def _getRegionParams(self,opt_region): """!Get region parameters from region specified or active default region @return region_params as a dictionary """ self._debug("_getRegionParameters", "started") if opt_region: reg_spl = opt_region.strip().split('@', 1) reg_mapset = '.' if len(reg_spl) > 1: reg_mapset = reg_spl[1] if not gscript.find_file(name = reg_spl[0], element = 'windows', mapset = reg_mapset)['name']: gscript.fatal(_("Region <%s> not found") % opt_region) if opt_region: s = gscript.read_command('g.region', quiet = True, flags = 'ug', region = opt_region) region_params = gscript.parse_key_val(s, val_type = float) gscript.verbose("Using region parameters for region %s" %opt_region) else: region_params = gscript.region() gscript.verbose("Using current grass region") self._debug("_getRegionParameters", "finished") return region_params
def process_loop(nprocs, maps, file_name, count, maps_per_process, remaining_maps_per_loop, output_files, output_time_list, r_what, process_queue): """Call r.what in parallel subprocesses""" first = True for process in range(nprocs): num = maps_per_process # Add the remaining maps to the first process if first is True: num += remaining_maps_per_loop first = False # Temporary output file final_file_name = file_name + "_%i"%(process) output_files.append(final_file_name) map_names = [] map_list = [] for i in range(num): map = maps[count] map_names.append(map.get_id()) map_list.append(map) count += 1 output_time_list.append(map_list) gscript.verbose(_("Process maps %(samp_start)i to %(samp_end)i (of %(total)i)"\ %({"samp_start":count-len(map_names)+1, "samp_end":count, "total":len(maps)}))) mod = copy.deepcopy(r_what) mod(map=map_names, output=final_file_name) #print(mod.get_bash()) process_queue.put(mod) return count
def list_layers(): """Get list of available layers from WMS server""" qstring = "service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&" + options['wmsquery'] grass.debug("POST-data: %s" % qstring) # download capabilities file grass.verbose("List of layers for server <%s>:" % options['mapserver']) url = options['mapserver'] + '?' + qstring try: if options['cap_file']: cap_file, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(url, options['cap_file']) else: cap_file = urllib.urlopen(url, options['mapserver'] + '?' + qstring) except IOError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to get capabilities of '%s'") % options['mapserver']) # check DOCTYPE first if options['cap_file']: if headers['content-type'] != 'application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml': grass.fatal(_("Unable to get capabilities: %s") % url) else: if['content-type'] != 'application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml': grass.fatal(_("Unable to get capabilities: %s") % url) # parse file with sax cap_xml = wms_parse.ProcessCapFile() try: xml.sax.parse(cap_file, cap_xml) except xml.sax.SAXParseException, err: grass.fatal(_("Reading capabilities failed. " "Unable to parse XML document: %s") % err)
def main(): map = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] otable = options['otable'] ocolumn = options['ocolumn'] f = grass.vector_layer_db(map, layer) maptable = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] if driver == 'dbf': grass.fatal(_("JOIN is not supported for tables stored in DBF format")) if not maptable: grass.fatal(_("There is no table connected to this map. Unable to join any column.")) if not grass.vector_columns(map, layer).has_key(column): grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s> at layer <%s>") % (column, map, layer)) all_cols_ot = grass.db_describe(otable, driver = driver, database = database)['cols'] all_cols_tt = grass.vector_columns(map, int(layer)).keys() select = "SELECT $colname FROM $otable WHERE $otable.$ocolumn=$table.$column" template = string.Template("UPDATE $table SET $colname=(%s);" % select) for col in all_cols_ot: # Skip the vector column which is used for join colname = col[0] if colname == column: continue # Sqlite 3 does not support the precision number any more if len(col) > 2 and driver != "sqlite": coltype = "%s(%s)" % (col[1], col[2]) else: coltype = "%s" % col[1] colspec = "%s %s" % (colname, coltype) # Add only the new column to the table if colname not in all_cols_tt: if grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map = map, columns = colspec, layer = layer) != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error creating column <%s>") % colname) stmt = template.substitute(table = maptable, column = column, otable = otable, ocolumn = ocolumn, colname = colname) grass.verbose(_("Updating column <%s> of vector map <%s>...") % (colname, map)) if grass.write_command('db.execute', stdin = stmt, input = '-', database = database, driver = driver) != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error filling column <%s>") % colname) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map)
def cleanup(): # see end of main() grass.verbose(_("Module cleanup in: "+TMPDIR)) os.system('rm '+ os.path.join( TMPDIR, '*')) if REMOVETMPDIR: try_rmdir(TMPDIR) else: grass.message("\n%s\n" % _("printws: Temp dir remove failed. Do it yourself, please:")) sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % TMPDIR % ' <---- this')
def render(astring,adic): grass.verbose(_("printws: Rendering into - BASE: " + LASTFILE)) grass.verbose(_("printws: Rendering command: " + astring)) dic = copy.deepcopy(adic) task = dic['task'] del dic['task'] # it should be replaced by grass.* API calls # os.system(astring) grass.run_command(task, "" , **dic) #migration is going on
def main(): vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] value = options['value'] qcolumn = options['qcolumn'] where = options['where'] mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if not grass.find_file(vector, element = 'vector', mapset = mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) try: f = grass.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.')) table = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] # checking column types try: coltype = grass.vector_columns(vector, layer)[column]['type'] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('Column <%s> not found') % column) if qcolumn: if value: grass.fatal(_('<value> and <qcolumn> are mutually exclusive')) # special case: we copy from another column value = qcolumn else: if not value: grass.fatal(_('Either <value> or <qcolumn> must be given')) # we insert a value if coltype.upper() not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: value = "'%s'" % value cmd = "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s" % (table, column, value) if where: cmd += " WHERE " + where grass.verbose("SQL: \"%s\"" % cmd) grass.write_command('db.execute', input = '-', database = database, driver = driver, stdin = cmd) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(vector) return 0
def _computeBbox(self,region_params): """!Get extent for WCS query (bbox) from region parameters @return bounding box defined by list [minx,miny,maxx,maxy] """ self._debug("_computeBbox", "started") boundingboxvars = ("w","s","e","n") boundingbox = list() for f in boundingboxvars: boundingbox.append(int(self.params['region'][f])) gscript.verbose("Boundingbox coordinates:\n %s \n [West, South, Eest, North]" %boundingbox) self._debug("_computeBbox", "finished") return boundingbox
def _download(self): """!Downloads data from WCS server using GDAL WCS driver @return ret (exit code of module) """ self._debug("_download", "started") self.xml_file = self._createXML() self.vrt_file = self._createVRT() gscript.message('Starting module ...') if self.params['location'] == "": p = gscript.start_command('', input=self.vrt_file, output=self.params['output'], stderr = gscript.PIPE, env = self._env ) else: p = gscript.start_command('', input=self.vrt_file, output=self.params['output'], location = self.params['location'], stderr = gscript.PIPE, env = self._env ) # percent status messagei while p.poll() is None: line = p.stderr.readline() linepercent = line.replace('GRASS_INFO_PERCENT:','').strip() if linepercent.isdigit(): #print linepercent gscript.percent(int(linepercent),100,1) else: gscript.verbose(line) gscript.percent(100,100,5) ret = p.wait() if ret != 0: gscript.fatal(' for %s failed.' % self.vrt_file ) else: gscript.message(' was successful for new raster map %s ' % self.params['output'] ) gscript.try_remove(self.vrt_file) gscript.try_remove(self.xml_file) self._debug("_download", "finished") return ret
def rusle(self): """!main method in rusle_base controlling the whole process, once called by main() @return soillossbare name of output raster map """ flowacc = outprefix + 'flowacc' slope = outprefix + 'slope' lsfactor = outprefix+ 'lsfactor' #self.tmp_rast.append(flowacc) #self.tmp_rast.append(slope) #self.tmp_rast.append(lsfactor) global fieldblock if not fieldblock: if fieldblockvect: fieldblock = outprefix + "fieldblock" gscript.run_command("", input=fieldblockvect, output= fieldblock, use="val", value="1", quiet=quiet ) if fieldblock: gscript.verbose('Raster map fieldblock is in "%s"'%fieldblock) else: fieldblock = "" if not options['flowacc']: self._getFlowacc(elevation,flowacc,fieldblock) gscript.verbose('Raster map flowacc is in "%s".'%flowacc) else: gscript.verbose('Raster map flowacc taken from "%s".'%flowacc) self._getSlope(elevation,slope) gscript.verbose('Raster map slope is in "%s"'%slope) self._getLsfac(flowacc,slope,lsfactor) gscript.verbose('Raster map lsfactor is in "%s"'%lsfactor) self._getSoillossbare(lsfactor,kfactor,rfactor,soillossbare) gscript.message('Soilloss for bare soil in map "%s".' %soillossbare) stats = gscript.parse_command('r.univar', flags="g", map=soillossbare, delimiter = '=') gscript.message('mean = %s \n stddev = %s \n min = %s \n max = %s' % (stats['mean'],stats['stddev'], stats['min'], stats['max'])) return soillossbare
def one_point_per_row_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input): """Write one point per row output is of type: x,y,start,end,value """ # open the output file for writing out_file = open(output, 'w') if output != "-" else sys.stdout if write_header is True: if site_input: out_file.write("x%(sep)sy%(sep)ssite%(sep)sstart%(sep)send%(sep)svalue\n"\ %({"sep":separator})) else: out_file.write("x%(sep)sy%(sep)sstart%(sep)send%(sep)svalue\n"\ %({"sep":separator})) for count in range(len(output_files)): file_name = output_files[count] gscript.verbose(_("Transforming r.what output file %s"%(file_name))) map_list = output_time_list[count] in_file = open(file_name, "r") for line in in_file: line = line.split(separator) x = line[0] y = line[1] if site_input: site = line[2] # We ignore the site name values = line[3:] for i in range(len(values)): start, end = map_list[i].get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() if site_input: coor_string = "%(x)10.10f%(sep)s%(y)10.10f%(sep)s%(site_name)s%(sep)s"\ %({"x":float(x),"y":float(y),"site_name":str(site),"sep":separator}) else: coor_string = "%(x)10.10f%(sep)s%(y)10.10f%(sep)s"\ %({"x":float(x),"y":float(y),"sep":separator}) time_string = "%(start)s%(sep)s%(end)s%(sep)s%(val)s\n"\ %({"start":str(start), "end":str(end), "val":(values[i].strip()),"sep":separator}) out_file.write(coor_string + time_string) in_file.close() if out_file is not sys.stdout: out_file.close()
def cleanup(): grass.verbose("Cleaning up ...") if tmp: grass.try_remove(tmp) if tmp_proj: grass.try_remove(tmp_proj) if tmp_gpx: grass.try_remove(tmp_gpx) # only try to remove map if it exists to avoid ugly warnings if tmp_vogb: if grass.find_file(tmp_vogb, element = 'vector')['name']: grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = tmp_vogb, quiet = True) if tmp_extr: if grass.find_file(tmp_extr, element = 'vector')['name']: grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = tmp_vogb, quiet = True)
def compute(self): # computing grass.message('"nnbathy" is performing the interpolation now. \ This may take some time...') grass.verbose("Once it completes an 'All done.' \ message will be printed.") # nnbathy calling fsock = open(self._xyzout, 'w')['nnbathy', '-W', '%d' % 0, '-i', '%s' % self._tmpxyz, '-x', '%d' % self.nn_w, '%d' % self.nn_e, '-y', '%d' % self.nn_n, '%d' % self.nn_s, '-P', '%s' % self.ALG, '-n', '%dx%d' % (self.cols, self.rows)], stdout=fsock) fsock.close()
def main(): map = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] columns = options['columns'] columns = [col.strip() for col in columns.split(',')] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] exists = bool(grass.find_file(map, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']) if not exists: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % map) try: f = grass.vector_db(map)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _("There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.")) table = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] column_existing = grass.vector_columns(map, int(layer)).keys() for col in columns: if not col: grass.fatal(_("There is an empty column. Did you leave a trailing comma?")) col_name = col.split(' ')[0].strip() if col_name in column_existing: grass.error(_("Column <%s> is already in the table. Skipping.") % col_name) continue grass.verbose(_("Adding column <%s> to the table") % col_name) p = grass.feed_command('db.execute', input='-', database=database, driver=driver) p.stdin.write("ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s" % (table, col)) grass.debug("ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s" % (table, col)) p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0: grass.fatal(_("Unable to add column <%s>.") % col) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map)
def _createVRT(self): '''! create VRT with help of gdalbuildvrt program VRT is a virtual GDAL dataset format @return path to VRT file ''' self._debug("_createVRT", "started") vrt_file = self._tempfile() command = ["gdalbuildvrt", '-te'] command += self.params['boundingbox'] command += [vrt_file, self.xml_file] command = [str(i) for i in command] gscript.verbose(' '.join(command)) self.process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.out, self.err = self.process.communicate() gscript.verbose(self.out) if self.err: gscript.verbose(self.err+"\n") if "does not exist" in self.err: gscript.warning('Coverage "%s" cannot be opened / does not exist.' % self.params['coverage']) gscript.fatal("Generation of VRT-File failed (gdalbuildvrt ERROR). Set verbose-flag for details.") self._debug("_createVRT", "finished") return vrt_file
def main(): global TMPLOC, SRCGISRC, GISDBASE, TMP_REG_NAME GDALdatasource = options['input'] output = options['output'] method = options['resample'] memory = options['memory'] bands = options['band'] tgtres = options['resolution'] title = options["title"] if flags['e'] and not output: output = 'rimport_tmp' # will be removed with the entire tmp location if options['resolution_value']: if tgtres != 'value': grass.fatal( _("To set custom resolution value, select 'value' in resolution option" )) tgtres_value = float(options['resolution_value']) if tgtres_value <= 0: grass.fatal(_("Resolution value can't be smaller than 0")) elif tgtres == 'value': grass.fatal( _("Please provide the resolution for the imported dataset or change to 'estimated' resolution" )) # try directly first additional_flags = 'l' if flags['l'] else '' if flags['o']: additional_flags += 'o' region_flag = '' if options['extent'] == 'region': region_flag += 'r' if flags['o'] or is_projection_matching(GDALdatasource): parameters = dict(input=GDALdatasource, output=output, memory=memory, flags='ak' + additional_flags + region_flag) if bands: parameters['band'] = bands try: grass.run_command('', **parameters) grass.verbose( _("Input <%s> successfully imported without reprojection") % GDALdatasource) return 0 except CalledModuleError as e: grass.fatal( _("Unable to import GDAL dataset <%s>") % GDALdatasource) grassenv = grass.gisenv() tgtloc = grassenv['LOCATION_NAME'] # make sure target is not xy if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected': grass.fatal( _("Coordinate reference system not available for current location <%s>" ) % tgtloc) tgtmapset = grassenv['MAPSET'] GISDBASE = grassenv['GISDBASE'] TMPLOC = grass.append_node_pid("tmp_r_import_location") TMP_REG_NAME = grass.append_node_pid("tmp_r_import_region") SRCGISRC, src_env = grass.create_environment(GISDBASE, TMPLOC, 'PERMANENT') # create temp location from input without import grass.verbose( _("Creating temporary location for <%s>...") % GDALdatasource) # creating a new location with requires a sanitized env env = os.environ.copy() env = grass.sanitize_mapset_environment(env) parameters = dict(input=GDALdatasource, output=output, memory=memory, flags='c', title=title, location=TMPLOC, quiet=True) if bands: parameters['band'] = bands try: grass.run_command('', env=env, **parameters) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to read GDAL dataset <%s>") % GDALdatasource) # prepare to set region in temp location if 'r' in region_flag: tgtregion = TMP_REG_NAME grass.run_command('', output=tgtregion, flags='d') # switch to temp location # print projection at verbose level grass.verbose( grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='p', env=src_env).rstrip(os.linesep)) # make sure input is not xy if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g', env=src_env)['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected': grass.fatal( _("Coordinate reference system not available for input <%s>") % GDALdatasource) # import into temp location grass.verbose( _("Importing <%s> to temporary location...") % GDALdatasource) parameters = dict(input=GDALdatasource, output=output, memory=memory, flags='ak' + additional_flags) if bands: parameters['band'] = bands if 'r' in region_flag: grass.run_command('v.proj', location=tgtloc, mapset=tgtmapset, input=tgtregion, output=tgtregion, env=src_env) grass.run_command('g.region', vector=tgtregion, env=src_env) parameters['flags'] = parameters['flags'] + region_flag try: grass.run_command('', env=src_env, **parameters) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to import GDAL dataset <%s>") % GDALdatasource) outfiles = grass.list_grouped('raster', env=src_env)['PERMANENT'] # is output a group? group = False path = os.path.join(GISDBASE, TMPLOC, 'group', output) if os.path.exists(path): group = True path = os.path.join(GISDBASE, TMPLOC, 'group', output, 'POINTS') if os.path.exists(path): grass.fatal(_("Input contains GCPs, rectification is required")) if 'r' in region_flag: grass.run_command('g.remove', type="vector", flags="f", name=tgtregion, env=src_env) # switch to target location if 'r' in region_flag: grass.run_command('g.remove', type="vector", flags="f", name=tgtregion) region = grass.region() rflags = None if flags['n']: rflags = 'n' vreg = TMP_REG_NAME for outfile in outfiles: n = region['n'] s = region['s'] e = region['e'] w = region['w'] env = os.environ.copy() if options['extent'] == 'input': # r.proj -g try: tgtextents = grass.read_command('r.proj', location=TMPLOC, mapset='PERMANENT', input=outfile, flags='g', memory=memory, quiet=True) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to get reprojected map extent")) try: srcregion = grass.parse_key_val(tgtextents, val_type=float, vsep=' ') n = srcregion['n'] s = srcregion['s'] e = srcregion['e'] w = srcregion['w'] except ValueError: # import into latlong, expect 53:39:06.894826N srcregion = grass.parse_key_val(tgtextents, vsep=' ') n = grass.float_or_dms(srcregion['n'][:-1]) * \ (-1 if srcregion['n'][-1] == 'S' else 1) s = grass.float_or_dms(srcregion['s'][:-1]) * \ (-1 if srcregion['s'][-1] == 'S' else 1) e = grass.float_or_dms(srcregion['e'][:-1]) * \ (-1 if srcregion['e'][-1] == 'W' else 1) w = grass.float_or_dms(srcregion['w'][:-1]) * \ (-1 if srcregion['w'][-1] == 'W' else 1) env['GRASS_REGION'] = grass.region_env(n=n, s=s, e=e, w=w) # in tgt grass.run_command('', output=vreg, quiet=True, env=env) # reproject to src # switch to temp location try: grass.run_command('v.proj', input=vreg, output=vreg, location=tgtloc, mapset=tgtmapset, quiet=True, env=src_env) # test if v.proj created a valid area if grass.vector_info_topo(vreg, env=src_env)['areas'] != 1: grass.fatal(_("Please check the 'extent' parameter")) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to reproject to source location")) # set region from region vector grass.run_command('g.region', raster=outfile, env=src_env) grass.run_command('g.region', vector=vreg, env=src_env) # align to first band grass.run_command('g.region', align=outfile, env=src_env) # get number of cells cells = grass.region(env=src_env)['cells'] estres = math.sqrt((n - s) * (e - w) / cells) # remove from source location for multi bands import grass.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=vreg, flags='f', quiet=True, env=src_env) # switch to target location grass.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=vreg, flags='f', quiet=True) grass.message( _("Estimated target resolution for input band <{out}>: {res}"). format(out=outfile, res=estres)) if flags['e']: continue env = os.environ.copy() if options['extent'] == 'input': env['GRASS_REGION'] = grass.region_env(n=n, s=s, e=e, w=w) res = None if tgtres == 'estimated': res = estres elif tgtres == 'value': res = tgtres_value grass.message( _("Using given resolution for input band <{out}>: {res}"). format(out=outfile, res=res)) # align to requested resolution env['GRASS_REGION'] = grass.region_env(res=res, flags='a', env=env) else: curr_reg = grass.region() grass.message( _("Using current region resolution for input band " "<{out}>: nsres={ns}, ewres={ew}").format( out=outfile, ns=curr_reg['nsres'], ew=curr_reg['ewres'])) # r.proj grass.message(_("Reprojecting <%s>...") % outfile) try: grass.run_command('r.proj', location=TMPLOC, mapset='PERMANENT', input=outfile, method=method, resolution=res, memory=memory, flags=rflags, quiet=True, env=env) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to to reproject raster <%s>") % outfile) if grass.raster_info(outfile)['min'] is None: grass.fatal(_("The reprojected raster <%s> is empty") % outfile) if flags['e']: return 0 if group: grass.run_command('', group=output, input=','.join(outfiles)) # TODO: write metadata with return 0
def main(): # old connection old_database = options["old_database"] old_schema = options["old_schema"] # new connection default_connection = gscript.db_connection() if options["new_driver"]: new_driver = options["new_driver"] else: new_driver = default_connection["driver"] if options["new_database"]: new_database = options["new_database"] else: new_database = default_connection["database"] if options["new_schema"]: new_schema = options["new_schema"] else: new_schema = default_connection["schema"] if old_database == "": old_database = None old_database_subst = None if old_database is not None: old_database_subst = substitute_db(old_database) new_database_subst = substitute_db(new_database) if old_database_subst == new_database_subst and old_schema == new_schema: gscript.fatal( _("Old and new database connection is identical. " "Nothing to do.")) mapset = gscript.gisenv()["MAPSET"] vectors = gscript.list_grouped("vect")[mapset] num_vectors = len(vectors) if flags["c"]: # create new database if not existing create_db(new_driver, new_database) i = 0 for vect in vectors: vect = "%s@%s" % (vect, mapset) i += 1 gscript.message( _("%s\nReconnecting vector map <%s> " "(%d of %d)...\n%s") % ("-" * 80, vect, i, num_vectors, "-" * 80)) for f in gscript.vector_db(vect, stderr=nuldev).values(): layer = f["layer"] schema_table = f["table"] key = f["key"] database = f["database"] driver = f["driver"] # split schema.table if "." in schema_table: schema, table = schema_table.split(".", 1) else: schema = "" table = schema_table if new_schema: new_schema_table = "%s.%s" % (new_schema, table) else: new_schema_table = table gscript.debug( "DATABASE = '%s' SCHEMA = '%s' TABLE = '%s' ->\n" " NEW_DATABASE = '%s' NEW_SCHEMA_TABLE = '%s'" % (old_database, schema, table, new_database, new_schema_table)) do_reconnect = True if old_database_subst is not None: if database != old_database_subst: do_reconnect = False if database == new_database_subst: do_reconnect = False if schema != old_schema: do_reconnect = False if do_reconnect: gscript.verbose(_("Reconnecting layer %d...") % layer) if flags["c"]: # check if table exists in new database copy_tab( driver, database, schema_table, new_driver, new_database, new_schema_table, ) # drop original table if required if flags["d"]: drop_tab(vect, layer, schema_table, driver, substitute_db(database)) # reconnect tables (don't use substituted new_database) # NOTE: v.db.connect creates an index on the key column try: gscript.run_command( "v.db.connect", flags="o", quiet=True, map=vect, layer=layer, driver=new_driver, database=new_database, table=new_schema_table, key=key, ) except CalledModuleError: gscript.warning( _("Unable to connect table <%s> to vector " "<%s> on layer <%s>") % (table, vect, str(layer))) else: if database != new_database_subst: gscript.warning( _("Layer <%d> will not be reconnected " "because database or schema do not " "match.") % layer) return 0
def main(): vector = options['map'] table = options['table'] layer = options['layer'] columns = options['columns'] key = options['key'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) map_name = vector.split('@')[0] if not table: if layer == '1': grass.verbose( _("Using vector map name as table name: <%s>") % map_name) table = map_name else: # to avoid tables with identical names on higher layers table = "%s_%s" % (map_name, layer) grass.verbose( _("Using vector map name extended by layer number as table name: <%s>" ) % table) else: grass.verbose(_("Using user specified table name: %s") % table) # check if DB parameters are set, and if not set them. grass.run_command('db.connect', flags='c', quiet=True) grass.verbose( _("Creating new DB connection based on default mapset settings...")) kv = grass.db_connection() database = kv['database'] driver = kv['driver'] schema = kv['schema'] # maybe there is already a table linked to the selected layer? nuldev = open(os.devnull, 'w') try: grass.vector_db(map_name, stderr=nuldev)[int(layer)] grass.fatal(_("There is already a table linked to layer <%s>") % layer) except KeyError: pass # maybe there is already a table with that name? tables = grass.read_command('db.tables', flags='p', database=database, driver=driver, stderr=nuldev) tables = decode(tables) if not table in tables.splitlines(): colnames = [] if columns: column_def = [] for x in ' '.join(columns.lower().split()).split(','): colname = x.split()[0] if colname in colnames: grass.fatal( _("Duplicate column name '%s' not allowed") % colname) colnames.append(colname) column_def.append(x) else: column_def = [] # if not existing, create it: if not key in colnames: column_def.insert(0, "%s integer" % key) column_def = ','.join(column_def) grass.verbose(_("Creating table with columns (%s)...") % column_def) sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (table, column_def) try: grass.run_command('db.execute', database=database, driver=driver, sql=sql) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create table <%s>") % table) # connect the map to the DB: if schema: table = '{schema}.{table}'.format(schema=schema, table=table) grass.run_command('v.db.connect', quiet=True, map=map_name, database=database, driver=driver, layer=layer, table=table, key=key) # finally we have to add cats into the attribute DB to make # modules such as v.what.rast happy: (creates new row for each # vector line): try: grass.run_command('', map=map_name, layer=layer, option='cat', column=key, qlayer=layer) except CalledModuleError: # remove link grass.run_command('v.db.connect', quiet=True, flags='d', map=map_name, layer=layer) return 1 grass.verbose(_("Current attribute table links:")) if grass.verbosity() > 2: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags='p', map=map_name) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map_name) return 0
