Exemple #1
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("main.adb"))
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(4, 7))
    yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    # First verify that the navigation does *not* work
    GPS.execute_action('goto declaration')
    # At this point "language_server_response_processed" shouldn't work,
    # timeout instead
    yield timeout(500)
    current_buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
    gps_assert(current_buf.file(), GPS.File('main.adb'),
               "'goto declaration' should not have worked at this point")

    # Now set the project path and reload the project
    GPS.setenv("GPR_PROJECT_PATH", os.path.join(GPS.pwd(), "subdir"))

    # Restart the language server
    yield timeout(1000)

    # Verify that the navigation works now
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("main.adb"))
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(4, 7))
    GPS.execute_action('goto declaration')
    yield timeout(500)
    gps_assert(GPS.EditorBuffer.get().file(), GPS.File('foo.ads'),
               "'goto declaration' did not open the right file")
Exemple #2
def driver():
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("hello.adb"))
    view = buf.current_view()

    expected_orig = buf.get_chars()
    # Select a bit
    buf.select(buf.at(5, 3), buf.at(6, 6))
    yield timeout(200)

    # get the low-level textview
    v = pygps.get_widgets_by_type(Gtk.TextView, view.pywidget())[0]

    # simulate a click at coordinates 40, 5: regardless of the font,
    # this is somewhere on the first line, well past the last character
    win = v.get_window(Gtk.TextWindowType.TEXT)
    click_in_widget(window=win, x=40, y=5, button=2)

    yield timeout(200)

    # Verify that paste happend
    gps_assert(buf.get_chars(), expected_after_click,
               """Middle click paste didn't happen at the right place""")

    # Verify noncorruption after Undo
    gps_assert(buf.get_chars(), expected_orig,
               """Undo didn't restore the right contents""")
Exemple #3
def driver():
    # type 'foo' in the omnisearch
    yield wait_tasks()
    w = pygps.get_widget_by_name('global_search')
    yield wait_idle()
    yield wait_idle()
    yield timeout(1000)
    popup = pygps.get_widget_by_name('global_search-results-list')
    results_tree = pygps.get_widgets_by_type(Gtk.TreeView, popup)[0]

    # select "foo.adb" file
    click_in_tree(results_tree, path="0", column=1)
    yield timeout(1000)
    if not GPS.EditorBuffer.get().file().name().endswith("foo.adb"):
        simple_error("foo.adb is not opened")

    #  retype 'foo' in the omnisearch
    yield wait_idle()
    yield wait_idle()
    yield timeout(1000)

    # check whether we have result from the History provider
    popup = pygps.get_widget_by_name('global_search-results-list')
    results_tree = pygps.get_widgets_by_type(Gtk.TreeView, popup)[0]
    result = dump_tree_model(results_tree.get_model(), 3)

    gps_assert("History (1)" in result,
               "wrong omnisearch result")
Exemple #4
def driver():
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("test_fold.adb"))
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/foldingRange")
    buf.select(buf.at(10, 11), buf.at(15, 11))
    GPS.execute_action("Cut to Clipboard")
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/foldingRange")
    buf.at(7, 1).block_fold()
    buf.current_view().goto(buf.at(7, 19))
    GPS.execute_action("Paste from Clipboard")
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/foldingRange")

    # Verify that the contents is what we logically expect
    gps_assert(buf.get_chars(), expected,
               "Buffer corruption when inserting after folded block")

    # Verify that the logical contents correspond to the contents
    # on screen!
    g = buf.gtk_text_buffer()
               g.get_text(g.get_start_iter(), g.get_end_iter(), False),
               "Corruption between the visible text and the logical text")

    # Last layer of safety: verify that saving + undo works
Exemple #5
def run_test():
    GPS.execute_action("open Files")
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File('main.adb'))
    yield wait_idle()
    entry = get_widget_by_name("Files_View_Directory")
    entry.set_text(os.path.join(GPS.Project.root().file().directory(), "src"))
    yield wait_tasks()

    fview = get_widget_by_name("File Explorer Tree")
    t = Tree(get_widget_by_name("File Explorer Tree"))
    t.expand_by_name(column=1, value='src')
    t.expand_by_name(column=1, value='d1')
    t.expand_by_name(column=1, value='d3')
    yield timeout(100)
    t.expand_by_name(column=1, value='x1')
    yield timeout(100)

    d = dump_expanded(fview, 1)
    gps_assert(d, expected, "Wrong contents of the files view")

