def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher): """Toolbar Cartographic Composer ( :param parent: parent window """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) # workaround for if sys.platform == 'darwin': parent.SetToolBar(self) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._default = self.pointer for tool in (self.pointer, self.pan, self.zoomin, self.zoomout, self.drawGraphics, self.addMap): self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup( group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) # custom button for graphics mode selection # TODO: could this be somehow generalized? self.arrowButton = self.CreateSelectionButton() self.arrowButtonId = self.InsertControl(18, self.arrowButton) self.arrowButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnDrawGraphicsMenu) self.drawGraphicsAction = None self.OnAddPoint(event=None) self.Realize() from psmap.frame import havePILImage if not havePILImage: self.EnableTool(self.preview, False)
def __init__(self, parent): """! GCP Display toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # add tool to toggle active map window self.togglemapid = wx.NewId() self.togglemap = wx.Choice(parent = self, id = self.togglemapid, choices = [_('source'), _('target')]) self.InsertControl(10, self.togglemap) self.SetToolShortHelp(self.togglemapid, '%s %s %s' % (_('Set map canvas for '), BaseIcons["zoomBack"].GetLabel(), _(' / Zoom to map'))) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() self.action = { 'id' : self.gcpset } self.defaultAction = { 'id' : self.gcpset, 'bind' : self.parent.OnPointer } self.OnTool(None) self.EnableTool(self.zoomback, False)
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher): """RLiSetup toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher, style=wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TB_VERTICAL) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) if self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.REGIONS: self._default = self.digitizeregion elif self.parent.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSR, SamplingType.MMVWINR]: self._default = self.digitizeunit elif self.parent.samplingtype in [SamplingType.MUNITSC, SamplingType.MMVWINC]: self._default = self.digitizeunitc elif self.parent.samplingtype == SamplingType.VECT: self._default = None else: self._default = self.draw for tool in (self._default, self.pan, self.zoomIn, self.zoomOut): if tool: self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher): """IClass Map toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._default = self.pan # add tool to toggle active map window self.togglemapid = wx.NewId() self.togglemap = wx.Choice(parent=self, id=self.togglemapid, choices=[_('Training'), _('Preview')]) self.InsertControl(9, self.togglemap) self.SetToolShortHelp( self.togglemapid, '%s %s %s' % (_('Set map canvas for '), BaseIcons["zoomBack"].GetLabel(), _('/ Zoom to map'))) for tool in (self.pan, self.zoomIn, self.zoomOut): self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup( group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() self.EnableTool(self.zoomBack, False)
def __init__(self, parent, stats_data): """IClass toolbar constructor """ self.stats_data = stats_data BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self.choice = wx.Choice(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(110, -1)) choiceid = self.InsertControl(3, self.choice) self.choice.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnSelectCategory) # stupid workaround to insert small space between controls self.InsertControl(4, wx.StaticText(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=' ')) self.combo = wx.ComboBox(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(130, -1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.InitStddev() comboid = self.InsertControl(5, self.combo) self.EnableControls(False) self.combo.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnStdChangeSelection) self.combo.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnStdChangeText) self.stats_data.statisticsAdded.connect(self.Update) self.stats_data.statisticsDeleted.connect(self.Update) self.stats_data.allStatisticsDeleted.connect(self.Update) self.stats_data.statisticsSet.connect(self.Update) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent): """Toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # add tool to toggle active map window self.toggleModeId = wx.NewId() self.toggleMode = wx.Choice(parent=self, id=self.toggleModeId) for label, cdata in zip( [_('Swipe mode'), _('Mirror mode')], ['swipe', 'mirror']): self.toggleMode.Append(label, cdata) self.toggleMode.SetSelection(0) self.toggleMode.SetSize(self.toggleMode.GetBestSize()) self.toggleMode.