def set_cell_background_color(self, cell_id, color_): fmt = cellFormat( backgroundColor=color(*color_), textFormat=textFormat(bold=False, foregroundColor=color(0,0,0)), horizontalAlignment='CENTER') format_cell_range(self._wks, cell_id + ':' + cell_id, fmt)
def applyStandardFormatting(self, spreadsheetID, worksheetTitle, startTimeString): self.setSpreadsheetAndWorksheet(spreadsheetID, worksheetTitle) breakConditionRule = ConditionalFormatRule( ranges=[GridRange.from_a1_range('C:Z', self.worksheet)], booleanRule=BooleanRule( condition=BooleanCondition("TEXT_STARTS_WITH", ["Break"]), format=gsf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gsf.color( 0.70, 0.70, 0.70)) # should color break cells grey )) absentConditionRule = ConditionalFormatRule( ranges=[GridRange.from_a1_range('B5:B', self.worksheet)], booleanRule=BooleanRule( condition=BooleanCondition( "TEXT_EQ", ["0:00"]), # "0:00" cells are absent format=gsf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gsf.color( 1, 0, 0)) # make them an angry red )) emptyFirstTimeframeRule = ConditionalFormatRule( ranges=[GridRange.from_a1_range('C5:C', self.worksheet)], booleanRule=BooleanRule( # if there's no timeframe for the first one then keep it white instead of yellow condition=BooleanCondition("BLANK"), format=gsf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gsf.color(1, 1, 1)) # white )) lateConditionRule = ConditionalFormatRule( ranges=[GridRange.from_a1_range('C5:C', self.worksheet)], booleanRule=BooleanRule( # If the first timeframe doesn't have the start time in it, mark it yellow condition=BooleanCondition("TEXT_NOT_CONTAINS", [startTimeString]), format=gsf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gsf.color(1, 1, 0)) # yellow )) onTimeConditionRule = ConditionalFormatRule( ranges=[GridRange.from_a1_range('C5:C', self.worksheet)], booleanRule=BooleanRule( # if it does have the start time, mark it green condition=BooleanCondition("TEXT_STARTS_WITH", [startTimeString]), format=gsf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gsf.color(0, 1, 0)) # green )) rules = get_conditional_format_rules(self.worksheet) rules.clear() # order is important, rule that is appended first takes priority rules.append(breakConditionRule) rules.append(absentConditionRule) rules.append(emptyFirstTimeframeRule) rules.append(lateConditionRule) rules.append(onTimeConditionRule) self.autoResizeCells(,
def update_track_status(ebid, message="Archive download staged", sheetname='20A - OpLog Summary', status_col=1, bool_status_colname="Staged data \nfrom archive", row_color=[1., 1., 1.], text_color=[0., 0., 0.], bold_text=False, max_retry=5): """ Update the processing status of a track running through the pipeline. """ i = 0 while i == 0: try: full_sheet = read_tracksheet() worksheet = full_sheet.worksheet(sheetname) break except requests.ReadTimeout: time.sleep(10) pass i += 1 if i >= max_retry: raise ValueError("Error: timed out multiple time reading google sheet.") cell = worksheet.find(str(ebid)) worksheet.update_cell(cell.row, status_col, message) # Update the boolean flags for the different stages. bool_cell_col = worksheet.find(bool_status_colname).col worksheet.update_cell(cell.row, bool_cell_col, "TRUE") # Check if we have a color to update for the row at this stage: key_match_status = [key for key in stage_colors if key in message] if len(key_match_status) > 1:"Found multiple matching statuses: {key_match_status}. Going with the first one") if len(key_match_status) > 0: key = key_match_status[0] row_color = stage_colors[key]['row_color'] text_color = stage_colors[key]['text_color'] bold_text = stage_colors[key]['bold_text'] fmt = cellFormat(backgroundColor=color(*row_color), textFormat=textFormat(bold=bold_text, foregroundColor=color(*text_color))) format_cell_range(worksheet, f'{cell.row}', fmt)
def formatRaw(self): ''' Format raw ''' import gspread_formatting as gsf # Format the header # ----------------- fmt = cellFormat( backgroundColor=gsf.color(1, 0.9, 0.9), textFormat=textFormat(bold=True, foregroundColor=gsf.color(1, 0, 1)), ) gsf.format_cell_range(worksheet, 'A1:MN1') # FORMAT THE SUBSEQUENT LINES # --------------------------- return None
