Exemple #1
def compute_epipolar_distances(normalized_coords_i1: np.ndarray,
                               normalized_coords_i2: np.ndarray,
                               i2Ei1: EssentialMatrix) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
    """Compute symmetric point-line epipolar distances between normalized coordinates of correspondences.

        normalized_coords_i1: normalized coordinates in image i1, of shape Nx2.
        normalized_coords_i2: corr. normalized coordinates in image i2, of shape Nx2.
        i2Ei1: essential matrix between two images

        Symmetric epipolar distances for each row of the input, of shape N.
    if (normalized_coords_i1 is None or normalized_coords_i1.size == 0
            or normalized_coords_i2 is None or normalized_coords_i2.size == 0):
        return None

    # construct the essential matrix in the opposite directin
    i2Ti1 = Pose3(i2Ei1.rotation(), i2Ei1.direction().point3())
    i1Ti2 = i2Ti1.inverse()
    i1Ei2 = EssentialMatrix(i1Ti2.rotation(), Unit3(i1Ti2.translation()))

    # get lines in i2 and i1
    epipolar_lines_i2 = feature_utils.convert_to_epipolar_lines(
        normalized_coords_i1, i2Ei1)
    epipolar_lines_i1 = feature_utils.convert_to_epipolar_lines(
        normalized_coords_i2, i1Ei2)

    # compute two distances and average them
    return 0.5 * (feature_utils.compute_point_line_distances(
        normalized_coords_i1, epipolar_lines_i1) +
                      normalized_coords_i2, epipolar_lines_i2))
Exemple #2
    def test_convert_to_epipolar_lines_none_input(self):
        """Test conversion of None to epipolar lines using the essential matrix."""

        points = None
        E_matrix = EssentialMatrix(Rot3.RzRyRx(0, np.deg2rad(45), 0), Unit3(np.array([-5, 2, 0])))
        F_matrix = E_matrix.matrix()  # using identity intrinsics

        computed = feature_utils.convert_to_epipolar_lines(points, F_matrix)
Exemple #3
    def test_convert_to_epipolar_lines_valid_input(self):
        """Test conversion of valid 2D points to epipolar lines using the fundamental matrix, against manual
        computation and with OpenCV's output."""

        points = np.array([[10.0, -5.0], [3.5, 20.0],])  # 2d points in homogenous coordinates
        E_matrix = EssentialMatrix(Rot3.RzRyRx(0, np.deg2rad(45), 0), Unit3(np.array([-5, 2, 0])))
        F_matrix = E_matrix.matrix()  # using identity intrinsics
        expected_opencv = cv.computeCorrespondEpilines(points.reshape(-1, 1, 2), 1, F_matrix)
        expected_opencv = np.squeeze(expected_opencv)  # converting to 2D array as opencv adds a singleton dimension

        computed = feature_utils.convert_to_epipolar_lines(points, F_matrix)
        computed_normalized = computed / np.linalg.norm(computed[:, :2], axis=1, keepdims=True)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(computed_normalized, expected_opencv)
Exemple #4
def epipolar_inlier_correspondences(
    keypoints_i1: Keypoints,
    keypoints_i2: Keypoints,
    intrinsics_i1: Cal3Bundler,
    intrinsics_i2: Cal3Bundler,
    i2Ti1: Pose3,
    dist_threshold: float,
) -> Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray]]:
    """Compute inlier correspondences using epipolar geometry and the ground truth relative pose.

        keypoints_i1: keypoints in image i1.
        keypoints_i2: corr. keypoints in image i2.
        intrinsics_i1: intrinsics for i1.
        intrinsics_i2: intrinsics for i2.
        i2Ti1: relative pose
        dist_threshold: max acceptable distance for a correct correspondence.

        is_inlier: (N, ) mask of inlier correspondences.
        distance_squared: squared sampson distance between corresponding keypoints.
    i2Ei1 = EssentialMatrix(i2Ti1.rotation(), Unit3(i2Ti1.translation()))
    i2Fi1 = verification_utils.essential_to_fundamental_matrix(
        i2Ei1, intrinsics_i1, intrinsics_i2)
    distance_squared = verification_utils.compute_epipolar_distances_sq_sampson(
        keypoints_i1.coordinates, keypoints_i2.coordinates, i2Fi1)
    is_inlier = distance_squared < dist_threshold**2 if distance_squared is not None else None

    return is_inlier, distance_squared
Exemple #5
def simulate_two_planes_scene(M: int, N: int) -> Tuple[Keypoints, Keypoints, EssentialMatrix]:
    """Generate a scene where 3D points are on two planes, and projects the points to the 2 cameras. There are M points
    on plane 1, and N points on plane 2.