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, lambda event: self.parent.SetViewMode( self.toggleMode.GetClientData( event.GetSelection()))) self.InsertControl(3, self.toggleMode) help = _("Choose view mode") self.SetToolShortHelp(self.toggleModeId, help) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, vnet_mgr): BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.vnet_mgr = vnet_mgr self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) choices = [] for moduleName in self.vnet_mgr.GetAnalyses(): choices.append(self.vnet_mgr.GetAnalysisProperties(moduleName)['label']) self.anChoice = wx.ComboBox(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY, choices = choices, style = wx.CB_READONLY, size = (350, 30))#FIXME self.anChoice.SetToolTipString(_('Availiable analyses')) self.anChoice.SetSelection(0) self.anChoiceId = self.AddControl(self.anChoice) self.parent.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.parent.OnAnalysisChanged, self.anChoiceId) # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. self.anChoice.Hide() self.anChoice.Show() # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent): BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent): BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.icons = { 'open': MetaIcon(img='open', label=_('Open (Ctrl+O)')), 'save': MetaIcon(img='save', label=_('Save (Ctrl+S)')), 'run': MetaIcon(img='execute', label=_('Run (Ctrl+R)')), # TODO: better icons for overwrite modes 'overwriteTrue': MetaIcon(img='locked', label=_('Activate overwrite')), 'overwriteFalse': MetaIcon(img='unlocked', label=_('Deactive overwrite')), } # workaround for if sys.platform == 'darwin': parent.SetToolBar(self) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher): """GCP Display toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._default = self.gcpset # add tool to toggle active map window self.togglemapid = wx.NewId() self.togglemap = wx.Choice(parent = self, id = self.togglemapid, choices = [_('source'), _('target')]) self.InsertControl(10, self.togglemap) self.SetToolShortHelp(self.togglemapid, '%s %s %s' % (_('Set map canvas for '), BaseIcons["zoomBack"].GetLabel(), _(' / Zoom to map'))) for tool in (self.gcpset, self.pan, self.zoomin, self.zoomout): self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() self.EnableTool(self.zoomback, False)
def __init__(self, parent): """IClass toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, scatt_mgr): BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.scatt_mgr = scatt_mgr self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() self.scatt_mgr.modeSet.connect(self.ModeSet)
def __init__(self, parent, vnet_mgr): BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self.vnet_mgr = vnet_mgr # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, scatt_mgr, cats_list): BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.scatt_mgr = scatt_mgr self.cats_mgr = self.scatt_mgr.GetCategoriesManager() self.cats_list = cats_list self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent): BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) # workaround for if sys.platform == 'darwin': parent.SetToolBar(self) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher, dialog, vnet_mgr): BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) self.vnet_mgr = vnet_mgr self.vnet_pts_mgr = self.vnet_mgr.GetPointsManager() self.dialog = dialog self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup('mouseUse', self, self.insertPoint) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent): """Animation toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() self.isPlayingForward = True self.EnableAnimTools(False)
def __init__(self, parent, controller, toolSwitcher): """RDigit toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) self._controller = controller self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._mapSelectionComboId = wx.NewId() self._mapSelectionCombo = wx.ComboBox(self, id=self._mapSelectionComboId, value=_("Select raster map"), choices=[], size=(120, -1)) self._mapSelectionCombo.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnMapSelection) self._mapSelectionCombo.SetEditable(False) self.InsertControl(0, self._mapSelectionCombo) self._previousMap = self._mapSelectionCombo.GetValue() self._colorId = wx.NewId() self._color = csel.ColourSelect(parent=self, colour=wx.GREEN, size=(30, 30)) self._color.Bind(csel.EVT_COLOURSELECT, lambda evt: self._changeDrawColor()) self._color.SetToolTipString(_("Set drawing color (not raster cell color)")) self.InsertControl(4, self._color) self._cellValues = set(['1']) self._valueComboId = wx.NewId() # validator does not work with combobox, SetBackgroundColor is not working self._valueCombo = wx.ComboBox(self, id=self._valueComboId, choices=list(self._cellValues), size=(80, -1), validator=FloatValidator()) self._valueCombo.