Exemple #1
    def to_dict(self, advanced=False):
        """Return the guess as a dict containing only base types, ie:
        where dates, languages, countries, etc. are converted to strings.

        if advanced is True, return the data as a json string containing
        also the raw information of the properties."""
        data = dict(self)
        for prop, value in data.items():
            if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
                data[prop] = value.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(value, (UnicodeMixin, base_text_type)):
                data[prop] = u(value)
            elif isinstance(value, (Language, Country)):
                data[prop] = value.guessit
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                data[prop] = [u(x) for x in value]
            if advanced:
                metadata = self.metadata(prop)
                prop_data = {'value': data[prop]}
                if metadata.raw:
                    prop_data['raw'] = metadata.raw
                if metadata.confidence:
                    prop_data['confidence'] = metadata.confidence
                data[prop] = prop_data

        return data
Exemple #2
    def to_dict(self, advanced=False):
        """Return the guess as a dict containing only base types, ie:
        where dates, languages, countries, etc. are converted to strings.

        if advanced is True, return the data as a json string containing
        also the raw information of the properties."""
        data = dict(self)
        for prop, value in data.items():
            if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
                data[prop] = value.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(value, (UnicodeMixin, base_text_type)):
                data[prop] = u(value)
            elif isinstance(value, (Language, Country)):
                data[prop] = value.guessit
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                data[prop] = [u(x) for x in value]
            if advanced:
                metadata = self.metadata(prop)
                prop_data = {"value": data[prop]}
                if metadata.raw:
                    prop_data["raw"] = metadata.raw
                if metadata.confidence:
                    prop_data["confidence"] = metadata.confidence
                data[prop] = prop_data

        return data
Exemple #3
    def to_dict(self):
        data = dict(self)
        for prop, value in data.items():
            if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
                data[prop] = value.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(value, (Language, Country, base_text_type)):
                data[prop] = u(value)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                data[prop] = [u(x) for x in value]

        return data
    def to_dict(self):
        data = dict(self)
        for prop, value in data.items():
            if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
                data[prop] = value.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(value, (Language, Country, base_text_type)):
                data[prop] = u(value)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                data[prop] = [u(x) for x in value]

        return data
Exemple #5
def load_file_in_same_dir(ref_file, filename):
    """Load a given file. Works even when the file is contained inside a zip."""
    path = split_path(ref_file)[:-1] + [filename]

    for i, p in enumerate(path):
        if p.endswith('.zip'):
            zfilename = os.path.join(*path[:i + 1])
            zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zfilename)
            return u(zfile.read('/'.join(path[i + 1:])))

    return u(io.open(os.path.join(*path), encoding='utf-8').read())
Exemple #6
    def to_dict(self, advanced=False):
        data = dict(self)
        for prop, value in data.items():
            if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
                data[prop] = value.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(value, (Language, Country, base_text_type)):
                data[prop] = u(value)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                data[prop] = [u(x) for x in value]
            if advanced:
                data[prop] = {"value": data[prop], "raw": self.raw(prop), "confidence": self.confidence(prop)}

        return data
Exemple #7
    def reverse(self, name):
        with_country = (GuessitConverter._with_country_regexp.match(name)
                        or GuessitConverter._with_country_regexp2.match(name))

        name = u(name.lower())
        if with_country:
            lang = Language.fromguessit(with_country.group(1).strip())
            lang.country = babelfish.Country.fromguessit(
            return lang.alpha3, lang.country.alpha2 if lang.country else None, lang.script or None

        # exceptions come first, as they need to override a potential match
        # with any of the other guessers
            return self.guessit_exceptions[name]
        except KeyError:

        for conv in [
                babelfish.Language, babelfish.Language.fromalpha3b,
                babelfish.Language.fromalpha2, babelfish.Language.fromname,
                c = conv(name)
                return c.alpha3, c.country, c.script
            except (ValueError, babelfish.LanguageReverseError):

        raise babelfish.LanguageReverseError(name)
Exemple #8
def guess_file(filename, info='filename', options=None, **kwargs):
    options = options or {}
    filename = u(filename)

    if not options.get('yaml') and not options.get('show_property'):
        print('For:', filename)
    guess = guess_file_info(filename, info, options, **kwargs)

    if not options.get('unidentified'):
            del guess['unidentified']
        except KeyError:

    if options.get('show_property'):
        print(guess.get(options.get('show_property'), ''))

    if options.get('yaml'):
        import yaml
        for k, v in guess.items():
            if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1:
                guess[k] = v[0]
        ystr = yaml.safe_dump({filename: dict(guess)}, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)
        i = 0
        for yline in ystr.splitlines():
            if i == 0:
                print("? " + yline[:-1])
            elif i == 1:
                print(":" + yline[1:])
            i += 1
    print('GuessIt found:', guess.nice_string(options.get('advanced')))
Exemple #9
def guess_file(filename, info='filename', options=None, **kwargs):
    options = options or {}
    filename = u(filename)

    guess = guess_file_info(filename, info, options, **kwargs)

    if options.get('show_property'):
        print (guess[options.get('show_property')])

    print('For:', filename)

    if options.get('yaml'):
            import yaml
            for k, v in guess.items():
                if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1:
                    guess[k] = v[0]
            ystr = yaml.safe_dump({filename: dict(guess)}, default_flow_style=False)
            i = 0
            for yline in ystr.splitlines():
                if i == 0:
                    print("? " + yline[:-1])
                elif i == 1:
                    print(":" + yline[1:])
                i = i + 1
        except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
            print('PyYAML not found. Using default output.')
    print('GuessIt found:', guess.nice_string(options.get('advanced')))
def guess_file(filename, info='filename', options=None, **kwargs):
    options = options or {}
    filename = u(filename)

    print('For:', filename)
    guess = guess_file_info(filename, info, options, **kwargs)
    if options.get('yaml'):
            import yaml
            for k, v in guess.items():
                if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1:
                    guess[k] = v[0]
            ystr = yaml.safe_dump({filename: dict(guess)},
            i = 0
            for yline in ystr.splitlines():
                if i == 0:
                    print("? " + yline[:-1])
                elif i == 1:
                    print(":" + yline[1:])
                i = i + 1
        except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
            print('PyYAML not found. Using default output.')
    print('GuessIt found:', guess.nice_string(options.get('advanced')))
Exemple #11
def guess_file(filename, info='filename', options=None, **kwargs):
    options = options or {}
    filename = u(filename)

    if not options.get('yaml') and not options.get('show_property'):
        print('For:', filename)
    guess = guess_file_info(filename, info, options, **kwargs)

    if not options.get('unidentified'):
            del guess['unidentified']
        except KeyError:

    if options.get('show_property'):
        print(guess.get(options.get('show_property'), ''))

    if options.get('yaml'):
        import yaml
        for k, v in guess.items():
            if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1:
                guess[k] = v[0]
        ystr = yaml.safe_dump({filename: dict(guess)}, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)
        i = 0
        for yline in ystr.splitlines():
            if i == 0:
                print("? " + yline[:-1])
            elif i == 1:
                print(":" + yline[1:])
            i += 1
    print('GuessIt found:', guess.nice_string(options.get('advanced')))
Exemple #12
    def reverse(self, name):
        with_country = (GuessitConverter._with_country_regexp.match(name) or

        name  = u(name.lower())
        if with_country:
            lang = Language.fromguessit(with_country.group(1).strip())
            lang.country = babelfish.Country.fromguessit(with_country.group(2).strip())
            return (lang.alpha3, lang.country.alpha2 if lang.country else None, lang.script or None)

