Exemple #1
def wall_post(request):
    fb = get_persistent_graph(request)

    message = request.REQUEST.get('message')
    fb.set('me/feed', message=message)

    messages.info(request, 'Posted the message to your wall')

    return next_redirect(request)
Exemple #2
def image_upload(request):
    fb = get_persistent_graph(request)
    pictures = request.REQUEST.getlist('pictures')

    for picture in pictures:
        fb.set('me/photos', url=picture, message='the writing is one The '
            'wall image %s' % picture)

    messages.info(request, 'The images have been added to your profile!')

    return next_redirect(request)
Exemple #3
    def post_facebook_registration(self, request):
        Behaviour after registering with facebook
        from greenroom.apps.django_facebook_patched.utils import next_redirect
        default_url = reverse('facebook_connect')
        response = next_redirect(request, default=default_url,
        response.set_cookie('fresh_registration', self.user_id)

        return response
Exemple #4
def connect(request):
    Handles the view logic around connect user
    - (if authenticated) connect the user
    - login
    - register
    backend = get_registration_backend()
    context = RequestContext(request)

    assert context.get('FACEBOOK_APP_ID'), 'Please specify a facebook app id '\
        'and ensure the context processor is enabled'
    facebook_login = bool(int(request.REQUEST.get('facebook_login', 0)))
    if facebook_login:
        logger.info('trying to connect using facebook')
        graph = require_persistent_graph(request)
        if graph:
            logger.info('found a graph object')
            facebook = FacebookUserConverter(graph)
            if facebook.is_authenticated():
                logger.info('facebook is authenticated')
                facebook_data = facebook.facebook_profile_data()
                #either, login register or connect the user
                    action, user = connect_user(request)
                    logger.info('Django facebook performed action: %s', action)
                except facebook_exceptions.IncompleteProfileError, e:
                    #show them a registration form to add additional data
                    warning_format = u'Incomplete profile data encountered with error %s'
                    warn_message = warning_format % e.message
                    send_warning(warn_message, e=e,

                    context['facebook_mode'] = True
                    context['form'] = e.form
                    return render_to_response(

                if action is CONNECT_ACTIONS.CONNECT:
                    #connect means an existing account was attached to facebook
                    messages.info(request, _("You have connected your account "
                        "to %s's facebook profile") % facebook_data['name'])
                elif action is CONNECT_ACTIONS.REGISTER:
                    #hook for tying in specific post registration functionality
                    response = backend.post_registration_redirect(request, user)
                    #compatability for django registration backends which return tuples instead of a response
                    #alternatively we could wrap django registration backends, but that would be hard to understand
                    response = response if isinstance(response, HttpResponse) else redirect(response)
                    return response
            if 'attempt' in request.GET:
                return next_redirect(request, next_key=['error_next', 'next'],
                logger.info('Facebook authentication needed for connect, ' \
                            'raising an error')
                raise OpenFacebookException('please authenticate')

        #for CONNECT and LOGIN we simple redirect to the next page
        return next_redirect(request, default=facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_LOGIN_DEFAULT_REDIRECT)