    The two planes in this test are:
    1. -10x -y -20z +150 = 0
    2. 15x -2y -35z +200 = 0

        M: number of points on 1st plane.
        N: number of points on 2nd plane.

        keypoints for image i1, of length (M+N).
        keypoints for image i2, of length (M+N).
        Essential matrix i2Ei1.
    # range of 3D points
    range_x_coordinate = (-5, 7)
    range_y_coordinate = (-10, 10)

    # define the plane equation
    plane1_coeffs = (-10, -1, -20, 150)
    plane2_coeffs = (15, -2, -35, 200)

    # sample the points from planes
    plane1_points = sample_points_on_plane(plane1_coeffs, range_x_coordinate, range_y_coordinate, M)
    plane2_points = sample_points_on_plane(plane2_coeffs, range_x_coordinate, range_y_coordinate, N)

    points_3d = np.vstack((plane1_points, plane2_points))

    # define the camera poses and compute the essential matrix
    wti1 = np.array([0.1, 0, -20])
    wti2 = np.array([1, -2, -20.4])

    wRi1 = Rot3.RzRyRx(np.pi / 20, 0, 0.0)
    wRi2 = Rot3.RzRyRx(0.0, np.pi / 6, 0.0)

    wTi1 = Pose3(wRi1, wti1)
    wTi2 = Pose3(wRi2, wti2)
    i2Ti1 = wTi2.between(wTi1)

    i2Ei1 = EssentialMatrix(i2Ti1.rotation(), Unit3(i2Ti1.translation()))

    # project 3D points to 2D image measurements
    intrinsics = Cal3Bundler()
    camera_i1 = PinholeCameraCal3Bundler(wTi1, intrinsics)
    camera_i2 = PinholeCameraCal3Bundler(wTi2, intrinsics)

    uv_im1 = []
    uv_im2 = []
    for point in points_3d:

    uv_im1 = np.vstack(uv_im1)
    uv_im2 = np.vstack(uv_im2)

    # return the points as keypoints and the essential matrix
    return Keypoints(coordinates=uv_im1), Keypoints(coordinates=uv_im2), i2Ei1
Exemple #6
    def test_convert_to_epipolar_lines_empty_input(self):
        """Test conversion of 0 2D points to epipolar lines using the essential matrix."""

        points = np.array([])  # 2d points in homogenous coordinates
        f_matrix = EssentialMatrix(Rot3.RzRyRx(0, np.deg2rad(45), 0), Unit3(np.array([-5, 2, 0]))).matrix()

        computed = feature_utils.convert_to_epipolar_lines(points, f_matrix)
Exemple #7
    def test_values(self):
        values = Values()
        E = EssentialMatrix(Rot3(), Unit3())
        tol = 1e-9

        values.insert(0, Point2(0, 0))
        values.insert(1, Point3(0, 0, 0))
        values.insert(2, Rot2())
        values.insert(3, Pose2())
        values.insert(4, Rot3())
        values.insert(5, Pose3())
        values.insert(6, Cal3_S2())
        values.insert(7, Cal3DS2())
        values.insert(8, Cal3Bundler())
        values.insert(9, E)
        values.insert(10, imuBias_ConstantBias())

        # Special cases for Vectors and Matrices
        # Note that gtsam's Eigen Vectors and Matrices requires double-precision
        # floating point numbers in column-major (Fortran style) storage order,
        # whereas by default, numpy.array is in row-major order and the type is
        # in whatever the number input type is, e.g. np.array([1,2,3])
        # will have 'int' type.
        # The wrapper will automatically fix the type and storage order for you,
        # but for performance reasons, it's recommended to specify the correct
        # type and storage order.
        # for vectors, the order is not important, but dtype still is
        vec = np.array([1., 2., 3.])
        values.insert(11, vec)
        mat = np.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]], order='F')
        values.insert(12, mat)
        # Test with dtype int and the default order='C'
        # This still works as the wrapper converts to the correct type and order for you
        # but is nornally not recommended!
        mat2 = np.array([[1, 2, ], [3, 5]])
        values.insert(13, mat2)

        self.assertTrue(values.atPoint2(0).equals(Point2(0,0), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atPoint3(1).equals(Point3(0,0,0), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atRot2(2).equals(Rot2(), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atPose2(3).equals(Pose2(), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atRot3(4).equals(Rot3(), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atPose3(5).equals(Pose3(), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atCal3_S2(6).equals(Cal3_S2(), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atCal3DS2(7).equals(Cal3DS2(), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atCal3Bundler(8).equals(Cal3Bundler(), tol))
        self.assertTrue(values.atEssentialMatrix(9).equals(E, tol))
            10).equals(imuBias_ConstantBias(), tol))

        # special cases for Vector and Matrix:
        actualVector = values.atVector(11)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(vec, actualVector, tol))
        actualMatrix = values.atMatrix(12)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mat, actualMatrix, tol))
        actualMatrix2 = values.atMatrix(13)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mat2, actualMatrix2, tol))
    def test_bundle_adjust(self):
        """Tests the bundle adjustment for relative pose on a simulated scene."""
        two_view_estimator = TwoViewEstimator(matcher=None,

