Exemple #1
    def push(self):

        # Save Blender's current state
        editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode()
        if editmode: 

        if not self.mesh:
            # Create a new mesh
            self.mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(self.name)

            # Link mesh to current scene
            scn = bpy.data.scenes.active
            ob = scn.objects.new(self.mesh, 'myObj')

        # Clear out the mesh
        self.mesh.faces.delete([i for i,face in enumerate(self.mesh.faces)])
        self.mesh.verts.delete([i for i,face in enumerate(self.mesh.verts)])

        # Put new vertices and faces into the mesh
        vertices,faces = gts.get_coords_and_face_indices(self)

        # Return Blender to original state
        if editmode: 
Exemple #2
    def _New_Initialization(self):
        Run important initialization steps important for the
        class to work.

        self.vertices contains x,y,z coordinates of vertices. shape = self.n_vertices,3
        self.faces contains indices of vertices forming faces. shape = self.n_faces,3
        self.assoc contains indices of faces associated to a vertice. shape = self.n_vertices,6
            Note: when only 5 faces associated, 6th value is equal to -99
        print("Generating the geodesic surface using PyGTS")
            import gts
                "You likely don't have the PyGTS package installed on your computer."
                "It is impossible to create the surface vertices from scratch."
            print("Will trying reading them from the restart file instead.")
        # Generate the geodesic primitives
        s = gts.sphere(self.ndiv)
        x, y, z, t = gts.get_coords_and_face_indices(s, True)
        self.vertices = np.c_[x, y, z]
        self.faces = np.array(t)
        self.n_vertices = self.vertices.shape[0]
        self.n_faces = self.faces.shape[0]
        print("Calculatating the associations")
        self.assoc = Utils.Tessellation.Match_assoc(self.faces,

        # We will pre-calculate the surface areas. They will need to be multiplied by rc^2.
        # The calculation is simply the Pythagorean sum of the areas of the respective projections on the x,y,z planes.
        print("meshing the surface")
        mesh = self.vertices[self.faces]
        print("calculating the area")
        self.pre_area = 0.5 * np.sqrt(
            ((mesh[:, 0, 0] * mesh[:, 1, 1] + mesh[:, 1, 0] * mesh[:, 2, 1] +
              mesh[:, 2, 0] * mesh[:, 0, 1]) -
             (mesh[:, 0, 1] * mesh[:, 1, 0] + mesh[:, 1, 1] * mesh[:, 2, 0] +
              mesh[:, 2, 1] * mesh[:, 0, 0]))**2 +
            ((mesh[:, 0, 1] * mesh[:, 1, 2] + mesh[:, 1, 1] * mesh[:, 2, 2] +
              mesh[:, 2, 1] * mesh[:, 0, 2]) -
             (mesh[:, 0, 2] * mesh[:, 1, 1] + mesh[:, 1, 2] * mesh[:, 2, 1] +
              mesh[:, 2, 2] * mesh[:, 0, 1]))**2 +
            ((mesh[:, 0, 2] * mesh[:, 1, 0] + mesh[:, 1, 2] * mesh[:, 2, 0] +
              mesh[:, 2, 2] * mesh[:, 0, 0]) -
             (mesh[:, 0, 0] * mesh[:, 1, 2] + mesh[:, 1, 0] * mesh[:, 2, 2] +
              mesh[:, 2, 0] * mesh[:, 0, 2]))**2)
        # The cosine of x,y,z for the center of the faces. shape = n_faces, 3
        print("calculating the angles")
        self.cosx, self.cosy, self.cosz = mesh.mean(axis=1).T
Exemple #3
def plot_surface(s):
    x, y, z, t = gts.get_coords_and_face_indices(s, True)
    mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, t, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8))
                         color=(0, 0, 1),
Exemple #4
    def build(cls, m, plot=True, region_color_map=None):
        import gts
        surface_sections = cls.buildsurface_sectiondict(m.to_tree())

        meshes = []
        for (sect, sect_surface) in surface_sections.iteritems():
            print sect
            assert sect.region is not None

