def supports_traversal_of_selection_sets():
        visited = []

        human_type = test_schema.get_type("Human")
        assert human_type is not None
        type_info = TypeInfo(test_schema, None, human_type)

        ast = parse("{ name, pets { name } }")
        operation_node = ast.definitions[0]
        assert isinstance(operation_node, OperationDefinitionNode)

        class TestVisitor(Visitor):
            def enter(node: Node, *_args):
                parent_type = type_info.get_parent_type()
                type_ = type_info.get_type()
                        node.value if isinstance(node, NameNode) else None,

            def leave(node: Node, *_args):
                parent_type = type_info.get_parent_type()
                type_ = type_info.get_type()
                        node.value if isinstance(node, NameNode) else None,

        visit(operation_node.selection_set, TypeInfoVisitor(type_info, TestVisitor()))

        assert visited == [
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "Human", "Human"),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Human", "String"),
            ("enter", "name", "name", "Human", "String"),
            ("leave", "name", "name", "Human", "String"),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Human", "String"),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Human", "[Pet]"),
            ("enter", "name", "pets", "Human", "[Pet]"),
            ("leave", "name", "pets", "Human", "[Pet]"),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "Pet", "[Pet]"),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Pet", "String"),
            ("enter", "name", "name", "Pet", "String"),
            ("leave", "name", "name", "Pet", "String"),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Pet", "String"),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "Pet", "[Pet]"),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Human", "[Pet]"),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "Human", "Human"),
Exemple #2
    def validates_using_a_custom_type_info():
        # This TypeInfo will never return a valid field.
        type_info = TypeInfo(test_schema, lambda *args: None)

        ast = parse("""
            query {
              catOrDog {
                ... on Cat {
                ... on Dog {

        errors = validate(test_schema, ast, specified_rules, type_info)

        assert [error.message for error in errors] == [
            "Cannot query field 'catOrDog' on type 'QueryRoot'."
            " Did you mean 'catOrDog'?",
            "Cannot query field 'furColor' on type 'Cat'."
            " Did you mean 'furColor'?",
            "Cannot query field 'isHousetrained' on type 'Dog'."
            " Did you mean 'isHousetrained'?"]
    def deprecated_validates_using_a_custom_type_info():
        # This TypeInfo will never return a valid field.
        type_info = TypeInfo(test_schema, None, lambda *args: None)

        doc = parse(
            query {
              human {
                pets {
                  ... on Cat {
                  ... on Dog {

        errors = validate(test_schema, doc, None, None, type_info)

        assert [error.message for error in errors] == [
            "Cannot query field 'human' on type 'QueryRoot'. Did you mean 'human'?",
            "Cannot query field 'meowsVolume' on type 'Cat'."
            " Did you mean 'meowsVolume'?",
            "Cannot query field 'barkVolume' on type 'Dog'."
            " Did you mean 'barkVolume'?",
    def supports_traversal_of_input_values():
        visited = []

        schema = build_schema("""
            input ComplexInput {
              stringListField: [String]
        complex_input_type = schema.get_type("ComplexInput")
        assert complex_input_type is not None
        type_info = TypeInfo(schema, complex_input_type)

        ast = parse_value('{ stringListField: ["foo"] }')

        class TestVisitor(Visitor):
            def enter(node: Node, *_args):
                type_ = type_info.get_input_type()
                    node.value if isinstance(node, NameNode) else None,

            def leave(node: Node, *_args):
                type_ = type_info.get_input_type()
                    node.value if isinstance(node, NameNode) else None,

        visit(ast, TypeInfoVisitor(type_info, TestVisitor()))

        assert visited == [
            ("enter", "object_value", None, "ComplexInput"),
            ("enter", "object_field", None, "[String]"),
            ("enter", "name", "stringListField", "[String]"),
            ("leave", "name", "stringListField", "[String]"),
            ("enter", "list_value", None, "String"),
            ("enter", "string_value", None, "String"),
            ("leave", "string_value", None, "String"),
            ("leave", "list_value", None, "String"),
            ("leave", "object_field", None, "[String]"),
            ("leave", "object_value", None, "ComplexInput"),
    def supports_different_operation_types():
        schema = build_schema(
            schema {
              query: QueryRoot
              mutation: MutationRoot
              subscription: SubscriptionRoot

            type QueryRoot {
              foo: String

            type MutationRoot {
              bar: String

            type SubscriptionRoot {
              baz: String
        ast = parse(
            query { foo }
            mutation { bar }
            subscription { baz }

        class TestVisitor(Visitor):
            def __init__(self):
                self.root_types = {}

            def enter_operation_definition(self, node: OperationDefinitionNode, *_args):
                self.root_types[node.operation.value] = str(type_info.get_type())

        type_info = TypeInfo(schema)
        test_visitor = TestVisitor()
        assert visit(ast, TypeInfoVisitor(type_info, test_visitor))

        assert test_visitor.root_types == {
            "query": "QueryRoot",
            "mutation": "MutationRoot",
            "subscription": "SubscriptionRoot",
Exemple #6
    def supports_traversal_of_input_values():
        visited = []

        complex_input_type = test_schema.get_type("ComplexInput")
        assert complex_input_type is not None
        type_info = TypeInfo(test_schema, None, complex_input_type)

        ast = parse_value('{ stringListField: ["foo"] }')

        # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
        class TestVisitor(Visitor):
            def enter(self, node: Node, *_args):
                type_ = type_info.get_input_type()
                    node.value if isinstance(node, NameNode) else None,

            def leave(self, node: Node, *_args):
                type_ = type_info.get_input_type()
                    node.value if isinstance(node, NameNode) else None,

        visit(ast, TypeInfoVisitor(type_info, TestVisitor()))

        assert visited == [
            ("enter", "object_value", None, "ComplexInput"),
            ("enter", "object_field", None, "[String]"),
            ("enter", "name", "stringListField", "[String]"),
            ("leave", "name", "stringListField", "[String]"),
            ("enter", "list_value", None, "String"),
            ("enter", "string_value", None, "String"),
            ("leave", "string_value", None, "String"),
            ("leave", "list_value", None, "String"),
            ("leave", "object_field", None, "[String]"),
            ("leave", "object_value", None, "ComplexInput"),
Exemple #7
def visit_document(document_ast: DocumentNode, schema):

    if not document_ast or not isinstance(document_ast, DocumentNode):
        raise TypeError("You must provide a document node.")
    # If the schema used for validation is invalid, throw an error.
    type_info = TypeInfo(schema)
    context = ValidationContext(schema, document_ast, type_info)
    # This uses a specialized visitor which runs multiple visitors in parallel,
    # while maintaining the visitor skip and break API.

    # Visit the whole document with each instance of all provided rules.
    # A single document can have multiple Fragments, and we assume a single Query
    all_types = set()
    for def_ast in document_ast.definitions:
        visitor = AllTypesVisitor(context)
        visit(def_ast, TypeInfoVisitor(type_info, visitor))

    return all_types
    def provide_exact_same_arguments_to_wrapped_visitor():
        ast = parse("{ human(id: 4) { name, pets { ... { name } }, unknown } }")

        class TestVisitor(Visitor):
            def __init__(self):
                self.args = []

            def enter(self, *args):
                self.args.append(("enter", *args))

            def leave(self, *args):
                self.args.append(("leave", *args))

        test_visitor = TestVisitor()
        visit(ast, test_visitor)

        type_info = TypeInfo(test_schema)
        wrapped_visitor = TestVisitor()
        visit(ast, TypeInfoVisitor(type_info, wrapped_visitor))

        assert test_visitor.args == wrapped_visitor.args
    def allow_all_methods_to_be_called_before_entering_any_mode():
        type_info = TypeInfo(test_schema)

        assert type_info.get_type() is None
        assert type_info.get_parent_type() is None
        assert type_info.get_input_type() is None
        assert type_info.get_parent_input_type() is None
        assert type_info.get_field_def() is None
        assert type_info.get_default_value() is None
        assert type_info.get_directive() is None
        assert type_info.get_argument() is None
        assert type_info.get_enum_value() is None
    def maintains_type_info_during_edit():
        visited = []
        type_info = TypeInfo(test_schema)

        ast = parse("{ human(id: 4) { name, pets }, alien }")

        class TestVisitor(Visitor):
            def enter(*args):
                parent_type = type_info.get_parent_type()
                type_ = type_info.get_type()
                input_type = type_info.get_input_type()
                node = args[0]
                        node.value if node.kind == "name" else None,
                        str(parent_type) if parent_type else None,
                        str(type_) if type_ else None,
                        str(input_type) if input_type else None,

