def _release(pulls, working_branch, next_branch, selector_name): Git.complete_reset() Delete.do_delete([working_branch], print=None) Git.copy_from_remote(base_branch(), working_branch, push=False) pulls.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('number')) if pulls: print('%s: Building release branch for %s:' % ( String.timestamp(), selector_name)) print(' ' + '\n '.join(str(p) for p in pulls)) print() success = [] failure = [] exceptions = [] for pull in pulls: try: print(pull.number, '...', sep='', end='') _pull_request(pull, working_branch) except VcxprojException: failure.append(pull.number) print('VCXPROJ...', end='') except Exception as e: failure.append(pull.number) print('ERROR...', end='') else: success.append(pull.number) if pulls: print() print() Version.version_commit( version_number=None, success=success, failure=failure) commit_id = Git.commit_id() Git.force_checkout(next_branch) Git.git('reset', '--hard', commit_id) Git.git('push', '-f') commits = Open.get_commits() plural = '' if len(commits) == 1 else 's' _print_pulls('Proposed new develop branch %s for pull%s' % (commits, plural), success) _print_pulls('FAILED:', failure) if success or failure: print('---------------------------------------------') print() else: print(String.timestamp(), ': no pulls ready.')
def call_raw(command, **kwds): cmd = String.split_safe(command) try: return subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwds) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise ValueError('Couldn\'t execute "%s", errorcode=%s' % ' '.join(cmd), e.returncode)
def call_value(command, print=print, **kwds): cmd = String.split_safe(command) try: return 0, subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwds) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if print: print('ERROR2:' ' command =', ' '.join(cmd), ' code =', e.returncode) e.output and print(e.output) return e.returncode, ''
def add_status_line(version, success, failure): parts = [version + ': '] for pulls, msg in [[success, 'Includes'], [failure, 'FAILED']]: if pulls: parts.extend(['%s pulls ' % msg, String.join_words(pulls), '. ']) try: append = changelog()[-1].split(':')[0] != version except: append = True line = ''.join(parts).strip() + '\n' if append: changelog().append(line) else: changelog()[-1] = line write()
def release(): previous_pulls = {} while True: base_commit = Git.commit_id(upstream=True, branch=base_branch()) success = False for selector in SELECTORS: success = selector.update_pulls(base_commit) or success if success: Slack.slack() else: print(String.timestamp(short=True) + ': no change.') if ARGS.period: time.sleep(ARGS.period) Cache.clear() else: break
def call(command, callback=None, print=print, **kwds): cmd = String.split_safe(command) returncode = 0 error = '' if callback: try: callback(subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwds)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: returncode = e.returncode error = e.output else: returncode =, **kwds) if returncode and print: print('ERROR:' ' command =', ' '.join(cmd), ' code =', returncode) error and print(error) return returncode
def _print_pulls(message, pulls): if pulls: print(message, String.join_words(pulls) + '.')
def for_each(commands, before=None, after=None, **kwds): for command in filter(None, String.split_safe(commands, 'splitlines')): before and before(command) if call(command, **kwds): after and after(command)
def runlines(lines, print=print, **substitutions): for line in String.splitlines(lines.format(**substitutions)): run(line.split(), print=print)