        # Extract example poses.
        i1Ri2 = EXAMPLE_DATA.get_camera(1).pose().rotation()
        i1ti2 = EXAMPLE_DATA.get_camera(1).pose().translation()
        i2Ti1 = Pose3(i1Ri2, i1ti2).inverse()
        i2Ei1 = EssentialMatrix(i2Ti1.rotation(), Unit3(i2Ti1.translation()))

        # Perform bundle adjustment.
        i2Ri1_optimized, i2Ui1_optimized, corr_idxs = two_view_estimator.bundle_adjust(

        # Assert
        rotation_angular_error = comp_utils.compute_relative_rotation_angle(
            i2Ri1_optimized, i2Ei1.rotation())
        translation_angular_error = comp_utils.compute_relative_unit_translation_angle(
            i2Ui1_optimized, i2Ei1.direction())
        self.assertLessEqual(rotation_angular_error, 1)
        self.assertLessEqual(translation_angular_error, 1)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(corr_idxs, self.corr_idxs)
Exemple #9
    def test_compute_epipolar_distances(self):
        """Test for epipolar distance computation using 2 sets of points and the essential matrix."""
        normalized_pts_i1 = np.array([[1.0, 3.5], [-2.0, 2.0]])
        normalized_pts_i2 = np.array([[2.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])

        i2Ri1 = Rot3.RzRyRx(0, np.deg2rad(30), np.deg2rad(10))
        i2ti1 = np.array([-0.5, 2.0, 0])
        i2Ei1 = EssentialMatrix(i2Ri1, Unit3(i2ti1))

        expected = np.array([1.637, 1.850])

        computed = verification_utils.compute_epipolar_distances(
            normalized_pts_i1, normalized_pts_i2, i2Ei1)

        np.testing.assert_allclose(computed, expected, rtol=1e-3)
Exemple #10
def essential_to_fundamental_matrix(
        i2Ei1: EssentialMatrix, camera_intrinsics_i1: Cal3Bundler,
        camera_intrinsics_i2: Cal3Bundler) -> np.ndarray:
    """Converts the essential matrix to fundamental matrix using camera intrinsics.

        i2Ei1: essential matrix which maps points in image #i1 to lines in image #i2.
        camera_intrinsics_i1: intrinsics for image #i1.
        camera_intrinsics_i2: intrinsics for image #i2.

        Fundamental matrix i2Fi1 as numpy array of shape (3x3).
    return np.linalg.inv(
        camera_intrinsics_i2.K().T) @ i2Ei1.matrix() @ np.linalg.inv(
Exemple #11
def recover_relative_pose_from_essential_matrix(
    i2Ei1: Optional[np.ndarray],
    verified_coordinates_i1: np.ndarray,
    verified_coordinates_i2: np.ndarray,
    camera_intrinsics_i1: Cal3Bundler,
    camera_intrinsics_i2: Cal3Bundler,
) -> Tuple[Optional[Rot3], Optional[Unit3]]:
    """Recovers the relative rotation and translation direction from essential matrix and verified correspondences
    using opencv's API.

        i2Ei1: essential matrix as a numpy array, of shape 3x3.
        verified_coordinates_i1: coordinates of verified correspondences in image i1, of shape Nx2.
        verified_coordinates_i2: coordinates of verified correspondences in image i2, of shape Nx2.
        camera_intrinsics_i1: intrinsics for image i1.
        camera_intrinsics_i2: intrinsics for image i2.

        relative rotation i2Ri1, or None if the input essential matrix is None.
        relative translation direction i2Ui1, or None if the input essential matrix is None.
    if i2Ei1 is None:
        return None, None

    # obtain points in normalized coordinates using intrinsics.
    normalized_coordinates_i1 = feature_utils.normalize_coordinates(
        verified_coordinates_i1, camera_intrinsics_i1)
    normalized_coordinates_i2 = feature_utils.normalize_coordinates(
        verified_coordinates_i2, camera_intrinsics_i2)

    # use opencv to recover pose
    _, i2Ri1, i2ti1, _ = cv.recoverPose(i2Ei1, normalized_coordinates_i1,
    i2Ri1 = Rot3(i2Ri1)
    i2Ui1 = Unit3(i2ti1.squeeze())
    i2Ei1_reconstructed = EssentialMatrix(i2Ri1, i2Ui1).matrix()

    # normalizing the two essential matrices
    i2Ei1_normalized = i2Ei1 / np.linalg.norm(i2Ei1, axis=None)
    i2Ei1_reconstructed_normalized = i2Ei1_reconstructed / np.linalg.norm(
        i2Ei1_reconstructed, axis=None)
    if not np.allclose(i2Ei1_normalized, i2Ei1_reconstructed_normalized):
            "Recovered R, t cannot create the input Essential Matrix")

    return i2Ri1, i2Ui1
Exemple #12
def convert_to_epipolar_lines(normalized_coordinates_i1: np.ndarray, i2Ei1: EssentialMatrix) -> Optional[np.array]:
    """Convert coordinates to epipolar lines in image i2.