                # Make a query valid by adding missing selection sets.
                if (
                    node.kind == "field"
                    and not node.selection_set
                    and is_composite_type(get_named_type(type_))
                    return FieldNode(

            def leave(*args):
                parent_type = type_info.get_parent_type()
                type_ = type_info.get_type()
                input_type = type_info.get_input_type()
                node = args[0]
                        node.value if node.kind == "name" else None,
                        str(parent_type) if parent_type else None,
                        str(type_) if type_ else None,
                        str(input_type) if input_type else None,

        edited_ast = visit(ast, TypeInfoVisitor(type_info, TestVisitor()))

        assert ast == parse("{ human(id: 4) { name, pets }, alien }")

        assert print_ast(edited_ast) == print_ast(
                "{ human(id: 4) { name, pets { __typename } },"
                " alien { __typename } }"

        assert visited == [
            ("enter", "document", None, None, None, None),
            ("enter", "operation_definition", None, None, "QueryRoot", None),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "QueryRoot", "QueryRoot", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", None),
            ("enter", "name", "human", "QueryRoot", "Human", None),
            ("leave", "name", "human", "QueryRoot", "Human", None),
            ("enter", "argument", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("enter", "name", "id", "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("leave", "name", "id", "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("enter", "int_value", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("leave", "int_value", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("leave", "argument", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "Human", "Human", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Human", "String", None),
            ("enter", "name", "name", "Human", "String", None),
            ("leave", "name", "name", "Human", "String", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Human", "String", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Human", "[Pet]", None),
            ("enter", "name", "pets", "Human", "[Pet]", None),
            ("leave", "name", "pets", "Human", "[Pet]", None),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "Pet", "[Pet]", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Pet", "String!", None),
            ("enter", "name", "__typename", "Pet", "String!", None),
            ("leave", "name", "__typename", "Pet", "String!", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Pet", "String!", None),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "Pet", "[Pet]", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Human", "[Pet]", None),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "Human", "Human", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "QueryRoot", "Alien", None),
            ("enter", "name", "alien", "QueryRoot", "Alien", None),
            ("leave", "name", "alien", "QueryRoot", "Alien", None),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "Alien", "Alien", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Alien", "String!", None),
            ("enter", "name", "__typename", "Alien", "String!", None),
            ("leave", "name", "__typename", "Alien", "String!", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Alien", "String!", None),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "Alien", "Alien", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "QueryRoot", "Alien", None),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "QueryRoot", "QueryRoot", None),
            ("leave", "operation_definition", None, None, "QueryRoot", None),
            ("leave", "document", None, None, None, None),
    def maintains_type_info_during_visit():
        visited = []

        type_info = TypeInfo(test_schema)

        ast = parse("{ human(id: 4) { name, pets { ... { name } }, unknown } }")

        class TestVisitor(Visitor):
            def enter(*args):
                parent_type = type_info.get_parent_type()
                type_ = type_info.get_type()
                input_type = type_info.get_input_type()
                node = args[0]
                        node.value if node.kind == "name" else None,
                        str(parent_type) if parent_type else None,
                        str(type_) if type_ else None,
                        str(input_type) if input_type else None,

            def leave(*args):
                parent_type = type_info.get_parent_type()
                type_ = type_info.get_type()
                input_type = type_info.get_input_type()
                node = args[0]
                        node.value if node.kind == "name" else None,
                        str(parent_type) if parent_type else None,
                        str(type_) if type_ else None,
                        str(input_type) if input_type else None,

        visit(ast, TypeInfoVisitor(type_info, TestVisitor()))

        assert visited == [
            ("enter", "document", None, None, None, None),
            ("enter", "operation_definition", None, None, "QueryRoot", None),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "QueryRoot", "QueryRoot", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", None),
            ("enter", "name", "human", "QueryRoot", "Human", None),
            ("leave", "name", "human", "QueryRoot", "Human", None),
            ("enter", "argument", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("enter", "name", "id", "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("leave", "name", "id", "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("enter", "int_value", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("leave", "int_value", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("leave", "argument", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", "ID"),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "Human", "Human", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Human", "String", None),
            ("enter", "name", "name", "Human", "String", None),
            ("leave", "name", "name", "Human", "String", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Human", "String", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Human", "[Pet]", None),
            ("enter", "name", "pets", "Human", "[Pet]", None),
            ("leave", "name", "pets", "Human", "[Pet]", None),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "Pet", "[Pet]", None),
            ("enter", "inline_fragment", None, "Pet", "Pet", None),
            ("enter", "selection_set", None, "Pet", "Pet", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Pet", "String", None),
            ("enter", "name", "name", "Pet", "String", None),
            ("leave", "name", "name", "Pet", "String", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Pet", "String", None),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "Pet", "Pet", None),
            ("leave", "inline_fragment", None, "Pet", "Pet", None),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "Pet", "[Pet]", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Human", "[Pet]", None),
            ("enter", "field", None, "Human", None, None),
            ("enter", "name", "unknown", "Human", None, None),
            ("leave", "name", "unknown", "Human", None, None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "Human", None, None),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "Human", "Human", None),
            ("leave", "field", None, "QueryRoot", "Human", None),
            ("leave", "selection_set", None, "QueryRoot", "QueryRoot", None),
            ("leave", "operation_definition", None, None, "QueryRoot", None),
            ("leave", "document", None, None, None, None),