class AutoFitParam(DataSet): xmin = FloatItem("xmin") xmax = FloatItem("xmax") method = ChoiceItem( _("Method"), [ ("simplex", "Simplex"), ("powel", "Powel"), ("bfgs", "BFGS"), ("l_bfgs_b", "L-BFGS-B"), ("cg", _("Conjugate Gradient")), ("lq", _("Least squares")), ], default="lq", ) err_norm = StringItem( "enorm", default=2.0, help=_("for simplex, powel, cg and bfgs norm used " "by the error function"), ) xtol = FloatItem("xtol", default=0.0001, help=_("for simplex, powel, least squares")) ftol = FloatItem("ftol", default=0.0001, help=_("for simplex, powel, least squares")) gtol = FloatItem("gtol", default=0.0001, help=_("for cg, bfgs")) norm = StringItem("norm", default="inf", help=_("for cg, bfgs. inf is max, -inf is min"))
class FitParamDataSet(DataSet): name = StringItem(_("Name")) value = FloatItem(_("Value"), default=0.0) min = FloatItem(_("Min"), default=-1.0) max = FloatItem(_("Max"), default=1.0).set_pos(col=1) steps = IntItem(_("Steps"), default=5000) format = StringItem(_("Format"), default="%.3f").set_pos(col=1) logscale = BoolItem(_("Logarithmic"), _("Scale")) unit = StringItem(_("Unit"), default="").set_pos(col=1)
class TaurusCurveParam(DataSet): xModel = StringItem("Model for X", default="") yModel = StringItem("Model for Y", default="") def update_param(self, curve): self.xModel.update_param(curve.taurusparam.xModel) self.yModel.update_param(curve.taurusparam.yModel) # DataSet.update_param(self, curve) def update_curve(self, curve): curve.setModels(self.xModel or None, self.yModel)
class InfoData(DataSet): feed = IntItem("Feed:", default=cfeeds.default) section = IntItem("Section:", default=csections.default).set_pos(col=1, colspan=1) polar = StringItem("Polarization:", default=cpolars.default).set_pos(col=2, colspan=1) freq = FloatItem("Frequency (MHz):", default="0.0").set_pos(col=3, colspan=1) band = FloatItem("Band (MHz):", default="0.0").set_pos(col=4, colspan=1) otype = StringItem("Type:", default="") flagname = StringItem("Flag file:", default="").set_pos(col=1, colspan=1)
class AxisParam(DataSet): """Store the parameters to caracterise a measurement axis""" unit = StringItem("Physical unit", default='') length = IntItem("Number of point", default=0, help="Number of measured point along the axis") start = FloatItem("Physical start value", default=0) increment = FloatItem("Physical increment", default=1, help="Physical size of a pixel") scale = None # lazy object, created on demand def get_length(self): """Return the length of the scale""" return int(self.length) def get_physical_length(self): """Return the physical length of the scale see self.unit for the unit """ return self.length * self.increment def get_scale(self): """Return a vector with all the physical axis values based on start, length and increment parameters.""" if self.scale is None: # create lazy object self.update_scale() return self.scale def update_scale(self): """Update/create a vector with all the physical axis values based on start, resolution and increment parameters.""" self.scale = self.start + arange(self.length) * self.increment def copy(self): """Return a copy of the object""" return deepcopy(self) def __len__(self): return self.get_length() def __getitem__(self, key): if 'physical length' == key: return self.get_physical_length() elif 'length' == key: return self.get_length() elif 'scale' == key: return self.get_scale() else: try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise KeyError, _("They are no such attributes %s.") % key def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in ('scale', 'physical length'): raise TypeError, _("Not mutable item.") setattr(self, key, value)