        # exceptions come first, as they need to override a potential match
        # with any of the other guessers
            return self.guessit_exceptions[name]
        except KeyError:

        for conv in [babelfish.Language,
                c = conv(name)
                return c.alpha3, c.country, c.script
            except (ValueError, babelfish.LanguageReverseError):

        raise babelfish.LanguageReverseError(name)
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, filename, options=None, **kwargs):
        options = dict(options or {})
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if k not in options or not options[k]:
                    k] = v  # options dict has priority over keyword arguments
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning('Given filename to matcher is not unicode...')
            filename = filename.decode('utf-8')

        filename = normalize_unicode(filename)
        clean_function = None
        if options and options.get('clean_function'):
            clean_function = options.get('clean_function')
            if not hasattr(clean_function, '__call__'):
                module, function = clean_function.rsplit('.')
                if not module:
                    module = 'guessit.textutils'
                clean_function = getattr(__import__(module), function)
                if not clean_function:
                        'Can\'t find clean function %s. Default will be used.'
                        % options.get('clean_function'))
                    clean_function = clean_default
            clean_function = clean_default

        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename, clean_function=clean_function)
        self.options = options
        self._transfo_calls = []

        # sanity check: make sure we don't process a (mostly) empty string
        if clean_function(filename).strip() == '':

        from guessit.plugins import transformers

            mtree = self.match_tree
            if 'type' in self.options:
                mtree.guess.set('type', self.options['type'], confidence=0.0)

            # Process
            for transformer in transformers.all_transformers():
                disabled = options.get('disabled_transformers')
                if not disabled or not transformer.name in disabled:
                    self._process(transformer, False)

            # Post-process
            for transformer in transformers.all_transformers():
                disabled = options.get('disabled_transformers')
                if not disabled or not transformer.name in disabled:
                    self._process(transformer, True)

            log.debug('Found match tree:\n%s' % u(mtree))
        except TransformerException as e:
            log.debug('An error has occurred in Transformer %s: %s' %
                      (e.transformer, e))
Exemple #14
    def to_dict(self, advanced=False):
        data = dict(self)
        for prop, value in data.items():
            if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
                data[prop] = value.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(value, (Language, Country, base_text_type)):
                data[prop] = u(value)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                data[prop] = [u(x) for x in value]
            if advanced:
                data[prop] = {
                    "value": data[prop],
                    "raw": self.raw(prop),
                    "confidence": self.confidence(prop)

        return data
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, country, strict=False):
        country = u(country.strip().lower())
        self.alpha3 = country_to_alpha3.get(country)

        if self.alpha3 is None and strict:
            msg = 'The given string "%s" could not be identified as a country'
            raise ValueError(msg % country)

        if self.alpha3 is None:
            self.alpha3 = 'unk'
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, filename, options=None, **kwargs):
        options = dict(options or {})
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if k not in options or not options[k]:
                options[k] = v  # options dict has priority over keyword arguments
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning('Given filename to matcher is not unicode...')
            filename = filename.decode('utf-8')

        filename = normalize_unicode(filename)
        clean_function = None
        if options and options.get('clean_function'):
            clean_function = options.get('clean_function')
            if not hasattr(clean_function, '__call__'):
                module, function = clean_function.rsplit('.')
                if not module:
                    module = 'guessit.textutils'
                clean_function = getattr(__import__(module), function)
                if not clean_function:
                    log.error('Can\'t find clean function %s. Default will be used.' % options.get('clean_function'))
                    clean_function = clean_default
            clean_function = clean_default

        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename, clean_function=clean_function)
        self.options = options
        self._transfo_calls = []

        # sanity check: make sure we don't process a (mostly) empty string
        if clean_function(filename).strip() == '':

        from guessit.plugins import transformers

            mtree = self.match_tree
            if 'type' in self.options:
                mtree.guess.set('type', self.options['type'], confidence=0.0)

            # Process
            for transformer in transformers.all_transformers():
                disabled = options.get('disabled_transformers')
                if not disabled or not transformer.name in disabled:
                    self._process(transformer, False)

            # Post-process
            for transformer in transformers.all_transformers():
                disabled = options.get('disabled_transformers')
                if not disabled or not transformer.name in disabled:
                    self._process(transformer, True)

            log.debug('Found match tree:\n%s' % u(mtree))
        except TransformerException as e:
            log.debug('An error has occurred in Transformer %s: %s' % (e.transformer, e))
Exemple #17
    def __init__(self, language, country=None, strict=False, scheme=None):
        language = u(language.strip().lower())
        with_country = (Language._with_country_regexp.match(language)
                        or Language._with_country_regexp2.match(language))
        if with_country:
            self.lang = Language(with_country.group(1)).lang
            self.country = Country(with_country.group(2))

        self.lang = None
        self.country = Country(country) if country else None

        # first look for scheme specific languages
        if scheme == 'opensubtitles':
            if language == 'br':
                self.lang = 'bre'
            elif language == 'se':
                self.lang = 'sme'
        elif scheme is not None:
                'Unrecognized scheme: "%s" - Proceeding with standard one' %

        # look for ISO language codes
        if len(language) == 2:
            self.lang = lng2_to_lng3.get(language)
        elif len(language) == 3:
            self.lang = (language if language in lng3 else
            self.lang = (lng_en_name_to_lng3.get(language)
                         or lng_fr_name_to_lng3.get(language))

        # general language exceptions
        if self.lang is None and language in lng_exceptions:
            lang, country = lng_exceptions[language]
            self.lang = Language(lang).alpha3
            self.country = Country(country) if country else None

        msg = 'The given string "%s" could not be identified as a language' % language

        if self.lang is None and strict:
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if self.lang is None:
            self.lang = 'und'
    def __init__(self, language, country=None, strict=False, scheme=None):
        language = u(language.strip().lower())
        with_country = (Language._with_country_regexp.match(language) or
        if with_country:
            self.lang = Language(with_country.group(1)).lang
            self.country = Country(with_country.group(2))

        self.lang = None
        self.country = Country(country) if country else None

        # first look for scheme specific languages
        if scheme == 'opensubtitles':
            if language == 'br':
                self.lang = 'bre'
            elif language == 'se':
                self.lang = 'sme'
        elif scheme is not None:
            log.warning('Unrecognized scheme: "%s" - Proceeding with standard one' % scheme)

        # look for ISO language codes
        if len(language) == 2:
            self.lang = lng2_to_lng3.get(language)
        elif len(language) == 3:
            self.lang = (language
                         if language in lng3
                         else lng3term_to_lng3.get(language))
            self.lang = (lng_en_name_to_lng3.get(language) or

        # general language exceptions
        if self.lang is None and language in lng_exceptions:
            lang, country = lng_exceptions[language]
            self.lang = Language(lang).alpha3
            self.country = Country(country) if country else None

        msg = 'The given string "%s" could not be identified as a language' % language

        if self.lang is None and strict:
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if self.lang is None:
            self.lang = 'und'
    def __init__(self, language, country=None, strict=False):
        language = u(language.strip().lower())
        country = babelfish.Country(country.upper()) if country else None

            self.lang = babelfish.Language.fromguessit(language)
            # user given country overrides guessed one
            if country:
                self.lang.country = country

        except babelfish.LanguageReverseError:
            msg = 'The given string "%s" could not be identified as a language' % language
            if strict:
                raise ValueError(msg)

            self.lang = UNDETERMINED
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, language, country=None, strict=False):
        language = u(language.strip().lower())
        country = babelfish.Country(country.upper()) if country else None

            self.lang = babelfish.Language.fromguessit(language)
            # user given country overrides guessed one
            if country:
                self.lang.country = country

        except babelfish.LanguageReverseError:
            msg = 'The given string "%s" could not be identified as a language' % language
            if strict:
                raise ValueError(msg)

            self.lang = UNDETERMINED
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, filename, filetype='autodetect', opts=None, transfo_opts=None):
        if opts is None:
            opts = []
        if not isinstance(opts, list):
            raise ValueError('opts must be a list of option names! Received: type=%s val=%s',
                             type(opts), opts)

        if transfo_opts is None:
            transfo_opts = {}
        if not isinstance(transfo_opts, dict):
            raise ValueError('transfo_opts must be a dict of { transfo_name: (args, kwargs) }. ' +
                             'Received: type=%s val=%s', type(transfo_opts), transfo_opts)

        valid_filetypes = ('autodetect', 'subtitle', 'info', 'video',
                           'movie', 'moviesubtitle', 'movieinfo',
                           'episode', 'episodesubtitle', 'episodeinfo')
        if filetype not in valid_filetypes:
            raise ValueError("filetype needs to be one of %s" % valid_filetypes)
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning('Given filename to matcher is not unicode...')
            filename = filename.decode('utf-8')

        filename = normalize_unicode(filename)

        self.filename = filename
        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename)
        self.filetype = filetype
        self.opts = opts
        self.transfo_opts = transfo_opts
        self._transfo_calls = []

