def test_set_node_attributes(graph_type):
    # Test single value
    G = nx.path_graph(3, create_using=graph_type)
    vals = 100
    attr = "hello"
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, vals, attr)
    assert G.nodes[0][attr] == vals
    assert G.nodes[1][attr] == vals
    assert G.nodes[2][attr] == vals

    # Test dictionary
    G = nx.path_graph(3, create_using=graph_type)
    vals = dict(zip(sorted(G.nodes()), range(len(G))))
    attr = "hi"
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, vals, attr)
    assert G.nodes[0][attr] == 0
    assert G.nodes[1][attr] == 1
    assert G.nodes[2][attr] == 2

    # Test dictionary of dictionaries
    G = nx.path_graph(3, create_using=graph_type)
    d = {"hi": 0, "hello": 200}
    vals = dict.fromkeys(G.nodes(), d)
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, vals)
    assert G.nodes[0] == {}
    assert G.nodes[1]["hi"] == 0
    assert G.nodes[2]["hello"] == 200
def test_set_edge_attributes(graph_type):
    # Test single value
    G = nx.path_graph(3, create_using=graph_type)
    attr = "hello"
    vals = 3
    nx.set_edge_attributes(G, vals, attr)
    assert G[0][1][attr] == vals
    assert G[1][2][attr] == vals

    # Test multiple values
    G = nx.path_graph(3, create_using=graph_type)
    attr = "hi"
    edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2)]
    vals = dict(zip(edges, range(len(edges))))
    nx.set_edge_attributes(G, vals, attr)
    assert G[0][1][attr] == 0
    assert G[1][2][attr] == 1