def download_gcs(scene, output): """Downloads a single S2 scene from Google Cloud Storage.""" # Lazy import tqdm try: from tqdm import tqdm except ImportError as e: gs.fatal(_("Module requires tqdm library: {}").format(e)) final_scene_dir = os.path.join(output, "{}.SAFE".format(scene)) create_dir(final_scene_dir) level = scene.split("_")[1] if level == "MSIL1C": baseurl = "" "gcp-public-data-sentinel-2/tiles" elif level == "MSIL2A": baseurl = ("" "gcp-public-data-sentinel-2/L2/tiles") tile_block = scene.split("_")[-2] tile_no = tile_block[1:3] tile_first_letter = tile_block[3] tile_last_letters = tile_block[4:] url_scene = os.path.join(baseurl, tile_no, tile_first_letter, tile_last_letters, "{}.SAFE".format(scene)) # download the file safe_file = "" safe_url = os.path.join(url_scene, safe_file) output_path_safe = os.path.join(final_scene_dir, safe_file) r_safe = requests.get(safe_url, allow_redirects=True) if r_safe.status_code != 200: gs.warning(_("Scene <{}> was not found on Google Cloud").format(scene)) return 1 root_manifest = ET.fromstring(r_safe.content) open(output_path_safe, "wb").write(r_safe.content) # parse for the rest of the data files_list = parse_manifest_gcs(root_manifest) # get all required folders hrefs = [file["href"] for file in files_list] hrefs_heads = [os.path.split(path)[0] for path in hrefs] required_rel_folders = list(set(hrefs_heads)) # some paths inconsistently start with "." and some don't if any([not folder.startswith(".") for folder in required_rel_folders]): required_abs_folders = [ os.path.join(final_scene_dir, item) for item in required_rel_folders if item != "." ] else: required_abs_folders = [ item.replace(".", final_scene_dir) for item in required_rel_folders if item != "." ] # some scenes don't have additional metadata (GRANULE/.../AUX_DATA or # DATASTRIP/.../QI_DATA) but sen2cor seems to require at least the empty folder rest_folders = [] check_folders = [("GRANULE", "AUX_DATA"), ("DATASTRIP", "QI_DATA")] for check_folder in check_folders: if (len( fnmatch.filter( required_abs_folders, "*{}*/{}*".format(check_folder[0], check_folder[1]), )) == 0): # get required path basepath = min([ fol for fol in required_abs_folders if check_folder[0] in fol ], key=len) rest_folders.append(os.path.join(basepath, check_folder[1])) # two folders are not in the, but the empty folders may # be required for other software (e.g. sen2cor) rest_folders.extend([ os.path.join(final_scene_dir, "rep_info"), os.path.join(final_scene_dir, "AUX_DATA"), ]) required_abs_folders.extend(rest_folders) # create folders for folder in required_abs_folders: req_folder_code = create_dir(folder) if req_folder_code != 0: return 1 failed_downloads = [] # no .html files are available on GCS but the folder might be required files_list_dl = [file for file in files_list if "HTML" not in file["href"]] for dl_file in tqdm(files_list_dl): # remove the '.' for relative path in the URLS if dl_file["href"].startswith("."): href_url = dl_file["href"][1:] else: href_url = "/{}".format(dl_file["href"]) # neither os.path.join nor urljoin join these properly... dl_url = "{}{}".format(url_scene, href_url) output_path_file = "{}{}".format(final_scene_dir, href_url) checksum_function = dl_file["checksumName"].lower() dl_code = download_gcs_file( url=dl_url, destination=output_path_file, checksum_function=checksum_function, checksum=dl_file["checksum"], ) if dl_code != 0: failed_downloads.append(dl_url) if len(failed_downloads) > 0: gs.verbose( _("Downloading was not successful for urls \n{}").format( "\n".join(failed_downloads))) gs.warning( _("Downloading was not successful for scene <{}>").format(scene)) return 1 else: return 0
def main(): global TMPLOC, SRCGISRC, GISDBASE overwrite = grass.overwrite() # list formats and exit if flags['f']: grass.run_command('', flags='f') return 0 # list layers and exit if flags['l']: try: grass.run_command('', flags='l', input=options['input']) except CalledModuleError: return 1 return 0 OGRdatasource = options['input'] output = options['output'] layers = options['layer'] vflags = '' if options['extent'] == 'region': vflags += 'r' if flags['o']: vflags += 'o' vopts = {} if options['encoding']: vopts['encoding'] = options['encoding'] if options['datum_trans'] and options['datum_trans'] == '-1': # list datum transform parameters if not options['epsg']: grass.fatal(_("Missing value for parameter <%s>") % 'epsg') return grass.run_command('g.proj', epsg=options['epsg'], datum_trans=options['datum_trans']) grassenv = grass.gisenv() tgtloc = grassenv['LOCATION_NAME'] tgtmapset = grassenv['MAPSET'] GISDBASE = grassenv['GISDBASE'] tgtgisrc = os.environ['GISRC'] SRCGISRC = grass.tempfile() TMPLOC = 'temp_import_location_' + str(os.getpid()) f = open(SRCGISRC, 'w') f.write('MAPSET: PERMANENT\n') f.write('GISDBASE: %s\n' % GISDBASE) f.write('LOCATION_NAME: %s\n' % TMPLOC) f.write('GUI: text\n') f.close() tgtsrs = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='j', quiet=True) # create temp location from input without import grass.verbose(_("Creating temporary location for <%s>...") % OGRdatasource) if layers: vopts['layer'] = layers if output: vopts['output'] = output vopts['snap'] = options['snap'] try: grass.run_command('', input=OGRdatasource, location=TMPLOC, flags='i', quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create location from OGR datasource <%s>") % OGRdatasource) # switch to temp location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC) if options['epsg']: # force given EPSG kwargs = {} if options['datum_trans']: kwargs['datum_trans'] = options['datum_trans'] grass.run_command('g.proj', flags='c', epsg=options['epsg'], **kwargs) # switch to target location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc) # try directly if flags['o'] or grass.run_command('', input=OGRdatasource, flags='j', errors='status', quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite) == 0: try: grass.run_command('', input=OGRdatasource, flags=vflags, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts) grass.message( _("Input <%s> successfully imported without reprojection") % OGRdatasource) return 0 except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to import <%s>") % OGRdatasource) # make sure target is not xy if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected': grass.fatal( _("Coordinate reference system not available for current location <%s>") % tgtloc) # switch to temp location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC) # print projection at verbose level grass.verbose(grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='p').rstrip(os.linesep)) # make sure input is not xy if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected': grass.fatal(_("Coordinate reference system not available for input <%s>") % OGRdatasource) if options['extent'] == 'region': # switch to target location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc) # in tgt vreg = 'vreg_' + str(os.getpid()) grass.run_command('', output=vreg, quiet=True) # reproject to src # switch to temp location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC) try: grass.run_command('v.proj', input=vreg, output=vreg, location=tgtloc, mapset=tgtmapset, quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to reproject to source location")) # set region from region vector grass.run_command('g.region', res='1') grass.run_command('g.region', vector=vreg) # import into temp location grass.message(_("Importing <%s> ...") % OGRdatasource) try: grass.run_command('', input=OGRdatasource, flags=vflags, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to import OGR datasource <%s>") % OGRdatasource) # if output is not define check source mapset if not output: output = grass.list_grouped('vector')['PERMANENT'][0] # switch to target location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc) # check if map exists if not grass.overwrite() and \ grass.find_file(output, element='vector', mapset='.')['mapset']: grass.fatal(_("option <%s>: <%s> exists.") % ('output', output)) if options['extent'] == 'region': grass.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=vreg, flags='f', quiet=True) # v.proj grass.message(_("Reprojecting <%s>...") % output) try: grass.run_command('v.proj', location=TMPLOC, mapset='PERMANENT', input=output, overwrite=overwrite) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to to reproject vector <%s>") % output) return 0
def main(): map = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] otable = options['otable'] ocolumn = options['ocolumn'] if options['scolumns']: scolumns = options['scolumns'].split(',') else: scolumns = None f = grass.vector_layer_db(map, layer) maptable = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] if driver == 'dbf': grass.fatal(_("JOIN is not supported for tables stored in DBF format")) if not maptable: grass.fatal(_("There is no table connected to this map. Unable to join any column.")) # check if column is in map table if not grass.vector_columns(map, layer).has_key(column): grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>") % (column, maptable)) # describe other table all_cols_ot = grass.db_describe(otable, driver = driver, database = database)['cols'] # check if ocolumn is on other table if ocolumn not in [ocol[0] for ocol in all_cols_ot]: grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>") % (ocolumn, otable)) # determine columns subset from other table if not scolumns: # select all columns from other table cols_to_add = all_cols_ot else: cols_to_add = [] # check if scolumns exists in the other table for scol in scolumns: found = False for col_ot in all_cols_ot: if scol == col_ot[0]: found = True cols_to_add.append(col_ot) break if not found: grass.warning(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>.") % (scol, otable)) all_cols_tt = grass.vector_columns(map, int(layer)).keys() select = "SELECT $colname FROM $otable WHERE $otable.$ocolumn=$table.$column" template = string.Template("UPDATE $table SET $colname=(%s);" % select) for col in cols_to_add: # skip the vector column which is used for join colname = col[0] if colname == column: continue # Sqlite 3 does not support the precision number any more if len(col) > 2 and driver != "sqlite": coltype = "%s(%s)" % (col[1], col[2]) else: coltype = "%s" % col[1] colspec = "%s %s" % (colname, coltype) # add only the new column to the table if colname not in all_cols_tt: if grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map = map, columns = colspec, layer = layer) != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error creating column <%s>") % colname) stmt = template.substitute(table = maptable, column = column, otable = otable, ocolumn = ocolumn, colname = colname) grass.debug(stmt, 1) grass.verbose(_("Updating column <%s> of vector map <%s>...") % (colname, map)) if grass.write_command('db.execute', stdin = stmt, input = '-', database = database, driver = driver) != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error filling column <%s>") % colname) # write cmd history grass.vector_history(map) return 0
def main(options, flags): # lazy imports import grass.temporal as tgis import grass.pygrass.modules as pymod # Get the options points = options["points"] coordinates = options["coordinates"] strds = options["strds"] output = options["output"] where = options["where"] order = options["order"] layout = options["layout"] null_value = options["null_value"] separator = gscript.separator(options["separator"]) nprocs = int(options["nprocs"]) write_header = flags["n"] use_stdin = flags["i"] vcat = flags["v"] #output_cat_label = flags["f"] #output_color = flags["r"] #output_cat = flags["i"] overwrite = gscript.overwrite() if coordinates and points: gscript.fatal( _("Options coordinates and points are mutually exclusive")) if not coordinates and not points and not use_stdin: gscript.fatal( _("Please specify the coordinates, the points option or use the 'i' flag to pipe coordinate positions to t.rast.what from stdin, to provide the sampling coordinates" )) if vcat and not points: gscript.fatal(_("Flag 'v' required option 'points'")) if use_stdin: coordinates_stdin = str( # Check if coordinates are given with site names or IDs stdin_length = len(coordinates_stdin.split('\n')[0].split()) if stdin_length <= 2: site_input = False elif stdin_length >= 3: site_input = True else: site_input = False # Make sure the temporal database exists tgis.init() # We need a database interface dbif = tgis.SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() sp = tgis.open_old_stds(strds, "strds", dbif) maps = sp.get_registered_maps_as_objects(where=where, order=order, dbif=dbif) dbif.close() if not maps: gscript.fatal( _("Space time raster dataset <%s> is empty") % sp.get_id()) # Setup flags are disabled due to test issues flags = "" #if output_cat_label is True: # flags += "f" #if output_color is True: # flags += "r" #if output_cat is True: # flags += "i" if vcat is True: flags += "v" # Configure the r.what module if points: r_what = pymod.Module("r.what", map="dummy", output="dummy", run_=False, separator=separator, points=points, overwrite=overwrite, flags=flags, null_value=null_value, quiet=True) elif coordinates: # Create a list of values coord_list = coordinates.split(",") r_what = pymod.Module("r.what", map="dummy", output="dummy", run_=False, separator=separator, coordinates=coord_list, overwrite=overwrite, flags=flags, null_value=null_value, quiet=True) elif use_stdin: r_what = pymod.Module("r.what", map="dummy", output="dummy", run_=False, separator=separator, stdin_=coordinates_stdin, overwrite=overwrite, flags=flags, null_value=null_value, quiet=True) else: gscript.error(_("Please specify points or coordinates")) if len(maps) < nprocs: nprocs = len(maps) # The module queue for parallel execution process_queue = pymod.ParallelModuleQueue(int(nprocs)) num_maps = len(maps) # 400 Maps is the absolute maximum in r.what # We need to determie the number of maps that can be processed # in parallel # First estimate the number of maps per process. We use 400 maps # simultaniously as maximum for a single process num_loops = int(num_maps / (400 * nprocs)) remaining_maps = num_maps % (400 * nprocs) if num_loops == 0: num_loops = 1 remaining_maps = 0 # Compute the number of maps for each process maps_per_loop = int((num_maps - remaining_maps) / num_loops) maps_per_process = int(maps_per_loop / nprocs) remaining_maps_per_loop = maps_per_loop % nprocs # We put the output files in an ordered list output_files = [] output_time_list = [] count = 0 for loop in range(num_loops): file_name = gscript.tempfile() + "_%i" % (loop) count = process_loop(nprocs, maps, file_name, count, maps_per_process, remaining_maps_per_loop, output_files, output_time_list, r_what, process_queue) process_queue.wait() gscript.verbose("Number of raster map layers remaining for sampling %i" % (remaining_maps)) if remaining_maps > 0: # Use a single process if less then 100 maps if remaining_maps <= 100: map_names = [] for i in range(remaining_maps): map = maps[count] map_names.append(map.get_id()) count += 1 mod = copy.deepcopy(r_what) mod(map=map_names, output=file_name) process_queue.put(mod) else: maps_per_process = int(remaining_maps / nprocs) remaining_maps_per_loop = remaining_maps % nprocs file_name = "out_remain" process_loop(nprocs, maps, file_name, count, maps_per_process, remaining_maps_per_loop, output_files, output_time_list, r_what, process_queue) # Wait for unfinished processes process_queue.wait() # Out the output files in the correct order together if layout == "row": one_point_per_row_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input, vcat) elif layout == "col": one_point_per_col_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input, vcat) else: one_point_per_timerow_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input, vcat)
def main(): global tmp, tmp_proj, tmp_gpx, tmp_extr, tmp_vogb format = options['format'] input = options['input'] layer = options['layer'] output = options['output'] type = options['type'] where = options['where'] wpt = flags['w'] rte = flags['r'] trk = flags['t'] nflags = len(filter(None, [wpt, rte, trk])) if nflags > 1: grass.fatal(_("One feature at a time please.")) if nflags < 1: grass.fatal(_("No features requested for export.")) # set some reasonable defaults if not type: if wpt: type = 'point' else: type = 'line' #### check for gpsbabel ### FIXME: may need --help or similar? if not grass.find_program("gpsbabel"): grass.fatal(_("The gpsbabel program was not found, please install it first.\n") + "") #### check for cs2cs if not grass.find_program("cs2cs"): grass.fatal(_("The cs2cs program was not found, please install it first.\n") + "") # check if we will overwrite data if os.path.exists(output) and not grass.overwrite(): grass.fatal(_("Output file already exists.")) #### set temporary files tmp = grass.tempfile() # SQL extract if needed if where: grass.verbose("Extracting data ...") tmp_extr = "tmp_vogb_extr_%d" % os.getpid() ret = grass.run_command('v.extract', input = "$GIS_OPT_INPUT", output = tmp_extr, type = type, layer = layer, where = where, quiet = True) if ret != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error executing SQL query")) kv = grass.vector_info_topo(tmp_extr) if kv['primitives'] == 0: grass.fatal(_("SQL query returned an empty map (no %s features?)") % type) inmap = tmp_extr else: # g.copy "$GIS_OPT_INPUT,tmp_vogb_extr_$$" # to get a copy of DB into local mapset # INMAP="tmp_vogb_extr_$$" inmap = input #### set up projection info # TODO: check if we are already in ll/WGS84. If so skip m.proj step. # TODO: multi layer will probably fail badly due to sed 's/^ 1 /' # output as old GRASS 4 vector ascii and fight with dig_ascii/? # Change to s/^ \([0-9] .*\) /# \1/' ??? mmph. # reproject to lat/lon WGS84 grass.verbose("Reprojecting data ...") re1 = re.compile(r'^\([PLBCFKA]\)') re2 = re.compile(r'^ 1 ') re3 = re.compile(r'\t\([-\.0-9]*\) .*') re4 = re.compile(r'^\([-\.0-9]\)') re5 = re.compile(r'^#') tmp_proj = tmp + ".proj" tf = open(tmp_proj, 'w') p1 = grass.pipe_command('v.out.ascii', input = inmap, format = 'standard') p2 = grass.feed_command('m.proj', input = '-', flags = 'od', quiet = True, stdout = tf) tf.close() lineno = 0 for line in p1.stdout: lineno += 1 if lineno < 11: continue line = re1.sub(r'#\1', line) line = re2.sub(r'# 1 ', line) p2.stdin.write(line) p2.stdin.close() p1.wait() p2.wait() if p1.returncode != 0 or p2.returncode != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error reprojecting data")) tmp_vogb = "tmp_vogb_epsg4326_%d" % os.getpid() p3 = grass.feed_command('', out = tmp_vogb, format = 'standard', flags = 'n', quiet = True) tf = open(tmp_proj, 'r') for line in tf: line = re3.sub(r' \1', line) line = re4.sub(r' \1', line) line = re5.sub('', line) p3.stdin.write(line) p3.stdin.close() tf.close() p3.wait() if p3.returncode != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error reprojecting data")) # don't v.db.connect directly as source table will be removed with # temporary map in that case. So we make a temp copy of it to work with. kv = vector_db(inmap) if layer in kv: db_params = kv[layer] db_table = db_params['table'] db_key = db_params['key'] db_database = db_params['database'] db_driver = db_params['driver'] ret = grass.run_command('db.copy', from_driver = db_driver, from_database = db_database, from_table = db_table, to_table = tmp_vogb) if ret != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error copying temporary DB")) ret = grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map = tmp_vogb, table = tmp_vogb, quiet = True) if ret != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error reconnecting temporary DB")) # export as GPX using v.out.ogr if trk: linetype = "FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES" elif rte: linetype = "FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES" else: linetype = None # BUG: cat is being reported as evelation and attribute output is skipped. # (v.out.ogr DB reading or ->OGR GPX driver bug<- # resolved: see new Create opts at # v.out.ogr -> shapefile -> GPX works, but we try to avoid that as it's # lossy. Also that would allow ogr2ogr -a_srs $IN_PROJ -t_srs EPSG:4326 # so skip m.proj pains.. if that is done ogr2ogr -s_srs MUST HAVE +wktext # with PROJ.4 terms or else the +nadgrids will be ignored! best to feed # it IN_PROJ="`g.proj -jf` +wktext" in that case. grass.verbose("Exporting data ...") tmp_gpx = tmp + ".gpx" ret = grass.run_command('v.out.ogr', input = tmp_vogb, dsn = tmp_gpx, type = type, format = 'GPX', lco = linetype, dsco = "GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES", quiet = True) if ret != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error exporting data")) if format == 'gpx': # short circuit, we have what we came for. grass.try_remove(output) os.rename(tmp_gpx, output) grass.verbose("Fast exit.") sys.exit() # run gpsbabel if wpt: gtype = '-w' elif trk: gtype = '-t' elif rte: gtype = '-r' else: gtype = '' grass.verbose("Running GPSBabel ...") ret =['gpsbabel', gtype, '-i', 'gpx', '-f', tmp + '.gpx', '-o', format, '-F', output]) if ret != 0: grass.fatal(_("Error running GPSBabel")) grass.verbose("Done.")
def export_png_in_projection(src_mapset_name, map_name, output_file, epsg_code, routpng_flags, compression, wgs84_file, use_region=True): """ :param use_region: use computation region and not map extent """ if use_region: src_region = get_region() src_proj_string = get_location_proj_string() # TODO: change only location and not gisdbase? # we rely on the tmp dir having enough space for our map tgt_gisdbase = tempfile.mkdtemp() # this is not needed if we use mkdtemp but why not tgt_location = 'r.out.png.proj_location_%s' % epsg_code # because we are using PERMANENT we don't have to create mapset explicitly tgt_mapset_name = 'PERMANENT' src_mapset = Mapset(name=src_mapset_name, use_current=True) assert src_mapset.exists() # get source (old) and set target (new) GISRC enviromental variable # TODO: set environ only for child processes could be enough and it would # enable (?) parallel runs src_gisrc = os.environ['GISRC'] tgt_gisrc = gsetup.write_gisrc(tgt_gisdbase, tgt_location, tgt_mapset_name) os.environ['GISRC'] = tgt_gisrc # we do this only after we obtained region, so it was applied # and we don't need it in the temporary (tgt) mapset if os.environ.get('WIND_OVERRIDE'): old_temp_region = os.environ['WIND_OVERRIDE'] del os.environ['WIND_OVERRIDE'] else: old_temp_region = None tgt_mapset = Mapset(tgt_gisdbase, tgt_location, tgt_mapset_name) try: # the function itself is not safe for other (backgroud) processes # (e.g. GUI), however we already switched GISRC for us # and child processes, so we don't influece others gs.create_location(dbase=tgt_gisdbase, location=tgt_location, epsg=epsg_code, datum=None, datum_trans=None) assert tgt_mapset.exists() # we need to make the mapset change in the current GISRC (tgt) # note that the C library for this process still holds the # path to the old GISRC file (src) tgt_mapset.set_as_current(gisrc=tgt_gisrc) # setting region if use_region: # respecting computation region of the src location # by previous use g.region in src location # and m.proj and g.region now # respecting MASK of the src location would be hard # null values in map are usually enough tgt_proj_string = get_location_proj_string() tgt_region = reproject_region(src_region, from_proj=src_proj_string, to_proj=tgt_proj_string) # uses g.region thus and sets region only for child processes # which is enough now # TODO: unlike the other branch, this keeps the current # resolution which is not correct set_region(tgt_region) else: # find out map extent to import everything # using only classic API because of some problems with pygrass # on ms windows rproj_out = gs.read_command('r.proj', input=map_name, dbase=src_mapset.database, location=src_mapset.location,, output=map_name, flags='g') a = gs.parse_key_val(rproj_out, sep='=', vsep=' ') gs.run_command('g.region', **a) # map import gs.message("Reprojecting...") gs.run_command('r.proj', input=map_name, dbase=src_mapset.database, location=src_mapset.location,, output=map_name, quiet=True) # actual export gs.message("Rendering...") raster_to_png(map_name, output_file, compression=compression, routpng_flags=routpng_flags) # outputting file with WGS84 coordinates if wgs84_file: gs.verbose("Projecting coordinates to LL WGS 84...") with open(wgs84_file, 'w') as data_file: if use_region: # map which is smaller than region is imported in its own # small extent, but we export image in region, so we need # bounds to be for region, not map # hopefully this is consistent with r.out.png behavior data_file.write( map_extent_to_file_content( proj_to_wgs84(get_region())) + '\n') else: # use map to get extent # the result is actually the same as using map # if region is the same as map (use_region == False) data_file.write( map_extent_to_file_content( get_map_extent_for_location(map_name)) + '\n') finally: # juts in case we need to do something in the old location # our callers probably do os.environ['GISRC'] = src_gisrc if old_temp_region: os.environ['WIND_OVERRIDE'] = old_temp_region # set current in library src_mapset.set_as_current(gisrc=src_gisrc) # delete the whole gisdbase # delete file by file to ensure that we are deleting only our things # exception will be raised when removing non-empty directory tgt_mapset.delete() os.rmdir(tgt_mapset.location_path) # dir created by tempfile.mkdtemp() needs to be romved manually os.rmdir(tgt_gisdbase) # we have to remove file created by tempfile.mkstemp function # in write_gisrc function os.remove(tgt_gisrc)
