Exemple #1
def add_python_modules_to_path_if_needed():
    """If modules cannot be imported, add them to the path."""
    # Importing here because it is for test and than for a fallback.
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        # If it imports, no action is needed.
        # pylint: disable=unused-import
        import grasssession  # noqa: F401
    except ImportError:
        # Not on path, try to add them to the path now.
        # (Module fails if the path can't be set up.)
        from grass.script.utils import set_path

Exemple #2
def set_path(modulename, dirname=None, path='.'):
    """Set sys.path looking in the the local directory GRASS directories.

    :param modulename: string with the name of the GRASS module
    :param dirname: string with the directory name containing the python
                    libraries, default None
    :param path: string with the path to reach the dirname locally.

    .. deprecated:: 7.1
        Use :func:`grass.script.utils.set_path` instead.
    from grass.script.utils import set_path
    return set_path(modulename=modulename, dirname=dirname, path=path)
Exemple #3
def set_path(modulename, dirname=None, path='.'):
    """Set sys.path looking in the the local directory GRASS directories.

    :param modulename: string with the name of the GRASS module
    :param dirname: string with the directory name containing the python
                    libraries, default None
    :param path: string with the path to reach the dirname locally.

    .. deprecated:: 7.1
        Use :func:`grass.script.utils.set_path` instead.
    from grass.script.utils import set_path
    return set_path(modulename=modulename, dirname=dirname, path=path)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Nov 20 14:44:32 2013

@author: anna

import os
import wx
import wx.lib.newevent
import wx.lib.filebrowsebutton as filebrowse
from shutil import copyfile

from grass.script.utils import set_path, get_lib_path
from grass.script.setup import set_gui_path

from gui_core.gselect import Select
from core.settings import UserSettings
import grass.script as gscript
from grass.pydispatch.signal import Signal

from tangible_utils import run_analyses

updateGUIEvt, EVT_UPDATE_GUI = wx.lib.newevent.NewCommandEvent()

Exemple #5
from __future__ import print_function

import atexit

# import system libraries
import os
import sys

from grass.pygrass.messages import get_msgr
from grass.script import core as gcore
from grass.script.utils import set_path

    # set python path to the shared r.green libraries
    set_path("r.green", "libhydro", "..")
    set_path("r.green", "libgreen", os.path.join("..", ".."))
    from libgreen.utils import cleanup
    from libhydro.basin import dtm_corr
    from libhydro.plant import power2energy
    from libhydro import basin
    from libgreen.utils import check_overlay_rr

    # from libgreen.utils import check_overlay_rv
    from libgreen.utils import raster2numpy
    from libgreen.utils import remove_pixel_from_raster
except ImportError:
        set_path("r.green", "libhydro", os.path.join("..", "etc", "r.green"))
        set_path("r.green", "libgreen", os.path.join("..", "etc", "r.green"))
        from libgreen.utils import cleanup
Exemple #6
import datetime
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from pprint import pprint as pp

if "GISBASE" not in os.environ:
    sys.exit("Exiting: You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program.")

import grass.script as grass

from grass.script.utils import set_path
    # set python path to the shared libraries
    set_path('r.estimap.recreation', 'estimap_recreation', '..')
    # constants
    from estimap_recreation.colors import *
    from estimap_recreation.constants import *
    from estimap_recreation.labels import *
    # main
    from estimap_recreation.main import main as main_estimap
except ImportError:
        set_path('r.estimap.recreation', 'estimap_recreation',
                 os.path.join('..', 'etc', 'r.estimap.recreation'))
        # constants
        from estimap_recreation.colors import *
        from estimap_recreation.constants import *
        from estimap_recreation.labels import *
        # main
from grass.script.core import overwrite, parser, run_command, warning
from grass.script.utils import set_path

#from grass.script import mapcalc
version = 70  # 71

    import numexpr as ne
except ImportError:
    ne = None
    warning('You should install numexpr to use this module: '
            'pip install numexpr')

    # set python path to the shared r.green libraries
    set_path('r.green', 'libhydro', '..')
    set_path('r.green', 'libgreen', os.path.join('..', '..'))
    from libgreen.utils import cleanup
except ImportError:
        set_path('r.green', 'libhydro', os.path.join('..', 'etc', 'r.green'))
        set_path('r.green', 'libgreen', os.path.join('..', 'etc', 'r.green'))
        from libgreen.utils import cleanup
    except ImportError:
        warning('libgreen and libhydro not in the python path!')

def rname(base):
    return 'tmprgreen_%i_%s' % (os.getpid(), base)

