Exemple #1
def encode_test():
    graph = wordnet_graph()
    language = singleresolution(100000)
    node = ('levy', 'v')

    codes = encode(graph, node, language)

    print 'encoded results'
    print_nodes(graph, codes)
Exemple #2
language is a list of words (or wordnet nodes).

wordnet nodes consists of word, (word, pos), and synsets.

from math import *
from graphparse import wordnet_graph
from util import *

g = wordnet_graph()

def multiresolution(n_layer = 10, dim = 1000, factor = 1.6):
    word_size = int(ceil(dim * pow(factor, n_layer-1)))
    assert(word_size <= g.number_of_nodes())

    top_nodes = top_k(word_size, g)

    # Each dimension consists of a set of words contained in a certain
    # bandwidth. We call those sets 'languages'.
    langs = []

    for i in range(n_layer):
        start = int(floor(dim * pow(factor, i-1))) if i > 0 else 0
        end = int(floor(dim * pow(factor, i)))


    return langs