    GPS.execute_action("refresh files view")
    yield wait_idle()
    yield timeout(100)

    d = dump_expanded(fview, 1)
    gps_assert(d, expected, "Wrong contents of the files view")
Exemple #6
def driver():
    GPS.execute_action("gnatfuzz analyze file workflow")

    messages = []

    # Wait at most 2 seconds for messages to appear in the locations view
    time_waited = 0
    while time_waited < 2000:
        yield timeout(100)
        time_waited += 100
        messages = GPS.Message.list("Fuzzable Subprograms")
        if len(messages) > 0:

    gps_assert(len(messages) > 0, True, "No messages found after analyze")
    m = messages[0]

    # We have one "Fuzzable program" message: click on the action
    yield idle_modal_dialog(lambda: m.execute_action())
    dialog = get_window_by_title("gnatfuzz analyze")

    # The confirmation dialog to switch to the harness project should pop up
    yield idle_modal_dialog(
        lambda: get_button_from_label("Execute", dialog).clicked())
    dialog = get_window_by_title("Confirmation")
    get_button_from_label("Yes", dialog).clicked()
    yield wait_tasks()

    # Check that we've switched to the harness project
    gps_assert(GPS.Project.root().name(), "Fuzz_Test",
               "wrong project name after generation")
Exemple #7
def driver():
    yield wait_tasks()
    b = GS.EditorBuffer.get(GS.File("main.adb"))
    GPS.execute_action("Expand alias under cursor")
    yield wait_idle()

    gps_assert(b.get_chars(), expected, "Autofix failed")
Exemple #8
def driver():
    # Launch a program that will run forever
    GPS.execute_action("Build & Run Number 1")

    # Wait until the command appears
    while True:
        tasks = filter(lambda x: x.name() == "Run Main", GPS.Task.list())
        if len(tasks) == 1:
        yield timeout(100)

    # Wait a bit more
    yield timeout(100)

    # Interrupt the command

    # Wait a bit and verify that the process interruption is showing in
    # the console
    yield timeout(100)

    if "linux" in sys.platform:
        console = GPS.Console("Run: main")
        console = GPS.Console("Run: main.exe")

        "process interrupted" in console.get_text(), True,
        "the console didn't see the process ending: {}".format(

    # Now destroy the console: this shouldn't crash
    yield timeout(100)
Exemple #9
def driver():
    # Create a new file with no name
    GPS.execute_action("new file")
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()

    # Insert some ada code
    b.insert(b.at(1, 1), "package pack is\n")

    # Now save the file to its rightful name
    f = GPS.File("pack.ads")

    # Add some more Ada Code
    b.insert(b.at(2, 1), "   Foo : Integer := 42;\n")
    b.insert(b.at(3, 1), "   Bla : Integer := Foo;\n")
    b.insert(b.at(4, 1), "end pack;\n")

    # Do a "goto declaration" on Foo at line 3
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(3, 22))

    # wait LSP responses has been processed to have folding information
    if GPS.LanguageServer.is_enabled_for_language_name("Ada"):
        yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    GPS.execute_action("goto declaration")
    yield hook('language_server_response_processed')

    # Check that "Foo" is selected at line 2
    gps_assert(b.get_cursors()[0].location().line(), 2,
               "Wrong line selected after goto declaration")
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(b.selection_start(), b.selection_end()), "Foo ",
               "'Foo' wasn't selected after the call to goto declaration")
Exemple #10
def driver():
    e = Project_Properties_Editor()
    yield e.open_and_yield(wait_scan=True)

    page = e.get_page('Build/Toolchain')
    compiler_entry = get_widget_by_name("gnat_driver_tool", page)

