Exemple #1
def eval_func(func, pos, mesh_type="structured"):
    Evaluate a function on a mesh.

    func : :any:`callable`
        The function to be called. Should have the signiture f(x, [y, z])
    pos : :class:`list`
        the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal
        directions (x, [y, z])
    mesh_type : :class:`str`, optional
        'structured' / 'unstructured'

        Function values at the given points.
    x, y, z, dim = pos2xyz(pos, calc_dim=True)
    if mesh_type == "structured":
        x, y, z, axis_lens = reshape_axis_from_struct_to_unstruct(dim, x, y, z)
    res = func(*[x, y, z][:dim])
    if mesh_type == "structured":
        res = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(dim, res, axis_lens)
    return res
Exemple #2
    def __call__(
        self, pos, seed=np.nan, point_volumes=0.0, mesh_type="unstructured"
        """Generate the spatial random field.

        The field is saved as `self.field` and is also returned.

        pos : :class:`list`
            the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal
        seed : :class:`int`, optional
            seed for RNG for reseting. Default: keep seed from generator
        point_volumes : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            If your evaluation points for the field are coming from a mesh,
            they are probably representing a certain element volume.
            This volume can be passed by `point_volumes` to apply the
            given variance upscaling. If `point_volumes` is ``0`` nothing
            is changed. Default: ``0``
        mesh_type : :class:`str`
            'structured' / 'unstructured'

        field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            the SRF
        # internal conversation
        x, y, z = pos2xyz(pos, max_dim=self.model.dim)
        self.pos = xyz2pos(x, y, z)
        self.mesh_type = mesh_type
        # update the model/seed in the generator if any changes were made
        self.generator.update(self.model, seed)
        # format the positional arguments of the mesh
        check_mesh(self.model.dim, x, y, z, mesh_type)
        mesh_type_changed = False
        if self.model.do_rotation:
            if mesh_type == "structured":
                mesh_type_changed = True
                mesh_type_old = mesh_type
                mesh_type = "unstructured"
                x, y, z, axis_lens = reshape_axis_from_struct_to_unstruct(
                    self.model.dim, x, y, z
            x, y, z = unrotate_mesh(self.model.dim, self.model.angles, x, y, z)
        y, z = make_isotropic(self.model.dim, self.model.anis, y, z)

        # generate the field
        self.raw_field = self.generator.__call__(x, y, z, mesh_type)

        # reshape field if we got an unstructured mesh
        if mesh_type_changed:
            mesh_type = mesh_type_old
            self.raw_field = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(
                self.model.dim, self.raw_field, axis_lens

        # apply given conditions to the field
        if self.condition:
            ) = self.cond_func(self)
            # store everything in the class
            self.field = cond_field
            self.krige_field = krige_field
            self.err_field = err_field
            self.krige_var = krigevar
            if "mean" in info:  # ordinary krging estimates mean
                self.mean = info["mean"]
            self.field = self.raw_field + self.mean

        # upscaled variance
        if not np.isscalar(point_volumes) or not np.isclose(point_volumes, 0):
            scaled_var = self.upscaling_func(self.model, point_volumes)
            self.field -= self.mean
            self.field *= np.sqrt(scaled_var / self.model.sill)
            self.field += self.mean

        return self.field
Exemple #3
    def __call__(self, pos, mesh_type="unstructured"):
        Generate the ordinary kriging field.

        The field is saved as `self.field` and is also returned.

        pos : :class:`list`
            the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal
            directions (x, [y, z])
        mesh_type : :class:`str`
            'structured' / 'unstructured'