class TestParameters(DataSet): _bg = BeginGroup("R/W Commands") readcmd = FileOpenItem("Read command", "exe", "") writecmd = FileOpenItem("Write command", "exe", "") _eg = EndGroup("R/W Commands") _bg = BeginGroup("Channels") ch1n = IntItem("Channel #1", default=3, min=1, max=4) ach1n = EvalStringItem("K1", default="1").set_pos(col=1) ch2n = IntItem("Channel #2", default=4, min=1, max=4) ach2n = EvalStringItem("K2", default="1").set_pos(col=1) _eg = EndGroup("Channels") _bg = BeginGroup("Pulse") period = FloatItem("Period", min=0.5, default=1.0, help="Time between two sequential clock pulse") duration = FloatItem("Duration", min=0.5, max=period, default=0.7, help="Duaration of the clock pulse") syncch = IntItem("#Sync channel", default=1, min=1, max=2, help="The sync DAC channel") _eg = EndGroup("Pulse") _bg = BeginGroup("Save raw channels data") raw_savedir = DirectoryItem("Directory", os.getcwd() + "\\tmp") raw_fileprefix = StringItem("File Name", default="raw_") _eg = EndGroup("Save raw channels data")
class TestParameters(DataSet): def cb_example(self, item, value): print("\nitem: ", item, "\nvalue:", value) if self.results is None: self.results = '' self.results += str(value) + '\n' print("results:", self.results) def update_x1plusx2(self, item, value): print("\nitem: ", item, "\nvalue:", value) if self.x1 is not None and self.x2 is not None: self.x1plusx2 = self.x1 + self.x2 else: self.x1plusx2 = None string = StringItem("String", default="foobar").set_prop("display", callback=cb_example) x1 = FloatItem("x1").set_prop("display", callback=update_x1plusx2) x2 = FloatItem("x2").set_prop("display", callback=update_x1plusx2) x1plusx2 = FloatItem("x1+x2").set_prop("display", active=False) color = ColorItem("Color", default="red").set_prop("display", callback=cb_example) choice = ChoiceItem("Single choice", [(16, "first choice"), (32, "second choice"), (64, "third choice")], default=64).set_pos(col=1, colspan=2).set_prop( "display", callback=cb_example) results = TextItem("Results")
class AppSettings( DataSet ): serialports = list_serial_ports() ports = [] for s in serialports: # windows port is only a number if isinstance(s,int): port = s label = 'COM%d' % (port+1) else: port = label = s ports.append( (port, '%s' % label) ) use_virtual_serial = BoolItem(u"Enable virtual serial", help=u"If enabled, data from the testdata directory are used.", default=False) # 'ports' must be a tuble, like (0,'COM1') for windows serialport = ChoiceItem("Serial Port", ports) bh_packets = MultipleChoiceItem("Enable BioHarness Packets", ["RR Data", "Breathing", "ECG", "Summary Packets", "Accelerometer (not implemented yet)"], [0,1]).vertical(1).set_pos(col=0) timedsession = ChoiceItem("Timed Session", [(5, "5 minutes"), (10, "10 minutes"), (15, "15 minutes"), (20, "20 minutes"), (30, "30 minutes")] ) g1 = BeginGroup("Data Storage") # Database storage: enable_database = BoolItem(u"Enable InfluxDB storage", help=u"If disabled, the following parameters will be ignored", default=False).set_prop("display", store=DataStorage_database) db_url = StringItem(u"URL", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) db_port = StringItem(u"Port", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) db_user = StringItem(u"User", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) db_pwd = StringItem(u"Password", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) db_dbname = StringItem(u"Database", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) # Files storage enable_files = BoolItem(u"Enable files storage", help=u"If disabled, the following parameters will be ignored", default=False).set_prop("display", store=DataStorage_files) directory_storage = DirectoryItem("Directory").set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_files) _g1 = EndGroup("Data Storage")
