Exemple #1
def I_ul(nballs, nboxes, labels):
    if nballs == 0:
        yield (tuple(),) * nboxes
        for occs in unlabeled_balls_in_labeled_boxes(nballs, [nballs]*nboxes):
            stop_points = (0,) + tuple(cummulative_sum(occs))
            yield tuple(labels[stop_points[i]:stop_points[i+1]] for i in xrange(nboxes))
Exemple #2
def I_ul(nballs, nboxes, labels):
    if nballs == 0:
        yield (tuple(), ) * nboxes
        for occs in unlabeled_balls_in_labeled_boxes(nballs,
                                                     [nballs] * nboxes):
            stop_points = (0, ) + tuple(cummulative_sum(occs))
            yield tuple(labels[stop_points[i]:stop_points[i + 1]]
                        for i in xrange(nboxes))
Exemple #3
def all_partitions_iter(sequence, length, allow_zero=True):
    Iterate over all possible partitions of a sequence


    n = len(sequence)
    for partitions in unlabeled_balls_in_labeled_boxes(n, [n]*length):
        if not allow_zero and 0 in partitions:
        to_yield = tuple(partitioned(sequence, partitions))[:length]
        yield to_yield
Exemple #4
def all_partitions_iter(sequence, length, allow_zero=True):
    Iterate over all possible partitions of a sequence


    n = len(sequence)
    for partitions in unlabeled_balls_in_labeled_boxes(n, [n] * length):
        if not allow_zero and 0 in partitions:
        to_yield = tuple(partitioned(sequence, partitions))[:length]
        yield to_yield
Exemple #5
 def analytic_b_tensor_for_order(self, order):
     # First check the cache
     cache_key = (self.__class__, order) + tuple(a.pos for a in self.atoms)
     cache_resp = SimpleInternalCoordinate._check_b_tensor_cache(*cache_key)
     if cache_resp is not None:
         return cache_resp
     B = partial(SimpleInternalCoordinate.b_tensor_element_reindexed, self)
     # First order is already done elsewhere...
     if order == 1:
         # We can't use the `b_vector` attribute since that vector is indexed in the parent
         #   molecule's indexing scheme
         my_b = Vector(self.__class__.b_vector_for_positions(*[a.pos for a in self.atoms]))
         # Return now, to avoid double-caching
         return my_b
     # TODO Explicit (matrix/tensor based) implementations of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order to speed things up substantially
         # We only have general formulas for terminal atoms as of now...
         # So we can save a little bit of time by computing these terms and
         #   then doing only finite difference for everything else
         # Torsions are composed of 4 atoms (3 CartesianCoordinates each),
         #   so the output will be a 12x12x...x12 (`order`-dimensional) tensor
         my_b = np.ndarray(shape=(12,)*order)
         if sanity_checking_enabled:
             my_b = np.ones(shape=(12,)*order) * float('inf')
         # some precomputed values
         # Helper function needed for derivative:
         def Bsin2phi(phi, *idx_alphas):
             # some precomputed values
             twophi = 2.0*phi.value*phi.units.to(Radians)
             sin2phi = sin(twophi)
             cos2phi = cos(twophi)
             def h_K(k):
                 if k % 2 == 1:
                     if ((k-1) / 2) % 2 == 0:
                         return cos2phi
                         return -cos2phi
                 else: # k is even
                     if k/2 % 2 == 0:
                         return sin2phi
                         return -sin2phi
             cumsum = 0.0
             n = len(idx_alphas)
             for k in xrange(1, n + 1):
                 inner_sum = 0.0
                 for s in I_lubar(n, k, idx_alphas):
                     inner_prod = 1.0
                     for i in range(k):
                         inner_prod *= B(phi, *s[i])
                     inner_sum += inner_prod
                 cumsum += 2.0**k * h_K(k) * inner_sum
             return cumsum
         # The aaaa...bbbbb...cccc... terms
         phis = []
         rbcs = []
         for a_idx, a in zip([0, 3], self.terminal_atoms):
             # Determine whihc terminal atom we're handling
             if a_idx == 0:
                 b_idx, c_idx, d_idx = 1, 2, 3
             else: # a_idx == 3
                 b_idx, c_idx, d_idx = 2, 1, 0
             phi_abc = self.get_coord(BondAngle,
             # units of Radians
             ang_conv = phi_abc.units.to(Radians)
