Exemple #1
def build_word_count_graph(input_stream,
    delimiters = [
        ' ', '.', '?', '!', ':', ',', '"', ';', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(',
        ')', '@', '#', '~', '<', '>', '/', '-'

    def mapper_split_text(row):
        splitted_text = re.split('[' + ''.join(delimiters) + ']',
        for word in splitted_text:
            if word:
                yield {'text': word.lower(), count_column: 1}

    def reducer_count_words(word_dictionary):
        word_count = Counter()

        for row in word_dictionary:
            word_count[row['text']] += 1

        for word, count in word_count.items():
            yield {'text': word, 'count': count}

    chain = gx.Chain(source=input_stream)
    chain.add_reduce(reducer_count_words, keys=['text'])

    return chain
Exemple #2
def test_fold():
    table = [
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 7,
            'index': 0
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 8,
            'index': 1
            'distance': 2,
            'time': 4,
            'index': 2
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 6,
            'index': 3
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 4
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 5
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 2,
            'index': 6

    etalon = [{'distance': 16, 'time': 33, 'index': 21}]

    chain = gx.Chain(source='table')
    chain.add_fold(folder_sum_columnwise, {
        'distance': 0,
        'time': 0,
        'index': 0

    result = chain.run(table=table)

    assert result == etalon
Exemple #3
def test_reduce():
    table = [
            'index': 0,
            'text': 'I am the first'
            'index': 0,
            'text': 'I am the second, delete me'
            'index': 0,
            'text': 'I am the third, delete me too'
            'index': 1,
            'text': 'I am the first in this group'
            'index': 1,
            'text': 'Delete me plz'

    etalon = [
            'index': 0,
            'text': 'I am the first'
            'index': 1,
            'text': 'I am the first in this group'

    chain = gx.Chain(source='table')
    chain.add_reduce(reducer_unique, ['index'])

    result = chain.run(table=table)

    assert result == etalon
Exemple #4
def test_map():
    table = [
            'text': 'Double me, plz',
            'index': 1
            'text': 'And me too',
            'index': 2

    etalon = [
            'text': 'Double me, plz',
            'index': 1
            'text': 'Double me, plz',
            'index': 1
            'text': 'And me too',
            'index': 2
            'text': 'And me too',
            'index': 2

    chain = gx.Chain(source='table')

    result = chain.run(table=table)

    assert result == etalon
Exemple #5
def test_join_chain_inner():
    table = [
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 7,
            'index': 0
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 8,
            'index': 1
            'distance': 2,
            'time': 4,
            'index': 2
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 6,
            'index': 3
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 4
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 5
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 2,
            'index': 6

    speed = [
            'index': 1,
            'speed': 30
            'index': 3,
            'speed': 50
            'index': 6,
            'speed': 70
            'index': 8,
            'speed': 130

    etalon = [
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 8,
            'index': 1,
            'speed': 30
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 6,
            'index': 3,
            'speed': 50
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 2,
            'index': 6,
            'speed': 70

    chain_speed = gx.Chain(source='speed')

    chain_table = gx.Chain(source='table')
    chain_table.add_join(chain_speed, ['index'], 'inner')

    result = chain_table.run(table=table, speed=speed)

    assert result == etalon
Exemple #6
def test_join_table_right():
    table = [
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 7,
            'index': 0
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 8,
            'index': 1
            'distance': 2,
            'time': 4,
            'index': 2
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 6,
            'index': 3
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 4
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 5
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 2,
            'index': 6

    speed = [
            'index': 1,
            'speed': 30
            'index': 3,
            'speed': 50
            'index': 6,
            'speed': 70
            'index': 8,
            'speed': 130

    etalon = [
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 8,
            'index': 1,
            'speed': 30
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 6,
            'index': 3,
            'speed': 50
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 2,
            'index': 6,
            'speed': 70
            'distance': None,
            'time': None,
            'index': 8,
            'speed': 130

    chain = gx.Chain(source='table')
    chain.add_join(speed, ['index'], 'right')

    result = chain.run(table=table)

