Exemple #1
def check_requirements_closed(issue
    """Check the specified closed issue for requirements that might also have
    been closed

        issue - dictionary representing the issue to be checked
        close_date - date the issue was closed
        issues_w_requirements - collection of issue types that have requirements
        requirements_counter - counter object for requirements
        measurements - collection of measurements

        No return value
    reqmnt_cnt = get_requirement_cnt(issue['fields']['description']
    if reqmnt_cnt > 0:
        requirements_counter.closed += reqmnt_cnt
        requirements_counter.open -= reqmnt_cnt

        ts = gen_timestamp(close_date)
        metadata = make_metadata(get_project(issue))
        measurements.append(requirements_closed(reqmnt_cnt, ts, metadata))
Exemple #2
def check_open_requirements(issue
    """If the issue has requirements, adds to the open and total requirements

    Unfortunately, this evaluation is not strictly accurate, since they could
    have added the requirement any time after creation.  However, short of
    walking backwards through the list of changes attempting to determine
    when requirements were added, we'll just look at the current state of
    the issue.

        cfg_path - string containing the path to the configuration file

        No return value
    i_fields = issue['fields']
    reqmnt_cnt = get_requirement_cnt(i_fields['description']
    if reqmnt_cnt > 0:
        if GLOBALS['VERBOSE']:
            fstr = "Adding {0} requirements for: {1}"
            print(fstr.format(reqmnt_cnt, issue['key']))
        requirements_counter.open += reqmnt_cnt
        requirements_counter.total += reqmnt_cnt        

        ts = gen_timestamp(i_fields['created'])
        metadata = make_metadata(get_project(issue))
        measurements.append(requirements_added(reqmnt_cnt, ts , metadata))
        total = requirements_counter.total
        measurements.append(requirements_total(total, ts, metadata))