class TestParameters(DataSet): """ DataSet test The following text is the DataSet 'comment': <br>Plain text or <b>rich text<sup>2</sup></b> are both supported, as well as special characters (α, β, γ, δ, ...) """ files = SubDataSetItem("files") string = StringItem("String") text = TextItem("Text") _bg = BeginGroup("A sub group") float_slider = FloatItem("Float (with slider)", default=0.5, min=0, max=1, step=0.01, slider=True) fl1 = FloatItem("Current", default=10., min=1, max=30, unit="mA", help="Threshold current") fl2 = FloatItem("Float (col=1)", default=1., min=1, max=1, help="Help on float item").set_pos(col=1) fl3 = FloatItem("Not checked float").set_prop('data', check_value=False) bool1 = BoolItem("Boolean option without label") bool2 = BoolItem("Boolean option with label", "Label").set_pos(col=1, colspan=2) color = ColorItem("Color", default="red") choice = ChoiceItem("Single choice", [(16, "first choice"), (32, "second choice"), (64, "third choice")]).set_pos(col=1, colspan=2) _eg = EndGroup("A sub group") floatarray = FloatArrayItem("Float array", default=np.ones((50, 5), float), format=" %.2e ").set_pos(col=1) g0 = BeginTabGroup("group") mchoice1 = MultipleChoiceItem( "MC type 1", ["first choice", "second choice", "third choice"]).vertical(2) mchoice2 = ImageChoiceItem("MC type 2", [("rect", "first choice", "gif.png" ), ("ell", "second choice", "txt.png" ), ("qcq", "third choice", "file.png" )] ).set_pos(col=1) \ .set_prop("display", icon="file.png") mchoice3 = MultipleChoiceItem("MC type 3", [str(i) for i in range(10)]).horizontal(2) eg0 = EndTabGroup("group") integer_slider = IntItem("Integer (with slider)", default=5, min=0, max=100, slider=True) integer = IntItem("Integer", default=5, min=3, max=6).set_pos(col=1)
class Info(DataSet): """Input Info About Data Please input infomation about the given data: Data File: Data File to be Converted SkipRows: Skip how many rows before reading data Fs: Fs of the data Lens: Length of the data Unit: Unit of the data ExpName: Experiment Name ExpCount: The counter of the experiment ChanelNum: The Start of Chanel Number """ Fname = FileOpenItem("Data File: ") SkipRows = IntItem('SkipRows:', min=0, default=0) Fs = FloatItem('Fs: ', min=0, default=250) Lens = IntItem('Lens:', min=0, default=0) Unit = StringItem('Unit:', default='m/ss') ExpName = StringItem('ExpName', default='Test') ExpCount = IntItem('ExpCount:', min=1, default=1) ChanelNum = IntItem('ChanelNum:', min=1, default=1)
class ImageParam(DataSet): _hide_data = False _hide_size = True title = StringItem(_("Title"), default=_("Untitled")) data = FloatArrayItem(_("Data")).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_data")) width = IntItem( _("Width"), help=_("Image width (pixels)"), min=1, default=100 ).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_size")) height = IntItem( _("Height"), help=_("Image height (pixels)"), min=1, default=100 ).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_size"))
class OtherDataSet(DataSet): title = StringItem("Title", default="Title") icon = ChoiceItem( "Icon", ( ("python.png", "Python"), ("guidata.svg", "guidata"), ("settings.png", "Settings"), ), ) opacity = FloatItem("Opacity", default=1.0, min=0.1, max=1)