        # sanity check: make sure we don't process a (mostly) empty string
        if clean_string(filename) == '':

            mtree = self.match_tree
            mtree.guess.set('type', filetype, confidence=1.0)

            for transformer in transformers.extensions.objects():

            log.debug('Found match tree:\n%s' % u(mtree))
        except TransfoException as e:
            log.debug('An error has occured in Transformer %s: %s' % (e.transformer, e))
Exemple #22
    def __init__(self, filename, options=None, **kwargs):
        options = dict(options or {})
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if k not in options or not options[k]:
                    k] = v  # options dict has priority over keyword arguments
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning('Given filename to matcher is not unicode...')
            filename = filename.decode('utf-8')

        filename = normalize_unicode(filename)
        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename)
        self.options = options
        self._transfo_calls = []

        # sanity check: make sure we don't process a (mostly) empty string
        if clean_string(filename) == '':

        from guessit.plugins import transformers

            mtree = self.match_tree
            if 'type' in self.options:
                mtree.guess.set('type', self.options['type'], confidence=0.0)

            # Process
            for transformer in transformers.all_transformers():
                self._process(transformer, False)

            # Post-process
            for transformer in transformers.all_transformers():
                self._process(transformer, True)

            log.debug('Found match tree:\n%s' % u(mtree))
        except TransformerException as e:
            log.debug('An error has occurred in Transformer %s: %s' %
                      (e.transformer, e))
Exemple #23
    def __init__(self, filename, options=None, **kwargs):
        options = dict(options or {})
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if k not in options or not options[k]:
                options[k] = v  # options dict has priority over keyword arguments
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning('Given filename to matcher is not unicode...')
            filename = filename.decode('utf-8')

        filename = normalize_unicode(filename)
        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename)
        self.options = options
        self._transfo_calls = []

        # sanity check: make sure we don't process a (mostly) empty string
        if clean_string(filename) == '':

        from guessit.plugins import transformers

            mtree = self.match_tree
            if 'type' in self.options:
                mtree.guess.set('type', self.options['type'], confidence=0.0)

            # Process
            for transformer in transformers.all_transformers():
                self._process(transformer, False)

            # Post-process
            for transformer in transformers.all_transformers():
                self._process(transformer, True)

            log.debug('Found match tree:\n%s' % u(mtree))
        except TransformerException as e:
            log.debug('An error has occured in Transformer %s: %s' % (e.transformer, e))
def process(mtree):
    try to identify the remaining unknown groups by looking at their
    position relative to other known elements
    def found_property(node, name, value, confidence):
        node.guess = Guess({name: value},
        log.debug('Found with confidence %.2f: %s' % (confidence, node.guess))

    def found_title(node, confidence):
        found_property(node, 'title', node.clean_value, confidence)

    basename = mtree.node_at((-2,))
    all_valid = lambda leaf: len(leaf.clean_value) > 0
    basename_leftover = basename.unidentified_leaves(valid=all_valid)

        folder = mtree.node_at((-3,))
        folder_leftover = folder.unidentified_leaves()
    except ValueError:
        folder = None
        folder_leftover = []

    log.debug('folder: %s' % u(folder_leftover))
    log.debug('basename: %s' % u(basename_leftover))

    # specific cases:
    # if we find the same group both in the folder name and the filename,
    # it's a good candidate for title
    if (folder_leftover and basename_leftover and
        folder_leftover[0].clean_value == basename_leftover[0].clean_value):

        found_title(folder_leftover[0], confidence=0.8)

    # specific cases:
    # if the basename contains a number first followed by an unidentified
    # group, and the folder only contains 1 unidentified one, then we have
    # a series
    # ex: Millenium Trilogy (2009)/(1)The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo(2009).mkv
        series = folder_leftover[0]
        filmNumber = basename_leftover[0]
        title = basename_leftover[1]

        basename_leaves = basename.leaves()

        num = int(filmNumber.clean_value)

        log.debug('series: %s' % series.clean_value)
        log.debug('title: %s' % title.clean_value)
        if (series.clean_value != title.clean_value and
            series.clean_value != filmNumber.clean_value and
            basename_leaves.index(filmNumber) == 0 and
            basename_leaves.index(title) == 1):

            found_title(title, confidence=0.6)
            found_property(series, 'filmSeries',
                           series.clean_value, confidence=0.6)
            found_property(filmNumber, 'filmNumber',
                           num, confidence=0.6)
    except Exception:

    # specific cases:
    #  - movies/tttttt (yyyy)/tttttt.ccc
        if mtree.node_at((-4, 0)).value.lower() == 'movies':
            folder = mtree.node_at((-3,))

            # Note:too generic, might solve all the unittests as they all
            # contain 'movies' in their path
            #if containing_folder.is_leaf() and not containing_folder.guess:
            #    containing_folder.guess =
            #        Guess({ 'title': clean_string(containing_folder.value) },
            #              confidence=0.7)

            year_group = folder.first_leaf_containing('year')
            groups_before = folder.previous_unidentified_leaves(year_group)

            found_title(groups_before[0], confidence=0.8)

    except Exception:

    # if we have either format or videoCodec in the folder containing the file
    # or one of its parents, then we should probably look for the title in
    # there rather than in the basename
        props = mtree.previous_leaves_containing(mtree.children[-2],
                                                 ['videoCodec', 'format',
    except IndexError:
        props = []

    if props:
        group_idx = props[0].node_idx[0]
        if all(g.node_idx[0] == group_idx for g in props):
            # if they're all in the same group, take leftover info from there
            leftover = mtree.node_at((group_idx,)).unidentified_leaves()

            if leftover:
                found_title(leftover[0], confidence=0.7)

    # look for title in basename if there are some remaining undidentified
    # groups there
    if basename_leftover:
        title_candidate = basename_leftover[0]

        # if basename is only one word and the containing folder has at least
        # 3 words in it, we should take the title from the folder name
        # ex: Movies/Alice in Wonderland DVDRip.XviD-DiAMOND/dmd-aw.avi
        # ex: Movies/Somewhere.2010.DVDRip.XviD-iLG/i-smwhr.avi  <-- TODO: gets caught here?
        if (title_candidate.clean_value.count(' ') == 0 and
            folder_leftover and
            folder_leftover[0].clean_value.count(' ') >= 2):

            found_title(folder_leftover[0], confidence=0.7)

        # if there are only many unidentified groups, take the first of which is
        # not inside brackets or parentheses.
        # ex: Movies/[阿维达].Avida.2006.FRENCH.DVDRiP.XViD-PROD.avi
        if basename_leftover[0].is_explicit():
            for basename_leftover_elt in basename_leftover:
                if not basename_leftover_elt.is_explicit():
                    found_title(basename_leftover_elt, confidence=0.8)

        # if all else fails, take the first remaining unidentified group in the
        # basename as title
        found_title(title_candidate, confidence=0.6)

    # if there are no leftover groups in the basename, look in the folder name
    if folder_leftover:
        found_title(folder_leftover[0], confidence=0.5)