    # Test dictionary of dictionaries
    G = nx.path_graph(3, create_using=graph_type)
    d = {"hi": 0, "hello": 200}
    edges = [(0, 1)]
    vals = dict.fromkeys(edges, d)
    nx.set_edge_attributes(G, vals)
    assert G[0][1]["hi"] == 0
    assert G[0][1]["hello"] == 200
    assert G[1][2] == {}
 def setup_class(cls):
     cls.G = nx.path_graph(9)
     cls.DG = nx.path_graph(9, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
     cls.Gv = nx.to_undirected(cls.DG)
     cls.DGv = nx.to_directed(cls.G)
     cls.Rv = cls.DG.reverse()
     cls.graphs = [cls.G, cls.DG, cls.Gv, cls.DGv, cls.Rv]
     for G in cls.graphs:
         print(G.edges, G.nodes,
 def test_normalized_P4(self):
     """Edge betweenness centrality: P4"""
     G = nx.path_graph(4)
     b = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(G, weight=None, normalized=True)
     b_answer = {(0, 1): 3, (1, 2): 4, (2, 3): 3}
     for n in sorted(G.edges()):
         assert almost_equal(b[n], b_answer[n])
 def test_path(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(10)
     assert list(nx.square_clustering(G).values()) == [
     assert nx.square_clustering(G) == {
         0: 0.0,
         1: 0.0,
         2: 0.0,
         3: 0.0,
         4: 0.0,
         5: 0.0,
         6: 0.0,
         7: 0.0,
         8: 0.0,
         9: 0.0,
 def test_path(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(10)
     assert list(nx.builtin.clustering(G, weight="weight").values()) == [
     assert nx.builtin.clustering(G, weight="weight") == {
         0: 0.0,
         1: 0.0,
         2: 0.0,
         3: 0.0,
         4: 0.0,
         5: 0.0,
         6: 0.0,
         7: 0.0,
         8: 0.0,
         9: 0.0,
 def test_path(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(10, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
     assert list(nx.builtin.clustering(G).values()) == [
     assert nx.builtin.clustering(G) == {
         0: 0.0,
         1: 0.0,
         2: 0.0,
         3: 0.0,
         4: 0.0,
         5: 0.0,
         6: 0.0,
         7: 0.0,
         8: 0.0,
         9: 0.0,
Exemple #8
 def test_all_simple_edge_paths_corner_cases(self):
     assert list(nx.builtin.all_simple_edge_paths(nx.empty_graph(2), 0,
                                                  0)) == []
     assert list(nx.builtin.all_simple_edge_paths(nx.empty_graph(2), 0,
                                                  1)) == []
     assert list(nx.builtin.all_simple_edge_paths(nx.path_graph(9), 0, 8,
                                                  0)) == []
Exemple #9
 def test_all_simple_edge_paths_on_non_trivial_graph(self):
     """you may need to draw this graph to make sure it is reasonable"""
     G = nx.path_graph(5, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
     G.add_edges_from([(0, 5), (1, 5), (1, 3), (5, 4), (4, 2), (4, 3)])
     paths = nx.builtin.all_simple_edge_paths(G, 1, [2, 3])
     assert {tuple(p)
             for p in paths} == {
                 ((1, 2), ),
                 ((1, 3), (3, 4), (4, 2)),
                 ((1, 5), (5, 4), (4, 2)),
                 ((1, 3), ),
                 ((1, 2), (2, 3)),
                 ((1, 5), (5, 4), (4, 3)),
                 ((1, 5), (5, 4), (4, 2), (2, 3)),
     paths = nx.builtin.all_simple_edge_paths(G, 1, [2, 3], cutoff=3)
     assert {tuple(p)
             for p in paths} == {
                 ((1, 2), ),
                 ((1, 3), (3, 4), (4, 2)),
                 ((1, 5), (5, 4), (4, 2)),
                 ((1, 3), ),
                 ((1, 2), (2, 3)),
                 ((1, 5), (5, 4), (4, 3)),
     paths = nx.builtin.all_simple_edge_paths(G, 1, [2, 3], cutoff=2)
     assert {tuple(p)
             for p in paths} == {((1, 2), ), ((1, 3), ), ((1, 2), (2, 3))}
 def test_P3(self):
     """Betweenness centrality: P3"""
     G = nx.path_graph(3)
     b_answer = {0: 0.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.0}
     b = nx.builtin.betweenness_centrality(G, weight=None, normalized=False)
     for n in sorted(G):
         assert almost_equal(b[n], b_answer[n])
Exemple #11
 def test_P3_unweighted(self):
     """Eigenvector centrality: P3"""
     G = nx.path_graph(3)
     b_answer = {0: 0.5, 1: 0.7071, 2: 0.5}
     b = nx.eigenvector_centrality_numpy(G, weight=None)
     for n in sorted(G):
         assert almost_equal(b[n], b_answer[n], places=4)
Exemple #12
 def test_to_undirected_as_view(self):
     H = nx.path_graph(2, create_using=self.Graph)
     H2 = H.to_undirected(as_view=True)
     assert H is H2._graph
     assert H2.has_edge(0, 1)
     assert H2.has_edge(1, 0)
     pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, H2.add_node, -1)
     pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, H2.add_edge, 1, 2)
Exemple #13
 def test_digraph(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(3, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
     c = nx.builtin.closeness_centrality(G)
     cr = nx.builtin.closeness_centrality(G.reverse())
     d = {0: 0.0, 1: 0.500, 2: 0.667}
     dr = {0: 0.667, 1: 0.500, 2: 0.0}
     for n in sorted(self.P3):
         assert almost_equal(c[n], d[n], places=3)
         assert almost_equal(cr[n], dr[n], places=3)
Exemple #14
 def test_all_simple_edge_paths_with_two_targets_emits_two_paths(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(4)
     G.add_edge(2, 4)
     paths = nx.builtin.all_simple_edge_paths(G, 0, [3, 4])
     assert {tuple(p)
             for p in paths} == {
                 ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)),
                 ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4)),
Exemple #15
 def test_digraph_all_simple_edge_paths_with_two_targets_cutoff(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(4, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
     G.add_edge(2, 4)
     paths = nx.builtin.all_simple_edge_paths(G, 0, [3, 4], cutoff=3)
     assert {tuple(p)
             for p in paths} == {
                 ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)),
                 ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4)),
    def test_hkn_harary_graph(self):
        # When k == 1, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
        # the path_graph(n)
        for (k, n) in [(1, 6), (1, 7)]:
            G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
            G2 = nx.path_graph(n)
            assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)