class Parameters(DataSet): ex_mw = StringItem("Excitting Microwave", default="TCPIP::") lo_mw = StringItem("LO Microwave", default="TCPIP::") me_mw = StringItem("Measurement Microwave", default="TCPIP::") awg = StringItem("AWG", default="TCPIP::") #me_power = FloatItem("Measuerment Power (dBm)", # default=10, min=-135, max=25, step=0.01, slider=True) f_range_s = FloatItem("Frequency start (GHz)", default=9.0, min=1, max=20, step=0.01) f_range_e = FloatItem("Frequency stop (GHz)", default=9.04, min=1, max=20, step=0.01).set_pos(col=1) f_range_n = IntItem("Frequency Num", default=41, min=1, max=100000).set_pos(col=2) p_range_s = FloatItem("Power start (dBm)", default=-30, min=-130, max=25, step=0.01) p_range_e = FloatItem("Power stop (dBm)", default=10.0, min=-130, max=25, step=0.01).set_pos(col=1) p_range_n = IntItem("Power Num", default=41, min=1, max=100000).set_pos(col=2) npoints = IntItem("Number of points", default=1000, min=100, max=100000)
class ArrayParam(DataSet): _hide_data = False _hide_size = True title = StringItem(_("Name"), default=_(" array name ")) data = FloatArrayItem(_("Data")).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_data")) width = IntItem(_("Width(個數)"), help=_("總共幾個array"), min=1, default=100).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_size")) height = IntItem(_("Height(長度)"), help=_("一個array的長度"), min=1, default=1).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_size"))
class AutoFitParam(DataSet): xmin = FloatItem("xmin") xmax = FloatItem("xmax") method = ChoiceItem(_("Method"), [ ("simplex", "Simplex"), ("powel", "Powel"), ("bfgs", "BFGS"), ("l_bfgs_b", "L-BFGS-B"), ("cg", _("Conjugate Gradient")), ("ncg", _("Newton Conjugate Gradient")), ("lq", _("Least squares")), ], default="lq") maxfun = IntItem( "maxfun", default=20000, help= _("Maximum of function evaluation. for simplex, powel, least squares, cg, bfgs, l_bfgs_b" )) maxiter = IntItem( "maxiter", default=20000, help= _("Maximum of iterations. for simplex, powel, least squares, cg, bfgs, l_bfgs_b" )) err_norm = StringItem("enorm", default='2.0', help=_("for simplex, powel, cg and bfgs norm used " "by the error function")) xtol = FloatItem("xtol", default=0.0001, help=_("for simplex, powel, least squares")) ftol = FloatItem("ftol", default=0.0001, help=_("for simplex, powel, least squares")) gtol = FloatItem("gtol", default=0.0001, help=_("for cg, bfgs")) norm = StringItem("norm", default="inf", help=_("for cg, bfgs. inf is max, -inf is min"))
class ResponsiveDataSet(DataSet): #DataSetEditGroupBox #SIG_APPLY_BUTTON_CLICKED.connect(self.update_window) #self.update_groupboxes() def cb_example(self, item, value): print("\nitem: ", item, "\nvalue:", value) if self.results is None: self.results = '' self.results += str(value) + '\n' print("results:", self.results) string = StringItem("String", default="foobar" ).set_prop("display", callback=cb_example) results = TextItem("Results")
class TaurusTrendParam(DataSet): model = StringItem("Model", default="") maxBufferSize = IntItem("Buffer Size", default=16384) useArchiving = BoolItem("Use Archiving", default=False) stackMode = ChoiceItem("Stack Mode", [("datetime", "Absolute Time"), ("timedelta", "Relative Time"), ("event", "Event")], default="datetime") def update_param(self, curve): self.model.update_param(curve.taurusparam.model) self.maxBufferSize.update_param(curve.taurusparam.maxBufferSize) self.stackMode.update_param(curve.taurusparam.stackMode) def update_curve(self, curve): curve.setModel(self.model) curve.setBufferSize(self.maxBufferSize)