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, lambda evt: self._cellValueChanged()) self._valueCombo.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, lambda evt: self._cellValueChanged()) self._valueCombo.SetSelection(0) self._cellValueChanged() self.InsertControl(6, wx.StaticText(self, label=" %s" % _("Cell value:"))) self.InsertControl(7, self._valueCombo) self._widthValueId = wx.NewId() # validator does not work with combobox, SetBackgroundColor is not working self._widthValue = wx.TextCtrl(self, id=self._widthValueId, value='0', size=(80, -1), validator=FloatValidator()) self._widthValue.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, lambda evt: self._widthValueChanged()) self._widthValueChanged() self._widthValue.SetToolTipString( _("Width of currently digitized line or diameter of a digitized point in map units.")) self.InsertControl(8, wx.StaticText(self, label=" %s" % _("Width:"))) self.InsertControl(9, self._widthValue) for tool in (self.area, self.line, self.point): self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) self.toolSwitcher.toggleToolChanged.connect(self.CheckSelectedTool) self._default = self.area # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent): self.lmgr = parent BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) # only one dialog can be open self.settingsDialog = None self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, lmgrStyle): """Toolbar constructor """ self._style = lmgrStyle if lmgrStyle & (SIMPLE_LMGR_TB_LEFT | SIMPLE_LMGR_TB_RIGHT): direction = wx.TB_VERTICAL else: direction = wx.TB_HORIZONTAL BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.NO_BORDER | direction) self.InitToolbar(self._getToolbarData(self._toolbarData())) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, mapManager): """IClass toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self.choice = wx.Choice(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(300, -1)) self.choiceid = self.AddControl(self.choice) self.choice.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnSelectLayer) self.mapManager = mapManager # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher): """Map toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._default = self.pan # realize the toolbar self.Realize() for tool in (self.pointer, self.query, self.pan, self.zoomIn, self.zoomOut): self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) self.EnableTool(self.zoomBack, False)
def __init__(self, parent, mapcontent, layerTree = None, log = None): self.mapcontent = mapcontent # Map class instance self.layerTree = layerTree # reference to layer tree associated to map display self.log = log # log area BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.digit = None # currently selected map layer for editing (reference to MapLayer instance) self.mapLayer = None # list of vector layers from Layer Manager (only in the current mapset) self.layers = [] self.comboid = None # only one dialog can be open self.settingsDialog = None # create toolbars (two rows optionally) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnTool) # default action (digitize new point, line, etc.) self.action = { 'desc' : '', 'type' : '', 'id' : -1 } # list of available vector maps self.UpdateListOfLayers(updateTool = True) # realize toolbar self.Realize() # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. self.combo.Hide() self.combo.Show() # disable undo/redo self.EnableTool(self.undo, False) ### hide undo - this tool is quite buggy in GRASS 6 self.RemoveTool(self.undo) # toogle to pointer by default self.OnTool(None) self.FixSize(width = 105)
def __init__(self, parent): """!Toolbar Cartographic Composer ( @param parent parent window """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self.Realize() self.action = { 'id' : self.pointer } self.defaultAction = { 'id' : self.pointer, 'bind' : self.parent.OnPointer } self.OnTool(None) from psmap.frame import havePILImage if not havePILImage: self.EnableTool(self.preview, False)