def create_disclaimer_worksheet(self, sheet): worksheet = sheet.get_worksheet(0) worksheet.update_title('Info') disclaimer = INFO.format(self.zip_code).splitlines() disclaimer_cells = worksheet.range(1, 1, len(disclaimer), 1) for i, line in enumerate(disclaimer): disclaimer_cells[i].value = line worksheet.update_cells(disclaimer_cells) fmt = gsf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gsf.color(0.7, 0.77, 0.87), textFormat=gsf.textFormat( bold=True, foregroundColor=gsf.color(0, 0, .54)), horizontalAlignment='LEFT') gsf.format_cell_ranges(worksheet, [('A1:E1', fmt), ('A3:E3', fmt), ('A4:E4', fmt), ('A9:E9', fmt)])
def main(): InitialTicketCells = [ "AO", "CLERK", "TURN TIME", "THREAD LINK", "Submitter", "", "AOs", 'TICKETS', "AVG TURN TIME", "", "CLERK", "TOTAL TICKETS", "AVG TURN TIME", "", "UPDATED AT" ] #Header of google sheet Sheet = SheetGet() cell_listInitial = Sheet.range("A1:O1") #setup sheet range output, Clerks, CurrentAOs = DataScrape( ) #grab all data we are interested in InitialFormat(cell_listInitial, InitialTicketCells, Sheet, CurrentAOs, Clerks) #function call fmtheader = gspread_formatting.cellFormat( backgroundColor=gspread_formatting.color(0, 0, 0), textFormat=gspread_formatting.textFormat( bold=True, foregroundColor=gspread_formatting.color(1, 0.84, 0)), horizontalAlignment='CENTER') #formating fmtOK = gspread_formatting.cellFormat( backgroundColor=gspread_formatting.color(0.13, 0.87, 0.16)) #formating formatlisting = [('A1:R1', fmtheader)] Color = [(0.1, 1, 0.13), (0.25, 1, 0.09), (0.45, 0.99, 0.08), (0.65, 0.99, 0.07), (0.85, 0.99, 0.05), (0.99, 0.91, 0.04), (0.98, 0.7, 0.03), (0.98, 0.48, 0.02), (0.98, 0.26, 0.01), (1, 0.03, 0)] #color gradient Result = cellWrite(output, Sheet, Color, fmtOK, formatlisting) #this updates our sheet gspread_formatting.format_cell_range( Sheet, 'A2:R{}'.format(len(Result) + 1), gspread_formatting.cellFormat(horizontalAlignment='CENTER')) gspread_formatting.format_cell_ranges( Sheet, formatlisting) #these two lines format the sheet Sheet.update_cell(2, 15, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())) if Config.CSVOutput == 1 or Config.CSVOutput == 'yes': #if we want csv writer on CSVWriter(CurrentAOs, Clerks, output)
def format_header(self): """Format the header of the invoice. Turns the first row of the invoice blue """ header_format = cellFormat(backgroundColor=color(0, 0, 0.625)) format_cell_ranges(self.worksheet, [(self.SHEET_START_POINT + ":" + self.LAST_COLUMN + "1", header_format)])
def create_data_worksheet(self, sheet, rows, cols, properties_list): worksheet = sheet.add_worksheet(title=self.zip_code, rows=str(rows), cols=str(cols)) worksheet.clear() cell_list = worksheet.range(1, 1, rows, cols) cell_values = [ 'Provided to you by Engineered Cash Flow LLC,' ] cell_values.extend([''] * (cols - 1)) cell_values.extend(self.fieldnames) for p in tqdm(properties_list): data = [] for field in self.fieldnames: data.append(p.__dict__[field]) cell_values.extend(data) assert len(cell_values) == len(cell_list), 'Cell/value mismatch' for i, val in enumerate(cell_values): cell_list[i].value = val worksheet.update_cells(cell_list) fmt_title = gsf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gsf.color(0.7, 0.77, 0.87), textFormat=gsf.textFormat( bold=True, foregroundColor=gsf.color(0, 0, .54)), horizontalAlignment='LEFT') fmt_fields = gsf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gsf.color(0.7, 0.77, 0.87), textFormat=gsf.textFormat( bold=True, foregroundColor=gsf.color(0, 0, .54)), horizontalAlignment='CENTER') # hack since gspread_formatting doesn't seem to support # full row notation (e.g. '1:2') col_label = chr(ord('a') + cols).upper() gsf.format_cell_ranges(worksheet, [('A1:{}1'.format(col_label), fmt_title), ('A2:{}2'.format(col_label), fmt_fields)])
