def layout(user_selected_timestamp, study_agent, ref_agent, scenario): best_episode = make_episode(best_agents[scenario]["agent"], scenario) new_episode = make_episode(study_agent, scenario) center_indx = center_index(user_selected_timestamp, new_episode) network_graph = make_network_agent_study(new_episode, timestep=center_indx) open_help = should_help_open( Path(grid2viz_home_directory) / DONT_SHOW_FILENAME("micro")) header = "Analyze further your agent" body = ( "Select a time step in the navbar dropdown and analyze what happened " "at that time to understand the agent behavior.") return html.Div( id="micro_page", children=[ indicator_line(), flux_inspector_line( network_graph, slider_params(user_selected_timestamp, new_episode), ), context_inspector_line(best_episode, new_episode), all_info_line, modal(id_suffix="micro", is_open=open_help, header=header, body=body), ], )
def layout(timestamps, scenario, study_agent, ref_agent, from_scenario_selection): if study_agent is None: study_agent = best_agents[scenario]["agent"] open_help = should_help_open( Path(grid2viz_home_directory) / DONT_SHOW_FILENAME("macro")) header = "Take a look at your agent" body = ( "Select an agent to study in the dropdown menu and analyse it with " "respect to the reference agent. Click on the reward graph to select " "some time steps to study further your agent. When you have selected time steps, " "go on to the Study agent view.") return html.Div( id="overview_page", children=[ dcc.Store(id="relayoutStoreMacro"), indicator_line(scenario, study_agent, ref_agent), overview_line(timestamps, from_scenario_selection), inspector_line(study_agent, scenario), modal(id_suffix="macro", is_open=open_help, header=header, body=body), ], )
def toggle_modal(close_n_clicks, open_n_clicks, is_open, dont_show_again): dsa_filepath = Path(grid2viz_home_directory) / DONT_SHOW_FILENAME("overview") return toggle_modal_helper( close_n_clicks, open_n_clicks, is_open, dont_show_again, dsa_filepath, "page_help", )
def layout(scenario, ref_agent): try: episode = make_episode(best_agents[scenario]["agent"], scenario) except Exception as ex: print(ex) return if ref_agent is None: ref_agent = agent_scenario[scenario][0] network_graph = make_network_scenario_overview(episode) # /!\ As of 2020/10/29 the mpl_to_plotly functions is broken and not maintained # It calls a deprecated function of matplotlib. # Work around below : insert the image. # buf = io.BytesIO() plt.figure(network_graph.number) plt.savefig(buf, format="png") encoded_image = base64.b64encode( buf.close() open_help = should_help_open( Path(grid2viz_home_directory) / DONT_SHOW_FILENAME("overview")) header = "Take a deeper look at the Scenario" body = ( "Look at the grid, inspect indicators as well as chronics" "Select a reference agent in the dropdown menu to get a sense of flows and overflows over the scenario" "When done, move to Agent Overview section. The reference agent will be used there as baseline to compare with" ) return html.Div( id="overview_page", children=[ dcc.Store(id="relayoutStoreOverview"), indicators_line(encoded_image.decode()), summary_line(episode, ref_agent, scenario), ref_agent_line, modal(id_suffix="overview", is_open=open_help, header=header, body=body), ], )
def layout(): open_help = should_help_open( Path(grid2viz_home_directory) / DONT_SHOW_FILENAME("episodes")) header = "Take a look at the Scenarios" body = ( " Choose a specific scenario to analyze by clicking its Open button. " "Get more detailed information when choosing your scenario by clicking on the comparison & filtering button" ) return html.Div( id="scenario_page", children=[ dcc.Store(id="relayoutStoreScenario"), comparison_button(), generate_heatmap_components(survival_df), dbc.Row(id="cards_container", className="m-1"), modal(id_suffix="episodes", is_open=open_help, header=header, body=body), ], )