Exemple #1
    def open(self, mode='r', layer='0', overwrite=None):

            >>> mun = Vector('boundary_municp_sqlite')
            >>> mun.open()
            >>> mun.is_open()
            >>> mun.close()

        if libvect.Vect_set_open_level(self._topo_level) != 0:
            raise OpenError("Invalid access level.")
        # update the overwrite attribute
        self.overwrite = overwrite if overwrite is not None else self.overwrite
        # check if the mode is valid
        if mode not in ('r', 'rw', 'w'):
            raise ValueError("Mode not supported. Use one of: 'r', 'rw', 'w'.")
        # check if the map exist
        if self.exist() and mode == 'r':
            openvect = libvect.Vect_open_old2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                              self.mapset, layer)
        # If it is opened in write mode
        if mode == 'w':
            openvect = libvect.Vect_open_new(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
        elif mode == 'rw':
            openvect = libvect.Vect_open_update2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                 self.mapset, layer)
        # initialize the dblinks object
        self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)
        # check the C function result.
        if openvect != self._topo_level:
            str_err = "Not able to open the map, C function return %d."
            raise OpenError(str_err % openvect)
Exemple #2
 def getcoords(self):
     """ Method creating a dict() of point coordinates: {a:(xa,ya), b:(xb,yb)...} """
     # Create a new Map_info() object
     map = vect.pointer(vect.Map_info())
     # Load the vector map to Map_info() object. Level should be 2 (with topology)
     vect.Vect_open_old2(map, self.layer, "", "-1")
     # Get number of point features (1) in the layer
     n_lines = vect.Vect_get_num_primitives(map, 1)
     # Create new line and categories structures
     line = vect.Vect_new_line_struct()
     cats = vect.Vect_new_cats_struct()
     # Make an empty list to store all feature cats and their coordinates in
     coordsdict = {}
     # Iterate through all features and write their coordinates to the list
     for i in xrange(0, n_lines):
         # Read next line from Map_info()
         vect.Vect_read_next_line(map, line, cats, 1)
         # Get line structure values, i.e. coordinates
         x = line.contents.x[0]
         y = line.contents.y[0]
         # Get the point category number
         cat = cats.contents.cat[0]
         coordsdict[cat] = (x, y)
     # Do some cleanup
     # Return coordinate dictionary. Example: {1: (635185.6745587245, 6434401.869609355), 3: (634763.0860512792, 6437526.1793751), 4: (636855.7953351085, 6435785.045250954), 5: (636705.1202666728, 6432286.035328391), 6: (633607.9105266054, 6432286.035328391), 7: (632762.4559759387, 6435655.297275356)}
     return coordsdict
Exemple #3
 def build(self):
     """Close the vector map and build vector Topology"""
     if libvect.Vect_open_old2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name, self.mapset, "0") != 1:
         str_err = "Error when trying to open the vector map."
         raise GrassError(str_err)
     # Vect_build returns 1 on success and 0 on error (bool approach)
     if libvect.Vect_build(self.c_mapinfo) != 1:
         str_err = "Error when trying build topology with Vect_build"
         raise GrassError(str_err)
Exemple #4
 def featcount(self):
     """ Method returning the number of features in the layer """
     # Create a new Map_info() object
     map = vect.pointer(vect.Map_info())
     # Load the vector map to Map_info() object. Level should be 2 (with topology)
     vect.Vect_open_old2(map, self.layer, "", "-1")
     # Get number of point features (1) in the layer
     n_feats = vect.Vect_get_num_primitives(map, 1)
     # Close the Map_info() object
     # Return number of features in the layer (integer)
     return n_feats
Exemple #5
    def open(
            # parameters valid only if mode == 'w'
        """Open a Vector map.

        :param mode: open a vector map in ``r`` in reading, ``w`` in writing
                     and in ``rw`` read and write mode
        :type mode: str
        :param layer: specify the layer that you want to use
        :type layer: int
        :param overwrite: valid only for ``w`` mode
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param with_z: specify if vector map must be open with third dimension
                       enabled or not. Valid only for ``w`` mode,
                       default: False
        :type with_z: bool
        :param tab_name: define the name of the table that will be generate
        :type tab_name: str
        :param tab_cols: define the name and type of the columns of the
                         attribute table of the vecto map
        :type tab_cols: list of pairs
        :param link_name: define the name of the link connecttion with the
        :type link_name: str
        :param link_key: define the nema of the column that will be use as
                         vector category
        :type link_key: str
        :param link_db: define the database connection parameters
        :type link_db: str
        :param link_driver: define witch database driver will be used
        :param link_driver: str

