Exemple #1
    def test_sets(self) -> None:
        """Ensure that pairs are merged correctly during Union-Find.

        An IndexPair (i,k) representing a unique key might represent the
        k'th detected keypoint in image i. For the data below, merging such
        measurements into feature tracks across frames should create 2 distinct sets.
        dsf = gtsam.DSFMapIndexPair()
        dsf.merge(IndexPair(0, 1), IndexPair(1, 2))
        dsf.merge(IndexPair(0, 1), IndexPair(3, 4))
        dsf.merge(IndexPair(4, 5), IndexPair(6, 8))
        sets = dsf.sets()

        merged_sets = set()

        for i in sets:
            set_keys = []
            s = sets[i]
            for val in gtsam.IndexPairSetAsArray(s):
                set_keys.append((val.i(), val.j()))

        # fmt: off
        expected_sets = {
            ((0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 4)),  # set 1
            ((4, 5), (6, 8))  # set 2
        # fmt: on
        assert expected_sets == merged_sets
Exemple #2
    def test_all(self):
        """Test everything in DFSMap."""
        def key(index_pair):
            return index_pair.i(), index_pair.j()

        dsf = gtsam.DSFMapIndexPair()
        pair1 = gtsam.IndexPair(1, 18)
        self.assertEqual(key(dsf.find(pair1)), key(pair1))
        pair2 = gtsam.IndexPair(2, 2)
        dsf.merge(pair1, pair2)
        self.assertTrue(dsf.find(pair1), dsf.find(pair1))
Exemple #3
    def test_all(self) -> None:
        """Test everything in DFSMap."""
        def key(index_pair) -> Tuple[int, int]:
            return index_pair.i(), index_pair.j()

        dsf = gtsam.DSFMapIndexPair()
        pair1 = gtsam.IndexPair(1, 18)
        self.assertEqual(key(dsf.find(pair1)), key(pair1))
        pair2 = gtsam.IndexPair(2, 2)

        # testing the merge feature of dsf
        dsf.merge(pair1, pair2)
        self.assertEqual(key(dsf.find(pair1)), key(dsf.find(pair2)))
Exemple #4
    def test_sets(self):
        from gtsam import IndexPair
        dsf = gtsam.DSFMapIndexPair()
        dsf.merge(IndexPair(0, 1), IndexPair(1, 2))
        dsf.merge(IndexPair(0, 1), IndexPair(3, 4))
        dsf.merge(IndexPair(4, 5), IndexPair(6, 8))
        sets = dsf.sets()

        for i in sets:
            s = sets[i]
            for val in gtsam.IndexPairSetAsArray(s):
    def generate_dsf(self, enable=True):
        """Use dsf to find data association between landmark and landmark observation(features)"""
        dsf = gtsam.DSFMapIndexPair()

        for i in range(0, self._nrimages - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, self._nrimages):
                matches = self.load_matches(i, j)
                if enable:
                    bad_essential, matches = self.ransac_filter_keypoints(
                        matches, i, j)
                    if bad_essential:
                            "Not enough points to generate essential matrix for image_",
                            i, " and image_", j)
                for frame_1, keypt_1, frame_2, keypt_2 in matches:
                    dsf.merge(gtsam.IndexPair(frame_1, keypt_1),
                              gtsam.IndexPair(frame_2, keypt_2))

        return dsf
Exemple #6
    def generate_tracks_from_pairwise_matches(
        matches_dict: Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray],
        keypoints_list: List[Keypoints],
    ) -> List["SfmTrack2d"]:
        """Factory function that creates a list of tracks from 2d point correspondences.