def main(): """Do the main processing""" # Lazy import GDAL python bindings try: from osgeo import gdal, osr except ImportError as e: grass.fatal(_("Module requires GDAL python bindings: {}").format(e)) # Parse input options: patch_map = options["input"] patches = patch_map.split("@")[0] patches_mapset = patch_map.split("@")[1] if len( patch_map.split("@")) > 1 else None pop_proxy = options["pop_proxy"] layer = options["layer"] costs = options["costs"] cutoff = float(options["cutoff"]) border_dist = int(options["border_dist"]) conefor_dir = options["conefor_dir"] memory = int(options["memory"]) # Parse output options: prefix = options["prefix"] edge_map = "{}_edges".format(prefix) vertex_map = "{}_vertices".format(prefix) shortest_paths = "{}_shortest_paths".format(prefix) # Parse flags: p_flag = flags["p"] t_flag = flags["t"] r_flag = flags["r"] dist_flags = "kn" if flags["k"] else "n" lin_cat = 1 zero_dist = None folder = grass.tempdir() if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) # Setup counter for progress message counter = 0 # Check if location is lat/lon (only in lat/lon geodesic distance # measuring is supported) if grass.locn_is_latlong(): grass.verbose("Location is lat/lon: Geodesic distance \ measure is used") # Check if prefix is legal GRASS name if not grass.legal_name(prefix): grass.fatal("{} is not a legal name for GRASS \ maps.".format(prefix)) if prefix[0].isdigit(): grass.fatal("Tables names starting with a digit are not SQL \ compliant.".format(prefix)) # Check if output maps not already exists or could be overwritten for output in [edge_map, vertex_map, shortest_paths]: if grass.db.db_table_exist(output) and not grass.overwrite(): grass.fatal("Vector map <{}> already exists".format(output)) # Check if input has required attributes in_db_connection = grass.vector.vector_db(patch_map) if not int(layer) in in_db_connection.keys(): grass.fatal("No attribute table connected vector map {} at \ layer {}.".format(patches, layer)) # Check if cat column exists pcols = grass.vector.vector_columns(patch_map, layer=layer) # Check if cat column exists if "cat" not in pcols.keys(): grass.fatal("Cannot find the reqired column cat in vector map \ {}.".format(patches)) # Check if pop_proxy column exists if pop_proxy not in pcols.keys(): grass.fatal("Cannot find column {} in vector map \ {}".format(pop_proxy, patches)) # Check if pop_proxy column is numeric type if not pcols[pop_proxy]["type"] in ["INTEGER", "REAL", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: grass.fatal("Column {} is of type {}. Only numeric types \ (integer or double precision) \ allowed!".format(pop_proxy, pcols[pop_proxy]["type"])) # Check if pop_proxy column does not contain values <= 0 pop_vals = np.fromstring( grass.read_command("", flags="c", map=patches, columns=pop_proxy, nv=-9999).rstrip("\n"), dtype=float, sep="\n", ) if np.min(pop_vals) <= 0: grass.fatal("Column {} contains values <= 0 or NULL. Neither \ values <= 0 nor NULL allowed!}".format(pop_proxy)) ############################################## # Use pygrass region instead of grass.parse_command !?! start_reg = grass.parse_command("g.region", flags="ugp") max_n = start_reg["n"] min_s = start_reg["s"] max_e = start_reg["e"] min_w = start_reg["w"] # cost_nsres = reg['nsres'] # cost_ewres = reg['ewres'] # Rasterize patches # # # shapefile-to-raster-with-gdal.html if t_flag: # Rasterize patches with "all-touched" mode using GDAL # Read region-settings (not needed canuse max_n, min_s, max_e, # min_w nsres, ewres... prast = os.path.join(folder, "patches_rast.tif") # Check if GDAL-GRASS plugin is installed if ogr.GetDriverByName("GRASS"): # With GDAL-GRASS plugin # Locate file for patch vector map pfile = grass.parse_command("g.findfile", element="vector", file=patches, mapset=patches_mapset)["file"] pfile = os.path.join(pfile, "head") else: # Without GDAL-GRASS-plugin grass.warning("Cannot find GDAL-GRASS plugin. Consider \ installing it in order to save time for \ all-touched rasterisation") pfile = os.path.join(folder, "patches_vect.gpkg") # Export patch vector map to temp-file in a GDAL-readable # format (shp) grass.run_command( "v.out.ogr", flags="m", quiet=True, input=patch_map, type="area", layer=layer, output=pfile, lco="GEOMETRY_NAME=geom", ) # Rasterize vector map with all-touched option os.system("gdal_rasterize -l {} -at -tr {} {} \ -te {} {} {} {} -ot Uint32 -a cat \ {} {} -q".format( patches, start_reg["ewres"], start_reg["nsres"], start_reg["w"], start_reg["s"], start_reg["e"], start_reg["n"], pfile, prast, )) if not ogr.GetDriverByName("GRASS"): # Remove vector temp-file os.remove(os.path.join(folder, "patches_vect.gpkg")) # Import rasterized patches grass.run_command( "r.external", flags="o", quiet=True, input=prast, output="{}_patches_pol".format(TMP_PREFIX), ) else: # Simple rasterisation (only area) # in G 7.6 also with support for 'centroid' if float(grass.version()["version"][:3]) >= 7.6: conv_types = ["area", "centroid"] else: conv_types = ["area"] grass.run_command( "", quiet=True, input=patches, use="cat", type=conv_types, output="{}_patches_pol".format(TMP_PREFIX), ) # Extract boundaries from patch raster map grass.run_command( "r.mapcalc", expression="{p}_patches_boundary=if(\ {p}_patches_pol,\ if((\ (isnull({p}_patches_pol[-1,0])||| \ {p}_patches_pol[-1,0]!={p}_patches_pol)||| \ (isnull({p}_patches_pol[0,1])||| \ {p}_patches_pol[0,1]!={p}_patches_pol)||| \ (isnull({p}_patches_pol[1,0])||| \ {p}_patches_pol[1,0]!={p}_patches_pol)||| \ (isnull({p}_patches_pol[0,-1])||| \ {p}_patches_pol[0,-1]!={p}_patches_pol)), \ {p}_patches_pol,null()), null())".format(p=TMP_PREFIX), quiet=True, ) rasterized_cats = (grass.read_command( "r.category", separator="newline", map="{p}_patches_boundary".format(p=TMP_PREFIX), ).replace("\t", "").strip("\n")) rasterized_cats = list( map(int, set([x for x in rasterized_cats.split("\n") if x != ""]))) # Init output vector maps if they are requested by user network = VectorTopo(edge_map) network_columns = [ (u"cat", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"), (u"from_p", "INTEGER"), (u"to_p", "INTEGER"), (u"min_dist", "DOUBLE PRECISION"), (u"dist", "DOUBLE PRECISION"), (u"max_dist", "DOUBLE PRECISION"), ]"w", tab_name=edge_map, tab_cols=network_columns) vertex = VectorTopo(vertex_map) vertex_columns = [ (u"cat", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"), (pop_proxy, "DOUBLE PRECISION"), ]"w", tab_name=vertex_map, tab_cols=vertex_columns) if p_flag: # Init cost paths file for start-patch grass.run_command("v.edit", quiet=True, map=shortest_paths, tool="create") grass.run_command( "v.db.addtable", quiet=True, map=shortest_paths, columns="cat integer,\ from_p integer,\ to_p integer,\ dist_min double precision,\ dist double precision,\ dist_max double precision", ) start_region_bbox = Bbox(north=float(max_n), south=float(min_s), east=float(max_e), west=float(min_w)) vpatches = VectorTopo(patches, mapset=patches_mapset)"r", layer=int(layer)) ###Loop through patches vpatch_ids = np.array( vpatches.features_to_wkb_list(feature_type="centroid", bbox=start_region_bbox), dtype=[("vid", "uint32"), ("cat", "uint32"), ("geom", "|S10")], ) cats = set(vpatch_ids["cat"]) n_cats = len(cats) if n_cats < len(vpatch_ids["cat"]): grass.verbose("At least one MultiPolygon found in patch map.\n \ Using average coordinates of the centroids for \ visual representation of the patch.") for cat in cats: if cat not in rasterized_cats: grass.warning("Patch {} has not been rasterized and will \ therefore not be treated as part of the \ network. Consider using t-flag or change \ resolution.".format(cat)) continue grass.verbose("Calculating connectivity-distances for patch \ number {}".format(cat)) # Filter from_vpatch = vpatch_ids[vpatch_ids["cat"] == cat] # Get patch ID if from_vpatch["vid"].size == 1: from_centroid = Centroid(v_id=int(from_vpatch["vid"]), c_mapinfo=vpatches.c_mapinfo) from_x = from_centroid.x from_y = from_centroid.y # Get centroid if not from_centroid: continue else: xcoords = [] ycoords = [] for f_p in from_vpatch["vid"]: from_centroid = Centroid(v_id=int(f_p), c_mapinfo=vpatches.c_mapinfo) xcoords.append(from_centroid.x) ycoords.append(from_centroid.y) # Get centroid if not from_centroid: continue from_x = np.average(xcoords) from_y = np.average(ycoords) # Get BoundingBox from_bbox = grass.parse_command("", map=patch_map, flags="r", where="cat={}".format(cat)) attr_filter = attr_filter = attr_filter.where("cat={}".format(cat)) proxy_val = vpatches.table.execute().fetchone() # Prepare start patch start_patch = "{}_patch_{}".format(TMP_PREFIX, cat) reclass_rule = grass.encode("{} = 1\n* = NULL".format(cat)) recl = grass.feed_command( "r.reclass", quiet=True, input="{}_patches_boundary".format(TMP_PREFIX), output=start_patch, rules="-", ) recl.stdin.write(reclass_rule) recl.stdin.close() recl.wait() # Check if patch was rasterised (patches smaller raster resolution and close to larger patches may not be rasterised) # start_check = grass.parse_command('', flags='r', map=start_patch) # start_check = grass.parse_command('r.univar', flags='g', map=start_patch) # print(start_check) """if start_check['min'] != '1': grass.warning('Patch {} has not been rasterized and will \ therefore not be treated as part of the \ network. Consider using t-flag or change \ resolution.'.format(cat)) grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', vector=start_patch, raster=start_patch, quiet=True) grass.del_temp_region() continue""" # Prepare stop patches ############################################ reg = grass.parse_command( "g.region", flags="ug", quiet=True, raster=start_patch, n=float(from_bbox["n"]) + float(cutoff), s=float(from_bbox["s"]) - float(cutoff), e=float(from_bbox["e"]) + float(cutoff), w=float(from_bbox["w"]) - float(cutoff), align="{}_patches_pol".format(TMP_PREFIX), ) north = reg["n"] if max_n > reg["n"] else max_n south = reg["s"] if min_s < reg["s"] else min_s east = reg["e"] if max_e < reg["e"] else max_e west = reg["w"] if min_w > reg["w"] else min_w # Set region to patch search radius grass.use_temp_region() grass.run_command( "g.region", quiet=True, n=north, s=south, e=east, w=west, align="{}_patches_pol".format(TMP_PREFIX), ) # Create buffer around start-patch as a mask # for cost distance analysis grass.run_command("r.buffer", quiet=True, input=start_patch, output="MASK", distances=cutoff) grass.run_command( "r.mapcalc", quiet=True, expression="{pf}_patch_{p}_neighbours_contur=\ if({pf}_patches_boundary=={p},\ null(),\ {pf}_patches_boundary)".format( pf=TMP_PREFIX, p=cat), ) grass.run_command("r.mask", flags="r", quiet=True) # Calculate cost distance cost_distance_map = "{}_patch_{}_cost_dist".format(prefix, cat) grass.run_command( "r.cost", flags=dist_flags, quiet=True, overwrite=True, input=costs, output=cost_distance_map, start_rast=start_patch, memory=memory, ) # grass.run_command('g.region', flags='up') # grass.raster.raster_history(cost_distance_map) cdhist = History(cost_distance_map) cdhist.clear() cdhist.creator = os.environ["USER"] cdhist.write() # History object cannot modify description grass.run_command( "", map=cost_distance_map, description="Generated by r.connectivity.distance", history=os.environ["CMDLINE"], ) # Export distance at boundaries maps = "{0}_patch_{1}_neighbours_contur,{2}_patch_{1}_cost_dist" maps = (maps.format(TMP_PREFIX, cat, prefix), ) connections = grass.encode( grass.read_command("r.stats", flags="1ng", quiet=True, input=maps, separator=";").rstrip("\n")) if connections: con_array = np.genfromtxt( BytesIO(connections), delimiter=";", dtype=None, names=["x", "y", "cat", "dist"], ) else: grass.warning("No connections for patch {}".format(cat)) # Write centroid to vertex map vertex.write(Point(from_x, from_y), cat=int(cat), attrs=proxy_val) vertex.table.conn.commit() # Remove temporary map data grass.run_command( "g.remove", quiet=True, flags="f", type=["raster", "vector"], pattern="{}*{}*".format(TMP_PREFIX, cat), ) grass.del_temp_region() continue # Find closest points on neigbour patches to_cats = set(np.atleast_1d(con_array["cat"])) to_coords = [] for to_cat in to_cats: connection = con_array[con_array["cat"] == to_cat] connection.sort(order=["dist"]) pixel = (border_dist if len(connection) > border_dist else len(connection) - 1) # closest_points_x = connection['x'][pixel] # closest_points_y = connection['y'][pixel] closest_points_to_cat = to_cat closest_points_min_dist = connection["dist"][0] closest_points_dist = connection["dist"][pixel] closest_points_max_dist = connection["dist"][-1] to_patch_ids = vpatch_ids[vpatch_ids["cat"] == int(to_cat)]["vid"] if len(to_patch_ids) == 1: to_centroid = Centroid(v_id=to_patch_ids, c_mapinfo=vpatches.c_mapinfo) to_x = to_centroid.x to_y = to_centroid.y elif len(to_patch_ids) >= 1: xcoords = [] ycoords = [] for t_p in to_patch_ids: to_centroid = Centroid(v_id=int(t_p), c_mapinfo=vpatches.c_mapinfo) xcoords.append(to_centroid.x) ycoords.append(to_centroid.y) # Get centroid if not to_centroid: continue to_x = np.average(xcoords) to_y = np.average(ycoords) to_coords.append("{},{},{},{},{},{}".format( connection["x"][0], connection["y"][0], to_cat, closest_points_min_dist, closest_points_dist, closest_points_max_dist, )) # Save edges to network dataset if closest_points_dist <= 0: zero_dist = 1 # Write data to network network.write( Line([(from_x, from_y), (to_x, to_y)]), cat=lin_cat, attrs=( cat, int(closest_points_to_cat), closest_points_min_dist, closest_points_dist, closest_points_max_dist, ), ) network.table.conn.commit() lin_cat = lin_cat + 1 # Save closest points and shortest paths through cost raster as # vector map (r.drain limited to 1024 points) if requested if p_flag: grass.verbose("Extracting shortest paths for patch number \ {}...".format(cat)) points_n = len(to_cats) tiles = int(points_n / 1024.0) rest = points_n % 1024 if not rest == 0: tiles = tiles + 1 tile_n = 0 while tile_n < tiles: tile_n = tile_n + 1 # Import closest points for start-patch in 1000er blocks sp = grass.feed_command( "", flags="nr", overwrite=True, quiet=True, input="-", stderr=subprocess.PIPE, output="{}_{}_cp".format(TMP_PREFIX, cat), separator=",", columns="x double precision,\ y double precision,\ to_p integer,\ dist_min double precision,\ dist double precision,\ dist_max double precision", ) sp.stdin.write(grass.encode("\n".join(to_coords))) sp.stdin.close() sp.wait() # Extract shortest paths for start-patch in chunks of # 1024 points cost_paths = "{}_{}_cost_paths".format(TMP_PREFIX, cat) start_points = "{}_{}_cp".format(TMP_PREFIX, cat) grass.run_command( "r.drain", overwrite=True, quiet=True, input=cost_distance_map, output=cost_paths, drain=cost_paths, start_points=start_points, ) grass.run_command( "v.db.addtable", map=cost_paths, quiet=True, columns="cat integer,\ from_p integer,\ to_p integer,\ dist_min double precision,\ dist double precision,\ dist_max double precision", ) grass.run_command( "v.db.update", map=cost_paths, column="from_p", value=cat, quiet=True, ) grass.run_command( "v.distance", quiet=True, from_=cost_paths, to=start_points, upload="to_attr", column="to_p", to_column="to_p", ) grass.run_command( "v.db.join", quiet=True, map=cost_paths, column="to_p", other_column="to_p", other_table=start_points, subset_columns="dist_min,dist,dist_max", ) # grass.run_command('', flags='c', # map=cost_paths) grass.run_command( "v.patch", flags="ae", overwrite=True, quiet=True, input=cost_paths, output=shortest_paths, ) # Remove temporary map data grass.run_command( "g.remove", quiet=True, flags="f", type=["raster", "vector"], pattern="{}*{}*".format(TMP_PREFIX, cat), ) # Remove temporary map data for patch if r_flag: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster", name=cost_distance_map, quiet=True) vertex.write(Point(from_x, from_y), cat=int(cat), attrs=proxy_val) vertex.table.conn.commit() # Print progress message grass.percent(i=int((float(counter) / n_cats) * 100), n=100, s=3) # Update counter for progress message counter = counter + 1 if zero_dist: grass.warning("Some patches are directly adjacent to others. \ Minimum distance set to 0.0000000001") # Close vector maps and build topology network.close() vertex.close() # Add vertex attributes # grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=vertex_map) # grass.run_command('v.db.join', map=vertex_map, column='cat', # other_table=in_db_connection[int(layer)]['table'], # other_column='cat', subset_columns=pop_proxy, # quiet=True) # Add history and meta data to produced maps grass.run_command( "", flags="h", map=edge_map, person=os.environ["USER"], cmdhist=os.environ["CMDLINE"], ) grass.run_command( "", flags="h", map=vertex_map, person=os.environ["USER"], cmdhist=os.environ["CMDLINE"], ) if p_flag: grass.run_command( "", flags="h", map=shortest_paths, person=os.environ["USER"], cmdhist=os.environ["CMDLINE"], ) # Output also Conefor files if requested if conefor_dir: query = """SELECT p_from, p_to, avg(dist) FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN from_p > to_p THEN to_p ELSE from_p END AS p_from, CASE WHEN from_p > to_p THEN from_p ELSE to_p END AS p_to, dist FROM {}) AS x GROUP BY p_from, p_to""".format(edge_map) with open(os.path.join(conefor_dir, "undirected_connection_file"), "w") as edges: edges.write( grass.read_command("", sql=query, separator=" ")) with open(os.path.join(conefor_dir, "directed_connection_file"), "w") as edges: edges.write( grass.read_command("", map=edge_map, separator=" ", flags="c")) with open(os.path.join(conefor_dir, "node_file"), "w") as nodes: nodes.write( grass.read_command("", map=vertex_map, separator=" ", flags="c"))
def main(): global TMPLOC, SRCGISRC, TGTGISRC, GISDBASE overwrite = grass.overwrite() # list formats and exit if flags['f']: grass.run_command('', flags='f') return 0 # list layers and exit if flags['l']: try: grass.run_command('', flags='l', input=options['input']) except CalledModuleError: return 1 return 0 OGRdatasource = options['input'] output = options['output'] layers = options['layer'] vflags = '' if options['extent'] == 'region': vflags += 'r' if flags['o']: vflags += 'o' vopts = {} if options['encoding']: vopts['encoding'] = options['encoding'] if options['datum_trans'] and options['datum_trans'] == '-1': # list datum transform parameters if not options['epsg']: grass.fatal(_("Missing value for parameter <%s>") % 'epsg') return grass.run_command('g.proj', epsg=options['epsg'], datum_trans=options['datum_trans']) if layers: vopts['layer'] = layers if output: vopts['output'] = output vopts['snap'] = options['snap'] # try directly if flags['o'] or is_projection_matching(OGRdatasource): try: grass.run_command('', input=OGRdatasource, flags=vflags, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts) grass.message( _("Input <%s> successfully imported without reprojection") % OGRdatasource) return 0 except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to import <%s>") % OGRdatasource) grassenv = grass.gisenv() tgtloc = grassenv['LOCATION_NAME'] # make sure target is not xy if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected': grass.fatal( _("Coordinate reference system not available for current location <%s>" ) % tgtloc) tgtmapset = grassenv['MAPSET'] GISDBASE = grassenv['GISDBASE'] TGTGISRC = os.environ['GISRC'] SRCGISRC = grass.tempfile() TMPLOC = grass.append_node_pid("tmp_v_import_location") f = open(SRCGISRC, 'w') f.write('MAPSET: PERMANENT\n') f.write('GISDBASE: %s\n' % GISDBASE) f.write('LOCATION_NAME: %s\n' % TMPLOC) f.write('GUI: text\n') f.close() tgtsrs = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='j', quiet=True) # create temp location from input without import grass.verbose(_("Creating temporary location for <%s>...") % OGRdatasource) try: if OGRdatasource.lower().endswith("gml"): try: from osgeo import gdal except: grass.fatal( _("Unable to load GDAL Python bindings (requires package 'python-gdal' being installed)" )) if int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) < GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION( 2, 4, 1): fix_gfsfile(OGRdatasource) grass.run_command('', input=OGRdatasource, location=TMPLOC, flags='i', quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal( _("Unable to create location from OGR datasource <%s>") % OGRdatasource) # switch to temp location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC) if options['epsg']: # force given EPSG kwargs = {} if options['datum_trans']: kwargs['datum_trans'] = options['datum_trans'] grass.run_command('g.proj', flags='c', epsg=options['epsg'], **kwargs) # print projection at verbose level grass.verbose(grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='p').rstrip(os.linesep)) # make sure input is not xy if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected': grass.fatal( _("Coordinate reference system not available for input <%s>") % OGRdatasource) if options['extent'] == 'region': # switch to target location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(TGTGISRC) # in tgt vreg = grass.append_node_pid("tmp_v_import_region") grass.run_command('', output=vreg, quiet=True) # reproject to src # switch to temp location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC) try: grass.run_command('v.proj', input=vreg, output=vreg, location=tgtloc, mapset=tgtmapset, quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to reproject to source location")) # set region from region vector grass.run_command('g.region', res='1') grass.run_command('g.region', vector=vreg) # import into temp location grass.message(_("Importing <%s> ...") % OGRdatasource) try: if OGRdatasource.lower().endswith("gml"): try: from osgeo import gdal except: grass.fatal( _("Unable to load GDAL Python bindings (requires package 'python-gdal' being installed)" )) if int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) < GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION( 2, 4, 1): fix_gfsfile(OGRdatasource) grass.run_command('', input=OGRdatasource, flags=vflags, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to import OGR datasource <%s>") % OGRdatasource) # if output is not define check source mapset if not output: output = grass.list_grouped('vector')['PERMANENT'][0] # switch to target location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(TGTGISRC) # check if map exists if not grass.overwrite() and \ grass.find_file(output, element='vector', mapset='.')['mapset']: grass.fatal(_("option <%s>: <%s> exists.") % ('output', output)) if options['extent'] == 'region': grass.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=vreg, flags='f', quiet=True) # v.proj grass.message(_("Reprojecting <%s>...") % output) try: grass.run_command('v.proj', location=TMPLOC, mapset='PERMANENT', input=output, overwrite=overwrite) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to to reproject vector <%s>") % output) return 0
def main(): grass.set_raise_on_error(False) options, flags = grass.parser() # import wx only after running parser # to avoid issues with complex imports when only interface is needed import wx from grass.script.setup import set_gui_path set_gui_path() from core.render import Map from core.globalvar import ICONDIR from mapdisp.frame import MapPanel from gui_core.mapdisp import FrameMixin from mapdisp.main import DMonGrassInterface from core.settings import UserSettings from vdigit.main import haveVDigit, errorMsg from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError # define classes which needs imports as local # for longer definitions, a separate file would be a better option class VDigitMapDisplay(FrameMixin, MapPanel): """Map display for wrapping map panel with v.digit mathods and frame methods""" def __init__(self, parent, vectorMap): MapPanel.__init__(self, parent=parent, Map=Map(), giface=DMonGrassInterface(None)) # set system icon parent.SetIcon( wx.Icon(os.path.join(ICONDIR, "grass_map.ico"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) # bindings parent.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow) # extend shortcuts and create frame accelerator table self.shortcuts_table.append( (self.OnFullScreen, wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F11)) self._initShortcuts() # this giface issue not solved yet, we must set mapframe aferwards self._giface._mapframe = self # load vector map mapLayer = self.GetMap().AddLayer( ltype="vector", name=vectorMap, command=["d.vect", "map=%s" % vectorMap], active=True, hidden=False, opacity=1.0, render=True, ) # switch toolbar self.AddToolbar("vdigit", fixed=True) # start editing self.toolbars["vdigit"].StartEditing(mapLayer) # use Close instead of QuitVDigit for standalone tool self.toolbars["vdigit"].quitDigitizer.disconnect(self.QuitVDigit) self.toolbars["vdigit"].quitDigitizer.connect(lambda: self.Close()) # add Map Display panel to Map Display frame sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) parent.SetSizer(sizer) parent.Layout() if not haveVDigit: grass.fatal(_("Vector digitizer not available. %s") % errorMsg) if not grass.find_file(name=options["map"], element="vector", mapset=grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"])["fullname"]: if not flags["c"]: grass.fatal( _("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset. " "New vector map can be created by providing '-c' flag.") % options["map"]) else: grass.verbose(_("New vector map <%s> created") % options["map"]) try: grass.run_command("v.edit", map=options["map"], tool="create", quiet=True) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal( _("Unable to create new vector map <%s>") % options["map"]) # allow immediate rendering driver = UserSettings.Get(group="display", key="driver", subkey="type") if driver == "png": os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_IMMEDIATE"] = "png" else: os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_IMMEDIATE"] = "cairo" app = wx.App() frame = wx.Frame( None, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(850, 600), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title=_("Vector Digitizer - GRASS GIS"), ) frame = VDigitMapDisplay(parent=frame, vectorMap=options["map"]) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def main(): map = options["map"] layer = options["layer"] column = options["column"] otable = options["other_table"] ocolumn = options["other_column"] if options["subset_columns"]: scolumns = options["subset_columns"].split(",") else: scolumns = None try: f = grass.vector_layer_db(map, layer) except CalledModuleError: sys.exit(1) maptable = f["table"] database = f["database"] driver = f["driver"] if driver == "dbf": grass.fatal(_("JOIN is not supported for tables stored in DBF format")) if not maptable: grass.fatal( _("There is no table connected to this map. Unable to join any column." )) # check if column is in map table if column not in grass.vector_columns(map, layer): grass.fatal( _("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>") % (column, maptable)) # describe other table all_cols_ot = grass.db_describe(otable, driver=driver, database=database)["cols"] # check if ocolumn is on other table if ocolumn not in [ocol[0] for ocol in all_cols_ot]: grass.fatal( _("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>") % (ocolumn, otable)) # determine columns subset from other table if not scolumns: # select all columns from other table cols_to_add = all_cols_ot else: cols_to_add = [] # check if scolumns exists in the other table for scol in scolumns: found = False for col_ot in all_cols_ot: if scol == col_ot[0]: found = True cols_to_add.append(col_ot) break if not found: grass.warning( _("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>") % (scol, otable)) all_cols_tt = grass.vector_columns(map, int(layer)).keys() select = "SELECT $colname FROM $otable WHERE $otable.$ocolumn=$table.$column" template = string.Template("UPDATE $table SET $colname=(%s);" % select) for col in cols_to_add: # skip the vector column which is used for join colname = col[0] if colname == column: continue use_len = False if len(col) > 2: use_len = True # Sqlite 3 does not support the precision number any more if driver == "sqlite": use_len = False # MySQL - expect format DOUBLE PRECISION(M,D), see #2792 elif driver == "mysql" and col[1] == "DOUBLE PRECISION": use_len = False if use_len: coltype = "%s(%s)" % (col[1], col[2]) else: coltype = "%s" % col[1] colspec = "%s %s" % (colname, coltype) # add only the new column to the table if colname not in all_cols_tt: try: grass.run_command("v.db.addcolumn", map=map, columns=colspec, layer=layer) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Error creating column <%s>") % colname) stmt = template.substitute( table=maptable, column=column, otable=otable, ocolumn=ocolumn, colname=colname, ) grass.debug(stmt, 1) grass.verbose( _("Updating column <%s> of vector map <%s>...") % (colname, map)) try: grass.write_command("db.execute", stdin=stmt, input="-", database=database, driver=driver) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Error filling column <%s>") % colname) # write cmd history grass.vector_history(map) return 0
def _getElevationFieldblock(self,elevation,fieldblock,elevationfieldblock): formula = "$elevationfieldblock = if(isnull($fieldblock),null(),$elevation)" g.mapcalc(formula, elevationfieldblock = elevationfieldblock, elevation = elevation, fieldblock=fieldblock, quiet=quiet) g.verbose('Raster map elevationfieldblock is in "%s"' % elevationfieldblock) return elevationfieldblock
def one_point_per_row_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input, vcat): """Write one point per row output is of type: x,y,start,end,value """ # open the output file for writing out_file = open(output, 'w') if output != "-" else sys.stdout if write_header is True: out_str = "" if vcat: out_str += "cat{sep}" if site_input: out_str += "x{sep}y{sep}site{sep}start{sep}end{sep}value\n" else: out_str += "x{sep}y{sep}start{sep}end{sep}value\n" out_file.write(out_str.format(sep=separator)) for count in range(len(output_files)): file_name = output_files[count] gscript.verbose(_("Transforming r.what output file %s" % (file_name))) map_list = output_time_list[count] in_file = open(file_name, "r") for line in in_file: line = line.split(separator) if vcat: cat = line[0] x = line[1] y = line[2] values = line[4:] if site_input: site = line[3] values = line[5:] else: x = line[0] y = line[1] if site_input: site = line[2] values = line[3:] for i in range(len(values)): start, end = map_list[i].get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() if vcat: cat_str = "{ca}{sep}".format(ca=cat, sep=separator) else: cat_str = "" if site_input: coor_string = "%(x)10.10f%(sep)s%(y)10.10f%(sep)s%(site_name)s%(sep)s"\ %({"x":float(x),"y":float(y),"site_name":str(site),"sep":separator}) else: coor_string = "%(x)10.10f%(sep)s%(y)10.10f%(sep)s"\ %({"x":float(x),"y":float(y),"sep":separator}) time_string = "%(start)s%(sep)s%(end)s%(sep)s%(val)s\n"\ %({"start":str(start), "end":str(end), "val":(values[i].strip()),"sep":separator}) out_file.write(cat_str + coor_string + time_string) in_file.close() if out_file is not sys.stdout: out_file.close()