        Some of the parameters are valid only with mode ``w`` or ``rw``

        See more examples in the documentation of the ``read`` and ``write``
        with_z = libvect.WITH_Z if with_z else libvect.WITHOUT_Z
        # check if map exists or not
        if not self.exist() and mode != 'w':
            raise OpenError("Map <%s> not found." % self._name)
        if libvect.Vect_set_open_level(self._topo_level) != 0:
            raise OpenError("Invalid access level.")
        # update the overwrite attribute
        self.overwrite = overwrite if overwrite is not None else self.overwrite
        # check if the mode is valid
        if mode not in ('r', 'rw', 'w'):
            raise ValueError("Mode not supported. Use one of: 'r', 'rw', 'w'.")

        # check if the map exist
        if self.exist() and mode in ('r', 'rw'):
            # open in READ mode
            if mode == 'r':
                openvect = libvect.Vect_open_old2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                  self.mapset, str(layer))
            # open in READ and WRITE mode
            elif mode == 'rw':
                openvect = libvect.Vect_open_update2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                     self.mapset, str(layer))

            # instantiate class attributes
            self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)

        # If it is opened in write mode
        if mode == 'w':
            openvect = libvect.Vect_open_new(self.c_mapinfo, self.name, with_z)
            self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)
            if tab_cols:
                # create a link
                link = Link(layer, link_name if link_name else self.name,
                            tab_name if tab_name else self.name, link_key,
                            link_db, link_driver)
                # add the new link
                # create the table
                table = link.table()

        # check the C function result.
        if openvect == -1:
            str_err = "Not able to open the map, C function return %d."
            raise OpenError(str_err % openvect)

        if len(self.dblinks) == 0:
            self.layer = layer
            self.table = None
            self.n_lines = 0
            self.layer = self.dblinks.by_layer(layer).layer
            self.table = self.dblinks.by_layer(layer).table()
            self.n_lines = self.table.n_rows()
        self.writable = self.mapset == functions.getenv("MAPSET")
        self.find = {
            'by_point': PointFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table, self.writable),
            'by_box': BboxFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table, self.writable),
            'by_polygon': PolygonFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table,
Exemple #6
    def open(
        # parameters valid only if mode == 'w'
        """Open a Vector map.

        :param mode: open a vector map in ``r`` in reading, ``w`` in writing
                     and in ``rw`` read and write mode
        :type mode: str
        :param layer: specify the layer that you want to use
        :type layer: int
        :param overwrite: valid only for ``w`` mode
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param with_z: specify if vector map must be open with third dimension
                       enabled or not. Valid only for ``w`` mode,
                       default: False
        :type with_z: bool
        :param tab_name: define the name of the table that will be generate
        :type tab_name: str
        :param tab_cols: define the name and type of the columns of the
                         attribute table of the vecto map
        :type tab_cols: list of pairs
        :param link_name: define the name of the link connecttion with the
        :type link_name: str
        :param link_key: define the nema of the column that will be use as
                         vector category
        :type link_key: str
        :param link_db: define the database connection parameters
        :type link_db: str
        :param link_driver: define witch database driver will be used
        :param link_driver: str

        Some of the parameters are valid only with mode ``w`` or ``rw``

        See more examples in the documentation of the ``read`` and ``write``
        self.mode = mode if mode else self.mode
        with_z = libvect.WITH_Z if with_z else libvect.WITHOUT_Z
        # check if map exists or not
        if not self.exist() and self.mode != "w":
            raise OpenError("Map <%s> not found." % self._name)
        if libvect.Vect_set_open_level(self._topo_level) != 0:
            raise OpenError("Invalid access level.")
        # update the overwrite attribute
        self.overwrite = overwrite if overwrite is not None else self.overwrite
        # check if the mode is valid
        if self.mode not in ("r", "rw", "w"):
            raise ValueError("Mode not supported. Use one of: 'r', 'rw', 'w'.")