             # TODO figure out what 'units' should be here
             rbc = self.get_coord(BondLength, self.atoms[b_idx], self.atoms[c_idx])
             # Keep them for later
             # some precomputed values
             sin2phi = sin(2.0 * phi_abc.value * ang_conv)
             for num_a, num_b, num_c in unlabeled_balls_in_labeled_boxes(order-1, [order-1]*3):
                 num_a += 1
                 alph_iter = product(*map(lambda n: symmetric_product([X,Y,Z], n), (num_a, num_b, num_c)))
                 for alphas_a, alphas_b, alphas_c in alph_iter:
                     a_alphas = tuple(3*a_idx + alpha for alpha in alphas_a)
                     b_alphas = tuple(3*b_idx + alpha for alpha in alphas_b)
                     c_alphas = tuple(3*c_idx + alpha for alpha in alphas_c)
                     all_alphas = a_alphas + b_alphas + c_alphas
                     cum_sum = 0.0
                     for t1, t2 in I_ll(num_b + num_c, 2, b_alphas + c_alphas):
                         bphi = LightVector([
                             B(phi_abc, 3*a_idx + sigma, *(a_alphas[1:] + t1))
                                 for sigma in [X, Y, Z]
                         brbc = LightVector([
                             B(rbc, 3*c_idx + sigma, *t2) for sigma in [X, Y, Z]]
                         cum_sum += cross(bphi, brbc)[alphas_a[0]]
                     cum_sum *= 2.0
                     cum_sum -= B(self, a_alphas[0]) * Bsin2phi(phi_abc, *all_alphas[1:])
                     for s1, s2 in I_llbar(num_a - 1 + num_b + num_c, 2, all_alphas[1:]):
                         cum_sum -= Bsin2phi(phi_abc, *s1) * B(self, *((a_alphas[0],) + s2))
                     cum_sum /= sin2phi
                     for perm in permutations(all_alphas):
                         my_b[perm] = cum_sum
         # Note that the terminal-atom cross-derivatives are 0
         if sanity_checking_enabled:
             # Fill in the explicity zeros now, since we had infinity there to make sure
             #   uncomputed values weren't being used for something else.
             for a_idx, d_idx in permutations([0, 3]):
                 for remaining_idxs in product([0, 1, 2, 3], repeat=order-2):
                     for alphas in product([X, Y, Z], repeat=order):
                         idx_alphas = tuple(3*atom_idx + alpha
                                 for atom_idx, alpha in zip((a_idx, d_idx) + remaining_idxs, alphas))
                         for perm in permutations(idx_alphas):
                             my_b[perm] = 0.0
         # Arbitrary order bbbbb.... terms
         a_idx, b_idx, c_idx, d_idx = 0, 1, 2, 3
         phi_abc = phis[0]
         phi_bcd = self.get_coord(BondAngle,
         ang_conv = phi_bcd.units.to(Radians)
         # TODO figure out what 'units' should be here
         r_ba = self.get_coord(BondLength,
         r_cd = self.get_coord(BondLength,
         def Bcscphi(phi, *b_alphas):
             phi_val = phi.value * phi.units.to(Radians)
             sinphi = sin(phi_val)
             cscphi = 1.0 / sinphi
             if len(b_alphas) == 0:
                 return cscphi
             cotphi = cos(phi_val) / sinphi
             def dcsc_n(n):
                 def t(n_t, k):
                     if k == 0:
                         return 1
                     elif k <= n_t//2:
                         return (2*k + 1) * t(n_t-1, k) + (n_t - 2*k + 1) * t(n_t-1, k-1)
                         return 0
                 ret_val = 0.0
                 for kk in xrange(n//2 + 1):
                     ret_val += t(n, kk) * cotphi**(n - 2*kk) * cscphi**(2*kk + 1)
                 if n % 2 == 1:
                     return -ret_val
                     return ret_val
             outer_sum = 0.0
             for k in xrange(1, len(b_alphas) + 1):
                 inner_sum = 0.0
                 for idx_sets in labeled_balls_in_unlabeled_boxes(len(b_alphas), [len(b_alphas)]*k):
                     if any(len(st) == 0 for st in idx_sets):
                     b_idx_sets = tuple(tuple(b_alphas[i] for i in idxset) for idxset in idx_sets)
                     product = 1.0
                     for b_idxs in b_idx_sets:
                         product *= B(phi, *b_idxs)
                     inner_sum += product
                 outer_sum += dcsc_n(k) * inner_sum
             return outer_sum
         for alphas in symmetric_product([X, Y, Z], order):