def conditional_format_sheet(self, sheet, template_sheet, template_header): apreciacao_list = self.get_column_values(sheet, 'Situação', template_header) for row, cell in enumerate(apreciacao_list, start=1): coord = xl_rowcol_to_cell( row, template_header['Situação']['column_index']) if 'pauta' in cell.lower(): cell_formatting = gs_formatting.get_effective_format( sheet, coord) cell_formatting.textFormat.foregroundColor =\ gs_formatting.color(1, 0, 0) gs_formatting.format_cell_range(sheet, coord + ':' + coord, cell_formatting)
def cellWrite(output, Sheet, Color, fmtOK, formatlisting): a = 0 x = 0 y = 0 Result = [] Check = 0 for a in range(len(output)): Result.append([ a.strip() for a in output[a].split(',') ]) #Turn singular list in a list with 3 elements on each line cell_listA = Sheet.range( 'A2:E{}'.format(len(Result) + 1) ) #Cell_list becomes the size of total tickets time 3. This is the amount of cells we will be taking up for cellA in cell_listA: cellA.value = Result[x][ y] #Fill in values of each individual cell to use back in the cell list if Result[x][2] != 'NF': Check = int(Result[x][2]) if Check >= 24: if Check <= 120: select = round(Check / 12) - 1 else: select = 9 fmt = gspread_formatting.cellFormat( backgroundColor=gspread_formatting.color(*Color[select])) formatlisting.append(('C{}'.format(x + 2), fmt)) Check = 0 else: formatlisting.append(('C{}'.format(x + 2), fmtOK)) y += 1 if y == 5: #This is to avoid index out of bounds y = 0 x += 1 Sheet.update_cells( cell_listA, value_input_option='USER_ENTERED') #write to google sheets return Result
dataset_string = '=HYPERLINK("%s","%s")' % (model['dataset_url'], model['used_dataset']) if ('molecular' in model['modelscope']) or ('subcellular' in model['modelscope']): dataset_string = 'sim. data stored and documented within model entry --> SGA3 for Simulation Datasets in KG!' return ['=HYPERLINK("%s","%s")' % (model['url'], name), '=HYPERLINK("%s","%s")' % (model['custodian_url'], model['custodian']), dataset_string, '%s' % model['brain_structure'], '%s' % model['dataset_species']] base_fontsize = 10 req_data = [] req_data_format = [] blank_fmt = gf.cellFormat( backgroundColor=gf.color(1,1,1), textFormat=gf.textFormat(fontSize=base_fontsize, foregroundColor=gf.color(0,0,0)) ) req_data.append(["Annex D: Models released in EBrains KG from SP6 Model Components"]) fmt = gf.cellFormat( backgroundColor=gf.color(1,1,1), textFormat=gf.textFormat(bold=True, fontSize=base_fontsize*2, foregroundColor=gf.color(0.02,0.3,0.55)) ) req_data_format.append(fmt) req_data.append([""]) req_data_format.append(blank_fmt) req_data.append(ouput_col_headings) fmt = gf.cellFormat( backgroundColor=gf.color(0.02,0.3,0.55),
def prefill_worksheet0(worksheet, entry_dict, should_set_readonly_ranges, config): market_season_string = "Jarní a letní" if di.is_spring_or_summer() else "Podzimní a zimní" market_time_info_string = "{} burza {}".format(market_season_string, di.get_current_year()) row_infos = [ { "start": "B1", "data": ["č. prodejce:", "příjmení, jméno:", "", "tel:", "e-mail:"], }, { "start": "B4", "data": [ "Číslo prodejce a pořadové číslo zboží", "Druh zboží\n(vyber ze seznamu)", "Barva\n(vyber ze seznamu)", "Značka", "Bližší specifikace - tři slova\n(stručný popis, např.motiv na zboží, název knihy, atd.......)\n-max.30 znaků-", "Velikost", "Cena\n(zaokrouhleno na 10 Kč)\nnapř.10, 20, 50", ], }, {"start": "B3", "data": [market_time_info_string]}, {"start": "E3", "data": ["Prodejní seznam"]}, ] col_infos = [ { "start": "C38", "data": [ "Seznam je vyplněn, nehodlám do něj dále zapisovat:", ], } ] colors = [ "Béžová", "Bílá", "Černá", "Červená", "Fialová", "Hnědá", "Modrá", "Oranžová", "Růžová", "Stříbrná", "Šedá", "Tyrkysová", "Vínová", "Zelená", "Zlatá", "Žlutá", "jiná", ] selection_types = [ "Autosedačky", "Boty", "Brusle", "Bunda", "Čepice, klobouk", "Dresy", "Dupačky, overal", "Džíny", "Helma", "Hračka", "Kabát", "Kabelky, tašky, batohy", "Kalhotky, slipy, boxerky", "Kalhoty", "Karnevalový kostým", "Kniha", "Kočárek", "Kojenecká výbava -mimo oblečení", "Kojenecké body", "Kolo", "Komplet, Souprava", "Košile, Halenka, Blůzka", "Kraťasy, Trenýrky", "Legíny", "Mikina", "Nábytek", "Pláštěnka", "Plavky", "Plyšová hračka", "Podprsenka", "Ponožky", "Punčocháče", "Pyžamo", "Společenské hry", "Společenské oblečení", "Sportovní