def main(): # Variable assigned from USGS product dictionary planet_api_key = options['api_key'] item_type = options['item_type'] input_name = options['input_name'] output_name = options['output_name'] filter_start_date = options['start_date_filter'] filter_end_date = options['end_date_filter'] cloud_cover = options['cloud_cover'] gsd = options['gsd'] sun_azimuth = options['sun_azimuth'] sun_elevation = options['sun_elevation'] view_angle = options['view_angle'] # Set date range filters start_date_range_filter = api.filters.date_range('acquired', gte=filter_start_date) end_date_range_filter = api.filters.date_range('acquired', lte=filter_end_date) # Set cloud filter (Optional) cloud_cover_low, cloud_cover_high = cloud_cover cloud_cover_low_filter = api.filters.range_filter('cloud_cover', gt=cloud_cover_low), cloud_cover_high_filter = api.filters.range_filter('cloud_cover', lt=cloud_cover_high) # Set gsd filter NumberInFilter (Optional) # Set sun azimuth filter (Optional) # Set sun elevation filter (Optional) # Set view angle filter (Optional) # Set ground_control filter StringInFilter (String 'true', 'false')(Optional) # visible_percent RangeFilter (Int 0-100) # usable data RangeFilter (Double 0.0 - 1.0) # Set permissions filter to only return downloadable data permission_filter = api.filters.permission_filter('assets:download') request_filter = api.filters.and_filter(start_date_range_filter, end_date_range_filter, cloud_cover_low_filter, cloud_cover_high_filter, permission_filter) planet_query_filter = api.filters.build_search_request([item_type], request_filter) nav_string = usgs_product_dict[gui_product] product = nav_string['product'] product_format = nav_string['format'] product_extensions = tuple(nav_string['extension'].split(',')) product_is_zip = nav_string['zip'] product_srs = nav_string['srs'] product_proj4 = nav_string['srs_proj4'] product_interpolation = nav_string['interpolation'] product_url_split = nav_string['url_split'] product_extent = nav_string['extent'] gui_subset = None #Set Planet API Key and client os.environ['PL_API_KEY'] = planet_api_key client = api.ClientV1() # Parameter assignments for each dataset if gui_product == 'ned': gui_dataset = options['ned_dataset'] ned_api_name = '' if options['ned_dataset'] == 'ned1sec': ned_data_abbrv = 'ned_1arc_' ned_api_name = '1 arc-second' if options['ned_dataset'] == 'ned13sec': ned_data_abbrv = 'ned_13arc_' ned_api_name = '1/3 arc-second' if options['ned_dataset'] == 'ned19sec': ned_data_abbrv = 'ned_19arc_' ned_api_name = '1/9 arc-second' product_tag = product + " " + ned_api_name if gui_product == 'nlcd': gui_dataset = options['nlcd_dataset'] if options['nlcd_dataset'] == 'nlcd2001': gui_dataset = 'National Land Cover Database (NLCD) - 2001' if options['nlcd_dataset'] == 'nlcd2006': gui_dataset = 'National Land Cover Database (NLCD) - 2006' if options['nlcd_dataset'] == 'nlcd2011': gui_dataset = 'National Land Cover Database (NLCD) - 2011' if options['nlcd_subset'] == 'landcover': gui_subset = 'Land Cover' if options['nlcd_subset'] == 'impervious': gui_subset = 'Percent Developed Imperviousness' if options['nlcd_subset'] == 'canopy': gui_subset = 'Percent Tree Canopy' product_tag = gui_dataset if gui_product == 'naip': gui_dataset = 'Imagery - 1 meter (NAIP)' product_tag = nav_string['product'] has_pdal = gscript.find_program(pgm='') if gui_product == 'lidar': gui_dataset = 'Lidar Point Cloud (LPC)' product_tag = nav_string['product'] if not has_pdal: gscript.warning( _("Module is missing," " any downloaded data will not be processed.")) # Assigning further parameters from GUI gui_output_layer = options['output_name'] gui_resampling_method = options['resampling_method'] gui_i_flag = flags['i'] gui_k_flag = flags['k'] work_dir = options['output_directory'] memory = options['memory'] nprocs = options['nprocs'] preserve_extracted_files = gui_k_flag use_existing_extracted_files = True preserve_imported_tiles = gui_k_flag use_existing_imported_tiles = True if not os.path.isdir(work_dir): gscript.fatal( _("Directory <{}> does not exist." " Please create it.").format(work_dir)) # Returns current units try: proj = gscript.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g') if gscript.locn_is_latlong(): product_resolution = nav_string['dataset'][gui_dataset][0] elif float(proj['meters']) == 1: product_resolution = nav_string['dataset'][gui_dataset][1] else: # we assume feet product_resolution = nav_string['dataset'][gui_dataset][2] except TypeError: product_resolution = False if gui_product == 'lidar' and options['resolution']: product_resolution = float(options['resolution']) if gui_resampling_method == 'default': gui_resampling_method = nav_string['interpolation'] gscript.verbose( _("The default resampling method for product {product} is {res}"). format(product=gui_product, res=product_interpolation)) # Get coordinates for current GRASS computational region and convert to USGS SRS gregion = gscript.region() wgs84 = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' min_coords = gscript.read_command('m.proj', coordinates=(gregion['w'], gregion['s']), proj_out=wgs84, separator='comma', flags='d') max_coords = gscript.read_command('m.proj', coordinates=(gregion['e'], gregion['n']), proj_out=wgs84, separator='comma', flags='d') min_list = min_coords.split(',')[:2] max_list = max_coords.split(',')[:2] list_bbox = min_list + max_list str_bbox = ",".join((str(coord) for coord in list_bbox)) # Format variables for TNM API call gui_prod_str = str(product_tag) datasets = quote_plus(gui_prod_str) prod_format = quote_plus(product_format) prod_extent = quote_plus(product_extent[0]) # Create TNM API URL base_TNM = "" datasets_TNM = "datasets={0}".format(datasets) bbox_TNM = "&bbox={0}".format(str_bbox) prod_format_TNM = "&prodFormats={0}".format(prod_format) TNM_API_URL = base_TNM + datasets_TNM + bbox_TNM + prod_format_TNM if gui_product == 'nlcd': TNM_API_URL += "&prodExtents={0}".format(prod_extent) gscript.verbose("TNM API Query URL:\t{0}".format(TNM_API_URL)) # Query TNM API try_again_messge = _( "Possibly, the query has timed out. Check network configuration and try again." ) try: TNM_API_GET = urlopen(TNM_API_URL, timeout=12) except HTTPError as error: gscript.fatal( _("HTTP(S) error from USGS TNM API:" " {code}: {reason} ({instructions})").format( reason=error.reason, code=error.code, instructions=try_again_messge)) except (URLError, OSError, IOError) as error: # Catching also SSLError and potentially others which are # subclasses of IOError in Python 2 and of OSError in Python 3. gscript.fatal( _("Error accessing USGS TNM API: {error} ({instructions})").format( error=error, instructions=try_again_messge)) # Parse return JSON object from API query try: return_JSON = json.load(TNM_API_GET) if return_JSON['errors']: TNM_API_error = return_JSON['errors'] api_error_msg = "TNM API Error - {0}".format(str(TNM_API_error)) gscript.fatal(api_error_msg) if gui_product == 'lidar' and options['title_filter']: return_JSON['items'] = [ item for item in return_JSON['items'] if options['title_filter'] in item['title'] ] return_JSON['total'] = len(return_JSON['items']) except: gscript.fatal(_("Unable to load USGS JSON object.")) # Functions down_list() and exist_list() used to determine # existing files and those that need to be downloaded. def down_list(): dwnld_url.append(TNM_file_URL) dwnld_size.append(TNM_file_size) TNM_file_titles.append(TNM_file_title) if product_is_zip: extract_zip_list.append(local_zip_path) if f['datasets'][0] not in dataset_name: if len(dataset_name) <= 1: dataset_name.append(str(f['datasets'][0])) def exist_list(): exist_TNM_titles.append(TNM_file_title) exist_dwnld_url.append(TNM_file_URL) if product_is_zip: exist_zip_list.append(local_zip_path) extract_zip_list.append(local_zip_path) else: exist_tile_list.append(local_tile_path) # Assign needed parameters from returned JSON tile_API_count = int(return_JSON['total']) tiles_needed_count = 0 size_diff_tolerance = 5 exist_dwnld_size = 0 if tile_API_count > 0: dwnld_size = [] dwnld_url = [] dataset_name = [] TNM_file_titles = [] exist_dwnld_url = [] exist_TNM_titles = [] exist_zip_list = [] exist_tile_list = [] extract_zip_list = [] # for each file returned, assign variables to needed parameters for f in return_JSON['items']: TNM_file_title = f['title'] TNM_file_URL = str(f['downloadURL']) TNM_file_size = int(f['sizeInBytes']) TNM_file_name = TNM_file_URL.split(product_url_split)[-1] if gui_product == 'ned': local_file_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ned_data_abbrv + TNM_file_name) local_zip_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ned_data_abbrv + TNM_file_name) local_tile_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ned_data_abbrv + TNM_file_name) else: local_file_path = os.path.join(work_dir, TNM_file_name) local_zip_path = os.path.join(work_dir, TNM_file_name) local_tile_path = os.path.join(work_dir, TNM_file_name) file_exists = os.path.exists(local_file_path) file_complete = None # if file exists, but is incomplete, remove file and redownload if file_exists: existing_local_file_size = os.path.getsize(local_file_path) # if local file is incomplete if abs(existing_local_file_size - TNM_file_size) > size_diff_tolerance: # add file to cleanup list cleanup_list.append(local_file_path) # NLCD API query returns subsets that cannot be filtered before # results are returned. gui_subset is used to filter results. if not gui_subset: tiles_needed_count += 1 down_list() else: if gui_subset in TNM_file_title: tiles_needed_count += 1 down_list() else: continue else: if not gui_subset: tiles_needed_count += 1 exist_list() exist_dwnld_size += TNM_file_size else: if gui_subset in TNM_file_title: tiles_needed_count += 1 exist_list() exist_dwnld_size += TNM_file_size else: continue else: if not gui_subset: tiles_needed_count += 1 down_list() else: if gui_subset in TNM_file_title: tiles_needed_count += 1 down_list() continue # return fatal error if API query returns no results for GUI input elif tile_API_count == 0: gscript.fatal( _("TNM API ERROR or Zero tiles available for given input parameters." )) # number of files to be downloaded file_download_count = len(dwnld_url) # remove existing files from download lists for t in exist_TNM_titles: if t in TNM_file_titles: TNM_file_titles.remove(t) for url in exist_dwnld_url: if url in dwnld_url: dwnld_url.remove(url) # messages to user about status of files to be kept, removed, or downloaded if exist_zip_list: exist_msg = _( "\n{0} of {1} files/archive(s) exist locally and will be used by module." ).format(len(exist_zip_list), tiles_needed_count) gscript.message(exist_msg) # TODO: fix this way of reporting and merge it with the one in use if exist_tile_list: exist_msg = _( "\n{0} of {1} files/archive(s) exist locally and will be used by module." ).format(len(exist_tile_list), tiles_needed_count) gscript.message(exist_msg) # TODO: simply continue with whatever is needed to be done in this case if cleanup_list: cleanup_msg = _( "\n{0} existing incomplete file(s) detected and removed. Run module again." ).format(len(cleanup_list)) gscript.fatal(cleanup_msg) # formats JSON size from bites into needed units for combined file size if dwnld_size: total_size = sum(dwnld_size) len_total_size = len(str(total_size)) if 6 < len_total_size < 10: total_size_float = total_size * 1e-6 total_size_str = str("{0:.2f}".format(total_size_float) + " MB") if len_total_size >= 10: total_size_float = total_size * 1e-9 total_size_str = str("{0:.2f}".format(total_size_float) + " GB") else: total_size_str = '0' # Prints 'none' if all tiles available locally if TNM_file_titles: TNM_file_titles_info = "\n".join(TNM_file_titles) else: TNM_file_titles_info = 'none' # Formatted return for 'i' flag if file_download_count <= 0: data_info = "USGS file(s) to download: NONE" if gui_product == 'nlcd': if tile_API_count != file_download_count: if tiles_needed_count == 0: nlcd_unavailable = "NLCD {0} data unavailable for input parameters".format( gui_subset) gscript.fatal(nlcd_unavailable) else: data_info = ( "USGS file(s) to download:", "-------------------------", "Total download size:\t{size}", "Tile count:\t{count}", "USGS SRS:\t{srs}", "USGS tile titles:\n{tile}", "-------------------------", ) data_info = '\n'.join(data_info).format(size=total_size_str, count=file_download_count, srs=product_srs, tile=TNM_file_titles_info) print(data_info) if gui_i_flag: _("To download USGS data, remove <i> flag, and rerun")) sys.exit() # USGS data download process if file_download_count <= 0: gscript.message(_("Extracting existing USGS Data...")) else: gscript.message(_("Downloading USGS Data...")) TNM_count = len(dwnld_url) download_count = 0 local_tile_path_list = [] local_zip_path_list = [] patch_names = [] # Download files for url in dwnld_url: # create file name by splitting name from returned url # add file name to local download directory if gui_product == 'ned': file_name = ned_data_abbrv + url.split(product_url_split)[-1] local_file_path = os.path.join(work_dir, file_name) else: file_name = url.split(product_url_split)[-1] local_file_path = os.path.join(work_dir, file_name) try: # download files in chunks rather than write complete files to memory dwnld_req = urlopen(url, timeout=12) download_bytes = int(['Content-Length']) CHUNK = 16 * 1024 with open(local_file_path, "wb+") as local_file: count = 0 steps = int(download_bytes / CHUNK) + 1 while True: chunk = gscript.percent(count, steps, 10) count += 1 if not chunk: break local_file.write(chunk) gscript.percent(1, 1, 1) local_file.close() download_count += 1 # determine if file is a zip archive or another format if product_is_zip: local_zip_path_list.append(local_file_path) else: local_tile_path_list.append(local_file_path) file_complete = "Download {0} of {1}: COMPLETE".format( download_count, TNM_count) except URLError: gscript.fatal( _("USGS download request has timed out. Network or formatting error." )) except StandardError: cleanup_list.append(local_file_path) if download_count: file_failed = "Download {0} of {1}: FAILED".format( download_count, TNM_count) gscript.fatal(file_failed) # sets already downloaded zip files or tiles to be extracted or imported # our pre-stats for extraction are broken, collecting stats during used_existing_extracted_tiles_num = 0 removed_extracted_tiles_num = 0 old_extracted_tiles_num = 0 extracted_tiles_num = 0 if exist_zip_list: for z in exist_zip_list: local_zip_path_list.append(z) if exist_tile_list: for t in exist_tile_list: local_tile_path_list.append(t) if product_is_zip: if file_download_count == 0: pass else: gscript.message("Extracting data...") # for each zip archive, extract needed file files_to_process = len(local_zip_path_list) for i, z in enumerate(local_zip_path_list): # TODO: measure only for the files being unzipped gscript.percent(i, files_to_process, 10) # Extract tiles from ZIP archives try: with zipfile.ZipFile(z, "r") as read_zip: for f in read_zip.namelist(): if f.lower().endswith(product_extensions): extracted_tile = os.path.join(work_dir, str(f)) remove_and_extract = True if os.path.exists(extracted_tile): if use_existing_extracted_files: # if the downloaded file is newer # than the extracted on, we extract if os.path.getmtime( extracted_tile) < os.path.getmtime( z): remove_and_extract = True old_extracted_tiles_num += 1 else: remove_and_extract = False used_existing_extracted_tiles_num += 1 else: remove_and_extract = True if remove_and_extract: removed_extracted_tiles_num += 1 os.remove(extracted_tile) if remove_and_extract: extracted_tiles_num += 1 read_zip.extract(f, work_dir) if os.path.exists(extracted_tile): local_tile_path_list.append(extracted_tile) if not preserve_extracted_files: cleanup_list.append(extracted_tile) except IOError as error: cleanup_list.append(extracted_tile) gscript.fatal( _("Unable to locate or extract IMG file '{filename}'" " from ZIP archive '{zipname}': {error}").format( filename=extracted_tile, zipname=z, error=error)) gscript.percent(1, 1, 1) # TODO: do this before the extraction begins gscript.verbose( _("Extracted {extracted} new tiles and" " used {used} existing tiles").format( used=used_existing_extracted_tiles_num, extracted=extracted_tiles_num)) if old_extracted_tiles_num: gscript.verbose( _("Found {removed} existing tiles older" " than the corresponding downloaded archive").format( removed=old_extracted_tiles_num)) if removed_extracted_tiles_num: gscript.verbose( _("Removed {removed} existing tiles").format( removed=removed_extracted_tiles_num)) if gui_product == 'lidar' and not has_pdal: gscript.fatal( _("Module is missing," " cannot process downloaded data.")) # operations for extracted or complete files available locally # We are looking only for the existing maps in the current mapset, # but theoretically we could be getting them from other mapsets # on search path or from the whole location. User may also want to # store the individual tiles in a separate mapset. # The big assumption here is naming of the maps (it is a smaller # for the files in a dedicated download directory). used_existing_imported_tiles_num = 0 imported_tiles_num = 0 mapset = get_current_mapset() files_to_import = len(local_tile_path_list) def run_file_import(identifier, results, input, output, resolution, resolution_value, extent, resample, memory): result = {} try: gscript.run_command('r.import', input=input, output=output, resolution=resolution, resolution_value=resolution_value, extent=extent, resample=resample, memory=memory) except CalledModuleError: error = ("Unable to import <{0}>").format(output) result["errors"] = error else: result["output"] = output results[identifier] = result def run_lidar_import(identifier, results, input, output, input_srs=None): result = {} params = {} if input_srs: params['input_srs'] = input_srs try: gscript.run_command('', input=input, output=output, flags='wr', **params) except CalledModuleError: error = ("Unable to import <{0}>").format(output) result["errors"] = error else: result["output"] = output results[identifier] = result process_list = [] process_id_list = [] process_count = 0 num_tiles = len(local_tile_path_list) with Manager() as manager: results = manager.dict() for i, t in enumerate(local_tile_path_list): # create variables for use in GRASS GIS import process LT_file_name = os.path.basename(t) LT_layer_name = os.path.splitext(LT_file_name)[0] # we are removing the files if requested even if we don't use them # do not remove by default with NAIP, there are no zip files if gui_product != 'naip' and not preserve_extracted_files: cleanup_list.append(t) # TODO: unlike the files, we don't compare date with input if use_existing_imported_tiles and map_exists( "raster", LT_layer_name, mapset): patch_names.append(LT_layer_name) used_existing_imported_tiles_num += 1 else: in_info = _("Importing and reprojecting {name}" " ({count} out of {total})...").format( name=LT_file_name, count=i + 1, total=files_to_import) process_count += 1 if gui_product != 'lidar': process = Process( name="Import-{}-{}-{}".format(process_count, i, LT_layer_name), target=run_file_import, kwargs=dict(identifier=i, results=results, input=t, output=LT_layer_name, resolution='value', resolution_value=product_resolution, extent="region", resample=product_interpolation, memory=memory)) else: srs = options['input_srs'] process = Process( name="Import-{}-{}-{}".format(process_count, i, LT_layer_name), target=run_lidar_import, kwargs=dict(identifier=i, results=results, input=t, output=LT_layer_name, input_srs=srs if srs else None)) process.start() process_list.append(process) process_id_list.append(i) # Wait for processes to finish when we reached the max number # of processes. if process_count == nprocs or i == num_tiles - 1: exitcodes = 0 for process in process_list: process.join() exitcodes += process.exitcode if exitcodes != 0: if nprocs > 1: gscript.fatal( _("Parallel import and reprojection failed." " Try running with nprocs=1.")) else: gscript.fatal( _("Import and reprojection step failed.")) for identifier in process_id_list: if "errors" in results[identifier]: gscript.warning(results[identifier]["errors"]) else: patch_names.append(results[identifier]["output"]) imported_tiles_num += 1 # Empty the process list process_list = [] process_id_list = [] process_count = 0 # no process should be left now assert not process_list assert not process_id_list assert not process_count gscript.verbose( _("Imported {imported} new tiles and" " used {used} existing tiles").format( used=used_existing_imported_tiles_num, imported=imported_tiles_num)) # if control variables match and multiple files need to be patched, # check product resolution, run r.patch # lidar params rst_params = dict(tension=25, smooth=0.1, npmin=100) # Check that downloaded files match expected count completed_tiles_count = len(local_tile_path_list) if completed_tiles_count == tiles_needed_count: if len(patch_names) > 1: try: gscript.use_temp_region() # set the resolution if product_resolution: gscript.run_command('g.region', res=product_resolution, flags='a') if gui_product == 'naip': for i in ('1', '2', '3', '4'): patch_names_i = [ name + '.' + i for name in patch_names ] output = gui_output_layer + '.' + i gscript.run_command('r.patch', input=patch_names_i, output=output) gscript.raster_history(output) elif gui_product == 'lidar': gscript.run_command('v.patch', flags='nzb', input=patch_names, output=gui_output_layer) gscript.run_command('', input=gui_output_layer, elevation=gui_output_layer, nprocs=nprocs, **rst_params) else: gscript.run_command('r.patch', input=patch_names, output=gui_output_layer) gscript.raster_history(gui_output_layer) gscript.del_temp_region() out_info = ("Patched composite layer '{0}' added" ).format(gui_output_layer) gscript.verbose(out_info) # Remove files if not -k flag if not preserve_imported_tiles: if gui_product == 'naip': for i in ('1', '2', '3', '4'): patch_names_i = [ name + '.' + i for name in patch_names ] gscript.run_command('g.remove', type='raster', name=patch_names_i, flags='f') elif gui_product == 'lidar': gscript.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=patch_names + [gui_output_layer], flags='f') else: gscript.run_command('g.remove', type='raster', name=patch_names, flags='f') except CalledModuleError: gscript.fatal("Unable to patch tiles.") temp_down_count = _( "{0} of {1} tiles successfully imported and patched").format( completed_tiles_count, tiles_needed_count) elif len(patch_names) == 1: if gui_product == 'naip': for i in ('1', '2', '3', '4'): gscript.run_command('g.rename', raster=(patch_names[0] + '.' + i, gui_output_layer + '.' + i)) elif gui_product == 'lidar': gscript.run_command('', input=patch_names[0], elevation=gui_output_layer, nprocs=nprocs, **rst_params) if not preserve_imported_tiles: gscript.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=patch_names[0], flags='f') else: gscript.run_command('g.rename', raster=(patch_names[0], gui_output_layer)) temp_down_count = _("Tile successfully imported") else: gscript.fatal( _("No tiles imported successfully. Nothing to patch.")) else: gscript.fatal( _("Error in getting or importing the data (see above). Please retry." )) # Keep source files if 'k' flag active if gui_k_flag: src_msg = ( "<k> flag selected: Source tiles remain in '{0}'").format(work_dir) # set appropriate color table if gui_product == 'ned': gscript.run_command('r.colors', map=gui_output_layer, color='elevation') # composite NAIP if gui_product == 'naip': gscript.use_temp_region() gscript.run_command('g.region', raster=gui_output_layer + '.1') gscript.run_command('r.composite', red=gui_output_layer + '.1', green=gui_output_layer + '.2', blue=gui_output_layer + '.3', output=gui_output_layer) gscript.raster_history(gui_output_layer) gscript.del_temp_region()
def one_point_per_col_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input, vcat): """Write one point per col output is of type: start,end,point_1 value,point_2 value,...,point_n value Each row represents a single raster map, hence a single time stamp """ # open the output file for writing out_file = open(output, 'w') if output != "-" else sys.stdout first = True for count in range(len(output_files)): file_name = output_files[count] gscript.verbose(_("Transforming r.what output file %s" % (file_name))) map_list = output_time_list[count] in_file = open(file_name, "r") lines = in_file.readlines() matrix = [] for line in lines: matrix.append(line.split(separator)) num_cols = len(matrix[0]) if first is True: if write_header is True: out_str = "start%(sep)send" % ({"sep": separator}) # Define different separator for coordinates and sites if separator == ',': coor_sep = ';' else: coor_sep = ',' for row in matrix: if vcat: cat = row[0] x = row[1] y = row[2] out_str += "{sep}{cat}{csep}{x:10.10f}{csep}" \ "{y:10.10f}".format(cat=cat, x=float(x), y=float(y), sep=separator, csep=coor_sep) if site_input: site = row[3] out_str += "{sep}{site}".format(sep=coor_sep, site=site) else: x = row[0] y = row[1] out_str += "{sep}{x:10.10f}{csep}" \ "{y:10.10f}".format(x=float(x), y=float(y), sep=separator, csep=coor_sep) if site_input: site = row[2] out_str += "{sep}{site}".format(sep=coor_sep, site=site) out_file.write(out_str + "\n") first = False if vcat: ncol = 4 else: ncol = 3 for col in range(num_cols - ncol): start, end = output_time_list[count][ col].get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() time_string = "%(start)s%(sep)s%(end)s"\ %({"start":str(start), "end":str(end), "sep":separator}) out_file.write(time_string) for row in range(len(matrix)): value = matrix[row][col + ncol] out_file.write("%(sep)s%(value)s"\ %({"sep":separator, "value":value.strip()})) out_file.write("\n") in_file.close() if out_file is not sys.stdout: out_file.close()
def main(options, flags): # Get the options points = options["points"] coordinates = options["coordinates"] strds = options["strds"] output = options["output"] where = options["where"] order = options["order"] layout = options["layout"] null_value = options["null_value"] separator = options["separator"] nprocs = int(options["nprocs"]) write_header = flags["n"] use_stdin = flags["i"] #output_cat_label = flags["f"] #output_color = flags["r"] #output_cat = flags["i"] overwrite = gscript.overwrite() if coordinates and points: gscript.fatal(_("Options coordinates and points are mutually exclusive")) if not coordinates and not points and not use_stdin: gscript.fatal(_("Please specify the coordinates, the points option or use the 's' option to pipe coordinate positions to t.rast.what from stdin, to provide the sampling coordinates")) if use_stdin: coordinates_stdin = str( # Check if coordinates are given with site names or IDs stdin_length = len(coordinates_stdin.split('\n')[0].split()) if stdin_length <= 2: site_input = False elif stdin_length >= 3: site_input = True else: site_input = False # Make sure the temporal database exists tgis.init() # We need a database interface dbif = tgis.SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() sp = tgis.open_old_stds(strds, "strds", dbif) maps = sp.get_registered_maps_as_objects(where=where, order=order, dbif=dbif) dbif.close() if not maps: gscript.fatal(_("Space time raster dataset <%s> is empty") % sp.get_id()) # Setup separator if separator == "pipe": separator = "|" if separator == "comma": separator = "," if separator == "space": separator = " " if separator == "tab": separator = "\t" if separator == "newline": separator = "\n" # Setup flags are disabled due to test issues flags = "" #if output_cat_label is True: # flags += "f" #if output_color is True: # flags += "r" #if output_cat is True: # flags += "i" # Configure the r.what module if points: r_what = pymod.Module("r.what", map="dummy", output="dummy", run_=False, separator=separator, points=points, overwrite=overwrite, flags=flags, quiet=True) elif coordinates: # Create a list of values coord_list = coordinates.split(",") r_what = pymod.Module("r.what", map="dummy", output="dummy", run_=False, separator=separator, coordinates=coord_list, overwrite=overwrite, flags=flags, quiet=True) elif use_stdin: r_what = pymod.Module("r.what", map="dummy", output="dummy", run_=False, separator=separator, stdin_=coordinates_stdin, overwrite=overwrite, flags=flags, quiet=True) else: grass.error(_("Please specify points or coordinates")) if len(maps) < nprocs: nprocs = len(maps) # The module queue for parallel execution process_queue = pymod.ParallelModuleQueue(int(nprocs)) num_maps = len(maps) # 400 Maps is the absolute maximum in r.what # We need to determie the number of maps that can be processed # in parallel # First estimate the number of maps per process. We use 400 maps # simultaniously as maximum for a single process num_loops = int(num_maps / (400 * nprocs)) remaining_maps = num_maps % (400 * nprocs) if num_loops == 0: num_loops = 1 remaining_maps = 0 # Compute the number of maps for each process maps_per_loop = int((num_maps - remaining_maps) / num_loops) maps_per_process = int(maps_per_loop / nprocs) remaining_maps_per_loop = maps_per_loop % nprocs # We put the output files in an ordered list output_files = [] output_time_list = [] count = 0 for loop in range(num_loops): file_name = gscript.tempfile() + "_%i"%(loop) count = process_loop(nprocs, maps, file_name, count, maps_per_process, remaining_maps_per_loop, output_files, output_time_list, r_what, process_queue) process_queue.wait() gscript.verbose("Number of raster map layers remaining for sampling %i"%(remaining_maps)) if remaining_maps > 0: # Use a single process if less then 100 maps if remaining_maps <= 100: mod = copy.deepcopy(r_what) mod(map=map_names, output=file_name) process_queue.put(mod) else: maps_per_process = int(remaining_maps / nprocs) remaining_maps_per_loop = remaining_maps % nprocs file_name = "out_remain" process_loop(nprocs, maps, file_name, count, maps_per_process, remaining_maps_per_loop, output_files, output_time_list, r_what, process_queue) # Wait for unfinished processes process_queue.wait() # Out the output files in the correct order together if layout == "row": one_point_per_row_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input) elif layout == "col": one_point_per_col_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input) else: one_point_per_timerow_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input)