def __init__(self, parent): """Main toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self.filterId = wx.NewId() self.filter = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, id=self.filterId) self.filter.SetSize((120, self.filter.GetBestSize()[1])) self.filter.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, lambda event: self.parent.Filter( self.filter.GetValue())) self.AddControl(wx.StaticText(self, label=_("Search:"))) self.AddControl(self.filter) help = _("Type to search database by map type or name. " "Use prefix 'r:', 'v:' and 'r3:'" "to show only raster, vector or 3D raster data, respectively. " "Use Python regular expressions to refine your search.") self.SetToolShortHelp(self.filterId, help) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent): """Toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # add tool to toggle active map window self.toggleModeId = wx.NewId() self.toggleMode = wx.Choice(parent=self, id=self.toggleModeId) for label, cdata in zip( [_('Swipe mode'), _('Mirror mode')], ['swipe', 'mirror']): self.toggleMode.Append(label, cdata) self.toggleMode.SetSelection(0) self.toggleMode.SetSize(self.toggleMode.GetBestSize()) self.toggleMode.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, lambda event: self.parent.SetViewMode( self.toggleMode.GetClientData(event.GetSelection()))) self.InsertControl(3, self.toggleMode) help = _("Choose view mode") self.SetToolShortHelp(self.toggleModeId, help) # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, mapcontent): """!Map Display constructor @param parent reference to MapFrame @param mapcontent reference to render.Map (registred by MapFrame) """ self.mapcontent = mapcontent # render.Map BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent = parent) # MapFrame self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # optional tools choices = [ _('2D view'), ] self.toolId = { '2d' : 0 } if self.parent.GetLayerManager(): log = self.parent.GetLayerManager().GetLogWindow() if haveNviz: choices.append(_('3D view')) self.toolId['3d'] = 1 else: from nviz.main import errorMsg log.WriteCmdLog(_('3D view mode not available')) log.WriteWarning(_('Reason: %s') % str(errorMsg)) log.WriteLog(_('Note that the wxGUI\'s 3D view mode is currently disabled ' 'on MS Windows (hopefully this will be fixed soon). ' 'Please keep an eye out for updated versions of GRASS. ' 'In the meantime you can use "NVIZ" from the File menu.'), wrap = 60) self.toolId['3d'] = -1 if haveVDigit: choices.append(_('Digitize')) if self.toolId['3d'] > -1: self.toolId['vdigit'] = 2 else: self.toolId['vdigit'] = 1 else: from vdigit.main import errorMsg log.WriteCmdLog(_('Vector digitizer not available')) log.WriteWarning(_('Reason: %s') % errorMsg) log.WriteLog(_('Note that the wxGUI\'s vector digitizer is currently disabled ' '(hopefully this will be fixed soon). ' 'Please keep an eye out for updated versions of GRASS. ' 'In the meantime you can use "v.digit" from the Develop Vector menu.'), wrap = 60) self.toolId['vdigit'] = -1 self.combo = wx.ComboBox(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY, choices = choices, style = wx.CB_READONLY, size = (110, -1)) self.combo.SetSelection(0) self.comboid = self.AddControl(self.combo) self.parent.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelectTool, self.comboid) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. self.combo.Hide() self.combo.Show() self.action = { 'id' : self.pointer } self.defaultAction = { 'id' : self.pointer, 'bind' : self.parent.OnPointer } self.OnTool(None) self.EnableTool(self.zoomBack, False) self.FixSize(width = 90)
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher, MapWindow, digitClass, giface, tools=[]): self.MapWindow = MapWindow self.Map = MapWindow.GetMap() # Map class instance = tools self.digitClass = digitClass BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) self.digit = None self._giface = giface self.fType = None # feature type for simple features editing self.editingStarted = Signal("VDigitToolbar.editingStarted") self.editingStopped = Signal("VDigitToolbar.editingStopped") self.editingBgMap = Signal("VDigitToolbar.editingBgMap") self.quitDigitizer = Signal("VDigitToolbar.quitDigitizer") layerTree = self._giface.GetLayerTree() if layerTree: self.editingStarted.connect(layerTree.StartEditing) self.editingStopped.connect(layerTree.StopEditing) self.editingBgMap.connect(layerTree.SetBgMapForEditing) # bind events self.Bind(wx.EVT_SHOW, self.OnShow) # currently selected map layer for editing (reference to MapLayer # instance) self.mapLayer = None # list of vector layers from Layer Manager (only in the current mapset) self.layers = [] self.comboid = self.combo = None self.undo = -1 self.redo = -1 # only one dialog can be open self.settingsDialog = None # create toolbars (two rows optionally) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._default = -1 # default action (digitize new