Exemple #1
def grep(options):
    Main function
    if Grep.evaluate_input(options):
        grep_obj = Grep(options)

        if "n" in options[1]:
            print("Numar de aparitii: {0}".format(grep_obj.counter))
        config.help_function(NAME, OPTIONS)
Exemple #2
 L= os.sys.argv[3]
 TEST= os.sys.argv[4]
 if(DR[-1] == "/"):
     DR = DR[:-1]
 if(DT[-1] == "/"):
     DT = DT[:-1]
 if(L[-1] == "/"):
     L = L[:-1]
 if(TEST[-1] == "/"):
     TEST = TEST[:-1]
 method = "Grep"
 print method
 shutil.rmtree("cleanData/", True)
 grep = Grep()
 grep.initalPreprocess(DR, DT, L, TEST)
 grep.testDirToOutput("cleanData/TEST/", "cleanData/" )
 with open("cleanData/output.txt") as methodOutput:
     for line in methodOutput.read().split():
         finalOutput.write(method + "," + line + "\n")
 method = "SuperGrep"
 print method
 shutil.rmtree("cleanData/", True)
 grep = Grep(True)
 grep.initalPreprocess(DR, DT, L, TEST)
 grep.testDirToOutput("cleanData/TEST/", "cleanData/" )
 with open("cleanData/output.txt") as methodOutput:
     for line in methodOutput.read().split():
         finalOutput.write(method + "," + line + "\n")
 def test_grep(self):
     self.job = Grep().run(input=[chekhov], params='d.*?co')
     self.assertEquals(len(list(self.results(self.job))), 17)