def one_point_per_timerow_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input, vcat): """Use the original layout of the r.what output and print instead of the raster names, the time stamps as header One point per line for all time stamps: x|y|1991-01-01 00:00:00;1991-01-02 00:00:00|1991-01-02 00:00:00;1991-01-03 00:00:00|1991-01-03 00:00:00;1991-01-04 00:00:00|1991-01-04 00:00:00;1991-01-05 00:00:00 3730731.49590371|5642483.51236521|6|8|7|7 3581249.04638104|5634411.97526282|5|8|7|7 """ out_file = open(output, 'w') if output != "-" else sys.stdout matrix = [] header = "" first = True for count in range(len(output_files)): file_name = output_files[count] gscript.verbose("Transforming r.what output file %s" % (file_name)) map_list = output_time_list[count] in_file = open(file_name, "r") if write_header: if first is True: if vcat: header = "cat{sep}".format(sep=separator) else: header = "" if site_input: header += "x%(sep)sy%(sep)ssite" % ({"sep": separator}) else: header += "x%(sep)sy" % ({"sep": separator}) for map in map_list: start, end = map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() time_string = "%(sep)s%(start)s;%(end)s"\ %({"start":str(start), "end":str(end), "sep":separator}) header += time_string lines = in_file.readlines() for i in range(len(lines)): cols = lines[i].split(separator) if first is True: if vcat and site_input: matrix.append(cols[:4]) elif vcat or site_input: matrix.append(cols[:3]) else: matrix.append(cols[:2]) if vcat: matrix[i] = matrix[i] + cols[4:] else: matrix[i] = matrix[i] + cols[3:] first = False in_file.close() if write_header: out_file.write(header + "\n") gscript.verbose(_("Writing the output file <%s>" % (output))) for row in matrix: first = True for col in row: value = col.strip() if first is False: out_file.write("%s" % (separator)) out_file.write(value) first = False out_file.write("\n") if out_file is not sys.stdout: out_file.close()
def main(): if not hasNumPy: grass.fatal(_("Required dependency NumPy not found. Exiting.")) sharpen = options['method'] # sharpening algorithm ms1 = options['blue'] # blue channel ms2 = options['green'] # green channel ms3 = options['red'] # red channel pan = options['pan'] # high res pan channel out = options['output'] # prefix for output RGB maps bladjust = flags['l'] # adjust blue channel sproc = flags['s'] # serial processing outb = grass.core.find_file('%s_blue' % out) outg = grass.core.find_file('%s_green' % out) outr = grass.core.find_file('%s_red' % out) if (outb['name'] != '' or outg['name'] != '' or outr['name'] != '') and not grass.overwrite(): grass.warning(_('Maps with selected output prefix names already exist.' ' Delete them or use overwrite flag')) return pid = str(os.getpid()) # get PAN resolution: kv = grass.raster_info(map=pan) nsres = kv['nsres'] ewres = kv['ewres'] panres = (nsres + ewres) / 2 # clone current region grass.use_temp_region() grass.run_command('g.region', res=panres, align=pan) grass.message(_("Performing pan sharpening with hi res pan image: %f" % panres)) if sharpen == "brovey": grass.verbose(_("Using Brovey algorithm")) # pan/intensity histogram matching using linear regression outname = 'tmp%s_pan1' % pid panmatch1 = matchhist(pan, ms1, outname) outname = 'tmp%s_pan2' % pid panmatch2 = matchhist(pan, ms2, outname) outname = 'tmp%s_pan3' % pid panmatch3 = matchhist(pan, ms3, outname) outr = '%s_red' % out outg = '%s_green' % out outb = '%s_blue' % out # calculate brovey transformation grass.message(_("Calculating Brovey transformation...")) if sproc: # serial processing e = '''eval(k = "$ms1" + "$ms2" + "$ms3") "$outr" = 1.0 * "$ms3" * "$panmatch3" / k "$outg" = 1.0 * "$ms2" * "$panmatch2" / k "$outb" = 1.0 * "$ms1" * "$panmatch1" / k''' grass.mapcalc(e, outr=outr, outg=outg, outb=outb, panmatch1=panmatch1, panmatch2=panmatch2, panmatch3=panmatch3, ms1=ms1, ms2=ms2, ms3=ms3, overwrite=True) else: # parallel processing pb = grass.mapcalc_start('%s_blue = (1.0 * %s * %s) / (%s + %s + %s)' % (out, ms1, panmatch1, ms1, ms2, ms3), overwrite=True) pg = grass.mapcalc_start('%s_green = (1.0 * %s * %s) / (%s + %s + %s)' % (out, ms2, panmatch2, ms1, ms2, ms3), overwrite=True) pr = grass.mapcalc_start('%s_red = (1.0 * %s * %s) / (%s + %s + %s)' % (out, ms3, panmatch3, ms1, ms2, ms3), overwrite=True) pb.wait() pg.wait() pr.wait() # Cleanup grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True, type='raster', name='%s,%s,%s' % (panmatch1, panmatch2, panmatch3)) elif sharpen == "ihs": grass.verbose(_("Using IHS<->RGB algorithm")) # transform RGB channels into IHS color space grass.message(_("Transforming to IHS color space...")) grass.run_command('i.rgb.his', overwrite=True, red=ms3, green=ms2, blue=ms1, hue="tmp%s_hue" % pid, intensity="tmp%s_int" % pid, saturation="tmp%s_sat" % pid) # pan/intensity histogram matching using linear regression target = "tmp%s_int" % pid outname = "tmp%s_pan_int" % pid panmatch = matchhist(pan, target, outname) # substitute pan for intensity channel and transform back to RGB color space grass.message(_("Transforming back to RGB color space and sharpening...")) grass.run_command('i.his.rgb', overwrite=True, hue="tmp%s_hue" % pid, intensity="%s" % panmatch, saturation="tmp%s_sat" % pid, red="%s_red" % out, green="%s_green" % out, blue="%s_blue" % out) # Cleanup grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True, type='raster', name=panmatch) elif sharpen == "pca": grass.verbose(_("Using PCA/inverse PCA algorithm")) grass.message(_("Creating PCA images and calculating eigenvectors...")) # initial PCA with RGB channels pca_out = grass.read_command('i.pca', quiet=True, rescale='0,0', input='%s,%s,%s' % (ms1, ms2, ms3), output='tmp%s.pca' % pid) if len(pca_out) < 1: grass.fatal(_("Input has no data. Check region settings.")) b1evect = [] b2evect = [] b3evect = [] for l in pca_out.replace('(', ',').replace(')', ',').splitlines(): b1evect.append(float(l.split(',')[1])) b2evect.append(float(l.split(',')[2])) b3evect.append(float(l.split(',')[3])) # inverse PCA with hi res pan channel substituted for principal component 1 pca1 = 'tmp%s.pca.1' % pid pca2 = 'tmp%s.pca.2' % pid pca3 = 'tmp%s.pca.3' % pid b1evect1 = b1evect[0] b1evect2 = b1evect[1] b1evect3 = b1evect[2] b2evect1 = b2evect[0] b2evect2 = b2evect[1] b2evect3 = b2evect[2] b3evect1 = b3evect[0] b3evect2 = b3evect[1] b3evect3 = b3evect[2] outname = 'tmp%s_pan' % pid panmatch = matchhist(pan, ms1, outname) grass.message(_("Performing inverse PCA ...")) stats1 = grass.parse_command("r.univar", map=ms1, flags='g', parse=(grass.parse_key_val, {'sep': '='})) stats2 = grass.parse_command("r.univar", map=ms2, flags='g', parse=(grass.parse_key_val, {'sep': '='})) stats3 = grass.parse_command("r.univar", map=ms3, flags='g', parse=(grass.parse_key_val, {'sep': '='})) b1mean = float(stats1['mean']) b2mean = float(stats2['mean']) b3mean = float(stats3['mean']) if sproc: # serial processing e = '''eval(k = "$ms1" + "$ms2" + "$ms3") "$outr" = 1.0 * "$ms3" * "$panmatch3" / k "$outg" = 1.0 * "$ms2" * "$panmatch2" / k "$outb" = 1.0* "$ms1" * "$panmatch1" / k''' outr = '%s_red' % out outg = '%s_green' % out outb = '%s_blue' % out cmd1 = "$outb = (1.0 * $panmatch * $b1evect1) + ($pca2 * $b2evect1) + ($pca3 * $b3evect1) + $b1mean" cmd2 = "$outg = (1.0 * $panmatch * $b1evect2) + ($pca2 * $b2evect1) + ($pca3 * $b3evect2) + $b2mean" cmd3 = "$outr = (1.0 * $panmatch * $b1evect3) + ($pca2 * $b2evect3) + ($pca3 * $b3evect3) + $b3mean" cmd = '\n'.join([cmd1, cmd2, cmd3]) grass.mapcalc(cmd, outb=outb, outg=outg, outr=outr, panmatch=panmatch, pca2=pca2, pca3=pca3, b1evect1=b1evect1, b2evect1=b2evect1, b3evect1=b3evect1, b1evect2=b1evect2, b2evect2=b2evect2, b3evect2=b3evect2, b1evect3=b1evect3, b2evect3=b2evect3, b3evect3=b3evect3, b1mean=b1mean, b2mean=b2mean, b3mean=b3mean, overwrite=True) else: # parallel processing pb = grass.mapcalc_start('%s_blue = (%s * %f) + (%s * %f) + (%s * %f) + %f' % (out, panmatch, b1evect1, pca2, b2evect1, pca3, b3evect1, b1mean), overwrite=True) pg = grass.mapcalc_start('%s_green = (%s * %f) + (%s * %f) + (%s * %f) + %f' % (out, panmatch, b1evect2, pca2, b2evect2, pca3, b3evect2, b2mean), overwrite=True) pr = grass.mapcalc_start('%s_red = (%s * %f) + (%s * %f) + (%s * ''%f) + %f' % (out, panmatch, b1evect3, pca2, b2evect3, pca3, b3evect3, b3mean), overwrite=True) pr.wait() pg.wait() pb.wait() # Cleanup grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True, type="raster", pattern='tmp%s*,%s' % (pid, panmatch)) # Could add other sharpening algorithms here, e.g. wavelet transformation grass.message(_("Assigning grey equalized color tables to output images...")) # equalized grey scales give best contrast for ch in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map="%s_%s" % (out, ch), flags="e", color='grey') # Landsat too blue-ish because panchromatic band less sensitive to blue # light, so output blue channed can be modified if bladjust: grass.message(_("Adjusting blue channel color table...")) rules = grass.tempfile() colors = open(rules, 'w') colors.write('5 0 0 0\n20 200 200 200\n40 230 230 230\n67 255 255 255 \n') colors.close() grass.run_command('r.colors', map="%s_blue" % out, rules=rules) os.remove(rules) # output notice grass.verbose(_("The following pan-sharpened output maps have been generated:")) for ch in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: grass.verbose(_("%s_%s") % (out, ch)) grass.verbose(_("To visualize output, run: g.region -p raster=%s_red" % out)) grass.verbose(_("d.rgb r=%s_red g=%s_green b=%s_blue" % (out, out, out))) grass.verbose(_("If desired, combine channels into a single RGB map with 'r.composite'.")) grass.verbose(_("Channel colors can be rebalanced using i.colors.enhance.")) # write cmd history: for ch in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: grass.raster_history("%s_%s" % (out, ch)) # create a group with the three output grass.run_command('', group=out, input="{n}_red,{n}_blue,{n}_green".format(n=out)) # Cleanup grass.run_command('g.remove', flags="f", type="raster", pattern="tmp%s*" % pid, quiet=True)
def main(): # Get the options input = options["input"] timestamp_column = options["timestamp_column"] columns = options["column"] layer = options["layer"] where = options["where"] strds = options["strds"] tempwhere = options["t_where"] i_flag = flags["i"] if where == "" or where == " " or where == "\n": where = None # overwrite = grass.overwrite() # Set verbosity level # quiet = True # if grass.verbosity() > 2: # quiet = False grass.warning(_('This addon is experimental!')) # Check DB connection for input vector map dbcon = grass.vector_layer_db(input, layer) # Check the number of sample strds and the number of columns strds_names = strds.split(",") column_names = columns.split(",") if not len(column_names) == len(strds_names): grass.fatal(_('Number of columns and number of STRDS does not match.')) # Check type of timestamp column cols = grass.vector_columns(input, layer=layer) if timestamp_column not in cols.keys(): grass.fatal( _('Could not find column {} \ in table connected to vector map {} \ at layer {}'.format(timestamp_column, input, layer))) if cols[timestamp_column]['type'] != 'DATE': if dbcon['driver'] != 'sqlite': # Note that SQLite does not have a DATE datatype and # and an index does not significantly speedup the process # (at least not with a couple of 100 points) grass.warning( _('Timestamp column is of type {}. \ It is recommended to use DATE type with an index. \ '.format(cols[timestamp_column]['type']))) # Make sure the temporal database exists tgis.init() # We need a database interface dbif = tgis.SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() # Limit temporal extent to extent of points if no tempwhere is given if not tempwhere: extent = [] for stat in ('min', 'max'): tsql = "SELECT {}({}) FROM {}".format(stat, timestamp_column, dbcon['table']) extent.append(grass.read_command('', flags='c', sql=tsql)) grass.verbose( _('Temporal extent of vector points map is \ {} to {}'.format(extent[0], extent[1]))) else: tempwhere = '({}) AND '.format(tempwhere) # Loop over STRDS counter = 0 for strds_name in strds_names: cur_strds = tgis.open_old_stds(strds_name, "strds", dbif) granu = cur_strds.get_granularity() start_time = tgis.datetime_math.check_datetime_string(extent[0]) start_gran = tgis.datetime_math.adjust_datetime_to_granularity( start_time, granu).isoformat() tempwhere += "(end_time > '{}' and start_time <= '{}')".format( start_gran, extent[1]) # needs to be set properly # Get info on registered maps in STRDS rows = cur_strds.get_registered_maps("name,mapset,start_time,end_time", tempwhere, "start_time", dbif) # Check temporal type and # define sampling function to use # becomes relevant when temporal type relative gets implemented if cur_strds.is_time_relative(): grass.fatal( _('Sorry, STRDS of relative temporal type is not (yet) supported' )) sample = sample_relative else: sample = sample_absolute # Check if there are raster maps to sample from that fullfill # temporal conditions if not rows and not tempwhere: dbif.close() grass.fatal( _("Space time raster dataset <%s> is empty".format( cur_strds.get_id()))) elif not rows and tempwhere: dbif.close() grass.fatal( _("No maps selected from Space time raster dataset <%s>, \ or dataset is empty".format(cur_strds.get_id()))) # Include temporal condition into where clause where_clause = '({}) AND '.format(where) if where else '' # Loop over registered maps in STRDS row_number = 0 for row in rows: # If r.what had a where option, r.what could be used to # collect raster values (without interpolation) # in a ParallelModuleQueue to collect values using multiple # cores and then upload results in one operation sample(input, layer, timestamp_column, column_names[counter], row, where_clause, i_flag) row_number += 1 grass.percent(row_number, len(rows), 3) counter = counter + 1 dbif.close() grass.vector_history(input)
def main(): global temp_ng, temp_ncin, temp_ncout # we discard stderrs when not debugging # ideally stderrs should be printed when an exception was raised # this would be done easily with StringIO # but it doesn't work with subprocess if not grass.debug_level(): nuldev = open(os.devnull, "w") else: nuldev = sys.stderr # Initalise temporary verctor map names temp_ng = "v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ng_" + str(os.getpid()) temp_ncin = "v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncin_" + str(os.getpid()) temp_ncout = "v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncout_" + str(os.getpid()) input = options["input"] g_output = options["ground"] ng_output = options["nonground"] # does map exist? if not grass.find_file(input, element="vector")["file"]: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % input) # Count points in input map n_input = grass.vector_info(input)["points"] # does map contain points ? if not (n_input > 0): grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> does not contain points") % input) flag_n = flags["n"] ### Scale domain (l) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used scale domains 1 to 3 l = int(1) l_stop = int(options["nl"]) if l_stop < 1: grass.fatal("The minimum number of scale domains is 1.") ### Curvature tolerance threshold (t) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used a t-value of 0.3 t = float(options["t"]) ###Increase of curvature tolerance threshold for each ti = t / 3.0 ### Convergence threshold (j) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used a convergence threshold of 0.3 j = float(options["j"]) if j <= 0: grass.fatal("The convergence threshold has to be > 0.") ### Tension parameter (f) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used a tension parameter 1.5 f = float(options["f"]) if f <= 0: grass.fatal("The tension parameter has to be > 0.") ### Spline steps parameter (s) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used the 12 nearest neighbors # (used spline steps $res * 5 before) s = int(options["s"]) if s <= 0: grass.fatal("The spline step parameter has to be > 0.") ###Read desired resolution from region # Evans & Hudak 2007 used a desired resolution (delta) of 1.5 gregion = grass.region() x_res_fin = gregion["ewres"] y_res_fin = gregion["nsres"] # Defineresolution steps in iteration n_res_steps = (l_stop + 1) / 2 # Pass ame of input map to v.outlier nc_points = input # controls first creation of the output map before patching ng_output_exists = False # append and do not build topology vpatch_flags = "ab" # 7.x requires topology to see z coordinate # 7.1 v.patch has flags to use z even without topology # see #2433 on Trac and r66822 in Subversion build_before_patch = True unused, gver_minor, unused = grass.version()["version"].split(".") if int(gver_minor) >= 1: build_before_patch = False # do not expect topology and expect z vpatch_flags += "nz" # Loop through scale domaines while l <= l_stop: i = 1 convergence = 100 if l < ((l_stop + 1) / 2): xres = x_res_fin / (n_res_steps - (l - 1)) yres = y_res_fin / (n_res_steps - (l - 1)) elif l == ((l_stop + 1) / 2): xres = x_res_fin yres = y_res_fin else: xres = x_res_fin * ((l + 1) - n_res_steps) yres = y_res_fin * ((l + 1) - n_res_steps) grass.use_temp_region() grass.run_command( "g.region", s=gregion["s"], w=gregion["w"], nsres=yres, ewres=xres, flags="a", ) xs_s = xres * s ys_s = yres * s grass.message("Processing scale domain " + str(l) + "...") # Repeat application of v.outlier until convergence level is reached while convergence > j: grass.verbose("Number of input points in iteration " + str(i) + ": " + str(n_input)) # Run v.outlier if not flag_n: grass.run_command( "v.outlier", input=nc_points, output=temp_ncout, outlier=temp_ng, ew_step=xs_s, ns_step=ys_s, lambda_=f, threshold=t, filter="positive", overwrite=True, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev, ) else: grass.run_command( "v.outlier", input=nc_points, output=temp_ncout, outlier=temp_ng, ew_step=xs_s, ns_step=ys_s, lambda_=f, threshold=t, filter="negative", overwrite=True, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev, ) # Get information about results for calculating convergence level ng = grass.vector_info(temp_ng)["points"] nc = n_input - ng n_input = nc grass.run_command( "g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=temp_ncin, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev, ) grass.run_command( "g.rename", vector=temp_ncout + "," + temp_ncin, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev, ) nc_points = temp_ncin # Give information on process status grass.verbose("Unclassified points after iteration " + str(i) + ": " + str(nc)) grass.verbose("Points classified as non ground after iteration " + str(i) + ": " + str(ng)) # Set convergence level if nc > 0: convergence = float(float(ng) / float(nc)) if build_before_patch: grass.run_command("", map=temp_ng, stderr=nuldev) # Patch non-ground points to non-ground output map if ng_output_exists: grass.run_command( "v.patch", input=temp_ng, output=ng_output, flags=vpatch_flags, overwrite=True, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev, ) else: grass.run_command("g.copy", vector=(temp_ng, ng_output), stderr=nuldev) ng_output_exists = True else: convergence = 0 # Give information on convergence level grass.verbose("Convergence level after run " + str(i) + " in scale domain " + str(l) + ": " + str(round(convergence, 3))) # Increase iterator i = i + 1 # Adjust curvature tolerance and reset scale domain t = t + ti l = l + 1 # Delete temporary region grass.del_temp_region() # Rename temporary map of points whichhave not been classified as non-ground to output vector map containing ground points grass.run_command("g.rename", vector=nc_points + "," + g_output, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev)
def main(): """Do the real work """ #Parse remaining variables network_map = options['input'] # network_mapset = network_map.split('@')[0] network = network_map.split('@')[1] if len( network_map.split('@')) > 1 else None suffix = options['suffix'] layer = options['layer'] corridor_tolerance = options['corridor_tolerance'] cores = options['cores'] where = None if options['where'] == '' else options['where'] weights = options['weights'].split(',') s_flag = flags['s'] d_flag = flags['d'] r_flag = flags['r'] ulimit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) net_hist_str = grass.read_command('', map=network_map, flags='h').split('\n')[0].split(': ')[1] dist_cmd_dict = task.cmdstring_to_tuple(net_hist_str) dist_prefix = dist_cmd_dict[1]['prefix'] #network_prefix = dist_cmd_dict[1]['prefix'] #print(where) # in_vertices = dist_cmd_dict[1]['input'] #Check if db-connection for edge map exists con = vect.vector_db(network_map)[int(layer)] if not con: grass.fatal("Database connection for map {} \ is not defined for layer {}.".format(network, layer)) #Check if required columns exist and are of required type required_columns = ['con_id_u', 'from_p', 'to_p', 'cd_u'] if weights: required_columns += weights in_columns = vect.vector_columns(network_map, layer=layer) missing_columns = np.setdiff1d(required_columns, in_columns.keys()) if missing_columns: grass.fatal("Cannot find the following reqired/requested \ column(s) {} in vector map \ {}.".format(', '.join(missing_columns), network)) # weight_types = [] # Check properly if column is numeric for col in required_columns: if in_columns[col]['type'] not in [ 'INTEGER', 'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'REAL' ]: grass.fatal("Column {} is of type {}. \ Only numeric types (integer, \ real or double precision) \ allowed!".format(col, in_columns[col]['type'])) if col in weights: weight_types.append(in_columns[col]['type']) # Extract necessary informartion on edges from attribute table of # edge map table_io = StringIO( unicode( grass.read_command('', flags='c', map=network_map, columns=required_columns, separator=',', where=where))) try: table_extract = np.genfromtxt(table_io, delimiter=',', dtype=None, names=required_columns) except: grass.fatal('No edges selected to compute corridors for...') # Output result of where-clause and exit (if requested) if s_flag: print(table_extract) #grass.message("con_id_u|from_p|to_p") #for fid in $selected_edges_ud: # message_text = $(echo $table_extract | tr ' ' '\n' | # tr ',' ' ' | awk -v FID=$fid '{if($1==FID) print $1 "|" $2 "|" # $3}' | head -n 1) # grass.message(message_text) sys.exit(0) #Get unique identifiers for the selected undirected edges selected_patches = np.unique( np.append(table_extract['from_p'], table_extract['to_p'])) selected_edges = np.unique(table_extract['con_id_u']) # activate z-flag if more maps have to be aggregated than ulimit z_flag = None if len(selected_edges) < ulimit else 'z' #Check if cost distance raster maps exist pattern = "{}_patch_*_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix) patchmaps = grass.read_command('g.list', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') for patch in selected_patches: #Check if cost distance raster maps exist patchmap = "{}_patch_{}_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix, patch) if not patchmap in patchmaps: grass.fatal("Cannot find raster map {}.".format(patchmap)) #Create mapcalculator expressions for cost distance corridors, # assigning distance values corridormaps = {} if d_flag: pattern = "{}_corridor_*_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix) corridor_base = 'dist' else: pattern = "{}_corridor_[0-9]+$".format(dist_prefix) corridor_base = 'id' corridormaps[corridor_base] = grass.read_command( 'g.list', flags='e', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') for weight in weights: pattern = "{}_corridor_[0-9]+_{}".format(dist_prefix, weight) corridormaps[weight] = grass.read_command( 'g.list', flags='e', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') # Setup GRASS modules for raster processing mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", quiet=True, run_=False) reclass = Module("r.reclass", rules='-', quiet=True, run_=False) recode = Module("r.recode", rules='-', quiet=True, run_=False) # Setup paralel module queue if parallel processing is requested #print(weight_types) if cores > 1: mapcalc_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) if 'INTEGER' in weight_types: reclass_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) if 'REAL' in weight_types or 'DOUBLE PRECISION' in weight_types: recode_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) corridor_list = [] for edge_id in selected_edges: edge = table_extract[table_extract['con_id_u'] == edge_id][0] #print(e.dtype.names) if d_flag: corridor = "{}_corridor_{}_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix, edge_id) #corridor_list.append(corridor) mc_expression = "{prefix}_corridor_{CON_ID}_cost_dist=if( \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist) - \ (({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist) * \ {cor_tolerance}/100.0)<= \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist + \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist), \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist), \ null())".format(prefix=dist_prefix, CON_ID=edge['con_id_u'], FROM_P=edge['from_p'], TO_P=edge['to_p'], cor_tolerance=corridor_tolerance) else: corridor = "{}_corridor_{}".format(dist_prefix, edge['con_id_u']) #corridor_list.append(corridor) # Create mapcalculator expressions for cost distance # corridors, assigning connection IDs for reclassification mc_expression = "{prefix}_corridor_{CON_ID}=if( \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist)- \ (({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist)* \ {cor_tolerance}/100.0)<={CD}, \ {CON_ID}, null())".format(prefix=dist_prefix, CON_ID=edge['con_id_u'], FROM_P=edge['from_p'], TO_P=edge['to_p'], CD=edge['cd_u'], cor_tolerance=corridor_tolerance) corridor_list.append(corridor) #print(corridor) #print(corridormaps) if r_flag or corridor not in corridormaps[corridor_base]: new_mapcalc = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) if cores > 1: calc = new_mapcalc(expression=mc_expression) mapcalc_queue.put(calc) else: calc = new_mapcalc(expression=mc_expression, region='intersect') for weight in weights: if r_flag or corridor not in corridormaps[weight]: in_map = corridor out_map = '{}_{}'.format(in_map, weight) if in_columns[weight]['type'] == 'INTEGER': new_reclass = copy.deepcopy(reclass) reclass_rule = "{} = {}".format(edge['con_id_u'], edge[weight]) rcl = new_reclass(input=in_map, output=out_map, stdin_=reclass_rule) if cores > 1: reclass_queue.put(rcl) else: if in_columns[weight]['type'] in ['REAL', 'DOUBLE PRECISION']: new_recode = copy.deepcopy(recode) recode_rule = "{0}:{0}:{1}:{1}".format( edge['con_id_u'], edge[weight]) rco = new_recode(input=in_map, output=out_map, stdin_=recode_rule) if cores > 1: recode_queue.put(rco) else: if cores > 1: mapcalc_queue.wait() if 'INTEGER' in weight_types: reclass_queue.wait() if 'REAL' in weight_types or 'DOUBLE PRECISION' in weight_types: recode_queue.wait() grass.verbose('Aggregating corridor maps...') if d_flag: grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=','.join(corridor_list), output='{}_corridors_min_cost_dist_{}'.format( dist_prefix, suffix), method='minimum') else: #Summarize corridors if not weights: print(','.join(corridor_list)) output_map = '{}_corridors_count_{}'.format(dist_prefix, suffix) grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=','.join(corridor_list), output=output_map, method='count') write_raster_history(output_map) else: #Weight corridors according to user requested weights for weight in weights: # Generate corridor map list corridor_map_list = (cm + '_{}'.format(weight) for cm in corridor_list) output_map = '{}_corridors_{}_sum_{}'.format( dist_prefix, weight, suffix) #Summarize corridors using r.series grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=corridor_map_list, output=output_map, method='sum') write_raster_history(output_map)
