Exemple #1
        class UploadCallbackConnection(httplib2.HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout):
            """Connection class override for uploads."""
            bytes_uploaded_container = outer_bytes_uploaded_container
            # After we instantiate this class, apitools will check with the server
            # to find out how many bytes remain for a resumable upload.  This allows
            # us to update our progress once based on that number.
            processed_initial_bytes = False
            GCS_JSON_BUFFER_SIZE = outer_buffer_size
            callback_processor = None
            size = outer_total_size

            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                kwargs['timeout'] = SSL_TIMEOUT
                    self, *args, **kwargs)

            def send(self, data):
                """Overrides HTTPConnection.send."""
                if not self.processed_initial_bytes:
                    self.processed_initial_bytes = True
                    if outer_progress_callback:
                        self.callback_processor = ProgressCallbackWithBackoff(
                            outer_total_size, outer_progress_callback)
                # httplib.HTTPConnection.send accepts either a string or a file-like
                # object (anything that implements read()).
                if isinstance(data, basestring):
                    full_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO(data)
                    full_buffer = data
                partial_buffer = full_buffer.read(self.GCS_JSON_BUFFER_SIZE)
                while partial_buffer:
                        self, partial_buffer)
                    send_length = len(partial_buffer)
                    if self.callback_processor:
                        # This is the only place where gsutil has control over making a
                        # callback, but here we can't differentiate the metadata bytes
                        # (such as headers and OAuth2 refreshes) sent during an upload
                        # from the actual upload bytes, so we will actually report
                        # slightly more bytes than desired to the callback handler.
                        # One considered/rejected alternative is to move the callbacks
                        # into the HashingFileUploadWrapper which only processes reads on
                        # the bytes. This has the disadvantages of being removed from
                        # where we actually send the bytes and unnecessarily
                        # multi-purposing that class.
                    partial_buffer = full_buffer.read(
        class UploadCallbackConnection(httplib2.HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout):
            """Connection class override for uploads."""
            bytes_uploaded_container = outer_bytes_uploaded_container
            # After we instantiate this class, apitools will check with the server
            # to find out how many bytes remain for a resumable upload.  This allows
            # us to update our progress once based on that number.
            processed_initial_bytes = False
            GCS_JSON_BUFFER_SIZE = outer_buffer_size
            callback_processor = None
            size = outer_total_size

            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                kwargs['timeout'] = SSL_TIMEOUT
                    self, *args, **kwargs)

            # Override httplib.HTTPConnection._send_output for debug logging.
            # Because the distinction between headers and message body occurs
            # only in this httplib function, we can only differentiate them here.
            def _send_output(self, message_body=None):
                """Send the currently buffered request and clear the buffer.

        Appends an extra \\r\\n to the buffer.

          message_body: if specified, this is appended to the request.
                # TODO: Presently, apitools will set http2lib2.debuglevel to 0
                # (no prints) or 4 (dump upload payload, httplib prints to stdout).
                # Refactor to allow our media-handling functions to handle
                # debuglevel == 4 and print messages to stderr.
                self._buffer.extend(('', ''))
                msg = '\r\n'.join(self._buffer)
                num_metadata_bytes = len(msg)
                if outer_debug == DEBUGLEVEL_DUMP_REQUESTS and outer_logger:
                    outer_logger.debug('send: %s' % msg)
                del self._buffer[:]
                # If msg and message_body are sent in a single send() call,
                # it will avoid performance problems caused by the interaction
                # between delayed ack and the Nagle algorithm.
                if isinstance(message_body, str):
                    msg += message_body
                    message_body = None
                self.send(msg, num_metadata_bytes=num_metadata_bytes)
                if message_body is not None:
                    # message_body was not a string (i.e. it is a file) and
                    # we must run the risk of Nagle

            def send(self, data, num_metadata_bytes=0):
                """Overrides HTTPConnection.send.

          data: string or file-like object (implements read()) of data to send.
          num_metadata_bytes: number of bytes that consist of metadata
              (headers, etc.) not representing the data being uploaded.
                if not self.processed_initial_bytes:
                    self.processed_initial_bytes = True
                    if outer_progress_callback:
                        self.callback_processor = ProgressCallbackWithBackoff(
                            outer_total_size, outer_progress_callback)
                # httplib.HTTPConnection.send accepts either a string or a file-like
                # object (anything that implements read()).
                if isinstance(data, basestring):
                    full_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO(data)
                    full_buffer = data
                partial_buffer = full_buffer.read(self.GCS_JSON_BUFFER_SIZE)
                while partial_buffer:
                        self, partial_buffer)
                    sent_data_bytes = len(partial_buffer)
                    if num_metadata_bytes:
                        if num_metadata_bytes <= sent_data_bytes:
                            sent_data_bytes -= num_metadata_bytes
                            num_metadata_bytes = 0
                            num_metadata_bytes -= sent_data_bytes
                            sent_data_bytes = 0
                    if self.callback_processor:
                        # TODO: We can't differentiate the multipart upload
                        # metadata in the request body from the actual upload bytes, so we
                        # will actually report slightly more bytes than desired to the
                        # callback handler. Get the number of multipart upload metadata
                        # bytes from apitools and subtract from sent_data_bytes.
                    partial_buffer = full_buffer.read(
        class DownloadCallbackConnection(httplib2.HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout):
            """Connection class override for downloads."""
            outer_total_size = self.total_size
            outer_digesters = self.digesters
            outer_progress_callback = self.progress_callback
            outer_bytes_downloaded_container = self.bytes_downloaded_container
            processed_initial_bytes = False
            callback_processor = None

            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                kwargs['timeout'] = SSL_TIMEOUT
                    self, *args, **kwargs)

            def getresponse(self, buffering=False):
                """Wraps an HTTPResponse to perform callbacks and hashing.

        In this function, self is a DownloadCallbackConnection.

          buffering: Unused. This function uses a local buffer.

          HTTPResponse object with wrapped read function.
                orig_response = httplib.HTTPConnection.getresponse(self)
                if orig_response.status not in (httplib.OK,
                    return orig_response
                orig_read_func = orig_response.read

                def read(amt=None):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
                    """Overrides HTTPConnection.getresponse.read.

          This function only supports reads of TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE or smaller.

            amt: Integer n where 0 < n <= TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE. This is a
                 keyword argument to match the read function it overrides,
                 but it is required.

            Data read from HTTPConnection.
                    if not amt or amt > TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE:
                        raise BadRequestException(
                            'Invalid HTTP read size %s during download, expected %s.'
                            % (amt, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE))
                        amt = amt or TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE

                    if not self.processed_initial_bytes:
                        self.processed_initial_bytes = True
                        if self.outer_progress_callback:
                            self.callback_processor = ProgressCallbackWithBackoff(

                    data = orig_read_func(amt)
                    read_length = len(data)
                    if self.callback_processor:
                    if self.outer_digesters:
                        for alg in self.outer_digesters:
                    return data

                orig_response.read = read

                return orig_response