def load_mapped_csv(graph, csv_uri, mapping, context_id=None): """ Load data from a CSV file, applying a JSON mapping and then adding it to the graph. """ meta = {'source_url': csv_uri} reader = unicodecsv.DictReader(read_uri(csv_uri)) ctx = graph.context(identifier=context_id, meta=meta) for data, err in Mapper.apply_iter(reader, mapping, graph.resolver, scope=graph.base_uri): if err is not None: log.warning("Error loading %r: %r", csv_uri, err) else: ctx.add(data['$schema'], data)
def load_dump(graph, dump_file): """ Load an NQuads file into the current graph. """ log.debug('Loading from %r...', dump_file) fh = read_uri(dump_file) graph.graph.parse(fh, format='nquads') fh.close()