def main(): indsn = options['input'] inlayer = options['layer'] inwhere = options['where'] inenc = options['encoding'] inkey = options['key'] ingeom = options['geometry'] listlayers = flags['l'] min_area = options['min_area'] outdsn = options['output'] outformat = options['format'] outclean = "%s_clean" % inlayer outoverlaps = "%s_overlaps" % inlayer overwrite = grass.overwrite() # list input layers if flags['l']: try: grass.run_command('', input=indsn, flags = 'l') except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to list layers in OGR datasource <%s>") % indsn) return 0 # list output formats if flags['f']: grass.run_command('v.out.ogr', flags = 'l') return 0 # import options vopts = {} if options['encoding']: vopts['encoding'] = options['encoding'] if options['where']: vopts['where'] = options['where'] if options['geometry']: vopts['geometry'] = options['geometry'] if options['key']: vopts['key'] = options['key'] if options['snap']: vopts['snap'] = options['snap'] # create temp location from input without import grassenv = grass.gisenv() tgtloc = grassenv['LOCATION_NAME'] tgtmapset = grassenv['MAPSET'] GISDBASE = grassenv['GISDBASE'] tgtgisrc = os.environ['GISRC'] SRCGISRC = grass.tempfile() TMPLOC = 'temp_import_location_' + str(os.getpid()) f = open(SRCGISRC, 'w') f.write('MAPSET: PERMANENT\n') f.write('GISDBASE: %s\n' % GISDBASE) f.write('LOCATION_NAME: %s\n' % TMPLOC) f.write('GUI: text\n') f.close() grass.verbose(_("Creating temporary location for <%s>...") % indsn) try: grass.run_command('', input=indsn, location=TMPLOC, flags='i', quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create location from OGR datasource <%s>") % indsn) # switch to temp location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC) outvect = 'vector_clean' outvect_tmp = 'vector_clean' if float(min_area) > 0: outvect_tmp = 'vector_clean_import' # import into temp location grass.message(_("Importing <%s>, layer <%s> ...") % (indsn, inlayer)) try: grass.run_command('', input=indsn, layer=inlayer, output=outvect_tmp, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to import OGR datasource <%s>") % indsn) # remove small areas if float(min_area) > 0: grass.message(_("Removing small areas in data source <%s>, layer <%s> ...") % (indsn, inlayer)) try: grass.run_command('v.clean', input=outvect_tmp, output=outvect, type='area', tool='rmarea', threshold=min_area, overwrite=overwrite) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Removing small areas in data source <%s>, layer <%s> failed") % (indsn, inlayer)) # export oflags = 'sm' if flags['u']: oflags = 'smu' overwrite = True outlayer = '%s_clean' % inlayer grass.message = (_("Exporting cleaned layer as <%s>") % outlayer) try: grass.run_command('v.out.ogr', input=outvect, layer='1', output=outdsn, output_layer=outlayer, format=outformat, flags=oflags, overwrite=overwrite) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to export to OGR datasource <%s>") % outdsn) # export any overlaps outlayers = grass.read_command('v.category', input=outvect, option='layers') nlayers = len(outlayers.splitlines()) #for layer in outlayers.splitlines(): # nlayers += 1 if nlayers == 2: outlayer = '%s_overlaps' % inlayer oflags = 'smu' grass.message = (_("Exporting overlaps as <%s>") % outlayer) try: grass.run_command('v.out.ogr', input=outvect, layer='2', output=outdsn, output_layer=outlayer, format=outformat, flags=oflags, overwrite=True) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to export to OGR datasource <%s>") % outdsn) # switch to target location os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc) return 0
def start_connection_backend(options, backends): """Create and start a connection using a requested or available backend""" session = None for backend in backends: if backend == "paramiko": try: # Lazy-import to reduce import-time dependencies. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from friendlyssh import Connection session = Connection( username=options["user"], host=options["server"], password=options["password"], port=options["port"], ) gs.verbose(_("Using Paramiko backend")) break except ImportError as error: gs.verbose( _("Tried Paramiko backend but" " it is not available (%s)" % error)) continue elif backend == "fabric": try: # Lazy-import to reduce import-time dependencies. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from fabricbackend import FabricConnection session = FabricConnection( user=options["user"], host=options["server"], connect_kwargs={"password": options["password"]}, port=options["port"], ) gs.verbose(_("Using Fabric backend")) break except ImportError as error: gs.verbose( _("Tried Fabric backend but it is not available: {}". format(error))) continue elif backend == "simple": try: # Lazy-import to reduce import-time dependencies. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from simplessh import SshConnection as Connection # TODO: support password and port (or warn they are missing) session = Connection(user=options["user"], host=options["server"]) gs.verbose(_("Using simple (ssh and scp) backend")) break except ImportError as error: gs.verbose( _("Tried simple (ssh and scp) backend but" " it is not available (%s)" % error)) continue elif backend == "pexpect": try: # Lazy-import to reduce import-time dependencies. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from pexpectssh import SshSession as Connection # TODO: support port (or warn it's missing) session = Connection( user=options["user"], host=options["server"], logfile="gcloudsshiface.log", verbose=1, password=options["password"], ) gs.verbose(_("Using Pexpect (with ssh and scp) backend")) break except ImportError as error: gs.verbose( _("Tried Pexpect (ssh, scp and pexpect)" " backend but it is not available" " (%s)" % error)) continue elif backend == "local": try: # Lazy-import to reduce import-time dependencies. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from localsession import LocalConnection as Connection session = Connection() gs.verbose(_("Using local host backend")) break except ImportError as error: gs.verbose( _("Tried local host" " backend but it is not available" " (%s)" % error)) continue return session
def filter( self, area, area_relation, clouds=None, producttype=None, limit=None, query={}, start=None, end=None, sortby=[], asc=True, relativeorbitnumber=None, ): args = {} if clouds: args["cloudcoverpercentage"] = (0, int(clouds)) if relativeorbitnumber: args["relativeorbitnumber"] = relativeorbitnumber if producttype.startswith("S2") and int(relativeorbitnumber) > 143: gs.warning("This relative orbit number is out of range") elif int(relativeorbitnumber) > 175: gs.warning(_("This relative orbit number is out of range")) if producttype: args["producttype"] = producttype if producttype.startswith("S2"): args["platformname"] = "Sentinel-2" else: args["platformname"] = "Sentinel-1" if not start: start = "NOW-60DAYS" else: start = start.replace("-", "") if not end: end = "NOW" else: end = end.replace("-", "") if query: redefined = [ value for value in args.keys() if value in query.keys() ] if redefined: gs.warning( _("Query overrides already defined options ({})").format( ",".join(redefined))) args.update(query) gs.verbose( _("Query: area={} area_relation={} date=({}, {}) args={}").format( area, area_relation, start, end, args)) products = self._api.query(area=area, area_relation=area_relation, date=(start, end), **args) products_df = self._api.to_dataframe(products) if len(products_df) < 1: gs.message(_("No product found")) return # sort and limit to first sorted product if sortby: self._products_df_sorted = products_df.sort_values( sortby, ascending=[asc] * len(sortby)) else: self._products_df_sorted = products_df if limit: self._products_df_sorted = self._products_df_sorted.head( int(limit)) gs.message( _("{} Sentinel product(s) found").format( len(self._products_df_sorted)))
def main(): """Process command line parameters and update the table""" options, flags = gs.parser() vector = options["map"] layer = options["layer"] where = options["where"] column = options["column"] expression = options["expression"] condition = options["condition"] functions_file = options["functions"] # Map needs to be in the current mapset mapset = gs.gisenv()["MAPSET"] if not gs.find_file(vector, element="vector", mapset=mapset)["file"]: gs.fatal( _("Vector map <{vector}> does not exist or is not in the current mapset" "(<{mapset}>) and therefore it cannot be modified").format( **locals())) # Map+layer needs to have a table connected try: # TODO: Support @OGR vector maps? Probably not supported by db.execute anyway. db_info = gs.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: gs.fatal( _("There is no table connected to map <{vector}> (layer <{layer}>)." " Use v.db.connect or v.db.addtable to add it.").format( **locals())) table = db_info["table"] database = db_info["database"] driver = db_info["driver"] columns = gs.vector_columns(vector, layer) # Check that column exists try: column_info = columns[column] except KeyError: gs.fatal( _("Column <{column}> not found. Use v.db.addcolumn to create it."). format(column=column)) column_type = column_info["type"] # Check that optional function file exists if functions_file: if not os.access(functions_file, os.R_OK): gs.fatal(_("File <{file}> not found").format(file=functions_file)) # Define Python functions # Here we need the full-deal eval and exec functions and can't sue less # general alternatives such as ast.literal_eval. def expression_function(**kwargs): return eval(expression, globals(), kwargs) # pylint: disable=eval-used def condition_function(**kwargs): return eval(condition, globals(), kwargs) # pylint: disable=eval-used # TODO: Add error handling for failed imports. if options["packages"]: packages = options["packages"].split(",") for package in packages: # pylint: disable=exec-used exec(f"import {package}", globals(), globals()) if flags["s"]: exec(f"from {package} import *", globals(), globals()) # TODO: Add error handling for invalid syntax. if functions_file: with open(functions_file) as file: exec(, globals(), globals()) # pylint: disable=exec-used # Get table contents if not where: # The condition needs to be None, an empty string is passed through. where = None if gs.version()["version"] < "7.9": sep = "|" # Only one char sep for Python csv package. null = "NULL" csv_text = gs.read_command( "", map=vector, layer=layer, separator=sep, null=null, where=where, ) table_contents = csv_loads(csv_text, delimeter=sep, null=null) else: # TODO: XXX is a workaround for a bug in -j json_text = gs.read_command("", map=vector, layer=layer, flags="j", null="XXX", where=where) table_contents = json.loads(json_text) cmd = python_to_transaction( table=table, table_contents=table_contents, column=column, column_type=column_type, expression=expression, expression_function=expression_function, condition=condition, condition_function=condition_function, ensure_lowercase=not flags["u"], ) # Messages if len(cmd) == 2: gs.message( "No rows to update. Try a different SQL where or Python condition." ) elif len(cmd) > 2: # First and last statement gs.verbose(f'Using SQL: "{cmd[1]}...{cmd[-2]}"') # The newline is needed for successful execution/reading of many statements. # TODO: Add error handling when there is a syntax error due to wrongly # generated SQL statement and/or sanitize the value in update more. gs.write_command("db.execute", input="-", database=database, driver=driver, stdin="\n".join(cmd)) gs.vector_history(vector)
def main(): vector = options['map'] table = options['table'] layer = options['layer'] columns = options['columns'] key = options['key'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) map_name = vector.split('@')[0] if not table: if layer == '1': grass.verbose(_("Using vector map name as table name: <%s>") % map_name) table = map_name else: # to avoid tables with identical names on higher layers table = "%s_%s" % (map_name, layer) grass.verbose( _("Using vector map name extended by layer number as table name: <%s>") % table) else: grass.verbose(_("Using user specified table name: %s") % table) # check if DB parameters are set, and if not set them. grass.run_command('db.connect', flags='c') grass.verbose(_("Creating new DB connection based on default mapset settings...")) kv = grass.db_connection() database = kv['database'] driver = kv['driver'] schema = kv['schema'] # maybe there is already a table linked to the selected layer? nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') try: grass.vector_db(map_name, stderr=nuldev)[int(layer)] grass.fatal(_("There is already a table linked to layer <%s>") % layer) except KeyError: pass # maybe there is already a table with that name? tables = grass.read_command('db.tables', flags='p', database=database, driver=driver, stderr=nuldev) if not table in tables.splitlines(): if columns: column_def = [x.strip().lower() for x in columns.strip().split(',')] else: column_def = [] # if not existing, create it: column_def_key = "%s integer" % key if column_def_key not in column_def: column_def.insert(0, column_def_key) column_def = ','.join(column_def) grass.verbose(_("Creating table with columns (%s)...") % column_def) sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (table, column_def) try: grass.run_command('db.execute', database=database, driver=driver, sql=sql) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create table <%s>") % table) # connect the map to the DB: if schema: table = '{schema}.{table}'.format(schema=schema, table=table) grass.run_command('v.db.connect', quiet=True, map=map_name, database=database, driver=driver, layer=layer, table=table, key=key) # finally we have to add cats into the attribute DB to make modules such as v.what.rast happy: # (creates new row for each vector line): grass.run_command('', map=map_name, layer=layer, option='cat', column=key, qlayer=layer) grass.verbose(_("Current attribute table links:")) if grass.verbosity() > 2: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags='p', map=map_name) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map_name) return 0
def _getBarrier(self,fieldblock,barrier): formula = "$barrier = if(isnull($fieldblock),1,0)" g.mapcalc(formula, barrier=barrier, fieldblock=fieldblock,quiet=quiet) g.verbose('Raster map barrier is in "%s"' % barrier) return barrier
def cleanup(): # No cleanup is done here # see end of main() # kept for later grass.verbose(_("Module cleanup"))
def filter(self, area, area_relation, clouds=None, producttype=None, limit=None, query={}, start=None, end=None, sortby=[], asc=True): args = {} if clouds: args['cloudcoverpercentage'] = (0, int(clouds)) if producttype: args['producttype'] = producttype if producttype.startswith('S2'): args['platformname'] = 'Sentinel-2' else: args['platformname'] = 'Sentinel-1' if not start: start = 'NOW-60DAYS' else: start = start.replace('-', '') if not end: end = 'NOW' else: end = end.replace('-', '') if query: redefined = [ value for value in args.keys() if value in query.keys() ] if redefined: gs.warning( "Query overrides already defined options ({})".format( ','.join(redefined))) args.update(query) gs.verbose( "Query: area={} area_relation={} date=({}, {}) args={}".format( area, area_relation, start, end, args)) products = self._api.query(area=area, area_relation=area_relation, date=(start, end), **args) products_df = self._api.to_dataframe(products) if len(products_df) < 1: gs.message(_('No product found')) return # sort and limit to first sorted product if sortby: self._products_df_sorted = products_df.sort_values( sortby, ascending=[asc] * len(sortby)) else: self._products_df_sorted = products_df if limit: self._products_df_sorted = self._products_df_sorted.head( int(limit)) gs.message( _('{} Sentinel product(s) found').format( len(self._products_df_sorted)))
def main(): # Following declarations MAY will used in future for sure. global GISDBASE, LAYERCOUNT, LASTFILE # Check if ImageMagick is available since it is essential if == "nt": if grass.find_program("magick", "-version"): grass.verbose(_("printws: ImageMagick is available: OK!")) else: grass.fatal( "ImageMagick is not accessible. See documentation of m.printws module for details." ) else: if grass.find_program("convert", "-version"): grass.verbose(_("printws: ImageMagick is available: OK!")) else: grass.fatal( "ImageMagick is not accessible. See documentation of m.printws module for details." ) textmacros = {} #%nam% macros are kept for backward compatibility textmacros["%TIME24%"] = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") textmacros["%DATEYMD%"] = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") textmacros["%DATEMDY%"] = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") if not hasPwd: textmacros["%USERNAME%"] = "(user unknown)" else: textmacros["%USERNAME%"] = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] # using $ for macros in the future. New items should be created # exclusively as $macros later on textmacros["\$TIME24"] = textmacros["%TIME24%"] textmacros["\$DATEYMD"] = textmacros["%DATEYMD%"] textmacros["\$DATEMDY"] = textmacros["%DATEMDY%"] textmacros["\$USERNAME"] = textmacros["%USERNAME%"] textmacros["\$SPC"] = "\\u00A0" # ?? d.text won't display this at string end hmmm # saves region for restoring at end # doing with official method: grass.use_temp_region() # getting/setting screen/print dpi ratio if len(options["dpi"]) > 0: dpioption = float(options["dpi"]) else: dpioption = 150.0 if len(options["screendpi"]) > 0: screendpioption = float(options["screendpi"]) else: screendpioption = 100.0 global UPSIZE UPSIZE = float(dpioption) / float(screendpioption) if len(options["input"]) > 0: displays = readworkspace(options["input"]) else: quit() textmacros["%GXW%"] = options["input"] textmacros["\$GXW"] = textmacros["%GXW%"] displaycounter = 0 # there could be multiple displays in a workspace so we loop them # each display is a whole and independent file assembly for key in displays: textmacros["%DISPLAY%"] = key textmacros["\$DISPLAY"] = key grass.verbose(_("printws: rendering display: " + key)) displaycounter = displaycounter + 1 layers = copy.deepcopy(displays[key]) # extracting extent information from layers dic and erase the item # extents[0-5] w s e n minz maxz ; extents [6-9] window x y w h extents = layers[0] grass.verbose( "m.printws: EXTENTS from workspace:" + str(extents) ) # was debug message del layers[0] regionmode = "" if len(options["region"]) > 0: grass.run_command("g.region", region=options["region"]) regionmode = "region" else: grass.run_command( "g.region", "", w=extents[0], s=extents[1], e=extents[2], n=extents[3] ) regionmode = "window" # setting GRASS rendering environment # dummy file name is defined since the following lines # when switching on the cairo driver would create # an empty map.png in the current directory os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE"] = os.path.join( TMPDIR, str(os.getpid()) + "_DIS_" + str(00) + "_GEN_" + str(00) + ".png" ) os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_IMMEDIATE"] = "cairo" os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE_READ"] = "TRUE" os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_TRANSPARENT"] = "TRUE" os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE_COMPRESSION"] = "0" os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE_MAPPED"] = "TRUE" # reading further options and setting defaults if len(options["page"]) > 0: pageoption = options["page"] else: pageoption = "A4landscape" # parsing titles, etc. if len(options["font"]) > 0: isAsterisk = options["font"].find("*") if isAsterisk > 0: titlefont = getfontbypattern(options["font"].replace("*", "")) else: titlefont = options["font"] else: titlefont = getfontbypattern("Open") # try to find something UTF-8 grass.verbose(_("printws: titlefont: " + titlefont)) if len(options["titlecolor"]) > 0: titlecolor = options["titlecolor"] else: titlecolor = black if len(options["maintitlesize"]) > 0: maintitlesize = converttommfrom( float(options["maintitlesize"]), options["layunits"] ) else: maintitlesize = 10.0 if len(options["subtitlesize"]) > 0: subtitlesize = converttommfrom( float(options["subtitlesize"]), options["layunits"] ) else: subtitlesize = 7.0 if len(options["pssize"]) > 0: pssize = converttommfrom(float(options["pssize"]), options["layunits"]) else: pssize = 5.0 # Please fasten your seatbelts :) Calculations start here. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- pagesizes = getpagesizes(pageoption) pagesizesindots = dictodots(pagesizes, dpioption) # Leave space for titles up and ps down - still in mm !! upperspace = 0 subtitletop = 0 titletop = 0 if len(options["maintitle"]) > 0: titletop = 0.4 * maintitlesize upperspace = upperspace + titletop + maintitlesize if len(options["subtitle"]) > 0: subtitletop = upperspace + 0.4 * subtitlesize upperspace = subtitletop + subtitlesize + 1 lowerspace = 0 if ( (len(options["psundercentral"]) > 0) or (len(options["psunderright"]) > 0) or (len(options["psunderleft"]) > 0) ): lowerspace = lowerspace + pssize + 2 os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_WIDTH"] = str(pagesizesindots["w"]) os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_HEIGHT"] = str(pagesizesindots["h"]) pagemargins = getpagemargins(options["pagemargin"], options["layunits"]) pagemarginsindots = dictodots(pagemargins, dpioption) # Getting max drawing area in dots mxfd = getmaxframeindots(pagemarginsindots, pagesizesindots) maxframe = ( str(mxfd["t"]) + "," + str(mxfd["b"]) + "," + str(mxfd["l"]) + "," + str(mxfd["r"]) ) # convert font size in mm to percentage for d.text mxfmm = dictomm(mxfd, dpioption) maintitlesize = float(maintitlesize) / (mxfmm["b"] - mxfmm["t"]) * 100.0 subtitlesize = float(subtitlesize) / (mxfmm["b"] - mxfmm["t"]) * 100.0 pssize = float(pssize) / (mxfmm["r"] - mxfmm["l"]) * 100.0 # subtitle location is another issue subtitletoppercent = 100.0 - subtitletop / (mxfmm["b"] - mxfmm["t"]) * 100.0 titletoppercent = 100.0 - titletop / (mxfmm["b"] - mxfmm["t"]) * 100.0 mapul = getmapUL(options["mapupperleft"], options["layunits"]) mapulindots = dictodots(mapul, dpioption) mapsizes = getmapsizes(options["mapsize"], options["layunits"]) mapsizesindots = dictodots(mapsizes, dpioption) # Correcting map area ratio to ratio of region edges # OR screen window edges depeding on "regionmode" # for later: grass.use_temp_region() ISLATLONG = False s = grass.read_command("g.region", flags="p") kv = grass.parse_key_val(s, sep=":") regioncols = float(kv["cols"].strip()) regionrows = float(kv["rows"].strip()) ewrestemp = kv["ewres"].strip() nsrestemp = kv["nsres"].strip() if ewrestemp.find(":") > 0: ISLATLONG = True ewrestemp = ewrestemp.split(":") ewres = ( float(ewrestemp[0]) + float(ewrestemp[1]) / 60.0 + float(ewrestemp[2]) / 3600.0 ) nsrestemp = nsrestemp.split(":") nsres = ( float(nsrestemp[0]) + float(nsrestemp[1]) / 60.0 + float(nsrestemp[2]) / 3600.0 ) else: ewres = float(ewrestemp) nsres = float(nsrestemp) sizex = regioncols * ewres sizey = regionrows * nsres grass.verbose(_("printws: sizex " + str(sizex))) grass.verbose(_("printws: sizey " + str(sizey))) if regionmode == "region": hregionratio = float(sizex) / float(sizey) grass.verbose(_("printws: REGION MODE -> region ")) else: # surprisingly doing the SAME # using screen window ratio for map area # next line was a test for this but didn't help on gadgets positioning # hregionratio = float(extents[8]) / float(extents[9]) hregionratio = float(sizex) / float(sizey) grass.verbose(_("printws: REGION MODE -> window")) hmapratio = mapsizes["w"] / mapsizes["h"] grass.verbose(_("printws: raw mapsizes: " + str(mapsizesindots))) grass.verbose(_("printws: hr: " + str(hregionratio))) grass.verbose(_("printws: hm: " + str(hmapratio))) if hregionratio > hmapratio: grass.verbose( _("printws: Map area height correction / " + str(hregionratio)) ) mapsizes["h"] = mapsizes["w"] / hregionratio elif hregionratio < hmapratio: grass.verbose( _("printws: Map area width correction * " + str(hregionratio)) ) mapsizes["w"] = mapsizes["h"] * hregionratio mapsizesindots = dictodots(mapsizes, dpioption) # changing region resolution to match print resolution # to eliminate unnecessary CPU heating/data transfer # so as to make it faster # with only invisible detail loss. colsregiontomap = float(mapsizesindots["w"]) / regioncols rowsregiontomap = float(mapsizesindots["h"]) / regionrows newewres = ewres newnsres = nsres # if colsregiontomap < 1: # CHANGE: also enables raising of resolution to prevent # pixelation because of low resolution setting... newewres = ewres / colsregiontomap # if rowsregiontomap < 1: newnsres = nsres / rowsregiontomap # WOW - no necessary to convert back to DMS for nsres / ewres # if ISLATLONG: # newewresstr=decdeg2dms(newewres) # newnsresstr=decdeg2dms(newnsres) # else: newewresstr = str(newewres) newnsresstr = str(newnsres) grass.run_command("g.region", ewres=newewresstr, nsres=newnsresstr) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # it seems that d.wms uses the GRASS_REGION from region info # others may also do so we set it # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kv2 = {} kv2["e"] = kv["east"] kv2["n"] = kv["north"] kv2["s"] = kv["south"] kv2["w"] = kv["west"] kv2["ewres"] = newewresstr kv2["nsres"] = newnsresstr # kv2['rows'] #- autocalculated to resolution - no need to set explicitly # kv2['cols'] #- autocalculated to resolution - no need to set explicitly # grass.message(str(kv2)) # grass.message(grass.region_env(**kv2)) # grass.message(s) os.environ["GRASS_REGION"] = grass.region_env(**kv2) # Getting mapping area in dots # Correcting mxfd to leave space for title and subscript pagemarginstitles = copy.deepcopy(pagemargins) pagemarginstitles["t"] = pagemarginstitles["t"] + upperspace pagemarginstitles["b"] = pagemarginstitles["b"] + lowerspace pagemarginsindotstitles = dictodots(pagemarginstitles, dpioption) mxfdtitles = getmaxframeindots(pagemarginsindotstitles, pagesizesindots) mpfd = getmapframeindots(mapulindots, mapsizesindots, mxfdtitles) if pageoption == "Flexi": # For 'Flexi' page we modify the setup to create # a page containing only the map without margins grass.verbose(_("printws: pre Flexi mapframe: " + str(mpfd))) mpfd["b"] = mpfd["b"] - mpfd["t"] mpfd["t"] = 0 mpfd["r"] = mpfd["r"] - mpfd["l"] mpfd["l"] = 0 os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_WIDTH"] = str(mpfd["r"]) os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_HEIGHT"] = str(mpfd["b"]) grass.verbose(_("printws: post Flexi mapframe: " + str(mpfd))) mapframe = ( str(mpfd["t"]) + "," + str(mpfd["b"]) + "," + str(mpfd["l"]) + "," + str(mpfd["r"]) ) grass.verbose(_("printws: DOT VALUES ARE:")) grass.verbose(_("printws: maxframe: " + str(mxfd))) grass.verbose(_("printws: maxframe: " + maxframe)) grass.verbose(_("printws: mapframe: " + str(mpfd))) grass.verbose(_("printws: mapframe: " + mapframe)) grass.verbose(_("printws: page: " + str(pagesizesindots))) grass.verbose(_("printws: margins: " + str(pagemarginsindots))) grass.verbose(_("printws: mapUL: " + str(mapulindots))) grass.verbose(_("printws: mapsizes (corrected): " + str(mapsizesindots))) grass.verbose(_("printws: ewres (corrected): " + str(newewres))) grass.verbose(_("printws: nsres (corrected): " + str(newnsres))) # quit() # ------------------- INMAP ------------------- # Do not limit -map. It was: -limit map 720000000 before... # So we can grow on disk as long as it lasts imcommand = ( "convert -limit memory 720000000 -units PixelsPerInch -density " + str(int(dpioption)) + " " ) if == "nt": imcommand = "magick " + imcommand os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FRAME"] = mapframe grass.verbose(_("printws: Rendering: the following layers: ")) lastopacity = "-1" for lay in layers: grass.verbose(_(lay[1] + " at: " + lay[0] + " opacity")) if lay[0] == "1": if lastopacity != "1": LASTFILE = os.path.join( TMPDIR, str(os.getpid()) + "_DIS_" + str(displaycounter) + "_GEN_" + str(LAYERCOUNT) + "." + TMPFORMAT, ) os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE"] = LASTFILE LAYERCOUNT = LAYERCOUNT + 2 imcommand = imcommand + " " + LASTFILE lastopacity = "1" render(lay[1], lay[2], lay[3]) else: lastopacity = lay[0] LASTFILE = os.path.join( TMPDIR, str(os.getpid()) + "_DIS_" + str(displaycounter) + "_GEN_" + str(LAYERCOUNT) + "." + TMPFORMAT, ) LAYERCOUNT = LAYERCOUNT + 2 os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE"] = LASTFILE grass.verbose("LAY: " + str(lay)) render(lay[1], lay[2], lay[3]) imcommand = ( imcommand + " \( " + LASTFILE + " -channel a -evaluate multiply " + lay[0] + " +channel \)" ) # setting resolution back to pre-script state since map rendering is # finished # CHANGE: not necessary anymore since we use temp_region now # However, since we did set GRASS_REGION, let's redo it here os.environ.pop("GRASS_REGION") # ------------------- OUTSIDE MAP texts, etc ------------------- if pageoption == "Flexi": grass.verbose( _("m.printws: WARNING! Felxi mode, will not create titles, etc...") ) else: os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FRAME"] = maxframe dict = {} dict["task"] = "d.text" dict["color"] = titlecolor dict["font"] = titlefont dict["charset"] = "UTF-8" if len(options["maintitle"]) > 1: dict["text"] = decodetextmacros(options["maintitle"], textmacros) dict["at"] = "50," + str(titletoppercent) dict["align"] = "uc" dict["size"] = str(maintitlesize) render(str(dict), dict, {}) if len(options["subtitle"]) > 1: dict["text"] = decodetextmacros(options["subtitle"], textmacros) dict["at"] = "50," + str(subtitletoppercent) dict["align"] = "uc" dict["size"] = str(subtitlesize) render(str(dict), dict, {}) dict["size"] = str(pssize) if len(options["psundercentral"]) > 1: dict["text"] = decodetextmacros(options["psundercentral"], textmacros) dict["at"] = "50,1" dict["align"] = "lc" render(str(dict), dict, {}) if len(options["psunderleft"]) > 1: dict["text"] = decodetextmacros(options["psunderleft"], textmacros) dict["at"] = "0,1" dict["align"] = "ll" render(str(dict), dict, {}) if len(options["psunderright"]) > 1: dict["text"] = decodetextmacros(options["psunderright"], textmacros) dict["at"] = "100,1" dict["align"] = "lr" render(str(dict), dict, {}) # ------------------- GENERATING OUTPUT FILE ------------------- if len(options["output"]) > 1: output = options["output"] else: output = "map_" + str(os.getpid()) # remove extension AND display number and naming if any output = os.path.splitext(output)[0] output = re.sub("_DISPLAY_[0-9]+_.