class ModifyParam(DataSet): """ Modification Parameter Setting Linear: New Array = a * Original Array + b <br> Moving Average: Decide point number(to get average, or regard it as sinc filter) """ text = StringItem("New Name", default="Modify_" + name) a = FloatItem("a :", default=1.0) b = FloatItem("b :", default=0.0) _en = GetAttrProp("enable") enable = BoolItem( "Enable Moving Average", help="If disabled, the following parameters will be ignored", default=False).set_prop("display", store=_en) points = IntItem("Window", default=5, min=1).set_prop("display", active=FuncProp(_en, lambda x: x))
class TestParameters(DataSet): """ DataSet test The following text is the DataSet 'comment': <br>Plain text or <b>rich text<sup>2</sup></b> are both supported, as well as special characters (α, β, γ, δ, ...) """ dir = DirectoryItem("Directory", TEMPDIR) fname = FileOpenItem("Open file", ("csv", "eta"), fnames = FilesOpenItem("Open files", "csv", fname_s = FileSaveItem("Save file", "eta", string = StringItem("String") text = TextItem("Text") float_slider = FloatItem("Float (with slider)", default=0.5, min=0, max=1, step=0.01, slider=True) integer = IntItem("Integer", default=5, min=3, max=16, slider=True).set_pos(col=1) dtime = DateTimeItem("Date/time", default=datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 10)) date = DateItem("Date",, 10, 10)).set_pos(col=1) bool1 = BoolItem("Boolean option without label") bool2 = BoolItem("Boolean option with label", "Label") _bg = BeginGroup("A sub group") color = ColorItem("Color", default="red") choice = ChoiceItem("Single choice 1", [('16', "first choice"), ('32', "second choice"), ('64', "third choice")]) mchoice2 = ImageChoiceItem("Single choice 2", [("rect", "first choice", "gif.png"), ("ell", "second choice", "txt.png"), ("qcq", "third choice", "file.png")]) _eg = EndGroup("A sub group") floatarray = FloatArrayItem("Float array", default=np.ones((50, 5), float), format=" %.2e ").set_pos(col=1) mchoice3 = MultipleChoiceItem("MC type 1", [str(i) for i in range(12)]).horizontal(4) mchoice1 = MultipleChoiceItem( "MC type 2", ["first choice", "second choice", "third choice" ]).vertical(1).set_pos(col=1)
class cSet(DataSet): _bg1 = BeginGroup("Source 1").set_pos(0) tab1 = ChoiceItem("Tab", ['a']) data1 = ChoiceItem("Data", ['a']) _eg1 = EndGroup("") _bg2 = BeginGroup("Source 2").set_pos(1) tab2 = ChoiceItem("Tab", ['a']) data2 = ChoiceItem("Data", ['a']) _eg2 = EndGroup("") _bg3 = BeginGroup("Operation").set_pos(2) function = ChoiceItem("Function", [('y1-y2', 'y1-y2'), ('y1+y2', 'y1+y2'), ('y1/y2', 'y1/y2'), ('custom', 'f(x,y1,y2)')]) custom = StringItem("f(x,y1,y2):") _eg3 = EndGroup("") text = TextItem("").set_pos(3)
class TestParameters(DataSet): """ PPT Converter Choose according to your function """ #fname = FileOpenItem("Open file", "ppt", #_eg = StartGroup("Convert_Mode") PPTnames = FilesOpenItem("Open_files", ("ppt", "pptx"), help="Input your PPT file") ##list outpath = DirectoryItem("OutDirectory", default=PPTnames._props["data"]["basedir"], help="default is the PPt path") outname = StringItem('Outlabel', help="default is the ppt name ") dtime = DateTimeItem("Date/time", default=datetime.datetime( 2017, 10, 10)) #text = TextItem("Text") g1 = BeginGroup("Convert_Mode") # outMode = MultipleChoiceItem("", # ["Raw", "Resized", # ],help="(default concated)",default=(1,)).horizontal(1)#.set_pos(col=1) raw = BoolItem("Raw", default=False, help="normal mode").set_pos(col=0) _prop = GetAttrProp("resize") #choice = ChoiceItem('Choice', choices).set_prop("display", store=_prop) resize = BoolItem("Resized", default=True, help="normal mode").set_pos(col=1).set_prop("display", store=_prop) newsize = IntItem("NewSize(width_dpi)", default=709, min=0, help="if changed,dpi", max=2160, slider=True).set_pos(col=2).set_prop( "display", active=FuncProp(_prop, lambda x: x)).set_pos(col=2) _g1 = EndGroup("Convert_Mode") outFormat = MultipleChoiceItem( "OuterForm", ["Pngs", "Con_Pngs", "PDF", "HTML", "XML"], help="(default all)", default=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), ).horizontal(1)