    The epipolar line in image i2 is given by i2Ei1 @ x_i1. A point x_i2 is on this line if x_i2^T @ i2Ei1 @ x_i1 = 0.

        normalized_coordinates_i1: normalized coordinates in i1, of shape Nx2.
        i2Ei1: essential matrix.

        Corr. epipolar lines in i2, of shape Nx3.
    if normalized_coordinates_i1 is None or normalized_coordinates_i1.size == 0:
        return None

    epipolar_lines = convert_to_homogenous_coordinates(normalized_coordinates_i1) @ i2Ei1.matrix().T
    return epipolar_lines
Exemple #13
    def test_convert_to_epipolar_lines_valid_input(self):
        """Test conversion of valid 2D points to epipolar lines using the essential matrix."""

        points = np.array([
            [10.0, -5.0],
            [3.5, 20.0],
        ])  # 2d points in homogenous coordinates
        essential_mat = EssentialMatrix(Rot3.RzRyRx(0, np.deg2rad(45), 0),
                                        Unit3(np.array([-5, 2, 0])))

        computed = feature_utils.convert_to_epipolar_lines(
            points, essential_mat)

        expected = np.array([
            [-2.36351579, -5.90878948, 1.75364193],
            [-0.65653216, -1.64133041, -19.75129171],

        np.testing.assert_allclose(computed, expected)
Exemple #14
def count_correct_correspondences(
    keypoints_i1: Keypoints,
    keypoints_i2: Keypoints,
    intrinsics_i1: Cal3Bundler,
    intrinsics_i2: Cal3Bundler,
    i2Ti1: Pose3,
    epipolar_dist_threshold: float,
) -> int:
    """Checks the correspondences for epipolar distances and counts ones which are below the threshold.

        keypoints_i1: keypoints in image i1.
        keypoints_i2: corr. keypoints in image i2.
        intrinsics_i1: intrinsics for i1.
        intrinsics_i2: intrinsics for i2.
        i2Ti1: relative pose
        epipolar_dist_threshold: max acceptable distance for a correct correspondence.

        ValueError: when the number of keypoints do not match.

        Number of correspondences which are correct.
    # TODO: add unit test, with mocking.
    if len(keypoints_i1) != len(keypoints_i2):
        raise ValueError("Keypoints must have same counts")

    if len(keypoints_i1) == 0:
        return 0

    normalized_coords_i1 = feature_utils.normalize_coordinates(
        keypoints_i1.coordinates, intrinsics_i1)
    normalized_coords_i2 = feature_utils.normalize_coordinates(
        keypoints_i2.coordinates, intrinsics_i2)
    i2Ei1 = EssentialMatrix(i2Ti1.rotation(), Unit3(i2Ti1.translation()))

    epipolar_distances = verification_utils.compute_epipolar_distances(
        normalized_coords_i1, normalized_coords_i2, i2Ei1)
    return np.count_nonzero(epipolar_distances < epipolar_dist_threshold)
    def test_VisualISAMExample(self):

        # Create a factor
        poseKey1 = symbol('x', 1)
        poseKey2 = symbol('x', 2)
        trueRotation = Rot3.RzRyRx(0.15, 0.15, -0.20)
        trueTranslation = Point3(+0.5, -1.0, +1.0)
        trueDirection = Unit3(trueTranslation)
        E = EssentialMatrix(trueRotation, trueDirection)
        model = gtsam.noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(5, 0.25)
        factor = EssentialMatrixConstraint(poseKey1, poseKey2, E, model)

        #  Create a linearization point at the zero-error point
        pose1 = Pose3(Rot3.RzRyRx(0.00, -0.15, 0.30), Point3(-4.0, 7.0, -10.0))
        pose2 = Pose3(
            Rot3.RzRyRx(0.179693265735950, 0.002945368776519,
            Point3(-3.37493895, 6.14660244, -8.93650986))

        expected = np.zeros((5, 1))
        actual = factor.evaluateError(pose1, pose2)
        self.gtsamAssertEquals(actual, expected, 1e-8)
Exemple #16
def generate_random_essential_matrix() -> EssentialMatrix:
    rotation_angles = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=2 * np.pi, size=(3, ))
    R = Rot3.RzRyRx(rotation_angles[0], rotation_angles[1], rotation_angles[2])
    t = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=(3, ))

    return EssentialMatrix(R, Unit3(t))