               "native target is overriding")
    yield e.cancel()
Exemple #11
Fichier : test.py Projet : gspu/gps
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("hello.adb"))
    b.find_all_refs(b.at(2, 15), True)
    yield hook('language_server_response_processed')

    actual = b.debug_dump_syntax_highlighting("Search results")
        actual.strip(), expected.strip(),
        "highlighting is wrong after find all refs:\n" + "\n%s\n!=\n%s\n" %
        (actual, expected))
Exemple #12
def run_test():
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File('main.adb'))
    yield wait_idle()
    GPS.execute_action("Build Main Number 1")
    yield hook("compilation_finished")
    yield wait_idle()

        ['b (body):a (spec):pragma Elaborate_All', 'a (body):b (spec):withed'],
        "The elaboration Ccrcularities view has wrong content")
Exemple #13
Fichier : test.py Projet : gspu/gps
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("hello.adb"))
    v = b.current_view()

    gps_assert(b.get_chars(include_hidden_chars=False), expected_1,
               "block folding didn't happen")

    b.insert(b.at(7, 19), "a")

    gps_assert(b.get_chars(include_hidden_chars=False), expected_2,
               "contents not right after inserting character")
Exemple #14
def run_test():
    GPS.execute_action("open Files")
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File('main.adb'))
    yield wait_idle()
    entry = get_widget_by_name("Files_View_Directory")
    entry.set_text(os.path.join(GPS.Project.root().file().directory(), "b"))
    yield wait_tasks()

    explorer = get_widget_by_name("File Explorer Tree")
    d = dump_tree_model(explorer.get_model(), 1)
    gps_assert(d, ['b', ['b.adb', 'b.ads']],
               "Wrong contents of the files view")
Exemple #15
def driver():

    # Set the conditional continuation pref to a ridiculous amount
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("t.adb"))

    # Format the second line in the aggregate
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(6, 6))
    GPS.execute_action("format selection")

    # Verify that the proper indentation is produced
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(b.at(1, 1), b.at(6, 24)), expected,
               "Wrong format for aggregate in expression function")
Exemple #16
def driver():
    yield timeout(1000)
    als = GPS.LanguageServer.get_by_language_name("Ada")

    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("main.adb"))
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(4, 5))
    yield hook('language_server_response_processed')

    GPS.execute_action("Entity called by")
    yield hook('language_server_response_processed')
    yield wait_idle()

    call_tree = get_widget_by_name("Call Graph Tree")
    selection = call_tree.get_selection()
    model = call_tree.get_model()
    selection.select_iter(model.iter_nth_child(model.get_iter_first(), 0))

    GPS.execute_action("calltree expand selected")
    yield hook('language_server_response_processed')
    yield wait_idle()

    expected = [
        'Foo is called by ',
            'Foo', ['Foo', ['computing...'], 'Main', ['computing...']], 'Main',

    gps_assert(expected, dump_tree_model(model, 0),
               "The model didn't contain the expected text")

    # Now verify that double-clicking on the row that lists 'Main'
    # correctly open its editor.

    GPS.execute_action("close all editors")
    yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    yield wait_idle()

    buffer = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
        buffer.file(), GPS.File("main.adb"),
        "double-clicking on a Call Trees row should open an " +
        "editor for the clicked entity")
Exemple #17
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("t.c"))
    v = b.current_view()
    v.goto(b.at(1, 1))

    # Test the default behavior

    # Toggle to comment
    GPS.execute_action("Toggle Comment")
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(), "/* a */\nb\nc\n",
               "Text wrong after first toggle to comment")

    # Toggle to uncomment
    v.goto(b.at(1, 1))
    GPS.execute_action("Toggle Comment")
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(), "a\nb\nc\n",
               "Text wrong after first toggle to uncomment")

    # Change the preference

    # Toggle to comment
    v.goto(b.at(2, 1))
    GPS.execute_action("Toggle Comment")
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(), "a\n// b\nc\n",
               "Text wrong after seond toggle to comment")

    # Toggle to uncomment
    v.goto(b.at(2, 1))
    GPS.execute_action("Toggle Comment")
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(), "a\nb\nc\n",
               "Text wrong after second toggle to uncomment")
Exemple #18
def run_test():
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File('main.adb'))
    buf.current_view().goto(buf.at(5, 10))

