def xy2sky(self, x, y, usepv=True): if usepv: try: return xy2skypv(x=numpy.array(x), y=numpy.array(y), crpix1=self.crpix1, crpix2=self.crpix2, crval1=self.crval1, crval2=self.crval2,, pv=self.pv, nord=self.nord) except Exception as ex: logger.warning("Error {} {}".format(type(ex), ex)) logger.warning("Reverted to CD-Matrix WCS.") print ex xy = numpy.array([x, y]).transpose() pos = self.wcs_pix2world(xy, 1).transpose() return pos[0] *, pos[1] *
def sky2xy(self, ra, dec, usepv=True): if isinstance(ra, Quantity): ra = if isinstance(dec, Quantity): dec = try: if usepv: return sky2xypv(ra=ra, dec=dec, crpix1=self.crpix1, crpix2=self.crpix2, crval1=self.crval1, crval2=self.crval2, dc=self.dc, pv=self.pv, nord=self.nord) except Exception as ex: logger.warning("sky2xy raised exception: {0}".format(ex)) logger.warning("Reverted to CD-Matrix WCS to convert: {0} {1} ".format(ra, dec)) print ex pos = self.wcs_world2pix([[ra, dec], ], 1) return pos[0][0], pos[0][1]
def phot(fits_filename, x_in, y_in, aperture=15, sky=20, swidth=10, apcor=0.3, maxcount=30000.0, exptime=1.0, zmag=None, extno=0, centroid=True): """ Compute the centroids and magnitudes of a bunch sources on fits image. :rtype : astropy.table.Table :param fits_filename: Name of fits image to measure source photometry on. :type fits_filename: str :param x_in: x location of source to measure :type x_in: float, numpy.array :param y_in: y location of source to measure :type y_in: float, numpy.array :param aperture: radius of circular aperture to use. :type aperture: float :param sky: radius of inner sky annulus :type sky: float :param swidth: width of the sky annulus :type swidth: float :param apcor: Aperture correction to take aperture flux to full flux. :type apcor: float :param maxcount: maximum linearity in the image. :type maxcount: float :param exptime: exposure time, relative to zmag supplied :type exptime: float :param zmag: zeropoint magnitude :param extno: extension of fits_filename the x/y location refers to. """ if not hasattr(x_in, '__iter__'): x_in = [x_in, ] if not hasattr(y_in, '__iter__'): y_in = [y_in, ] if (not os.path.exists(fits_filename) and not fits_filename.endswith(".fits")): # For convenience, see if we just forgot to provide the extension fits_filename += ".fits" try: input_hdulist = except Exception as err: logger.debug(str(err)) raise TaskError("Failed to open input image: %s" % err.message) # get the filter for this image filter_name = input_hdulist[extno].header.get('FILTER', 'DEFAULT') # Some nominal CFHT zeropoints that might be useful zeropoints = {"I": 25.77, "R": 26.07, "V": 26.07, "B": 25.92, "DEFAULT": 26.0, "g.MP9401": 32.0, 'r.MP9601': 31.9, 'gri.MP9603': 33.520} if zmag is None: logger.warning("No zmag supplied to daophot, looking for header or default values.") zmag = input_hdulist[extno].header.get('PHOTZP', zeropoints[filter_name]) logger.warning("Setting zmag to: {}".format(zmag)) # check for magic 'zeropoint.used' files for zpu_file in ["{}.zeropoint.used".format(os.path.splitext(fits_filename)[0]), "zeropoint.used"]: if os.access(zpu_file, os.R_OK): with open(zpu_file) as zpu_fh: zmag = float( logger.warning("Using file {} to set zmag to: {}".format(zpu_file, zmag)) break photzp = input_hdulist[extno].header.get('PHOTZP', zeropoints.get(filter_name, zeropoints["DEFAULT"])) if zmag != photzp: logger.warning(("zmag sent to daophot: ({}) " "doesn't match PHOTZP value in image header: ({})".format(zmag, photzp))) # setup IRAF to do the magnitude/centroid measurements iraf.set(uparm="./") iraf.digiphot() iraf.apphot() iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) iraf.photpars.apertures = aperture iraf.photpars.zmag = zmag iraf.datapars.datamin = 0 iraf.datapars.datamax = maxcount iraf.datapars.exposur = "" iraf.datapars.itime = exptime iraf.fitskypars.annulus = sky iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = swidth iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm = "mode" iraf.fitskypars.sloclip = 5.0 iraf.fitskypars.shiclip = 5.0 if centroid: iraf.centerpars.calgori = "centroid" iraf.centerpars.cbox = 5. iraf.centerpars.cthreshold = 0. iraf.centerpars.maxshift = 2. iraf.centerpars.clean = 'no' else: iraf.centerpars.calgori = "none" iraf.phot.update = 'no' iraf.phot.verbose = 'no' iraf.phot.verify = 'no' iraf.phot.interactive = 'no' # Used for passing the input coordinates coofile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".coo", delete=False) for i in range(len(x_in)): coofile.write("%f %f \n" % (x_in[i], y_in[i])) coofile.flush() # Used for receiving the results of the task # mag_fd, mag_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".mag") magfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".mag", delete=False) # Close the temp files before sending to IRAF due to docstring: # "Whether the name can be used to open the file a second time, while # the named temporary file is still open, varies across platforms" coofile.close() magfile.close() os.remove( iraf.phot(fits_filename+"[{}]".format(extno),, pdump_out =, format='daophot') logging.debug("PHOT FILE:\n"+str(pdump_out)) if not len(pdump_out) > 0: mag_content = open( raise TaskError("photometry failed. {}".format(mag_content)) # apply the aperture correction pdump_out['MAG'] -= apcor # if pdump_out['PIER'][0] != 0 or pdump_out['SIER'][0] != 0 or pdump_out['CIER'][0] != 0: # raise ValueError("Photometry failed:\n {}".format(pdump_out)) # Clean up temporary files generated by IRAF os.remove( os.remove( logger.debug("Computed aperture photometry on {} objects in {}".format(len(pdump_out), fits_filename)) del input_hdulist return pdump_out