class TestExcel(DataSet): """ zx_FileSelector """ files = SubDataSetItem("ExcelFiles:") string = StringItem("SheetName:") #============================================================================== # if __name__ == "__main__": # # Create QApplication # import guidata # _app = guidata.qapplication() # #app.exec_() # e = TestParameters() # #e.view() # #e.floatarray[:, 0] = np.linspace( -5, 5, 50) # #print(e) # if e.edit():pass # # e.edit() # # print(e) # e.view() #============================================================================== #e.files.fnames
class TestParameters(DataSet): """ PPT_Converter:Based on Glance Choose according to your demond """ def updatedir(self, item, value): print("\nitem: ", item, "\nvalue:", value) if self.PPTnames and value[0]: self.outpath = os.path.split(value[0])[0] print(os.path.split(value[0])) if len(value) > 0: #如果只是选择了单个文件 self.outprefix = os.path.basename(value[0]).split('.')[0] else: #选了多个文件 self.outpath = os.getcwdu() self.outprefix = None self.WebTitle = self.outprefix print("\nitem: ", self.outpath, "\nvalue:", self.WebTitle) #self.ImagesDirName=str(self.newsize) # self.htmlTitle=self.outprefix #fname = FileOpenItem("Open file", "ppt", #_eg = StartGroup("Convert_Mode") g0 = BeginGroup("Select Your PPTs to Manipulate") PPTnames = FilesOpenItem("OpenPPTs", ("ppt", "pptx"), help="Select your PPT files", all_files_first=True).set_prop( 'display', callback=updatedir) ##list outpath = DirectoryItem( "OutPath", help= "Select the output path.\nDefault is the path where you choose your PPT" ).set_prop('display', active=True) WebTitle = StringItem( 'HTML/XML Title\n(Glance)', help= "The Title of the generated html/xml file.\nDefault is the PPT's filename" ).set_prop('display', active=True) outprefix = StringItem( 'OutFilePrefix', help="The prefix of generated file .\nDefault is the ppt name " ).set_prop('display', active=True) _g0 = EndGroup("Select Your PPTs to Manipulate") g1 = BeginGroup("Select Your Convert_Mode") # outMode = MultipleChoiceItem("", # ["Raw", "Resized", # ],help="(default concated)",default=(1,)).horizontal(1)#.set_pos(col=1) raw = BoolItem( "Raw", default=False, help= "Those Generated Files will Use Pngs Exported from PPT Slides Without any Crop or Resize" ).set_pos(col=0) _prop = GetAttrProp("resize") #choice = ChoiceItem('Choice', choices).set_prop("display", store=_prop) resize = BoolItem( "Resized", default=True, help= "Means You Want to Resize those Raw Pngs Before Use Them In Your Final Formats\ " ).set_pos(col=1).set_prop("display", store=_prop) newsize = IntItem("NewSize\n(width_dpi)", default=709, min=0, help="The Value Must be lower than the raw png's Width!", max=2160, slider=True).set_prop("display", active=FuncProp( _prop, lambda x: x)) ImagesDirName = StringItem( 'ImagesDirName', help= "The DirName of Resized Pngs used in Html/Xml/LongPng file.\nDefault is the Png wideth size If You Leave It Empty" ).set_prop('display', active=FuncProp(_prop, lambda x: x)) _g1 = EndGroup("Select Your Convert_Mode") g2 = BeginGroup("Which Format Do U Want To Generate") must = BoolItem( "Pngs", default=True, help="You Cannot Remove Pngs If You Want to Get Other Types." ).set_prop("display", active=0).set_pos(col=0) outFormat = MultipleChoiceItem( "Optional", ["Long_Png", "PDF", "HTML", "XML"], help= "(Default all,But I won't give U the Long_Png with Raw Pngs.\nAnd the 1st choice('Pngs') is default to generate.)", default=(1, 2, 3)).horizontal(1).set_pos(col=1) _g2 = EndGroup("Which Format Do U Want To Generate")