             # here we go...
             term_sum = first_term = second_term = third_term = 0.0
             iter_alphas = alphas[1:]
             b_alphas = tuple(3*b_idx + alpha for alpha in alphas)
             for b_alphas1, b_alphas2, b_alphas3 in I_ll(order-1, 3, b_alphas[1:]):
                 # preconstruct the vectors we need for the cross products
                 b_a_phi_abc = LightVector([
                     B(phi_abc, 3*a_idx + sigma, *b_alphas2) for sigma in [X, Y, Z]
                 b_c_phi_abc = LightVector([
                     B(phi_abc, 3*c_idx + sigma, *b_alphas2) for sigma in [X, Y, Z]
                 b_a_r_ba = LightVector([
                     B(r_ba, 3*a_idx + sigma, *b_alphas3) for sigma in [X, Y, Z]
                 # save a little bit of time by only computing this part once per iteration
                 Bcscphi_abc = Bcscphi(phi_abc, *b_alphas1)
                 # now add the contribution from this set of indices
                 first_term += Bcscphi_abc * cross(b_a_phi_abc, b_a_r_ba)[alphas[0]]
                 second_term += Bcscphi_abc * cross(b_c_phi_abc, b_a_r_ba)[alphas[0]]
             term_sum -= first_term + second_term
             b_d_r_cd = LightVector([
                 B(r_cd, 3*d_idx + sigma) for sigma in [X, Y, Z]
             for b_alphas1, b_alphas2 in I_ll(order-1, 2, b_alphas[1:]):
                 b_b_phi_bcd = LightVector([
                     B(phi_bcd, 3*b_idx + sigma, *b_alphas2) for sigma in [X, Y, Z]
                 third_term += Bcscphi(phi_bcd, *b_alphas1) * cross(b_b_phi_bcd, b_d_r_cd)[alphas[0]]
             term_sum += third_term
             # and spread it across permutations
             for perm in permutations(tuple(3*b_idx + alpha for alpha in alphas)):
                 my_b[perm] = term_sum
         # and fill in the bbbb...cccc... derivatives by translational invariance
         # Range from one c index to all
         for num_c in xrange(1, order+1):
             num_b = order - num_c
             alph_iter = product(*map(lambda n: symmetric_product([X,Y,Z], n), (num_b, num_c)))
             for alphas_b, alphas_c in alph_iter:
                 b_alphas = tuple(3*b_idx + alph for alph in alphas_b)
                 c_alphas = tuple(3*c_idx + alph for alph in alphas_c)
                 alphas_all = alphas_b + alphas_c
                 currsum = 0.0
                 for repl_atoms in product([a_idx, b_idx, d_idx], repeat=num_c):
                     repl_alphas = tuple(3*repl_atom + alph
                         for repl_atom, alph in zip(repl_atoms, alphas_c))
                     currsum += my_b[repl_alphas + b_alphas]
                     if sanity_checking_enabled and math.isinf(my_b[b_alphas + repl_alphas]):
                         raise IndexError("indices not filled in: {}, needed for {}".format(
                             b_alphas + repl_alphas,
                             b_alphas + c_alphas
                 if num_c % 2 == 1:
                     currsum *= -1.0
                 # and spread this value over all permutations...
                 for perm in permutations(b_alphas + c_alphas):
                     my_b[perm] = currsum
     # Cache the value we got
     SimpleInternalCoordinate._set_b_tensor_cache_entry(my_b, *cache_key)
     return my_b