def LoadOverlay(self, cmd): """Creates raster legend with d.legend :param cmd: d.legend command as a list :return: bitmap with legend """ Debug.msg(5, "BitmapProvider.LoadOverlay: cmd={c}".format(c=cmd)) fileHandler, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".png") os.close(fileHandler) # Set the environment variables for this process _setEnvironment( self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight, filename, transparent=True, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), ) Debug.msg(1, "Render raster legend " + str(filename)) cmdTuple = cmdlist_to_tuple(cmd) returncode, stdout, messages = read2_command(cmdTuple[0], **cmdTuple[1]) if returncode == 0: return BitmapFromImage(autoCropImageFromFile(filename)) else: os.remove(filename) raise GException(messages)
def Draw(self, pdc, img=None, drawid=None, pdctype="image", coords=[0, 0, 0, 0]): """Draws histogram or clears window""" if drawid is None: if pdctype == "image": drawid = self.imagedict[img] elif pdctype == "clear": drawid is None else: drawid = NewId() else: pdc.SetId(drawid) pdc.BeginDrawing() Debug.msg( 3, "BufferedWindow.Draw(): id=%s, pdctype=%s, coord=%s" % (drawid, pdctype, coords), ) if pdctype == "clear": # erase the display bg = wx.WHITE_BRUSH pdc.SetBackground(bg) pdc.Clear() self.Refresh() pdc.EndDrawing() return if pdctype == "image": bg = wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH pdc.SetBackground(bg) bitmap = BitmapFromImage(img) w, h = bitmap.GetSize() pdc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, coords[0], coords[1], True) # draw the composite map pdc.SetIdBounds(drawid, (coords[0], coords[1], w, h)) pdc.EndDrawing() self.Refresh()
def draw(self): app = size = self.GetSize() x0 = (size.GetWidth() - app.i_width) / 2 y0 = (size.GetHeight() - app.i_height) / 2 dc = wx.PaintDC(self) data = app.imgbuf.reshape((app.i_height, app.i_width, 4)) data = data[::, ::, 2::-1] fn = getattr(data, "tobytes", getattr(data, "tostring")) image = wx.Image(app.i_width, app.i_height, fn()) dc.DrawBitmap(BitmapFromImage(image), x0, y0, False)
def _rescaleIfNeeded(self, bitmap): """!If the bitmap has different size than the window, rescale it.""" bW, bH = bitmap.GetSize() wW, wH = self.GetClientSize() if abs(bW - wW) > 5 or abs(bH - wH) > 5: params = ComputeScaledRect((bW, bH), (wW, wH)) im = wx.ImageFromBitmap(bitmap) im.Rescale(params['width'], params['height']) self.x = params['x'] self.y = params['y'] bitmap = BitmapFromImage(im) if self._overlay: im = wx.ImageFromBitmap(self.bitmap_overlay) im.Rescale(im.GetWidth() * params['scale'], im.GetHeight() * params['scale']) self._setOverlay(BitmapFromImage(im), xperc=self.perc[0], yperc=self.perc[1]) else: self.x = 0 self.y = 0 return bitmap
def Compose(self, cmdLists, regions, opacityList, bgcolor, force, nprocs): """Performs the composition of ppm/pgm files. :param cmdLists: lists of rendering commands lists to compose :param regions: regions for 2D rendering assigned to commands :param opacityList: list of lists of opacity values :param bgcolor: background color as a tuple of 3 values 0 to 255 :param force: if True reload all data, otherwise only missing data :param nprocs: number of procs to be used for rendering """ Debug.msg(3, "BitmapComposer.Compose") count = 0 # Variables for parallel rendering proc_count = 0 proc_list = [] queue_list = [] cmd_lists = [] filteredCmdLists = [] for cmdList, region in zip(cmdLists, regions): if (not force and HashCmds(cmdList, region) in self._bitmapPool and self._bitmapPool[HashCmds(cmdList, region)].GetSize() == (self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight)): # TODO: find a better way than to assign the same to increase # the reference self._bitmapPool[HashCmds(cmdList, region)] = self._bitmapPool[HashCmds( cmdList, region)] continue filteredCmdLists.append((cmdList, region)) num = len(filteredCmdLists) self._isComposing = True for cmdList, region in filteredCmdLists: count += 1 # Queue object for interprocess communication q = Queue() # The separate render process p = Process( target=CompositeProcess, args=( self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight, self._tempDir, cmdList, region, opacityList, bgcolor, q, ), ) p.start() queue_list.append(q) proc_list.append(p) cmd_lists.append((cmdList, region)) proc_count += 1 # Wait for all running processes and read/store the created images if proc_count == nprocs or count == num: for i in range(len(cmd_lists)): proc_list[i].join() filename = queue_list[i].get() if filename is None: self._bitmapPool[HashCmds( cmd_lists[i][0], cmd_lists[i][1])] = createNoDataBitmap( self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight, text="Failed to render") else: self._bitmapPool[HashCmds( cmd_lists[i][0], cmd_lists[i][1])] = BitmapFromImage( wx.Image(filename)) os.remove(filename) proc_count = 0 proc_list = [] queue_list = [] cmd_lists = [] self.compositionContinues.emit(current=count, text=_("Overlaying map layers")) if self._stopComposing: self._stopComposing = False break self._isComposing = False