            # Look up the region color:
            if not sect.region.name in region_color_map:
                for (rgn, color) in region_color_map.iteritems():
                    print rgn.name, rgn, color
                print 'Looking for:', sect.region.name, sect.region
                assert False, "Can't find region in color map!"
            sect_color = region_color_map[sect.region.name]
            print sect_color

            vertex_objs = sect_surface.vertices()
            N = len(vertex_objs)
            dShape = (N, 3)
            v = np.array([(v.x, v.y, v.z)
                          for v in vertex_objs]).reshape(dShape)

            color = np.array((sect_color.r, sect_color.g, sect_color.b))
            colors = np.repeat(color, len(vertex_objs)).reshape(dShape,

            triangles = sect_surface.face_indices(vertex_objs)

            tm = TriangleMesh(vertices=v,
        m = TriangleMesh.merge(meshes=meshes)

        if plot:
            from mayavi import mlab
            mlab.figure(size=(1024, 768))
            for surface in surface_sections:
                (x, y, z, t) = gts.get_coords_and_face_indices(surface, True)
                mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, t, color=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9))

        return m
    def build(cls, m, plot=True, region_color_map=None):
        import gts
        surface_sections = cls.buildsurface_sectiondict(m.to_tree())

        meshes = []
        for (sect, sect_surface) in surface_sections.iteritems():
            print sect
            assert sect.region is not None

            # Look up the region color:
            if not sect.region.name in region_color_map:
                for (rgn, color) in region_color_map.iteritems():
                    print rgn.name, rgn, color
                print 'Looking for:', sect.region.name, sect.region
                assert False, "Can't find region in color map!"
            sect_color = region_color_map[sect.region.name]
            print sect_color

            vertex_objs = sect_surface.vertices()
            N = len(vertex_objs)
            dShape = (N, 3)
            v = np.array([(v.x, v.y, v.z) for v in vertex_objs]).reshape(dShape)

            color = np.array((sect_color.r, sect_color.g, sect_color.b))
            colors = np.repeat(color, len(vertex_objs)).reshape(dShape, order='F')

            triangles = sect_surface.face_indices(vertex_objs)

            tm = TriangleMesh(vertices=v, triangles=triangles,
        m = TriangleMesh.merge(meshes=meshes)

        if plot:
            from mayavi import mlab
            mlab.figure(size=(1024, 768))
            for surface in surface_sections:
                (x, y, z, t) = gts.get_coords_and_face_indices(surface,
                mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, t, color=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9))

        return m
Exemple #6
 def _New_Initialization(self):
     Run important initialization steps important for the
     class to work.
     self.vertices contains x,y,z coordinates of vertices. shape = self.n_vertices,3
     self.faces contains indices of vertices forming faces. shape = self.n_faces,3
     self.assoc contains indices of faces associated to a vertice. shape = self.n_vertices,6
         Note: when only 5 faces associated, 6th value is equal to -99
     print( "Generating the geodesic surface using PyGTS" )
         import gts
         print( "You likely don't have the PyGTS package installed on your computer." )
         print( "It is impossible to create the surface vertices from scratch." )
         print( "Will trying reading them from the restart file instead." )
     # Generate the geodesic primitives
     s = gts.sphere(self.ndiv)
     x,y,z,t = gts.get_coords_and_face_indices(s,True)
     self.vertices = np.c_[x,y,z]
     self.faces = np.array(t)
     self.n_vertices = self.vertices.shape[0]
     self.n_faces = self.faces.shape[0]
     print( "Calculatating the associations" )
     self.assoc = Utils.Tessellation.Match_assoc(self.faces, self.n_vertices)
     # We will pre-calculate the surface areas. They will need to be multiplied by rc^2.
     # The calculation is simply the Pythagorean sum of the areas of the respective projections on the x,y,z planes.
     print( "meshing the surface" )
     mesh = self.vertices[self.faces]
     print( "calculating the area" )
     self.pre_area = 0.5 *np.sqrt( ((mesh[:,0,0]*mesh[:,1,1]+mesh[:,1,0]*mesh[:,2,1]+mesh[:,2,0]*mesh[:,0,1]) - (mesh[:,0,1]*mesh[:,1,0]+mesh[:,1,1]*mesh[:,2,0]+mesh[:,2,1]*mesh[:,0,0]))**2 + ((mesh[:,0,1]*mesh[:,1,2]+mesh[:,1,1]*mesh[:,2,2]+mesh[:,2,1]*mesh[:,0,2]) - (mesh[:,0,2]*mesh[:,1,1]+mesh[:,1,2]*mesh[:,2,1]+mesh[:,2,2]*mesh[:,0,1]))**2 + ((mesh[:,0,2]*mesh[:,1,0]+mesh[:,1,2]*mesh[:,2,0]+mesh[:,2,2]*mesh[:,0,0]) - (mesh[:,0,0]*mesh[:,1,2]+mesh[:,1,0]*mesh[:,2,2]+mesh[:,2,0]*mesh[:,0,2]))**2 )
     # The cosine of x,y,z for the center of the faces. shape = n_faces, 3
     print( "calculating the angles" )
     self.cosx, self.cosy, self.cosz = mesh.mean(axis=1).T