*", "", output) if len(options["format"]) > 1: extension = options["format"] else: extension = "pdf" displaypart = "" if len(displays) > 1: displaypart = "_DISPLAY_" + str(displaycounter) + "_" + key pagedata = getpagedata(pageoption) # params= ' -extent '+str(pagesizesindots['w'])+'x'+str(pagesizesindots['h'])+' -gravity center -compress jpeg -page '+pagedata['page']+' '+pagedata['parameters']+' -units PixelsPerInch -density '+str(dpioption)+'x'+str(dpioption)+' ' params = ( " -compress jpeg -quality 92 " + pagedata["parameters"] + " -units PixelsPerInch -density " + str(int(dpioption)) + " " ) imcommand = ( imcommand + " -layers flatten " + params + '"' + output + displaypart + "." + extension + '"' ) grass.verbose(_("printws: And the imagemagick command is... " + imcommand)) os.system(imcommand) if not flags["d"]: grass.verbose(_("printws: Doing graceful cleanup...")) os.system("rm " + os.path.join(TMPDIR, str(os.getpid()) + "*_GEN_*")) if REMOVE_TMPDIR: try_rmdir(TMPDIR) else: grass.message( "\n%s\n" % _("printws: Temp dir remove failed. Do it yourself, please:") ) sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % TMPDIR % " <---- this") # restoring pre-script region # - not necessary as we are using grass.use_temp_region() in the future return 0
def main(): raster = options["raster"] maskcats = options["maskcats"] vector = options["vector"] layer = options["layer"] cats = options["cats"] where = options["where"] remove = flags["r"] invert = flags["i"] if not remove and not raster and not vector: grass.fatal(_("Either parameter <raster> ot parameter <vector> is required")) mapset = grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"] exists = bool(grass.find_file("MASK", element="cell", mapset=mapset)["file"]) if remove: # -> remove if exists: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", quiet=True, type="rast", pattern="MASK") grass.message(_("Raster MASK removed")) else: grass.fatal(_("No existing MASK to remove")) else: # -> create if exists: if not grass.overwrite(): grass.fatal(_("MASK already found in current mapset. Delete first or overwrite.")) else: grass.warning(_("MASK already exists and will be overwritten")) grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", quiet=True, type="rast", pattern="MASK") if raster: # check if input raster exists if not grass.find_file(raster)["file"]: grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % raster) if maskcats != "*" and not remove: if grass.raster_info(raster)["datatype"] != "CELL": grass.fatal( _( "The raster map <%s> must be integer (CELL type) " " in order to use the 'maskcats' parameter" ) % raster ) p = grass.feed_command("r.reclass", input=raster, output="MASK", overwrite=True, rules="-") p.stdin.write("%s = 1" % maskcats) p.stdin.close() p.wait() elif vector: vector_name = grass.find_file(vector, "vector")["fullname"] if not vector_name: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % vector) # parser bug? if len(cats) == 0: cats = None if len(where) == 0: where = None if grass.vector_info_topo(vector_name)["areas"] < 1: grass.warning(_("No area found in vector map <%s>. " "Creating a convex hull for MASK.") % vector_name) global tmp_hull tmp_hull = "tmp_hull_%d" % os.getpid() to_rast_input = tmp_hull # force 'flat' convex hull for 3D vector maps if 0 != grass.run_command( "v.hull", flags="f", quiet=True, input=vector_name, output=tmp_hull, layer=layer, cats=cats, where=where, ): grass.fatal(_("Unable to create a convex hull for vector map <%s>") % vector_name) else: to_rast_input = vector_name env = os.environ.copy() if grass.verbosity() > 1: env["GRASS_VERBOSE"] = "1" grass.run_command( "", input=to_rast_input, layer=layer, output="MASK", use="val", val="1", type="area", cats=cats, where=where, env=env, ) if invert: global tmp tmp = "r_mask_%d" % os.getpid() grass.run_command("g.rename", rast=("MASK", tmp), quiet=True) grass.message(_("Creating inverted raster MASK...")) grass.mapcalc("MASK = if(isnull($tmp), 1, null())", tmp=tmp) grass.verbose(_("Inverted raster MASK created")) else: grass.verbose(_("Raster MASK created")) grass.message( _( "All subsequent raster operations will be limited to " "the MASK area. Removing or renaming raster map named " "'MASK' will restore raster operations to normal." ) )
def one_point_per_col_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input): """Write one point per col output is of type: start,end,point_1 value,point_2 value,...,point_n value Each row represents a single raster map, hence a single time stamp """ # open the output file for writing out_file = open(output, 'w') if output != "-" else sys.stdout first = True for count in range(len(output_files)): file_name = output_files[count] gscript.verbose(_("Transforming r.what output file %s"%(file_name))) map_list = output_time_list[count] in_file = open(file_name, "r") lines = in_file.readlines() matrix = [] for line in lines: matrix.append(line.split(separator)) num_cols = len(matrix[0]) if first is True: if write_header is True: out_file.write("start%(sep)send"%({"sep":separator})) if site_input: for row in matrix: x = row[0] y = row[1] site = row[2] out_file.write("%(sep)s%(x)10.10f;%(y)10.10f;%(site_name)s"\ %({"sep":separator, "x":float(x), "y":float(y), "site_name":str(site)})) else: for row in matrix: x = row[0] y = row[1] out_file.write("%(sep)s%(x)10.10f;%(y)10.10f"\ %({"sep":separator, "x":float(x), "y":float(y)})) out_file.write("\n") first = False for col in xrange(num_cols - 3): start, end = output_time_list[count][col].get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() time_string = "%(start)s%(sep)s%(end)s"\ %({"start":str(start), "end":str(end), "sep":separator}) out_file.write(time_string) for row in xrange(len(matrix)): value = matrix[row][col + 3] out_file.write("%(sep)s%(value)s"\ %({"sep":separator, "value":value.strip()})) out_file.write("\n") in_file.close() if out_file is not sys.stdout: out_file.close()
def main(): raster = options['raster'] maskcats = options['maskcats'] vector = options['vector'] layer = options['layer'] cats = options['cats'] where = options['where'] remove = flags['r'] invert = flags['i'] if not remove and not raster and not vector: grass.fatal(_("Either parameter <raster> ot parameter <vector> is required")) mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] exists = bool(grass.find_file('MASK', element='cell', mapset=mapset)['file']) if remove: # -> remove if exists: if sys.platform == 'win32': grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='if', quiet=True, type='raster', name='MASK') else: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True, type='raster', name='MASK') grass.message(_("Raster MASK removed")) else: grass.fatal(_("No existing MASK to remove")) else: # -> create if exists: if not grass.overwrite(): grass.fatal(_("MASK already found in current mapset. Delete first or overwrite.")) else: grass.warning(_("MASK already exists and will be overwritten")) grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True, type='raster', name='MASK') if raster: # check if input raster exists if not grass.find_file(raster)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % raster) if maskcats != '*' and not remove: if grass.raster_info(raster)['datatype'] != "CELL": grass.fatal(_("The raster map <%s> must be integer (CELL type) " " in order to use the 'maskcats' parameter") % raster) p = grass.feed_command( 'r.reclass', input=raster, output='MASK', overwrite=True, rules='-') p.stdin.write("%s = 1" % maskcats) p.stdin.close() p.wait() elif vector: vector_name = grass.find_file(vector, 'vector')['fullname'] if not vector_name: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % vector) # parser bug? if len(cats) == 0: cats = None if len(where) == 0: where = None if grass.vector_info_topo(vector_name)['areas'] < 1: grass.warning(_("No area found in vector map <%s>. " "Creating a convex hull for MASK.") % vector_name) global tmp_hull tmp_hull = "tmp_hull_%d" % os.getpid() to_rast_input = tmp_hull # force 'flat' convex hull for 3D vector maps try: grass.run_command('v.hull', flags='f', quiet=True, input=vector_name, output=tmp_hull, layer=layer, cats=cats, where=where) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal( _("Unable to create a convex hull for vector map <%s>") % vector_name) else: to_rast_input = vector_name env = os.environ.copy() if grass.verbosity() > 1: env['GRASS_VERBOSE'] = '1' grass.run_command('', input=to_rast_input, layer=layer, output='MASK', use='val', val='1', type='area', cats=cats, where=where, env=env) if invert: global tmp tmp = "r_mask_%d" % os.getpid() grass.run_command('g.rename', raster=('MASK', tmp), quiet=True) grass.message(_("Creating inverted raster MASK...")) grass.mapcalc("MASK = if(isnull($tmp), 1, null())", tmp=tmp) grass.verbose(_("Inverted raster MASK created")) else: grass.verbose(_("Raster MASK created")) grass.message(_("All subsequent raster operations will be limited to " "the MASK area. Removing or renaming raster map named " "'MASK' will restore raster operations to normal."))
def import_stds(input, output, directory, title=None, descr=None, location=None, link=False, exp=False, overr=False, create=False, stds_type="strds", base=None, set_current_region=False): """Import space time datasets of type raster and vector :param input: Name of the input archive file :param output: The name of the output space time dataset :param directory: The extraction directory :param title: The title of the new created space time dataset :param descr: The description of the new created space time dataset :param location: The name of the location that should be created, maps are imported into this location :param link: Switch to link raster maps instead importing them :param exp: Extend location extents based on new dataset :param overr: Override projection (use location's projection) :param create: Create the location specified by the "location" parameter and exit. Do not import the space time datasets. :param stds_type: The type of the space time dataset that should be imported :param base: The base name of the new imported maps, it will be extended using a numerical index. """ global raise_on_error old_state = gscript.raise_on_error gscript.set_raise_on_error(True) # Check if input file and extraction directory exits if not os.path.exists(input): gscript.fatal(_("Space time raster dataset archive <%s> not found") % input) if not create and not os.path.exists(directory): gscript.fatal(_("Extraction directory <%s> not found") % directory) tar =, mode='r') # Check for important files msgr = get_tgis_message_interface() msgr.message(_("Checking validity of input file (size: %0.1f MB). Make take a while..." % (os.path.getsize(input)/(1024*1024.0)))) members = tar.getnames() # Make sure that the basenames of the files are used for comparison member_basenames = [os.path.basename(name) for name in members] if init_file_name not in member_basenames: gscript.fatal(_("Unable to find init file <%s>") % init_file_name) if list_file_name not in member_basenames: gscript.fatal(_("Unable to find list file <%s>") % list_file_name) if proj_file_name not in member_basenames: gscript.fatal(_("Unable to find projection file <%s>") % proj_file_name) msgr.message(_("Extracting data...")) tar.extractall(path=directory) tar.close() # We use a new list file name for map registration new_list_file_name = list_file_name + "_new" # Save current working directory path old_cwd = os.getcwd() # Switch into the data directory os.chdir(directory) # Check projection information if not location: temp_name = gscript.tempfile() temp_file = open(temp_name, "w") proj_name = os.path.abspath(proj_file_name) # We need to convert projection strings generated # from other programms than g.proj into # new line format so that the grass file comparison function # can be used to compare the projections proj_name_tmp = temp_name + "_in_projection" proj_file = open(proj_name, "r") proj_content = proj_content = proj_content.replace(" +", "\n+") proj_content = proj_content.replace("\t+", "\n+") proj_file.close() proj_file = open(proj_name_tmp, "w") proj_file.write(proj_content) proj_file.close() p = gscript.start_command("g.proj", flags="j", stdout=temp_file) p.communicate() temp_file.close() if not gscript.compare_key_value_text_files(temp_name, proj_name_tmp, sep="="): if overr: gscript.warning(_("Projection information does not match. " "Proceeding...")) else: diff = ''.join(gscript.diff_files(temp_name, proj_name)) gscript.warning(_("Difference between PROJ_INFO file of " "imported map and of current location:" "\n{diff}").format(diff=diff)) gscript.fatal(_("Projection information does not match. " "Aborting.")) # Create a new location based on the projection information and switch # into it old_env = gscript.gisenv() if location: try: proj4_string = open(proj_file_name, 'r').read() gscript.create_location(dbase=old_env["GISDBASE"], location=location, proj4=proj4_string) # Just create a new location and return if create: os.chdir(old_cwd) return except Exception as e: gscript.fatal(_("Unable to create location %(l)s. Reason: %(e)s") % {'l': location, 'e': str(e)}) # Switch to the new created location try: gscript.run_command("g.mapset", mapset="PERMANENT", location=location, dbase=old_env["GISDBASE"]) except CalledModuleError: gscript.fatal(_("Unable to switch to location %s") % location) # create default database connection try: gscript.run_command("t.connect", flags="d") except CalledModuleError: gscript.fatal(_("Unable to create default temporal database " "in new location %s") % location) try: # Make sure the temporal database exists factory.init() fs = "|" maplist = [] mapset = get_current_mapset() list_file = open(list_file_name, "r") new_list_file = open(new_list_file_name, "w") # get number of lines to correctly form the suffix max_count = -1 for max_count, l in enumerate(list_file): pass max_count += 1 # Read the map list from file line_count = 0 while True: line = list_file.readline() if not line: break line_list = line.split(fs) # The filename is actually the base name of the map # that must be extended by the file suffix filename = line_list[0].strip().split(":")[0] if base: mapname = "%s_%s" % (base, gscript.get_num_suffix(line_count + 1, max_count)) mapid = "%s@%s" % (mapname, mapset) else: mapname = filename mapid = mapname + "@" + mapset row = {} row["filename"] = filename row["name"] = mapname row["id"] = mapid row["start"] = line_list[1].strip() row["end"] = line_list[2].strip() new_list_file.write("%s%s%s%s%s\n" % (mapname, fs, row["start"], fs, row["end"])) maplist.append(row) line_count += 1 list_file.close() new_list_file.close() # Read the init file fs = "=" init = {} init_file = open(init_file_name, "r") while True: line = init_file.readline() if not line: break kv = line.split(fs) init[kv[0]] = kv[1].strip() init_file.close() if "temporal_type" not in init or \ "semantic_type" not in init or \ "number_of_maps" not in init: gscript.fatal(_("Key words %(t)s, %(s)s or %(n)s not found in init" " file.") % {'t': "temporal_type", 's': "semantic_type", 'n': "number_of_maps"}) if line_count != int(init["number_of_maps"]): gscript.fatal(_("Number of maps mismatch in init and list file.")) format_ = "GTiff" type_ = "strds" if "stds_type" in init: type_ = init["stds_type"] if "format" in init: format_ = init["format"] if stds_type != type_: gscript.fatal(_("The archive file is of wrong space time dataset" " type")) # Check the existence of the files if format_ == "GTiff": for row in maplist: filename = row["filename"] + ".tif" if not os.path.exists(filename): gscript.fatal(_("Unable to find GeoTIFF raster file " "<%s> in archive.") % filename) elif format_ == "AAIGrid": for row in maplist: filename = row["filename"] + ".asc" if not os.path.exists(filename): gscript.fatal(_("Unable to find AAIGrid raster file " "<%s> in archive.") % filename) elif format_ == "GML": for row in maplist: filename = row["filename"] + ".xml" if not os.path.exists(filename): gscript.fatal(_("Unable to find GML vector file " "<%s> in archive.") % filename) elif format_ == "pack": for row in maplist: if type_ == "stvds": filename = str(row["filename"].split(":")[0]) + ".pack" else: filename = row["filename"] + ".pack" if not os.path.exists(filename): gscript.fatal(_("Unable to find GRASS package file " "<%s> in archive.") % filename) else: gscript.fatal(_("Unsupported input format")) # Check the space time dataset id = output + "@" + mapset sp = dataset_factory(type_, id) if sp.is_in_db() and gscript.overwrite() is False: gscript.fatal(_("Space time %(t)s dataset <%(sp)s> is already in" " the database. Use the overwrite flag.") % {'t': type_, 'sp': sp.get_id()}) # Import the maps if type_ == "strds": if format_ == "GTiff" or format_ == "AAIGrid": _import_raster_maps_from_gdal(maplist, overr, exp, location, link, format_, set_current_region) if format_ == "pack": _import_raster_maps(maplist, set_current_region) elif type_ == "stvds": if format_ == "GML": _import_vector_maps_from_gml( maplist, overr, exp, location, link) if format_ == "pack": _import_vector_maps(maplist) # Create the space time dataset if sp.is_in_db() and gscript.overwrite() is True:"Overwrite space time %(sp)s dataset " "<%(id)s> and unregister all maps.") % {'sp': sp.get_new_map_instance(None).get_type(), 'id': sp.get_id()}) sp.delete() sp = sp.get_new_instance(id) temporal_type = init["temporal_type"] semantic_type = init["semantic_type"] relative_time_unit = None if temporal_type == "relative": if "relative_time_unit" not in init: gscript.fatal(_("Key word %s not found in init file.") % ("relative_time_unit")) relative_time_unit = init["relative_time_unit"] sp.set_relative_time_unit(relative_time_unit) gscript.verbose(_("Create space time %s dataset.") % sp.get_new_map_instance(None).get_type()) sp.set_initial_values(temporal_type=temporal_type, semantic_type=semantic_type, title=title, description=descr) sp.insert() # register the maps fs = "|" register_maps_in_space_time_dataset( type=sp.get_new_map_instance(None).get_type(), name=output, file=new_list_file_name, start="file", end="file", unit=relative_time_unit, dbif=None, fs=fs, update_cmd_list=False) os.chdir(old_cwd) except: raise # Make sure the location is switched back correctly finally: if location: # Switch to the old location try: gscript.run_command("g.mapset", mapset=old_env["MAPSET"], location=old_env["LOCATION_NAME"], gisdbase=old_env["GISDBASE"]) except CalledModuleError: grass.warning(_("Switching to original location failed")) gscript.set_raise_on_error(old_state)
def main(): color = options['color'] column = options['column'] layer = options['layer'] map = options['map'] range = options['range'] raster = options['raster'] rgb_column = options['rgb_column'] rules = options['rules'] flip = flags['n'] global tmp, tmp_colr, tmp_vcol pid = os.getpid() tmp = tmp_colr = tmp_vcol = None mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] gisbase = os.getenv('GISBASE') # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? kv = grass.find_file(map, element='vector', mapset=mapset) if not kv['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % map) vector = map.split('@', 1) # sanity check mutually exclusive color options if not options['color'] and not options['raster'] and not options['rules']: grass.fatal(_("Pick one of color, rules, or raster options")) if color: #### check the color rule is valid color_opts = os.listdir(os.path.join(gisbase, 'etc', 'colors')) color_opts += ['random', 'grey.eq', 'grey.log', 'rules'] if color not in color_opts: grass.fatal( _("Invalid color rule <%s>\n") % color + _("Valid options are: %s") % ' '.join(color_opts)) elif raster: if not grass.find_file(raster)['name']: grass.fatal(_("Raster raster map <%s> not found") % raster) elif rules: if not os.access(rules, os.R_OK): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read color rules file <%s>") % rules) # column checks # check input data column cols = grass.vector_columns(map, layer=layer) if column not in cols: grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> not found") % column) ncolumn_type = cols[column]['type'] if ncolumn_type not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: grass.fatal( _("Column <%s> is not numeric but %s") % (column, ncolumn_type)) # check if GRASSRGB column exists, make it if it doesn't table = grass.vector_db(map)[int(layer)]['table'] if rgb_column not in cols: # RGB Column not found, create it grass.message(_("Creating column <%s>...") % rgb_column) try: grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map=map, layer=layer, column="%s varchar(11)" % rgb_column) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Creating color column")) else: column_type = cols[rgb_column]['type'] if column_type not in ["CHARACTER", "TEXT"]: grass.fatal( _("Column <%s> is not of compatible type (found %s)") % (rgb_column, column_type)) else: num_chars = dict([ (v[0], int(v[2])) for v in grass.db_describe(table)['cols'] ])[rgb_column] if num_chars < 11: grass.fatal( _("Color column <%s> is not wide enough (needs 11 characters)" ), rgb_column) cvals = grass.vector_db_select(map, layer=int(layer), columns=column)['values'].values() # find data range if range: # order doesn't matter vals = range.split(',') else: grass.message(_("Scanning values...")) vals = [float(x[0]) for x in cvals] minval = min(vals) maxval = max(vals) grass.verbose(_("Range: [%s, %s]") % (minval, maxval)) if minval is None or maxval is None: grass.fatal(_("Scanning data range")) # setup internal region grass.use_temp_region() grass.run_command('g.region', rows=2, cols=2) tmp_colr = "tmp_colr_%d" % pid # create dummy raster map if ncolumn_type == "INTEGER": grass.mapcalc("$tmp_colr = int(if(row() == 1, $minval, $maxval))", tmp_colr=tmp_colr, minval=minval, maxval=maxval) else: grass.mapcalc("$tmp_colr = double(if(row() == 1, $minval, $maxval))", tmp_colr=tmp_colr, minval=minval, maxval=maxval) if color: color_cmd = {'color': color} elif raster: color_cmd = {'raster': raster} elif rules: color_cmd = {'rules': rules} if flip: flip_flag = 'n' else: flip_flag = '' grass.run_command('r.colors', map=tmp_colr, flags=flip_flag, quiet=True, **color_cmd) tmp = grass.tempfile() # calculate colors and write SQL command file grass.message(_("Looking up colors...")) f = open(tmp, 'w') p = grass.feed_command('r.what.color', flags='i', input=tmp_colr, stdout=f) lastval = None for v in sorted(vals): if v == lastval: continue p.stdin.write('%f\n' % v) p.stdin.close() p.wait() f.close() tmp_vcol = "%s_vcol.sql" % tmp fi = open(tmp, 'r') fo = open(tmp_vcol, 'w') t = string.Template( "UPDATE $table SET $rgb_column = '$colr' WHERE $column = $value;\n") found = 0 for line in fi: [value, colr] = line.split(': ') colr = colr.strip() if len(colr.split(':')) != 3: continue fo.write( t.substitute(table=table, rgb_column=rgb_column, colr=colr, column=column, value=value)) found += 1 fi.close() fo.close() if not found: grass.fatal(_("No values found in color range")) # apply SQL commands to update the table with values grass.message(_("Writing %s colors...") % found) try: grass.run_command('db.execute', input=tmp_vcol) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Processing SQL transaction")) if flags['s']: vcolors = "vcolors_%d" % pid grass.run_command('g.rename', raster=(tmp_colr, vcolors), quiet=True) grass.message( _("Raster map containing color rules saved to <%s>") % vcolors) # TODO save full v.colors command line history grass.run_command( '', map=vcolors, history="", source1="vector map = %s" % map, source2="column = %s" % column, title=_("Dummy raster to use as thematic vector legend"), description="generated by v.colors using r.mapcalc") grass.run_command('', map=vcolors, history=_("RGB saved into <%s> using <%s%s%s>") % (rgb_column, color, raster, rules))