point, line, etc.) self.action = {"desc": "", "type": "", "id": -1} self._currentAreaActionType = None # list of available vector maps self.UpdateListOfLayers(updateTool=True) for tool in ( "addPoint", "addLine", "addBoundary", "addCentroid", "addArea", "addVertex", "deleteLine", "deleteArea", "displayAttr", "displayCats", "editLine", "moveLine", "moveVertex", "removeVertex", "additionalTools", ): if hasattr(self, tool): tool = getattr(self, tool) self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup( group="mouseUse", toolbar=self, tool=tool ) else: Debug.msg(1, "%s skipped" % tool) # custom button for digitization of area/boundary/centroid # TODO: could this be somehow generalized? nAreaTools = 0 if and "addBoundary" in nAreaTools += 1 if and "addCentroid" in nAreaTools += 1 if and "addArea" in nAreaTools += 1 if nAreaTools != 1: self.areaButton = self.CreateSelectionButton( _("Select area/boundary/centroid tool") ) self.areaButtonId = self.InsertControl(5, self.areaButton) self.areaButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnAddAreaMenu) # realize toolbar self.Realize() # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. if self.combo: self.combo.Hide() self.combo.Show() # disable undo/redo if self.undo > 0: self.EnableTool(self.undo, False) if self.redo > 0: self.EnableTool(self.redo, False) self.FixSize(width=105)
def __init__(self, parent, giface, controller, toolSwitcher): """RDigit toolbar constructor """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) self._controller = controller self._giface = giface self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._mapSelectionComboId = wx.NewId() self._mapSelectionCombo = wx.ComboBox(self, id=self._mapSelectionComboId, value=_("Select raster map"), choices=[], size=(120, -1)) self._mapSelectionCombo.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnMapSelection) self._mapSelectionCombo.SetEditable(False) self.InsertControl(0, self._mapSelectionCombo) self._previousMap = self._mapSelectionCombo.GetValue() self._colorId = wx.NewId() self._color = csel.ColourSelect(parent=self, colour=wx.GREEN, size=(30, 30)) self._color.Bind(csel.EVT_COLOURSELECT, lambda evt: self._changeDrawColor()) self._color.SetToolTipString( _("Set drawing color (not raster cell color)")) self.InsertControl(4, self._color) self._cellValues = set(['1']) self._valueComboId = wx.NewId() # validator does not work with combobox, SetBackgroundColor is not # working self._valueCombo = wx.ComboBox(self, id=self._valueComboId, choices=list(self._cellValues), size=(80, -1), validator=FloatValidator()) self._valueCombo.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, lambda evt: self._cellValueChanged()) self._valueCombo.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, lambda evt: self._cellValueChanged()) self._valueCombo.SetSelection(0) self._cellValueChanged() self.InsertControl(6, wx.StaticText(self, label=" %s" % _("Cell value:"))) self.InsertControl(7, self._valueCombo) self._widthValueId = wx.NewId() # validator does not work with combobox, SetBackgroundColor is not # working self._widthValue = wx.TextCtrl(self, id=self._widthValueId, value='0', size=(80, -1), validator=FloatValidator()) self._widthValue.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, lambda evt: self._widthValueChanged()) self._widthValueChanged() self._widthValue.SetToolTipString( _("Width of currently digitized line or diameter of a digitized point in map units." )) self.InsertControl(8, wx.StaticText(self, label=" %s" % _("Width:"))) self.InsertControl(9, self._widthValue) for tool in (self.area, self.line, self.point): self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) self.toolSwitcher.toggleToolChanged.connect(self.CheckSelectedTool) self._default = self.area # realize the toolbar self.Realize()
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher): """Map Display constructor :param parent: reference to MapFrame """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent=parent, toolSwitcher=toolSwitcher) # MapFrame self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._default = self.pointer # optional tools toolNum = 0 choices = [ _('2D view'), ] self.toolId = { '2d' : toolNum } toolNum += 1 if self.parent.GetLayerManager(): log = self.parent.GetLayerManager().GetLogWindow() if haveNviz: choices.append(_('3D view')) self.toolId['3d'] = toolNum toolNum += 1 else: from nviz.main import errorMsg if self.parent.GetLayerManager(): log.WriteCmdLog(_('3D view mode not available')) log.WriteWarning(_('Reason: %s') % str(errorMsg)) self.toolId['3d'] = -1 if haveVDigit: choices.append(_("Vector digitizer")) self.toolId['vdigit'] = toolNum