def test_get_project(client: Client):
    client._get = Mock(
        return_value={"data": {"project": {"_id": 123, "description": "", "display_name": ""}}}
    check = client.get_project(name="proj")
    assert == "proj"
    assert check.client == client
    assert check.project_id == 123

    client._create_project = Mock(
        return_value={"data": {"id": "5eb07df99294fd2dbc3dbe6a"}}
    client._get_project = Mock(
            "project": {
                "name": "random",
                "id": "5eb07df99294fd2dbc3dbe6a",
                "description": "",
                "display_name": ""
    check = client.get_project(create=True)
    assert == "random"
    assert check.client == client
    assert check.project_id == "5eb07df99294fd2dbc3dbe6a"
def tail(args, gretel_client: Client):
    """command handler for `gretel tail`"""
    if args.project:
        iterator = gretel_client._iter_records(args.project,
        for record in iterator:
def test_cli_tail(client: Client):
    sys.argv = ['gretel', '--project', 'test-proj', 'tail']
    client._iter_records = Mock(return_value=[])
    parser = cli.parse_command()
    command = parser.parse_args()
    command.func(command, client)

    assert client._iter_records.call_count == 1
def write(args, gretel_client: Client):
    """command handler for `gretel write`"""
    if args.file:
        input_source = args.file
    elif args.stdin:
        # unix pipes aren't seekable. for certain readers we need
        # to be able to seek and replay bytes from a stream.
        input_source = SeekableStreamBuffer(sys.stdin.buffer)
        raise Exception("No valid input stream passed. Valid inputs include "
                        "--file or --stdin.")

    reader = reader_from_args(args, input_source)
    sampler = ConstantSampler(sample_rate=args.sample_rate,

def test_get_cloud_client_prompt(getenv, getpass, Client):
    # when no env is set and prompt is true, ask for gretel key
    getenv.return_value = None
    get_cloud_client("api", "prompt")
    assert getpass.call_count == 1

    # when api key is set, and prompt is true, use api key
    getenv.return_value = "abcd123"
    get_cloud_client("api", "prompt")
    Client.assert_called_with(host="", api_key="abcd123")
    assert getpass.call_count == 1

    # when api key is set and prompt always is true, ask for api key
    get_cloud_client("api", "prompt_always")
    assert getpass.call_count == 2

    # use api key env variable
    get_cloud_client("api", "abc123")
    Client.assert_called_with(host="", api_key="abc123")
def test_api_4xx_errors(client: Client):
    client.session.get = Mock(side_effect=[Fake404(), Fake400(), Fake401(), Fake403()])

    with pytest.raises(NotFound):
        client._get("foo", None)

    with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
        client._get("foo", None)

    with pytest.raises(Unauthorized):
        client._get("foo", None)

    with pytest.raises(Forbidden):
        client._get("foo", None)
def test_record_writer_csv(fake, client: Client):
    client._post = Mock()
    input_csv = io.StringIO()
    csv_writer = csv.writer(input_csv, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
    header = [f"header_{x}" for x in range(10)]
    rows = []
    for _ in range(5):
        row = fake.pylist(nb_elements=10, variable_nb_elements=False)

        # CSVs don't preserve types by default. as a result we
        # want to cast everything to a string so that it can be
        # used in the call assertion.
        rows.append([str(val) for val in row])

    client._write_records(project="test-proj", reader=CsvReader(input_csv))

    expected_payload = [dict(zip(header, row)) for row in rows]

    client._post.assert_called_with("records/send/test-proj", data=expected_payload)
def test_cli_write(client: Client, generate_csv, test_records, tmpdir_factory):
    file_path = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('test') / 'test_csv.csv'
    with open(file_path, 'w') as input_csv:
        generate_csv(test_records, input_csv)

    sys.argv = ['gretel', '--project', 'test-proj', 'write', '--file',
                str(file_path), '--sample-rate', '2', '--max-record', '10']
    client._write_records = Mock()
    parser = cli.parse_command()
    command = parser.parse_args()
    command.func(command, client)

    _, kwargs = client._write_records.call_args

    assert kwargs['project'] == 'test-proj'
    assert isinstance(kwargs['reader'], CsvReader)
    assert kwargs['sampler'].sample_rate == 2
    assert kwargs['sampler'].record_limit == 10
def test_cli_write_json_stream(client: Client, test_records):

    class TestInput:
        def __init__(self):
            self.input_buffer = io.BytesIO()
        def buffer(self):
            return self.input_buffer

    sys.stdin = TestInput()

    for record in test_records:

    sys.argv = ['gretel', '--project', 'test-proj', 'write', '--stdin',
                '--reader', 'json']

    client._post = Mock()
    parser = cli.parse_command()
    command = parser.parse_args()
    command.func(command, client)

    client._post.called_with('records/send/test-proj', {}, test_records)