    GPS.execute_action('goto declaration')
    yield hook("language_server_response_processed")

    current_buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
    gps_assert(current_buf.file(), GPS.File('hello_world.ads'),
               "'goto declaration' did not open the right file")

    current_loc = current_buf.main_cursor().location()
    gps_assert(current_loc, current_buf.at(3, 33),
               "'goto declaration' did not jump to right location")

    GPS.execute_action('goto body')
    yield hook("language_server_response_processed")

    current_buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
    gps_assert(current_buf.file(), GPS.File('hello_world.adb'),
               "'goto body' did not open the right file")

    current_loc = current_buf.main_cursor().location()
    gps_assert(current_loc, current_buf.at(5, 33),
               "'goto body' did not jump to right location")
Exemple #19
def driver():
    # Open an editor and go to a line where there's a code action
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("hello.adb"))
    v = b.current_view()
    v.goto(b.at(5, 9))

    # Wait until the language server has responded to the codeAction request
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction")

    # Verify that one codeAction message has been created
    m = GPS.Message.list()
    gps_assert(len(m), 1, "there should be one message at this point")
    gps_assert(m[0].get_category(), "_internal_code_actions",
               "we have a message, but not in the expected category")

    b.click_on_side_column(5, 1, "gps-light-bulb")

    # Wait for the language server
    yield wait_language_server("workspace/executeCommand")

    # Check that the edits have been received
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(b.at(5, 1), b.at(6, 1)).strip(),
               'Put_Line (Item => "hello");',
               "edits not received")

    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction")
    m = GPS.Message.list(category="_internal_code_actions")
    gps_assert(len(m), 0, "there should be no code action message")
Exemple #20
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("hello.adb"))
    orig = b.get_chars()
    v = b.current_view()
    v.goto(b.at(2, 14))

    # Check contents after entern
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(), orig.replace(" Foo", "\n   Foo"),
               "enter character was not received")

    # Undo and check for contents
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(), orig, "contents corrupted after undo")
Exemple #21
def run_test():
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File('main.adb'))
    buf.current_view().goto(buf.at(5, 10))

    # wait LSP responses has been processed to have folding information
    if GPS.LanguageServer.is_enabled_for_language_name("Ada"):
        yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    GPS.execute_action('goto declaration')
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/declaration')

    current_buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
    gps_assert(current_buf.file(), GPS.File('hello_world.ads'),
               "'goto declaration' did not open the right file")

    current_loc = current_buf.main_cursor().location()
    gps_assert(current_loc, current_buf.at(3, 33),
               "'goto declaration' did not jump to right location")

    # wait LSP responses has been processed to have folding information
    if GPS.LanguageServer.is_enabled_for_language_name("Ada"):
        yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    GPS.execute_action('goto body')
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/implementation')

    current_buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
    gps_assert(current_buf.file(), GPS.File('hello_world.adb'),
               "'goto body' did not open the right file")

    current_loc = current_buf.main_cursor().location()
    gps_assert(current_loc, current_buf.at(5, 33),
               "'goto body' did not jump to right location")
Exemple #22
def driver():
    f = GPS.File("locpack.adb")
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(f)
    node = lal_utils.node(f, 3, 7, 'SubpBody')

    # This is the call that used to cause an infinite recursion;
    # calling this will either crash GS or generate an exception
    # traceback
    decl = node.p_decl_part()

    # Check that the operation was successful
               "p_decl_part() didn't work")
Exemple #23
def driver():
    p = GS.Process("echo 1")

        raise Exception("Should not reach this")
    except Exception as e:
        gps_assert(str(e), expected, "Wrong error message")

        raise Exception("Should not reach this")
    except Exception as e:
        gps_assert(str(e), expected, "Wrong error message")
Exemple #24
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("main.adb"))
    b.select(b.at(2, 1), b.at(4, 12))
    GPS.execute_action("Copy to Clipboard")