        field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            the kriged field
        krige_var : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            the kriging error variance
        # internal conversation
        x, y, z = pos2xyz(pos, dtype=np.double, max_dim=self.model.dim)
        c_x, c_y, c_z = pos2xyz(self.cond_pos,
        self.pos = xyz2pos(x, y, z)
        self.mesh_type = mesh_type
        # format the positional arguments of the mesh
        check_mesh(self.model.dim, x, y, z, mesh_type)
        mesh_type_changed = False
        if mesh_type == "structured":
            mesh_type_changed = True
            mesh_type_old = mesh_type
            mesh_type = "unstructured"
            x, y, z, axis_lens = reshape_axis_from_struct_to_unstruct(
                self.model.dim, x, y, z)
        if self.model.do_rotation:
            x, y, z = unrotate_mesh(self.model.dim, self.model.angles, x, y, z)
            c_x, c_y, c_z = unrotate_mesh(self.model.dim, self.model.angles,
                                          c_x, c_y, c_z)
        y, z = make_isotropic(self.model.dim, self.model.anis, y, z)
        c_y, c_z = make_isotropic(self.model.dim, self.model.anis, c_y, c_z)

        # set condtions
        cond = np.concatenate((self.cond_val, [0]))
        krig_mat = inv(self._get_krig_mat((c_x, c_y, c_z), (c_x, c_y, c_z)))
        krig_vecs = self._get_vario_mat((c_x, c_y, c_z), (x, y, z), add=True)
        # generate the kriged field
        field, krige_var = krigesum(krig_mat, krig_vecs, cond)
        # calculate the estimated mean (kriging field at infinity)
        mean_est = np.concatenate((np.full_like(self.cond_val,
                                                self.model.sill), [1]))
        self.mean = np.einsum("i,ij,j", cond, krig_mat, mean_est)

        # reshape field if we got an unstructured mesh
        if mesh_type_changed:
            mesh_type = mesh_type_old
            field = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(
                self.model.dim, field, axis_lens)
            krige_var = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(
                self.model.dim, krige_var, axis_lens)
        # save the field
        self.krige_var = krige_var
        self.field = field
        return self.field, self.krige_var
Exemple #4
    def __call__(self, pos, mesh_type="unstructured"):
        Generate the simple kriging field.

        The field is saved as `self.field` and is also returned.

        pos : :class:`list`
            the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal
            directions (x, [y, z])
        mesh_type : :class:`str`
            'structured' / 'unstructured'

        field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            the kriged field
        krige_var : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            the kriging error variance
        # internal conversation
        x, y, z = pos2xyz(pos, dtype=np.double, max_dim=self.model.dim)
        c_x, c_y, c_z = pos2xyz(self.cond_pos,
        self.pos = xyz2pos(x, y, z)
        self.mesh_type = mesh_type
        # format the positional arguments of the mesh
        check_mesh(self.model.dim, x, y, z, mesh_type)
        mesh_type_changed = False
        if mesh_type == "structured":
            mesh_type_changed = True
            mesh_type_old = mesh_type
            mesh_type = "unstructured"
            x, y, z, axis_lens = reshape_axis_from_struct_to_unstruct(
                self.model.dim, x, y, z)
        if self.model.do_rotation:
            x, y, z = unrotate_mesh(self.model.dim, self.model.angles, x, y, z)
            c_x, c_y, c_z = unrotate_mesh(self.model.dim, self.model.angles,
                                          c_x, c_y, c_z)
        y, z = make_isotropic(self.model.dim, self.model.anis, y, z)
        c_y, c_z = make_isotropic(self.model.dim, self.model.anis, c_y, c_z)

        # set condtions to zero mean
        cond = self.cond_val - self.mean
        krig_mat = inv(self._get_cov_mat((c_x, c_y, c_z), (c_x, c_y, c_z)))
        krig_vecs = self._get_cov_mat((c_x, c_y, c_z), (x, y, z))
        # generate the kriged field
        field, krige_var = krigesum(krig_mat, krig_vecs, cond)

        # reshape field if we got an unstructured mesh
        if mesh_type_changed:
            mesh_type = mesh_type_old
            field = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(
                self.model.dim, field, axis_lens)
            krige_var = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(
                self.model.dim, krige_var, axis_lens)
        # calculate the kriging error
        self.krige_var = self.model.sill - krige_var
        # add the given mean
        self.field = field + self.mean
        return self.field, self.krige_var
Exemple #5
    def __call__(
        """Generate the spatial random field.