    # if nothing worked, look if we have a very small group at the beginning
    # of the basename
    basename = mtree.node_at((-2,))
    basename_leftover = basename.unidentified_leaves(valid=lambda leaf: True)
    if basename_leftover:
        found_title(basename_leftover[0], confidence=0.4)
    def process(self, mtree, options=None):
        try to identify the remaining unknown groups by looking at their
        position relative to other known elements
        if 'title' in mtree.info:

        path_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x.category == 'path', mtree.nodes()))

        basename = path_nodes[-2]
        all_valid = lambda leaf: len(leaf.clean_value) > 0
        basename_leftover = list(basename.unidentified_leaves(valid=all_valid))

            folder = path_nodes[-3]
            folder_leftover = list(folder.unidentified_leaves())
        except IndexError:
            folder = None
            folder_leftover = []

        self.log.debug('folder: %s' % u(folder_leftover))
        self.log.debug('basename: %s' % u(basename_leftover))

        # specific cases:
        # if we find the same group both in the folder name and the filename,
        # it's a good candidate for title
        if (folder_leftover and basename_leftover and
                        folder_leftover[0].clean_value == basename_leftover[0].clean_value and
                        not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(folder_leftover[0])):
            found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.8)

        # specific cases:
        # if the basename contains a number first followed by an unidentified
        # group, and the folder only contains 1 unidentified one, then we have
        # a series
        # ex: Millenium Trilogy (2009)/(1)The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo(2009).mkv
        if len(folder_leftover) > 0 and len(basename_leftover) > 1:
            series = folder_leftover[0]
            film_number = basename_leftover[0]
            title = basename_leftover[1]

            basename_leaves = list(basename.leaves())

            num = None
                num = int(film_number.clean_value)
            except ValueError:

            if num:
                self.log.debug('series: %s' % series.clean_value)
                self.log.debug('title: %s' % title.clean_value)
                if (series.clean_value != title.clean_value and
                            series.clean_value != film_number.clean_value and
                            basename_leaves.index(film_number) == 0 and
                            basename_leaves.index(title) == 1 and
                            not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(title, series)):

                    found_property(title, 'title', confidence=0.6)
                    found_property(series, 'filmSeries', confidence=0.6)
                    found_property(film_number, 'filmNumber', num, confidence=0.6)

        if folder:
            year_group = folder.first_leaf_containing('year')
            if year_group:
                groups_before = folder.previous_unidentified_leaves(year_group)
                if groups_before:
                        node = next(groups_before)
                        if not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(node):
                            found_property(node, 'title', confidence=0.8)
                    except StopIteration:

        # if we have either format or videoCodec in the folder containing the
        # file or one of its parents, then we should probably look for the title
        # in there rather than in the basename
            props = list(mtree.previous_leaves_containing(mtree.children[-2],
        except IndexError:
            props = []

        if props:
            group_idx = props[0].node_idx[0]
            if all(g.node_idx[0] == group_idx for g in props):
                # if they're all in the same group, take leftover info from there
                leftover = mtree.node_at((group_idx,)).unidentified_leaves()
                    node = next(leftover)
                    if not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(node):
                        found_property(node, 'title', confidence=0.7)
                except StopIteration:

        # look for title in basename if there are some remaining unidentified
        # groups there
        if basename_leftover:
            # if basename is only one word and the containing folder has at least
            # 3 words in it, we should take the title from the folder name
            # ex: Movies/Alice in Wonderland DVDRip.XviD-DiAMOND/dmd-aw.avi
            # ex: Movies/Somewhere.2010.DVDRip.XviD-iLG/i-smwhr.avi  <-- TODO: gets caught here?
            if (basename_leftover[0].clean_value.count(' ') == 0 and
                    folder_leftover and folder_leftover[0].clean_value.count(' ') >= 2 and
                    not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(folder_leftover[0])):

                found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.7)

            # if there are only many unidentified groups, take the first of which is
            # not inside brackets or parentheses.
            # ex: Movies/[阿维达].Avida.2006.FRENCH.DVDRiP.XViD-PROD.avi
            if basename_leftover[0].is_explicit():
                for basename_leftover_elt in basename_leftover:
                    if not basename_leftover_elt.is_explicit() and not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(basename_leftover_elt):
                        found_property(basename_leftover_elt, 'title', confidence=0.8)

            # if all else fails, take the first remaining unidentified group in the
            # basename as title
            if not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(basename_leftover[0]):
                found_property(basename_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.6)

        # if there are no leftover groups in the basename, look in the folder name
        if folder_leftover and not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(folder_leftover[0]):
            found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.5)

        # if nothing worked, look if we have a very small group at the beginning
        # of the basename
        basename_leftover = basename.unidentified_leaves(valid=lambda leaf: True)
            node = next(basename_leftover)
            if not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(node):
                found_property(node, 'title', confidence=0.4)
        except StopIteration:
Exemple #26
    def process(self, mtree, options=None):
        try to identify the remaining unknown groups by looking at their
        position relative to other known elements
        if 'title' in mtree.info:

        path_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x.category == 'path',

        basename = path_nodes[-2]
        all_valid = lambda leaf: len(leaf.clean_value) > 0
        basename_leftover = list(basename.unidentified_leaves(valid=all_valid))

            folder = path_nodes[-3]
            folder_leftover = list(folder.unidentified_leaves())
        except IndexError:
            folder = None
            folder_leftover = []

        self.log.debug('folder: %s' % u(folder_leftover))
        self.log.debug('basename: %s' % u(basename_leftover))

        # specific cases:
        # if we find the same group both in the folder name and the filename,
        # it's a good candidate for title
        if (folder_leftover and basename_leftover
                and folder_leftover[0].clean_value
                == basename_leftover[0].clean_value
                and not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(
            found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.8)

        # specific cases:
        # if the basename contains a number first followed by an unidentified
        # group, and the folder only contains 1 unidentified one, then we have
        # a series
        # ex: Millenium Trilogy (2009)/(1)The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo(2009).mkv
        if len(folder_leftover) > 0 and len(basename_leftover) > 1:
            series = folder_leftover[0]
            film_number = basename_leftover[0]
            title = basename_leftover[1]

            basename_leaves = list(basename.leaves())

            num = None
                num = int(film_number.clean_value)
            except ValueError:

            if num:
                self.log.debug('series: %s' % series.clean_value)
                self.log.debug('title: %s' % title.clean_value)
                if (series.clean_value != title.clean_value
                        and series.clean_value != film_number.clean_value
                        and basename_leaves.index(film_number) == 0
                        and basename_leaves.index(title) == 1
                        and not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(
                            title, series)):

                    found_property(title, 'title', confidence=0.6)
                    found_property(series, 'filmSeries', confidence=0.6)

        if folder:
            year_group = folder.first_leaf_containing('year')
            if year_group:
                groups_before = folder.previous_unidentified_leaves(year_group)
                if groups_before:
                        node = next(groups_before)
                        if not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(node):
                            found_property(node, 'title', confidence=0.8)
                    except StopIteration:

        # if we have either format or videoCodec in the folder containing the
        # file or one of its parents, then we should probably look for the title
        # in there rather than in the basename
            props = list(
                    mtree.children[-2], ['videoCodec', 'format', 'language']))
        except IndexError:
            props = []

        if props:
            group_idx = props[0].node_idx[0]
            if all(g.node_idx[0] == group_idx for g in props):
                # if they're all in the same group, take leftover info from there
                leftover = mtree.node_at((group_idx, )).unidentified_leaves()
                    node = next(leftover)
                    if not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(node):
                        found_property(node, 'title', confidence=0.7)
                except StopIteration:

