (x,y), 7, 0); pygame.display.update() wall=(0,0,0,255) boundary=(0,255,0,255) while 1: for event in pygame.event.get():