def __init__(self, parent, cols, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER | wx.LC_HRULES | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL): """Creates list for points. PointsList class was created from GCPList class in GCP manager. It is possible to be shared by GCP and VNET front end. Important parameters: :param cols: is list containing list items. which represents columns. This columns will be added in order as they are in list. Class will add as first column "use" with number of point and checkbox. Structure of list item must be this: -1. item: column name -2. item: column label -3. item: If column is editable by user, it must contain convert function to convert inserted string to it's type for sorting. Use None for not editable columns. Values for insertion can be in list. This allows insert just values in the list. -4. item: Default value for column cell. Value should be given in it's type in order to sorting would work properly. If 3. item is list, it must be index of some item in the list. Example of cols parameter: column name, column label, convert function, default val @code cols = [ ['E', _('source E'), float, 0.0], ['N', _('source N'), float, 0.0], ['E', _('target E'), float, 0.0], ['N', _('target N'), float, 0.0], ['F_Err', _('Forward error'), None, 0], ['B_Err', _(Backward error'), None, 0] ['type', _('type'), [_(""), _("Start point"), _("End point")], 0] # Select from 3 choices ("Start point", "End point"), # Choice with index 0 ("") is default. ] @endcode """ ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style) # Mixin settings CheckListCtrlMixin.__init__(self) ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin.__init__(self) # TextEditMixin.__init__(self) # inserts first column with points numbers and checkboxes cols.insert(0, ['use', _('use'), False, 0]) self.colsData = cols self.dataTypes = { "colName": 0, "colLabel": 1, "colEditable": 2, "itemDefaultValue": 3} # just for better understanding # information whether list items are checked or not self.CheckList = [] self._createCols() self.hiddenCols = {} self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnItemSelected) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnItemActivated) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK, self.OnColClick) self.selected = wx.NOT_FOUND self.selectedkey = -1 # CheckListCtrlMixin must set an ImageList first = self.GetImageList(wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL) # images for column sorting SmallUpArrow = BitmapFromImage(self.getSmallUpArrowImage()) SmallDnArrow = BitmapFromImage(self.getSmallDnArrowImage()) self.sm_dn = self.sm_up = # initialize column sorter self.itemDataMap = [] ncols = self.GetColumnCount() ColumnSorterMixin.__init__(self, ncols) # init to ascending sort on first click self._colSortFlag = [1] * ncols # same structure as itemDataMap, information about choice index selected # if cell is in column without values to choose then is -1 self.selIdxs = [] self.ResizeColumns() self.SetColumnWidth(0, 50)
def __init__(self, parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE): # # GRASS variables # self.gisbase = os.getenv("GISBASE") self.grassrc = sgui.read_gisrc() self.gisdbase = self.GetRCValue("GISDBASE") # # list of locations/mapsets # self.listOfLocations = [] self.listOfMapsets = [] self.listOfMapsetsSelectable = [] wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=parent, id=id, style=style) self.locale = wx.Locale(language=wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT) # scroll panel was used here but not properly and is probably not need # as long as it is not high too much self.panel = wx.Panel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY) # i18N # # graphical elements # # image try: if os.getenv('ISISROOT'): name = os.path.join(globalvar.GUIDIR, "images", "startup_banner_isis.png") else: name = os.path.join(globalvar.GUIDIR, "images", "startup_banner.png") self.hbitmap = wx.StaticBitmap( self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, wx.Bitmap(name=name, type=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) except: self.hbitmap = wx.StaticBitmap( self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, BitmapFromImage(wx.EmptyImage(530, 150))) # labels # crashes when LOCATION doesn't exist # get version & revision grassVersion, grassRevisionStr = sgui.GetVersion() self.gisdbase_box = StaticBox( parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=" %s " % _("1. Select GRASS GIS database directory")) self.location_box = StaticBox(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=" %s " % _("2. Select GRASS Location")) self.mapset_box = StaticBox(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=" %s " % _("3. Select GRASS Mapset")) self.lmessage = StaticText(parent=self.panel) # It is not clear if all wx versions supports color, so try-except. # The color itself may not be correct for all platforms/system settings # but in # there is no 'warning' color. try: self.lmessage.