        # When k is even, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,k/2+1)))
        for (k, n) in [(2, 6), (2, 7), (4, 6), (4, 7)]:
            G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, k // 2 + 1)))
            assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)

        # When k is odd and n is even, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(k+1)/2)) plus [n/2])
        for (k, n) in [(3, 6), (5, 8), (7, 10)]:
            G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
            L = list(range(1, (k + 1) // 2))
            L.append(n // 2)
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
            assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)

        # When k is odd and n is odd, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(k+1)/2))) with
        # n//2+1 edges added between node i and node i+n//2+1
        for (k, n) in [(3, 5), (5, 9), (7, 11)]:
            G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, (k + 1) // 2)))
            eSet1 = set(G1.edges)
            eSet2 = set(G2.edges)
            eSet3 = set()
            half = n // 2
            for i in range(0, half + 1):
                # add half+1 edges between i and i+half
                eSet3.add((i, (i + half) % n))
            if os.environ.get("DEPLOYMENT", None) != "standalone" and k == 7:
                eSet1.remove((8, 3))
                eSet1.remove((6, 1))
                eSet1.remove((10, 5))
                eSet1.add((3, 8))
                eSet1.add((1, 6))
                eSet1.add((5, 10))
            assert eSet1 == eSet2 | eSet3

        # Raise NetworkXError if k<1
        k = 0
        n = 0
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hkn_harary_graph, k, n)

        # Raise NetworkXError if n<k+1
        k = 6
        n = 6
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hkn_harary_graph, k, n)
Exemple #17
def test_minimum_networkx():
    s = graphscope.session(cluster_type="hosts", num_workers=2)
    # case-1 run app
    G = nx.path_graph(10)
    # case-2 transfer nx graph to gs graph
    nx_g = nx.Graph(dist=True)
    nx_g.add_nodes_from(range(100), type="node")
    gs_g = s.g(nx_g)
Exemple #18
    def setup_class(cls):
        cls.K = nx.krackhardt_kite_graph()
        cls.P3 = nx.path_graph(3)
        cls.P4 = nx.path_graph(4)
        cls.K5 = nx.complete_graph(5)

        cls.C4 = nx.cycle_graph(4)
        cls.T = nx.balanced_tree(r=2, h=2)
        cls.Gb = nx.Graph()
        cls.Gb.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (4, 5),
                               (3, 5)])

        F = nx.florentine_families_graph()
        cls.F = F

        cls.LM = nx.les_miserables_graph()