    assert result == etalon
Exemple #7
def test_sort():
    table = [
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 7,
            'index': 0
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 8,
            'index': 1
            'distance': 2,
            'time': 4,
            'index': 2
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 6,
            'index': 3
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 4
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 5
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 2,
            'index': 6

    etalon = [
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 4
            'distance': 1,
            'time': 7,
            'index': 0
            'distance': 2,
            'time': 4,
            'index': 2
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 2,
            'index': 6
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 3,
            'index': 5
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 6,
            'index': 3
            'distance': 3,
            'time': 8,
            'index': 1
    keys = ['distance', 'time']

    chain = gx.Chain(source='table')

    result = chain.run(table=table)

    assert result == etalon
Exemple #8
def build_inverted_index_graph(input_stream,
    delimiters = [
        ' ', '.', '?', '!', ':', ',', '"', ';', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(',
        ')', '@', '#', '~', '<', '>', '/', '-'

    def mapper_tokenizer(row):
         splits rows with 'text' field into set of rows with 'token' field
        (one for every occurence of every word in text)
        tokens = re.split('[' + ''.join(delimiters) + ']', row[text_column])

        for token in tokens:
            if token:
                yield {
                    'doc_id': row['doc_id'],
                    'word': token.lower(),

    def folder_count_docs(state, record=None):
        state['docs_count'] += 1
        return state

    def reducer_unique(group):
        yield next(group)

    def reducer_calc_idf(group):
        counter = 0
        for row in group:
            counter += 1
            current_row = row
        yield {
            'word': current_row['word'],
            'idf': log(current_row['docs_count'] / counter)

    def term_frequency_reducer(records):
            calculates term frequency for every word in doc_id

        word_count = Counter()

        for row in records:
            word_count[row['word']] += 1
            current_row = row

        total = sum(word_count.values())
        for word, count in word_count.items():
            yield {
                'doc_id': current_row['doc_id'],
                'word': word,
                'tf': count / total

    def tf_idf_mapper(row):
        tf = row['tf']
        idf = row['idf']
        yield {
            'word': row['word'],
            'doc_id': row['doc_id'],
            'tf_idf': tf * idf

    def invert_index_reducer(group):
        for row in list(group)[-3:][::-1]:
            yield row

    split_word = gx.Chain(source=input_stream)

    count_docs = gx.Chain(source=input_stream)
    count_docs.add_fold(folder_count_docs, {'docs_count': 0})

    count_idf = gx.Chain(source=split_word)
    count_idf.add_sort(keys=['doc_id', 'word'])
    count_idf.add_reduce(reducer_unique, keys=['doc_id', 'word'])
    count_idf.add_join(count_docs, strategy='outer')
    count_idf.add_reduce(reducer_calc_idf, keys=['word'])

    calc_index = gx.Chain(source=split_word)
    calc_index.add_reduce(term_frequency_reducer, keys=['doc_id'])
    calc_index.add_join(count_idf, keys=['word'], strategy='inner')
    calc_index.add_sort(keys=['word', 'tf_idf'])
    calc_index.add_reduce(invert_index_reducer, keys=['word'])

    return calc_index
Exemple #9
def build_yandex_maps_graph(input_stream, input_stream_length):

    weekdays = {
        0: 'Mon',
        1: 'Tue',
        2: 'Wed',
        3: 'Thu',
        4: 'Fri',
        5: 'Sat',
        6: 'Sun'

    def compute_length(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
        radius = 6365
        lat1 = lat1 * pi / 180
        lat2 = lat2 * pi / 180
        lon1 = lon1 * pi / 180
        lon2 = lon2 * pi / 180
        haversine = sin((lat2 - lat1) / 2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(
            (lon2 - lon1) / 2)**2
        return 2 * radius * asin(haversine**0.5)

    def mapper_time_and_distance(row):
        enter_time = datetime.strptime(row['enter_time'], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%f')
        leave_time = datetime.strptime(row['leave_time'], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%f')