        # look for title in basename if there are some remaining unidentified
        # groups there
        if basename_leftover:
            # if basename is only one word and the containing folder has at least
            # 3 words in it, we should take the title from the folder name
            # ex: Movies/Alice in Wonderland DVDRip.XviD-DiAMOND/dmd-aw.avi
            # ex: Movies/Somewhere.2010.DVDRip.XviD-iLG/i-smwhr.avi  <-- TODO: gets caught here?
            if (basename_leftover[0].clean_value.count(' ') == 0
                    and folder_leftover
                    and folder_leftover[0].clean_value.count(' ') >= 2
                    and not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(

                found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.7)

            # if there are only many unidentified groups, take the first of which is
            # not inside brackets or parentheses.
            # ex: Movies/[阿维达].Avida.2006.FRENCH.DVDRiP.XViD-PROD.avi
            if basename_leftover[0].is_explicit():
                for basename_leftover_elt in basename_leftover:
                    if not basename_leftover_elt.is_explicit(
                    ) and not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(

            # if all else fails, take the first remaining unidentified group in the
            # basename as title
            if not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(
                found_property(basename_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.6)

        # if there are no leftover groups in the basename, look in the folder name
        if folder_leftover and not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(
            found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.5)

        # if nothing worked, look if we have a very small group at the beginning
        # of the basename
        basename_leftover = basename.unidentified_leaves(
            valid=lambda leaf: True)
            node = next(basename_leftover)
            if not GuessMovieTitleFromPosition.excluded_word(node):
                found_property(node, 'title', confidence=0.4)
        except StopIteration:
Exemple #27
    def process(self, mtree, options=None):
        try to identify the remaining unknown groups by looking at their
        position relative to other known elements
        basename = mtree.node_at((-2, ))
        all_valid = lambda leaf: len(leaf.clean_value) > 0
        basename_leftover = basename.unidentified_leaves(valid=all_valid)

            folder = mtree.node_at((-3, ))
            folder_leftover = folder.unidentified_leaves()
        except ValueError:
            folder = None
            folder_leftover = []

        self.log.debug('folder: %s' % u(folder_leftover))
        self.log.debug('basename: %s' % u(basename_leftover))

        # specific cases:
        # if we find the same group both in the folder name and the filename,
        # it's a good candidate for title
        if (folder_leftover and basename_leftover
                and folder_leftover[0].clean_value
                == basename_leftover[0].clean_value):

            found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.8)

        # specific cases:
        # if the basename contains a number first followed by an unidentified
        # group, and the folder only contains 1 unidentified one, then we have
        # a series
        # ex: Millenium Trilogy (2009)/(1)The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo(2009).mkv
            series = folder_leftover[0]
            filmNumber = basename_leftover[0]
            title = basename_leftover[1]

            basename_leaves = basename.leaves()

            num = int(filmNumber.clean_value)

            self.log.debug('series: %s' % series.clean_value)
            self.log.debug('title: %s' % title.clean_value)
            if (series.clean_value != title.clean_value
                    and series.clean_value != filmNumber.clean_value
                    and basename_leaves.index(filmNumber) == 0
                    and basename_leaves.index(title) == 1):

                found_property(title, 'title', confidence=0.6)
                found_property(series, 'filmSeries', confidence=0.6)
                found_property(filmNumber, 'filmNumber', num, confidence=0.6)
        except Exception:

        # specific cases:
        #  - movies/tttttt (yyyy)/tttttt.ccc
            if mtree.node_at((-4, 0)).value.lower() == 'movies':
                folder = mtree.node_at((-3, ))

                # Note:too generic, might solve all the unittests as they all
                # contain 'movies' in their path
                # if containing_folder.is_leaf() and not containing_folder.guess:
                #    containing_folder.guess =
                #        Guess({ 'title': clean_string(containing_folder.value) },
                #              confidence=0.7)

                year_group = folder.first_leaf_containing('year')
                groups_before = folder.previous_unidentified_leaves(year_group)

                found_property(groups_before[0], 'title', confidence=0.8)

        except Exception:

        # if we have either format or videoCodec in the folder containing the file
        # or one of its parents, then we should probably look for the title in
        # there rather than in the basename
            props = mtree.previous_leaves_containing(
                mtree.children[-2], ['videoCodec', 'format', 'language'])
        except IndexError:
            props = []

        if props:
            group_idx = props[0].node_idx[0]
            if all(g.node_idx[0] == group_idx for g in props):
                # if they're all in the same group, take leftover info from there
                leftover = mtree.node_at((group_idx, )).unidentified_leaves()

                if leftover:
                    found_property(leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.7)

        # look for title in basename if there are some remaining unidentified
        # groups there
        if basename_leftover:
            # if basename is only one word and the containing folder has at least
            # 3 words in it, we should take the title from the folder name
            # ex: Movies/Alice in Wonderland DVDRip.XviD-DiAMOND/dmd-aw.avi
            # ex: Movies/Somewhere.2010.DVDRip.XviD-iLG/i-smwhr.avi  <-- TODO: gets caught here?
            if (basename_leftover[0].clean_value.count(' ') == 0
                    and folder_leftover
                    and folder_leftover[0].clean_value.count(' ') >= 2):

                found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.7)

            # if there are only many unidentified groups, take the first of which is
            # not inside brackets or parentheses.
            # ex: Movies/[阿维达].Avida.2006.FRENCH.DVDRiP.XViD-PROD.avi
            if basename_leftover[0].is_explicit():
                for basename_leftover_elt in basename_leftover:
                    if not basename_leftover_elt.is_explicit():

            # if all else fails, take the first remaining unidentified group in the
            # basename as title
            found_property(basename_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.6)

        # if there are no leftover groups in the basename, look in the folder name
        if folder_leftover:
            found_property(folder_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.5)

        # if nothing worked, look if we have a very small group at the beginning
        # of the basename
        basename = mtree.node_at((-2, ))
        basename_leftover = basename.unidentified_leaves(
            valid=lambda leaf: True)
        if basename_leftover:
            found_property(basename_leftover[0], 'title', confidence=0.4)
Exemple #28
 def __unicode__(self):
     return u(self.to_dict())
Exemple #29
    def checkFields(self, groundTruth, guess_func, remove_type=True,
        total = 0
        exclude_files = exclude_files or []

        fails = defaultdict(list)
        additionals = defaultdict(list)

        for filename, required_fields in groundTruth.items():
            filename = u(filename)
            if filename in exclude_files:

            log.debug('\n' + '-' * 120)
            log.info('Guessing information for file: %s' % filename)

            options = required_fields.pop('options') if 'options' in required_fields else None

            if options:
                args = shlex.split(options)
                options = get_opts().parse_args(args)
                options = vars(options)
                found = guess_func(filename, options)
            except Exception as e:
                fails[filename].append("An exception has occured in %s: %s" % (filename, e))
                log.exception("An exception has occured in %s: %s" % (filename, e))

            total = total + 1

            # no need for these in the unittests
            if remove_type:
                    del found['type']
            for prop in ('container', 'mimetype', 'unidentified'):
                if prop in found:
                    del found[prop]

            # props which are list of just 1 elem should be opened for easier writing of the tests
            for prop in ('language', 'subtitleLanguage', 'other', 'episodeDetails', 'unidentified'):
                value = found.get(prop, None)
                if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1:
                    found[prop] = value[0]

            # look for missing properties
            for prop, value in required_fields.items():
                if prop not in found:
                    log.debug("Prop '%s' not found in: %s" % (prop, filename))
                    fails[filename].append("'%s' not found in: %s" % (prop, filename))

                # if both properties are strings, do a case-insensitive comparison
                if (isinstance(value, base_text_type) and
                    isinstance(found[prop], base_text_type)):
                    if value.lower() != found[prop].lower():
                        log.debug("Wrong prop value [str] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))
                        fails[filename].append("'%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))

                elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(found[prop], list):
                    if found[prop] and isinstance(found[prop][0], babelfish.Language):
                        # list of languages
                        s1 = set(Language.fromguessit(s) for s in value)
                        s2 = set(found[prop])
                        # by default we assume list of strings and do a case-insensitive
                        # comparison on their elements
                        s1 = set(u(s).lower() for s in value)
                        s2 = set(u(s).lower() for s in found[prop])

                    if s1 != s2:
                        log.debug("Wrong prop value [list] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))
                        fails[filename].append("'%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))

                elif isinstance(found[prop], babelfish.Language):
                        if babelfish.Language.fromguessit(value) != found[prop]:
                            raise ValueError
                        log.debug("Wrong prop value [Language] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))
                        fails[filename].append("'%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))

                elif isinstance(found[prop], babelfish.Country):
                        if babelfish.Country.fromguessit(value) != found[prop]:
                            raise ValueError
                        log.debug("Wrong prop value [Country] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))
                        fails[filename].append("'%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))

                # otherwise, just compare their values directly
                    if found[prop] != value:
                        log.debug("Wrong prop value for '%s': expected = '%s' [%s] - received = '%s' [%s]" % (prop, u(value), type(value), u(found[prop]), type(found[prop])))
                        fails[filename].append("'%s': expected = '%s' [%s] - received = '%s' [%s]" % (prop, u(value), type(value), u(found[prop]), type(found[prop])))

            # look for additional properties
            for prop, value in found.items():
                if prop not in required_fields:
                    log.debug("Found additional info for prop = '%s': '%s'" % (prop, u(value)))
                    additionals[filename].append("'%s': '%s'" % (prop, u(value)))

        correct = total - len(fails)
        log.info('SUMMARY: Guessed correctly %d out of %d filenames' % (correct, total))

        for failed_entry, failed_properties in fails.items():
            log.error('---- ' + failed_entry + ' ----')
            for failed_property in failed_properties:
                log.error("FAILED: " + failed_property)

        for additional_entry, additional_properties in additionals.items():
            log.warning('---- ' + additional_entry + ' ----')
            for additional_property in additional_properties:
                log.warning("ADDITIONAL: " + additional_property)

        self.assertTrue(correct == total,
                        msg='Correct: %d < Total: %d' % (correct, total))
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self, filename, filetype='autodetect', opts=None, transfo_opts=None):
        """An iterative matcher tries to match different patterns that appear
        in the filename.

        The 'filetype' argument indicates which type of file you want to match.
        If it is 'autodetect', the matcher will try to see whether it can guess
        that the file corresponds to an episode, or otherwise will assume it is
        a movie.

        The recognized 'filetype' values are:
        [ autodetect, subtitle, info, movie, moviesubtitle, movieinfo, episode,
        episodesubtitle, episodeinfo ]

        The IterativeMatcher works mainly in 2 steps:

        First, it splits the filename into a match_tree, which is a tree of groups
        which have a semantic meaning, such as episode number, movie title,

        The match_tree created looks like the following:

        0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 111
        0000011111111111112222222222222233333333444444444444444455555555666777777778888888 000
        0000000000000000000000000000000001111112011112222333333401123334000011233340000000 000
        xxxxxttttttttttttt               ffffff  vvvv    xxxxxx  ll lll     xx xxx         ccc

        The first 3 lines indicates the group index in which a char in the
        filename is located. So for instance, x264 is the group (0, 4, 1), and
        it corresponds to a video codec, denoted by the letter'v' in the 4th line.
        (for more info, see guess.matchtree.to_string)

        Second, it tries to merge all this information into a single object
        containing all the found properties, and does some (basic) conflict
        resolution when they arise.

        When you create the Matcher, you can pass it:
         - a list 'opts' of option names, that act as global flags
         - a dict 'transfo_opts' of { transfo_name: (transfo_args, transfo_kwargs) }
           with which to call the transfo.process() function.

        valid_filetypes = ('autodetect', 'subtitle', 'info', 'video',
                           'movie', 'moviesubtitle', 'movieinfo',
                           'episode', 'episodesubtitle', 'episodeinfo')
        if filetype not in valid_filetypes:
            raise ValueError("filetype needs to be one of %s" % valid_filetypes)
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning('Given filename to matcher is not unicode...')
            filename = filename.decode('utf-8')

        filename = normalize_unicode(filename)

        if opts is None:
            opts = []
        if not isinstance(opts, list):
            raise ValueError('opts must be a list of option names! Received: type=%s val=%s',
                             type(opts), opts)

        if transfo_opts is None:
            transfo_opts = {}
        if not isinstance(transfo_opts, dict):
            raise ValueError('transfo_opts must be a dict of { transfo_name: (args, kwargs) }. '+
                             'Received: type=%s val=%s', type(transfo_opts), transfo_opts)

        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename)

        # sanity check: make sure we don't process a (mostly) empty string
        if clean_string(filename) == '':

        mtree = self.match_tree
        mtree.guess.set('type', filetype, confidence=1.0)

        def apply_transfo(transfo_name, *args, **kwargs):
            transfo = __import__('guessit.transfo.' + transfo_name,
                                 globals=globals(), locals=locals(),
                                 fromlist=['process'], level=0)
            default_args, default_kwargs = transfo_opts.get(transfo_name, ((), {}))
            all_args = args or default_args
            all_kwargs = dict(default_kwargs)
            all_kwargs.update(kwargs) # keep all kwargs merged together
            transfo.process(mtree, *all_args, **all_kwargs)

        # 1- first split our path into dirs + basename + ext

        # 2- guess the file type now (will be useful later)
        apply_transfo('guess_filetype', filetype)
        if mtree.guess['type'] == 'unknown':

        # 3- split each of those into explicit groups (separated by parentheses
        #    or square brackets)

        # 4- try to match information for specific patterns
        # NOTE: order needs to comply to the following:
        #       - website before language (eg: tvu.org.ru vs russian)
        #       - language before episodes_rexps
        #       - properties before language (eg: he-aac vs hebrew)
        #       - release_group before properties (eg: XviD-?? vs xvid)
        if mtree.guess['type'] in ('episode', 'episodesubtitle', 'episodeinfo'):
            strategy = [ 'guess_date', 'guess_website', 'guess_release_group',
                         'guess_properties', 'guess_language',
                         'guess_episodes_rexps', 'guess_weak_episodes_rexps' ]
            strategy = [ 'guess_date', 'guess_website', 'guess_release_group',
                         'guess_properties', 'guess_language',
                         'guess_video_rexps' ]

        if 'nolanguage' in opts:

        for name in strategy:

        # more guessers for both movies and episodes
        apply_transfo('guess_year', skip_first_year=('skip_first_year' in opts))

        if 'nocountry' not in opts:


        # split into '-' separated subgroups (with required separator chars
        # around the dash)

        # 5- try to identify the remaining unknown groups by looking at their
        #    position relative to other known elements
        if mtree.guess['type'] in ('episode', 'episodesubtitle', 'episodeinfo'):

        # 6- perform some post-processing steps

        log.debug('Found match tree:\n%s' % u(mtree))
Exemple #31
    def __init__(self, filename, filetype='autodetect'):
        """An iterative matcher tries to match different patterns that appear
        in the filename.

        The 'filetype' argument indicates which type of file you want to match.
        If it is 'autodetect', the matcher will try to see whether it can guess
        that the file corresponds to an episode, or otherwise will assume it is
        a movie.

        The recognized 'filetype' values are:
        [ autodetect, subtitle, movie, moviesubtitle, episode, episodesubtitle ]

        The IterativeMatcher works mainly in 2 steps:

        First, it splits the filename into a match_tree, which is a tree of groups
        which have a semantic meaning, such as episode number, movie title,

        The match_tree created looks like the following:

        0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 111
        0000011111111111112222222222222233333333444444444444444455555555666777777778888888 000
        0000000000000000000000000000000001111112011112222333333401123334000011233340000000 000
        xxxxxttttttttttttt               ffffff  vvvv    xxxxxx  ll lll     xx xxx         ccc

        The first 3 lines indicates the group index in which a char in the
        filename is located. So for instance, x264 is the group (0, 4, 1), and
        it corresponds to a video codec, denoted by the letter'v' in the 4th line.
        (for more info, see guess.matchtree.to_string)

         Second, it tries to merge all this information into a single object
         containing all the found properties, and does some (basic) conflict
         resolution when they arise.

        valid_filetypes = ('autodetect', 'subtitle', 'video', 'movie',
                           'moviesubtitle', 'episode', 'episodesubtitle')
        if filetype not in valid_filetypes:
            raise ValueError("filetype needs to be one of %s" %
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning('Given filename to matcher is not unicode...')