        # Create random undirected, unweighted graph for testing incremental version
        cls.undirected_G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=100, p=0.6, seed=123)
        cls.undirected_G_cc = nx.builtin.closeness_centrality(cls.undirected_G)
 def setup_method(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(5, nx.DiGraph)
     # Add some node, edge, and graph attributes.
     for i in range(5):
         G.nodes[i]["name"] = f"node{i}"
     G.edges[0, 1]["name"] = "edge01"
     G.edges[3, 4]["name"] = "edge34"
     G.graph["name"] = "graph"
     # Get the subgraph induced by the first and last edges.
     self.G = G
     self.H = G.edge_subgraph([(0, 1), (3, 4)])
 def test_maxiter(self):
     with pytest.raises(nx.PowerIterationFailedConvergence):
         alpha = 0.1
         G = nx.path_graph(3)
         max_iter = 0
             b = nx.builtin.katz_centrality(G, alpha, max_iter=max_iter)
         except nx.NetworkXError as e:
             assert str(
                 max_iter) in e.args[0], "max_iter value not in error msg"
             raise  # So that the decorater sees the exception.
 def test_beta_as_scalar(self):
     alpha = 0.1
     beta = 0.1
     b_answer = {
         0: 0.5598852584152165,
         1: 0.6107839182711449,
         2: 0.5598852584152162
     G = nx.path_graph(3)
     b = nx.katz_centrality_numpy(G, alpha, beta)
     for n in sorted(G):
         assert almost_equal(b[n], b_answer[n], places=4)
 def test_beta_as_dict(self):
     alpha = 0.1
     beta = {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0}
     b_answer = {
         0: 0.5598852584152165,
         1: 0.6107839182711449,
         2: 0.5598852584152162
     G = nx.path_graph(3)
     b = nx.builtin.katz_centrality(G, alpha, beta)
     for n in sorted(G):
         assert almost_equal(b[n], b_answer[n], places=4)
 def test_P3(self):
     """Katz centrality: P3"""
     alpha = 0.1
     G = nx.path_graph(3)
     b_answer = {
         0: 0.5598852584152165,
         1: 0.6107839182711449,
         2: 0.5598852584152162
     b = nx.builtin.katz_centrality(G, alpha)
     for n in sorted(G):
         assert almost_equal(b[n], b_answer[n], places=4)
 def test_P3(self):
     """Weighted betweenness centrality: P3"""
     G = nx.path_graph(3)
     for e in G.edges:
         G.edges[e]["weight"] = 1
     G[1][2]["weight"] = 10
     b_answer = {0: 0.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.0}
     b = nx.builtin.betweenness_centrality(G,
     for n in sorted(G):
         assert almost_equal(b[n], b_answer[n])
Exemple #25
 def test_path_graph(self):
     P10 = nx.path_graph(10)
     assert list(nx.builtin.edge_boundary(P10, [0, 1, 2])) == [(2, 3)]
     assert sorted(nx.builtin.edge_boundary(P10, [3, 4, 5])) == [(3, 2), (5, 6)]
     assert sorted(nx.builtin.edge_boundary(P10, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6])) == [
         (2, 1),
         (6, 7),
     assert list(nx.builtin.edge_boundary(P10, [7, 8, 9])) == [(7, 6)]
     assert sorted(nx.builtin.edge_boundary(P10, [0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])) == [
         (1, 2),
         (2, 3),
Exemple #26
 def test_zero_centrality(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(3)
     prev_cc = nx.builtin.closeness_centrality(G)
     edge = self.pick_remove_edge(G)
     test_cc = nx.incremental_closeness_centrality(G,
     real_cc = nx.builtin.closeness_centrality(G)
     shared_items = set(test_cc.items()) & set(real_cc.items())
     assert len(shared_items) == len(real_cc)
     assert 0 in test_cc.values()
Exemple #27
 def test_center_wrong_dimensions(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(1)
     # in graphscope.nx the ids of the two methods are not identical.
     # assert id(nx.spring_layout) == id(nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout)
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.random_layout, G, center=(1, 1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.circular_layout, G, center=(1, 1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.planar_layout, G, center=(1, 1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.spring_layout, G, center=(1, 1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.spring_layout, G, dim=3, center=(1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.spectral_layout, G, center=(1, 1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.spectral_layout, G, dim=3, center=(1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.shell_layout, G, center=(1, 1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.spiral_layout, G, center=(1, 1, 1))
     pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.kamada_kawai_layout, G, center=(1, 1, 1))
Exemple #28
 def test_path(self):
     G = nx.path_graph(10)
     assert list(nx.builtin.triangles(G).values()) == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
     assert nx.builtin.triangles(G) == {
         0: 0,
         1: 0,
         2: 0,
         3: 0,
         4: 0,
         5: 0,
         6: 0,
         7: 0,
         8: 0,
         9: 0,
Exemple #29
    def test_degree_p4(self):
        G = nx.path_graph(4)
        answer = {1: 2.0, 2: 1.5}
        nd = nx.builtin.average_degree_connectivity(G)
        assert nd == answer

        D = G.to_directed()
        answer = {2: 2.0, 4: 1.5}
        nd = nx.builtin.average_degree_connectivity(D)
        assert nd == answer

        answer = {1: 2.0, 2: 1.5}
        D = G.to_directed()
        nd = nx.builtin.average_degree_connectivity(D, source="in", target="in")
        assert nd == answer
Exemple #30
    def test_ladder_graph(self):
        for i, G in [
            (0, nx.empty_graph(0)),
            (1, nx.path_graph(2)),
            assert is_isomorphic(nx.ladder_graph(i), G)


        g = nx.ladder_graph(2)
        mg = nx.ladder_graph(2, create_using=nx.MultiGraph)
        assert_edges_equal(mg.edges(), g.edges())