Exemple #1
def test_op_collector_order_determinism():
    class TestOperator(sym.Operator):
        def __init__(self):
            sym.Operator.__init__(self, sym.DD_VOLUME, sym.DD_VOLUME)

        mapper_method = "map_test_operator"

    from grudge.symbolic.mappers import BoundOperatorCollector

    class TestBoundOperatorCollector(BoundOperatorCollector):
        def map_test_operator(self, expr):
            return self.map_operator(expr)

    v0 = sym.var("v0")
    ob0 = sym.OperatorBinding(TestOperator(), v0)

    v1 = sym.var("v1")
    ob1 = sym.OperatorBinding(TestOperator(), v1)

    # The output order isn't significant, but it should always be the same.
    assert list(TestBoundOperatorCollector(TestOperator)(ob0 +
                                                         ob1)) == [ob0, ob1]
Exemple #2
    def map_product(self, expr):
        if len(expr.children) == 0:
            return expr

        from pymbolic.primitives import flattened_product, Product

        first = expr.children[0]
        if isinstance(first, op.Operator):
            prod = flattened_product(expr.children[1:])
            if isinstance(prod, Product) and len(prod.children) > 1:
                from warnings import warn
                warn("Binding '%s' to more than one "
                     "operand in a product is ambiguous - "
                     "use the parenthesized form instead." % first)
            return sym.OperatorBinding(first, self.rec(prod))
            return self.rec(first) * self.rec(