potřeba", "Sukně", "Svetr", "Šaty", "Těhotenské oblečení", "Tepláky", "Tílko", "Tričko dl. rukáv", "Tričko kr. rukáv", "Župan", "Ostatní zboží", ] col_validations = [ {"start": "C5", "data": selection_types, "count": 30}, {"start": "D5", "data": colors, "count": 30}, ] non_editable_ranges = [ "A:B", "I:Z34", "C35:C", "E38:Z38", "D39:Z1000", "D35:Z37", "C1:H4", ] bold_ranges = ["B2:H34", "B37:H40"] underline_ranges = ["F2"] background_color_infos = [ {"range": "B4:H4", "color": gf.color(195 / 255, 219 / 255, 226 / 255)}, {"range": "C5:H34", "color": gf.color(243 / 255, 212 / 255, 213 / 255)}, ] text_color_infos = [ {"range": "F2", "color": gf.color(165 / 255, 153 / 255, 174 / 255)} ] grid_inner_ranges = ["B1:B2", "E1:E2", "F2", "B4:H34", "H2"] grid_outer_ranges = [ "C1:D1", "C2:D2", "B3:D3", "E3:F3", "B1:H37", "B35:H35", "B36:H36", "B37:H37", ] column_widths = [13, 130, 213, 100, 132, 286, 85, 147, 20, 51] row_heights = [ 32, 47, 46, 115, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 34, 40, 38, ] font_infos = [ {"range": "B1:F1", "size": 11}, {"range": "B2", "size": 28}, {"range": "C2", "size": 16}, {"range": "B2", "size": 28}, {"range": "B3:H3", "size": 24}, {"range": "B4:H34", "size": 13}, {"range": "E2:F2", "size": 14}, ] email = entry_dict["email"] phone_number = entry_dict["phone"] full_name = entry_dict["surname"] + " " + entry_dict["name"] vendor_id = entry_dict["vendor id"] vendor_info = [vendor_id, full_name, "", phone_number, email] merged_cells = ["B3:D3", "E3:F3", "C40:J40", "C37:G37"] worksheet.update_title(config["sheet1_name"]) batch_text_fill(worksheet, row_infos, col_infos, vendor_info) batch_format( worksheet, bold_ranges, background_color_infos, column_widths, row_heights, font_infos, text_color_infos, underline_ranges, ) set_spreadsheet_validation( worksheet, [], col_validations, non_editable_ranges, should_set_readonly_ranges, config, ) checkbox_condition(worksheet, "D38:D38") set_merged_cells(worksheet, merged_cells)
class GoogleSheetBase: current_flow = None color_format = { 'green' : cellFormat( backgroundColor=color(0, 1, 0), #set it to yellow textFormat=textFormat(foregroundColor=color(0, 0, 0)), ), 'yellow' : cellFormat( backgroundColor=color(1, 1, 0), #set it to yellow textFormat=textFormat(foregroundColor=color(0, 0, 0)), ), 'white' : cellFormat( backgroundColor=color(1, 1, 1), #set it to yellow textFormat=textFormat(foregroundColor=color(0, 0, 0)), ) } def __init__(self, doc_id, credentials_filepath, tab_index, unique_header): self.credentials_filepath = credentials_filepath self.credentials = self.get_credentials() self.doc_id = doc_id doc_url = f'{doc_id}' gsp = gspread.authorize(self.credentials) doc = gsp.open_by_url(doc_url) self.tab_index = tab_index = doc.get_worksheet(tab_index) self.header_info = None self.header_info_reverse = None self.unique_header = unique_header def get_credentials(self, project_filepath=None): if os.path.exists(self.credentials_filepath) == False:"credentials_filepath : {self.credentials_filepath}") url = self.__make_token_cli(project_filepath) logger.debug(f"Auth URL : {url}") code = input("Input Code : ") self.__save_token(self.credentials_filepath, code) store = Storage(self.credentials_filepath) credentials = store.get() if not credentials or credentials.invalid: logger.warning('credentials error') #flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('credentials.json', SCOPES) #creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store) os.remove(self.credentials_filepath) return self.get_credentials(self.credentials_filepath) return credentials def __make_token_cli(self, project_filepath): try: if project_filepath == None: project_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cs.json') self.current_flow = flow_from_clientsecrets( project_filepath, # downloaded file '', # scope redirect_uri='urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob') return self.current_flow.step1_get_authorize_url() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Exception: {e}") logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) def __save_token(self, credentials_filepath, code): try: credentials = self.current_flow.step2_exchange(code) storage = Storage(credentials_filepath) storage.put(credentials) return True except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Exception: {e}") logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False def get_sheet_data(self): tmp =[:-1] self.set_sheet_header(tmp[0]) rows = tmp[1:] ret = [] for row in rows: item = {} for idx, col in enumerate(row): item[self.header_info_reverse[idx+1]] = col ret.append(item) return ret def set_sheet_header(self, row): self.header_info = {} self.header_info_reverse = {} for idx, col in enumerate(row): self.header_info[col] = idx + 1 self.header_info_reverse[idx+1] = col logger.debug(self.header_info) def find_row_index(self, total_data, data): find_row_index = -1 #find = False #data['IDX'] = len(total_data)+1 for idx, item in enumerate(total_data): if item[self.unique_header] == str(data[self.unique_header]): #find = True find_row_index = idx #data['IDX'] = find_row_index + 1 break if find_row_index == -1: data['IDX'] = len(total_data)+1 return find_row_index def sleep(self): time.sleep(0.5) def sleep_exception(self): time.sleep(10) def after_update_cell(self, sheet_row_index, sheet_col_index, key, value, old_value): pass def set_color(self, sheet_row, sheet_col1, sheet_col2, color): format_cell_range(, gspread.utils.rowcol_to_a1(sheet_row,sheet_col1)+':' + gspread.utils.rowcol_to_a1(sheet_row,sheet_col2), color) def set_color_row(self, sheet_row, color): format_cell_range(, gspread.utils.rowcol_to_a1(sheet_row,1)+':' + gspread.utils.rowcol_to_a1(sheet_row,len(self.header_info)), color) def set_color_cell(self, sheet_row, sheet_col, color): format_cell_range(, gspread.utils.rowcol_to_a1(sheet_row,sheet_col)+':' + gspread.utils.rowcol_to_a1(sheet_row,sheet_col), color) def write_data(self, total_data, data): find_row_index = self.find_row_index(total_data, data) write_count = 0 for key, value in data.items(): if key.startswith('_'): continue if value == None: continue if key not in self.header_info: continue while True: try: if find_row_index != -1 and str(total_data[find_row_index][key]) != str(value): logger.warning(f"업데이트 : {key} {total_data[find_row_index][key]} ==> {value}"), self.header_info[key], value) self.after_update_cell(find_row_index+2, self.header_info[key], key, value, total_data[find_row_index][key]) write_count += 1 self.sleep() elif find_row_index == -1 and value != '': logger.warning(f"추가 : {key} {value}"), self.header_info[key], value) self.after_update_cell(len(total_data)+2, self.header_info[key], key, value, None) write_count += 1 self.sleep() break except gspread.exceptions.APIError: self.sleep_exception() except Exception as exception: logger.error(f"{key} - {value}") logger.error('Exception:%s', exception) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error(self.header_info) self.sleep_exception() if find_row_index == -1: total_data.append(data) else: total_data[find_row_index] = data return write_count
def set_color(self): fmt = gsf.cellFormat( textFormat=gsf.textFormat( bold=True, foregroundColor=gsf.color(112, 48, 160), fontSize=24) ) gsf.format_cell_range(self._sheet, 'B1:B1', fmt)
in model['modelscope']): dataset_string = 'sim. data stored and documented within model entry --> SGA3 for Simulation Datasets in KG!' return [ '=HYPERLINK("%s","%s")' % (model['url'], name), '=HYPERLINK("%s","%s")' % (model['custodian_url'], model['custodian']), dataset_string, '%s' % model['brain_structure'], '%s' % model['dataset_species'] ] base_fontsize = 10 req_data = [] req_data_format = [] blank_fmt = gf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gf.color(1, 1, 1), textFormat=gf.textFormat( fontSize=base_fontsize, foregroundColor=gf.color(0, 0, 0))) req_data.append( ["Models released in EBrains KG from SP4 Model Components"]) fmt = gf.cellFormat(backgroundColor=gf.color(1, 1, 1), textFormat=gf.textFormat(bold=True, fontSize=base_fontsize * 2, foregroundColor=gf.color( 0.02, 0.3, 0.55))) req_data_format.append(fmt) req_data.append([""]) req_data_format.append(blank_fmt)