toolNum += 1 else: from vdigit.main import errorMsg if self.parent.GetLayerManager(): log.WriteCmdLog(_('Vector digitizer not available')) log.WriteWarning(_('Reason: %s') % errorMsg) log.WriteLog(_('Note that the wxGUI\'s vector digitizer is currently disabled ' '(hopefully this will be fixed soon). ' 'Please keep an eye out for updated versions of GRASS. ' 'In the meantime you can use "v.digit" from the Develop Vector menu.'), wrap = 60) self.toolId['vdigit'] = -1 choices.append(_("Raster digitizer")) self.toolId['rdigit'] = toolNum self.combo = wx.ComboBox(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY, choices = choices, style = wx.CB_READONLY, size = (110, -1)) self.combo.SetSelection(0) self.comboid = self.AddControl(self.combo) self.parent.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelectTool, self.comboid) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. self.combo.Hide() self.combo.Show() for tool in (self.pointer,, self.query, self.pan, self.zoomIn, self.zoomOut): self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) self.EnableTool(self.zoomBack, False) self.FixSize(width = 90)
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher, MapWindow, digitClass, giface, tools=[]): self.MapWindow = MapWindow self.Map = MapWindow.GetMap() # Map class instance = tools self.digitClass = digitClass BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher) self.digit = None self._giface = giface self.fType = None # feature type for simple features editing self.editingStarted = Signal("VDigitToolbar.editingStarted") self.editingStopped = Signal("VDigitToolbar.editingStopped") self.editingBgMap = Signal("VDigitToolbar.editingBgMap") layerTree = self._giface.GetLayerTree() if layerTree: self.editingStarted.connect(layerTree.StartEditing) self.editingStopped.connect(layerTree.StopEditing) self.editingBgMap.connect(layerTree.SetBgMapForEditing) # currently selected map layer for editing (reference to MapLayer # instance) self.mapLayer = None # list of vector layers from Layer Manager (only in the current mapset) self.layers = [] self.comboid = self.combo = None self.undo = -1 self.redo = -1 # only one dialog can be open self.settingsDialog = None # create toolbars (two rows optionally) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._default = -1 # default action (digitize new point, line, etc.) self.action = {'desc': '', 'type': '', 'id': -1} self._currentAreaActionType = None # list of available vector maps self.UpdateListOfLayers(updateTool=True) for tool in ( 'addPoint', 'addLine', 'addBoundary', 'addCentroid', 'addArea', 'addVertex', 'deleteLine', 'deleteArea', 'displayAttr', 'displayCats', 'editLine', 'moveLine', 'moveVertex', 'removeVertex', 'additionalTools'): if hasattr(self, tool): tool = getattr(self, tool) self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup( group='mouseUse', toolbar=self, tool=tool) else: Debug.msg(1, '%s skipped' % tool) # custom button for digitization of area/boundary/centroid # TODO: could this be somehow generalized? nAreaTools = 0 if and 'addBoundary' in nAreaTools += 1 if and 'addCentroid' in nAreaTools += 1 if and 'addArea' in nAreaTools += 1 if nAreaTools != 1: self.areaButton = self.CreateSelectionButton( _("Select area/boundary/centroid tool")) self.areaButtonId = self.InsertControl(5, self.areaButton) self.areaButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnAddAreaMenu) # realize toolbar self.Realize() # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. if self.combo: self.combo.Hide() self.combo.Show() # disable undo/redo if self.undo > 0: self.EnableTool(self.undo, False) if self.redo > 0: self.EnableTool(self.redo, False) self.FixSize(width=105)
def __init__(self, parent, MapWindow, digitClass, tools=[], layerTree=None, log=None): self.MapWindow = MapWindow self.Map = MapWindow.GetMap() # Map class instance self.layerTree = layerTree # reference to layer tree associated to map display self.log = log # log area = tools self.digitClass = digitClass BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent) self.digit = None # currently selected map layer for editing (reference to MapLayer instance) self.mapLayer = None self.mapName = None self.comboid = self.combo = None self.undo = -1 self.redo = -1 # only one dialog can be open self.settingsDialog = None # create toolbars (two rows optionally) self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self._toolChosen) # default action (digitize new point, line, etc.) self.action = {"desc": "", "type": "", "id": -1} # list of available raster maps self.UpdateListOfLayers(updateTool=True) self.layerNameList = [] layers = self.Map.GetListOfLayers(l_type="raster", l_mapset=grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"]) for layer in layers: if not in self.layerNameList: # do not duplicate layer self.layerNameList.append(layer.GetName()) # realize toolbar self.Realize() # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. if self.combo: self.combo.Hide() self.combo.Show() # disable undo/redo if self.undo > 0: self.EnableTool(self.undo, False) if self.redo > 0: self.EnableTool(self.redo, False) # toogle to pointer by default self.OnTool(None) self.FixSize(width=105)