        pos : :class:`list`
            the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal
        seed : :class:`int`, optional
            seed for RNG for reseting. Default: keep seed from generator
        force_moments : :class:`bool`
            Force the generator to exactly match mean and variance.
            Default: ``False``
        point_volumes : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            If your evaluation points for the field are coming from a mesh,
            they are probably representing a certain element volume.
            This volumes can be passed by `point_volumes` to apply the
            given variance upscaling. If `point_volumes` is ``0`` nothing
            is changed. Default: ``0``
        mesh_type : :class:`str`
            'structured' / 'unstructured'

        field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            the SRF
        # internal conversation
        x, y, z = pos2xyz(pos)
        # update the model/seed in the generator if any changes were made
        self.generator.update(self.model, seed)
        # format the positional arguments of the mesh
        check_mesh(self.model.dim, x, y, z, mesh_type)
        mesh_type_changed = False
        if self.do_rotation:
            if mesh_type == "structured":
                mesh_type_changed = True
                mesh_type_old = mesh_type
                mesh_type = "unstructured"
                x, y, z, axis_lens = reshape_axis_from_struct_to_unstruct(
                    self.model.dim, x, y, z)
            x, y, z = unrotate_mesh(self.model.dim, self.model.angles, x, y, z)
        y, z = make_isotropic(self.model.dim, self.model.anis, y, z)
        x, y, z = reshape_input(x, y, z, mesh_type)

        # generate the field
        field = self.generator.__call__(x, y, z)

        # reshape field if we got an unstructured mesh
        if mesh_type_changed:
            mesh_type = mesh_type_old
            field = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(
                self.model.dim, field, axis_lens)

        # force variance and mean to be exactly as given (if wanted)
        if force_moments:
            var_in = np.var(field)
            mean_in = np.mean(field)
            rescale = np.sqrt(self.model.sill / var_in)
            field = rescale * (field - mean_in)

        # upscaled variance
        scaled_var = self.upscaling_func(self.model, point_volumes)

        # rescale and shift the field to the mean
        self.field = np.sqrt(scaled_var / self.model.sill) * field + self.mean

        return self.field
Exemple #6
    def __call__(
        self, pos, mesh_type="unstructured", ext_drift=None, chunk_size=None
        Generate the kriging field.

        The field is saved as `self.field` and is also returned.
        The error variance is saved as `self.krige_var` and is also returned.

        pos : :class:`list`
            the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal
            directions (x, [y, z])
        mesh_type : :class:`str`, optional
            'structured' / 'unstructured'
        ext_drift : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :any:`None`, optional
            the external drift values at the given positions (only for EDK)
        chunk_size : :class:`int`, optional
            Chunk size to cut down the size of the kriging system to prevent
            memory errors.
            Default: None

        field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            the kriged field
        krige_var : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            the kriging error variance
        self.mesh_type = mesh_type
        # internal conversation
        x, y, z, self.pos, __, mt_changed, axis_lens = self._pre_pos(
            pos, mesh_type, make_unstruct=True
        point_no = len(x)
        # set chunk size
        chunk_size = point_no if chunk_size is None else int(chunk_size)
        chunk_no = int(np.ceil(point_no / chunk_size))
        field = np.empty_like(x)
        krige_var = np.empty_like(x)
        ext_drift = self._pre_ext_drift(point_no, ext_drift)
        # iterate of chunks
        for i in range(chunk_no):
            # get chunk slice for actual chunk
            chunk_slice = (i * chunk_size, min(point_no, (i + 1) * chunk_size))
            c_slice = slice(*chunk_slice)
            # get RHS of the kriging system
            k_vec = self._get_krige_vecs((x, y, z), chunk_slice, ext_drift)
            # generate the raw kriging field and error variance
            field[c_slice], krige_var[c_slice] = krigesum(
                self._krige_mat, k_vec, self._krige_cond
        # reshape field if we got a structured mesh
        if mt_changed:
            field = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(
                self.model.dim, field, axis_lens
            krige_var = reshape_field_from_unstruct_to_struct(
                self.model.dim, krige_var, axis_lens
        self._post_field(field, krige_var)
        return self.field, self.krige_var