        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename)
        mtree = self.match_tree
        mtree.guess.set('type', filetype, confidence=1.0)

        def apply_transfo(transfo_name, *args, **kwargs):
            transfo = __import__('guessit.transfo.' + transfo_name,
            transfo.process(mtree, *args, **kwargs)

        # 1- first split our path into dirs + basename + ext

        # 2- guess the file type now (will be useful later)
        apply_transfo('guess_filetype', filetype)
        if mtree.guess['type'] == 'unknown':

        # 3- split each of those into explicit groups (separated by parentheses
        #    or square brackets)

        # 4- try to match information for specific patterns
        # NOTE: order needs to comply to the following:
        #       - website before language (eg: tvu.org.ru vs russian)
        #       - language before episodes_rexps
        #       - properties before language (eg: he-aac vs hebrew)
        #       - release_group before properties (eg: XviD-?? vs xvid)
        if mtree.guess['type'] in ('episode', 'episodesubtitle'):
            strategy = [
                'guess_date', 'guess_website', 'guess_release_group',
                'guess_properties', 'guess_language', 'guess_video_rexps',
                'guess_episodes_rexps', 'guess_weak_episodes_rexps'
            strategy = [
                'guess_date', 'guess_website', 'guess_release_group',
                'guess_properties', 'guess_language', 'guess_video_rexps'

        for name in strategy:

        # more guessers for both movies and episodes
        for name in ['guess_bonus_features', 'guess_year', 'guess_country']:

        # split into '-' separated subgroups (with required separator chars
        # around the dash)

        # 5- try to identify the remaining unknown groups by looking at their
        #    position relative to other known elements
        if mtree.guess['type'] in ('episode', 'episodesubtitle'):

        # 6- perform some post-processing steps

        log.debug('Found match tree:\n%s' % u(mtree))
def detect_filename(filename, filetype, info=['filename']):
    filename = u(filename)

    print('For:', filename)
    print('GuessIt found:',
          guess_file_info(filename, filetype, info).nice_string())
Exemple #33
    def checkFields(self,
        total = 0
        exclude_files = exclude_files or []

        fails = defaultdict(list)
        additionals = defaultdict(list)

        for filename, required_fields in groundTruth.items():
            filename = u(filename)
            if filename in exclude_files:

            log.debug('\n' + '-' * 120)
            log.info('Guessing information for file: %s' % filename)

            options = required_fields.pop(
                'options') if 'options' in required_fields else None

            if options:
                args = shlex.split(options)
                options, _ = option_parser.parse_args(args)
                options = vars(options)
            found = guess_func(filename, options)

            total = total + 1

            # no need for these in the unittests
            if remove_type:
                    del found['type']
            for prop in ('container', 'mimetype'):
                if prop in found:
                    del found[prop]

            # props which are list of just 1 elem should be opened for easier writing of the tests
            for prop in ('language', 'subtitleLanguage', 'other',
                value = found.get(prop, None)
                if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1:
                    found[prop] = value[0]

            # look for missing properties
            for prop, value in required_fields.items():
                if prop not in found:
                    log.debug("Prop '%s' not found in: %s" % (prop, filename))
                    fails[filename].append("'%s' not found in: %s" %
                                           (prop, filename))

                # if both properties are strings, do a case-insensitive comparison
                if (isinstance(value, base_text_type)
                        and isinstance(found[prop], base_text_type)):
                    if value.lower() != found[prop].lower():
                            "Wrong prop value [str] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'"
                            % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))
                            "'%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" %
                            (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))

                elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(found[prop], list):
                    if found[prop] and isinstance(found[prop][0],
                        # list of languages
                        s1 = set(Language.fromguessit(s) for s in value)
                        s2 = set(found[prop])
                        # by default we assume list of strings and do a case-insensitive
                        # comparison on their elements
                        s1 = set(u(s).lower() for s in value)
                        s2 = set(u(s).lower() for s in found[prop])

                    if s1 != s2:
                            "Wrong prop value [list] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'"
                            % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))
                            "'%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" %
                            (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))

                elif isinstance(found[prop], babelfish.Language):
                        if babelfish.Language.fromguessit(
                                value) != found[prop]:
                            raise ValueError
                            "Wrong prop value [Language] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'"
                            % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))
                            "'%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" %
                            (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))

                elif isinstance(found[prop], babelfish.Country):
                        if babelfish.Country.fromguessit(value) != found[prop]:
                            raise ValueError
                            "Wrong prop value [Country] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'"
                            % (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))
                            "'%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'" %
                            (prop, u(value), u(found[prop])))

                # otherwise, just compare their values directly
                    if found[prop] != value:
                            "Wrong prop value for '%s': expected = '%s' [%s] - received = '%s' [%s]"
                            % (prop, u(value), type(value), u(
                                found[prop]), type(found[prop])))
                            "'%s': expected = '%s' [%s] - received = '%s' [%s]"
                            % (prop, u(value), type(value), u(
                                found[prop]), type(found[prop])))

            # look for additional properties
            for prop, value in found.items():
                if prop not in required_fields:
                    log.debug("Found additional info for prop = '%s': '%s'" %
                              (prop, u(value)))
                    additionals[filename].append("'%s': '%s'" %
                                                 (prop, u(value)))

        correct = total - len(fails)
        log.info('SUMMARY: Guessed correctly %d out of %d filenames' %
                 (correct, total))

        for failed_entry, failed_properties in fails.items():
            log.error('---- ' + failed_entry + ' ----')
            for failed_property in failed_properties:
                log.error("FAILED: " + failed_property)

        for additional_entry, additional_properties in additionals.items():
            log.warn('---- ' + additional_entry + ' ----')
            for additional_property in additional_properties:
                log.warn("ADDITIONAL: " + additional_property)

        self.assertTrue(correct == total,
                        msg='Correct: %d < Total: %d' % (correct, total))
Exemple #34
def detect_filename(filename, filetype, info=['filename']):
    filename = u(filename)

    print('For:', filename)
    print('GuessIt found:', guess_file_info(filename, filetype, info).nice_string())
Exemple #35
def detect_filename(filename, filetype, info=["filename"], advanced=False):
    filename = u(filename)

    print("For:", filename)
    print("GuessIt found:", guess_file_info(filename, filetype, info).nice_string(advanced))
Exemple #36
 def __unicode__(self):
     return u(self.to_dict())
Exemple #37
def detect_filename(filename, filetype, info=['filename'], advanced=False):
    filename = u(filename)

    print('For:', filename)
    print('GuessIt found:',
          guess_file_info(filename, filetype, info).nice_string(advanced))
Exemple #38
    def __init__(self, filename, filetype="autodetect", opts=None):
        """An iterative matcher tries to match different patterns that appear
        in the filename.

        The 'filetype' argument indicates which type of file you want to match.
        If it is 'autodetect', the matcher will try to see whether it can guess
        that the file corresponds to an episode, or otherwise will assume it is
        a movie.