def main(): global tmp tmp = gscript.tempfile() extend = flags["e"] shellstyle = flags["g"] table = options["table"] column = options["column"] database = options["database"] driver = options["driver"] where = options["where"] perc = options["percentile"] perc = [float(p) for p in perc.split(",")] desc_table = gscript.db_describe(table, database=database, driver=driver) if not desc_table: gscript.fatal(_("Unable to describe table <%s>") % table) found = False for cname, ctype, cwidth in desc_table["cols"]: if cname == column: found = True if ctype not in ("INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"): gscript.fatal(_("Column <%s> is not numeric") % cname) if not found: gscript.fatal(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>") % (column, table)) if not shellstyle: gscript.verbose( _("Calculation for column <%s> of table <%s>...") % (column, table) ) gscript.message(_("Reading column values...")) sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s" % (column, table) if where: sql += " WHERE " + where if not database: database = None if not driver: driver = None tmpf = open(tmp, "w") gscript.run_command( "", flags="c", table=table, database=database, driver=driver, sql=sql, stdout=tmpf, ) tmpf.close() # check if result is empty tmpf = open(tmp) if == "": gscript.fatal(_("Table <%s> contains no data.") % table) tmpf.close() # calculate statistics if not shellstyle: gscript.verbose(_("Calculating statistics...")) N = 0 sum = 0.0 sum2 = 0.0 sum3 = 0.0 minv = 1e300 maxv = -1e300 tmpf = open(tmp) for line in tmpf: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if len(line) == 0: continue x = float(line) N += 1 sum += x sum2 += x * x sum3 += abs(x) maxv = max(maxv, x) minv = min(minv, x) tmpf.close() if N <= 0: gscript.fatal(_("No non-null values found")) if not shellstyle: sys.stdout.write("Number of values: %d\n" % N) sys.stdout.write("Minimum: %.15g\n" % minv) sys.stdout.write("Maximum: %.15g\n" % maxv) sys.stdout.write("Range: %.15g\n" % (maxv - minv)) sys.stdout.write("Mean: %.15g\n" % (sum / N)) sys.stdout.write("Arithmetic mean of absolute values: %.15g\n" % (sum3 / N)) if not ((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / N) < 0: sys.stdout.write("Variance: %.15g\n" % ((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / N)) sys.stdout.write( "Standard deviation: %.15g\n" % (math.sqrt((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / N)) ) sys.stdout.write( "Coefficient of variation: %.15g\n" % ((math.sqrt((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / N)) / (math.sqrt(sum * sum) / N)) ) else: sys.stdout.write("Variance: 0\n") sys.stdout.write("Standard deviation: 0\n") sys.stdout.write("Coefficient of variation: 0\n") sys.stdout.write("Sum: %.15g\n" % sum) else: sys.stdout.write("n=%d\n" % N) sys.stdout.write("min=%.15g\n" % minv) sys.stdout.write("max=%.15g\n" % maxv) sys.stdout.write("range=%.15g\n" % (maxv - minv)) sys.stdout.write("mean=%.15g\n" % (sum / N)) sys.stdout.write("mean_abs=%.15g\n" % (sum3 / N)) if not ((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / N) < 0: sys.stdout.write("variance=%.15g\n" % ((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / N)) sys.stdout.write("stddev=%.15g\n" % (math.sqrt((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / N))) sys.stdout.write( "coeff_var=%.15g\n" % ((math.sqrt((sum2 - sum * sum / N) / N)) / (math.sqrt(sum * sum) / N)) ) else: sys.stdout.write("variance=0\n") sys.stdout.write("stddev=0\n") sys.stdout.write("coeff_var=0\n") sys.stdout.write("sum=%.15g\n" % sum) if not extend: return # preparations: sortfile(tmp, tmp + ".sort") odd = N % 2 eostr = ["even", "odd"][odd] q25pos = round(N * 0.25) if q25pos == 0: q25pos = 1 q50apos = round(N * 0.50) if q50apos == 0: q50apos = 1 q50bpos = q50apos + (1 - odd) q75pos = round(N * 0.75) if q75pos == 0: q75pos = 1 ppos = {} pval = {} for i in range(len(perc)): ppos[i] = round(N * perc[i] / 100) if ppos[i] == 0: ppos[i] = 1 pval[i] = 0 inf = open(tmp + ".sort") l = 1 for line in inf: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if len(line) == 0: continue if l == q25pos: q25 = float(line) if l == q50apos: q50a = float(line) if l == q50bpos: q50b = float(line) if l == q75pos: q75 = float(line) for i in range(len(ppos)): if l == ppos[i]: pval[i] = float(line) l += 1 q50 = (q50a + q50b) / 2 if not shellstyle: sys.stdout.write("1st Quartile: %.15g\n" % q25) sys.stdout.write("Median (%s N): %.15g\n" % (eostr, q50)) sys.stdout.write("3rd Quartile: %.15g\n" % q75) for i in range(len(perc)): if perc[i] == int(perc[i]): # integer if int(perc[i]) % 10 == 1 and int(perc[i]) != 11: sys.stdout.write( "%dst Percentile: %.15g\n" % (int(perc[i]), pval[i]) ) elif int(perc[i]) % 10 == 2 and int(perc[i]) != 12: sys.stdout.write( "%dnd Percentile: %.15g\n" % (int(perc[i]), pval[i]) ) elif int(perc[i]) % 10 == 3 and int(perc[i]) != 13: sys.stdout.write( "%drd Percentile: %.15g\n" % (int(perc[i]), pval[i]) ) else: sys.stdout.write( "%dth Percentile: %.15g\n" % (int(perc[i]), pval[i]) ) else: sys.stdout.write("%.15g Percentile: %.15g\n" % (perc[i], pval[i])) else: sys.stdout.write("first_quartile=%.15g\n" % q25) sys.stdout.write("median=%.15g\n" % q50) sys.stdout.write("third_quartile=%.15g\n" % q75) for i in range(len(perc)): percstr = "%.15g" % perc[i] percstr = percstr.replace(".", "_") sys.stdout.write("percentile_%s=%.15g\n" % (percstr, pval[i]))
def one_point_per_timerow_output(separator, output_files, output_time_list, output, write_header, site_input): """Use the original layout of the r.waht output and print instead of the raster names, the time stamps as header One point per line for all time stamps: x|y|1991-01-01 00:00:00;1991-01-02 00:00:00|1991-01-02 00:00:00;1991-01-03 00:00:00|1991-01-03 00:00:00;1991-01-04 00:00:00|1991-01-04 00:00:00;1991-01-05 00:00:00 3730731.49590371|5642483.51236521|6|8|7|7 3581249.04638104|5634411.97526282|5|8|7|7 """ out_file = open(output, 'w') if output != "-" else sys.stdout matrix = [] header = "" first = True for count in range(len(output_files)): file_name = output_files[count] gscript.verbose("Transforming r.what output file %s"%(file_name)) map_list = output_time_list[count] in_file = open(file_name, "r") if write_header: if first is True: if site_input: header = "x%(sep)sy%(sep)ssite"%({"sep":separator}) else: header = "x%(sep)sy"%({"sep":separator}) for map in map_list: start, end = map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() time_string = "%(sep)s%(start)s;%(end)s"\ %({"start":str(start), "end":str(end), "sep":separator}) header += time_string lines = in_file.readlines() for i in xrange(len(lines)): cols = lines[i].split(separator) if first is True: if site_input: matrix.append(cols[:3]) else: matrix.append(cols[:2]) matrix[i] = matrix[i] + cols[3:] first = False in_file.close() out_file.write(header + "\n") gscript.verbose(_("Writing the output file <%s>"%(output))) for row in matrix: first = True for col in row: value = col.strip() if first is False: out_file.write("%s"%(separator)) out_file.write(value) first = False out_file.write("\n") if out_file is not sys.stdout: out_file.close()
def main(): """ Main program """ # Temporary filenames # The following three are meant for a test step-by-step cwv estimation, see # unused functions! # tmp_ti_mean = tmp_map_name('ti_mean') # for cwv # tmp_tj_mean = tmp_map_name('tj_mean') # for cwv # tmp_ratio = tmp_map_name('ratio') # for cwv tmp_avg_lse = tmp_map_name('avg_lse') tmp_delta_lse = tmp_map_name('delta_lse') tmp_cwv = tmp_map_name('cwv') #tmp_lst = tmp_map_name('lst') # basic equation for mapcalc global equation, citation_lst equation = "{result} = {expression}" # user input mtl_file = options['mtl'] if not options['prefix']: b10 = options['b10'] b11 = options['b11'] t10 = options['t10'] t11 = options['t11'] if not options['clouds']: qab = options['qab'] cloud_map = False else: qab = False cloud_map = options['clouds'] elif options['prefix']: prefix = options['prefix'] b10 = prefix + '10' b11 = prefix + '11' if not options['clouds']: qab = prefix + 'QA' cloud_map = False else: cloud_map = options['clouds'] qab = False qapixel = options['qapixel'] lst_output = options['lst'] # save Brightness Temperature maps? global brightness_temperature_prefix if options['prefix_bt']: brightness_temperature_prefix = options['prefix_bt'] else: brightness_temperature_prefix = None global cwv_output cwv_window_size = int(options['window']) assertion_for_cwv_window_size_msg = ('A spatial window of size 5^2 or less is not ' 'recommended. Please select a larger window. ' 'Refer to the manual\'s notes for details.') assert cwv_window_size >= 7, assertion_for_cwv_window_size_msg cwv_output = options['cwv'] # optional maps average_emissivity_map = options['emissivity'] delta_emissivity_map = options['delta_emissivity'] # output for in-between maps? global emissivity_output, delta_emissivity_output emissivity_output = options['emissivity_out'] delta_emissivity_output = options['delta_emissivity_out'] global landcover_map, emissivity_class landcover_map = options['landcover'] emissivity_class = options['emissivity_class'] # flags global info, null info = flags['i'] scene_extent = flags['e'] timestamping = flags['t'] null = flags['n'] global rounding rounding = flags['r'] global celsius celsius = flags['c'] # ToDo: # shell = flags['g'] # # Pre-production actions # # Set Region if scene_extent: grass.use_temp_region() # safely modify the region msg = "\n|! Matching region extent to map {name}" # ToDo: check if extent-B10 == extent-B11? Unnecessary? # Improve below! if b10: run('g.region', rast=b10, align=b10) msg = msg.format(name=b10) elif t10: run('g.region', rast=t10, align=t10) msg = msg.format(name=t10) g.message(msg) elif scene_extent: grass.warning(_('Operating on current region')) # # 1. Mask clouds # if cloud_map: # user-fed cloud map? msg = '\n|i Using {cmap} as a MASK'.format(cmap=cloud_map) g.message(msg) r.mask(raster=cloud_map, flags='i', overwrite=True) else: # using the quality assessment band and a "QA" pixel value mask_clouds(qab, qapixel) # # 2. TIRS > Brightness Temperatures # if mtl_file: # if MTL and b10 given, use it to compute at-satellite temperature t10 if b10: # convert DNs to at-satellite temperatures t10 = tirs_to_at_satellite_temperature(b10, mtl_file) # likewise for b11 -> t11 if b11: # convert DNs to at-satellite temperatures t11 = tirs_to_at_satellite_temperature(b11, mtl_file) # # Initialise a SplitWindowLST object # split_window_lst = SplitWindowLST(emissivity_class) citation_lst = split_window_lst.citation # # 3. Land Surface Emissivities # # use given fixed class? if emissivity_class: if split_window_lst.landcover_class is False: # replace with meaningful error g.warning('Unknown land cover class string! Note, this string ' 'input option is case sensitive.') if emissivity_class == 'Random': msg = "\n|! Random emissivity class selected > " + \ split_window_lst.landcover_class + ' ' else: msg = '\n|! Retrieving average emissivities *only* for {eclass} ' if info: msg += '| Average emissivities (channels 10, 11): ' msg += str(split_window_lst.emissivity_t10) + ', ' + \ str(split_window_lst.emissivity_t11) msg = msg.format(eclass=split_window_lst.landcover_class) g.message(msg) # use the FROM-GLC map elif landcover_map: if average_emissivity_map: tmp_avg_lse = average_emissivity_map if not average_emissivity_map: determine_average_emissivity(tmp_avg_lse, landcover_map, split_window_lst.average_lse_mapcalc) if options['emissivity_out']: tmp_avg_lse = options['emissivity_out'] if delta_emissivity_map: tmp_delta_lse = delta_emissivity_map if not delta_emissivity_map: determine_delta_emissivity(tmp_delta_lse, landcover_map, split_window_lst.delta_lse_mapcalc) if options['delta_emissivity_out']: tmp_delta_lse = options['delta_emissivity_out'] # # 4. Modified Split-Window Variance-Covariance Matrix > Column Water Vapor # if info: msg = '\n|i Spatial window of size {n} for Column Water Vapor estimation: ' msg = msg.format(n=cwv_window_size) g.message(msg) cwv = Column_Water_Vapor(cwv_window_size, t10, t11) citation_cwv = cwv.citation estimate_cwv_big_expression(tmp_cwv, t10, t11, cwv._big_cwv_expression()) if cwv_output: tmp_cwv = cwv_output # # 5. Estimate Land Surface Temperature # if info and emissivity_class == 'Random': msg = '\n|* Will pick a random emissivity class!' grass.verbose(msg) estimate_lst(lst_output, t10, t11, tmp_avg_lse, tmp_delta_lse, tmp_cwv, split_window_lst.sw_lst_mapcalc) # # Post-production actions # # remove MASK r.mask(flags='r', verbose=True) # time-stamping if timestamping: add_timestamp(mtl_file, lst_output) if cwv_output: add_timestamp(mtl_file, cwv_output) # Apply color table if celsius: run('r.colors', map=lst_output, color='celsius') else: # color table for kelvin run('r.colors', map=lst_output, color='kelvin') # ToDo: helper function for # strings for metadata history_lst = '\n' + citation_lst history_lst += '\n\n' + citation_cwv history_lst += '\n\nSplit-Window model: ' history_lst += split_window_lst._equation # :wsw_lst_mapcalc description_lst = ('Land Surface Temperature derived from a split-window algorithm. ') if celsius: title_lst = 'Land Surface Temperature (C)' units_lst = 'Celsius' else: title_lst = 'Land Surface Temperature (K)' units_lst = 'Kelvin' landsat8_metadata = Landsat8_MTL(mtl_file) source1_lst = landsat8_metadata.scene_id source2_lst = landsat8_metadata.origin # history entry run("", map=lst_output, title=title_lst, units=units_lst, description=description_lst, source1=source1_lst, source2=source2_lst, history=history_lst) # (re)name the LST product #run("g.rename", rast=(tmp_lst, lst_output)) # restore region if scene_extent: grass.del_temp_region() # restoring previous region settings g.message("|! Original Region restored") # print citation if info: print '\nSource: ' + citation_lst
def get_session(options): """Based on a dictionary and available backends create a remote session""" requested_backend = options['backend'] if requested_backend: backends = [requested_backend] else: # on win there is minimal chance of ssh but try anyway # pexpect only upon request, it is specific and insufficiently tested backends = ['paramiko', 'simple'] session = None ensure_nones(options, ['port', 'password']) to_ints(options, ['port']) # TODO: provide a flag (or default) for reading the file or params # from some standardized location or variable (so we have shorter # command lines) config_name = options['config'] if config_name: gscript.debug("Config file supplied for login") check_config_file(config_name) with open(config_name, 'r') as config_file: config = # split using whitespace # (supposing no spaces in user name and password) values = config.split() if len(values) == 2: gscript.verbose(_("Using values for login from config file")) options['user'] = values[0] options['password'] = values[1] else: gscript.fatal(_("The config file <%s> is not well-formed." " It should contain user name and password" " separated by whitespace" " (newlines, spaces or tabs)" % config_name)) # get access to wrappers from grass.pygrass.utils import set_path set_path('g.remote') for backend in backends: if backend == 'paramiko': try: from friendlyssh import Connection session = Connection( username=options['user'], host=options['server'], password=options['password'], port=options['port']) gscript.verbose(_("Using Paramiko backend")) break except ImportError as error: gscript.verbose(_("Tried Paramiko backend but" " it is not available (%s)" % error)) continue elif backend == 'simple': try: from simplessh import SshConnection as Connection # TODO: support password and port (or warn they are missing) session = Connection( user=options['user'], host=options['server']) gscript.verbose(_("Using simple (ssh and scp) backend")) break except ImportError as error: gscript.verbose(_("Tried simple (ssh and scp) backend but" " it is not available (%s)" % error)) continue elif backend == 'pexpect': try: from pexpectssh import SshSession as Connection # TODO: support port (or warn it's missing) session = Connection( user=options['user'], host=options['server'], logfile='gcloudsshiface.log', verbose=1, password=options['password']) gscript.verbose(_("Using Pexpect (with ssh and scp) backend")) break except ImportError as error: gscript.verbose(_("Tried Pexpect (ssh, scp and pexpect)" " backend but it is not available" " (%s)" % error)) continue elif backend == 'local': try: from localsession import LocalConnection as Connection session = Connection() gscript.verbose(_("Using local host backend")) break except ImportError as error: gscript.verbose(_("Tried local host" " backend but it is not available" " (%s)" % error)) continue if session is None: hint = _("Please install Paramiko Python package" " or ssh and scp tools.") verbose_message = _("Use --verbose flag to get more information.") if sys.platform.startswith('win'): platform_hint = _("Note that the ssh is generally not available" " for MS Windows. Paramiko should be accessible" " through python pip but you have to make it" " available to GRASS GIS (or OSGeo4W) Python.") else: platform_hint = _("All should be in the software repositories." " If Paramiko is not in the repository use pip.") gscript.fatal(_( "No backend available. {general_hint} {platform_hint}" " {verbose}").format( general_hint=hint, platform_hint=platform_hint, verbose=verbose_message)) return session
def main(): vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] value = options['value'] qcolumn = options['query_column'] where = options['where'] sqlitefile = options['sqliteextra'] mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) try: f = grass.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.' )) table = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] # check for SQLite backend for extra functions if sqlitefile and driver != "sqlite": grass.fatal(_("Use of libsqlitefunctions only with SQLite backend")) if driver == "sqlite" and sqlitefile: if not os.access(sqlitefile, os.R_OK): grass.fatal(_("File <%s> not found") % sqlitefile) # checking column types try: coltype = grass.vector_columns(vector, layer)[column]['type'] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('Column <%s> not found') % column) if qcolumn: if value: grass.fatal(_('<value> and <qcolumn> are mutually exclusive')) # special case: we copy from another column value = qcolumn else: if not value: grass.fatal(_('Either <value> or <qcolumn> must be given')) # we insert a value if coltype.upper() not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: value = "'%s'" % value cmd = "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s" % (table, column, value) if where: cmd += " WHERE " + where # SQLite: preload extra functions from extension lib if provided by user if sqlitefile: sqliteload = "SELECT load_extension('%s');\n" % sqlitefile cmd = sqliteload + cmd grass.verbose("SQL: \"%s\"" % cmd) grass.write_command('db.execute', input='-', database=database, driver=driver, stdin=cmd) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(vector) return 0
def main(): # old connection old_database = options['old_database'] old_schema = options['old_schema'] # new connection default_connection = grass.db_connection() if options['new_driver']: new_driver = options['new_driver'] else: new_driver = default_connection['driver'] if options['new_database']: new_database = options['new_database'] else: new_database = default_connection['database'] if options['new_schema']: new_schema = options['new_schema'] else: new_schema = default_connection['schema'] if old_database == '': old_database = None old_database_subst = None if old_database is not None: old_database_subst = substitute_db(old_database) new_database_subst = substitute_db(new_database) if old_database_subst == new_database_subst and old_schema == new_schema: grass.fatal(_("Old and new database connection is identical. Nothing to do.")) mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] vectors = grass.list_grouped('vect')[mapset] num_vectors = len(vectors) if flags['c']: # create new database if not existing create_db(new_driver, new_database) i = 0 for vect in vectors: vect = "%s@%s" % (vect, mapset) i += 1 grass.message(_("%s\nReconnecting vector map <%s> (%d of %d)...\n%s") % \ ('-' * 80, vect, i, num_vectors, '-' * 80)) for f in grass.vector_db(vect, stderr = nuldev).itervalues(): layer = f['layer'] schema_table = f['table'] key = f['key'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] # split schema.table if '.' in schema_table: schema, table = schema_table.split('.', 1) else: schema = '' table = schema_table if new_schema: new_schema_table = "%s.%s" % (new_schema, table) else: new_schema_table = table grass.debug("DATABASE = '%s' SCHEMA = '%s' TABLE = '%s' ->\n" " NEW_DATABASE = '%s' NEW_SCHEMA_TABLE = '%s'" % \ (old_database, schema, table, new_database, new_schema_table)) do_reconnect = True if old_database_subst is not None: if database != old_database_subst: do_reconnect = False if database == new_database_subst: do_reconnect = False if schema != old_schema: do_reconnect = False if do_reconnect == True: grass.verbose(_("Reconnecting layer %d...") % layer) if flags['c']: # check if table exists in new database copy_tab(driver, database, schema_table, new_driver, new_database, new_schema_table) # drop original table if required if flags['d']: drop_tab(vect, layer, schema_table, driver, substitute_db(database)) # reconnect tables (don't use substituted new_database) # NOTE: v.db.connect creates an index on the key column try: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags = 'o', quiet = True, map = vect, layer = layer, driver = new_driver, database = new_database, table = new_schema_table, key = key) except CalledModuleError: grass.warning(_("Unable to connect table <%s> to vector <%s> on layer <%s>") % (table, vect, str(layer))) else: if database != new_database_subst: grass.warning(_("Layer <%d> will not be reconnected because " "database or schema do not match.") % layer) return 0
def main(): global GISDBASE #------------------------------------------------- #------- GETTING PARAMETERS ---------------------- #------ because of smalltalk migration, variable names #------ with mixed capitals are kept hRes = float(ensureopt('hres', 10)) vRes = float(ensureopt('vres', 1)) pointDist = float(ensureopt('pointdist', 20)) endHeight = float(ensureopt('endheight', 100)) depth = float(ensureopt('depth', 5)) startHeight = float(ensureopt('startheight', 1000)) basedtm = ensureopt('dtm', "...") limitRunLayers = int(ensureopt('limitrunlayers', 2000)) chWidth = float(ensureopt('bottomwidth', 100)) chMaxWidth = float(ensureopt('maxwidth', 300)) # forced calculation sideRatio = float(chMaxWidth - chWidth) / 2 / depth reliefRes = float(ensureopt('dtmres', 10)) linevector = ensureopt('linevector', '...') #mandatory so given for sure workPath = TMPDIR # for os.path.join(,) # In smalltalk original startCover was the line vector name # it will be better this way (basename): if len(options['basename']) < 1: startCover = linevector.split("@")[ 0] # str(os.getpid())+"_r_trench_result" else: startCover = options['basename'] #------------------------------------------------- #--------------END OF GETTING PARAMS-------------- #------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------- grass.run_command("g.region", vector=linevector, overwrite=True) grass.run_command("g.region", n="n+1000", w="w-1000", e="e+1000", s="s-1000", res=hRes, overwrite=True) grass.run_command("g.region", save='l_work_' + startCover + '.region', overwrite=True) grass.run_command("", input=linevector, type="line", output='l_' + startCover + "_points", dmax=pointDist, overwrite=True) filename = os.path.join(workPath, startCover + ".ascii") grass.run_command("v.out.ascii", input='l_' + startCover + "_points", layer=2, type="point", output=filename, columns="cat,lcat,along", format="point", overwrite=True) lines = [] inFile = open(filename, 'rU') for line in lines.append(line.split("|")) inFile.close() length = float(lines[-1][4]) grass.verbose("Path length: " + str(length)) filename = os.path.join(workPath, startCover + '_' + 'profileXY.csv') grass.verbose("Profile: " + str(filename)) outFile = open(filename, "w") for each in lines: tmp = (each[0]) + ',' + (each[1]) + "\n" outFile.write(tmp) outFile.close() # next line should be more exact because with full trapeziod a wider area is necessary. # actually, we don't know at this point how big the deepest cut will be !!! ??? # grass.run_command('v.buffer', overwrite=True, input=linevector, type="line", output='l_' + startCover + '_maxbuf', distance=str(float(chMaxWidth) / float(2))) grass.run_command('r.mask', overwrite=True, vector='l_' + startCover + '_maxbuf') grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression='l_' + startCover + '_maxbuf = ' + basedtm, overwrite=True) s = grass.read_command('r.univar', overwrite=True, map='l_' + startCover + '_maxbuf') kv = grass.parse_key_val(s, sep=':') maxH = float(kv['maximum']) maxH = maxH + vRes grass.verbose("Maximum height: " + str(maxH)) grass.run_command('r.mask', flags="r") vLevels = int(round(((maxH - endHeight) / vRes))) + 2 grass.verbose("Number of levels: " + str(vLevels)) hSeries = [] # WINDOWS??? os.system('rm ' + os.path.join(workPath, 'l_*.pascii')) db = {} for n in range(1, vLevels): hSeries.append(round((n - 1) * vRes + endHeight)) db[n] = [] quo = (endHeight - startHeight) / length grass.verbose("Start height: " + str(startHeight)) grass.verbose("End height: " + str(endHeight)) grass.verbose("Slope ratio (in meters / meter): " + str(quo)) for aLine in lines: tmp = (quo * float(aLine[4])) + startHeight level = int(round(((tmp - endHeight) / vRes) + 1)) layer = hSeries[level - 1] # python arrays run from 0 #print "---------------"+str(aLine)+" level: "+str(level) db[level].append([aLine[0], aLine[1], aLine[2], chWidth / 2]) for levelUp in range(level + 1, vLevels): bufferWidth = ((chWidth / 2) + ((levelUp - level) * vRes * sideRatio)) if bufferWidth <= (chMaxWidth / 2): db[levelUp].append([aLine[0], aLine[1], aLine[2], bufferWidth]) for aKey in db: #print "---------------"+str(aKey) filename = os.path.join( workPath, 'l_' + startCover + '_' + str(aKey).zfill(5) + '.pascii') outFile = open(filename, "w") for each in db[aKey]: tmp = str(each[0]) + '|' + str(each[1]) + '|' + str( each[2]) + '|' + str(each[3]) + "\n" outFile.write(tmp) outFile.close() grass.run_command('g.region', region='l_work_' + startCover + '.region') grass.run_command('g.region', res=str(hRes)) #creating buffer for raster masking grass.run_command('v.buffer', overwrite=True, input=linevector, type='line', output='l_' + startCover + '_buf200', distance=200) grass.run_command('r.mask', overwrite=True, vector='l_' + startCover + '_buf200') for n in range(1, min(vLevels, limitRunLayers)): if len(db[n]) > 0: basename = 'l_' + startCover + '_' + str(n).zfill(5) grass.run_command( '', flags="n", overwrite=True, input=os.path.join(workPath, basename + '.pascii'), output=basename, columns= "x double precision, y double precision, cat int, width double precision", cat=3) grass.run_command('v.buffer', flags="t", overwrite=True, input=basename, layer=1, type="point", output=basename + '_buf', column="width", tolerance=0.01) grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map=basename + '_buf', col='level int') grass.run_command('v.db.update', map=basename + '_buf', column="level", value=str(hSeries[n - 1])) grass.run_command('', overwrite=True, input=basename + '_buf', type="area", output=basename + '_buf_diss', use="attr", attribute_column="level") #CALCULATING FINAL RESULT grass.run_command('r.mask', flags='r') grass.run_command('g.region', region='l_work_' + startCover + '.region') grass.run_command('g.region', res=str(hRes)) grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression='source = ' + basedtm, overwrite=True) for n in range(1, min(vLevels, limitRunLayers)): if len(db[n]) > 0: basename = 'l_' + startCover + '_' + str(n).zfill(5) grass.verbose("Applying: " + basename) grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression='temp = if (isnull(' + basename + '_buf_diss),source,if ( ' + basename + '_buf_diss < source , ' + basename + '_buf_diss, source))', overwrite=True) grass.run_command('g.rename', overwrite=True, raster='temp,source') grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression='dtm_' + startCover + ' = if (isnull(source),' + basedtm + ',source)', overwrite=True) grass.run_command('r.colors', map='dtm_' + startCover, color='bgyr') grass.run_command('g.region', res=str(reliefRes)) grass.run_command('r.relief', overwrite=True, input='dtm_' + startCover, output='dtm_' + startCover + '_shaded', altitude=60, azimuth=45) grass.verbose("Calculating volume difference") grass.run_command('g.region', raster='dtm_' + startCover) grass.run_command('g.region', res=str(hRes)) grass.run_command('r.mask', overwrite=True, vector='l_' + startCover + '_buf200') grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', overwrite=True, expression='diff_' + startCover + ' = ' + basedtm + ' - dtm_' + startCover) s = grass.read_command('r.univar', overwrite=True, map='diff_' + startCover) kv = grass.parse_key_val(s, sep=':') sum = float(kv['sum']) grass.run_command('r.mask', flags="r") # WRITE LOG FILE filename = startCover + ".txt" s = grass.read_command('g.region', flags="p3") kv = grass.parse_key_val(s, sep=':') xres = float(kv['nsres']) yres = float(kv['ewres']) m3 = xres * yres * sum mt = m3 * 2.7 * 1000 liebherr = mt / 350 visontaev = mt / 1000 / 4200 outFile = open(filename, "w") tmp = [] tmp.append("Path: " + linevector + " >> " + startCover + "\n") tmp.append("M3: " + str(m3) + "\n") tmp.append("Limestone tons: " + str(mt) + "\n") tmp.append("Kt limestone: " + str(mt / 1000.0) + "\n") tmp.append("Liebherr T 282B: " + str(liebherr) + "\n") tmp.append("Visonta year " + str(visontaev) + "\n") for each in tmp: grass.message(each) outFile.write(each) outFile.close() grass.run_command('g.remove', flags="f", type="all", pattern='l_*' + startCover + '*') return 0