Exemple #8
PURPOSE:   Test of r.learn.ml for dropping RasterRow objects from an internal
           RasterStack object

COPYRIGHT: (C) 2020 by Steven Pawley and the GRASS Development Team

This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

import unittest

from grass.script.utils import set_path

set_path("r.learn.ml2", "rlearnlib")
from rlearnlib.raster import RasterStack

class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
        """Setup that is run once for the entire test module"""
        cls.predictors = [
Exemple #9
#% description: INSPIRE profile is not filled properly (unknown values are filled with '$NULL')
#% options: basic, inspire
#% answer: basic

#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
#% required: no

import os
import sys

from grass.script import parser
from grass.script.utils import set_path

set_path(modulename="wx.metadata", dirname="mdlib")

def main():
    # Load metadata library
    from mdlib.mdgrass import GrassMD

    if not options["output"]:
        destination = None
        name = None
        destination, name = os.path.split(options["output"])

    md = GrassMD(options["map"], "raster")
    if options["profile"] == "inspire":
Exemple #10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Nov 20 14:44:32 2013

@author: anna

import os
import wx
import wx.lib.filebrowsebutton as filebrowse
from shutil import copyfile
from subprocess import PIPE
import signal

from grass.script.utils import set_path, get_lib_path
from grass.script.setup import set_gui_path

from gui_core.gselect import Select
from core.settings import UserSettings
import grass.script as gscript
from grass.pydispatch.signal import Signal

from tangible_utils import run_analyses, updateGUIEvt, EVT_UPDATE_GUI
from drawing import DrawingPanel
from export import ExportPanel
from color_interaction import ColorInteractionPanel

#% description: INSPIRE profile is not filled properly (unknown values are filled with '$NULL')
#% options: basic, inspire
#% answer: basic

#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
#% required: no

import os
import sys

from grass.script import parser
from grass.script.utils import set_path

set_path(modulename='wx.metadata', dirname='mdlib')

def main():
    # Load metadata library
    from mdlib.mdgrass import GrassMD

    if not options['output']:
        destination = None
        name = None
        destination, name = os.path.split(options['output'])

    md = GrassMD(options['map'], 'raster')
    if options['profile'] == 'inspire':
#% key_desc: name
#% description: Name of raster map with the financial potential of bioenergy for coppices[Mwh/year]
#% required: no
#% guisection: Output maps

import atexit
import os

from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
from grass.script.core import parser, run_command, warning
from grass.script.utils import set_path

    # set python path to the shared r.green libraries
    set_path('r.green', 'libforest', '..')
    set_path('r.green', 'libgreen', os.path.join('..', '..'))
    from libforest.harvesting import combination
    from libforest.harvesting import slope_computation, yield_pix_process
    from libgreen.utils import cleanup
    from libgreen.utils import sel_columns
    #TODO: check the required column
    # from libgreen.checkparameter import check_required_columns,
    # exception2error
    from libforest.financial import revenues, productivity
    from libforest.financial import costs, net_revenues
except ImportError:
    warning('libgreen and libforest not in the python path!')

def main(opts, flgs):
Exemple #13
# % key_desc: name
# % description: Name of raster map with the financial potential of bioenergy for coppices[Mwh/year]
# % required: no
# % guisection: Output maps
# %end

import atexit
import os

from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
from grass.script.core import parser, run_command, warning
from grass.script.utils import set_path

    # set python path to the shared r.green libraries
    set_path("r.green", "libforest", "..")
    set_path("r.green", "libgreen", os.path.join("..", ".."))
    from libforest.harvesting import combination
    from libforest.harvesting import slope_computation, yield_pix_process
    from libgreen.utils import cleanup
    from libgreen.utils import sel_columns

    # TODO: check the required column
    # from libgreen.checkparameter import check_required_columns,
    # exception2error
    from libforest.financial import revenues, productivity
    from libforest.financial import costs, net_revenues
except ImportError:
    warning("libgreen and libforest not in the python path!")

Exemple #14

Created on Fri Oct  4 17:17:49 2013

@author: Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus gmail.com>

import os
import sys

import grass.script as gs
from grass.script.utils import set_path

set_path(modulename='r.out.png.proj', dirname='routleaflet',
         path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))

from routleaflet.pngproj import export_png_in_projection

def main():
    options, flags = gs.parser()

    # main options
    map_name = options['input']
    output_file = options['output']
    # TODO: other options of g.proj are not supported
    epsg_code = int(options['epsg'])
    # r.out.png options
    compression = int(options['compression'])