    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("p.ads"))
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(2, 1))
    GPS.execute_action("Paste from Clipboard")

    gps_assert(b.get_chars(), """package p is
--  bla
--  bla bla
--  bla bla
end p;
""", "paste did not work after switching projects")
Exemple #25
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("hello.adb"))

    # wait LSP responses has been processed to have folding information
    if GPS.LanguageServer.is_enabled_for_language_name("Ada"):
        yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    b.find_all_refs(b.at(2, 15), True)
    yield hook('language_server_response_processed')

    actual = b.debug_dump_syntax_highlighting("Search results")
        actual.strip(), expected.strip(),
        "highlighting is wrong after find all refs:\n" + "\n%s\n!=\n%s\n" %
        (actual, expected))
Exemple #26
def driver():
    list = [x for x in GPS.lookup_actions() if GPS.Action(x).get_keys()]

    x = {}
    for item in list:
        key = GPS.Action(item).get_keys()
        if key in x:
            x[key] = [item]

    dups = {}
    for j in x:
        if len(x[j]) > 1:
            dups[j] = x[j]

    gps_assert(dups, expected, "Unexpected duplicated shortcuts")
Exemple #27
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("hello.adb"))
    v = b.current_view()

    # wait LSP responses has been processed
    if GPS.LanguageServer.is_enabled_for_language_name("Ada"):
        yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    yield timeout(1000)
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(include_hidden_chars=False), expected_1,
               "block folding didn't happen")

    b.insert(b.at(7, 19), "a")

    gps_assert(b.get_chars(include_hidden_chars=False), expected_2,
               "contents not right after inserting character")
Exemple #28
def driver():

    # This test launches a debug session, and runs the program in the
    # debugger. The goal is to check against a memory corruption that
    # occurs after the process has terminated - the test itself might
    # not report an issue, but valgrind might.
    GPS.execute_action("Build & Debug Number 1")
    yield wait_tasks()
    yield timeout(2000)

    yield wait_for_mdi_child("Debugger Execution")

    # sanity check that the test ran
    gps_assert("finished!" in GPS.Debugger.get().get_console().get_text(),
               True, "debug output not visible in console")
Exemple #29
def driver():
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("p.adb"))
    yield wait_tasks()
    v = b.current_view()
    v.goto(b.at(9, 8))

    GPS.execute_action("Macro Start Keyboard")
    yield timeout(200)
    yield timeout(200)
    GPS.execute_action("Macro Stop")
    v.goto(b.at(9, 1))
    GPS.execute_action("Macro Play")

    # Let the macro execute
    yield timeout(1000)
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(b.at(9, 1), b.at(9, 4)), "oo  ",
               "Macro playback was hindered by completion")
Exemple #30
def driver():
    # Generate a giant file on disk and load it from disk
    with open("p.ads", "wb") as f:
        f.write("""package P is
   function Foo return Integer is (42);
end P;""" + ("--" + "spam" * 100 + "\n") * 10000)

    # Reload the project so that p.ads is considered as a source
    GPS.execute_action("reload project")

    q_ads = GPS.File("q.ads")
    p_ads = GPS.File("p.ads")
    a = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(p_ads)
    yield timeout(1000)
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(q_ads)

    # Now insert a huge amount of data in an already open editor
    b.insert(b.at(4, 7), ("--  " + "spam" * 100 + "\n") * 10000)

    als = GPS.LanguageServer.get_by_language_name("Ada")

    params = {"textDocument": {"uri": q_ads.uri},
              "position": {"line": 2, "character": 27},
              "context": {"includeDeclaration": True}}

    result = yield als.request_promise("textDocument/references", params)

    if not result.is_valid:
        simple_error("we were expecting a valid result")

    # The result we expect from find_all_references
    expected = [{"uri": p_ads.uri,
                 "range": {"start": {"line": 1, "character": 12},
                           "end": {"line": 1, "character": 15}},
                 "alsKind": ["reference"]},
                {"uri": q_ads.uri,
                 "range": {"start": {"line": 2, "character": 27},
                           "end": {"line": 2, "character": 30}},
                 "alsKind": ["call"]}]

        result.data, expected,
        "result contents doesn't match expectations: {}".format(result))