        # check if the map exist
        if self.exist() and self.mode in ("r", "rw"):
            # open in READ mode
            if self.mode == "r":
                openvect = libvect.Vect_open_old2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                  self.mapset, str(layer))
            # open in READ and WRITE mode
            elif self.mode == "rw":
                openvect = libvect.Vect_open_update2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                     self.mapset, str(layer))

            # instantiate class attributes
            self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)

        # If it is opened in write mode
        if self.mode == "w":
            openvect = libvect.Vect_open_new(self.c_mapinfo, self.name, with_z)
            self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)

        if self.mode in ("w", "rw") and tab_cols:
            # create a link
            link = Link(
                link_name if link_name else self.name,
                tab_name if tab_name else self.name,
            # add the new link
            # create the table
            table = link.table()
            table.create(tab_cols, overwrite=overwrite)

        # check the C function result.
        if openvect == -1:
            str_err = "Not able to open the map, C function return %d."
            raise OpenError(str_err % openvect)

        # Load attribute table for selected layer.
        if len(self.dblinks) == 0:
            self.layer = layer
            self.table = None
            self.n_lines = 0
            layer_db_link = self.dblinks.by_layer(layer)
            if not layer_db_link:
                raise LookupError(
                    "There appears to be no database link for layer %d of <%s>."
                    % (layer, self.name))
            if layer_db_link.layer != layer:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "The databse link for layer %d of <%s> references layer %d."
                    % (layer, self.name, layer_db_link.layer))
            self.layer = layer
                self.table = layer_db_link.table()
            except Exception as error:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Loading the attribute table for layer %d of <%s> failed."
                    % (layer, self.name)) from error
            self.n_lines = self.table.n_rows()

        self.writeable = self.mapset == utils.getenv("MAPSET")
        # Initialize the finder
        self.find = {
            PointFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table, self.writeable),
            BboxFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table, self.writeable),
            PolygonFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table, self.writeable),
        self.find_by_point = self.find["by_point"]
        self.find_by_bbox = self.find["by_bbox"]
        self.find_by_polygon = self.find["by_polygon"]
Exemple #7
def _read_vector_info(name, mapset):
    """Read the vector map info from the file system and store the content
       into a dictionary

       This method uses the ctypes interface to the vector libraries
       to read the map metadata information

       :param name: The name of the map
       :param mapset: The mapset of the map
       :returns: The key value pairs of the map specific metadata, or None in
                 case of an error

    kvp = {}

    if not libgis.G_find_vector(name, mapset):
        return None

    # The vector map structure
    Map = libvector.Map_info()

    # We open the maps always in topology mode first
    with_topo = True

    # Code lend from v.info main.c
    if libvector.Vect_open_old_head2(byref(Map), name, mapset, "1") < 2:
        # force level 1, open fully
        # NOTE: number of points, lines, boundaries, centroids,
        # faces, kernels is still available
        libvector.Vect_set_open_level(1)  # no topology
        with_topo = False
        if libvector.Vect_open_old2(byref(Map), name, mapset, "1") < 1:
                _("Unable to open vector map <%s>" %
            return None

    # Release the vector spatial index memory when closed

    # Read the extent information
    bbox = libvector.bound_box()
    libvector.Vect_get_map_box(byref(Map), byref(bbox))

    kvp["north"] = bbox.N
    kvp["south"] = bbox.S
    kvp["east"] = bbox.E
    kvp["west"] = bbox.W
    kvp["top"] = bbox.T
    kvp["bottom"] = bbox.B

    kvp["map3d"] = bool(libvector.Vect_is_3d(byref(Map)))

    # Read number of features
    if with_topo:
        kvp["points"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_primitives(
            byref(Map), libvector.GV_POINT)
        kvp["lines"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_primitives(
            byref(Map), libvector.GV_LINE)
        kvp["boundaries"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_primitives(
            byref(Map), libvector.GV_BOUNDARY)
        kvp["centroids"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_primitives(
            byref(Map), libvector.GV_CENTROID)
        kvp["faces"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_primitives(
            byref(Map), libvector.GV_FACE)
        kvp["kernels"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_primitives(
            byref(Map), libvector.GV_KERNEL)

        # Summarize the primitives
        kvp["primitives"] = kvp["points"] + kvp["lines"] + \
            kvp["boundaries"] + kvp["centroids"]
        if kvp["map3d"]:
            kvp["primitives"] += kvp["faces"] + kvp["kernels"]

        # Read topology information
        kvp["nodes"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_nodes(byref(Map))
        kvp["areas"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_areas(byref(Map))
        kvp["islands"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_islands(byref(Map))
        kvp["holes"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_holes(byref(Map))
        kvp["volumes"] = libvector.Vect_get_num_primitives(
            byref(Map), libvector.GV_VOLUME)
        kvp["points"] = None
        kvp["lines"] = None
        kvp["boundaries"] = None
        kvp["centroids"] = None
        kvp["faces"] = None
        kvp["kernels"] = None
        kvp["primitives"] = None
        kvp["nodes"] = None
        kvp["areas"] = None
        kvp["islands"] = None
        kvp["holes"] = None
        kvp["volumes"] = None


    return kvp