# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time
import math
from logo import print_seeedstudio
import grove_i2c_adc
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO

BUZZER = "P9_22"            # GPIO P9_22

# The threshold to turn the buzzer on 28 Celsius

adc = grove_i2c_adc.I2cAdc()

#   The argument in the read_temperature() method defines which Grove board(Grove Temperature Sensor) version you have connected.
#   Defaults to 'v1.2'. eg.
#       temp = read_temperature('v1.0')          # B value = 3975
#       temp = read_temperature('v1.1')          # B value = 4250
#       temp = read_temperature('v1.2')          # B value = 4250
def read_temperature(model = 'v1.2'):
    "Read temperature values in Celsius from Grove Temperature Sensor"
    # each of the sensor revisions use different thermistors, each with their own B value constant
    if model == 'v1.2':
        bValue = 4250  # sensor v1.2 uses thermistor ??? (assuming NCP18WF104F03RC until SeeedStudio clarifies)
    elif model == 'v1.1':
        bValue = 4250  # sensor v1.1 uses thermistor NCP18WF104F03RC
        bValue = 3975  # sensor v1.0 uses thermistor TTC3A103*39H
import time
#from logo import print_seeedstudio
import grove_chainable_rgb_led
from adxl345 import ADXL345
import grove_i2c_adc
CLK_PIN = "P9_22"
DATA_PIN = "P9_21"

if __name__ == "__main__":

    adxl345 = ADXL345()
    rgb_led = grove_chainable_rgb_led.ChainableLED(CLK_PIN, DATA_PIN,
    button = grove_i2c_adc.I2cAdc()
    Red = 255
    Green = 255
    Blue = 255
    while True:
            if button.read_adc() >= 2000:

                axes = adxl345.getAxes(True)
                Red = 128 + 128 * axes['x']
                Green = 128 + 128 * axes['y']
                Blue = 128 + 128 * axes['z']

                print "   x = %.3fG" % (axes['x'])
                print "   y = %.3fG" % (axes['y'])
                print "   z = %.3fG" % (axes['z'])
                print "Red = %d " % Red