def __init__(self, parent, mapcontent): """!Map Display constructor @param parent reference to MapFrame @param mapcontent reference to render.Map (registred by MapFrame) """ self.mapcontent = mapcontent # render.Map BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent=parent) # MapFrame self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) # optional tools choices = [ _('2D view'), ] self.toolId = {'2d': 0} if self.parent.GetLayerManager(): log = self.parent.GetLayerManager().GetLogWindow() if haveNviz: choices.append(_('3D view')) self.toolId['3d'] = 1 else: from nviz.main import errorMsg log.WriteCmdLog(_('3D view mode not available')) log.WriteWarning(_('Reason: %s') % str(errorMsg)) log.WriteLog(_( 'Note that the wxGUI\'s 3D view mode is currently disabled ' 'on MS Windows (hopefully this will be fixed soon). ' 'Please keep an eye out for updated versions of GRASS. ' 'In the meantime you can use "NVIZ" from the File menu.'), wrap=60) self.toolId['3d'] = -1 if haveVDigit: choices.append(_('Digitize')) if self.toolId['3d'] > -1: self.toolId['vdigit'] = 2 else: self.toolId['vdigit'] = 1 else: from vdigit.main import errorMsg log.WriteCmdLog(_('Vector digitizer not available')) log.WriteWarning(_('Reason: %s') % errorMsg) log.WriteLog(_( 'Note that the wxGUI\'s vector digitizer is currently disabled ' '(hopefully this will be fixed soon). ' 'Please keep an eye out for updated versions of GRASS. ' 'In the meantime you can use "v.digit" from the Develop Vector menu.' ), wrap=60) self.toolId['vdigit'] = -1 self.combo = wx.ComboBox(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY, choices=choices, style=wx.CB_READONLY, size=(110, -1)) self.combo.SetSelection(0) self.comboid = self.AddControl(self.combo) self.parent.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelectTool, self.comboid) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. self.combo.Hide() self.combo.Show() self.action = {'id': self.pointer} self.defaultAction = { 'id': self.pointer, 'bind': self.parent.OnPointer } self.OnTool(None) self.EnableTool(self.zoomBack, False) self.FixSize(width=90)
def __init__(self, parent, toolSwitcher, giface): """Map Display constructor :param parent: reference to MapFrame """ BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent=parent, toolSwitcher=toolSwitcher) # MapFrame self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData()) self._default = self.pointer self._giface = giface # optional tools toolNum = 0 choices = [ _("2D view"), ] self.toolId = {"2d": toolNum} toolNum += 1 if haveNviz: choices.append(_("3D view")) self.toolId["3d"] = toolNum toolNum += 1 else: from nviz.main import errorMsg self._giface.WriteCmdLog(_("3D view mode not available")) self._giface.WriteWarning(_("Reason: %s") % str(errorMsg)) self.toolId["3d"] = -1 if haveVDigit: choices.append(_("Vector digitizer")) self.toolId["vdigit"] = toolNum toolNum += 1 else: from vdigit.main import errorMsg self._giface.WriteCmdLog(_("Vector digitizer not available")) self._giface.WriteWarning(_("Reason: %s") % errorMsg) self._giface.WriteLog( _( "Note that the wxGUI's vector digitizer is disabled in this installation. " "Please keep an eye out for updated versions of GRASS. " 'In the meantime you can use "v.edit" for non-interactive editing ' "from the Develop vector map menu." ), wrap=60, ) self.toolId["vdigit"] = -1 choices.append(_("Raster digitizer")) self.toolId["rdigit"] = toolNum self.combo = wx.ComboBox( parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY, choices=choices, style=wx.CB_READONLY, size=(110, -1), ) self.combo.SetSelection(0) self.comboid = self.AddControl(self.combo) self.parent.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelectTool, self.comboid) # realize the toolbar self.Realize() # workaround for Mac bug. May be fixed by 2.8.8, but not before then. self.combo.Hide() self.combo.Show() for tool in ( self.pointer,, self.query, self.pan, self.zoomIn, self.zoomOut, ): self.toolSwitcher.AddToolToGroup(group="mouseUse", toolbar=self, tool=tool) self.EnableTool(self.zoomBack, False) self.FixSize(width=90)