        Creates a disjoint-set forest (DSF) and 2d tracks from pairwise matches. We create a singleton for union-find
        set elements from camera index of a detection and the index of that detection in that camera's keypoint list,
        i.e. (i,k).

            matches_dict: Dict of pairwise matches of type:
                    key: pose indices for the matched pair of images
                    val: feature indices, as array of Nx2 shape; N being nb of features. A row is (feature_idx1,
            keypoints_list: List of keypoints for each image.

            list of all valid SfmTrack2d generated by the matches.
        # check to ensure dimensions of coordinates are correct
        dims_valid = all([kps.coordinates.ndim == 2 for kps in keypoints_list])
        if not dims_valid:
            raise Exception(
                "Dimensions for Keypoint coordinates incorrect. Array needs to be 2D"

        # Generate the DSF to form tracks
        dsf = gtsam.DSFMapIndexPair()
        track_2d_list = []
        # for DSF finally
        # measurement_idxs represented by ks
        for (i1, i2), k_pairs in matches_dict.items():
            for (k1, k2) in k_pairs:
                dsf.merge(gtsam.IndexPair(i1, k1), gtsam.IndexPair(i2, k2))

        key_set = dsf.sets()
        # create a landmark map: a list of tracks
        # Each track is represented as a list of (camera_idx, measurements)
        for set_id in key_set:
            index_pair_set = key_set[
                set_id]  # key_set is a wrapped C++ map, so this unusual syntax is required

            # Initialize track from measurements
            track_measurements = []
            for index_pair in gtsam.IndexPairSetAsArray(index_pair_set):
                # camera_idx is represented by i
                # measurement_idx is represented by k
                i = index_pair.i()
                k = index_pair.j()
                # add measurement in this track
                track_measurements += [
                    SfmMeasurement(i, keypoints_list[i].coordinates[k])

            track_2d = SfmTrack2d(track_measurements)

            if track_2d.validate_unique_cameras():
                track_2d_list += [track_2d]

        return track_2d_list
    def run(self, matches_dict: Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray],
            keypoints_list: List[Keypoints]) -> List[SfmTrack2d]:
        """Estimate tracks from feature correspondences.

        Creates a disjoint-set forest (DSF) and 2d tracks from pairwise matches. We create a singleton for union-find
        set elements from camera index of a detection and the index of that detection in that camera's keypoint list,
        i.e. (i,k).

            matches_dict: Dict of pairwise matches of type:
                    key: indices for the matched pair of images
                    val: feature indices, as array of Nx2 shape; N being number of features. A row is (feature_idx1,
            keypoints_list: List of keypoints for each image.

            list of all valid SfmTrack2d generated by the matches.
        # check to ensure dimensions of coordinates are correct
        dims_valid = all([kps.coordinates.ndim == 2 for kps in keypoints_list])
        if not dims_valid:
            raise Exception(
                "Dimensions for Keypoint coordinates incorrect. Array needs to be 2D"

        # Generate the DSF to form tracks
        dsf = gtsam.DSFMapIndexPair()
        track_2d_list = []
        # for DSF finally
        # measurement_idxs represented by ks
        for (i1, i2), k_pairs in matches_dict.items():
            for (k1, k2) in k_pairs:
                dsf.merge(gtsam.IndexPair(i1, k1), gtsam.IndexPair(i2, k2))

        key_set = dsf.sets()

        erroneous_track_count = 0
        # create a landmark map: a list of tracks
        # Each track is represented as a list of (camera_idx, measurements)
        for set_id in key_set:
            index_pair_set = key_set[
                set_id]  # key_set is a wrapped C++ map, so this unusual syntax is required

            # Initialize track from measurements
            track_measurements = []
            for index_pair in gtsam.IndexPairSetAsArray(index_pair_set):
                # camera_idx is represented by i
                # measurement_idx is represented by k
                i = index_pair.i()
                k = index_pair.j()
                # add measurement in this track
                track_measurements += [
                    SfmMeasurement(i, keypoints_list[i].coordinates[k])

            track_2d = SfmTrack2d(track_measurements)

            # Skip erroneous track that had repeated measurements within the same image (i.e., violates transitivity).
            # This is an expected result from an incorrect correspondence slipping through.
            if track_2d.validate_unique_cameras():
                track_2d_list += [track_2d]
                erroneous_track_count += 1

        erroneous_track_pct = erroneous_track_count / len(
            key_set) * 100 if len(key_set) > 0 else np.NaN
            f"DSF Union-Find: {erroneous_track_pct:.2f}% of tracks discarded from multiple obs. in a single image."
        return track_2d_list