Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, gridobj, subtype=object):

        subtype: ``type``
            Type of action used to build :attr:`SerializableActionSpace._template_act`. This type should derive
            from :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation` .


        if not isinstance(subtype, type):
            raise Grid2OpException(
                "Parameter \"subtype\" used to build the Space should be a type (a class) and not an object "
                "(an instance of a class). It is currently \"{}\"".format(



        self.subtype = subtype
        self._template_obj = self.subtype(gridobj=self)
        self.n = self._template_obj.size()

        self.global_vars = None

        self.shape = self._template_obj.shape()
        self.dtype = self._template_obj.dtype()
    def __init__(self, gridobj, subtype=object, _init_grid=True):

        subtype: ``type``
            Type of action used to build :attr:`SerializableActionSpace._template_act`. This type should derive
            from :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation` .

        _init_grid: ``bool``
            Whether or not to call 'init_grid' in the subtype (to initialize the class). Do not modify unless you
            are certain of what you want to do

        if not isinstance(subtype, type):
            raise Grid2OpException(
                "Parameter \"subtype\" used to build the Space should be a type (a class) and not an object "
                "(an instance of a class). It is currently \"{}\"".format(

        self._init_subtype = subtype  # do not use, use to save restore only !!!
        if _init_grid:
            self.subtype = subtype.init_grid(gridobj)
            from grid2op.Action import BaseAction  # lazy loading to prevent circular reference
            if issubclass(self.subtype, BaseAction):
                # add the shunt data if needed by the action only
            # compute the class attribute "attr_list_set" from "attr_list_vect"
            self.subtype = subtype

        from grid2op.Action import BaseAction  # lazy import to avoid circular reference
        from grid2op.Observation import BaseObservation  # lazy import to avoid circular reference
        if not issubclass(subtype, (BaseAction, BaseObservation)):
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"\"subtype\" should inherit either BaseAction or BaseObservation. Currently it "
                f"is \"{subtype}\"")
        self._template_obj = self.subtype()
        self.n = self._template_obj.size()

        self.global_vars = None

        self.shape = self._template_obj.shape()
        self.dtype = self._template_obj.dtype()
        self.attr_list_vect = copy.deepcopy(self._template_obj.attr_list_vect)

        self._to_extract_vect = {
        }  # key: attr name, value: tuple: (beg_, end_, dtype)
        beg_ = 0
        end_ = 0
        for attr, size, dtype_ in zip(self.attr_list_vect, self.shape,
            end_ += size
            self._to_extract_vect[attr] = (beg_, end_, dtype_)
            beg_ += size
    def _custom_deepcopy_for_copy(self, new_obj):
        RandomObject._custom_deepcopy_for_copy(self, new_obj)

        # SerializableSpace
        new_obj._init_subtype = self._init_subtype  # const too
        new_obj.subtype = self.subtype
        new_obj._template_obj = self._template_obj.copy()
        new_obj.n = self.n
        new_obj.global_vars = copy.deepcopy(self.global_vars)
        new_obj.shape = copy.deepcopy(self.shape)
        new_obj.dtype = copy.deepcopy(self.dtype)
        new_obj.attr_list_vect = copy.deepcopy(self.attr_list_vect)
        new_obj._to_extract_vect = copy.deepcopy(self._to_extract_vect)
    def __init__(self, gridobj, subtype=object, _init_grid=True):

        subtype: ``type``
            Type of action used to build :attr:`SerializableActionSpace._template_act`. This type should derive
            from :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation` .

        _init_grid: ``bool``
            Whether or not to call 'init_grid' in the subtype (to initialize the class). Do not modify unless you
            are certain of what you want to do

        if not isinstance(subtype, type):
            raise Grid2OpException(
                "Parameter \"subtype\" used to build the Space should be a type (a class) and not an object "
                "(an instance of a class). It is currently \"{}\"".format(


        self._init_subtype = subtype  # do not use, use to save restore only !!!
        # print(f"gridobj : {gridobj}")
        if _init_grid:
            self.subtype = subtype.init_grid(gridobj)
            self.subtype = subtype
        # print(f"subtype : {self.subtype}")
        self._template_obj = self.subtype()
        self.n = self._template_obj.size()

        self.global_vars = None

        self.shape = self._template_obj.shape()
        self.dtype = self._template_obj.dtype()
        self.attr_list_vect = self._template_obj.attr_list_vect

        self._to_extract_vect = {
        }  # key: attr name, value: tuple: (beg_, end_, dtype)
        beg_ = 0
        end_ = 0
        for attr, size, dtype_ in zip(self._template_obj.attr_list_vect,
                                      self.shape, self.dtype):
            end_ += size
            self._to_extract_vect[attr] = (beg_, end_, dtype_)
            beg_ += size
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, gridobj, subtype=object):

        subtype: ``type``
            Type of action used to build :attr:`SerializableActionSpace._template_act`. This type should derive
            from :class:`grid2op.BaseAction.BaseAction` or :class:`grid2op.BaseObservation.BaseObservation` .


        if not isinstance(subtype, type):
            raise Grid2OpException(
                "Parameter \"subtype\" used to build the Space should be a type (a class) and not an object "
                "(an instance of a class). It is currently \"{}\"".format(


        self._init_subtype = subtype  # do not use, use to save restore only !!!
        self.subtype = subtype.init_grid(gridobj)
        self._template_obj = self.subtype()
        self.n = self._template_obj.size()

        self.global_vars = None

        self.shape = self._template_obj.shape()
        self.dtype = self._template_obj.dtype()
        self.attr_list_vect = self._template_obj.attr_list_vect

        self._to_extract_vect = {
        }  # key: attr name, value: tuple: (beg_, end_, dtype)
        beg_ = 0
        end_ = 0
        for attr, size, dtype_ in zip(self._template_obj.attr_list_vect,
                                      self.shape, self.dtype):
            end_ += size
            self._to_extract_vect[attr] = (beg_, end_, dtype_)
            beg_ += size