        The recognized 'filetype' values are:
        [ autodetect, subtitle, movie, moviesubtitle, episode, episodesubtitle ]

        The IterativeMatcher works mainly in 2 steps:

        First, it splits the filename into a match_tree, which is a tree of groups
        which have a semantic meaning, such as episode number, movie title,

        The match_tree created looks like the following:

        0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 111
        0000011111111111112222222222222233333333444444444444444455555555666777777778888888 000
        0000000000000000000000000000000001111112011112222333333401123334000011233340000000 000
        xxxxxttttttttttttt               ffffff  vvvv    xxxxxx  ll lll     xx xxx         ccc

        The first 3 lines indicates the group index in which a char in the
        filename is located. So for instance, x264 is the group (0, 4, 1), and
        it corresponds to a video codec, denoted by the letter'v' in the 4th line.
        (for more info, see guess.matchtree.to_string)

         Second, it tries to merge all this information into a single object
         containing all the found properties, and does some (basic) conflict
         resolution when they arise.

        valid_filetypes = ("autodetect", "subtitle", "video", "movie", "moviesubtitle", "episode", "episodesubtitle")
        if filetype not in valid_filetypes:
            raise ValueError("filetype needs to be one of %s" % valid_filetypes)
        if not PY3 and not isinstance(filename, unicode):
            log.warning("Given filename to matcher is not unicode...")
            filename = filename.decode("utf-8")

        filename = normalize_unicode(filename)

        if opts is None:
            opts = []
        elif isinstance(opts, base_text_type):
            opts = opts.split()

        self.match_tree = MatchTree(filename)
        mtree = self.match_tree
        mtree.guess.set("type", filetype, confidence=1.0)

        def apply_transfo(transfo_name, *args, **kwargs):
            transfo = __import__(
                "guessit.transfo." + transfo_name, globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist=["process"], level=0
            transfo.process(mtree, *args, **kwargs)

        # 1- first split our path into dirs + basename + ext

        # 2- guess the file type now (will be useful later)
        apply_transfo("guess_filetype", filetype)
        if mtree.guess["type"] == "unknown":

        # 3- split each of those into explicit groups (separated by parentheses
        #    or square brackets)

        # 4- try to match information for specific patterns
        # NOTE: order needs to comply to the following:
        #       - website before language (eg: tvu.org.ru vs russian)
        #       - language before episodes_rexps
        #       - properties before language (eg: he-aac vs hebrew)
        #       - release_group before properties (eg: XviD-?? vs xvid)
        if mtree.guess["type"] in ("episode", "episodesubtitle"):
            strategy = [
            strategy = [

        if "nolanguage" in opts:

        for name in strategy:

        # more guessers for both movies and episodes
        apply_transfo("guess_year", skip_first_year=("skip_first_year" in opts))

        if "nocountry" not in opts:

        # split into '-' separated subgroups (with required separator chars
        # around the dash)

        # 5- try to identify the remaining unknown groups by looking at their
        #    position relative to other known elements
        if mtree.guess["type"] in ("episode", "episodesubtitle"):

        # 6- perform some post-processing steps

        log.debug("Found match tree:\n%s" % u(mtree))
Exemple #39
    def checkFields(self, groundTruth, guess_func, remove_type=True,
        correct, total = 0, 0
        exclude_files = exclude_files or []

        for filename, required_fields in groundTruth.items():
            filename = u(filename)
            if filename in exclude_files:

            log.debug('\n' + '-' * 120)
            log.info('Guessing information for file: %s' % filename)

            found = guess_func(filename)

            total = total + 1
            is_incomplete = [False]

            def error(*args):
                log.warning(args[0] % args[1:])
                is_incomplete[0] = True

            # no need for these in the unittests
            if remove_type:
                    del found['type']
            for prop in ('container', 'mimetype'):
                if prop in found:
                    del found[prop]

            # props which are list of just 1 elem should be opened for easier writing of the tests
            for prop in ('language', 'subtitleLanguage', 'other'):
                value = found.get(prop, None)
                if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1:
                    found[prop] = value[0]

            # look for missing properties
            for prop, value in required_fields.items():
                if prop not in found:
                    error("Prop '%s' not found in: %s", prop, filename)

                # if both properties are strings, do a case-insensitive comparison
                if (isinstance(value, base_text_type) and
                    isinstance(found[prop], base_text_type)):
                    if value.lower() != found[prop].lower():
                        error("Wrong prop value [str] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'",
                              prop, u(value), u(found[prop]))

                # if both are lists, we assume list of strings and do a case-insensitive
                # comparison on their elements
                elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(found[prop], list):
                    s1 = set(u(s).lower() for s in value)
                    s2 = set(u(s).lower() for s in found[prop])
                    if s1 != s2:
                        error("Wrong prop value [list] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'",
                              prop, u(value), u(found[prop]))
                # otherwise, just compare their values directly
                    if found[prop] != value:
                        error("Wrong prop value for '%s': expected = '%s' [%s] - received = '%s' [%s]",
                              prop, u(value), type(value), u(found[prop]), type(found[prop]))

            # look for additional properties
            for prop, value in found.items():
                if prop not in required_fields:
                    log.warning("Found additional info for prop = '%s': '%s'" % (prop, u(value)))

            if not is_incomplete[0]:
                correct = correct + 1

        log.info('SUMMARY: Guessed correctly %d out of %d filenames' % (correct, total))

        self.assertTrue(correct == total,
                        msg='Correct: %d < Total: %d' % (correct, total))
Exemple #40
def detect_filename(filename, filetype, info=['filename'], advanced=False):
    filename = u(filename)

    print('For:', filename)
    print('GuessIt found:', guess_file_info(filename, filetype, info).nice_string(advanced))
Exemple #41
    def checkFields(self,
        correct, total = 0, 0
        exclude_files = exclude_files or []

        for filename, required_fields in groundTruth.items():
            filename = u(filename)
            if filename in exclude_files:

            log.debug('\n' + '-' * 120)
            log.info('Guessing information for file: %s' % filename)

            found = guess_func(filename)

            total = total + 1
            is_incomplete = [False]

            def error(*args):
                log.warning(args[0] % args[1:])
                is_incomplete[0] = True

            # no need for these in the unittests
            if remove_type:
                    del found['type']
            for prop in ('container', 'mimetype'):
                if prop in found:
                    del found[prop]

            # props which are list of just 1 elem should be opened for easier writing of the tests
            for prop in ('language', 'subtitleLanguage', 'other'):
                value = found.get(prop, None)
                if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1:
                    found[prop] = value[0]

            # look for missing properties
            for prop, value in required_fields.items():
                if prop not in found:
                    error("Prop '%s' not found in: %s", prop, filename)

                # if both properties are strings, do a case-insensitive comparison
                if (isinstance(value, base_text_type)
                        and isinstance(found[prop], base_text_type)):
                    if value.lower() != found[prop].lower():
                            "Wrong prop value [str] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'",
                            prop, u(value), u(found[prop]))

                # if both are lists, we assume list of strings and do a case-insensitive
                # comparison on their elements
                elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(found[prop], list):
                    s1 = set(u(s).lower() for s in value)
                    s2 = set(u(s).lower() for s in found[prop])
                    if s1 != s2:
                            "Wrong prop value [list] for '%s': expected = '%s' - received = '%s'",
                            prop, u(value), u(found[prop]))
                # otherwise, just compare their values directly
                    if found[prop] != value:
                            "Wrong prop value for '%s': expected = '%s' [%s] - received = '%s' [%s]",
                            prop, u(value), type(value), u(found[prop]),

            # look for additional properties
            for prop, value in found.items():
                if prop not in required_fields:
                    log.warning("Found additional info for prop = '%s': '%s'" %
                                (prop, u(value)))

            if not is_incomplete[0]:
                correct = correct + 1

        log.info('SUMMARY: Guessed correctly %d out of %d filenames' %
                 (correct, total))

        self.assertTrue(correct == total,
                        msg='Correct: %d < Total: %d' % (correct, total))
Exemple #42
def detect_filename(filename, filetype, info=["filename"]):
    filename = u(filename)

    print("For:", filename)
    print("GuessIt found:", guess_file_info(filename, filetype, info).nice_string())