        weekday = weekdays[enter_time.weekday()]
        hour = enter_time.hour
        time_lapse = (leave_time - enter_time).total_seconds() / 3600
        distance = compute_length(*row['end'], *row['start'])

        yield {
            'weekday': weekday,
            'hour': hour,
            'time_lapse': time_lapse,
            'distance': distance

    def speed_reducer(group):
        total_distance = 0
        total_time = 0

        for row in group:
            total_distance += row['distance']
            total_time += row['time_lapse']
            weekday = row['weekday']
            hour = row['hour']

        yield {
            'weekday': weekday,
            'hour': hour,
            'speed': total_distance / total_time

    times = gx.Chain(source=input_stream)

    routes = gx.Chain(source=input_stream_length)
    routes.add_join(times, keys=['edge_id'], strategy='inner')
    routes.add_sort(keys=['weekday', 'hour'])
    routes.add_reduce(speed_reducer, keys=['weekday', 'hour'])

    return routes
Exemple #10
def build_pmi_graph(input_stream, doc_column='doc_id', text_column='text'):
    delimiters = [
        ' ', '.', '?', '!', ':', ',', '"', ';', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(',
        ')', '@', '#', '~', '<', '>', '/', '-'

    def mapper_tokenizer(row):
         splits rows with 'text' field into set of rows with 'token' field
        (one for every occurence of every word in text)
        tokens = re.split('[' + ''.join(delimiters) + ']', row[text_column])

        for token in tokens:
            if len(token) > 4:
                yield {
                    'doc_id': row['doc_id'],
                    'word': token.lower(),

    def folder_count_words(state, record=None):
        state['total_words_count'] += 1
        return state

    def frequency_in_all_docs_reducer(group):
        counter = 0

        for row in group:
            counter += 1
            current_row = row
        yield {
            'word': current_row['word'],
            'otf': counter / current_row['total_words_count']

    def term_frequency_reducer(records):
        word_count = Counter()

        for row in records:
            word_count[row['word']] += 1
            current_row = row

        total = sum(word_count.values())
        for word, count in word_count.items():
            yield {
                'doc_id': current_row['doc_id'],
                'word': word,
                'tf_doc': count / total

    def find_doc_ids_folder(state, new_row):
        return state

    def pmi_mapper(row):
        tf_doc = row['tf_doc']
        otf = row['otf']
        yield {
            'pmi': log(tf_doc / otf),
            'word': row['word'],
            'doc_id': row['doc_id']

    # def double_words_reducer(group):
    #     doc_count = Counter()
    #     new_group = list(group)
    #     for row in new_group:
    #         doc_count[row['doc_id']] += 1
    #     for key in new_group[0]['doc_ids']:
    #         if key not in doc_count.keys():
    #             return
    #         if doc_count[key] < 2:
    #             return
    #     for row in new_group:
    #         yield row

    def double_words_reducer(group):
        new_group = list(group)
        if len(new_group) >= 2:
            for row in new_group:
                yield row

    def pmi_reducer(group):
        for row in list(group)[-10:][::-1]:
            yield row

    doc_ids = gx.Chain(source=input_stream)
    doc_ids.add_fold(find_doc_ids_folder, {'doc_ids': set([])})

    split_word = gx.Chain(source=input_stream)
    split_word.add_join(doc_ids, strategy='outer')
    split_word.add_reduce(double_words_reducer, keys=['word'])

    count_words_in_all_docs = gx.Chain(source=split_word)
                                     {'total_words_count': 0})

    count_all_docs = gx.Chain(source=split_word)
    count_all_docs.add_join(count_words_in_all_docs, strategy='outer')
    count_all_docs.add_reduce(frequency_in_all_docs_reducer, keys=['word'])

    calc_index = gx.Chain(source=split_word)
    calc_index.add_reduce(term_frequency_reducer, keys=['doc_id'])
    calc_index.add_join(count_all_docs, keys=['word'], strategy='inner')
    calc_index.add_sort(keys=['doc_id', 'pmi'])
    calc_index.add_reduce(pmi_reducer, keys=['doc_id'])

    return calc_index