class ImageParam(DataSet): title = StringItem(_("Title")) width = IntItem(_("Width"), help=_("Image width (pixels)")) height = IntItem(_("Height"), help=_("Image height (pixels)"))
class Processing(DataSet): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Processing, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.loadSettings() def __del__(self, *args, **kwargs): #super(Processing, self).__del__(*args, **kwargs) self.saveSettings() def hi(self, calling_obj, c, d): #We can access the classes variables when we want ... if self.choice == '1': self.saveSettings() cmd = str.format('\"Offset {} BW {}\"', self.offset, self.bandwidth) os.system("echo " + cmd) sn007 = k3_p3(serial_port=self.device) sn007.p3_span(self.bandwidth, self.offset) elif self.choice == '0': os.system("echo RESET") sn007 = k3_p3(serial_port=self.device) sn007.p3_reset() elif self.choice == '-1': os.system("echo QUIT") def guessOS(self): if platform.startswith('win'): self.device = 'Windows Device Needed' else: self.device = '/dev/ttyUSB0' def saveSettings(self): try: data = { "device": self.device, "bandwidth": self.bandwidth, "offset": self.offset } pickle.dump(data, open("p3lte.p", "wb")) except: pass def loadSettings(self): try: data = pickle.load(open("p3lte.p", "rb")) self.device = data['device'] self.bandwidth = data['bandwidth'] self.offset = data['offset'] except: pass device = StringItem("Control Device ", "Device") offset = FloatItem("Offset", default=200, min=0, max=5000, unit=u'Hz', slider=True) bandwidth = FloatItem("Bandwidth", default=1500, min=0, max=10000, unit=u'Hz', slider=True) choice = ChoiceItem("Action", [('1', "Set P3"), ('0', "RESET"), ('-1', "QUIT")]) processButton = ButtonItem("DO IT", hi).set_pos(col=0, colspan=2)
class TestParameters_Light(TestParameters): date = StringItem("D1", default="Replacement for unsupported DateItem") dtime = StringItem("D2", default="Replacement for unsupported DateTimeItem")
class ScanningParam(DataSet): """Store the parameters describing a scanning probe measurement.""" filename = FileOpenItem(_('File name'), ('*'), default='', help=_('Raw file name')) type = ChoiceItem( _('Type of data'), [('topo', _('Topography')), ('ivcurve', _('IV curve')), ('ivmap', _('IV map')), ('didvcurve', _('dIdV curve')), ('didvmap', _('dIdV map')), ('topofft', _('FFT of topography')), ('ivmapfft', _('FFT of IV map')), ('didvmapfft', _('FFT of dIdV map')), ('unknowncurve', _('Curve unknown')), ('unknownimage', _('Image unknown')), ('unknownmap', _('Map unknown')), ('unknown', _('Unknown'))], default='topo', help= 'Type of data, determine default color of plots and possible calculation of the data type.' ) direction = StringItem( 'Direction of mesurement', # Possible value, 'up-fwd', 'up-bwd', 'down-fwd', 'down-bwd', # 'fwd', 'bwd', 'up-fwd mirrored', … default='', help='Direction of measurement for mirrored axis data.') current = FloatItem( 'Tunnel current', unit='A', default=0, help='Tunnel current for the measured data, or start condition\ for spectra.') vgap = FloatItem( 'Gap voltage', unit='V', default=0, help='Gap voltage for the measured data, or start condition for\ spectra.') unit = StringItem("Data physical unit", default='') creation_date = StringItem("Measurement data", default='') comment = TextItem('Comment', default='') processing = TextItem( 'Processing', default='', help='List all processing steps that occured on this data.') t = BeginTabGroup("Axis") axis1 = AxisParamItem('First Axis') # for all type of measurement axis2 = AxisParamItem('Second Axis') # for topography and 3D map axis3 = AxisParamItem('Third Axis') # for 3D map only _t = EndTabGroup("Axis") metadata = DictItem("Metadata", default={}) def copy(self): """Return a copy of the object""" return deepcopy(self) def __getitem__(self, key): try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise KeyError, _("They are no such attributes %s.") % key def __setitem__(self, key, value): setattr(self, key, value)
class Parameters(DataSet): name = StringItem('name', default = '')
class ImageParam(DataSet): #_hide_data = False #_hide_size = True #title = StringItem(_("Title"), default=_("Untitled")).set_prop("display", hide=True) #data = FloatArrayItem(_("Settings")).set_prop("display", # hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_data")) _prop = GetAttrProp("otype") otype = StringItem("Type of data", default="Unknown").set_prop("display", store=_prop) #, hide=True) title = StringItem(_("Title"), default=_("Untitled")).set_prop("display", hide=True) _bg = BeginGroup("Range setting") #feed = ChoiceItem("Feed", [(1, "1"), (2, "2"), (3, "3")]).set_prop("display", active=False) #section = ChoiceItem("Section", [("Ch0", "0"), ("Ch1", "1"), ("Ch2", "2"), # ("Ch3", "3")]).set_pos(col=1, colspan=2) #polar = ChoiceItem("Polar", [(16, "first choice"), (32, "second choice"), # (64, "third choice")]).set_pos(col=2, colspan=2) #_prop = GetAttrProp("otype") #otype = ChoiceItem("Type of data", [("On/Off: off source", "On/Off: off source"), ("OTF", "OTF"), ("Unknown", "Unknown")], default="Unknown").set_prop("display", store=_prop, hide=True) #otype = StringItem("Type of data", default="Unknown").set_prop("display", store=_prop)#, hide=True) rangei = IntItem( _("num. samples begin"), help= _("Select a number of samples at the begin of the data to use for the computation" ), min=0, default=0).set_prop("display", active=FuncProp( _prop, lambda x: x == 'OTF' or x == 'Unknown')) ranges = IntItem( _("num. samples end"), help= _("Select a number of sameples at the end of the data to use for the computation" ), min=0, default=0).set_prop( "display", active=FuncProp(_prop, lambda x: x == 'OTF' or x == 'Unknown')).set_pos( col=1, colspan=2) rall = BoolItem(_("All"), default=True).set_pos(col=2, colspan=2).set_prop( "display", active=FuncProp(_prop, lambda x: x == 'OTF' or x == 'Unknown'), hide=True) excluded = IntItem( _("Excluded samples"), help= _("Select a number of samples to exclude from the computation at the begining and end of the data symmetrically" ), min=0, default=0).set_prop("display", active=FuncProp( _prop, lambda x: x == 'OTF' or x == 'Unknown')) eall = BoolItem(_("All"), default=True).set_pos(col=1, colspan=2).set_prop("display", hide=True) _eg = EndGroup("Range setting") _bg2 = BeginGroup("Fit Range") frangei = IntItem( _("intitial freq sample"), help=_("Select the first freq sample to use for the fit computation"), min=0, default=0) franges = IntItem( _("last freq sample"), help= _("Select the last freq sample to use for the fit computation (if 0 take max)" ), min=0, default=0).set_pos(col=1, colspan=1) _eg2 = EndGroup("Fit Range") #selected = BoolItem(_("Selected"), default=True) selected = ChoiceItem("Selected", [(True, "Yes"), (False, "No")], default=True).set_prop("display", hide=True)