def test_heapify_on_small_array(self):
     '''Compare the output of heapify to creating a BinaryMinHeap.'''
     items = [6, 8, 3, 5, 7, 3]
     heap = BinaryMinHeap(items)
     items = heapify(items)
     for i, j in zip(items, heap.items):
         assert i == j
 def test_insert_and_delete_many_random_items(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     items = random.sample(range(1000), 50)
     for item in items:
     assert heap.size() == len(items)
     for item in sorted(items):
         assert heap.delete_min() == item
     assert heap.size() == 0
 def test_insert_and_delete_many_items(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     items = [9, 25, 86, 3, 29, 5, 55]
     for item in items:
     assert heap.size() == len(items)
     for item in sorted(items):
         assert heap.delete_min() == item
     assert heap.size() == 0
 def test_insert_and_get_many_random_items(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     items = random.sample(range(1000), 50)
     for index, item in enumerate(items):
         assert heap.size() == index + 1
         min_item = min(items[:index + 1])
         assert heap.get_min() == min_item
     assert heap.size() == len(items)
 def test_insert_and_get_many_items(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     items = [9, 25, 86, 3, 29, 5, 55]
     for index, item in enumerate(items):
         assert heap.size() == index + 1
         min_item = min(items[:index + 1])
         assert heap.get_min() == min_item
     assert heap.size() == len(items)
     assert heap.items == [3, 9, 5, 25, 29, 86, 55]
 def test_child_index(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     assert heap._left_child_index(0) == 1
     assert heap._right_child_index(0) == 2
     assert heap._left_child_index(1) == 3
     assert heap._right_child_index(1) == 4
     assert heap._left_child_index(2) == 5
     assert heap._right_child_index(2) == 6
     assert heap._left_child_index(3) == 7
     assert heap._right_child_index(3) == 8
     assert heap._left_child_index(4) == 9
     assert heap._right_child_index(4) == 10
     assert heap._left_child_index(5) == 11
     assert heap._right_child_index(5) == 12
     assert heap._left_child_index(6) == 13
     assert heap._right_child_index(6) == 14
 def test_parent_index(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
     assert heap._parent_index(1) == 0
     assert heap._parent_index(2) == 0
     assert heap._parent_index(3) == 1
     assert heap._parent_index(4) == 1
     assert heap._parent_index(5) == 2
     assert heap._parent_index(6) == 2
     assert heap._parent_index(7) == 3
     assert heap._parent_index(8) == 3
     assert heap._parent_index(9) == 4
     assert heap._parent_index(10) == 4
     assert heap._parent_index(11) == 5
     assert heap._parent_index(12) == 5
     assert heap._parent_index(13) == 6
     assert heap._parent_index(14) == 6
 def test_insert_and_delete_one_item(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     assert heap.size() == 1
     assert heap.delete_min() == 5
     assert heap.size() == 0
 def test_insert_and_get_one_item(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     assert heap.size() == 1
     assert heap.get_min() == 5
     assert heap.items == [5]
 def test_delete_min_on_empty_heap(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
 def test_size_of_empty_heap(self):
     heap = BinaryMinHeap()
     assert heap.size() == 0