Exemple #1
def check_read_access(username, cvsrepo, cvspath):

    # extract project unix name (group name) and fetch
    # the group information from DB
    path_elements = string.split(cvsrepo,'/')
    group_name = path_elements[len(path_elements)-1]
    group_id = group.set_group_info_from_name(group_name)

    # if the file path exists as such then it's a directory
    # else add the ,v extension because it's a file
    path = cvsrepo+'/'+cvspath
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        path = path+',v'

    # if file was removed, allow access anyway.
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return True

    mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]
    mode_repo = os.stat(cvsrepo)[stat.ST_MODE]

    #print "Content-type: text/html\n"
    #print user.user_is_member(group_id, '0')

    # A directory that is not world readable can only be viewed
    # through viewvc if the user is a project member
    # Since we only removes read access on top directory,
    # we need to also check it.
    if group_id and ((mode & stat.S_IROTH) == 0 or (mode_repo & stat.S_IROTH) == 0) and not user.user_is_member(group_id, '0'):
        return False
        return True
def check_read_access(username, cvsrepo, cvspath):

    # extract project unix name (group name) and fetch
    # the group information from DB
    path_elements = string.split(cvsrepo, '/')
    group_name = path_elements[len(path_elements) - 1]
    group_id = group.set_group_info_from_name(group_name)

    # if the file path exists as such then it's a directory
    # else add the ,v extension because it's a file
    path = cvsrepo + '/' + cvspath
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        path = path + ',v'

    # if file was removed, allow access anyway.
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return True

    mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]
    mode_repo = os.stat(cvsrepo)[stat.ST_MODE]

    #print "Content-type: text/html\n"
    #print user.user_is_member(group_id, '0')

    # A directory that is not world readable can only be viewed
    # through viewvc if the user is a project member
    # Since we only removes read access on top directory,
    # we need to also check it.
    if group_id and ((mode & stat.S_IROTH) == 0 or (mode_repo & stat.S_IROTH)
                     == 0) and not user.user_is_member(group_id, '0'):
        return False
        return True
def check_read_access(username, svnrepo, svnpath):
    if user.user_is_super_user():
        return True
    if user.user_is_restricted():
        group_name = get_group_from_svnrepo_path(svnrepo)
        group_id = group.set_group_info_from_name(group_name)
        if not user.user_is_member(group_id):
            return False

    # make sure that usernames are lowercase
    username = username.lower()
    return __check_read_access_with_epel_viewvc(username, svnrepo, svnpath)
Exemple #4
def check_read_access(username, svnrepo, svnpath):
    # make sure that usernames are lowercase
    username = get_name_for_svn_access(svnrepo, username)

    if user.user_is_super_user():
        return True
    if user.user_is_restricted():
        group_name = get_group_from_svnrepo_path(svnrepo)
        group_id = group.set_group_info_from_name(group_name)
        if not user.user_is_member(group_id):
            return False

    return __check_read_access_with_epel_viewvc(username, svnrepo, svnpath)
Exemple #5
def check_read_access(username, svnrepo, svnpath):

    # make sure that usernames are lowercase
    username = get_name_for_svn_access(svnrepo, username)

    #f = open('/tmp/viewvc.log', 'a');
    #f.write(svnrepo+": "+username+"\n");
    if user.user_is_super_user():
        return True
    if user.user_is_restricted():
        path_elements = string.split(svnrepo,'/')
        group_name = path_elements[len(path_elements)-1]
        group_id = group.set_group_info_from_name(group_name)
        if not user.user_is_member(group_id):
            return False

    if SVNACCESS is None:

    perm = ''
    path = '/'+svnpath
    while True:
        if SVNACCESS.has_key(username) and SVNACCESS[username].has_key(path):
            perm = SVNACCESS[username][path]
            #print "match: SVNACCESS[",username,"][",path,"]",perm
        elif SVNACCESS.has_key('*') and SVNACCESS['*'].has_key(path):
            perm = SVNACCESS['*'][path]
            #print "match: SVNACCESS[*][",path,"]",perm
            # see if it maches higher in the path
            if path == '/': break
            idx = string.rfind(path,'/')
            if idx == 0:
                path = '/'
                path = path[:idx]
    if perm == 'r' or perm == 'rw':
        return True
        return False
Exemple #6
def check_read_access(username, svnrepo, svnpath):


    # make sure that usernames are lowercase
    username = get_name_for_svn_access(svnrepo, username)

    #f = open('/tmp/viewvc.log', 'a');
    #f.write(svnrepo+": "+username+"\n");

    if user.user_is_super_user():
        return True
    if user.user_is_restricted():
        path_elements = string.split(svnrepo, '/')
        group_name = path_elements[len(path_elements) - 1]
        group_id = group.set_group_info_from_name(group_name)
        if not user.user_is_member(group_id):
            return False

    if SVNACCESS is None:

    perm = ''
    path = '/' + svnpath
    while True:
        if SVNACCESS.has_key(username) and SVNACCESS[username].has_key(path):
            perm = SVNACCESS[username][path]
            #print "match: SVNACCESS[",username,"][",path,"]",perm
        elif SVNACCESS.has_key('*') and SVNACCESS['*'].has_key(path):
            perm = SVNACCESS['*'][path]
            #print "match: SVNACCESS[*][",path,"]",perm
            # see if it maches higher in the path
            if path == '/': break
            idx = string.rfind(path, '/')
            if idx == 0:
                path = '/'
                path = path[:idx]

    if perm == 'r' or perm == 'rw':
        return True
        return False