Exemple #1
 def _get_proxy_info(self, key, parse=identity, cached=True):
     info = self._parse_proxy(cached)
         return parse(info[key])
     except Exception:
         raise AccessTokenError(
             "Can't access %r in proxy information:\n%s" % (key, info))
Exemple #2
 def _parse_proxy(self, cached=True):
     # Return cached results if requested
     if cached and self._cache:
         return self._cache
     # Call voms-proxy-info and parse results
     proc = LocalProcess(self._proxy_info_exec,
     (exit_code, stdout, stderr) = proc.finish(timeout=10)
     if (exit_code != 0) and not self._ignore_warning:
         msg = ('%s output:\n%s\n%s\n' %
                (self._proxy_info_exec, stdout, stderr)).replace(
                    '\n\n', '\n')
         msg += 'If job submission is still possible, you can set [access] ignore warnings = True\n'
         msg += '%s failed with return code %d' % (self._proxy_info_exec,
         raise AccessTokenError(msg)
     self._cache = DictFormat(':').parse(stdout)
     if not self._cache:
         msg = 'Unable to parse access token information:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n'
         raise AccessTokenError(msg % (stdout.strip(), stderr.strip()))
     return self._cache
Exemple #3
    def _parse_tickets(self, cached=True):
        # Return cached results if requested
        if cached and self._cache:
            return self._cache
        # Call klist and parse results
        proc = LocalProcess(self._klist_exec)
        self._cache = {}
            for line in proc.stdout.iter(timeout=10):
                if line.count('@') and (line.count(':') > 1):
                    issued_expires, principal = rsplit(line, '  ', 1)
                    issued_expires = issued_expires.replace('/', ' ').split()
                    assert len(issued_expires) % 2 == 0
                    issued_str = str.join(
                        ' ', issued_expires[:int(len(issued_expires) / 2)])
                    expires_str = str.join(
                        ' ', issued_expires[int(len(issued_expires) / 2):])

                    if expires_str.count(' ') == 3:
                        if len(expires_str.split()[2]) == 2:
                            expires = _parse_date(expires_str,
                                                  '%m %d %y %H:%M:%S')
                        elif len(expires_str.split()[2]) == 4:
                            expires = _parse_date(expires_str,
                                                  '%m %d %Y %H:%M:%S')  # here
                            # On NAF, we get an entirely different format now: Sep 2 12:31:34 2021
                            expires = _parse_date(expires_str,
                                                  '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                    elif expires_str.count(
                            ' ') == 2:  # year information is missing
                        cur_year = int(time.strftime('%Y'))
                        expires = _parse_date(expires_str + ' %d' % cur_year,
                                              '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                        issued = _parse_date(issued_str + ' %d' % cur_year,
                                             '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                        if expires < issued:  # wraparound at new year
                            expires = _parse_date(
                                expires_str + ' %d' % (cur_year + 1),
                                '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                    self._cache.setdefault('tickets', {})[principal] = expires
                elif line.count(':') == 1:
                    (key, value) = lmap(str.strip, line.split(':', 1))
                    self._cache[key.lower()] = value
        except Exception:
            raise AccessTokenError(
                'Unable to parse kerberos ticket information!')
        return self._cache
Exemple #4
 def _parseProxy(self, cached=True):
     # Return cached results if requested
     if cached and self._cache:
         return self._cache
     # Call voms-proxy-info and parse results
     proc = LocalProcess(self._infoExec, *self._getProxyArgs())
     (retCode, stdout, stderr) = proc.finish(timeout=10)
     if (retCode != 0) and not self._ignoreWarning:
         msg = ('%s output:\n%s\n%s\n' %
                (self._infoExec, stdout, stderr)).replace('\n\n', '\n')
         msg += 'If job submission is still possible, you can set [access] ignore warnings = True\n'
         raise AccessTokenError(msg + '%s failed with return code %d' %
                                (self._infoExec, retCode))
     self._cache = DictFormat(':').parse(stdout)
     return self._cache