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0)) except AttributeError: pass self.gisdbase_panel = wx.Panel(parent=self.panel) self.location_panel = wx.Panel(parent=self.panel) self.mapset_panel = wx.Panel(parent=self.panel) self.ldbase = StaticText( parent=self.gisdbase_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("GRASS GIS database directory contains Locations.")) self.llocation = StaticWrapText( parent=self.location_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("All data in one Location is in the same " " coordinate reference system (projection)." " One Location can be one project." " Location contains Mapsets."), style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT) self.lmapset = StaticWrapText( parent=self.mapset_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Mapset contains GIS data related" " to one project, task within one project," " subregion or user."), style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT) try: for label in [self.ldbase, self.llocation, self.lmapset]: label.SetForegroundColour( wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT)) except AttributeError: # for explanation of try-except see above pass # buttons self.bstart = Button(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Start &GRASS session")) self.bstart.SetDefault() self.bexit = Button(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_EXIT) self.bstart.SetMinSize((180, self.bexit.GetSize()[1])) self.bhelp = Button(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_HELP) self.bbrowse = Button(parent=self.gisdbase_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("&Browse")) self.bmapset = Button( parent=self.mapset_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, # GTC New mapset label=_("&New")) self.bmapset.SetToolTip(_("Create a new Mapset in selected Location")) self.bwizard = Button( parent=self.location_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, # GTC New location label=_("N&ew")) self.bwizard.SetToolTip( _("Create a new location using location wizard." " After location is created successfully," " GRASS session is started.")) self.rename_location_button = Button( parent=self.location_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, # GTC Rename location label=_("Ren&ame")) self.rename_location_button.SetToolTip(_("Rename selected location")) self.delete_location_button = Button( parent=self.location_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, # GTC Delete location label=_("De&lete")) self.delete_location_button.SetToolTip(_("Delete selected location")) self.download_location_button = Button(parent=self.location_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Do&wnload")) self.download_location_button.SetToolTip(_("Download sample location")) self.rename_mapset_button = Button( parent=self.mapset_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, # GTC Rename mapset label=_("&Rename")) self.rename_mapset_button.SetToolTip(_("Rename selected mapset")) self.delete_mapset_button = Button( parent=self.mapset_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, # GTC Delete mapset label=_("&Delete")) self.delete_mapset_button.SetToolTip(_("Delete selected mapset")) # textinputs self.tgisdbase = TextCtrl(parent=self.gisdbase_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, value="", size=(300, -1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) # Locations self.lblocations = GListBox(parent=self.location_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(180, 200), choices=self.listOfLocations) self.lblocations.SetColumnWidth(0, 180) # TODO: sort; but keep PERMANENT on top of list # Mapsets self.lbmapsets = GListBox(parent=self.mapset_panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(180, 200), choices=self.listOfMapsets) self.lbmapsets.SetColumnWidth(0, 180) # layout & properties, first do layout so everything is created self._do_layout() self._set_properties(grassVersion, grassRevisionStr) # events self.bbrowse.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBrowse) self.bstart.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStart) self.bexit.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExit) self.bhelp.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnHelp) self.bmapset.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCreateMapset) self.bwizard.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnWizard) self.rename_location_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.RenameLocation) self.delete_location_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.DeleteLocation) self.download_location_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.DownloadLocation) self.rename_mapset_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.RenameMapset) self.delete_mapset_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.DeleteMapset) self.lblocations.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnSelectLocation) self.lbmapsets.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnSelectMapset) self.lbmapsets.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnStart) self.tgisdbase.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnSetDatabase) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow)